Wednesday, November 8, 1933 tX GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, UK GRANDE. ORE-1 Paw Fir f NAME KATE HOUX ON COMMITTEE WASHINGTON, D. 0., SM. 8 Paul C. Stetson, superintendent al Knools. Indianapolis, Indiana, and president ot the Department ot Sup erintendence ol the National Educa tion association, announced at aeeo elation headquarters here today that Miss Kate h. Houx, director of train ing, eastern Oregon Normal school, La Grande, Oregon, ban been appoint ed a member of a national commit tee on the administration of teacher training. .This committee wili meet and report at the Cleveland conven tion of the Deirtment ot Superln- fltohmait' 24-MATCh 1. 1934 Wfuvuv, W ' ' The appointment of (this commit tee la an Important Item in a funda mental reorganization of the conven tion plan followed by the educational leaders In their national professional organl cation for many years. The change was made to extend greater responsibility to Individual members in the department's attempt to plan more effectively for meeting the cur rent crisis In education. REDUCTIONS IN PROPERTY . . I jASSESSMENT (Continued from rag One) Assessments ot other property fol low; - property 1033 Improvements on deeded or pat ented land S971.08O Town, city lots ..1,690,165 1932 1,014.833 1,796,346 New Organization Planned For NR A, j Johnson Declares DBS MOINES, Nov. IIf- General asserted today a "complete and eliu uraiii, organisation" will oe set up soon' to enfoice observance ot the recovery aot. , Arriving here for an address, John son said "the plan Is to make some federal officer In every community the executive officer of enforcement. This officer will have the authority to withdraw the Blue Eagle from any firm not complying with Its code. "We will still retain the local NRA committees," he continued. "Theso units will have charge of Investigat ing complaints." Recognising a disparity of Indus trial and farm prices In the corn belt as "for worse than the average," den. Johnson assured agriculture that promised benefits of the admin istration's recovery program are "moving rapidly In your direction." Voter 8 Support Sunday Baseball HARRISBURO, Pa., NOV. 8 W) They'll be playing Sunday baseball next spring In Philadelphia, Pitts, burgh and other large cities of Penn sylvania. 't't v-v In' the first referenda, bn. the blue laws which have stood unwavering since 1794, voters In the populous centers of the state yesterday au thorized - ittielr local officials to li cense baseball and football games on Sunday afternoons. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS by Blosser Placing The Blame! Improvements on lawn, city lots 2,896,056 3,274,566 Legging roads . 21,600 24,000 jtaprovementa on . lond not deeded 52,000 ' 38.310 Meroh'dlse stock 399.276 487,620 Farm Implements 173,290 208,600 Hotels, office fur niture .'. ..'100,271 126,770 Horses, mules 63,460 89,755 Cattle 812,480 261,696 Ehcep 32,880 67,995 Swine '. 11,216 18,180 Dogs - 85 420 Hives of ibees 450 660 Poultry 00 330 Poxes 860 2,760 Soldiers' exemptions also are de ducted from the above totals. 'More than 6,000 petunia beds were planted this summer In Lansing, Mich., In a city beautlflcatlon cam paign, It la estimated. j Board Hears Of Loans To Smith By Chase Co. (Continued from rage Onej The evidence submitted by the bank did not give any ot the details at the transaction or show dearly the stocks In which the syndicate was operating, -. Committee members said the list of syndicate participants also Includ ed the name of Norman H. Davis, Am. erlcan ambassador 'at large. ' ' TAMMANY AFTER AL ' NEW YORK, Nov. 8 P) The New York Herald-Tribune said today that a movement had been started In the Tammanr organization to ask Al Smith to resign his membership. The former presidential nominee re malned aloof Irom the New York mayoral campaign. In which Tam many got a flret-ctess trouncing. 0ATHEEEP IN "THE - DRESSING ROOM,. AFTER THE BEATING AT THE HANDS OF : PRINSLE, THE . SHADYSIDE SQUAP HOLDS A POST VORTEiYt ( DARN SHAME VJE H ALL, RISMT, BOYS.. SET KAPPA Lose THAT V CLEANED UP AND SO SAME ...I CERTAINLY ) HOME-CBASH,yoU DID MY RART L REMAIN.. I WAMT TO I I SEE You ! s ' HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD -toU THAT ONE MAN CANT Do ALL THE- PLAYIN6 ON A TEAM f NOBODY LOST THIS SAME BUT YOU !! REMEMBER THAT! KICKING A PROP KICK, VNITH AUWUTES To SO VNHEN tL SHOULD HAVE TRIED FOR A TOUCHDOWN I'D CALL YOU THE SOAT OF THE SAME HE AIN'T kiDDlN' ME--HE W-Jovws BLAMS WELL THAT FRECKLES IS THE SOAT! A CLEAN FOOTBALLS JZXg5HD A LOT of duly football pUyert are experts m their tine They can pull off unfut tnck m a pile-up that the keenest-eynl referee cannot delect. A good knowledge o! sell-defense u vahiablt to a player, if he u playing against )usl such an opponent. A fellow who can roll away from a punch and throw his opponent off balance can put rum down under the pile-up. 1 don't mean to advocate an "eye lot eye' polky in this connection, but 1 do believe that a dirty player who persists m punching all through a hard-fought football game should be purushed when h is guilty and after his offenses nave been ignored repeatedly by officials. Sketch shows how to avoid a straight punch and upset the opponent with a low chaige. AT THE LIBERTY Sheathed In glass and decorated In powder-puff tints and wall textures, the lavish beauty salon settings In the new Mctro-Ooldwyn-Mayer fea ture, "Beauty For Sale," represent the most ultra-modern Ideas In -beautlflcatlon luxury. In this expansive setting, occupy ing an entire sound stage, were built numerous glass treatment rooms con taining all the newest beauty aid equipment and conveniences. Wall vaults revealed perfumed showers, beauty lotion sprays, powder-dusters and atomizers of all descriptions. Sun lamps, permanent wave machine, marcelers, wrinkle "Irons," reducers, figure developers, shampooers, dryers, curlers, wavers, massage machines, eyelash Deaden, complexion' vlgora tors, skin vibrators arid other articles of beautifying equipment were In use. Madge Evans and Otto Kruger play the romantic leads In the picture, which opened a three day run yes terday at the Liberty theatre and the cast Includes Alice Brady, una Mer kel, May Robson and Phillips Holmes F. R. PLANNING TO GIVE AID TO 4 MILLION (Continued from Page One) put on this bfsls by December 15. Harry Hopkins, tho federal relief administrator, will direct tho civil works administration. The president has laid down the principle of a 30 hour week for the workers he intends to employ. Mr. Roosevelt believes that by tills one stroke two-thirds ot the families In the country now receiving relief will be removed at least in part from relief rolls. Ajiproxlmatoly three million' fam- llles are now being cored for by pub llo relief agencies, under White House estimates. Tills 1b a reduotlon since April of 1,800,000 families. The president has been Informed that during September alono 250.000 families were taken off relief rolls, representing about one million persons. Other recovery signs noted today a the White House were: ; A rise in farm prices for the week ended October 24 from an index fig ure of 50 to 53; . A rise in prices paid by farmers ot less than one per cent; A decrease in retail food prices of one per cent; An average rise of less than one per cent in commodity wholesale prices. House to Hou& Roll Call Canvass Here (Conui.utr fruio r OMi v The local drive which Is officially opened nationally on Armistice Day inri continues throuKh Thanksgiving day, will begin in reality here on Mon day morning, November 18 anal, we members of the committees will be gin their work at that time. , BUY NOW STORE CLOSED SATURDAY OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M. FRIDAY The v Swing Back to Quality Points Unerringly to Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes This Fall NO MORE buying by price alone! No more experimenting with adulterated fabrics, skimped Workmanship, amateur ish styles! America is itself again, and its men are ' dressing the part. ' They want the authen tic styles, fine woolens and 72 Bench Tail oring features of Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes ; the extra values that come through wise anticipation of many of the price advances that are bringing back prosperity. New Lamps We Didn't Pay High Prices For Our Present Stock and We Won't Charge You High Prices As a Matter of Fact We Are Offering More and Better Values Secretary Bridge Lamps are the most satisfactory tor rend ing purposes. Attractive new CO QE numbers starting at ipdtVO Brighten up your living room with a new stand lamp, dozens to choose from, Q'? starting at tj)1 O Very new style "Modern" Table lamps. TJicso are the newest and have been Qff priced reasonable nt tJJle7J Unfinished Pieces Prices at Trotter's are about the samfe as cost last spring Bought before the price rise. Four Star Worsteds HART SCHAFFNER & MARX S25.00 a"" up . MICHAEL-STERN $20.00 aduP TROTTER ?S Nearly every home . needa extra book space. A now Secretary Desk will fill your needs and add ttOQ 7'? beauty' to your room....... I tr Men like Governor Wlnthrop Dosks too. . They have plenty of drawer apace and make a sturdy COQ ft writing desk 9vvU It you need a small writing desk, see these attractive Spinet desks. They ate very Inexpensive 75 Chairs & Rockers What more opportune time than just before Thanks giving for you to beautify your dining room. A cheer ful room will make your Thanksgiving dinner a success. No need to put U oil, wnen you can have this 8-piece suite complete for...... i nit-1. a ouuooi $54.75 Paint Sewing Baskets: one for Mother Magazine Racks: Several to choose from. Bookcase: Four shelves, size 19'a x 8l X 48 Wall Shelf: 3 Bhelvcs, size 12 x Q x 24 Radio Table with drawer and magazine Bhelf Oof fee Table: Size 18 x 18 x 18 Chest of Drawers: 20x16x30, four drawers Smoking Stand: Paint It for a Christmas gift Clothes rack for drying clothes, sturdy $1.45 98c $2.75 98c $2.95 $2.25 $5.75 $1.95 $1.25 $4.75 Now is the logical time to have your new bedroom suite. Prices are more than reasonable, and we have the largest selection in years to choose from, any style, any price. You will lie surprised and pleased with this four-piece walnut suite CQQ 7P. complete at tPOI. I O No Discount on Warrants Sowing Rockcr-Wlndsor style In walnut Oane Scat Windsor On AC nockcrs In walnut J t 9vO Walnut Living Room Rock- O0 QC era, upholstered seat ............ ifOtUff New Rockers, upholstered i scat and back Upholstered Club Chairs, green or rust Club chairs with stool $10.75 $13.75 to match, sec these ... $4.95 New "Modern" Upholster- 04 m JT A ed chairs and stools i?X i 0f Occasional Chairs, attractive new colors Union County, School District No. 1, and City Warrants Are Accepted IFITZGERALD'Q Furniture Company o Friends and Furniture Our Business STORE CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M. FRIDAY EASY TERMS