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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1933)
Martin Insull His Eight Against Extradition i La Grande Is The ! Gateway to Wallowa, i "The Switzerland ! of America Only Newspaper . . -. J Printed in La Grande J , Covering Union and J Wallowa Counties VOLUMEi 32 EASTEIIN OKEGON'S LEADING NEWSPAPER E BILL UP Loses mmmm MOX TO SEMITE EVERY LOCAL FIRM SHOWS BLUE EAGLE One Hundred Per Cent N. R. A. Sign-up Reported This Morning. LOCAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRAISED Work of Compliance Board For the Remain der of Tliis Month Ex plained By Baxter. Every local Industry and every em ployer In Iax Orundo Is now on the Blue Eagle honor roll at the local oost office, It viut announced today by B. Z. Baxter, local N. R, A. chair man. Mr. Baxter was delighted with the 100 per cent sign-up that has been obtained. He praised (particularly the work of the other executive commit tee members, consisting of R, P. Ty ler, M. M. Christe risen, Mrs, Victor Bckley, Senator Henry Hess. He added that through advice of state directors, the above committee, Including himself, was added to by the selection erf Mrs. O. J. Shorb, Ver non Bull and Harry Moon, and then transformed Into a compliance com mittee with work planned up to Dec. 31 of this year. "Our obligation now is to encour- Continued on Page Two) Mercury Climbs After 3 Days Of Chilly Weather Warmer weather, sending -the mer cury up to a high of 44 above Fri day, came Into the Grande Ronde valley, ending a three-day period of chill. At 7 o'clock this morning, with a wind from a southerly direction whipping over the valley, the mer cury was up to 40 above. The sky waa cloudy. The official forecast for tonight and Sunday Is: "Unsettled, occasion al rains in west and snow or rain In east portion; warmer In Southern Oregon." Tlio forecast for next week la for unsettled weather with tem peratures near normal. STOBYqP Near Bethlehem In Judea wore shepherds abiding In the fields, keeping watch over their flocks !' night. A nd an angel ot the Lord camo upon them and the glory of the Lord shono about tlicm and they wcro soro afraid. SHOPPING CHRISTMAS liiiriitiiiif 18 COUNTY CHERRY CROP 29TH IN THE U1S! I'nlon eon nly stands 2!th on the list or routines In the l ulled Slates In number of bushels of fierrles harvested annually, nr willng to a report received to day from the I', s. department of commerce, bureau or the reimi.. I'nlnn county's crop or cherries "as Riven at 2!),i02 bushels. In general standings based on he trees or bearing age I'nlon enmity was In the llt. This number vow 2,.ir3. In value or the erop. I nlnii nnty un, jfliii on the list. In dicating the high value or eher- ni produced In the urnnne WILL ROGERS 9sgy$: BEVERLY HILLS, Col., Dec. 1 This staying on the gold Is a tough Job, unless everybody Is on It. 11 you are on the gold, and the rest of the boys are not, why you change your money Into theirs then demand. It In gold. Now Prance Is on the gold and aro cuckoo. She reads every morning how many millions In gold was shipped out the day before (Just like we used to do before wo wont oft the goldT and its gradually driving them "nuts." So It looks like everybody has either got to be on It, or off of It. You can't play solo. Yours, SEAL SALE HERE BEGINS; MAILING LETTERS TO ALL During the next few dnys citizens of I'nlon county are being called to service for humanity, according to Mrs. E. A. McEnchran, county soul sale chairman. In common with other counties In the state, Union comity, through the leadership of the Union County Public Health association Is called upon to contribute to the Christmas seal fund. The proceeds go to fight tubercu losis and to maintain public health service in Union county. Outside of the business houses in La Grande, the appeal will be entirely by letters, which went out last eve ning. The practice of last year will bo repeated. The seals are sent out in the mall and the recipient is asked to keep as many as he can, mailing his contribution and unused stamps if any, In a self -addressed envelope .Ccntinued on Page woVvjvv SCOUT COURT OF HONORANDRALLY HELD ON FRIDAY The Boy Scout court of honor and rally held last night at Honan hall resulted in troop No. 14, with Leo Reynolds as scoutmaster, winning first In the rally. Second place went to troop 7, Harvey Carter, scoutmas ter: third to troop 3, Woodrow Dam erell, scoutmaster; fourth to troop 13, Stanley Jenkins, scoutmaster, and fifth to troop 17, B. McAnulty, scout master. The rally originally was planned to take place between troops 14 and 7, but others were invited to compete with a team In any event they wished. Troop 14 took first in semaphore and morse signalling, knot tying and compass game. Troop 7 took second In morse, second and third in knots and second and fourth In compass (Continued on Page Three) hebeTj. grant here on sunday President Heber J. Orant, of tho L. D. S .church, at Salt Lake City, will attend two meetings In La Grande during his Eastern Oregon visit this weekend to dedicate the new L. D. S. church at Union at 8 p. m. Sunday evening. He was to arrive at Baker today for a meeting there at 2 p. m. and then go to Union, for nn evening meeting there at 7:30 o'clock. Tomorrow, with the quarterly con ference to be staged in the L. D. S. tabernacle on Fourth and O, Presi dent Grant will be In attendance hero at both the 10 a. m. and tho 2 p. m. meetings. Following these meetings in La Orande, he will return to Un ion for the dedication ceremony. Itoiide valley from a corninirclal standpoint. Farms reporting In I nl'n count r numbered Jill and re ported 3 1. OHO cherry Irees not yet or bearing age, making n total or l..133 cherry trees In this coun- ''''nmir enmity. MlM-mi-hf u the leading cherry county ot Hie na tion based mi trees or hearing are Hut sanln Clara county. California, showed lis elirny crop i. rrinffst value as mums . it qtiHiiiny Wavne county. New f ir-t In thq nation. orh, a a.s AIRPORT TO BE REPAIRED UNDER CIA. One Project Approved By Local Board at Meet ing Friday Night. CARLSEN EXPLAINS GENERAL SYSTEM F. L. Meyers, Disbursing Officer, Gives Out $1, 019.88 in Government Checks to Workers. One more Union county C W. A. project was approved by the local hoard at a meeting nt tlte court house last night, the nlriort retmir Job, to give two men work for two months. C. A. Carlson, newly appointed C. W. A. field representative for Eastern Oregon, , also explained numerous mints on which the local committee desired Interpretations. In the meantime, P. L. Meyers, dis bursing officer for this county, today distributed 91,010.88 to 100 men em ployed on civil works last week. Sat urday Is pay day, and tho work week Is from Friday morning to Thurs day night. The payroll was divided as follows: Woodell lane, 38 men, $367.60; Glass hill, 4 men, 948; Robbs hill, 5 men, $55,88; Fox hill, 4 men, 33,50; Bush nell road, 5 men, $60; High Valley, 80 men, $272.40; Second Street viaduct, 23 men, $102.50. At the meeting last night Carlson explained that an attempt will be made tp keep all men at work until Feb. 15, and said there was a pos- .'(Ccr.tlnued ChvPage Four) & '... Two Arraigned On Indictments By Grand Jury Two arraignments have been made In circuit court as a result of secret indictments returned by the county grand Jury late Tuesday. Other ar raignments will bo held as soon as arrests are made, officers said today. Mason Morris, charged with lar ceny In a dwelling place, was ar raigned last night. Monday at 10 a. m. jvas set as a time to receive his plea. Bond was fixed in the amount or $500. Lewis May, charged with non-support, was arraigned In court yester day and pleaded not guilty. His trial was sot for Dec. 13. He Is out on bond given in Justice court previously. AFTER LIQUOR MAVBe SOMETHING A r( O CAM BE DOME. TO I of, (Uih 7l REGULATE THESE v f- W l F ?(U t' O f KffJsr Eft ja WHEN A CALIFORNIA TOWN VANISHED IN FLAMES -'t liiiaiii 7 Singed trees standing In grotesquef sllliouettc contrllnitnl to this fu nt spectmmlar brush and forest fire lay waste tho entire town. Itesldra acres of property, La Crescent a winery, visible In tho background, and flames. MUCH WORK ACCOMPLISHED BY C. C. C. MEN i IN EASTERN OREGON DURING THIS YEAR J. F. Irwin, forest supervisor with, headquarters in Pendleton, has com pleted a summing up of accomplish ments or the r- c. C. camps, now that all camps have been moved away from Eastern Oregon to their winter quarters elsewhere. On the Umatilla forest at the peak of the season there were a total of 672 enrolled men and of the total 401 were eastern boys with practic ally no experience in any kind of work. In' spite of this, Mr. Irwin rGjiprts,,vth.e tptaJT Record f apCQm. plishment of these men In "face of all difficulties experiences "Is truly Impressive." The report shows the following work completed: Ninety-six miles of telephone line constructed and 54 miles maintained; new truck trails mountain roads designed to give quicker access to possible forest fires were constructed to the extent of 88 miles and 100 miles of old roads were maintained. Twenty-eight miles of horse trails were built, 43 perman ent buildings were completed, in cluding lookout houses, guard sta tions, ranger stations, offices, gar ages and barns. Ten ranger and guard stations were supplied with gravity water systems. . t For a number of years tho forest service and the stock men have felt the need of drift fences to control the movement of stock. The O. C. C. completed 18Vt miles of such fence and also developed 10 springs for stock use only, this making available AND CURRENCY ARE REGULATED llffl range formerly only partially used because of lack of water. Gophers cause Inestimable range damage and In order to save forage for stock 1 ,040 acres were treated with poison under the direction of the biological survey. The major objective of the forest service Is, of course, the proper use of timber. In meeting' this objective, an Inventory of the timber stand Is necessary and toward this end 23,000 acres of timber lands were surveyed ajnd cruised. "This Is a highly tech nical Job" arid men who have' "had experience say that this accomplish ment is rcmnrkablo when considera tion is given to the short working hours and tho lack of experience on (Continued on Page Throe) . DURKEE ELECTED BY ODD FELLOWS Galen Durkee was elected Noble Grand of the Odd Fellows lodge at a meeting held last night nt the hall. Foster Natl en was chosen vice grand; M. Bork, h, S.: Jake Rostock, R. S.; and George Richardson, treasurer. The annual Christmas tree will be erected on Dec. 21 so that other lodges using the Odd Fellows hall may (Continued on Pajro Two) "1 as tie scene lu TuJungn, Cal., ns a the destruction or thousands of Its store of rare wines went up In EX CHICAGO UTILITIES HEAD JAILED Canadian Justice Grants Cook County's Appeal For Samuel's Brother. TORONTO, !co. 2 IF) Slnrtln ,1. Insull wiw nrreKteil today for-cxtm1-' dldou'. to-tlia 4JnltHl- HUitaH. andi -re-. iRised luo linrs Inter on $10,000 btill. HLs rdeiLso wh poiullnir the lieilrlllfr of a motion for Ills discharge under 11 writ of milieus corpus set for Friday, Dec. I. TOKONTO, Dec 2 (fl - Martin J. Insull, former Clilcugo utilities direc tor, lost his flRht uriiIiisI cxtnulKlon to the United Ntatra tmlay when .lus- tleo A. C. KliiKstone, of the Onturlo siilircnic court, Knmted the npivl of cook county, III., for his return. At tlie same tlmo Justlco KlngBtone gavo Insull ttio rlht to appeal against the Judgment within 15 dnys. (Continued on Pane Four) PUBLIC DEBT AT PEACE-TIME HIGH WASHINGTON, Doo. 2 (!") The United! States public debt Increased $48:1,860,000 during November to a total of $23,534,116,771", a new peacer time high. Receipts during tho month were $208,801,276. Ordinary expenditures were $205, 005.821. But emergency expenditures for various phases of tho recovery pro gram were $203,614,300 to make Nov ember's outlay $400,420,221, Tho deficit at the end of the five months, including emergency ex penditures, was $772,405,574 as com pared with $1,151,085,610 at the same tlmo last year. TWO ACCIDENTS ARE REPORTED A car driven by Percy Munncll, o( Klgin, figured inl a minor accident on tho Old Oregon Trail Highway cast 9t La Grande yesterday. No one was hurt, Tho name of tho driver of the other car had not been reported to tho poKco, Cars operated by C. A. Brnlth, of Ia Grande, and Charles Barton, of Baker, collided Thurnday morning south went of Bakor. No ono was hurt. The car driven by Smith In owned by M. H. Wetty, of La Grande. The prlr of local wheat Mood at about fin cent hulk to day, Hwordlug to fiin(allniis nt the I'lmicer Flouring Mill. Tort land rash fin oeirtH. CHICAGO, Dec. 2 OP) Wheat went down today to tho lowest price levol since Oct. 20, and com to the lowest since Nov. 3. Uncertainties of financial condi tions were among the disturbing fac tors. Much of tho time, speculative Interest both o to wheat and corn was at a minimum. Wheat closed nervous, 1 2c under yesterday's finish, corn it lc down, oats at 1c decline to 'o advance, and provisions varying from 12c setback to 16c gain. Wheat Today j JUST BEFORE PRESSTIME LUMBER WO It K KKS GAIN CON'FIDENXK VOTK TAKEN F. R. SKINS UQUOK, CODE mm UICII FARMS UNDER LAVA - WASHINGTON, Deo. a P) The lumber code authority today reported employment gained .8 per oeut and payrolls .4 per oont In the Industry lu October oh componifd with -8ep-teinlieri of tills year. PARIS, Deo. 2 P) The now cab inet of Premier Oamillo Ohautomps was accorded a 301 to 10 vote of con fidence today lu the chamber uf depu ties. f WARM SPRINGS, Ga,, 1CC. 8 Pi President Roosevelt today signed the liquor Import control oodo regulating the amount and maimer of Inumrta tlons. He oka prepared for a depart turo for Wiwhlngton silent and ap parently satisfied with the trend ot his disputed monetary program. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador. Dec. 2 VP) - Coffee plantations and live stock farms were covered by lava to day after an eruption of the Izaloo volcano. Lava was reported to have spread to within a few mlloa of the town of Izalco. Two farmers were killed. f . HANGING MACHINE DOES FINAL WORK OANON CITY, Colo., Dec. tfP) Colorado s antiquated hanging ma chine has Jerked. Its last condemned prisoner from tlio black spot on the floor of tho pcnltontlary dcathhouse, Walter Jones, of Flint, Mich,, calm to tho point of detachment, was hanged $hcro lost .nigOvb for killing Hartford Johnson In a box car rob bery. The squat, 200-pound slayer was tho 45th person put to death In the prison since 1800. Hereafter, convict ed slayers will slip Into death In a lethal gas chamber. Tho legislature at Its last regular session abolished tlio gallows In favor of gas. , NOTRE DAME WINS FROMARMYTODAY IN MAJOR UPSET YANKEE STADIUM. New York, Dec. 2 (P)- Rallying spectacularly In the final period to score all Its points, Notre Damo sprang an astounding upwt today by handing Army Its first defeat, 13 to 12, ibeforo a roaring crowd of 70,000. Trailing by (two touchdowns tal lied in tho second period by an op portunist team of cadets, tho green- Jersoyed warriors from) South Bond staged the most sensational comeback of tho 1033 season and climaxed an otherwise disastrous season by whip ping j tho hitherto unbeaten West Point Juggernaut. It was a terrific setback to tho Soldiers, who looked to have tho situation under complete control until the Irish, broko loose with an amazing rally. , Tho winning touchdown was scored on a blocked punt at tho Army oal lino while tho Cadets were relying on (Continued on Page Two) NOTHING TAKEN FROM SIEGRIST A check of the Adolph Sicgrlst homo, which was entered Thursday night, revealed tliat nothing was mis sing. Police believe tho Intruder bo- camo frightened and ran away boforc they accomplished their purposo of robbery. 4 STATES WILL SEE RETURN OF SALOONS By lite Associated PrexH In Now Jersey, Wisconsin, XoulNlana and Nevada como next Tucuday, a citizen of 21 who has the Inclination will bo ablo to push his way through swinging d.xjrs, put his foot on a brass rail, and order anything from beer to full proof spirits. If he Is In New York and wants a drink he'll have to go to a hotel, restaurant, dining car, or vessel, or Join a club, and he'll havo to sit down to consume. In ' Illinois he'll likely find! the legislature still arguing what to do uboul liquor, tho lid being off In the meantime with the exception that In Chicago, because or a city ordinance, no liquor can bo taken while he's HOUSE VOTES ! FOR MEASURE FRIDAY 50-10 Fight Over Amendments Expected to Wax Warm in the Upper House. SCHOOL FINANCES AIRED AT HEARING Various Proposals For Giving Aid Suggested Estimate $5,000,000 Will Be Needed. 8AI.K.M, Dec. 2 (P) The Knox 1 liquor control plan, slightly amended In committee, - siirpt through the house or representatives on a B0 to 10 vote lute' yesterday. It was the first major legislation to pam either The bill now goes to the senate where leaders predict several minor' amendments tvlll be accomplished and major ones attempted. Efforts to have the bill considered In commute), of the whole were twice unsuccessful In the house. It was Indicated the ' offorts would be renewed in the son ate. (Continued From Page Pour) Salem Expects To Be Center Of Linen Industry SALEM, Dec. 2 M Indication that Salem instead, of Portland may bo the slto of th prospective United States fljttonaLiton indufltriea .mill , was given yesterday in a1 telegram from Will Lipman of Portland. . Lipman is now dn Washington where the public works administra tion Is considering a 3,500,000 loan for development of the flax Industry in tho Willamette valley. Lipman, promoter of tho project, wired tho Salem chamber of commerce as fol- lows: -. "Press announcement of Portland factory absolutely wrong! not only the mill Ibut all activities of every kind, growing, rotting, scutohlng, will bo centered in the Wlllaniotto valley and around Salem, ' 1 "This one project In which all funds will be expended In our agri cultural communities for farmers' crops and labor." Previous reports stated the mill 1 would bo located "in or near" Port land. 13 Drowned When Oil Tanker Sinks ISTANBUL, Turkey, Deo. 2 (ff) Tlio sovlot oil tatycor, Gellnjlk, was wrecked today and 13 members of I ts crow worn drowned in the tenifto waves of the storm-lashed Black sea near tlio Turkish town of Ordou. Seven of tlio sailors were rescued in tho fierce blizzard which still was raging after having wrought havoo all along the coast for more than 24 hours. FOOTBALL. RESULTQ FINALS Notro Dome 13, Army la. Princeton 37, Yule 2. First: Roston college 0, Holy Cross Hcconxl: Maryland 0, Florida 0. : Bocowl: Kiin. 0, dcorgo Washing ton 0. standi iig. In Rhode Island he'll havo to eat a meal In a hotel In order to get a drink. He'll also have to eat In Cal ifornia, but ibe satisfied with, wine or bcei harder liquors being sellable in package form only. Arizona will let him drink in restaurants or hotels. If he's In Montana he'll have to wait for the state to get an appropriation for tho purchase of liquor stocks for tho SO county vending places it plans to operate. " Michigan will let him have all ho wants to drink or 3.3. So will Ohio, but later the legislatures of' both states may relax existing laws so that (Continued on Page Two) l!