Pam Two SO CXETY !NC3r 1 iHTjmuViM"'t!!' "m. Clio Club Opens Winter Season With Bridtfo Luncheon At 1 " ' Tho Chase pohnenkiimp Homo " 1- , Tin Olio club uMnM Ita winter season, yeatenlay wUU brlclit lull tjienii at wliloh Mrs, t'hiuw Iiolineii kamp entertained at lior limne. Uin rlie.m was rrveil nt nut o'oltvk. . itlae nt brlilno twra awimletl to Mil. A. K. lhiiksi', tilxlt scorer. nnuiiiit the nwnilMn, mul all, ll, U Utlaoii, yiiwt, ( ; ..! . Mr. mil Mra. llatry A. Kttrtorlrk will lucrum at dinner an llitimlay eve mux. Jinv. II, lor inemljmi of Mio-iiln Iter vttlti, Sunday School Class Has Party Tlie Hlirh Helmut tftinitiiy school class of. tit Metlimllsl cluircli was .Hlterlaliietl alia Ullov'u tit limn of tla .lliwiulolyn vacantly, aiit-taalilnnert Hallows'!! . uaniM m laytl during Uie ttlim under it h illreoUon ( Miaa: 1'bi.y joww end Miaa Itatrlela Clark. , Jnn Hyd irt MIm Uniiar Whitney were lu enlarge of the ro tveatnneiil. i Tweiity-tlva attended lit event. Willow r". T. A. To Meet FWday MIM Sarah. WllllalllNMI Mill MlM Until Itauwn will itaaerlba their mo to llw OMttury ot lvivaa oltlii Friday afternoon before the meeting tit the willow tvivnt TMeher o Flutlnn.v '1H tuu) Kill Bint ati th wlioot nt I M ttVloek lu afternoon. Chapter i,K.E.O. Moots' Tomorrow Chapter l R ST. will h Mr tiilned at a regular HWtlUlf tomorrow ' at .ao oVlov'k t Ui hotne t Mv. . U rwulianv A proKiniu U planned lor. tin aHernooii. Parkdalo Club Entertained' Mt. ), U mill Mm. Prank Itnm WiMwxMny nlwmMi lwn Frkiil ' rluh live Mi, rvrt KMttlnktw hot hn. HHirtwn . tiiimxber iv1 Iwi fwl krr. ntrt fkivvl Mr Win wr nw1. Mn. Rntitrin wrl twvv )vv liimMii uM toy Mt . lklM. ' ...... rtw nrat lixIHe mill t tM In lira wk. at th h.NW ot Mr. Rl j hitwk-M'. r rU e au alltsy tlti ait ixuv-k dinner will r erwd at mwit. Mrs. Harrison Htet-tes to Club Mr. Avry Harrtwi was boataas u! th u A u rtuti ltn.tav aner-1 ,.w -i K-r wo... Tttnw tAtOA m ' arnuvred i akR aw h jvtrer ami rttett ot th church ar lWt tw Mm. .vtianaa Khr. tvi and , tteort M.AV.v, vod Mw. Oeonea BVS a we and Am Mal her toother. Mia. ttMrr C41. U mr; rrthnirita . klnv CI It. it wll ntin th chiMn two we. Circle t o Meet Qn Saturday Mt. RlltVj Onl. Nov tl. JMVWUW ueet SatuoMir, hV. at a ov.v at .; th N.MU . th etiK tuarstiaa, Mrhlxv. Mv. Anna t.e. RU . UiUvl ln or.w?-rf.'4 niter wis -aa.Miwr.w aeMiiwv A JuiwiX a ivil hour eiwl r wsut M at an.t t j VV. l.V. dl- I i1 awl swetiiera atao at tntinM. (tic. hult.wiot otwera WtU ty.WM-j . rvniv..1 whweta'.tU rT. a,v ,., d a.t tac pruwi iw A J'eaXJ'- HOSt 1 UOSVlilV tiU a (ve '. .il a .-1 , . . , , XiOi'ion Auxiliary , r 4' ... . ' Th Awe.-. lw u!'.4rT eve - vuu o.iaviie riaj. tm ole.t t. FALK'S WHSIKI TT La Grande and Vicinity For Your Splendid Attendance Uurinsr the First IVaHaysof The Hallowe'en Party Enjoyed Tuesday llllly WclU imlorfcrtiuxl n trronp ot lltllo tvlcmu nt. lliUlowu'eii ity IMwUiyi r.llliu nt Un lumio ot'ltW miiilwut Mr. ninl M. O.i K. Wnikur.. ,Ajuirliiio ttrniiM wr tljnl itltw IUca ivrroiauiiniu w tevvtxl. ' i m . ' ' Tliinwi (irMi'iit mn Biimli ami tHiiulM I'utU'll, Xvolyn IlinUPii. lrvm VVrlnlit, UmiiUI fmiulcmon mul Uic luwt, Second ,Ward M. I. A. Plans Program ' ' ' ; 'J-Iio M. t. A. f Ui Onxvui Wnril U l, B. will irwwiit m Biiuii in-xt tsunilny uvpiilnii nmt liiii txr tl oxuit wr mmlo IMwIiij ntClil. i . 'tlx nmlliiil will b nwjvtlnt w tl.iii mul ivimii will ' "lvuB to ivum." Mnr y too ru. ' ,..IA Vr)ftT , "Wlmt Shull til HnrrMt lk," A iij liy clinriw. 1 - ' ln. hy Mim Mllctml Tnwnp. MM. wiiUllhu: liv Nlvl Owl. Ailtfirw, Dnvlrt 1. 8Ht.lnl, of tin Union Sink. 1 "0rry on." ft MS by ! 6rU. JnillotJnn. Y. W. E. A. to Meet v. Tuesday Even nitf : Tlie Nwi-emt- mwtlinr erf th ui Wonwii nMuentloiinl ftumr lry will le held Tuesday evrntng nt aoVhvk nt the Melllrt -ehuwli, MM Amanda llw Is elialrmnn 'c the prwaram ivunmltte ftlkt will V ml a walkm rvhenrwl on 'tit h lhAr Tt cast JiicluiK Ml Map Weania, Mies Imoew nuswall. NM eaii--wUUMna. Mi NWh Me hartey. MLvs Ml.Mred rw. Ml" Klleeii M.irehvk. Miw !ra William . M-e. -. -U Ski and Mr, tllett WMfANV 1 " ' ' ' " M " .... No-Hostess Card i PartyPlanned ;' Th Wwnwn ot llw llw will -t-HMlii 'at a. iio-0ct card party Aiaiorrow imr at th h.wi -J Mia. Julia Sailer. TatM w" Guild Plans Parish Supper Hu f.Nf th ivinih uixr at St.j lVtrla M.MMJ . -:t toci.irro j evMiiut ail- .o w cw-j rinwt ytntajr when . ivirl OuiHt met at tl.nn hall. AU meni- ueeed t tid. Mw. tuy Kll TeMd at th caim- j nesa -tnrettnj after wfts-n rerreah- i nienta er wrvw e. th hi. j Mr. IMirt ewU.' Mr. Arthur Mtlfer. i Mr. Kairy Andr.wi and Mr. Waltet i 1 la IXltw. Initiate New Memler at Meet Tviy-.K iiwrtwi aiwivKvt th T wvoin' bum at h R 1 hall. Mrt. StVfa nsrer wi UM- j Mccwtvn of tSe Lt Oaivt :u v. :vv? c im wore r ! ! a' t.ay rwiu p tvtwt -; itra.'vl rt.ei w fr tSasrer tetsw,iMi'ir an tntvewdd e-;irrvfl v,wer aivt vtiv ' n-,c CMirrr la rv.v ef te Ia ras.e, iki.v afxc l NVviJh oeeCjr. j tNa ' W.VCI ccw';l S.V IJ Hjcoess of tarj .e te. t vrawiltee coca- ; Moa v Jwnkiiw, SKirt An- -we. aivt R4 JSairt f.c 1 wl'-lat ' 1 rr. r.i rttarS'.-ij; t iiK-tx j LA GRANDE . , , i Presbyterian Aid plank Activities Tlio Prrabylrrliin Alii MK'loly mot lu luoulbly KCMlaii (uitl wut uu lu tcrenliuir nrtrriKKin nt tlio cliurclt WrttllPMliiy. "Mm. a. U. Moiyitu ive kliKl tuict MIm chnrkitto Kulil l1 tlio tlnvulloiui ualUK TlmlikinjlHim an hat aubjnet. ' 1 ' '"llnit Cutlln' nrr." ft (liny will bo lirmonttct at llio.vliurvii on Nov. a iMi 7.,10 o'clock. It win announced. 1'lnn nUo wrru mailt tor n rumnumo nalo on Nov. la antl n dinner on Deo. 8. A pnwun followed with a plnno solo by Miss Mildred SUnldnnl. Mrs. I tleorgo lUchnrdon song' "Sunshine Song," by Clrleg nnd "1 llenrd You Oo liy,' by linniet Wood, aeoom- panlevl by Mrs. Merlin lint ley. lUble cn wn enacted by sev-'OI, IUW a,r vl- KID DIIIK1W7 WUVMl, ... - reeled by Mrs, Stella. Ingle. The numns were added lo tlie mem Iwrehlp roll and U women of tlio ehureli were pn-eent. 1 ' 1 " . JKoti-ealunenta were served hy tho hoat-ma eonuulttve, - Mrs, Ray Hnell, cltnlnuan, Mrs. P. A.' McDonald, Mrs, Mm Unrlty. Mr. O. K. Slvnwmaker, Mrs. B. Adlrr. Mia. Kuhl, Mm. Chuco Holand and Mr. Turner Oliver. Mr. Oeoitrt. Wal and Mrs. 8, B. Miwitnn p-.HitTtl ' ten, , v a) .. .t o -e - ' a -as SOCIAL CALENDAR J ., v' ..Thursctayi No, a .- 8 00 la OiiUKia Hieh BelHxii P. T, A at Umi gymnasium. : 8:00 Trlatu;! club, with Mr. -ana Mrs. O. Ix Graluun. Friday, Nov. S a .00 New Deal ' Brhlire club, with Mr, mul Bull. SKIS Sttrinc. "J; JO CliAjXer I, P, K. O. Willi Mr. 1. Denham. (1,30 txacoiMl pariidl au(irr. at llnan tialL t ao Island Ctty P. T. A at tin, ja'hool. 8;tv ryUilan Slstera, at thetvid Fellow hall. : ;S0 Island Ctty P. T. A. at the vhotd. i . 1 Ksgilea Benefit card parly, at the hall fMtnrday, Nov. 13 JO Antrraxui Ax-tkii ot Vuirwrjr wnnien. ' a vo Nelrheora of WtvxVraft Juveiillea, with Mrs. Anna Ovwrr. tell Waahiikjeton. ' Monday, Nov. S,0 Wakelit club, with Ma. OTrto HiHe- SJji orand ty CVxuwil of p. T. A- S4cajw" mn, VW Heral Ntrhor ot Ameri ca, at the CVtd tYtlown hail. TUeaday. Kov. T ' Bi'av cJuS. "h Mr. J F. .-XvW'in. 7. SO NVtshcor ot TToxicrafl, at the Cd row ha!!. a V 'V?aui ' NVxuen's Ettuca ti.mal a u x 1 1 1 a ry , Methods v-h'.UV&. . Wo.tniw.tay. Sr. S . 1:14 Sosl c:vy. with Mr. Eiv.'.'.a Nt.-lX-JtM. Sxi K D. cah, with Mra. israh V.x.'.v SV AS tv;tJi cJutv wtth Mr J, K. CMr.'.iff. JVO S-N1! cftirv :t!l Mrs. IVcriiiast YwXc ' t SO A. A V. W, LitecaUiTT Sroiiiv w.tii M'.w KV.e Holts AsMctcaa locwt-. auxiliary, at the !--suwi tr.n. 1 ' vlwr r-.Aor" IsriSfinncvr. Talfi , a::-A;vwt.-.a jvauii of th jo's. w 1 tjie first ccwjw V"1 oat ,lf the c'.wint ' to rv.n tmerfecec. ' Lydia E. Pinkham's Tablets Relieve and Control Periodic Pains Kv. TW chom nKaUix tor prs& Sk, It 3 vibtC$c!L. 5iesi3 Km EVENING OBSERVER. Fqn Dpncer Will 1 Appeal Her Case CIHOAOO, Nov. a im Any time nt all would bo too much for ft fun dancer to xmdl In Jnll, Bnlly ltnnd aaya ah Iwllovee. v " . " After hor sentence ot a year In Jull on a charge of Riving an Inde cent perlinnanc ' hnd been cut to ten daye and a fine of $200 by Judge JomiI It. McOorry, ehe announced hn would, appeal. Jilames Strikers for Bwublilft MH.WAUKEK Nov. 3 hi A dy namite bomb today demolished "the checm factory of Kl Btey,1 near Port WuHliliiutou lu a rcKlou where farm ,,, lire , caulrol uf Ul0 coull. , fire which followed the !.,, ,,,,. .TUuctlon or tho f ..,torv . . , Slierlff Peter .1. Jung said there was no doubt thnt the blast was set by rlk(1 NHIHK OK MOIITtlAOB " Kftlt C 'V.OS V It K KAI.K 1 - In the Dutilct CXiui't of the Uultrd Siatea lor the .District ot Oregon; - 1 j ' The Cnllfomla Joint 8tock' Land Bank of Son Franelnro, a corporation. ! ! PWntMt. vs. Barrtel M. Van' Dongc; I and KUiel O. Van Donge.' hla Wife, 'The United Statea National Bank of; El Grande, Oregon n ' corporation, j and Hugh lUximer, receiver t.hereof, ! William II. Facer and Anianda II. Facer, his wife. The Orande Ronde land Ootiipany, a eorporatlon. R. C. Lloj-d, Eastern OregiHi Light power Company, a ecrporatlon. The La Orande Credit Association, a rorpora Uon, Union County, State of Oregoli. a municipal oorpomtlon. and The First National Bank ot La Orande. Oreiron, a corporation. dofendantA By virtue of a writ on Judgment, deer nnd oruer ot snie issued out of the above court in the above en titled cause to me directed and dated the 3th day ot October, ism, upon a Judgment, divre and order of sole rendered and nutered In said court and caiwe on Uie 10th day ot Octc tr. 1SS3. In favor of The California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Fnui ciscok a corioevAton. as plainuft, acatust Ftardcll M. Van Donge and Ethel C. Van Doug, hts wife, for the stun of IS.(S6.96 with Interest there on at the tW of six per cent r Minimi from" Ajwll SO. 1??3: taxes for the year 1MI, tfivas with Interest 1 thereon at Uio rate ot eltfit rr cent Ier annum from May 1SWI; xjjiea i for the year 13. "5 with Inter est thereon at the rate ot eight per J cent vr a:inum from May S. land the further sum of H.SOOiXi reasoiviWe attorney's rcc and plain-'t-.trs costs .it suit taxed at 178.08. I Oxfords Sturdy Dependable Smart S!hxs ilist will see you thnHtjrii ail sorts oi wcaUior. $395 to $5.35 LA GRANDE. ORE. and for, tho coeU and expenses ot ale, commanding me to (nuke sale of the following described real property sltunto In the County of Union In tho Btato of Oregon, to-wlt: The Northeast quarter of tlio Northeast quarter, the South half ' of the Northeast quarter and t)u SoilUiciurt quarter of SooUon 20; the "Woat half of tho West half of 8eotlon 31: tlio Nortliwest qunrtar'of the Nortliwost quarter of section 'J8; the Northeast quarter and the Northeast quar ter of the Northwest quarter of Section SO,1 all In' Township ' 4, South Range 40. E. W. M , to Kt.ther with all and slnttulor tlie lrlvlleea.- nppurtenancos, tene ments, hereditaments, eosementa and rlithta of way 'therouuto toc- lonKlnK or usually enjoyed with I ' ' "left i wiiich Vq .save at'falk4: 5 ill WIMOUSMII AGAIN WE WANT TO REMIND YOU OF THE TREMENDOUS SAVINGS V You Cah Have at Folk's During this Event! Excedinglv Fine Toilet Soap JERGENS SOAP a for the T price of While They past A few fine ilc wol - 72sS4 Blankets A group of fine silks and some wool Dresses Get tlrent now while they ktst. Fine Cotton HOUSE DRESSES " said prcmlilcs or any part" thereof, . and the reversion and reversions, ronuUndcr and remainders, rents, ' ' Issues, and profits thereof,' and also all the estate, right, title and Interest, homestead or other claim or demand, us well In law as In equity which the mortga gors hud on the 24th' day of No vember, Mitt, or might thereafter acquire 1 of; In or to the sold , premises or any part thereof; and also all right, title and In terest of the defendants or any of them, and all persons claiming by, through or under them which they then had or now have In or to sold premises. Said deiree further provides said nronerty shall bo sold under plain tiffs Judgment and. decree and after payment af Its costs and expenses of for Winter at LADIES' PURSES - first class items ..... $2.95 6 All Linen DALSR XAPREsS $1.00 Chiffon and Service Weight HOSE ........ 65c. Men s Fine DRESS HATS . . v: $1.65 New Cotton PRINTS, per vd,Ti 12 65ttto Ammiveffsary Sale suit and sale, attorneys' fees. Judg ment and' Interest thereon as therein provided, the remainder of tho pur chase price, If any, be paid to The First National Bank of La Orande, Oregon, upon Its Judgment and de cree recovered In aald suit against W H. Pacer and Amanda H. Pacer, his wife, for 0.635.81. together with interest to the 30th 'day "of June. 1933, 1.101.81, and Interest on S9.635.81 at eight per cent per annum from June 20. 1933, and costs of suit taxed at 1178.03. ' NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of sold writ on said Judgment, decree ond order of sale, and In compliance with' tho command of said writ, I will on the 2nd day of December. 1933. In the forenoon at the hour of 10 o'clock 'of Bald day at the front door of the County Court 'House in ' They look grand Hi-grade Crepe Blouses and WhiJe They Last They are going fast OshKosh ii' Overalls Q Slen Here's a Tip These coats are walking out fast so get yours now. Overcoats Values to S40.00 If you do your children's sewing, then look into this. Odds and Ends Silks 65c yd Values to $1.95 Thursday, November 2, 1933 -r -m ' Lo Grande', Oregon, aolt at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for cash In hand, all right, title and estate which dofen donts in this suit have, or any of them had on the 24th day of Novem bcr, 1923, tho dato of the mortgage described herein," or havo since ac quired : or since aald data have had In, or to t'ne above described pro,), erty or any part' thereof, to satisfy said Judgment, decree and order of sale, with Interest, costs and accru ing costs, including the coats upon this writ. ' t (Signed) - JOHN L. DAY, United States Mur. slial lor the Dlstrlot of .Oregon. JAMES A'. PEE. and FEE & RANDAI4,, 'Attorneys for Plaintiff, Post Office Address,, Pendleton, Oregon. NOV. 2. 9, 16, 23. 30. WC OO OUR PART Nationally Known AimimiveirQaipy Sale it