Th'ursaay, NovcmBcr 16, 1933 Page Eight LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, EA GRANDE, ORE. Conrad H. Mann -Will Serve Five Months In Jail WAhHINOTOK, Kur. 1 , Prrt dent KootcttK tfur4 pardon lur Conrad H. Mann, of ka-na 6117, mm mtur hfl btfu a tentenet lut nota tion at tbc lutury bin. KEW YOBK. Nov. 16 A whirlwind, of a3Urltr marked tbc aid of a federal gcremznent cam-atgn again- alka-ed KittolM cooducuo W y-n1 H. Mann, president of tbe Kinti City chamber of comsuKcc, arrtrrd In New York to (tirrender to federal autiuxlUe and. unlet tnere la last-mlnut lntevrecuon DT rTtta dent Booarrer;. to aer-w a fire montba aratence on bla conrJcOon for par ttctpaUorj In an alleged kxurj by the order of Bsglea. An indlcujient ponding again genator .lame J. Carta of Pennir! rsnla. In connection with an alleged letter? by ie Moose. w noUe pro ced. Darli wa acquitted on a sim ilar charge October 12. Bernard C. atcQulre, con Tided wlti Mann In the Eagle eaae. currendertd and wa aent to Lewlaburg. Perm, here there la a federal penitentiary. Hie eentence la a year and a day. An Indictment against toe Union Telegraph company. lnToinne charge uiat it wa a iaci-r in a alleged lottery conducted lor Uae ennnera, na noi!e prcaaed. Lewi Mead Tread well, youthful chief of toe criminal division of the United States attorneys office, who was In charge of the oroatcuixas t ts. u mtrt that the derelce- ment cleared the courts of all cases lnrolTlng toe lottery camps ign. HIGHWAY BOARD LETS CONTRACTS POHTLAKD. Hot. 18 11 The Mfhvu eceamlaalon. yesterday by awarding contracts agregaUn asoo.000 reduced ru quote, of 8.109. 000 public wctka fund for highways to K.TOOAOO. The balance will be used up according to budget pre- vloualy submitted to we ieuea 6"' . Epeed In getting Jobs under way to aid unemployment and to get u ens ure program under contract resulted in Tprv it-action a far as the commlaalon was concerned. KUls- boro failed to secure a promisee it" of way and aerera: bidders failed to produce bonds after bring awarded contracts. These erenu culminated imi two aoecinc orders Issued by Chairman Leslie M. BeoU with the statement "this commission won u tarlfled with." The commlaalon ordered that here after t will declare forfeited all cer tified cnecta of fire per cent of toe contract submitted by Madera In tbe rrent contractors cannot secure bonds. It also ordered no more Jobs would be contracted turUl right-of-way matter bare been settled- BUTTER MARKET REMAINS STEADY . PORTLAJTO. Wor. 18 ( Market on butter waa being kept steady by the further purchases by tbe govern ment on the proce exchange. Corn- plaints against tbe practice of the government In limiting Its purchases only to member of the exchange, hare been made by the trade that Is outside that organization, same of which are the heaviest producer and handlers of butter within this terri tory. Claim was made that the restricting of sales to the produce exchange, gives that organization power to manipulate values to suit luelf and ahut out completely from -forem-mentel benefits all that do not pay tribute to the exchange through membership. rOKTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Mov. 18 lh CaUle: 200: calves 60; steady. . Bteers, common and medium, 1M gi.00; heifers, common and me dium, W OO ft M 2S; cows, common and medium, 12 -25( WOO; low cut ter and cutter. 1Xp0 H U; bulla, cutter, and medium, ll.lo 12.76; vealera. good and choice. ii&Ov tt0; cull, common and medium. $20 cj IIM; calve, good and choice. M.00 6.80; common and medium, 2M j 4.00. Hogs: 2&0: stow, steady. Llght welght, good and choice, M.OOfi 44.86: medium weight, good and choice. M.lfiotM ad; heavyweight, good and choice, 13.76 64. 29; packing sows, medium and good, g3 00iU 80; feed er and Blocker pigs, good and choice. 3.26(1 W.76. Bheep: 160: islow, steady. Lamb, good and choice. a6g6 60; medium. 3.60 19.00: yearUng wethers, 3.70 riMM; ewes. 76ci 12.00. OMAIl.t HIII1KP OMAHA. Nov. IB m (U. 8. D A t hep: 4600; lamlw weak to 29c lower, slieep sad feedcra tea4y. re ceipt include three cars fed wooled lamb. S 78 .bounht to arrive; blfla native range and led aoolei lamb up to as 60. fed clipped lambs bid S 60. ewe down Irorn 2.76; range feeding lambs 6.76t!K 16. Stops Your Cough or Money Back One swallow of Bron chullns Emultlrm and you get relief IN STANTLY. Unmistakable relief. Certainly you won't need more than half a bottle of this grand old cough-killer to knock that rough for good. If you do. you can hfiv your money back, lied Croan Drug Htore and sll other first-class druggist guarantee It. Mn rtnnm Hrithlnv In n.ujit vntir nt"mach. fio why cour.h, coitKh. coukIi yourself to pieces? fiet Ilronr.hullne emuUlon and HZ1AW. Adv. PSiijKaCT CHICAGO aruraT Opra High let Clew .iN -H4 M 41 .Jit, ' flee. May Jury CHICMtO ,.:-! A - Dee. May July rOBTLAMD KlfZAT Open Blgk Low . .rs', , .-.t .n May Dee. BULLISH FORCES CONTROL MARKET SEW YORK. Hot. 18 Of) Bullish force twat rrmmsnd in the stock market today, coincident wltn a re-, rival of Inflationary enthusiasm, and - price were pushed up 1 to 6 or morel point In relatively beery trading.! The dollar, dropping stiarply U the mcmlrrg. also rallied. The dose was strong. Transfer approximated 3. 00.000 shares. Closing figure Included: Air Eeduc. . ioh . 140 . M4 12014 f & , 74 HVk . 70 32H 64 aiii S8 22 51SJ . 33 20 4H J1H4 ' 4!4 6 87 5 AL Cnem. and Dye American Can American T. and T. Bethlehem Steel 3. 1. Case Col. O. and E. Continental Can Genera! Motors John ManvtJle Llbbey-O.-Pord Liggett and Myers B. . laontomery Ward National DUtUl. J C. Penney Pub. 6er. of N. J. Southern P-cific St. Oil of Oal. St. OU of N. J. Union Pacific ' Unlte-i Aircraft United Corp. V. 8. Indus. Alcohol V. 8. Bteel WEMPLOYED PLAN' MOVE SALEM. Nov. 18 VP, Another per sonal presenuuon of their recom mendaUon to tbe legislature 1 plan ned by the unemployed. Richard Lovelace of Portland said here yes terday. The Multnomah county Federation of Uriemployed Is arranging a ftaoe wlde or-nference of unemployed In Salem Kovember 27. A Joint meeting wlU the houre and senate at the special Regulative aeardon wll! be re quired. Lovelace said between 700 and and 809 delegate would attend. t I Thieve to!e the car of W. C. War-' ren. of Sudan. Tex. and used hi I eourteay card In It to run up a t-W-SO J gasoline bill. ' Look Up J, THE CIRCUS -v vv a swr svai and Thatcher Colt, clev erest of mystery solvers starts on a train of ad ventures that will thrill and enthrall you with their mystifying, electri fying complications! From the Myntifying LIBERTY MAGAZINE Story "Murder of The Circus Queen' by Anthony Abbot "WHAT A WIFE" LIBERTY COMEDY SJtJ V'h Adolph rTSf - . A ' Menjou (r s; sJT " Wl 7? tn P"""011 Detective 5f 4-axL VVi V THATCHER COLT V,) 1 V DONALD COOK 7'' ' GRETA NISSEN COBJf At -4.wK S4 JJ'.i MHti At .'I TOKTUSU FKODl'CE f POeTUUro. Hot. 1 Butter Prlnta. extra 24c; standards 23c lb. . Butteriit Portland deUrery: A grade 21c. farmer' door delivery. 19c per lb : sweet cream 5c higher. Eggs Pacific poultry producers selling prices: fresh extra spedal, 31c extras, 2r, standards. 24c; medium, 2Sc-. pulieta 18c dozen. Buying price by wholesaler: fresh extra. 2Sk oca.; flrau 23c; medium 20c doz.; under- grade 14c: pullet 14c. Potatoea Local white and red. II 15CH.24 cental: Yakima. 13 1.40; Deschutes. 41.40 IS0. Kl'GAB AND FLOl it POBTLAND. Nov. 10 Sugar j Cane, granulated, at 89; fruit or berry, i 46; beet cugar. HS. , Domestic flour Selling price, mill ! delivery, 26-bbl lot: patent. 4Ss, X8.70 j 7 40: blended flour, 4.1Sj ten j aoft white paatry Hour. ti.TltniK,; j bakers hard wheat flour. t9.75 a tetXK rye. SJBQU3tr. whole wheat,' t639aa6 86- graham. 5i0. j La Grande Boxing Fans CONGRATULATIONS! You are to be congratulated for displaying- real spoitBiiianBhij) in deciding to foe on hand to support La Grande's favorite amateur fighting men as they make a valiant attempt to hammer their way to vic tory over the out-of-town amateurs in the GRAND OPENING of the EAGLES Great Relief Fund Benefit. Championship Amateur Boxing Tournament ; Sacajawea Hotel Arena v Tuesday Night Seats go on sale early Saturday at the Foley Hotel Cigar Stand. TELL YOUR FRIENDS DON'T MISS TUESDAY NIGHTS GREAT SHOW IT'LL BE A' WOW! RIGHTBEFORE QUEENV va ar-a rtsr "MOTOR MANIA" Adventures of a Nowstrel Camerman Tbe sharp rue In the price of wool! has made It profitable to glean. Texas . sheep ranches of the wool of am that died last winter. ! Stoneking's! Grocery Is. PI a fiflAlf I lll-ninD nrrrr 3" v'olUE Ib.fOLCtHSiCDFffE Shasta. 2 lbs. Shacta. I lb. 4c 27c. Sugar. 10 lbs. 20 lbs. 100 lb. 1 18 Bed Mexican Beans for Chilli. lb, for 25e Potatoe. 14 lb, for . Cauliflower, large beads. Each . Melrllle Bldg. Phone 2M-J Free DeUtery YOURJYES "CURIOSITIES" ' Odd Thins In This Odd World of Ours STARTS TODAY M-t af - Buy WINTER Oh,' How Warm They Are!Pair of DLANKETG $2.79 Deep-itap, foil 70 x 80 irjen fain! Inren dow I Jackets Of Suede or Cape Leather $5.90 Emirtui wxup ana prac- tlcle. Cossack and Jacket styles. Uoequal ed value at this price. Pine! Fleeced! CHILDREN'S WAIST UNIONS Bleached cction! Ray on trimmed! Pearl buttons ! Everything nict! 2-!2. 59c Men's Adjustable STRAP-WRIST Dress Gloves $1.19 Warn Cotton, linirrf I Handsomely fashioned of im-portc-) Turk capeskin a lea ther noted for its superior wear ing qualities. 4 VALUE SCOOP LEATHERETTE SHEEP -LINED COATS ' $4.98 Imagine it Only Full cut 36" longl Blue corduroy facing! 4 Pockets leather corners! Lined sleeves I Wristcrs ! Wool Men's Men's Genuine Horse Hide Jackets Warmly lined, f u 1 1 30 tn. length A long wear ing all wea ther work I Jacket. Priced Low $7.90 For extra Warmth on winter nightel PLAID COTTON ' Real Leather! Boys Helmets with goggles! now - 69c You'll want one of these (or winter sports !. Made with de tachable goggles FEATURE VALUE . . , 250 PAIRS V. ' . . Beautiful Suede Fabric at this low price! Just in a new shipment! EXTRA HEAVYWEIGHT BOOT SOCKS Mix Sizes 39 C Pair Extraordinary ivtues! They'll sell like "liotcakcs" so come get yours now! Grey. White. Mixtures. Colored tops. They wear like iron. Water Proof Wind Proof Jackets O o s sa c k style, button front, suede cloth with fleeced back. Warmth and wear at a saving price. $2.98 ' NEEDS Now! - For Wear and Warmth! Rayon and Wool HOSIERY ! 'Vcoll I3te there stock mgi the wool is ccenfortirrftty warm, the rayon adds beautTl - You II want il when the cold winds blow that extra of warmth that keeps you sleeping sound ly, cozily! Well here's your chance to buy it at a real low price ! 70" x 80". Yard Wide OUTING Fancy, outings, darks and " lights. A real value a real econ omy. ' ' 13"2C yd. -j --V GLOVES They're imports with a flair for wear ! You'll set them on the smart : ." est hands! In plain jff and decorated styles MVJQ in new Fall col v ors and white ! Be smart! Be comfortable! ... - Be economical! v . ,- MEN'S FLANNELETTE PAJAMAS The patterns are attractive! , The quality is genuine Teasle down flannelette. They'll stand a lot of wear and like it ! Smartest of styles in slipovers, and military collars with silk frorrSi " Men's Part Wool Union Suits - These are one third wool and heavy weight. A durable warm gar ment for the out door man. ' Buy now and save. $1.98 YOU CANT BEAT THESE! at this new ' thrift price! Dotnet Flannel Shirts Try rfa-m youH find welcome ndrmih thorough comfort! They're cut full. Hfwed strongly I Made with two deep peckets ! Women's -' UNIONS Rayon Q Striped Ut7ls Sleeveless, Knee Length Style. Close Fitting. Printed FLANNELS Yard Q Wide A7lyd. Attractive fast color patterns. - WHITE OUTING Inch OVyd. , Heavy quality, deep nap on both sides. 3 Pound Cotton Batts 72x90 Full Horsehide Leather WORK Mittens 69c Warm .cotton lining. Elas tic .vrist with a leather rein forcement eliminating pull on strain. Boys the miles will seem shorter ... be more comfortable! BOOTS $2.49 Staunch 12-ln. r sC boots with nlckle hooks mu eyes, com- f-J -- position outaolc and leather raids ole. 98c Pull, com- fort size, a jS' great value ffi$$x at this price. -O 49c ASS a in vj