LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE. ORE. Friday, Augudt 2tyll32 Hj Page Six Socialist Party f Hopes For Great ji ThingsThisYear 5 liy Myron Price 1 6 : (Chief of Bureau, The Associated ; Frgsa, Washington) I The Socialist party hopes for grant (things thfc year, its presidential can irUitluto, Norman Thomas, will make a jiRtlon-wido campaign. Headquarters tjn -Chicago is 'turning out copious (publicity. j Discontented Republicans and Jjitnocrats will be welcomed, whether hhi.v believe In Socialism or not. Some ftiro reckonlnK the 1U32 Socialist vote iln mil Hoi m. The party polled ih.voh In 1900 and climbed to 010.700 by 302O, the liuit. year Eugene V. Debs itwa the nominee. Then tno total dropped, and In 1028 wa 207,420, . . . t Before election day. the votem may flie asked to brush up on International politlc3 in the Far East. The leKuo pl nations comminslon InveHtlgallug trthe Manchurian muddle will report rthls autumn, and its findings prom ise to put the Hoover policy toward Japan buck Into the headlines, . , . thJU'lit Coolldfiw ' p;.- A lonK-tlme friend of Calvin Coal pid&e, who haa Just visited him, thinks plhe former president will bo little pheard .from during the campaign. No iopo questions his support of the Re publican ticket, but he hau Ideas of Vhla own about the olden qualities of UilJciice, particularly for ex-occupants Jol the White House. Probably the rec Jord of Coolldjre campaign speeches ('Will -approximate tliat of the other campaign years since Mr, Coo) Id go re tired from party loademhlp, to wit: In 1028, none; in 1030, one, , The recently-formed non-partisan "committee which la parading such names as Cool id ge, Baker and Persh ing In the of governmental .economy is attempting one of the world'a most difficult Jobs. Oovern mijntal reorganisation has been ad vocated for years by President Hoover. It probably will bo made a prominent issue by Governor Itooscvclt, It U one of thoso tltlnga everybody Is for, but nobody ever seems able to do much about. ... Hlriuige Ways Of Poll Mm j The strange ways of Now York , Democratic politics appear to havo thrown Franklin D. Roosevelt and Al-1 frcd E. Smith once more into a sort! of alliance against the old guard of tho party. They both ore counted 1 supporters of Herbert H. Lehman for, Kovurnor, while the candidacy of John Boyd Thacher Is mustering oupport from various county leaders of the aid school who saw their power wane when Smith Introduced at Albany the non-organization regime perpetu. ated by Roosevelt, The result will be worth watching. .... Vic Donahey'fl promised return to the political wars in Ohio whets the J curiosity of those who would like to ' 'know whether champions really ever' coma fcack. At the peak of his popu- larlty. Donahcy probably hud as large; un Independent following 03 any man in the history of Ohio politics. A mill-' tnnt dry, three times elected governor I on the Democratic ticket, he kept ' very, very still in 1028, Now ho em crgos from retirement to support the Democratic atate and national tickets.; He Is credited with .1034 senatorial ambitions. , . , Chic Negligee ; ?l ji-; j r i f An Indoor gown of whito, trim med with posies of red and white rohen and a green sash, is worn over a straight pleated slip. The costqme Is by Chautal. border strip. The state has boon Democratic oftener than Republican In presidential elections out una tune the Democrats are divided over "Alf alfa Bill" and his policies and there has been much editorial protest nt the Democratic repeal plank. POMCV ON HirNllAY H.A1N INHl'HIIS PANTOIt'S PAY Kyes On Oklahoiim ' Add Oklahoma to tho list of battlo jsectors where tho political cannonad ing wilt bo heaviest thlK year. Just ,n3 New York and Ohio promise to bo 'opcolal storm -centers of oast and middle west, Oklahoma probably will eco the hard tat campaigning or tho MELBOURNE. Australia (A1) A country minister in Victoria backs htu faith In his congregation with rain insurance. If rain falls between 8 a. m. and noon on Sundays he collects $25. He pays $1.2S a week for the protection.. Tho church service starts at 11 o'clock. Then If a storm breaks be-' fore 12 the pastor makes two col-: lections one from tho insurance' company and one from tho congrega tion. . . , . " Pl.AYINd MANAGKliS (I'lTTING. LONOVIEW. Tox. () - When Dick McCnbe of Forth Worth resigned hia past, only one playing manager wai, lrt In tho Texas league Hank Sever-' rid, former big leaguer, who stilt naUthra pnvl of LoiiKVlcw'a games. 1 7 'IW ; PARDON US ' - BUT You Can't Eat Your Cake and Have It, Too! (As You Well Know) And Neither Can You Hake the Finest Cakes With Inferior Flour! SHU For liesl Results With Cakes and All Fancy linking lie Sure to Specif y Bluestem Flour A 100 Homo Product Manufactured lv tho La Grande Milling Company ooo THE ADDITION OF A IF ran? PRINTED IN jDfl5i?8 TO APEAK IN OOO mm iooo falftttttg Beginning Early In September Will you help choose the comics? Every member of every family that subscribes to the La Grande Observer, and especially the children, will greet with genuine enthusiasm this announce ment of a weekly four-page, four-color comic section beginning next month. In this day and age no newspaper is complete with out cartoons and comic strips, and the Observer has been offering the very best of such features. Every one likes "Out Our Way," "Freckles," and "The New fangles" which appear every day. But now we are going one step further. Beginning early in September, every Saturday's issue of the Observer will contain a four-page comic section, featuring the very highest class comics ob tainable, beautifully printed in four colors, and con taining a variety of humor that will be sure to tickle the toughest "funny-bone." You may have a part in choosing the comics which will be used in this section. At the right is a coupon with a list of the comics available to us. Cut out this coupon, check the four comics which you would pre fer, and mail promptly to the Observer office. The , four most popular ones will be selected and will be come permanent features of the paper. Do it NOW! and remember Check the Four Comics You Prefer -Out -Our Way Mutt and Jeff Taran Strange As It Secnis Ella -Cinders Our Boarding House Beans Mom and Pop Freckles Wash Tubus Flapper Fanny 'Salesman Sam Benny tJust Kids .Toe Jinks -'Little Mary Mix-Up Fritzi KHz The Captain & The Kids Hawkshaw . Phil Fumble Clip Out and Mail to The Observer The Annual Bargain Offer In September