Pagc Eighl LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. LA GRANDE. ORE. Friday, December 1, 1933 Deposit Molds Any A With Every Tire Purchased 4-PLY . STANDARD SERVICE 6-PLY 4.40x21 5.55 .4.50x21 $7.90 4.50x21 ............................ S6.30 4.75x19 -86.70 5.00x19..... r.. ....$7.20 5.25x21 $8.85 5.50x19..;.......::. $9.40 4.75x19 ........ 5.00x19 5.25x21 : 5.50x19 32x6 Heavy Duty, $8.45 $9.25 $11.20 WAAVW ; II S30.15& MOTOR OIL C. P. 100 pure Pennsyl vania Motor Oil. Any weight. Any quantity Bring your own container. Per Gallon GENERAL ELECTRIC Refrigerator 139 JIB 8 nVith monitor top. Sanek finish, porcelain inside. 4 cubic feet ca-' parity, (dai l ies 4-ycar guarantee was $230, this week only Aladdin $3.95 Crystal Glass Reduced to the lowest prices in his tory; Available in amber or green. Shades extra. BICYCLES 7Wrf Junior Size fljijk Regular Size 2350 PTT?T Uikcs wilh balloon tires, chrome fenders $36.75 TJVQJ' Excelsior, newest model, chronic fend XJJ A O eis with biff balloon clincher tires $34.75 Roller Skates $1.19 $1.29 $1.57 Ball bearing, adjust able exten sion .'. True value, full ball-bearing, heavily plated, adjustible Union Hardware brand. The best roller skate on the market Galvanized Tubs 89c 99c New square tubs, standard copper bearing. No. 1 size. Regular $1.10, now No. 2 size. ' Regular $1.25, now .-.'... .'. No. 3 size. Regular $1.45, now $1.19 JOHNSON'S: Floor Wax Stock Up Now Pints 67c Quarts $1.24 H Gallons ....$2.13 DINNERWARE $3.18 $3.18 32-piece sets, Apple Blos som pattern. While they last ;. . 32-piece sets with Yellow body. While they last .. CUPS & SAUCERS Ivory or White Body Set of six KAt Each cup and Saucer 9c Kutsit Waterless Cleaning SOAP Quarts . 39c Gal V.'.. 69c BIRD CAGES A large, round, heavily lacquered cage . $1.69 COMMUNITY SILVER 34-piece set with the standard 25-year guar- Bsh $12.95 26-piece set with the standard 25-year guar antee. Regularly $13.95 $9.95 WEAR EVER ROASTERS $3.25 $4.35 $5.45 Oblong, regular $5.50 NOW Oblong, regular $6.60, NOW Oblong, regular $7.20, NOW Oval style, regular ?a.45, flr r7ET now Jho.O National Pressure Cookers The finest pressure ever made. Have one put away for Christmas 25-Quart size, regular $19.85, fl -t n A r now ... Mb.yo lS-Quart size, regular $18.95, fll r A A NOW $le).4U 12-Quart size, regular $13.00, fl1 A AC now ....Jbiu.yo 10-Quart size, regular $11.50, fl A fn now Jby.y CAKE SAVERS Ivory or green with aluminum tray and metal handle. Regularly $1.25, f)n Now .oyc Cookie Savers Skillet Dncn No. 8 Vast Iron. on Sale 69c 79c MAYONNAISE MIXER fiQn Quart size vJCIC LANTERNS Large No. 2 burners, G)i t t short globes, , I I U cold blast ....... kL Washer lljljl jsjjSJB III 47rSY Siiiiiiiii'lK Porcelain tube Submerged type aluminum agitor Standard capacity Silent, permanently oiled ar-curate drive transmission OUTSTANDING FEATURES Swinging wringer that locks in 8 different directions Steel cut gears throughout H. P. electric motor Balloon rolls. Hundreds of Satisfied Users in La Grande CIRCULATING HEATERS Mt. Vernon Wood Circulator This high-grade circulator takes a 20-inch stick of vood. Full walnut finish with water pan. Reg. $42.50. On sale 3775 ! ill COAL & WOOD TYPE Mt. Vernon Circulator with large fire pot. Sells regularly for O O A ET $49.50 ...i$)04.VD COAL & WOOD TYPE Mt. Vernon stove. A good model. On sale while they fl?OQ 'C last. Reg. $41.50 P-0. D FLEX Quick Drying Enamel '. Vi pint reg. 60c reg. 90c . 64c Quart &f A. A reg$1.50tpl.Ui 38c Rasmussen 4-Hour Enamel AH Colors and Clear Pints Regular 75c Quarts Regular $1.35 51c 99c All Oil PAINTS 20 Off Quick-Step Floor Paint Quarts Q) reg. $1.15 ... VuL reg. 70c 49c reg $2.10$ 1.69 Seasonable Implement Bargains Mccormick - deering eparators No. 2 separator. Full 500-lb. capacity. Regular $102 $78.75 No. 3, 750-lb. capacity. Regu lar $llo, now tw in tne cream can is just like money in jour pocket. Replace the old cream waster with a new McCormicWJeering. $87.25 J. 4 separator, 900-lb. cap r. Regular $127.50, now. $99.75 $35.75 Used No. 4 McCorniick Deer ing at a bargain price of only $48.95 300-lb. "Domo" separator with stand. Regular $45, now only.. The McCormick-Deering Ball-Bearing Cream Separator will save it all! AT ATtpTSddA . SPECIAL LACK HAWK RegRESPADER MANURE SPREADER Regular $200, (I1Pf? rn I i?n,i,. i on nn Special Prices ,n effect on aU other implement items'g" "thiT sale. Now