I i Page 'Six LA tiRANPE EVENING OBSERVER. I A GRANDE. ORE. Wednesday, November 8, 1933 IMBLER SCHOOL BUDGET PASSED Vi a I ' IMBLER, Ore. (Special) The bud- get tor school district number 11, Im- -blor, was, favorably approved at tho X , meeting of the taxpayers Monday. ? Nov. 0. The new (budget shows a rc J f duotlon of 2.432.30 over lost year's 5 j, budget, disregarding debt service 2 uThio ltom Is slightly hlghor due to 'jj delinquent taxes and estimated re h f eclpts ure slightly less, reducing the 1 1 savings In district tax to be raised of ,i . (703.43 over last year's budget. A jl (summary of tho budgot shows: h ' '- Estlnuulcd expenses S1D.020.03 atlmaied receipts 10,001.03 Balance, to bo raised by dist. tax 0.010.00 It was pointed out by tho school beard that the district was really In good financial condition In splto of tlio large warrant indebtedness as this district holds warrants against tho county high school tuition fund sufficient to take up practically all of last year's "warrant Indebtedness. Tho Inability to cash 1111080 warrants lias placed an extra burden on this district. This groat continent Is said to bo moving westward at the rate of a fow Inches a year. -That's enough, howevor, to make us upstanding west erners feel a bit chesty. I- ii Coiner Cedar & Washington Phono Main 759 ,. C. & M. BAKED f beans 2 cans 25c POWDERED SUGAR 4 lbs. 28c Beef Roast VEAL Top Grade Meat Ground for "Loaf . - 10c"- 225c PAR. Qlch Concentrated Soap JL I Carstens Netted Gem Picnic Sh'Idrs . Potatoes 10c lb. I 15 lbs. 26c "AMBKICAN" MIAMI) 1,0110 TOILET PAPER 5 ST 30c D. & 1V1. A BROWN 7 BREAD 25cl Store Closed Saturday, Armistice Day, Nov. 11 Wallowa Lions In benefit Party WALLOWA ( Special )-The Wallowa Lions ?lifb uporaored a haryout lipmo (tanco Tuesday ulgUt and It was a great success both as an entertain ment and financially. Many of the' guests ajipcared In costume In keep ing with the Hallowe'en season and splendid music was provided by tho Enterprl&o orchestra. A large number of Enterprise Lions and their ladies motorod down for the dance. Cider and doughnuts were served by tho high school girls. This was tho first of a serlos'tho Wallowa Hons are giv ing to raise funds to purchase a school bus. THE NEWFANGLES The Hand of Mystery! UNION I'KHHONALS Considerable Interest wns aroused when a large plane suddenly swooped down. -from the skies Tuesday fore noon and passed low over some of tho buildings. Whatever happened, tho pilot righted the machlno before forced to land and the lpud zoom or tho motor as It regained altitude at tracted many spectators. Many con jectures as to the cause or its dlvo downward wero suggested. At tho regular meeting or the Wo man's club Thursday Mrs. Boy Conk lin had charge of tho program which opened with two solos, "I'm Alono Because 1 Love You"- and "The Shadow Walt?." sung by Miss Alice Miller with Miss Jane Smith at the piano. Mrs. Roy Skecn, ol ha Grande, gavo a group or humorous readings. Mrs. Walter Pierce gavo a very delightful talk on her Impres sions or Washington. Her pictures or the city, its line libraries and porks and or tho congressional ha:is were clearly drawn. Her audience enjoyed seeing tho city, meeting the inter esting women and visiting the ses sions or congross along with her dur ing her talk. The hostesses served a lunch. Charles Adams i slowly recovering from an attack or doublo pneumonia and his condition still remains rather serious. Mrs.' Adams collapsed Satur day night and she too has been qulto ill since that time. Their daughter, Mrs. Morris MlUer, of Dufur, has been caring for them and Mrs. Mary McCallum, a sister of Mrs. Adams, Is here from Nompa. A baby daughter was born Satur day to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Johnson, of Cralgmont, Ida. Mrs. Johnson, formerly Emily Draper, is staying with relatives hero. Kom Cadwoll arrived this week from Vancouver, Wash., to spend a couple or weeks with his father, O. I,. Cadwoll. Dr. and Mrs. George Horrman and Jeanne returned Sunday from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Berk eley, Cal. Mrs. Willis Phillips was hostess to the members of the Lucky 13 at her homo Friday. Following a luncheon VOO OLD CLUMSY1. YOU'D SW 'orl-SW-WMT TIL.U I ' PW-J2AELV f AU OVEQ SOUTHING I I FIND THE. LWHT - at ono o'clock, three tables of bridge Ted Sclblrd, who Is spending a few we're arranged. Mis. Walter Cock days hero. , " made tho high score for the after- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cock and Mrs. noon and Mrs. John Martens low. Martha Ford havo returned from Mrs. 8. O. Cates has returned from Yakima where they visited Mr, and Seattle, bringing her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. C. L. Robinson. T" At the regular, meeting of th.e li brary board Monday p.Hms were dis cussed for Interesting tlia public In Book Week which will be observed from November 12 to 18. Tho library has rocolved Boveral new books for -rr" Counts Opposite The Post offlee NELSON KSI McQay's Stores Store Nq. 1 1704 Adama Phono Main 515 Member of N. K. A. Store No. 2 -- 2916 N. 2nd. Phone Main 109 SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY & FRIDAY FLU FEDERATION 49-lb. Suck $1.73 4 Sucks $6.89 60c $1.19 Oysters Wndco Urand, 2 Cans 23c Salad Dressing Kraft's Miracle Whip, Pint Jar Crackers Snowflukcs, 2-lli. I!ox .... 29c Oats Mother's Crystalware, Large pkjr. PUMPKIN ESS? s 1 t'rpt'orivrl Stock IN J l''ancy Quality Fill i ifnHini I Peaches Wadhani'a Fancy, 2 No. 2io rams ..... 35c Wo Have a Complete- Stock of 1 Swiss Steak Pound 12c LETTUCE Large, Solid Heads 3 for 13c PARSNIPS 6 I.hs. , l!lc STORES OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M. FRIDAY CLOSED ALL DAY 'I 17r. If 2.. 1 S CORN, ' 111 (lolden Ilantam Soap I jj I!ol) While, OCT I 10 l!ai'.s ZDC g I resh and Cured Meats ( I Hams II Half or whole, -t o Pound lQC 1 ONIONS GRAPEFRUIT 25-lb. Ilan Florida 3."c 3 for 2oc p SATURDAY 11 1 yyi, . . .i .mm.., ,r n ,fV ,, w ,rrrm ,pK;, H mi I 1 1 ; I SAUER KRAUT I Save Every Day! This is a common expression made by many of our cus tomers . . . and it's true ! If you make it a daily practice of buying- all your food requirements at your Red & White Store. , STORES CLOSED - ARMISTICE DAY SAT. NOV. 11 Here Arc a Few . Examples of Red . & White Savings Thurs. Fri. Nov. 9-10 Red & White Made from Choice Heads and Put Up in Finest Urine. No. 2i2 Size. 2 for 23c Red & White Hominy No. 2io Size Can 2 for 23c Porter's Cellophane Wrapped Macaroni or Spaghetti Pound Package Red & White SODA One Pound Pkg. 2 for 15c Green & White Salad Dressing 29c Quart Jar Dromedary Dates Pitted or Unpitted 18c Pkg. S3 Wadhiuns Pound Size Jar DRIP COFFEE The new, improved wide mouth jar. I. X. L. Almonds Fine, Fresh Meats 2 lb, 43c Diamond W. Brand CURRANTS Convenient 15-oz. Size Package 18c Whjte Naplha SOAP Red & White P.rand 10 b. 29c Rod & White shakeUsalt 2-lb. Containers 2 for 15c Flake white' The Popular Shortening. 4-Pound Container 47c . Pabst's . . Cheese ia-lb. Cartons , 2 fOT 31c -.t..n. n.i uhMl have an attraotdvp dinnlav at chlltlrou'a books du.rlnj that week. Just teoeutly tho Oalon library hae been plaofd on tho mail ing list' and will receive 100 books Irom tho Carnegie Endowmoat Fund lor International Peace. There are only 467 libraries m the country re ceiving thl benellt and patron ol the library are invited to. read the books aa they come In. They are sent In small, shipments, the tlrat one being "Autobiography ol Andrew Carnegie," "The Old Savage In the New otvlllratlon." by Raymond Fos- dtok; "Euuglvter of the . Norikln," by Suglmoto: "posn, m ivm. S. Merrick; "Prom Chaos to Control," Sir Norman Angell; and "An Amlwble Adventure,'-1 by Amy Joeea. Mrs. Nora Allen, widow of the late "RiniriAf. Allen and her sons, Jay and Bunny Reynolds, lelt the last ot the week lor Marannem wnwo - wiey ninn -n uva. Thev sold the Pastime pool hall to Bert Shelton, Mrs. Jennie Adams has gone to Coqullle to spend ithe winter wltli her daughter, Hazel, who teaches there. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jackson arrived fmm Hamilton. Mont., last Week fo epera) the winter with their son and oaughtei.m-iaw, r. aoij m. Elliot, of Portland, came with them and returned ; fepme yirednesday. Another daughter, Mrs. a. p. aiwrr rnt. nnri Hiiahnnri rlrova over from Walla Walla to spend the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. u-. . rias ipiu uca- rlnv tnf Ri.nt.tlM tn Vffdt fttul thfiV OlfiO plan to see the football game In Port land Saturday.. Mr. and Mrs. Roy .ConkHn and Boy .Tiinlnr nnnnt. thn TOPekend at Ontario. going ito attend the funeral of Mi. ConkUn's brother, Siugene. ' . Ron. If. W. BaxJcar. lormar tUsjUlgt aupcrlntendent of the eastern dis trict gave a flue qddress at Vie Metho. alui ohurch aurutay, moruJng, tnklng as his subject ''Torch Bearers and Empire Builders." Bpeclal muslo was furnished by the Epworth League choir. Dr. Parker was obliged to oan cel his evening engagement because of Illness In the family. M HAT are just arauna the corner. Qejt $t:w ' your put and phono us for upert cleaning and blacking. ODORLESS CLEANERS 1107 yas.hlugton " Main 7tl NOTICE Series "A" Time Certificates of Deposit issued by the First Na tional Bank at La Grande, Oregon on March I, 1933 and due1 on December 15. 1033, have been call ed for payment pp. November is, 1033. Interest on same ceases af ter that date. First National Bank . of La Grande ' DaVld I. Stoddard, President A. K. Parker, Cashier Blue White RIPE OLIVES One Pound Can Rrrt A: White PEANUT BUTTER One Pound Glass Jnr .... 17c 16c Thursday and Friday, Nov. 9-10 Dc!oreC0RN 10c Bacon 16c Lb. Crescent Baking Powder ltn25C MRD 432c Golden West Coffee Best in West 1-lb. Can 28c ' Aiiv6qia' Uruml No. Vi Can PUMPKIN 10c Minced Razor CLAMS Flat Can 15c New Crop Seedless RAISINS 4t;g24c : Mushrooms Pieces and Stems -. Can 4-oz. Can 8-qz. Can 10c 17c 27c White King Granulated SOAP Large Pkg. 29c Kitters CORNSTARCH Pork and 6c . Beans . ; pari . Pikes Peak CAKE FLOUR ' S 25c FORM AY 3;L49c Amaizo Golden SYRUP No. 10 Pail 59c SUGAR Swee0htatoes Fine ip. Granulated Binn Bros. 10 lbs. ;... 60c ; efeSfharts 25 JbS. . , . .$1.48 CAULIFLOWER ' '' 5c Pound Our Store Will be Closed All Day "Saturday -- Armistice Day But Will be Open Until 8 P. M. Friday, Nov. 10 s.A.-.-j:ss,..s.'.:-j.--