La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, September 23, 1932, City Edition, Page 6, Image 6

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    Pate Sit
Friday. September 23, 1032
Rally Day Church Programs Are Arranged?"
New Schedule irt Oftera-
tidii Now at the Island
City Community Church
at Island City.
Programs In the various churches
of La Grande Surtday present many
very Interesting sermons, musical
numbers and other evonts, Including
Rally day services at some churchcj,
a message by Rev. O. W. Cutler at
the Baptist church and others.
All churches of La Grande, with
the dpcnlng of the school year, are
extending Invitations to Normal
school students to attend services.
Programs tor Sunday follow:
llftptht Ctllircn
Sixth and Spring
At the BaptkJt chureli Sunday
morning, at 11:00 o'olock, RaV. U. W.
Cutler, tho chapel car evangelist, wilt
epoak- on "The Christian's Guarantee,"
and at the evening service at 7:30 his
subject will bo "When My Ship Comes
In." Special music has been ar
ranged. These two sermons will' coh
61udo" Rev, Cutler's two-weeks series,
Sunday school at 0:45 a. m. pro
vides classes for all children; young
people, and adults. The young peo
ple's mooting' will bo hold In the
ohuroh auditorium at 6:80 p. m. All
Normal school and high' school stu
dents are especially Invited to attend
dny or all of these sorvlcea and bo
come acquainted with tho members
of the church.
Presbyterian Church
1 (Sixth) and Washington)
. "Our church 13 organized for effec
tive work. We dcoply realize' the 1m-
Church Membership Gaining
As Result Of Depression,
Says Religious Statistician
Plan Rally Day
For Next Sunday
daughter, Miss Anna, at the Johnson
i home last week.
lly Mrs. Nell Kight
(Observer Correspondent)
LOWER COVE (Special) Farmers
are busy at odd Jobs. Some fall wheat
sown, sheep are being brought
pasture and the lambs sent
to market. Rain the fore part of the
hwsI. ut,lul ,h. iiaf A four farmuM
I A apeclool Rally day Service will be have donned thelr red and
held in the Presbyterian ohuroh th6 mountaln, ln Marcn , deer.
Sunday morning, 0:45 o'clock, with all j Mr and Mr8 T JohnMn, Mrs,
departments of the Bible schl moet-I Ttlompgon Bnd Mlra Anna
Ing In one large assemb y. There will .HaoX(jr went to valI reoenUv
be promotion and graduation from to vst the Carl Petereon nome,
cradle roll, beginners, primary and Th retumed laden frult
Junior departments, with appropriate r0 ,0 va
exercises under tho direction of the, rthiJ j mom.- i.ii hi.
cradle roll; Mrs, J. George Walss, be
ginners; ana Misa ftima uubick, pn- nnn.Hn .1ot. of
mary. The little open-gate exercise ' Oovo, met at, tn0 Wnilam Mli-
by the beginners, welcoming tlw CI. home ThurBdav evenlng for a
cradle roll ohlldrer., is always Beau- bvalnet 3 meeUng followed by a party.
ful and fu of interest This is the ;A, tlm0 WJ onJ d b
time when the little children becdmej Mr nd Mr Georgo Balt spont
members of tho school proper, and " WWay, at the N. p. Kgnt home,
i begin their class work. Harold Flnlay, mi Klght is remodeling his chicken
general superintendent of the .school, 'hb and mak, oth ,mprove.
(Is directing the work of the school ,-..
in a most successful way, and will Seyeraf famlUe( , thix vlclnlty .
appreciate the attendance an co-tSmled the Home Products show ln La
operation of all parents and friends. ' Grand6 thls week
Certificates of promotion, and other , nas em&aal a8 a Btu.
recognition will be given those ad- rfent at tne th 0reSon Norma,
vanclng to the next class or depart- m st wltB hl uncle and aunt
ment. According to the custom car- MrB A t Erlcltiioni ot
'. uu "J Grande.
five years, the oradle roll, beginner Ml88 Vm Cas6i tie, of Frosty,
and prima! y chlWren will appear In nos J3 ll3 enrolled. They .are Elda
, cap and gown. Tho school extends an Ma chlldera and Bllly flrst
; invitation to all who can attend to bo d Bett Kl hi and c,,.
present and enjoy the children and der8 tnrd grade; . B(!tty Koger and
program. Delia Morris, fourth grade; Edna
TIIAN'KFIJI I NFS8 Wiseman, sixth grade: Robert Becker,
J'lIAKKl'UM.ISfcSS jseventh grade, Lovene and Manford
'Thanks be to God for blessings rare Morris, George McClung and Alice
I Which Ho has sent today I Wiseman, eighth Krade. There are 11
occasioned a definite Increase In a-'--";" " - Puii ewuueu ui "8"
tn mirr in th irnltmi Rtnti trwm mim " .m rW Ki.ff.r I ' mnao so rougn uw way. innd la at Lowor cove.
were only 86 church members in every who besides being ' tho head of- the 1 . I Mr. and Mrs. Charletf Johnson cn-
1,000 of population. In 1020 thero religious statisticians is a leader In .nuumu nuiu.u nu., m ragm, .
were 308. Today there are 401, Dr; tho United Lutheran church.
Joel Grocery, do 169.07
lly Herbert Valirnes Jr. ";
NEW YORK VP) Tho Christian
church, which made its early gains
during a period of "hard times," is
Increasing Its membership as a direct
result of the depression, Dr. George
Llnri Kloffer, president of the Ameri
can Religious statisticians, believes.
The gain In 1031 was much greater
than that in 1030, Dr. Kloffer assorts,
but the figures complied by him for
Tho Christian Herald do not furnl3h
a basis for comparison between the
two years.
no .Million Church Momlu-m
A flve-yoar gain of 4,743,019 over
the flguro or 54,525,716 established by
the government census of 1020 is
rioted by Dr, Kloffer. the total mem
bership In 10fl being placed at 60,
208,704, tho largest In history. Ac
cording to government- estimates', the
1931 population was 124,070,000,-
Ohiirch history shows that Chris
tianity rose among tho poor. When
poverty, famine, disease, and war were
undermining the apparent prosperity
of the Roman empire, millions of peo
plo turned to the new rcllgl6rr, with
the? result that early iti tho fourth
century It won full state recognition.
In reeonf times, according to Dr.
Kleffer'a figures, tho churches not
only have gained lit memberahlii de
cade after decade but also havo In
creased the proportion of that mem
bership to the total population 6f the
cotmtry; that Is, church membership1
has beon growing faster than' the)
Red Cross Drug Store, do 27.38
Pioneer Flouring Mill Ca, do.... 2.38
Glass Drugs, Ino. do ................. 10.99
Dr. O. L. Bigger, Pro, service 35.00
Hot Lake Sanatorium, care of
Ind - 66.60
B. O. Republican, Pub. notices 33.30
Frank Conklln, car of Ind. ... 143.20
Ward's Grocery, supplies for
Ind 71.00
W. H. BohnenkamQ) Co., sup
plies 1.13
Perkins Motor Co., do , 9.15
La Grande Printing Co., do .... 22.00
H. & S. Electric Co., labor and
materials 29.89
Pete Grace, labor 159.85
Charles Roberta, do 103.73 H. L. St. John, do
W. L; Devine, do 101.73 Roscoo Noal, do -.
Harold Browning, do . 63.34 S. B. Morgan, do
F. J. Eborcourser, do 30.09 G. D. Lay, do -
S. D. Burch, do 69.87 State Ind. Acc. Conmi,
Charles -Myers, do 28.69 men .........
Walter Beck, do ..,... 24.07 Charles Kuhn, viewing road
R. H-. Davis: do 79.21- J. A. McKcnzio, do
Walter Beck, do - W1-J9
M. a. Murray, do 2fl-37
George R. Cloy, do 13-47
John Bowery: do U"-03
B. M. Cantrell, do . 118 00
Frank Romlngor, do B9M
Oscar Miller, do .., - 83.78
Walla Crcasman, do 117.87
O. V. McDow, do IB.0B
K. D. Ness, do I3-07
L. E. Lay, do :. - - 33 2
Charles Weagel, do 31.70
A. E. PeuerhelmJ do - 114.13
Oliver Turner, do - 124.53
Chet Oodsoy. do 4-23
Charles DeVore, do
Seth Maxwell, do .....
, Orover Hatcher, do
G. N. Savagedo ..
Ins on
State Highway Comm., rent
on grader 80.00
L, D. Noah, supplies l.8
Bowman-Hicks Lbr., Co., do 8.00
H, H. Horn, do T 136.84
Standard OH Co., do 686.87
Union Oil Co., do 776.48
n n. Sz D. C. Lay, fencing" 6858
W. H. Bohnenkomp Co., sup- .
Church membership has Increased
- nearly five, million since l!)2(l, and
Dl. George l.lnn Kleffcr (above),
religious statistician, says a large
: part or the gain Is a result of the
"I bcllovo that tho depression has
h, W. Wells, do 47.47
Ward Cottrell; do 60.08
Wlllard MacOregor, do 29.63
Claude" Jones, do 112.27
H. E. Banton, do 101.02
Fred Colip, do ...:.... 4 86.31
Frank Pool, do 93.26
M. O. Murray, do 36.94
George R. Clay, do , 11.22
John Bowery, do 23.94
B. M. Cantrell, do 18.73
Walla Creasman, do 11.88 , The following information from the
D. A. VanHouten, do 11.08 union county records is by the Ab-
Bud Jory, do i. 2.99 stract & Title company of La Grande,
W. L. Robertson, do 17.94 0re.
onanes Jones, ao , 1.45
J. L. Henderson, do 13.46
In re approval of report) of county
treasurer: Report approvea.
In re application of A. HT. 8tone
dahl and W. B. Davis for cancella
tion of penalty and interest on cer-
30.24 tain taxes: uancouauon uuuweu tu
77.73 provided by law. -
77.73 ; In re cancellation of warrants ls-
Bioi sued prior to July 1st, 1932: Notice
104.95 having been punnsnea, saia iraramw
144.24 were ordered cancelled.
43.49 In ro appncauon or uscaj roasen
8.22 for refund of taxeB orroneousiy pam:
Application allowed.
01.06 j Jn ro acceptance of roaa oeeas irom
6.00 James uooie ei ai.,
5.00 I Unlon-Mcdlcal Springs rraarket roads
Deeds of James Goble and E. 8. Col
10.87 ' llns accepted and ordered recorded.
Ln Grande Iron Works, do 7.00 In re approval of appoinuneno o
Sawyer-Holmes Merc. Co., do .... 4.60 Daisy Nelson as deputy constable for
Oregon Portland Cement Co., - La Grande district: Appointment ap-
do 41,88 proved.
Grace Harness & Hdwe., sup
Local News of Record
John Pearson, do 13.45
Jim Newman,, do , 45.92
O. D. Pierce, do .t 23.92
W. Hi Briggs, do 4.00
Harvey" Crouser, do 66.00
Avis Ferris, do 43.65
Mlko Royse, do - 8.07
George Royse, do" 5.48
Ralph Coats, do 12.47
Joe Henderson, do 12.47
Dick Henderson, do i. 7.47
S. G. Ruckman; do ,. 33.06
8. B. Morgan, do 72.49
H-Srman C. Weber, next editor of the 1 . "The church was founded In tho
Handbook of the Churohes, points out of hard times, and thoro is ol-
ttlat the adult (13 years and over) wavs an awakenlnir of Interest ln It
portatice and responsibility of our church1 membership In 1931 was 64 when tho world Is troubled. Wo are
work; and in order that you may get por ccnt ot tno aiult population'. , , witnessing a return to normalcy. In
the full bonoflt of our labors, wo, Ministers riicraiso other words, men and women aro go
want to enlist, your support and co- The religious bodies also havo in- Ing back to tho beliefs and practices
operation. If you aro not tied to any creased the number of churches and Implanted in thorn as children,
other' congregation, corno Sunday and ministers. In five years tho churches ' "The reports from tho few bodies
worship with us," urges Rev. J. Goo. nav8 increased by 6,177, from 231.6431 that havo tabulated figures since I
waizi tho poBtor. inis is Many oun- (n i0aa to 237,720 In 1931. The mln. 'worked out my totols Indicate that
day In tho Prcsbytorlon church, bo- teters numbered 226,166 In 1931, on tho membership gains aro
ginning with tho Bible school at 0:45 mcroaso of 2,538 ovor the year before. Ing."
a, m. Meet wun ine cnuuron ona --r
yoifng, people and learn what the tl3m; what , , and how ,t
S6hool Is offering, Mr. Wale adds. ' . ..iminiBtor.,! i nrnnmo tn'
And scattered clouds away -their homo last week
Amongst the pastures green He leads Mrs. C. A. Becker Is slowly improv-
And guides me all the way.
I praise Him for HIb wondrouB love
That Ho doth show to me
And for His tender mercies shown
In love" beyond degree.
Ing after her serious illness of the
past two : weeks. ... Mrs, Becker came
to this neighborhood as a bride a
I year ago. She' is at the Grande Roftde
Mrs. Lena Becker and daughter,
H. B. Florence, arrived Monday to be at
i the bedside of Mrs. C. H. Becker. They
came from Los Angele3 where Miss
4 13.r.Un. hna n nmltlnn Rh. urll.'. r..
contlnu- 'i COVE PERSONALS 1 the latfer part of this week butf
At 11:00 o'clock morning worship
nuur bubs umays mmei win pmy i-uu sublcct"
A. n-k. ....f.. lira a n Un,.
discuss each of these phases of the
gari, soprano: Miss CorliinS Baker, al
to: E. D. Hurley, tenor; and 6. E.
.Anderson, barltono, will sing tho an- tma
tnem num-flr, uiu inuunvut win
speak on "This May Be a Sign unto
You," a sermon for youth and also
for adult. During this service par
ents will present and consecrate thoir
Those evening services are attract
ing largo audiences, and a hearty wel
come Is extended to all who will' at-
1'lmt' fit. K. Clitlrcli
(Fourth and Spring)
Tho Methodist church Sunclny
...,... nullum- ocuins ac h id a. m. wun ai.
Christian Endotivor at 0:30 with .an1 Whitney superintendent anaBu-i
Invitation to all young people not at-,i KI" MSlstonf superlntflndent;
tending such a aervlce dlnowlicre. MTB R- w- Ldgnton is superintendent
. or the Junior department, Mrs. h. W.
Iitand. titf ConirtiUnliy Cliilrch -Wealy ofthe primary department
(Island City, Or o ) nn" Mra aiGn Wagner, ot tho be-
' tfhe ntiw schedule at the iBlond'Oity nen department. A splendid corps;
Community churoli is runhlng nlctfy of teachers and muMclails assist lit
rio With the morning preaching aer- ,0flcn 8rOUP- Blvll personal' help t6
vice at 0:48 a. m. followed by Surtday PuPi!- Orchestra Music will hi
school at 10:45 and Epworth League Pyod at the opening
at 6:30. Rev. W. H. Hertzog wilt At tl10 o'clock morning worship
spoaie Sunday morning oh "Oiving or chorua choir will sing tho
Getting " i UI"'"Bmt airootea Dy rnui Anaui-z,
-'' - , With M1S3 Helen Williams at1 tho or-
. , . , , , . , ... I rtV Mrs- A. 0. Conkllii
aehooS begins at 10 o'clock and this, 0b'MtVBT correspondent)
Week completes tho membership con- (djedai) The rk()
est' , Wer6 not very plehtlful on the toWp'tf
"cloan-u day" but tho feW Wore
First Cliiircli of ClirlHt. Sclciitlut ' onthusiostlc arid a lot' of Rood cle'a'ri-
( First and Washington)
Services arc at 11 and 8 p. m. with
Sunday school at 0:45 a. m, for all
Ing was doho and everybody1 felt Well
repaid for their efforts. v.
children up to the age of 20 years. " " J7"JT n n.m- .
wnHnaDfin nmn t,Hm mnAt- Orogon, State college at Corvallls. ; I
Wednesday evening testimony meet
ings begin at tl o clock.
"Reality" will be the eubject of tho
Lesson-Sermon ln all Churches of
Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Septem
ber 25. ' ; " "
' The Qoldon Text Will be "Froh.
everlasting to everlasting, thou
God" (Ps. 00:2).
Among tho citations which
Miss Dorothy 1 ills' left Tuesday
for Wulla Walla, Wash., for hor last ,
year at Whitman college.' Miss Mills
spent tlirce years in High school in j
Walla Wnlla and this Is now hef i
fourth lri college. Shd wos takeh-.fto ,
Walla Walla by hor father, J. B, '
art Mills, !
Many of the 'teachers arid a grotip"
com- of vountr married beoold had a very
State Ind. Acc. Comfen,, Ins on
County Treasurer,- freight paid
Western Union, telegram
Nelson Printing Co., supplies
La Grande Book & Stationery
Co., do ......, w....i..
E. O. L. &P. Co., lights and
power ....... 32.55
City of La Grande, water 2.89
West Coast Tel. Co., telephones 12.55
Grace Harness & Hdwe., sup
plies , 4.70
Leigh ton Welding & Mach.
Wks., do 33.60
Perkins Motor Co., do 44.21
Bunting Tractor Co,, do 126.56
Peenaughty Mach, Co., do
McDonald Elect. Co., do
La Grande Iron Wks., do
Farnam Supply Co., do
"W). H. Bohnenkamjp Co., do ....
j Automotive Elect. Co., do
ore. Stato Highway Comm., do
Wontworth Sc Irwin, Inc., do..
J. E. Haseltlne & Co., do
A' hnlf hour's wrirlt nor ,,., ,,.., nhmmt P,n rn
Fatland & Sims Co., do
Union Hdwe. Co., do
Florence Elliott to Frank E. Smith
et ai, Pt. Sees. 8 and 9-1N-40 $5775.
E. O. Evans et ux to W. L. Bice, Pt.
Sec. 13-4S-39. $1000.
John Charlie Hacker to Heta Hack
er, 8E!4NW'4 Sec. 20-1N-39, 1.00.
John- Charlie Hacker to Anna B.
Hacker, SWVINW'A Sec. 20-1N-30, si.
'Jeanette Clark Rlggs to R. B. Ori
dor, Tr. S. of Blk. 8, A. & D., Add. $1.
p. M. Littler et ux to First Nat.
Bk. ol Union, L. 1, 2, B. 2, Union (8
I mo.) $1438,
61.07 ! Anna McKenna et al to C. E. Hack
39.22 man, Pt. L. 18, B. 11'4, Chap. (3 yr.)
.60 $1250.
29.35 Georgo L. Southwlck et ux to Katie
P. Mitchell. Pt. Blk. 24, West Union
her mother will remain indefinitely.
Watch for Rurt
liiiat tins a bud- tidbit- of eating
into inetnls. Now and then a
scratched or. dented fender with
paint peeled off starts to rust. In
these cases a little new paint will
stop the damage and prevent It-
lri' Brushing ilti' these spots will im-
prdve the appearance of jout caf.
(3 yrs.) $500.
James M. Harrison et ux to Perkins
Motor Co., L. 4, Highway Acres (2
mo.) $70.
h. J. Ebert ot ux to Martha A.
Hoffman, L. 2, B. 3 "B" street. Orig
inal town of Lo Grand, $300.
Satisfaction of Mortgages
W. T. Grldor to R. B. Grlder et
ux, Blk. 3, Arnold & Dray's Add.
Baker Finance Co. to Harold H.
64.60 Parker et ux. Releases only personal
3-69 . property from; lien of mortgages.
17.66 ' Ecl Harding to A. E. Mcintosh, L.
33.42 i2, DIv. "B", New Haven Add.
Alaskan Caribou
TliO cnrlbou In Alaska pre the
only ones new found in the United
Sates. They .Inhabit- the reindeer
regldns, largely the tundras dnd
hnrfen mountain ridges.
prise the Lesson-Sermon will bo tho delightful party Friday' evening at'
following from tho Bible: "Tho Lord Camp Yew Bo. Tho time was spent
knowcth tho days of tho upright: nnu m dancing. Supper was served be- !
thoir Inheritance shall bo for evor" sldb ft campflro.
(Ps. 37:18). Tne achool party at the gymnasium
Tho Losson-Sermon also will In- Thursday evoning was an Important:
oiuco tne iouowing passages irom tno cvont In tho lives of tho freshmen
Christian Sclcnco taxtbook, "Science as It was their initiation Into the
,l rl.,ir,.l .,m,( The pastor, Rev. W. H, Hertzogi and Health with Key to tho bcrlp- mysteries of High school.
ip h !l i L, w11' BPctLk on th subject "Royalty of turos," hy Mary Bakor Eddy: "Mortal Miss Earllne Whlsler left last week
. rT . , S ZLh , Christian Servlcd." j bclldf Would havo tho motcrlal shmiscs for Chicago to tako a special courso
t i; , ' S, ' i Thd two Epwoi-lli Leagues will" rhoct" sometimes good and sqmetlmes bad. 'at tho Northwestern university.
Christ begin with tho Bible) school at' , .,,- ,,, nsm- mnrti tht ihiw i , ... ....
ll-4ft ii m Mlwi Dorothv Smtitz Is " " - " mr. ana Mrs. hiu rniuips siarica
dUDerlntondent of th school and has Proams fof rtll yotlhg people. At I pleasure In sin; but the grand truths Monttny for I(I(lhtJ whero Fthcy wI1I
fXlTOSS ora Ul dVRnl"B Wor8nip aervlci-or Chlltlnn Sieco 3Pt this work ,yn th0 appIo hQrve8t. ilmon
under her Otoea In all droiirt? WlU b hld wltu tho aot, of thf, error." "If sin. sickness, and death Gcl8Si who year B 8tudent
TlZ III .S,. Jrt iSZJTJt ntltlresfttobeacohtlnUatlonofWhaLworo uiHlerstood as nochlngness, they ftt GoodinK co!IeKOi wefc with them
Individuality and' Unity.
In nil things that ore purely so
clnl wo cfln be na separate as the
fingers, yet one ns the hnnd In nil
things GSEHtlnl to mutual prog
ment are showing good Interest.
Jcuu-j Taught The Bdntltudes."
Rally and promotion day will bo ob
Do P. Mortlmoro. is preaching a serloB Sunday schocl begins at 0:45 a. m.
Of sermons dealing with Ohrlat's Bar- at the Church or the Namronc. The
moh on tho Mount at tho morning l"ny" creating much interest,
worship service. TIicbo aro proving I Bcv- taMt Li. Swarta reports,
very interesting and popular, and of! . Tll "lornlng servlco will begin at
practical hclptulnosa. Thoro will bo111 'clo with tho pastor to speak
ah artthem by tho oholr at this sor-j011 "Holliicw Itequhoa., Piank Cnltv
vied. The Communion will bo served ' 19 oarn"lBt, Tho Junior mllonary
tfho wonhlp service beclns ht' H a. m-'B1"011! wltl m0iii th0 Ur.aemont of
would disappear. As vapor melts bo-
foro the sun. so evil would Vanish bo
foro tho reality of good. One must
hide tho other. How Important, then,
to chooso good as tho reality!" (pp,
489, 4U0).
at Gooding college, went With them
and will postpone his college work
until after the apples nro picked.
l,aVon Koger, a graduate of Covo
High this yonr, hns entered the EaBt
Orcgon Norm ill nt La Grande.
Mrs. Thomas Towle and her
Standard Oil. Co., do 62.05
Union Oil Co., do 368.95
' Shell Oil Co., do m......- - 7.83
M: H: Horn; dot :..;.?..;;;,..-.'..... 138.61
, S. G, Ruckman, land 5.00
Pete Grace, labor 4.82
W. L. Dcvlne, do 2.00
Harold Browning, do 40.39
S. D. Burcti, do 57.39
Charles Myers, do 1.29
Walter Beck, do 1.25
R. H. Davis, do - 50.25
hi W. Wells, do 30.30
Ward Cottrell, do 27.65
Willard MiicGregor, do 30.26
Claude Jones, do ....t 8.73
K. E. Banton, do f....... 7.86
Fred Colip, do . 32.56
Frank Pool, do 3.49
M; G. Murray, do .....,.. 64.42
Placer' Location Notice: Ted Stoll ct
al, locaters of "Golden Fleece Placer
Claim" in Sees. 16 & 21-6S-36.
Placer Location Notice: Frank B.
Pierce et al, locators of "Golden West
Mine" ln Sees. 16, 22. 23, 26-0S-36.
Basche-Sago Hdw, Co. vs. Homer M.
n, I Games $107.76, fee' $50, costs $22
00 1 . A !- 1-X A t. '
The Mirthless Man
A man without mirth i like a
wngdn Vltli6ut springs, !n which
ond la' cnused disftgreeflbly fo Jolt j Gorg0 Ri 0f;yi do'"ZII.."." eeo
John Bowery, do .r. 11.07
Mary A. McKenzlo vs. D. A. & Ber
tha B. Osborn,. $13,200, fee $500.
' Estates ' :
A; N. Mayvllle, died 7-24-31. Mary
B. Mayvllle, Admx.
(J. W. Rollins, died 11-8-30, L. L.
Snodgrass, Adm.
The following information from the
Wallowa county records is by the
Wallowa Law, Land & Abstract Co.
Wallowa county to City of Enter
prise, Blks. 7, 8, 9, Rlverpark Ad.,
Enterprise. , I
W, P. Davis et ux to L. A. Davis
et ux, L. 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, Blk. 6, Troy.
Gladys A. Soper to Ethel MI. Fish
er, Pt. Sec. 21-2N-41.
Myrtle WUlson et vlr to Geo. W.
Nell, Pt. Blk. 9, Riverside Add,, lots
1 to 8, Inc., Blk. 3, Mjahon's Subd.,
John H. Wheeler to Eugenia, Chris
tiansen, Pt. Blk. 1, Gardner's Ad., En
terprise. Clifford Bird et ux to Ada Boyd, Pt.
E! Sec. 4-1N-42.
Aoron Wade et ux to Harold A.
Wade, Pt. S. 14, 15, 17-28-44.
iC. T. Hockett et ux to Pine Creek
Livestock Co., Pt. S. 4, 9. 11-1....-46.
Aarton Wade et ux to Pine Creolt
Livestock Co., Pt. Sees. 3, 12, 13, 14,
23. 24-1N-46; Sees. 18-1N-47.
C. T. Hockett et ux to Asahel J,
Hockett et al, Pt. L. 1, Blk. 7, Gard
ner's Add., Enterprise.
C. T. Hockett ot al to Pine Creek
Livestock Co., Pt. Sees. 1, 12-1....-46;
Pt. Sec. 7-1N-47.
Ansel H. Peterson to U. 6. right ot
way over W.SE Sec. 7-6N-43,
Ocoldental Life Ins. Co; Vs. MStuy
Hackbarth, $7390, Interest 8 por cent,
fees $700, costs $14.34.
Eva McCoy vs. Glen McCoy, at
torney fees $75.
Circuit Court Orders
Jean F. Branson vs, F. W. Lanv
bert et ux, order for publication ot
Oregon Mortgage Co. vs. G. A, Mil
ler et al, order of default.
Federal Land Bank vs, Charles'
Kllnghammer et al, default.
Occidental Life Ins. Co. vs. A. Hack
barth et al, default, Judgmpnt, de
cree and order of sale of Pt. L. 3, 4,
B; 4, Enterprise.
Velmn M. Man vs. Odeil Mart, or
der for suit money, attorney fees.
Eva McCoy vs. Glen McCoy, order
of default,.
Charles A. Blngamnn vs. Black Mar
ble & Lime Co. et al, order adding1
certain party defendants and provid
ing, for., service ,of summons.
Eva McCoy vs. Glen McCoy, divorce"
and judgment for attorney fees and'
Bill of Sale: Fred W. Smith to'
James W. Weaver, 60,000 feet lumber,
Bill of Sale: Kenneth Hall to D. G.
Gibbons, garage and office equip--ment
Art. of Incorp.: C. T. Hockett, Louie:
W. Hockett and J. C. Wade incorpor
ate as "Pine Creek Livestock Co."
Capital $25,000.
by every pebble over vVhlch t rung.
Beech er.
County Court
Chriutlan Endoavorcnt Will nu;ot at
(f:30 p. m. for their prayor meeting.
TWea age groups mtot at this tlmo.
Voung folks ard cordially Invited.
The" popular evoning sorvlco at7:30
p1. m. attracts many who enjoy a nCt
vlcfl of the gospel evangelistic typo.
Old tlmo music will be featured by
the' orchestra ln thoir prcludo con
cord Tho song service In mi onjdy
ablo feature and each ona la en
couraged to slug. Tho pastor will
proadh on a much discussed subject
this Week, using the topic, "Baptism."
li announcing his subject ho says,
"Brtptlsm Is nowhere recorded In tho
B'lblo' as a social event! It Is ono of
the: most solemn and sacred ot-dlu-dhcos
of tho church, Tho Bible clear
ly Reaches who nro subjects for bnp-
thi church during tho sermon hour
! The young people moot at 0:43 p.
in. with tho lesson topic "Blblo Ques
tions'." H. H. Cleaver will bo lender
and oach one present will nsk a ques
tion. Tho evening service begins at 7:So'
rind the sermon subject will bo "A
Sinner's Last Night." Special mimic hi
Edited by
Harriet K. MucDonald
'lumth or (IihI
(Spruce ill X)
A Ilnlly tiny program will tako Hid
plnco ol the morning aorvlco nt 11
o'clock nt tllo Church ot Clotl. Tho
public In Invltcrl lo attend.- Sunday"
ved Into In the nftornoon.
Cnrl Cond left thlfl week for Bugcno
to' complota his work nt tho Univer
sity of Oregon.
Mrs. L. B. Anderson nnd Mrs. I. J.
Chndwlcfc entortnlnecl tho Indies'
Oulltl nt tho homo of Mrs. Andwrsofi
Mrs. Chfldwick
naked for contributions- of supplies'
for the relief work to be brought tf
practices j behold his glory. Wo mny, if wo will, i ' , ' ,,",
nngols into our everydny llv,nS. ZlXe d Z.
Thoy aoom to enrry us clear out of Wcll low, Xnoso present cro M(8
tho illusion thnt this fleeting world R. T finrkor", Mrs. Presto, Mrs. La
Is everything. Thoy dlsnbUBO us of Vlolottci, Mrs. Ohnrles Mnugredn, Mrs.
tho fnllncy thnt working nnd clrcaslng Lnurn'WcHs, Mrs. A. 6. Conkllrl, Mrsi
nnd entlng nnd plitylng nro tho Bum t. tt. Conklln. Mrs: Hefty, Miss Dor
nnd substnnco ot humnn life. Tiioyotriy Mms, Mrs. Lnlrd, Miss Loin
convince us thnt wo do hnyo scnsoiis Mnrtenr Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. Spaeth,
; Innstmich na ye did It unto' one of
the lenst of these my brothron, ye
did It unto mo.
Unrd momenta come to nil of lis,
t-)tm ton pnnllvn tl.. in nvn lit,-
lug bungs, aod seems to tako us. na 1 "f "f
Ho did tho thrcO favored' disciples,
Prayor meetings aro held Wedhos- into tho high mountains Whero they
doys ot 7:0 and choir
Thursdays at 7:30 o'clock.
In- rtj allowhnco of bills:
mother, Mrs. O. Luhd. wero hostesseB m&R
to the Lndles Aid at the horn of
Mrs. Towlo Wednesday afternoon.
Thero was a large number present
rtni. na aAf .. .,,
is.. h i A- Hownrd, Supt., postage ,,
v o t.v of 1.1. nvnnrin.
Ired SpnetHj lnbor nnd mnt(-
- rial
Lynch Plumbing C6.. do
Andrew Grocery, supplies for
Ind. i.
. R. Ment oa.i do 318.18
Oeorge Bariihftrti do 154'.38
Community Cosh Store, do 134.88
Plggly Wlggiy CO., do : 180.10
Mohr'S Market, do 18.85
W. J. Hallmark, do 30.45
... .44
Pnelf lc- Stationery & Printing
I CO, supplies . 11.50
Nelson Printing- Co,, do 37.86
, B. R. Huron. P. M, do- , 15.03
O. V. McDow, do . 3.63
H. D. Ness, do 2.62
Q. D. Lay, do , 4.09
L. E. Lay, do ,.. ., 44.11
Charles Wengel, do - 97.94
Chet Oodsey, do 47.48
Charles Devore,- do ....,,. 41.50
Vlvan Richards, do ..... .., 3.36
John Richards, do .,...;..,.., 8.11-
O. N. Savage, do 8.68
H. L. St. John, do - 10.86
Roscoo Neal, do , 15.45
Avis Ferris, do , 46.48
S. B. Morgan, do 108.71
D. C. Lay, do 6.80
Petjo Grace, do 8.94
Charles Myers, do 97.20
Lavendar Lunch
Depot St.
Baked or Fried Chicken
Sunday 35c
Includes Potatoes, Dressing, Bread,
Vegetable, Drink, Salad or Pie
a cake fresh
much longer
The cream of tartar in
Schilling Baking Pow
der makes tiny bub
bles in your cake bat
ter that make tiny air
holes in your cake.
of tartar make
big bubbles big air
holes that dry out a cake
faster. Baking powders
cheaper than Schilling
use the substitutes. Look
for the words "Cream
of Tartar" on your bak
ing powder tin.
'Ask any
ttachtr ot
wh'ci on
SH utf
IL.. I
when we meot God, when, w'ti truly
live with Him and In Hint.
We nro not to leave behind lis the
Influences wo gflt In tho houso ot
prayer, our gltta and our" graces nro
not, like tho best china, to be brought
out only on special occasions; not
like those musty parlors of the olden
days, opened .nnd nlred' only when
company enme. W! rtuiy live over our
blessiniw In moments of ndvcrslty.
Mrs. Bcrtsch nnd Mrs. Lincoln. A
lunch of ice crenm nnd enko wns ser
ved utter the games.
Covo High will play the first foot
ball gnmc of tho senson with' North
Powder Friday afternoon. The com
plete schedule ot games hns not yet
been arrnnged.
Mr. arid Mrs. J. B. Love entortnlnod
nt n smnlt dinner party atmdny.
Covers woro lnlrt, for eight', (rho
J, J. Wagoner, do , 23.07
N. H. Nlelsori) do .,,, 6.68
G. N. Spenrs, do ............, 32.28
Levy Store do ...,, 34.24
Hbfmartn' Grocery, do 23.81
AlstocK, Fny & Co., do 7.20
Haggerty oratory, do ., 8.16
Ilglon does not work normally In our
homes. In our business, in our temp
tations, struggles nnd trials, it is a
spurious religion. "Use" is the dlvlnest
word In tangling, ' 13 ,n" P"n
word In heaven. Oiir education, our
vnrlous gifts, our experiences and our
Inspirations, nro nil for use or they
are ns nothing. To serve God Is to
serve ollier.1. For Jesus said "Inaa
much as ye did it unto one ot the
least of tlune My brethren, yo did
It uuto me,"
Moon Drug Co, do
Wright Drug Store, do ........
RoV Hall, haUlltlg wood
Mrs. o: P. Harrison, rent for
Indi , ' 8.00
Mrs: Olty Ohappln, do 8.00
Sol Scellmnn. do 7.00
ORcar Olson, do 8.00
Adrian Nelson, do :. 8.00
Irene McCarthy, do .. 10.00
J. J. Peck, do 10.00
Ln Grande Invest. Co, do 10.00
Geo. Chnpmiln, do 10.00
T. H. Moore, do 6.00
Mary Horstman, do 6.00
Amy Rlrtchart, do 12.00
O. Wilson, do 11.50
Blue Mt. CrennVery, do 22.61
Jennie Moon, care of Ind 20.00
Norn Ordway, do .. 13.50
C. W. Erwin. Prof, service .... 2.00
G. R. Hospital, enro of Ind 363.60
do 40.00
tr n..ri ... tir... H. .i..i. nnmthv nmlth. rent 1.70
I'he best advertisement of a religion guests wero Mr. nnd Mrs. p. A. Con
Is the peiuonnllty nnd conduct of its Klin nnd two dnughters, Jonn
possessor. , ! i ; -, Frnnees nnd Cntlierlne, Mrs. A. G.
"For knowost thou what nrgumont Conklln nnd Albert Conklln.
thv life to thy neighbor's creed hntli Mr. nnd Mrs. niomns C. Hefty nnd
Tho uses
should not be confined to private
votlons nnd to Sundays.
Charles and Donnld were dinner)
, , ,.,, ,,,.,,., guests ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Tliomns Towie Miry E. Mayvllle. do ...
-s of heavenly inspiration m)(lav I Bd. W. Hackman. supplK
be confined to private dc- ... ; rv,,,,v Rmith. tml
guests nt a waffle pnrty Friday eve 8ta, Ind- Acc' Oompn., Ins, oh
nlng Mr. and Mrs. Milts and family.
Pud. Court.
Elgin Recorder,
Proc. 13.78
1 Grando Observer, do 13.88
Divided Honors
The rising of tlio American Col- West Const Printing Co, siip-
onlsts ngnlnst tho lirlllsh enemy oc- piles 139.81
curreil on land find nt sen more or Ln Grande Book tt Slat. Do, do 24.46
less colncUlimtnlly over a long 1 Wagner Hdwe, do 4.86
period, and U Is Impossible to lis- I ont.Pl
sign any date vrl.lch ivoul.l sho P' Co' "8ht" ,ntt mM
which arm of the servlco wns first MUy. oroceVyT supplies'' tor
lu tills regard. ., Indi , mM
But nt Sugar
15c 2 for 25c
Date Nut
Dozen 15c
Each 17c
Lady Fingers and Macaroons Made to Order