Page Ten NEWS of the CHURCHES Local Churches Give Programs For The Sunday Christian Church Boost ing" its Attendance Bible School Counts 316 Last Week. ' duircfe programs la Lsi Grande and this community for ntxi bubos? in clude tiie ioUowing: Central Charcta of ChrW (Pennsylvania Arenue) The Central Church of CnrUt Is continuing to conduct apecisl aerTlces am tills coming Sunday- has teen designated as one of toe most im portant In Urn series. Being Uio first Sondsjr of the last month of the year a, campaign win be started to finish up toe rear's vork Is a commen dable vajr. At the morning worship serrtce at 11 o'clock the paaw. Kev. Paul De P. aaortlmore, will speak on Use subject -Tnie Ought Te To Do This sermon la for all Christians and those who profess to follow the com- nsandment of Christ. The eommun- J ion will be serred and there sill be special muste. ' 'The Bible school Is continuing to grow and last Sunday aaw 318 pres ent In time to be counted. The goal for next Sunday la 350 and there are nany Indications that this goal will be reached. Interesting programs are bring carrietf on in every class. '.Three Christian Endeavor services nseet at S20 p. m. prise those from 10 years of age to high school. The high school group has Its own service while those above high school age have an Interesting department. The popular evening service reached the climax last Sun day night when many were turned any, being unable to get Inside the building. Another capacity crowd is expected to hear-tile Sunday night's sermon on "Through, the Open win now," or, a esrmon,on'Ma raised win dow shade." There will be special musical features at thla service and a.' special children's '.easott will be presentId at the beginning of the hour In which an element of mystery will add interest. The puMio la eor dlally Invited, to all services of this church. First Chnrrh of ChrUt. Scientist ,. .. (First and. Washington) j Services at this church, begin with Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning; services are at 11 o'clock and Wed nesday evening meetings at B p. m. The reading room-In the West Jao obsen building Is open from 1 to 4:30 p. m. dally. - The subject of the Sunday service will be "Thanksgiving." The golden text 1st "All things are for your aakes, that the abundant grace, might through the thanksgiv ing of many redound to the glory of Ood" (U Cor. 4:15). Among the citations which com prise the lesson-sermon Is- the fol lowing from the Bible: "And I heard a loud voice saying In heaven. Now is come salvation , and strength, and the kingdom of our Ood, and the power of' his Christ: for the accuser of -ou- brethren la cast down, which accused them before our Ood day and night Therefore rejoice, ye i heavens, and ye that (dwell in them" (Rev. 12:10, 13). - The lesson-sermon alsojlncludca the following correlative passages from the Christian Science textbook. "Sci ence and Health ' with Key to the Scriptures," by ' Mary Baker Eddy: "For victory over a single sin. wo give thanks and matmifv tlie Lord of Hosts. What shall we say of tl mighty conquest over all sin? A louder song, sweeter' than has' ever before reached high heaven, now rises dearer and nearer to tho great heart of Christ; for tho accuser -is not there, and Love sends forth her primal and everlasting strain" (p. 668). ' Baptist Church Sunday morning at the Baptist church, the pastor will use as the subject of his sermon "Lawlemnens." The special music for tho service will bo. a solo by Miss Marian Trill. Fol lowing the sermon tho Lord's Bupper will be celebrated. The morning ser vice begins at 11:00. Tho evening service begins nt 7:00 and closes at 8:30. Tho young peo ple will carry out rthelr regular pro gram following which the pastor will discuss the sixth test of man and prince Satan in tho solution of tho problem of sin. Quito a number have expressed their Interest In the! dis cussions. All axe cordially Invttcd to attend, Bible school begins at 0:45. Suit able classes will be provided for all who attend. Thursday evening prayer meeting Is at 7:30. 'All am Invited. Methodlt EplMwpi.1 Church (Fourth and Spring) There has been a marked Increase In. tho church school attendance of late, and at 9:45 Sunday morning there will be the splendid corpa of officers and teachers present. M. L Whitney Is the general superinten dent and is ably assisted In every de partment. Interested and interesting teachers for every class and age group la the plan of this school to which all aro Invited. At the eleven o'clock worship wr vlco besides the congrcgatlonalslngl ng i there will be special anthem music by the trained chorus choir, working with tho minister to provide a whole u BUS SERVICE For WALLOWA. ENTF.BPItlHB, JOSEPH and Way Points. ' Leave La Orande, Dally 10:30 A. M. 4:10 P. M. For PENDLETON, Way FoInU Leave La Grande, Dally - 10:30 A. M. C P. Stare Depot, 1908 Adams Phone MAIN 49 somes eapressrre EErnst of Trorshrp. The pastor wtU speak on the sub ject. "Bearrog The Voice " Besides the an! Choir Director Paul Knauu baa arranged for another spe cial musses! cumber. Toe Vesper service at $ p. to. Mil ban a special treat this erening In the return of the Junior choir. wmcB sill assist in these semces. aflat BeUunjrrl Millar Is the new dlieotor for this eaiatulartic group of youth ful voices. Epwonh League serria at a anf 0:30 p. m. brtand City t'ommuollr (Burrb The IsUnd City church semces be rin promptly at 9:45 when Her. V. H. Ueruog JU speak on the subject -Which War America." The Sunday school meets at 10:43 and all are cordially tented to share in the loteresung experiences of litis school. ; . St. Peter". Church (Episcopal) (Fourth and O) Holy communion at 8 o'clock. Church school at fl:45 o'clock. At II o'clock there will be morn Ing prayer, seiuiuu and communion. The Young People's fellowship will be held la te chapel at 30. jimic for the day will include the prelude. "Andantino" by Lemare. and offertory solo "Just For Today" by Miss VerUe Fieser, for communion "Hymn Of The Nuns" and the post- lude "From a Mountain Top- oy wg. gle. Mrs. H. H. Ashby will play the service. ZJon r.ntlMi Lutheran ('hurrh 111 avenue near Fourthl Services will begin with Sunday school at 8:45 a. m. followed by mornmg semces at 11 o'clock. A duet will be included in the program. Luther League meets at 7 p. with Charles Schilling as leader. First Presbvterian rhnrrh (Sixth and Washington) A special service Is In waiting for those who would worship with this congregation Sunday morning. 11:00 o'clock. This Is to be known as "Gold Day," those who have and will, bring ing gifts of old gold, to be adminis tered by the Women's Missionary so. ciety. The service will be built around the theme "They Brought Gold." Special music and the ser mon by the minister. Rev. J. George Welz, will aid In the devotion. A warm welcome awaits all who attend Sunday Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Young Peoples Forum at 5:00 p. Ir. Chrlstlan Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Sermonette Edited by Harriet R. MacDonald Think not that ' I am come to destroy the law and the prophets, I am not come to destroy, but to luim. For verily I nay unto you. Till heaven and earth pass, one Jot or one tittle shall In no wise pass from the law. Matt. 5:17-18. The eternity of the Divine truth, the one and unchanging reality amid all change, underlies tills saying. It goea even further to declare that the Word of tho Old, Testament embodies such unchanging truth that the pass- age of time shall not set it aside In any particular. Those who in these day hold the literature of the Old Testament lightly, as well nigh ob solete, should give heed to these words. To bo sure they require u to rc-appralse the language of Moses and the Prophets, to recognize that they have a deeper Import than that of the letter, before wo can see the reason lor the Lord's statement. But those scriptures .equally with those of the New Testament, ore Divine and authoritative; and the coming of the Lord and his redeeming mesnas.e Is not to be understood as involving any weakening or repudiation of the principles by which Jehovah led the children of Lsrnel. Jesus and tho New Testament teachings are but fulfil ment of the law, a revelation of what lay at the heart of the Mosaic ritual. "Thou shalt nots" irk the soul, and wo like to think that there Is a state which takes precedence of law, and that by rising Into It we can lguoro the lowor requirements altogether. But Jesus tells us there Is no higher development that docs not rest on complete obedience to tho external commandments of Ood, and grow out of their observance. True grace and beauty and spirituality are but the f'.owerlng and fruitage of the decal ogue carefully obeyed. C. II. D. r flaking u Cake ... Nearly all home economic cxpci-U any that BUTTEU must bo used to g-et the best results. Nearly all good cake makers agree with the Home Economic experts, so if you are making cakes . . . rend your recipe and then use BLUE MOUNTAIN IIUITEU. A 100 Home Trodiict BLUE MOUNTAIN CREAMERY 1109 Washington Ave. The Sunday School Lesson in Rhyme By Carlos A. Hummer r.U'L IS EfHKMS Acta Paul jpent three years in Ehcsus, Then for Diana's vortbip tamed. And wry rich and prosperous; And there the word of God proclaimed. First In the Jevtsh. synagogue - Be preached xhe kingdom of the Lord, Till those who taught the decalogue ' Betuaad to Umgvt hear th word. Then in Tyrannus school be preachd. And told tho Creek tho gospel sewa Till Aria'i people all trere reach!. And all had heaid, both Gratis and Jews God's poarV thrjb Paul was ms-tu fax When "special miracles were sought. Del Iterance brought to thase pos sessed. And many saved through what he taught. afagniclans from tJjeir magic turned. Their deeds of darkness all con fessed. Their erU books of magic burned. And with solvation then were blessed. , - -"' So many from Diana turned And bought her silver' shrtnea no - mora. - Rur craftsmen all the gospel spurned. And raised a loud and long up-' roar. "Great la Diana!" was Uieir cry. And for two hours it rent the air: ; Thy Utile kiw hew ;ocn would, die The worship of Diana there. FARM ALLOTMENT STATEMENTS Notice of Farm Allot nvnU and of Maximum Acreage, of WHeat for 134 inder ContracU for Iembers of toe tmrat Product Ion Control I . . . 1 . ... 1 .. i ,.n .-,.,,, t , of Oregoiu Listed below are statements of the allotments vhicn have been deter mined for members, of the Union County Wheat Production Control Association. These allotments are to hold for the duration of the pres ent wheat contracts, and they are the basis upon which adjustment psyments are to be made. Tbey have been determined by the County Al lotment Committee after careful con sideration of the application state ments. Every effort has been made to have these allotments as accurate as possible. The maximum acreage which may be sown to wheat for the 1934 crop on each farm, under the reduction requirements of the con tract, is also listed. ' The Union County allotment, which has been calculated from records of the United States Department of Ag riculture Is 682,738 bushels. This Is 1 tho total number of bushels allotted to the county under the wheat plan. The total of the individual allot ments. Including jthosa allotments which could have been assigned to farms which are not participating un der the wheat program, must be In line with the county allotment fig ure. The number of non-participating farmers In the county Is 60; the average total wheat acreage for these non-partlclpatlng farms during the . baso period is 2571 acres; the total average wheat production on t&ese wu jatuv.!- baso period Is 59,219 bushels. In luting the Information below, acres" means acres In farm: "allot- : ment" means the Individual wheat ; allounent for the farm; "maximum acres" means tho maximum acreage j of wheat which can be sown on the j farm for the iy crop, unaer me contract. Signed: E. H. DE LONG, Chairman County Allot ment Committee. MERRBLL CONLET. TOM WALLS INGER. ALU 1,1. DISTRICT BECKER. EUGENE H-. 110 acres: allotment 991 bu.: maximum acres 45. BERRY, JOHN H. (Stoddard farm), La Grande, 280 acres; allotment 1748 bu.; maximum acres 125. BUNTING, CLYDE E. (Taylor Es tate), La Grande, 137 acres: allot ment 1161 bu.; maximum acres 86. CAMPBELL, LUTHER W. (McKin nls lorm), La Grande, 160 acres; al lotment 599 bu.; maximum acres 28. CASE WILLIAM J., 760 acres; al lotment 6025 bu.: maximum acres f7. si Phone Main 60 I LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVED LA U&ANPE. QBE. ! 347. . ! - j CHEJfAULT. RALPH O. 1 Farm), La Grande. 160 acres; allot ! ment 860 bo.; ma ft mum seres W. CLARK. THOMAS 147 acres; al lotment 9M bu.; msTtmnm acres AS. Pay Htzg Farm, 114 acres; -allotment 913 bu.: msTlrmim acres 48. ELMER, WJt SONS, 040 acres, al lotment 3230 bu.; miiimiim acres 166. FULLER, CABL O. Welch Farm), 138 acres; allottnent 671 bu.; maxi mum acres 467 FULLER. BAY R, ( .lames Moss Farm, 126 acres; allotment 1099 bu.; maximum acres 49. u - Wax AdJer Farm. 90 acres; allot- ment iit bu.: maxlmtm acres 26. John Hancock Mutual Liftf Ins, 78 acres; allotment e6 bu.: - snasimirm acrea 48. - - nsmrn.i FRED D. (Susan Gas- kill lamt), 78 acres: allotment 407 bu.; maximum acres 21. - GRE1NEB. FRANK E . La Grande. 236 acres: aUotmens 15i7 bu.; maxi mum seres a. GREINER, RAT A. La Grande. 170 silemvr-v 970 bu: maTimnm 60. B2NDERSOK. ERNEST (Rosencrana Farm). Ls Grande, 160 acres; allot ment 630 bu.: maximum acres 39. ' HORN. JOHN W, La Grande. 80 acres; allotment 255 bu.; acres 41. KUL6E. JESSE E., La Grande. ISO acres: allotment 429 bu.: - rAAXxmum acres 45. - - HOWELL. MERRILLE C. BosreU Estate), 320 acres; allotment 967 buj maximum acres 85. JASPER, EDWARD D.. 360 acres; al lotment H41 bv:: maximum acres 111. JOHNSON. ENOCH P. (Foisy-BourT Farm). Island City, 480 acres; - allot - mens 3419 bu.; TrM3yltT"m acre 204. KNAT7TZ, PAUL E.- (Sosoknart Farm). La Grande: 504 acres: . allot ment 4673 bu.; maximum seres 201. UcANISH. JOHct & (Eplins Farm). 120 acres; allotment 822 bu.; man. mum acres 39. ' - - MCDONALD. DUNCAN, La Grande, 335 acres; allotment 1994 bu.; maxi mum acres 108. UcDONALD, EMMA. 1st Grande, 411 acres; allounent 2937 bu.; maximum 141. MCDONALD. FLORA, La Grande. 77 acres; allotment 459 bu.; f1" acres 24. Mcdonald, georoe kl. La t? D , McDONALU OEOTCB (Fraxler ZJD Grande, 200 acres: allot- liiirti. ' iv uu, null Himin .ues 10. Standley Farm. 30 acres; allotment 253 bu.: maximum- acres 13. MARCH. HARVEY A-. La Grande 77 acres: - allotment 825 bu.; maximum acres 30. ' .... ... . MASTERS. VERNEN A. ( Steincamp Farm).- La Grande, 240 acres: allot ment 1628 bu.; maximum acres 98i MOSS, EVERETT L (James- Moss IFarm), 103 acres: allotment 1313 bu.; maximum acres 65. - - - NOTHNAGEL, RICHARD. 354 acres; allounent 3476 bu,; nyture acres 138. - PERM. DAVID U. 160 acres; allot ment 499 bu.; maximum acres 25. PIERCE. CORNELIA MARVIN, La 1 Grande, 320 acres: allotment ' 2217 bu.; maximum acres 132. ' ' RAND. EARL M-. 440 acres; allot ment 639 bu.; maximum acres 32. RICHARDSON, ROY. 484 acres: al lotment C53 bu.; maximum acres 56. RUHL, HARRY (Anna Ruhl Farm). 334 acres: allotment 1030 bu.; maxi mum acres 50. ' RUCKMAN. DONALD, 560 acres: al lotment- 4817 bu.; - maximum acres 240. 1 I RUCKMAN. HARVEY E 320 acres; 1 allotment 2051 bu.; T"ftT'rn1lm acres ' 127. j Wm. Ruckman' Farm, 734 acres; (allotment 4214 bu.; maximum acres '182. ! RUCKMAN. SAMUEL G.. 260 acres; allotment 1022 bu.; 'maximum acres 54. Burch Farm, 80 acres; allotment 553 bu.: maximum acres 31. - RnrK-TA - WT1.1.MU (Pth.r 'Ruckman Farm), 160 acres; allot . ment 295 bu.; maximum acres 22. j SPECKHART. HERBERT J La to make good coffee IRyerytiiiie Use a Drip Coffee Maker in which boiling water drips throug'i a specially prepared coffee and a filler paper. Specially prepared SehUIing Drip Coffee. Schilling Drip Coffee is specially blended, specially roasted and specially ground for the immediate extraction of all its rich, fragrant flavor. Coffee intended for a percolator is not adapted for the drip process in which the water drips through the coffee but once. A f jlter paper rests below the coffee to let through nothing but the delicious healthful amber drops. Real Drip Coffee cannot be made otherwise. For your convenience, filter papers arc forked in each Sr hilling tin. Schilling i , Monpgback in either Percolator -I Jotm Bpeckbart Farm, SIT allotment 2543 biu "i tarn 137. - , OTAiTDLST, LOUIE - x. (jaBsas Etandar Farm. I drande, MO acres: allotment 1913 bu acre. Grande. 3S3 acres: allotment 2313 bu.: Ivav . . ... - . . . ., . L irfcmmtTit ifnrs 1Tr STAKDLBT. LOtJTE E, La Gxasde. j HUNTER, Oil BERT W, La Grande, 360 acres: aUotment 2823 biu maxl-' 340 seres; allounent ISIS bu.: maxi mum acres 179. i mum acres M. THARP. PRANK B., 40 acres: al- juuiwot UU-, "milm acres 14. ' iHUHM. risB M, La, Grande, TO acres: allotment 814 bu TRA VERSO BROTHERS ( 240 acres; j allotment 672 bu.: nmMm acrsja-44. I TUCKJiH, LOBSt c. (Lodsma, Ter- 'rr Farm). La, Oraaide. 120 acres: al- . lotment 718 bU4 toaxlniaim acres 47. j WALLSINGER, HAROLD T. Joseph iFeters Farm), 480 acres: alloonent 2355 bu.: maximum acres 127. W AM. SINGER. MARSHALL EL. 160 bo- maxirmrm acres 58. acres: allotment 1168 bu4 iraxxuntuo j ' MOSS. WILLIS A, La Grande. 332 acres VI. t . ,. 'acres: aUotment 2235 bu SeVlUa DeLong Estate. 76 acres: al-' seres 137. lotment 665 bti4 axltrmm acres 81. I MUILENBURG. THOMAS. 160 acres: WALLSINGER, X T. 340 acres: allotment 379 bu.: maximum acres 18. allotment 1930 bu nTt acres ' ORTON. OSMOND W. (Hansen 94. .... j Farm). 65 acres: allotment 150 bu.; ' WEBSTER, LAWEON A. (Hxtmata acres 10. Webstar Farm), La Grande. 290 acres; ' OTT. FRITZ. La Grande. 70 acres; allounent 2003 bu maximxaa acres allounent 848 bo: maximum acres 23. 102 ) - PEACH. OEORUB B. At LESTER W, WRIGHT, LAZARUS. 560 acres: al-! La Grande. 1040 acres; sllotment 2906 lotment 1297 bti; maximum acres 142. j bo-: msrlmmn acres 230. - WRIGHT. WILUS, 320 acres: -al- PIERCE. LLOYD B. (W. M. Pierce lotment 1301 bu: maximum acres 73. Farm), La Grande, 1800 acresrallot . LSLAND CIIV DISIRrCS - jment 1276 bu-: ""'"""1 acres 638. AD6EOM. ELIAB. 7 acres: allot- i PKNLAND. WILLIAM C. La Grande. ment 592 bu.: maximum acres 23. senrosder Farm. 76 acres: allotment 549 bu.: 1 28. ALLEN, RAT. La Grande. 147 acres: auotznenx 1072 bu.; maxlmnm acres 65. - . .... McCoy Farm: 80 acres; allotment, 3 ou.: maximum acres 36. ANSON, . JOSEPH Oa SONS. 3204 acres; allotment, 968 bu.; ropxtmum acres 60. . ...-. ,f. .. . . Jcsepn o. Anson at Sons, 240 acres; allotment 127& buj ,m acres 63. - , ... -.-. BAILIE. SAMUEL T. 150 acres;, al- lotment 822 bu.: TfSTlrrn.m aa 51 BRYANT. FRANK (Bills Farm). 40 acres; allotment, 171 rat; maximum mum acres 107. seres 8. - STARS, SAMUEL E, La Grande. BUESINO BROTHERS, 1458 acres; 329. acres: 3077 bu.; maxL allotmexrt 702T bu.; tnaximtmx acres mum acres 145. 510. - - .. ,. CARTER. CLARENCE Mi. 128 acres; alioarsmt - 106Tr ui maximum acre Slv- ..... . ... . 1 ,, Manon carter Farm. -893. acres: si-: 2 bu.T maxlrrwrm acres-1. . -lotment 2042 bu.: maxlmtrm acres 168. STEIN. - HERMAN ( J. C. Stein CARTER, MARION L, 329 aaras;- al- FarmH La Grande, 135 acres: allot loiment 1599 bu.:: maxlrruim acres 99. ment 544 bu,: maximum acres 2& COfVLEY, WILUAM 4O0-acres; at-' VAN BLOKLAND. CLIPFORD. 305 lotment 1633 bit; maximum acres 138. CLARK BROTHERS-(McCaU-Farm), 120- acres: allotmant 773. bu-: maxt- mum acres 68. CLEAVINGER, FRANK W La Grande,- 594. acres;' -aUcTtment 3726 bo? maximum- acres 268V - -Dl'l'l'Ti CHARLES. A. PIESCK, GEORGE. La Graadsv- 320. acres;, al - lotment 2200 bu.; maximum acres 182-. DITTY,-CHARLES-A; .fAnna Oliver Farm). La Grande. 227 acres: sllot-i ment 825 bn.l maximum acres 79i I BARTHOLOMA. - JOHNi 400' acres; DOBBIN, JAMES D., La. Grande, allotment 1047- bu.; maximum acres 550 acres: allotment 2147 bu.: maxi- 68. mum acres 183; - : 4- . imc I BATES, THOMAS W.. 240 acres; al- EV ANSON, PETER, La Grande, 80 lotment 368 bu.; maximum acres 35. acreer allotment' 762 bu.;--maximum BEALE. CLAUDE Y..- 1280 acres; al aeres 89. '- .';. 1 lotment 5941 bu.; maximum acres 427. . ORrMMBTT, G ROVER & HOLMES, j CAMPBELL. BROOKS, 118 acres; al JUUA B., La Grande, 1240 ssres:- al-. lotment 168 bu.: maximum aorea 20. lotment 1041 bu.r maximum acres i CAMPBELL, HATTTJS H,. 50 acres; 609. , j cilounent 360 bu.: maximum acres 27; GETTLE. EDWARD A. (Huffman) CONDIT. JOHN L-, 278 acres; allot Farm), La Grande. 70 acres; sllot- ment 47L bu.!' maximum acres 34. ment 703 bu.: maximum acres 43. - I OARNES: GEOROE L, 397 acres: al HALLEY. EDWARD L.. La Grande, . lotment 1603 bu.: Trmxlmnm acres 102. 280 acres: allotment 678 bu mum acres 51. - maxi- HAMANN. ARTHUR W, 267 acres: allotment 972 bu.; maximum acres 88. HAMANN, ALBERT. La Grande, 580 acres: allotment 3698 bu.; maximum acres 215. HERMANN. HENRY (Currey Farm). La Grande, 320 acres; allotment 759 bu.: maximum acres 84. Carr Farm. 537 acres; allotment 5431 bu.; maximum acres 276. ow liitrotliK-iorQ O fieri Special mmM Drip Coffer Maker ft J 20 and I lb. Schilling Drip Coffee, JL . ' at your, oroecr'. If he cannot mpply you, mml hit name and tl.20 to A Schilling & Cnmnnnv. ('..-.--. case if rou are not ialiifird. ue Standard Schilling Coffee; mBBEBT. DAVID I. La Oraxide, 80 sJtotrawit XX bst: nam mum j ewt. JOtCT It, tSS aero; allot 11. 'sent iao bu.: msilTnum acres W. HOLUAM. JOHN K. (BU Stela Farm). La Grscde, 160 allot- snent 1606 bu rmntronm ama K. HOLaCAM. JOBX S. A AKMA C L. Grande, 320 acres: allotment 11S0 bo4 I Cams Hunter Estate. 240 acres: al . wwav i o uu . irsiirMfm Km 119. r cww 1 uranoe. : acres; allotment 3642 bu-: rai;lmiim acres 291 KNIGHT. ROY (Ott Farm). La Grande. 70 acres: allotment 856 bo; maximum acres 37. LEONARD. FRANCIS J. (Clark Farm), la Grande. 230 acres: allot- ! ment 8S bu.; acres 60. i MeCABB. OUVER (Brasel Farm), j La Grande. 215 acres; aUotment 1432 '80 acres; allotment. 364 bu.; maxt- mum' acres 14- ROBERTSON, SANFORD A, La Grande, 160 acres: aUotment 808 bu.: maximum acres 34. i- RUSH. JACK W, La Grande. 800 acres; allotment 3666 bu: I acres 340. And rose Farm. 620 acres: aUotment . 4290 bu.; maximum acres 255 Estley Farm,' 120 acres; aUotment 1048 bu.; acres ! 6CHROEDER. John J. CYNTHIA ;M, 390 seres: allotment 8336 bu.; maximum acres 167. i SMITH. ROBERT H., La Grande. 353 acres: allotment 1945 bu.; man- j STEIN. ALBERT F., La Grande. 80 acres: allotment 162 bU4 r,.-.i.m acns&. - ' . . afnifeely Famt 80 acres; allotment acresi- 2563 btu "."" acres 137f I - TAN. BLOKLAND. LESTER G 575 acres: aUotmen 2704. bu.: maximum acres-188. ZAUGG, FRED ERNEST F La , Grande, 827 acres: allotment 3259 bu.: maximum acres 251. 1 27URBRICK. STELLA T. & WILBUR ' A, La Grande, 420. acres: allotment 2087 bu.;. maximum acres 111. ' lx GRAAOE. DISTRICT? DODSON. ALV.AH. 158 acres; allot ment 137 bui: maximum acres 10. DeLONQ. ERNEST H., 184 acres; al- Prices Good foe Saturday and Monday, Pec. 2-4 Salt Plain or Iodized- 2 )b. Chrton 2, or 15C Lava The Soap for Dirt 3 Bars 25c Golden West S00e CHEESE KuMc BACON TUT A O Wal Lean, Mild Cure, lb. A UijMO Standard CRESCENT Kfc lvrirf All Pure Brand Waldorf Toilet , Tissue 3Roljsl3c lotmeat SM bu.: maximum acre 38. i nmnsR BENJAMIN 0. 1M acres; !.n 4ia Ku maximum acres 11. OEKBLER. CHABieS K- 10 acra, jn, bu: maximum acres 31. OBANDT. CHARLES F, 1ST acres; allotmen 6S bu.; maximum acres 48. BASSE. WILUAM. 880 acree? allot ment lie bu- maximum acres 68. HICKA ALPORD O. S2S acresf al lotment 452 bu.: maximum acres au. HUGHES. ED K. (Hanley rarm). , .jounjnv 229 bu.; 1 ErL E. Huxhra. 200 acres: allotment sn km Maximum' aerer 25.'--' - HTJGHE8. WILLIAM 1. MINNIB Ai 12 acres: aUotment 625 bu:: maxt Ttwl acres 28. K.IDDLH. CLYDE L, 231 acres; al lotment 68S bu: maximum acres 24: McALISTEB, REESE Mi 160 seres: allotment 1086 bu.:' maximum acres 73.- ' ' - ' ' MUILENBURG. ANDREW, 160 acres; allotment 48 bu.: maximum acres t7; M4JILENBCRO. EMIL, 230 acres: al lotment 292' bu,- rmxtarnm acres 17: OWSLEY. GILBERT F, 240 acres: allounent 694 bu.: acres 43. PHILLIPS, DANIEL A, 146- acres; allotment 638 bu.; maximum acres 39. RAOATNT' WILLIAM V-, 1st acres; allotment 348 bu,: TmiTirmim acres 15. , SAUSBCItTi. GrXJROE. 156- seres; allotmeat 649 bu: TraTlmiim' acres 18. SCRIBER. 0LARE J, 140 acres; al lotment 20t bu-: ma-xIrmTm acres 24. 8MTJTZ BROTHERS (McCall Farm), I 786 acres: allotment SOTf bu.; maxi mum acres 194. " ' ' 1 Mrs. Dora Smutx Farm. 278 acres: allotment 1334 btt: ' maximum acres 87. SPSNCES, CHARLES B.. 151-'acres; aUotment-664 bu.; maximum acres 48. 8PKNCB& NELLIE L. LEROY" J.. 4 acres: - allotment 351- bo.:- maxi mum acres 181 " - - - ' - ' - STAREO, JACK (Sullivan Farm), Starkeri 9000 ssres: aUotment 928 bu.; nwufimum acres-86. ' - - WMMGRVILLB DISTRICT ARNOLDS S,' ANDREW. 153 1 acres: allounent 338 bu;: maximum acres IS. SSHRENeV ARTHUH F4 158- acres; Fisher Farm,- 160- acres', allotment allotment 440 bu.; maximum -acres 17. 838 bu.: maxlmiim acres-40. -" BLASEBt EDWARD. 80 acres; allotment- 184-bu.: maximum sores 14. --Erma Slack Farm. 160 acres; aUot ment -647- bu.: maximum acres 88. - BROCK. WILBUR Pv 240 acres; allotment- 615 bu.: maximum, aorea 62. BULL. HIRAM E-. 3ia acres; allot ment 1053-bu.r maximum acres 55. BULL, WILLIAM A.i La Grande, 320 acres! allounent 1814 bu.; maximum acres 102.---- r-v - BURNAUGH, MERRELL J. 8t EM MA. 74- acres; aUotment 1187 bu,; maximum' acres 81. ' - ' OHOATE, DILLARD R., 117- acres; aUotment 242'bu.: mflxlmum acres 10. Dora Skaggs Farmv 38 acres; allot-merit-321--bu.; maximum acres 16. Wm. Choate Farm. 160- acresi allotment- 1168 bu.; maximum- acres 60. -CHOATB; -THELBERTE A., - 240 acres; allotment 2239 - bu:; maximum - SCHBDVLE OF TrATES FOR "' """" i. SIGNING CONTRACTS " i All members ' of the committees' in charge' of the wheat aUotment sign-, up -will' be in.' session at the following places for the purpose of securing' signatures to final' contracts: - DAY DATE TIME Saturday Saturday Monday Dec. 2 8 A.M.' to 5 P.M. Dec. a - Deo. 4 " Dec. -Dee. 4 Bee 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 5 " Monday- Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Dec. 6 " ' Please do not fail to be present. ' Our Mothers Cocoa 2 -ib. Can 18c Macaroni 3 lbs. 18c Mb, Can PUREX K2 Gold Dust 16c 1A SUGAR V.?1 Can AUG 25c rc fst Tan tm . JJl Cana... Eastern Cranberries, 2qts.-25c Sweet Potatoes albs. 19c Friday, LVembier 1, 1933 acres 125. OLBAVINOBR, FRANK W.. 1 uranoe, n wtw, uwuucai m""""" acres 29. ' END ANTOINB (Clyde McKenrJ,1 rnfi.twittw acres 96. FRIES, WILLIAM T.. 160 acres; 1. lotment 431' bu.r iravxlmum acres 37, FRIZZELU HARVEY R, 160 acre,. aUotment 186 bu:; maximum acres la . fif.mrv ivniim n Aim .' lotment 2399 bu.; maximum acres iso ' HACKER, JOHN, 160 acres; allot.' ! ment 258 bu:: maximum; acres 19 HAMILTON, EDNA C 225 acres; al. lotment 1395 bu.; maximum acres 85 HUG, RAY J-., 200' acres; allotment 765 bu.; maximuni acres 48. JOHNSTON, RAY C 120 acres; al. lotment 280" bu.; maximum acres tt MCDONALD, GEOROE W:.' lotrj acres: allotment 2348- bu.; maximum acres 122. ' - - r-. -, McKBNZIB, Clyde p., 480 acres; al. lotment' 1998 bu.: maximum acres t. MoKENZLE, MARY' A, 400- aens; allotmeni- 2337- bu.; maximum acres 92,-. . ' ' -v. - -MCKINNIS, CLEMENT L.. 160 acres; aUotment 539-bur; -max)rmim acres 38, MYERSi ' CLYDE;' 824 acres;' ailot, ment 1836 bui;' mflxtmurrt acres IT. -BeUtf-Myers Farm, 200 acres; allot menf 1042 bu.: uxsxrimimi acres 70: -Edna-' Hamilton- Farm, 80 acres; al lotment 340-bu.; maximum- acres at MURCrHBON, JOHN J.; La Grands. 460,ecrmranourisii 1425 bu.;- man. mum acres 137,' B' ' '--"' " NEIDERER, LEO R. 888 acres; al. Icitmeut- 78 ! bu,; maximum acres 83, -OLIVER,' BURT' M.-.' -168 acres; al. lottnent 455'bu.l maximum acres 27. OLIVER. FRANK rBr, 296 acres: al. lotment 301 bu : maximum acres 20. OSBORN, DAVID A. (Wade-Kittdlo Parm),- 400 acres; aUotment 2222 bu;. maximum- acres 122;"" ' PARK:' BARb L., 158- acres; allot.' mient- 688 -bu.: maximum acres 51. PARK HUGH W: WATNB D 881 ' acree: allotment 8640 DU.; maximum acres- M8i- i' PUGH. PRESS, SO acres; allotment 200-bu.; maximum acres 18. - ' Wagoner- Farm, 120' acres; allot merit 88?' bu:: maxlimmr acres 21."' ' SANDERSON; CHARLES' M.; 180 acres:-allotment 271 bu.r """Tim acres 21'.' - - - r ' v"- r- SANDERSON, DAVE L.. 140 acres; ." allotment 197 rni;;-maximum-acres 12. SANDERSON, WILLIE W., 220 acres; allounent 280 bu.: maximum aoree 19. SOHLEPPY, JOHN B, 77 acres; al lotment 165 bu.:' maximum acres 11, SPENCER. DORA. -40 acres; 'allot ment 39 bu.; maximum acres 8. i VANDERMULEN, BONNIE C... La Grande, 200 acres; allotment 889 bu.; , maximum acres 68. '' WEST. NATHANIEL K.. 740 acres;. aUotment' 1833 bu.; maximum acres, 149. ' WOODELL. PRANK E.. 275 acres:; allotment 1379. bu.; maximum acres 63. ' ' ' ' '- WOODELL. JAMES D. La Grande,. 158 acres; aUotment 1159 bu.; mall mum acres 50. " " " YORK, EARL B 140 acres; aUorb.; ment 172 bu.; niaxlmum acres 41'. COMMUNITY PLACE Union' City Hall North Powder M'& M Co. Offite Cove City Hall Imbler AllceL Island. City La Grande - K. P. Hall Allcel Elevator Reynolds' Store County "Agent's Office City Hall City Hall " ' " B. H. DELONG, President.. Union County Wheat Production ControL Assn. Amaizo Corn St arch 6c l Pkg. P and G SOAP 10 Bars 29c 14c 5c CLEANSER 10S 58c 25;,V. Sl.43 Oxydol. ReguW Pkg. Jasper's Health Nuggets 4-10, Bag 17e