LA GRANDE EVENING' OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. Page Five FHECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS by Blosser CLASSIFIED ADfi mm habkr run or vtnox wauowa commm A Discordant iNote! NATURALLY, EVERYONE HOLDS yoiU'P AS A MBRO, SO SET OV6R YOUR .vlftUPfcfc. ' (Count five avenge' words 1 to the line.) RATZ3 BY MOUTH INFERIORITY COMPLEX AW0 1 line per month . 8 llnee. per month . TAKS IT.... WHV, EVEN CRASH COMGPATULATEO VOL).... BETTER GET Pel Use, let Insertion , 10a -18 .at SoYsipe A. , Per line, each added consec utive Insertion Minimum charge on one ' order , llnee, per month ., To II llnee, per month . -M.76 OM HOM,N0WI eon addition! line over fire charged kt BOo per line per month. FOR SALE FOR RENT, FRESH CIDER 26c. 401; J. 11-20-3 t FURN. APT., front ground floor, steam heat, 1608 Wash. 11-27-3 t FAT RHODE ISLAND RED hens. Mrs. O. a. Conner. Ph. 258 E. 11-28-2 t Wednesday, November 29, 1933 GOSM.W 1 SHUCKSII )' v,' K-TW'WAYJ i OUGHTA SEE VJHAT JUST HAD A JcBtSH )pUTWWTHcd TVT PAPERS SAY ruffCffUKj out yeu.... i&jtttj cijESia (Treat;.1 ; 1 NH LOOK VWUO'S I ' LIEBS 'J PoWfyy- I uumdu' Y It;' 'nV ( FOB SALE Delicious. Rome Beauty O-PiCV, W I W WVA. WVflW WVJ o. May Park. GENUINE Indian Herb Compound from Washington; D. O. 1B0 tablets tl.OO box. Phone 631 J. 11-27-3 tp FOR SALE Hay, 10 to 160 ton, 6 ton. PH. Farm. 20X2, cove. 11-37-3 tp baniI ROLLED chocolates 35o lb Rneclal Frldavs and Saturdays 25c lb. Our candles are always Iresh and tho Dost, cnerry tt:ossornjanay Shop. ' , . ll-l-i m AUCTIONEERING Rightly conduct ed. Jay Breshears, auctioneer, All ccl, Ore. 10-28-1 nip SCRATCH PAPER for school or "some at the Observer. 3 pads for Bo. ; 9-14-t f. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Iii the Distrlut court or the United States tor the District of Oregon. The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Baidel M. Van Donge and" Ethel C. Van Donge, his wife, The United States National Bank of La Orande, Oregon, a corporation, ber, 1933, In favor of The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San fttn Cisco, a corporation, as plaintiff, aeatnst Bardell M. Von Donge and Ethel O, Von Donge, his wife, for the sum of $11,696.98 with Interest there- - on at the rate of six per cent per annum from April 20, 1933; taxes for the year 1931, $609.25 with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from May 6, ,1931; taxes for the year 1932, SSB4.B wun inter. est thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from May 8, 1932; and the further sum of $1,600.00 reasonable attorney's fees and plain tiff's costs of suit taxed at $no.03 and for the costs and expenses of eale, commanding me to make sale of tho following described real property situate in the County of Union In and Hugh Bodmer, receiver thereof. William H. Facer and Amanda tl. Facer, his wife. The Orande Ronde Land Company, a corporation, B. u, Lloyd, Eastern Oregon Light & Power Company, a corporation, The La Grande Credit Association, a corpora tion. Union County, State of Oregon, a municipal corporation, and The First. National Bank or La oranao, Oregon, a corporation, defendants, By vireue of is. wri. n judgment, decree and order of sale Issued out of the above court in the above en titled cause to me directed and dated tho 24th day of October, 1933, upon a Judgment, decree and order of sale rendered and entered In said court and cause on the 10th day of Octo the State of Oregon, to-wit: The Northeast quarter of tho Northeast quarter, the South half of the Northeast quarter and the Southeast quarter of Section 20; the West half of the West half of. Section 21; the northwest quarter of the Northwest quartor of Section 28; the Northeast quarter and the Northeast quar ter of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, all In Township 3, South Range 40, E. W. M., to gether with all and singular tho privileges, appurtenances, tene ments, hereditaments, easements and rights of way thereunto 'be longing or usually enjoyed with said premises or any part thereof, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof, and abw all the estate, rtghtf, title and Interest, homestead or other claim or demand, as well In law as. In equity which the mortga gor's had on the 24th day of No vember, 1922, or might thereafter acquire of. In or to the said GOOD NEWS for Indigestion Sufferers PROBABLY you know sev eral things that will relieve digestive discomfort. But often thra relief is too slow. While you wait for the remedy to work your suffering endures. But not if you know Bisma Rex, and take it promptly! A new and amazing antacid pow der, Bisma-Rex acts four ways at once to give quick comfort in cases of gastric acidity, dyspepsia, sour stomach and kindred ills. It neutralizes excess acid; re lieves the stomach of gas; soothes irritated membranes and aids digestion of foods most " , likely to ferment. Bisma-Rex is sold only at Rexall Drug Stores. W oz. Glass Drugs, Inc. I ! J- STEAM-HEATED apt. 1311 O ave. ; ' 11-28-lmp MISCELLANEOUS DEAD VIOLINS brought to life. Live ones put on their toes. Factory fid- . dies rendered playable. Actual re voicing, expert adjusting. At your service 'till Dee. 16th. Geo. Hart vlgsen, 2005 N. Greenwood. 11-13-1 m. DO WELL BROS. OLKAN-UP We Will clean up your ashes, - papers, etc. Phone 323-J. ' " ... 8-8-t 1, WANTED WANTED Used lb ton truck. Will trade used passenger car. M. J. Goes. 11-29-1 t WANTED Baritone horn. Farm. 169. . ' ; n-27-3 tp. THE DALLEd Furniture Store Is now under management of A. A. Fldler and will pay cash, for used furni ture or what have you? 11-18-1 m premises or any part thereof; and also all right, title and In terest of the defendants or any of them, and all persons claiming by, through or under them which they then had or now have In or to said premises. Said decree further provides said property' shall be sold under plain tiff's Judgment and decree and after payment of its costs and expenses of suit and sale, attorneys' fees, judg ment ana Interest' thereon as therein provided, the remainder of the pur chose price, if any, be paid to Tho First National Bank of La Grande, Oregon, upon Its judgment and de cree recovered in said suit against W. H. Facer and Amanda H. Facer, his wife, for $9,638.81, together with Interest to the 20th day of June, 1933, 1 $1,191.81, and Interest on $9,836.81 at eight per cent per annum from June 20, 1933, and costs of suit taxed at $178.03. NOW, THEBEFOW2. by virtue of said writ on said Judgment, decree and order of sale, and In compliance with the. command of said writ, I will on the 2nd day of December, 1933. In the forenoon at the hour of 10 o'clock of' said day at the front door of the County Court House In La Grande, Oregon, sell at- public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for cosh In hand, all right, title and estate which defen dants in this suit have, or any of them had on the 24th day of Novem ber, 1922, the date of the mortgage described herein, or have since ac quired or since said date have had In or to the above described prop erty or any part thereof," to satisfy said Judgment, decree and order of sale, with Interest, .costs and accru ing, costs, Including tho costs upon this writ. (Signed) JOHN L. DAY, United States Mar shal for the District of Oregon. JAMES A. FEE. and FEE Sc RANDALL, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Post Office Address, Pendleton, Oregon. Nov, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. Lisbon Loseg Plane Trees LISBON UPl Thmunnrfa nf fl,A plane trees - beautifying tho streets of Portugal's canitnl urn tn hA ri stroyed to check the spread of a parasiuo plane disease. Announcement... Mr. W. E. Wilkins, State Field Inspector, of the World War Veterans State Aid Commission Announces the Appointment of LOWELL WILLIAMSON of Williamson & Berry As County Representative to handle Rentals, Leases and the Sale of all properties of the Commission, in Union County For information regarding any properties, see or call Williamson & Berry Phone Main 900 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg. THE DILLYS HASKINS, HELP ME I If LISTEN, YUH BIG- MISS PRISCILLA. iffllllllllllllllf "KV'GOSH, WHAT WOULD CP lpH K fVHV THEV TOl'o ,? I HM-MPH-SNEAKED OUT ' 'SjAL IF GET MY FRIEMDS f MUG-, I DIDNTvyANTA ) SAlOTOflUTVOU J I H LAW GILTRIB SAY fF SHE Wi K.ME WI$SYJNAS fi - THINKS I DON'T KNOW V .WM&t 1 AND REMEMBER- NOT STAYIN' --TV SIK. AND tO TELL -- 1 " ' HAD INVITED A CIRCUS Ife-n END PARTIES THESE f JIS I WENT THrS jjfl AWORDTOMOTHER , V h YOU NOT TO' , Ff FOR THE WEEK-END?? 11 Ft Jl I RICH TOLKS THROW --JJ. --,L NIGHT.' Jl HUTCHINSON WILL FIGHT CHANDLER HERE ON DEC. 13 Tho date of the event was changed from Dec, 12 to Doc. 13 ub a token of co-operntion with the management of the Liberty theater which has a road show booked on the former date. At a meeting of the Eagles last night it was decided to send the win ners of' the forthcoming classic to the lnter-state meet In Boise in January, and it was an nounced the one-night affair Is the last amateur boxing show ' for La Grande. , Local boxing fans were assured a sensational and colorful amaceur ring bout when Dan "Pa" Chancier agreed to permit Jimmy Chandler to fight Lowell Hutchinson, brilliant amateur middleweight of Union, In one of the bouts of the Eagles relief fund bene fit one-night championship amateur boxing tourney at Sacajnwea arena night of Dec.. 13. , - LewlHton Clinmps to Fight Headed by Bernie Sinclair, light weight champion, several winners in the amateur ring meet recently held In Lewlston, Idaho, have mailed in their entries for the Eagles great one night relief fund tourney of cham pions and near champions' at Saca jawea hotel arena night of Dec. 13, it became known today. "Give me Ger ald Butcher, lightweight champ of tho La Grande tourney and I'll take all tho fight out of htm," Sinclair wrote. Some 14 to 16 thrilling three round fights featuring all of the title winners of last week's tourney against champions and near champ ions of the local and other big meets will be dished up to the spectators on the one-night affair Dec. 13. Among the champions of the tour ney hero last week who will defend their newly won titles In the one night eyent are Big Stanley Bessy, heavyweight; Jlnuny Chandler, mid dleweight; Johnny 55igler, welter weight; Gerald Butcher, lightweight; Crville Bowers, featherweight; Dave . ' ' VV'-'1 ' Larson, flyweight; Frankle McClure, Jack Matot, Junior flyweight; and a number of promising amateurs- who did not win' titles. The local amateurs will- report to Eli CiaU at" 7:30 fL-idayi nigfnt where those who are to be permit ted to compete Dec, 13 are to train and after which all of them will be treated to a banquet. t ELGIN BACKS HUTCHINSON ELGIN, Ore., Nov. 29 Joining forces with fight fans from Union, fistic disciples of Elgfn org backing Lowell Hutchinson to defeat Jimmy Chandler In their bout on the Eagles relief fund card at the Sacajawoa arena at La Granite night of Deo. 13 Young Firpo Beats Wesley Ketchel PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 29 WV-DIs-playing a h&rd-hlttlng attack ihat sent his opponent to the canvas twice. Young Firpo of Burke, Idaho, was- awarded the decision over Wes ley Ketchel of Portland in the 10 round main event on- last night's fight program -here. Firpo weighed 174 pounds, and Ketohel, 165,. FLOWER SHOW AT CHERRY'S A showing of chrysantnemums is being held at Cherry's Florists, and Is attracting a great deal of atten tlon among the flowor lovers of this community. First showing was last night and another showing is sched uled for this evening. A nrtvn! nicht lUrht that Can 1S plugged into any standard electric light socket uses a flashlight iDUU to supply illumination. -(UUS-CHALMERS- Track typo and Air Tired Tractors. Combines, implements, Road Machinery, CHANDLER TRACTOB Si EQUIPMENT CO, 1312 Jefferson Main 632 FOUR GRID GAMES IN COAST STATES SAN FRANCISCO; Nov. 20 OP) A football campaign on unprecedented thrUis arid: upsets draws toward its close along the if or western front this weekend, with' the possibility strong that a' few more surprises' may toe written Into the nearly-filled 1033 record books. Pour outstanding clashes are sched uled, one an anti-cllmactlc Paclflo coast conference, contest between Washington 6tate college and ithe University of California at Los- An geles tomorrow and another an inter sectional- battle pitting University of Georgia against University of South ern California at Los Angeles Satur day. University of Oregon's Webfeot, having completed their conference schedule with four wins, one loss, and a tie for the conference title, will ffThe great thing Radio can do is to bring Inspired Music into the home" It is not. necessary to know about music one can simply feel it, and love it. "Listening to a cathedral organ or to any great orchestra ivho of us has-not felt uplifted ar-d refreshed, as by the cool clean air of the mountains? "To my mind, the great thing radio can do is to bring' Inspired Music into the home. My comrades of the Philadelphia Orcliestra and I welcome this wonderful opportunity. " , Symphony Orclwitra Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., tho people who make Chesterfield, want you to hear the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra to many people, 'the greatest musical organi zation on the American continent. We know you will like this music, and although not in the same way we hope you ivill enjoy Chesterfield COLUMBIA COAST-TO-COAST Every night in the week battle the Gaols of St. Mary's in Ban Francisco's kesar stadium tomorrow. At Spokane, evenly matched Goneaga and University of Idaho tangle In turkey day contest. NORTHWEST FALL GRAIN DOES WELL SPOKANE, Wash. With wheat fields In fine shape- throughout th. northwest. It Is predicted that there will he bumper yields of winter, wheat as a result of ithe mild, weather pre vailing so far this fall. Tine wheat' Is- reported' to'h&ve a good start: Is allowing a heavy stand and grain mon agree, should' be in condition to withstand winter frosts. It Is said that yields In the Palouso country, especially, promise to' b. heavy enough itor almost offset the 15 per cent acreage reduction required under the domestac allotment plan -an estimate of the number . . . Leopold StotcomM Conductor Philadelphia (ffBASM DAVIS BROTHER, ';FUZzy'.&-V Life Quake-Shattered Town' Rebuilt PESCARA, Italy' W A- village of 86' concrete houses, each for a family of seven, was erected near here In 18 days to take oare-of the population of- Salle,- a village de stroyed by earthquake on Septem Your photograph will be treasured when other gifts are worn out. Just give us half of your lunch hour and you'lf have the pictures for Christmas. Cecil V. Ager Photos Phone 926W listening on a coast-to-coast network Jb NETWORK With the Swanky Set TRAPPED .'.' 'LL NEVER EXPLAIN TO DAISY WHERE SPENT THIS NIGHT ber 36. The 600 workmen worked : day and" night and- also completed as aqueduct, ' i -'- A woman In Charleston. B.C. ku been- using the same fountain pen 30 years. - . . The cigarette that's " MILDER The cigarette that TASTES BETTER 1A my Lioent Mvm Toewco Co.