Tuesday, November 7, 1933 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. Patre Five CLASSIFIED ADS MAMKWX PLACI Of UNION WAIXOWA COUNYIM J (Count (It average word to the line.) -Pur lint, lit insertion 100 Per line, tush added oonMO- uUte Insertion , ' 1? Minimum charge on on order '"' -' - FOR SALE BARLEY $18 toil. 3 mi. east Island City. E. B, Stein. 11-7-3 tp FOP. AJjB emalley hay chopper,-14 'In. 100.' F. 84. - 11.7-2 tp OLDSMOBILE COAOH. Good condl ' tlom-Ciioap. Oleaver Apts. No. 1. 11-0-2 tp APPLES Oood sound Rome Beauties 20o; Ganas 160. Bring box. Cleaver's ; on the highway at Imbler. -- '' ; 1 ' : ! 11-6-6 t. TWO OOOD VIOIJNS. Bargain. In qulro Louie Evans barber shop this wecjt only. 1 11-6-3 tp. DANDY 4-wheel trailer with rack. 1012 E. "H" Ave. ll-4-3tp AUCTIONEERINO Rightly conduct ed. Jay Breshears, auctioneer, Ali cel, Ore. 10-20-1 mp AND KIND OP DRY WOOD. Good quality. NRA prices. Ph. 142 J. . r 9-19-1 m. SCRATCH PAPER for school or home at the Observer. 2 pads lor 6c. 9-14-t f. LUST RED DOG, toll curls over back. Li cense No. 12. Reward. Phone 471 M or return to 1303-7th. 11-7-2 tp THREE ENLIST IN COMPANY E Several changes in personnel have taken place In the national guard ranks In. La Grande this month, it was revealed at Company E's regular drill at the armory last night. : New enlistments Include Edward J. Rostock, John M. Lambert and Don J. Wilson. Honorable discharges have been granted to Corporal Jess M. Parker, Private 1st Class John F. Wil liams and Privates El wood Combs and Judd Smith. Williams enlistment period ended the other day ' , "William W. Runyan, private first class, has been appointed corporal to replace Parker. Guardsmen will meet at the armory ut 10 a. m. Saturday to participate in the Armistice day parade. "Slim's" Record In Oklahoma Black One (Continued from Page One) iWflre the robbers (because of th way tHey acted. . . .-I had a revolver with me but I wanted a rifle ... so I rode on toward the house. To fur ther convince the men that I had not seen them, I rode my horse to the river, while still In full view of the robbers, and allowed the horse to drink." Then he told of going back to the house for his rifle and returning. "Then I galloped in among some pine trees and stopped. I want ed the men to know now that I was after them. They were still lying in the 'hollow. I leveled my rifle at FRECKLES AND Pi HADYSIDE SUDDENLY BEGINS TO ; click hurling passes ' RECkLESSLY, KNIFING THROUGH TACKLES, AND SWINGING ENDS FOR GOOD gains, the. Boys move down' to Prinsle's 20 YD. LINE ' WWlTH SECONDS LEFT TO PLAV, AND A CHANCE TO TIE THE SCORE WITH A TOUCHDOWN, AND WIN WITH A POINT AFTER TOUCHDOWN, C0ASH SURPRISES EVERYBODY BY ATTEMPTING A DROP KICK. IT'S GOOD 1BUT IT COHERE GOES ITS A DIRTY SHAME WE WADDA LOSE THE 5UN THAT GAME it SHADYSICC LOSES.' FINAL SCORE: PRINGLE 13 SHADYSIDE 10 I----... 2ti -yj-fiH vi ; BATKS BY MONTH a line, per montn U0 8 line, per month tSM line. per month m.oo 6 line, per montn iM.7t "Mi additional line orer five charged at 50o per line per month. FOR RENT WELL lurn. 4-rm. apt; unlurn. houso, close in. Inq. 1706 4th. Ph. 14S-W. 10-17-lmo. MOD. FURNISHED APT. 1311 O Ave. -" 10-10-1 mp MISCELLANEOUS DO WELL BROS. CLEAN-UP Wo W112 cican up your ashes, papers, etc. Phone 823-J: - ' 8-8-t i. WANTED WANTED Girl, IB, wnnU housework. Address Observer. "" ll-4-2t MAN WANTED to supply customers with famous Watktns Products In La Grande. Business established, . earnings average 921? weekly, pay starts Immediately. Write J. R. Watklns Company, 4524 Hoi) is St., Oakland, California, 11-0-1 tp. IP YOU WANT A WONDERFUL OP PORTUNITY to make 10 a day operating a "Neighborhood Store" send me your name immediately, Brand-new Idea. No capital or ex perience needed. Write quick for details. Albert Mills, 1928 Mon mouth, Cincinnati, O. " 11-6-1 tp. FOR TRADE FOR TRADE Cow for wood or grain. Geo. Chapman, East Mt. Emily Mill. 11-0-2 tp them and ordered them to come down. The big fellow, Jesse Paul, the ltfo termer, started down the steep slope at once. He said later that he was buto he could have get me from there with his pistol, but tliat he knew he would be given a chance for only one miss, so he de cided to do as I said. The little fel low seemed more reluctant." He told of taking them bock toward his house. "The big fellow made me a proposition.- ' Eaoh of the men was carrying 35 or 40 pounds of money. The big fellow told me that if I'd turn them loose I could have all the silver several hundred dollars while they kept the stolen securities." But McGinn Is refused the bribe. Cliff's mother, who was with him at his farm at the time of 'the cap ture, has returned to La Grande to spend the winter. V , Cliff's idea on the subject is simple but straight from the shoulder. "I feel that in these times, when there is so much disorder, a man cannot take a middle ground. Either he must be' for the gangsters or for the United States. I'm for the United States." Each of the 10 teams in the Na tional Professional football league averages more than 200 pounds to the man, with the Brooklyn Dodgers and Green Bay Packers weighing in at 209 pounds. "Sleepy" Allison, giant Texas Chrls tion lineman: won his nickname from teammates who said he fell asleep on the bench during a game. HIS FRIENDS by" Blosser ingle Wins! , LEAVES SHADVSIDE TRAILING Br THREE POINTS (, ' ! Ctc AM7 ("1PASH. WHV didn'tcha let SOMEBODY CARRY THE BALL ON THAT LAST PLAY? IT WAS OUR ONLY CHANCE TO WIN .' J OUT QUR WAY I CaHUEN y VJELL, , IP I VAJERE HER, I - r i ) 1633 BY WtA SERVICE. INC THE BUNGLE FAMILY REALLY MRS. DARDANELLA. I LIKE TO After. POL.ITEL.V HUapyiMG A LA.EX TO THE! WATERFROlsIT, THltQ3 HAPPEtvED SO RAPIDL.V VlTH THE QUICK-WITTED SIHXL.'9 131IDA.MCE THAT GEORGE: ACCOMPANIED HER TO the: EL, DORADO ACHT, OBLIGING TELLING THIS MAN WE were: MR. AND MRS BLUDGEON IS.. W35.uapwofT JOE PAL00KA JoE AND SMOKEY AR.E BEING HELD WITHOUT BAIL. FOR THE GRAND JURY. DIANA DANE few is., y&aw&m v 1 DE IAWYEH KINDA HE TOLE M& f NELL, I WNT STAN' FER THIS-) EVATHIN 4 THINK WE DONE DIS.P THE SAME- 1 IF WE DONE (TrAWWGHT--" BUT AGAINST US, V HE SAYS DE KNIFE J THING . 1 GUESS THEY AVNT NEVER GONNA CTMISTAH JOE . C k GOTTA STAV jil t EVEN HE THINKS MAKE US SUFFER FER ,J D-DONTCHA FIGGAHt LOSTID.'Tir-H h m. DON.E IT. J I SOMETHIN' WE DINT DOjl WE BETfAH SENDj 1 IDIANA'S GONNA I I OH, NCVfMfTO' NOU'KE I NAKRY ME EVEN c V'-X7:S IF I SOTTAjA - 1 fffm BBEAIC p'-TOA SC0RCHY SMITH f NOT A SIGN OP m$. W 7 0 Wt ;0 f STEADY NOW, STEADY ! J , , JAKE, YET'. M-r WHAT'S-L- A 'V L " ' SPM S7 ' J 7 TRICKY BVMKC6ET V VNA6S? MUS.TI K X MmJl At TTj' .n4(JS COULD HAVE-?ll ?1 W SeQM'TMINGS C I WOSE HORSES SURELV y THE DILLYS Prize Fodder 010 1 BRING-VUH BACK A DEED HE SAY- I C'MON, FOLKS, RIGHT OVEK. TO " ""r" BURVtS I r ' eQhAP! 1 ( LOCK OF HAIR? SAY--1 LOCK OF HAIR.?-- ) ( THE ANIMAL TENT-WATCH ME ' WW'J BROUGHT YUH A WHOLE BALE I I OK, LOT OF AIR.? J V OPEN UP THE BUNDLE WITH J S2J ' -,SeHMP) 0NV OF IT, WHEN I GOT THROUGH y - J- GORILLA'S SCALP fl JT 5: it J W Sif f wrr him the gorjlla if jm- --f&Pm X'&Zsifv'' Vl VcV - - - V LOOKED LIKE HE'D HAD A J AA WWT A'-JLuiZy- SUILOING P ROCK Riders cramp. ' SH-H! COLONEL HONEY A l-mf LITTLE FIB I JUST HAPPENED BE TO REMEMBER LIKE THAT DOES NO BUT THAT THE RUSH rr::. HARM. OH I LEFT MY CAR RIGHT IN LOOK. AT THE YACHT! FRONT HOW A FIRE WONDER PLUG FUL. 1ymilll)UThll1il 3- mmm AIXJPI INti IMi WEONS TACTIC5.' WE'I?E APAA-RT, f2j llKfll SENDS A PAIN I tV35iS CI6HT THEXI6H MV I rijKl A MU5T BE GENTLE AND ICOMANTICLOOK HECE, I'LL Demonstrate! By J. E. Williams SHE. BE;AR TO VOPifCH fHEM. THAT5 VJHV ALL THE BUNDS ARE DCAMN.IM THE vJ.f?.HU.M3 BEO. U. S. PAT. OTP. WELL COLONEL. YOU'LL BE BACK TO IT SOON. IN OH IT WAS SO SB'S: WONDERFUL FOR. YOU TO HELP ME. OF it lliiimuu' aiA-n GORGEOUS THIS WAY. Stfiifltt'WIIINl cmmmmwM U. 8. Patent Office (Trademark Registered) (Trademark Registered) U. s. Patent Oftlco THE NEWFANGLES tlWWY WICK1- X fOH.CWy.BE.CWrIL , V r nCPtig . , I MW&n V CA.LL THE POLICE QH.1 W0NE W W Mki&X HEAP THAT 1 J I MSW WD NEVER . . hHEBE .THEY'LL ! ' SOMEONE OPENED . ) OSTEN I HEO Vi l' A . Aftftl PCklOP?' ": : ! WW I'M IN A BIG i!lrf M mj9 Jill OH TOLD WE a carmrI mm mm dardan- tmw BLUDGEONS. YOU imam ELLA, SO .cSntitT KNOW....YOU CAN mm , OUST SAY HELLO TO MONTY. IF YOU WSUm CARE TO, OF fWm YACHT.-iSKCa NEVERNOEUDDY I THIS S US. BUT 1 COT A PLAN SHHH- WE'LI- V MM Mi si: 1 1 5 Jl0 3 H I SEE THERE V. NOW VOUI I Jl. EVERY V : 'M ft I i I COLONEL JUST FOR A SECOND. WE THIS MAN WERE THE his "UJXURjoUa A.CHT, MONTGOMERY EL DORADO 19 HAPPILV UMAWARE ' THAT THE EOMAMTIC LADX HE Tried to LEAVti BEHIl-to IS KNK AHEAD OF Httl. .COURSE, AND LEAVE. OH LAWSY OLE: WAt-1 JINX 5HO' CAMP ON OUAH DO' STEP. mi1. ri on oufrH i.pja L--L- - r) ,-VC,a All's Well! Visitors! HERE'S THE BOAT WITH' THE BLUDGEONS, i CAPTAIN. - BE READY TO , SAIL MOMENT THEY STEP ONI BOARD. Incognito a JB p-'- "S HUH c ItJ J3J IAHAO-' A m RELIEF TO KNinw I'M nJIL GETTING JMfVm we. J iPrLous AND ALL, THROUGH THE LONG NIGHT JOE PACES THE FLOOR.DESPERATELY PLANNING ESCAPE. POOR KD, WHAT A SPOT HE'S IN . Romance Slightly Dampened Warning Actions i i 1