Page Six KK GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE. ORE, Saturday, August 20, 1932 Eagles Wallop Ghouls 6 to 1; SA VE as you SewJ FINE! Weighted! OILKO CANTON Crepe SATIN Crepe FLAT Crepe Good Pitching The La Grande Eagle finished Up their week of baseball last night by taxing uaritya unoui to a S to f. cleaning, uaruys squad played much Improved ball In comparison to Tues day nignt wnen tne eagles won 14 to 8. Both teams, although making four errors each, played a good brand or ban, G CYr4 The splendid quality you ,love, in rich Fall ikaittl 39 in. wide. J. C. Penney Co. 1807-1309 Adams Ave. La Grande, Ore. Leap Year Bride (Continued From Page Five) going to be all right." "Can I call you tomorrow?" "No, I'd better call you. Some time between two and three In the afternoon. If you're not In I'll leave a message." "I'll be thinking about you every minute." "I'll be thinking about you, tool" Precious momenta, Ecatacy to be treasured and relived again and again In memory. The cab stopped a block from the Dixon home. It was time to say goodby. Cherry's Hps formed tbe words but they were crushed against Dan's. His arm tightened about the girl. Realization that they were leaving one another suddenly became a cruelty not to be endured. , "I must go now, Dan. I mustl" She spoke the words but still she hesitated. Shyly the girl took Phil lips' face botween her two hands. lightly and swiftly placed a kiss on inn iweneau, men arew away, She was outside the cab now, smiling dbck ac mm. "Tomorrow remember I'll call." i Dan Phllllns. alone In the irlonm of the the taxlcab, told the driver to turn around and head for town. Ho leaned back against the seat. Sud denly his eye lighted on the cab meter. Phillips whistled softly, made a quick search or his pockets. "Hey, buddy," he said to the driver. "Let me out at the next corner, will you!" There was 36 cents In Dan Phil lips' pocket after he had paid the fare. He walked four blocks, boarded a street car and rode to the News building, Cherry slipped through the hedge, crossed the garden and reached the side door of the house. Olanclng quickly over her shoulder she turned 'the knob and entered, j There was no one In sight, Noise lessly Cherry mounted the roar stair way. She had almost reached her rocm when she heard a door open. Panic-stricken, the girl turned, j ,It was only Sarah I I ThA UnmAn nnui tinalllnir fur. ward. "Wherever have you been?" Ishe demanded In a smothered voice. "Do you know what time It is?" Cherry turned a dazzling smile upon her. "Come and hslp me. .oonin. i-ii urn you an anout lti" I What she had to tell, however, waited until later. Dinner In the 'Dixon household was served punc tually at 6:16. It was five minutes 'after six by the gold clock on Cher ry's dressing table. As the girl 'flung off her coat and street dress. 'Sarah extracted a fragile crope gown front Its hanger. Frantically Cherry pulled the gown over her head, stepped Into black pumps and ran a comb through her rumpled hair. I "It'll have to do." she murmured :as she made for the door. There Iwere bright spots in each of Cher iry's cheeks as she hurried down the .atalrs. ; Her father stood with his back Howard her, looking through a win dow. Her mother was busy over a 'square of neodle-polnt. Thank for tune, she was In time I Cherry said, "Oood evening. Moth er," as she came forward. At the sound Walter Dixon turned. "Well." he said to the girl, "you seem to be feeling better this eve ning." Bhe wan surprised, off her guard. "Why ryes, I do fool bettor." Chuck Wilson, chucking for the eagles, was in hot water but once during the game and permitted only two hits In the six Inning that he pitcneu. Hall, who hurled the last three Innings allowed the CKhoul one hit. In the entire game only 82 Ohouls came to bat but five more than the minimum number. Two double plays by the Eagles, Posey to Hartnum to Nelson, were chalked up. . , Tomorrow ' the Eagles will tangle on the High school field, at 3 o'clock. In a no-admlsslon game with Bill Workman's all-star Old Timers. This team will consist of a group of base ball players who were well known here some years ago. Old Tinier will be In from Elgin, Imbler, Cove, Bum merville, Wallowa and other nearby point to take part In the game. Box score: Ragles AB R II PO A Hall, dw filloo Evans, 3b ..... . S 1 1 0 3 Posey, 2b 6 Nelson, lb ... . 5 C. Wilson, p 8 D. Wilson, o 8 Hartman, s ............ 6 Braden, If 6 Faus, rf .: . 1 Wlcklander, rf 8 Totals .44 8 14 37 18 4 Garlty's Ghouls Jonas, 2b . 4 Wilson, s , 4 Alderman, cf 4 Burnett, rf , 4 Torronce, lb ..4 Workman, o .. 3 Selby, o . 1 Hoe, 2b 3 Oarlty, p .... 3 Ford, If 8 AB R II PO A 0 8 1 4 0 0 1 0 1 11 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 4 0 0 0 8 0 3 0 3 3 0 8 1 0 Totals - 82 1 8 37 13 . 4 Batteries: Eagles, Wilson, Hall and D. Wilson: Ohouls, Oarlty and Work man, Selby. Score: ' . Eagles ........103 000 0200 Ohouls ...OOO 100 OOOh-1 Summary: Two base hit: Faus, Evans. Double plays: Posey to Hart man to Nelson, 3. Passed ball: Workman 1. Bases on balls oft: Oar lty 3. Hall l. struck out by: Oarlty 4. Wilson 8, .Kail 3. Wild pitches: Wilson 1. Inning pitched by: Oar lty 9, Wilson 8, Hall 3.. Opponent at bat against: Oarlty 44, Wilson 32, Hall 10. Earned run off: Oarlty 8, Wilson 0. Winning pitcher: Wilson. Losing pitcher: Oarlty. Time of game: 2 hours 20 minutes. Umpire: Cochran and Wlcklander. Dixon moved nearer. Ho eyed the girl critically, "Still I'm not sails Hod," he said. "Not at all satisfied with your health. I'vo a little sur prise for you, Cherry. You and your mother are leaving for California to morrow. Two or three months on tho coast will be good for you. Ex actly what you need." "But, Father I" "Not a word. It's settled. I'vo ordered tho tickets." "But. Father, I don't want to go to California!" "Just the Bairns you're going. I tell you I've arranged everything." Tho glrl'a face had whitened. Ap prullii(jly she turned to her mother. "Please, Mother," she begged. "I don't want to go away now. Why, I i aon t need a trip anywhere, perfectly well I" union's volro cut In 1IOKTO Ntt'OOL . . BOSTON, Aug. 20 (ff) Rapidly ad vancing wool prlcee tended to retard sales during the past weok. While the volume of business was smaller than during the previous two week, tho demand for sizeable quantities was very substantia! and was widely distributed over various types of do mestic wool. The rise since the first of August ha listed prices to about the early June level. . POKTI.ANU I'HOIIUCK PORTLAND, Aug. 30 W Butter Print 92 score or better 31(t32c; standards 20 21c. . Butterfat, eggs, live poultry and country meat unchanged. Mohair, nuts, caecara bark, hops, onions, potatoes, strawberries, wool and hay quotations unchanged. LIVERPOOL WIIKAT LIVERPOOL, Aug. 20 W) Wheat close: Oct. 6014: Dec. 66; March 674, Exchange W.47. WI.NNIl'KO WIIRAT WINN1PEO, Aug. 20 W Wheat close: Oct. 04)4 m SB; Deo. 60 ,; May 00W0I. " Cash wheat: No. 1 northern 64:-' No. 2 northern 60: No. 3 northern 40. denied angrily. "And Dan Isiy.t a scoundrel!" "Silence I" a .'. Suddenly tho girl threw her head back. "I won't bo sllentl" she orled. "You've bullied everyono In this house as long as I can remembor but now I'm going to tolk. You're not going to send me to California bo ciuiso I won't gol Do you hear that I won't gol And there's no use toll. Ing me I can't see Dan Phillips-because I'm going to see him. Just as often and whenever I want to" "Cherry, you don't know what you're suylngl" Mrs. Dixon's voice was horror-stricken. - . "Oh. ves I dol" the elrl Insisted. I'm Sho turned blazing eyes on both I naronts. "I know how von nnrl fnth- You will or told tho servant to lie and tried o as i myr ne loin tne gin warn- to keep Dan away from me. Well, I Ingly. "Suppose I tell you that I i0vo Dun Phillip. Yes. and I'm golug saw you this afternoon In a tuxl- to marry hlmt" cab on Sixth street. Suppose I tell "cherry I" '' you I saw the young good-for-noth- The mother's protest was drowned tig you wcro with I You had nyy . by Walter Dixon's roar: "You'll apol instructions that you were not to kko for what you've said, young wom eco that arounclrel again, yet you ,,. 0r you'll leave this houael" deliberately disobeyed I Deliberately For an Instant father and daugh broxo your wurdl Well. I ll see you ; ter eyed earn other. Then with don t hove a second chnnco to break little cry Cherry turned. "I'll never it. Your going to California" opologlnol" she flung over her shoul 1 didn't break nyy wonli" tlio girl dor. "I'm going awuyl" : MARKET NEWS OF THE DAY : Onen dept. (old) . .4nij,e.ncl!H "' - -I" I 14 " m "( CU1CAOO WIIRAT llh ..VHrj ..M ..lKae!K Low .4IMa .4IMtj CIOM .4111, .SO 4I" Kept. Ihr. .May roHTLANII WIIKAT Open Hiih , M .M .H0S4 .no n Urn AMI .nil .110 flea .63 K .611 .110 Kept, lire. .May CHICAOO CORN Open lli(h ....... .31 .31 ....... JS(,4 .. .a; ,. .31, Low ,311 Vt Slid Jii4 .So). 2 ooo THE ADDITION OF A 1 1 r. - PRINTED IN TO APEAR IN ooo Trans ooo Mk tfi Beginning Early In September Willyouhelp choose the comics? Every member of every family that subscribes to the La Grande Observer, and especially the children, will greet with genuine enthusiasm this announce ment of a weekly four-page, four-color comic section beginning next month. In this day 'and age1 no newspaper is complete with out cartoons and comic strips, and the Observer has been offering the very best of such features. Every one likes "Out Our Way," "Freckles," and "The New f angles" which appear every day. But now we are going one step further. Beginning- early in September, every Saturday's issue of the Observer will contain a four-page comic section, featuring- the' very highest class comics ob tainable, beautifully, printed in four colors, and con taining a variety of humor that will be sure to tickle the toughest "funny-bone." You may have a part in choosing the comics which will be used in this section. At the right is a coupon with a list of the comics available to us. Cut out this coupon, check .the four comics, which you would pre fer, and mail promptly to the Observer office. The four most popular ones will be selected and will be come permanent features of the paper. Do it NOW! ...and remember Check the Four Comics You Prefer Out Our Way Mutt and Jeff Tarzan Strange As It Seems Ella Cinders Our Boarding House Beans ' Mom and Pop Freckles Wash Tubbs Flapper Fanny Salesman Sam Benny Just Kids Joe Jinks Little Mary Mix-Up ; Fritzi Ritz The Captain & The Kids Hawkshnw Phi! Fumble ' Clip Out and Mail to The Observer v The Annual Bargain Offer In September