'"FridayMay 27.1932 LA GIDEINfebgRWmvdbE:ORE:T . t T'-r rr Page mm I PERRY J f PERSONALS lly Miss Wllda O'Nell (Observer Correspondent) FERRY (Special)) Mf. and Mrs. Harold Carsen and family moved to La Grande Thursday morning. They have been residents of the .neigh borhood for the post nine months and the entlro community Is adrry to see them leave. Cleorgo Ratliffe Is building a bar becue on the highway .near upper Perry. After teaching the Perry district school for the past two years, Mrs. McCormlck and family foved to the city yesterday. They have taken an actlyo part In all the social activi ties of the community and all the residents Join In Bonding with them, to their new residence In La arande all their heartiest greetings and best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bond, of La Grande, wore Perry visitors recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Holden were business visitors in La Grande Thursday. Mr. ml Mrs. Kenneth Plerson celebrated their fifth wedding annt- NOTICB OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that F. B. Tharp, executor of the estate of Nannie Littleton, deceased, .has filed his Final Account as such Executor, and that the County Court of Union County, state of Oregon, has set Monday, the 20th day of June, 1932, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court House, as the time and place for hearing upon said Account, and. for the settfement thereof, and that any and all persona having any objec Hons thereto, appear at said time and place.' F. B. THARP, Executor of the Estate of Nannie Littleton, Deceased. H. E. DIXON, Attorney lor Executor, La Grande, Oregon. May 20-27. June 3-10-17. NOTICE To CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Union County, as the ad ministrator of the estate of Martha Edwards BJorsness, deceased. AU per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby directed to present them to the undersigned with proper vouchers therefor to the undersigned at his office, In the Foley Building, La Grande, Union County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. H. E. DIXON, Administrator of the Estate of Martha Edwards BJors ness, dee'd. Dated May 13th, 1032. May 13-20-27. Juno 3-10. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE WON FORECLOSURE Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to execution and order of sale Issued out of tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union County on tho 26th day of April, 1932, under the hond of tho Clerk of said Court and tho seal thereof to tho undersigned as Sheriff of Union County, Oregon, directed and delivered upon a Judgment, decree,,! and order of sale rendered and en tered' of record and docketed In said cause on the 23rd day of April, 1932. In favor of the California Joint Stock Land' Bank of San Francisco, a corporation, and against Edith p. Dobbin and William M. Dobbin, her husband, two of tho defendants above named for the sum of $16, 084.01, due October 15, 1931, Install ment of April 16, 1931, SG30.00, with Interest at the rate of 8 per'-an-num from April 16, 1931, Installment due October 16, 1031, (030.00, with interest -at the rate of 8 per an num from October 16, 1931, taxes for the year 1929, 294.10, with in- terest and penalties thereon as by ' law provided, taxes for tho year 1930, $298.69. with lntorest nnd pen alties thereon as by law provided, taxes for the year 1931, (232.72, with interest and penalties thereon as by law provided, and with Interest upon 15,084.01 at 6 per annum, from October 15, 1931, $750.00, reasonable attorney's fees, and plaintiff's costs and disbursements taxed at (46.20, and for the foreclosure of that cer tain mortgage dated the 26th day of February, 1020, and recorded on the 27th doy of February, 1920, In Book 67 -at pago 177 of the Mort gage Records of Union County, State of Oregon, said mortgage being made by said Edith P. Dobbin and Wil liam M. Dobbin, her husband to the California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco, a corporation, In a certain suit pending In said court wherein said California Joint Stock Land Bank of San Francisco, a cor poration, was plaintiff and Edith P. Dobbin and William M. Dobbin, her husband, James D. Dobbin and Ethel Dobbin, his wife, and Union Coun ty, Oregon, a municipal corporation, were defendants. That In. and by said Judgment, decree and order of sale it was ordered that the here-., lnafter described real property sit uate In Union County, Oregon, bo sold by the Sheriff of Union County to satisfy said. Judgment and. all costs, and' that the sold real prop erty, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 30 feet west of the Southeast corner of. the Northeast quarter of Section Eleven (11) in Township Four. (4) South, In Range Thirty Nine (39) East of the WUara ette Meridian, in Union County, - -Oregon, and running thence North parallel with tho east line of said 8ectlon Eleven, a distance of 2769 feet, thence, westerly, and parallel with the ' County Road to Hot Lake, a distance of 2977.1 feet, thence South parallel with the said -east line of said Section Eleven, a distance of 2699 feet to a point due west of the point of begin ning, thence east to the point of beginning;, and being a portion of the N4 of said Section 11, Tp. 4 S., R. 39, E. W. M., and containing 186.8 acres, more or less, bo sold as by law provided and the proceeds thereof applied to tho pay ment of plaintiff's aaid Judgment, principal, Interest, costs and dis bursements of BUlt, attorneys' fees and the costs and expenses of sale. Now, Therefore. I will on the 28Uv day of May, 1932, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M.. In tho afternoon of said day, at the front door of the County Court House In the City of La Grande, In Union Couijty, Oregon, sell at public auction for cash In hand to the highest bidder all of the right, title, Interest and estate which said defendants or any of them had therein on tho 26th day of February, 1920 or which they have since acquired therein or there to, Including the rights and Inter ests of oil persons claiming by, through, or under said defendants or any of them. JESSE BIvESHEARS, Sheriff of Union County, Ore. By H. A. Kllng hammer. Deputy. i Apt. 29 May 6-13-20-27, versary at their home Thursday and spent the evening at the home of his mother, . Mrs. T. E. . Plerson, In La Grande. v Hoy Carman graduated from "the Perry grade school at the close. of this term and will 1 attend La Grande High school at the begin ning of the fall term. Larry Lyle . Is being employed by George ..Ratliffe, Perry section fore man, In building the new barbecue stand. CoBternlng Truth Accoallng to, the very laws of. our being,, the refusal to perceive truth and to act upon It destroys , our power la the -future either ; to re ceive It or act upon It - The man who, teeing the truth refuses, to act In accordance .therewHt, therehj loses his power to perceive IU Uncle Honry. in Wnllnce'w Farmer.' BYNOHBIS : Oils ullA Oarth jev whom she loves, althoutrL ehe thinks he llfcfls her cousin Qeorgie, is all Jenny jtovoU hopes for before ehe enters upon a strange deception Bhe la nofni to pretend ehe has married 'Eddie .. i Townsend, tor Qeorgie loses her job 1 discovered to be -Bddie'9 wte. Chapter 17 THE DOCTOR SCENTS MYSTERY GILL continued to look steadily at Jenny. ", "Might be awkward, for Instance, U that gentleman In the car outside, was to be 'old that you'd got mar ried when you hadn't," he said and Jenny saw for the first .time .that his eyes were very wise and kind. "The gentleman you met at the cor ner of Eyle Street last night he's outside the hotel now. Just drawn up, he has." . .. ' jenny gat to her feet She wan dered suddenly If she were .dream ing everything this quaint con versation with Gill and tie clean little shop and the street outside shown In the copper urn. She looked out of the window shyly, al though she would only see what she had waited for Garth -Aveney at the wheel of bis car, come to take her to picnic with him in the coun try. "He Ib very early," she said half ito herself. "It Isn't nearly ten." She moved to the door and Gill j stood aside. Gill oh yes, of course Gill had very decently asked bar If she would object to his telling peo ple that It was sne who was Mrs Townsond. . "You may tell people it was 1," She sold "after today. Today is Gill grunted. He, too, was staring out at the car under the portico. Ho opened the door for jenny to pass put aba sun ne stsrea. i As she stepped out on to the pave -blent she saw that Gill had seen that Garth Aveney, with a sudden shrug and a jerk, bad switched on bis engine again and! .'was driving away. . ;. ! "P'raps the gentleman has mis took tho time," suggested Mrs. Big ger, sne naa jomea mem in tn,e aoorway. "tipw woum it be if vr-Gill-was to boiler after him, dearlp, and lot him know you're here?'' Jenny shoolt her bead and moved away. Sbe felt cold, in the biasing sunshine aud most utterly forlora. Gill and Mrs. Bigger might watch the slowly retreating -car until t wrueu tue curuer, uui Bue,couia not. Gill was walking at her side. '' ' "No sense in lettiug-anyane think you're married when you aren't," he commented In bis abrupt bass. "I shan't say nothing, one way or the other takes a lot of auesttons to get any tfilng out of me. " But there's no sense In your letting Miss Re veil" "I'm very glad to let Miss Revell say anything she likes,'' said Jenny as he paused. "I'm most awfully glad she can make, use of me. You needn't consider me, GI1L Thank you, though, all the same. ' Gill grunted. Aveney's care had disappeared; the. street was empty. Jenny crossed back to the hotel and went inside. The lounge, was cool and held very few people. An Intri cate gilt clock on the mantelpiece saowea ten, minutes to ten. - sue ssi quietly down by the window.- It was, after- all, reasonable to suppose tnai uatio naa touna Dim nil ahead of bis appointment and had only gone (or a few minutes and would' return. Reasonable, to sit and wait while fbe gilt hands sluggishly moved to ten o'clock. Nevertheless, she. knew, quite pos itively that he would not come. He bad not mistaken the time. He bad not been at a loss as to her where abouts, Ijt; was simply. that be had arranged to take her .motoring and had got as far as her door and then bad decided that be itouldn't, bon estly, (ace the prospect ot a whole day in ber company. Later on, no doubt, be would send some (ormal excuse. ' Why should be bother about Geor gle's cousin when it was Georgle with whom he bad (alien In love? "It Bays hero about that airman Townsend " suddenly- remarked an old lady Id a corner, refolding her paper "that he. bad only Just got married when be had, that acci dent." ' ' "Yes," nodded the slightly young er lady near her, "I remember him, He had dreadful dyspepsia; that ac counted (or bis temper, people said. I remember his wile, too, poor little soul." "I didn't know he bad one," "She died , . . Sbe was a very beautitul girl. Very fair and timid. Quite unable, I should say, to stand ' up to blm. If you have finished with that Illustrated-paper, may I have It?" Wallowa, Fined; Unable to Pay Qy,lrsMC. Ar Hunter (Otueryer Corroippudout) WALUJWA '(Special ) Dick Pul len, whcee home was raided here Saturday aryct who pleaded guilty to the . charge of Illegal possession of. liquor, was -fined $200 and costs. Not having sufficient funds to pay the' fine he is serving the time In the county Jail at Enterprise. The Wallowa Women's club met for the annual May luncheon end election of ' officers Tuesday at tho home of Mrs. Fred Purst. Beauti ful bouquets of tulips were used to decorate -the room and the mem bers , were .seated at small tables -for the covered dish lunc)fon which Jenny glanced at the clock. It was post ten nearly a quarter past. Remote In ber thought, she had not heard tbe cblme. She got up and Bit -the lounge and went up to ber room again, Sbe must go to the apartment. It seemed silly to take off the cool frock and hat, but sbe tolt that It would help ber to forget what to day bad promised her; and the smart dark dress that Georgle bad chosen for her would help ber -to do what jbe could anything she could to pay Georgle back tor all her wonderful kindness. As she adjusted tbe dress she could see in the mirror the pile of last evening's papers, The Record was still on the top. Possibly Garth Aveney bad read Its news last night; most probably ha bad read bis papers this morn ing. And they had all told him tbe same thing that Qeorgie, whom be lo,ved, bad married Eddie Town- send. Jenny, shutting ber eyes tor a moment, her Angers clenched upon her little fluted frills, could hear again tbe thrill In bis voice as Georgle sent blm away.- -'Goodnight, Miss Loyalty . , . You've been magnificent. He ought to thank bis stars (or you." No wonder that he had (elt he couldn't eudure Qeorgle's little cousin today. No wonder al all. Nothing to cry about . Jenny bathed ber eyes, finished dressing and went down to the; street. Sbe told herself that it was: all done wltb now, all over aud for- i gotten that moment when she had stood Ignored upon the pavement : aud watched blm (ling aside his: just-Jit cigarette, pull bis hat down: over his eyes, reach tor tho gear and escape. And she told herseK that she bad been nothing but a tool. She had thought herself, only (or -a day, a golden girl, and all the time she was just a puppet, a doll; a silly little figure moving grotosquely In tbe shadows of Mrs. Digger's cop per urn. Drawn up betoro tbe building in wblcb was Qeorgle's flat Jenny saw BP ambulance. Evidently Eddie had been brought homo. She halted In her step, then went steadily forward. Since Gcorgle's hesitating -r "There's bad news about Ed," Jenny had given only a .passing thought to Eddlt Town send. She remembered now, re morsefully, that she had not even asked wherein the bad news lay. Perhaps be Was permanently in jured a cripple? She broke Into a run , . , There were a couple of Idlers near the, ambulance, but the main ball was empty. Someone was in Gill's little office, though; Someone whose voice was raised lu the ex asperation GUI sometimes provoked. "1 tell you, I was bore yesterday I asked to see Mrs. Townsend or Miss Revell; I didn't know which was which you told me yourself the number ot their apartment, li s sheer silly waste-of time pretending you've neve.- seen me beloro." Silence from QUI.. "Miss Revell herseK Informed me that Mrs. Townsend was at some hotel or other. It's no use your ask tug me to believe- you don't know wblcb one It Is. All I want you to do Ib to phone that hotel and tell the lady that Mr. Townsend Insist ed on going, straight up to tlielr apartment . . . Well?"- "Don't know anything utiout any thing." troni Gill, Implacably. Jenny marched Into the ofllee Gill was looking as wooden as a ship's figurehead. Tbe man who diced him turned and scrutinized Jenny Instead He- was tbe doctor Who had rendered first aid to Eddie on that horrible pavement. "Mrs. townsend.. I understand !" be exolaimed, "You. don't understand It (rum me," put In GUI. The doctor's quick glance went from Gill to Jenny. 111b eyes were Intensively Inaulsitlvo, abe thought, and his voice-was (ar too familiar. "Yourr cousin, told- roe your mar riage wasn't secret, Mrs. Town send, but there seems to be a lol of mystery made about It down here! 1; must have- been, kepi hanging about here (or nearly ten minutes. I!m beginning to wonder--" : "Is youri pationt upstairs?" Jenny askedi. .. i . The doctor . flushed. Jontiy' had, spoken in a tooo that she had not used (or a very long time: not since tbe. days when she lived In her grandfather's house and wore taded ginghams and bunted (or eggs In the- overgrown garden and was, all tba same. Miss Georglna Rovell to whom nobody might be Imperti nent, ever,. (Oopvrlghl, Julia Clett-dddamt) Will Jenny or ths doctor wlnr . 8h It challenged by Qrstton Matching, himself, tomorrow. , . was served at one o'clock. Tbe fol lowing officers were elected -to serve the club tor the coming-year: .Mrs.! O. L. Bales, president; Mrs- L. P. Al len, vice president; Mrs., Hollls Bull, secretary, and Mrs. Fred Purst, treasurer, ji r Bill Temple, of (PenaWton, and Jack Gregory, students at .the E. O. tl. in La Grande, spenti the week end at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Qregory. . , Wallowa Is being visited by an eplclemio of smallpox. In -some-Instances two or three .members ' iln tho same family are llli d the dis ease, which Is, however, reported -.to be In a light, form. : (K. . Mr. -and Mrs. Goorga ponaldson, former Wallowa residents now liv ing In Bakor, spent tho weekend visiting friends here. ; 1 " iMrs, -M. A. Porstad entertained tho ;Fresbyterlan -Ladles Aid at her home on Diamond. Prairie Wednes day afternoon. Twenty-flvo mem bers and friends 'motored out to at tend the meeting. Mrs. W. P. Poolo was devotional leader and .after a short business seslon, a social atternoon was enjoyed. Mrs. Por stad served lovely refreshments as sisted by Mrs. Hugh Daugherty and Mrs. Roy M)cClnzle. The next meet lug will be held In two weeks at the wtifi of Mrs. Al rrnompson In Miu- ii"- Valley. - A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. -Herman Plass Wednesday, May 2d, at their home here. This is the second Uttlo daughter In the Plass family. Miss Esther -Boughter, mUBic in structor In the High school, left. Sunday for her home In Maryland. She expected to stop ana visit friends In New York City erf route. Mrs. Mary Murphy and daughter, Margaret, of Pondoso, are - in Wal-- lowa looking after business Inter--ests this week. Mrs. Fred Purst, Mrs. O. P. Camp bell and Mrs. George Dale motored -to La Grande Tuesday end spent the day shopping. . . . . De Forest, Fiddian In Murfield Finals MUIRFIELD, Scotland, Mtoy 27 Wl John De iPorest, wealthy young Londoner who Jearned his golf In thhe United States, today won his way to the finals of .tiro British amateur golf championship for the second straight year, defeating Lion el Jwunn, insn veteran, i up - holes in their scml-winal match. He was the finalist against Eric Martin Smith In 1931.. Eric Fiddian, M-year-old Interna tionalist from Stourbridge, Joined De Forest in the finals with a two up victory over E. A. MpRuvlo, last remaining Walker Cup player In the chnm,plonshlp. Fiddian and De Forest will play a 36-hole final tomorrow, Tropics Not for Whitoj The white mua cuu live In the tropics, according to a scientist who made a study of the question fur tho Smithsonian Insttutlnn, but he i needs Intelligence nnd a rigid disci pline In order to do so successfully. Life n the tropics wi certulnly become more comfortable nit well safer for the white nice, snys thli authority, but iicelliimtlzntlon In Its full and literal sense Is and will re main Impossible. Nut of Pities The plnon nut Is a Inrge edible seed of any of several species ot pines called nut pines. They are small trees with leaves in one to four leaved clusters, globose cones and large seeds. They are found In hilly country throughout the Southwest Plnus edulls nnd Pluus ccmbroldcs are the two most Impor tant species. '- t STORy "XHAL COCHRAN (READ THE STORY THEN THE. Scrub-a-dubs wero tickled pink and one ot them, said, "Gee! To think that w aro get ting lots of help from all you Tlnymltcs! "Wo know you'll help us do It slick and we'll bo finished very quick Then, maybe wo can tell you where to see some thrilling sights. "Iti must be tun to travel 'round the world and see what can be round. We're glad you stopped; to call on us, 'causo ydu ara very kind. "Don't work so hard you cannot v5i vican stand, or you'll regret you lent a reached the door, a bu.hc bnske , hand. When you begin to get "'"J a,r?" '"". r,unnl,n tired out, Just quit. Wo will not!" ,'oulod to the Tlnles, "Howdy mind,! T ...... . ,. nm. i,i i l"H' filled with cans and they HEN Scouty said, "Oh, this ! wIlLnplIt," yelled Windy. "Come, fun. We'll work until the et.s ,ollow lti -Twill be a thrill task Is done." Wee Duncy lnter-lng race,.. A scrub-a-ddb chimed ruptcd him. "I'm gating tired, j omi 8ad, "Suroi TlnymUes. Go "aid ho. (right ahead." And so the-Tlnics "Besldeo, I guess I've done my j one and all, took up tho crazy share and. If the Scrub-a-utobs . rhase, don't care, Im going to flop , (Copyright, 1932, NF.A Service, Inc.) nown tor a nnp neneatn tnai mg. oak tree.'- Beforo the 8cruli-aaubs could. 1HLASSIFIED "SthB MAIIKET PLACB OF UNION WALLOWA COUtiTIM (Count five average words to tbe line.) Per line, 1st lnsertion.......-..-10c Per line, each added consoo- utlve Insertion' .. 7o . Minimum charge on one order DJo WANTED RESPONSIBLE ndulte to take well furn., mods.. 1 5 -room house. Call 002-W, or call at 1804 Admits Thura. or Frl. , 5-26-3 t. ARK YOU troubled by maths? We fumigate clothes, '-furniture, furs, and rugs with Hydrocyanic -acid gas. approved by U. 6. Bureau of En . tomology as tho most reliable treat ment against moths. Prices reason able. All work guaranteed. Licensed fuml gator. Phone: 434 W, La Grande Mi t tress & Upholstering Co. 6-27-2 tp WANTED TO RENT 6 -nil. furn. house near Normal by June 1. Phone 418 W. 6-20-2 t. WANTED TO EXCHANGE Fnrm at , a bargain for city property. Two one acre - tracts with houses, for sale cheap or will trade, See Henry Hill. 108 N. Fir St. - 5-26-2 tp. it WILL BUY 30 old batteries. Will pay according to their condition. New batteries as low s S0.85. Automo tive Eleotrlo Co., lias Adams. Phone M 690. - 1-30-1 m Oregon American Legion Passes 75 Per Cent Point The American Legion depart ment .of Oregon Is -forging ahead in the national membership race along the Oregon Trail, having passed the 75 per cent of Its 1032 quota which is the starting point (Independence. Mo.) nnd progress-' lng toward Portland, Ore,, or 100 per icont. 'Kaon advance in per-, centnge of quota attained sends the covered wagon and ox team of this state -that much further along the; trail. Its 'percentage in the Marah 18 tabulation at national headquar-. ters Is 84.08. - ' It truly Is a race for gold, as In the days of old, because there are : three sets of cash prizes to be awarded to the winners. The departments having a 1981 membership of 35.000 to 80,000 have a chance for a first prize of 4)75. To win It must be the first of its class to reach Portland, or 100 per cent, of its 1932 membership quota. The second department to arrive will re ceive (50, Similar cash prizes will bo award-! ed to departments having a 1981 ; membership of from 10,000 to 35,000; i and similar cosh prizes to the class1 of departments having 1031 mem-i 'borshlp under 10,000. , 1 ' Tho American Legion Auxiliary also Is taking part In the race, and with the national organization of tho Legion has a stake of $100, the Legion agreeing it must arrive at least a month ahead of the auxil iary with at least 10 per cent In excess of percentage of quota as compared with the auxiliary per centage. Moit Famous Bible Tv'to Gutenberg Blblo first ap penred on August 15, 1450, a Inrge folio ot 1.282 pnges printed In Lntln, In double columns with spnees ttft In the text for hand-colored Initials. Only 41 copies uro known to cxSt, 11 of which are. In the United Srnt. . PICTURES 4JDE KING COLOR THE PICTURE) sny, "Oh, you have dono enough today," woe Coppy cried, "lie's Inzy, Hard work disagrees with him. "Just let him snooze. Ho'll be all right. He loves to sleep by day. or night. The rest ot us will keep right on 'cause wo all feel 111 trim " TN 'bout an ho'ur one Tiny crledj "The outslde's done. Let's go Inside. We'll sweep the house from tront to back. 'Twill soon iook just iikc new. Then when tho bunch had' ido!' I And then. It ran on down a hill. (Tire Tlnlos arrive In Till nn Town in the next story,) RATBS BY MONTli I - ' L.I2.S0 S lines, per month. 3 lines, per month i..i.isa.!lo 4 lines, per month ..-..oe 6 lines, per month .,..i.iM.7S Baca i additional,, line j ovr-. five charged at too per line per. month. FORSAKE FOR SALS Mow ElectrlQiReC'lgorutor t a Bargain Prlcol At, AD'uER'S. , ' . t- . - l 8-31-8 t. SNOWBALLS FOR SALE 1 801 Penu, Phone 328 W. 1 5-21-2 tp, BARGAIN PIANO -80. iAt- Adlert. 5-27-8 t. 80 ACRES Improved land (for, dairy cattle. Inq. Observer, i i 0-27-3 t. FOR SALE Freeh Cow. Pht;206 M. ' .B-28-2 t. PEONIES and cut flowers for Memor ial day, 14U1 a Ave. . D-ua-u t. FOR SALE Who would like to buy a now, strlotly modern home,-with a possible Income that would pay for til rnoue tua m. i o-au-u t, SADDLE. - Cheap. Call - M, 670 before SIX p. m. 6-26-3 t. GOOD WOOD, any Klnc. any-length. Price reasonable. Ph. -seotW, Lee Stark. -6-26-t f. FOR SALE OR TRADE 6 A. with im prOvementa. Farmers 3X2. ) 6-10-t 1. FOR SALE Coffee cream that whins'. home churned buttermilk: and milk you'll ' like - to drink. . Oloverdaie, Dairy. Farmers. 80. ; 6-s-feT. FOR SALE A mod. country home; 10 A. close In. Bldgs all modern. 6 A. 8 yr. ola orchard. Stock and Implements with place.- Good water right. (4000 will handle.. Ph. 49B-J. 5-8-1 mp. DRY WOOD, posts. Also truck, for hire anywhere. Insured? carrier. Ph. 1051-W. Frank Seward. .4-28-1 m. DRY WOOD, any kind or length. Wm. Hesse. Ph. S28 W. '4-27-1 mp. TYPEWRITERS for rent or sale. Lot us show you our stock of new and used portables. '8. O.'Tuokeys Type writer Exchange, 109 Depot St. r 4-lB-t f. AUTOMOBILES 102D 'Chevrolet Cnb, tOoupe. 1020 .Chovrolot Coupe. Late modol Chev. Truck. ;Long wbeelbnso. Stako body, six wheels, i 1027 .Dodge -Coupe. 1029 Desoto Sedan. it. 3. ooss B-27-2 t.i Keep Good Habits Health Is afflicted, fuvomblr or unfavorably, by our habits of liv ing, according as they are good or bnd. , In great part, those habits of living are habits of preference for certain klnus of food, for cer tain methods of cooking, for proper or Improper ventilation, suitable or unstiltnblo clothing as well as hy gienic or unhygienic ways In the mre of the body. Professional Directory Hospitals DR. LEE B. BODVY Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital Crd floor Foley BIdg. Ph. Main 18. Osteopathic Physicians PBS. J. L. MARGARET INOLB General Practice and Obstetrics ommer Bldg. Office, Main 108 Res.. Main US Miscellaneous ASTBOLOGEB MRS. FREDERICK BALMEB . 203 N. Ave. Readings Sally. THE NEW FANGLES (Mom'n FULLED AVE "HA"5 OUST INFORMED- chick's aow THAT IF A&UCTA MARRIES HOMEP DIT TV, THE A.rrEL AGENCY WILL 'NOT GET NICKEL'? VJOP.TH OF HIS BUSINESS: r AMD ALL I CAM SAY IS, ") ( , THAT- TTHB BlGGBST MISTAKE ft ) OF MY LIFE WA-S MADE tf f K WHEH t LEFT AGUfTA IN C t tS XOUW CARC-AMD NOW I'M 0 LEAVING ' THIS PLACE, C. ' : v' C ' FOR RENT 3- AND 4-RM. PURN duplex. Mrs. i-ueamenn, M 1000, or 1408-Sth. , ' . 0-27-0 t. FURN.. MODERN -rm, house. In quire sua Aunma. . s-Sitl-t I. FOR RENT J four room furnished house, 1704 U Ave..Onsh or wood. , Price right, Phone 42 W. 8-27-1 tp FOR RENT Small stucco houso on 3rd street. Inquire 3118-J. D-36-8 t FOR RENT Furn. or unfuru., new mod. 4-room houso or will trtulo for ranch, Ph. 830-W. 8-26-3 tp. NICELY FURNISHED room, good lo-. cation, Very reasonable. Call 146-J. 6-29-t f. 3-RM. APT. at 1008 Adams. 6-26-3 t. FOR RENT Furn. Apts. and unfurn ished house, 1311 O Ave, 6-23-1 mp. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, - with- or without 'meals, -aentloman preferred. Phone Main 807. 8-23-t f GRANDE RONDE- APTS. Under now ,:r management. Low Bummer rates. 6-23-8 tp FOR RENT Mod; residence. Phone FOR RENT Furn. apt., 1809 Adams, m oa. D-is-t r. MISCELLANEOUS NEW LOW PRICES on ' painting, paperhangmg and kalsomlnlng. - Phone 611 w. 6-17-1 m. FRECKI.ES and his friends ' ; 1 ; 'Surprise! Qooo WI6HT.'.' f3s THE ' DARK OUTLIME OF SOWS ANIMAU . : SLOWLV is rr. a TkSER. 2 APPROACHES TRecKwes MAKES A STASTUMe DISCcMgRY SHE MOST KMONW VJfi'BS UO&T IN THIS CAVE...SEE How she toss at My sueeve GOOP C5IP.L. t: 1 VW -.AiSiMJ Pop) Bad News! - H TV3 -' ffyf1- X"1 H rw i , Mt&&rrs i .ig , jay , jrJ. m & "VBAH..IHAHAWBaHA-. W YES MX) DID! VbO NEPte 5? IHATJB -W'VJHo 1 IS SCABGQ OT1FP... LOOK AT HBR THouaHT it-it JtV uck w SH r-C j WAS RI6MT A. PBuOSUIZeS OS " rf JJMW-i $ Mi nth fei BUT HONEST. BOS5, IT VJAS VOOP. JOB TO KNOW ft I I DIDW'T KN0W A THIN0 1 AMD, IF THE.y ARE MATOIED, II V P 7 ABOUT THEIR ELOPING XOU CAM HME THE. oUi A I UNTIL AFTER THEY SATISFACTION OK KNOWING -, It tXW HA.D LEFT THAT,THROUGH VOUR li Al b. ff NEGLIGENCE,! LOSE ipoO,00O 1 y !Vl L - V0OTH OF fcUSINES'S AND DO WELL BROS. OLEAK-trP-We will : olun up your ash, paper, & ' Phone 323-J. 8-g-t fc ASTERN ORBUON Bo'uool of MuaM, violin, piano, volo. Credits. I. o. a T. temple. 4t7-j. e.o-I n MOREMEN'S SCHOOL of Beauty Cul ture Is recommended by shop own ers tor Its thoroughness In training. - Spring classes now forming. For Information call or write 22 West Mala St., Walla Walla, Wn, f... . 4-28-1 mp MONEY TO, LOAD w are renresni? . tatlves for the Prudential Ius. Co and can make city loans at attrac- tlve rates of Interest. Chas. H. Reynolds, ''insurance, " loans and bonds, sM-1 m. ' LA GRANDE MATTRESS and Uphol stering and Rug Cleaning Works. Pl, 424-W. Chas. Edwards Prop. 12-1-I'm. FOR TRADE TRADE 16 A. " on Lumml Island, Wash., Ideal tor ' small fruit or bulbs, for small tract, John Wall, ' 201 3rd St. Pll. 187-J. . 8-28-2 tp FOR TRADE Trade fresh milk goat for wood. Phone 424 W. 6-27-1 tp ' '' For Spread' of Education Cooper Union Institute was' found ed In New Xork to provide f fee schools of art and science, free .read ing room and a free library tot the working classes. It 'has a- night school of science, a day school' of selc-ncev a night art department,:', women's art school and several oth r 'divisions.'''- By BloMer -..sRCQ. u. b. Mr. orr : r?Q 1832 BY HE WRVJCC IHC-'I By Co war! ? NO.-ITS POOPLS.'.' WS POODLE ! BOUT" VOO 1 SBff? its poopug !'. . LP I A. ,ff.; -jam I WH I al I j y A I I 1 f "r' r a :-'.TTT:-i-'i:r F-.t.til fCOMB 0J,06SIE...SBA3 HOLD It? OF My SHIRT TAIL.,, r .1 JM . BELIEVE SHE'S cWIKia Pt'i S TO SHOW DS THE jppMtM