il'airc Six LA GKANDE EVENING.01JSKKVEK, LA. G KAN DE, OKE. , r Monday, June 27, li)32 "! ! ' ' ! . . . ' ' " . , , ; . ... f JBK g2g iSjfgi ffiL-r ' j ' ' ' ' 1 ' y';V i" 'llii-, A'-i'' ,f?;rjfe J? sibly spend yOU should! For only by knowing TODAY'S mar ket offerings and their various prices can you pos- td greatest advantage. Without accurate knowledge of the correct answers to these questions you cannot pass an "examination" in the "class" of household economy with flying colors. And really, this vitally necessary information is so easily acquired. A moment or two a day, spent in carefully reading your "text book" (the advertisements in this newspaper) and you learn not alone what the day's markets afford, but exactly where the items you want and need may be obtained TODAY at the most advantageous prices. These advertisements are published as your guifle to economy. You owe it to the family purse to "study" them and thereby enjoy all the benefits they offer. rande Evening Observer THE ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER IN UNION AND WALLOWA COUNTIES Watch the Food Pages Every Thursday and Friday riHIK Thursday and Friday editions of this I newspaper contain the weekly I'OOI) SUC TIONS . . . On I hose days, particularly, (he manu facturers of nationally known fond products us well as (lie local merchants dealing in all manner ill' food-stuffs call YOIK attention to their offer ings. Form the habit of readiim' these pa:es rcjiularly. .You'll he auieeahly surprised at the savings n-li readiiiK makes possible.