Friday, February 26, 1932 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA' GRANDE, PRE. Page Seres f) NEWS of District Meeting Of M.E. Church South To Begin Rev. Waldraven, of Cor vallis and Rev. Starmer Will Be Hosts to Dele gates of District;" The district conference of the Methodist Church South will open In La Grande Monday evening, Feb, 29, and win continue through Wed nesday morning with R, V, Wald raven, of CorvaUis, presiding elder; and Rev. A. J. Starmer, of La Grande, acting as hosts. Flans for the en tertainment of the visiting members of the conference have been com pleted by the auxiliary organizations of the church. Services will open Monday evening when the following program has been outlined; 7:15 Song service, led by Hev. C. P. McConnell. 7:35 Preliminary organization. 8:00 Worship hour. Prayer by Kev. A. J. Starmer and sermon by Rev, 3. T. Oroot, Tuesday morning the services will ouen at 0 o'clock with a sonsr serv ice at 9 o'clock and a prayer by iiev. , Frank' Sutton. The program for Tuesday includes: . - 8:16 Opening devotional service, R. A. Waldraven; - . 9:35 Completion of organization. Introductions. Reports of pastors. . 11:00 Program of world evangelism and' Christian education, with talks by Revs. Croat, Frank Sutton, O F. McConnell and 3. A. McKee. ' 11:00 "Our Missionary Work" by Rev, . S. H. Shangle, conference mis sionary secretary, 12:15 Adjournment. - 1:30 Devotional, Mrs. W. 8. Price. Reports from the district secretary and auxiliaries of the La Grande section of the W. M. S. and dis cussion of the general subject, "Wo men in the World's Work for Christ" by the Richland, the Milton, the Weston and the La Grande auxil iaries. . 2:45 Program on Christian stew ardship, with talks by Wyatt B. Starmer, F. H. Baker and Ray Hoover. 3:30 Christian education program, with talks by M. A.. McKee, confer ence executive secretary. 4:00 "The Special Days in Our Program," a discussion by Mrs. J. A. McKee, 4:15 Discussion of the "spiritual thermometer" of .the church. . 4:45 "Our Golden Cross Work," by A. J. Starmer. 5:00 Adjournment, followed by a recreational program conducted by ' the La Grande Young People's di vision. 7:15 Devotional service and prayer by; Oscar Gibson. ---- - 7i30'i?The -Supefannuate"'and''srHie HILLS BROS CHANGED COFFEE-ROASTING FROM A GUESSING-GAME TO A SCIENCE Controlled Roasting Hills Bros' patented process roasts small amounts, continuously, under automatic control Exact roast assured for every pound ... delight ful flavor never changes Hills Bros, developed a new way to roast coffee, because in ordinary, bulk-roasting methods the roast is governed by a man's guess. And men make mistakes. One batch may be underdone; another overdone. Flavor variations naturally result. Hills Bros.' patented Controlled Roasting process always makes a perfect roast S In stead of big batches, Hills Bros, roast a little at a time . . . without guesswork ! Small quan tities of coffee pass evenly, continuously through the roasters. the CHURCHES Claim," by H. S. Shangle. 8:00 Sermon, "Christ, the Church and the 18th -Amendment," Rev, Mc Connell. ; On Wednesday, morning the pro gram will be: 9:00 Opening service, by Frank Sutton. 9:15 Business session. 12:00 Adjournment. Rev. R. U. Waldraven, of Corvallls, presiding elder oi the Methodist church, South, will deliver the morn ing address at 11 o'clock next Sun day at the church. Sunday school will be held at 9:45, and Epworth league will meet at $ o'clock for the young people, while Bible study will be held again at 7 o'clock in the eve ning, with Rev. Waldraven deliver ing the address. Rev. A. J. Starmer Is pastor of the church. St. Peter's Episcopal Church Fourth and O Avenue Sunday, Feb, 28, will be the third in Lent and appropriate services will be conducted at St, Peter's Episcopal church. Archdeacon S. W. Creasey, of Pendleton, will conduct the morn ing service and preach the sermon, at the 11 o'clock hour. Church school will be held at 9:45, with Mrs. G. N. Tarkington as su perintendent. The members extend a cordial wel come to all. First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth Street and Spring At the 11 o'clock morning service at the Methodist church, -the pastor will preach the second of a two- sermon series on the subject of Good News for Today."- v "When life is asleep and needs a great dynamic force to awaken into great living, Jesus Christ - is good news," the pastor states. When life aspires and is searching for an ade quate center around which to live worthily, Jesus is good news. When life fails and the sense of moral breakdown is keen, Jesus is- good news." These were the points illus trated last Sunday. Besides the regular anthem by the chorus choir, there will be a special musical number by the male quartet. The Sunday school will meet at the usual hour, 9 :45: and in the eve ning the Epworth league will meet at the church at 8:15, when they are going In a group to meet with the B. Y. P. V., at a special service In the chapel car. . All adults are urged to be at the 7 o'clock service in the evening when, after a brief worship period the second period of "Studying the Tasks of the Official Board1 will be led by the pastor, Rev. W, H, Hert- zog. " First Presbyterian Church Washington and Sixth A large and interested congrega tion last Sunday morning greeted Rev. J. George Walz as he stepped into his pulpit at the Presbyterian church. Many boys and girls in the congregation gave the minister an opportunity-to impress be-eathtog As the accuracy of the KonrVglass de pends upon an even, continuous ' flow ... . , . , a little at a time i so the uniform flavor of Hills Bros. Coffee is produced by Controlled Boasting the patented process that roasts evenly, continuously . "a little at a time" of honesty by relating the story of George Washington and his hatchet. Another story in. the series will be related, to the boys and girls next Sunday morning, the pastor an nounced this morning. Adding to the service will be organ music, num bers by the quartet, a violin solo and numbers by the orchestra. This Sunday morning, 11 o clock, Miss Bdris Maguire, a former organ ist of this church, will play the prel ude by Solly, and the offertory, "Chant DAmour by Gillette. The quartet, Mrs. S, B. Morgan, soprano; Mrs. Hal Bohnenkamp, alto; 2. S. Hurley, tenor, and W. W. Nusbaum, bass, will sing the fanthem "In That. Cay This Song Shall Be Sung" taken from Isaiah 28, and arranged by Kev in, Katherlne Wisaie?, soprano, wlU sing "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes" by Bartlett. The minister will speak on "The Gold Mine of the Church." At the 7:80 o'clock evening service, the minister will speak on "The Word of Promise," based upon Christ's second saying from the cross. MSes Gladys Miller will preside at the or gan, and some special music number will be a feature of the service. Bible school is at 9:45 a. m.; junior Christian Endeavor at 3 p. m. and senior-intermediate and young peo ple's Christian Endeavor groups will meet at 6:15 in the church.. Zlon English Lutheran Church M Avenue near Fourth The subject of the sermon on Sun day morning at the II o'clock wor ship will he iDark or Light?" The choir will sing the anthem, "Holy Spirit From Above" by H. R. Palmer, accompanied by Miss Helen Jensen at the piano. v In the Sunday school at 9:45 a wail frieze made with pictures of the last events in Jesus' life will be started. The picture, "The Last Supper," by ; Bida will be the first one placed upon the frieze, - Each Sunday until after Easter a new picture will be put up, and some member of the Sunday school will tell the story which is represented, Aii children are invited to attend this school and find a place In the class for their age. ' "Building America for Christ" Is the topic to be presented by the Luther league devotional meeting at 7 p. m. The pastor, Rev. Edwin Braeher, is the leader for Sunday evening. What do you think about this great task of the Christian church? Come to league and share your ideas with the others, , Cent ml Church of Christ Seventh at Fenn Spring activities have been started at the Central Church of Christ, and include expansion .and improvement in all departments. The approach of Easter is calling for mnch special thought and prepars&on Programs calculated to attract the widest pos sible interest are being planned in all departments of the church,, and .the pastor. Rev, 'Panl de P. Morti more, states that the finest spirit of co-operation exists in the congre- Every pound is done to the exact degree that develops the most enjoyable flavor. Hills Bros. Coffee can't go stale! The vacuum process of packing coffee is the only method that fully preserves coffee freshness the air is removed from the can and kept out. It was originated by Hills Bros, over thirty years ago. There is no magic about a vacuum can it will not make poor coffee good, but it will keep good coffee fresh. Order Hills Bros. Coffee by name, and look for the Arab trade-mark on the can. Sunday morning there is much in terest in the Bible school attendance. : The month of February has sees high attendance marks and the school is making an effort to excell by a con siderable margin last year's Febru ary average. Interesting classes In all departments from cradle roll to adult are attracting good attend ance. A cordial Invitation is extended to ail who care to do so to attend the sessions. Miss Dorothy Smutz is superlntendant of the school, Last Sunday evening & large au dience heard the Christian orchestra gave one of its best concerts so far. This orchestra is working faithfully and the concerts are growing in beauty and interest. Music lovers will find it worth while to hear the Sunday evening concert, when three numbers will be played. The choir leads In the song service Sunday eve sings, and old-time favorite hymns are featured. The sermon Sunday evening promises to be unusually in teresting, dealing wills the subject, "The Fulfillment of Prophecy. - The pastor proposes to answer the ques- tion, "Has prophecy in the Bible! really been fulfilled? A record at- j tendance is expected to hear this ! discussion. The service begins at 7:30. j The 11 oclock morning worship service centers in the communion service which is obssrvbed each Sun day by Churches of Christ. AH Christians are urged to avail them selves of this privilege of obeying the Lord's command, and receiving the benefits thereby promised, the pastor adds. The morning sermon will be on the text "How Much Owest Thou My Lord?" The large chorus choir will sing the anthem, "Saviour, Who Died For Me," by Nelson, At 6:15 p. m. the high school and young people's C. E. societies will join in a union service at the Bap tist chapel car. This service will close at 7:15, in time for all who care to to return to the church for the 7:SG concert and evangelistic service. - First Church of Christ, Scientist First Street at Washington "Christ Jesus" will be the subject of the lesson-sermon in ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Feb ruary 28, The golden text wiii be "God sent not his Son unto the world to con demn the world: but that the world through him might be saved" (Jno. 3:17), Among the citations which com prise the lesson-sermon will be the following from the Bible i "I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my estivation unto the end of the earth" (Isaiah. 49:8). The lesson-sermon also - includes ! A ; Prices Effective Satiirday and Monday, Feb. 27 - 29 Q : I. Coffee iT v;: 59c 17 :f 1T , ; : i L---L.i o o Imsum CORN MEAL FIG BARS BROOMS ; 1 sl3T II II II If Eastern White Made from Whits or High quality lyl -- wX NA oe Yellow " Whole Wheat Flour Kitchen Broom pl litifltjl Vi'AjJlMjIi - 915g 25c 2 lbs. ..19c Each .... 39c ; ' 1 I BiiAXT iyrn? i m Cook with this easy-creaming. Carsten's mild sugar Blue Rose A Local Product fill curell, well streaked of of Highest Quality (yj with lean. High Quality f JL -t n t oft LBS. 0 JlC Inl LB. ;.13C 5 LBS. 29C , W choice ztsst- i on I OF STANDARD xa s -peas W if CANNED GOODS Cans .ffV I ir JP 2lk.tuul5lk. fearing fill i 1 SOAP SALT rlh "-1: y i ciTfiAW i : i i "r,:-A.r" -tz m&. rih Fine Granulated Harmony Brand Leslie's 2-lb, Pkg. 3& f'!r W S?Kr of excellent quality Plain or Iodised Salt lO I 10 tl& 45c 10 bars 35c pk: 'Tc I lire! -w-r- T-"ir nrt i ITTTfll "TTfIVil.11" " lOf !x Ml Fine Quality Pure MAX-I-MUM BRAND ifjl UanIHI HP Honey Of Extra Fine Quality lip 1 pail..P.! 79C 1 GLASS JAR ...-15c M tHtL CWiVL BLU HILL CHEESE SPINACH i lp Nationally I&own Fresh cut IWj rih Spreading Cheese ' from the Garden. jlfl the following passages from the Christian Science text book, "Sclenco and Health with Key to the Scrip tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Christ is the true idea voicing good, the divine message from God to men speaking to the human conscious ness. The Christ is incorporeal spiritual, yea, the divine image and likeness, dispelling the illusions of the senses; the Way. the Truth, and the X&e, healing the sick and casting out evils, destroying sin, disease, and death ip. 332K Sunday school Is held at S o'clock; Wednesday evening service at 8 o'clock. Reading room, West-Jacofe-soa building, open daily except Sun day and holidays, from I to "4:33. Services at church edifice, corner First and Washington streets, II a. m, and S p. m. Emmanuel Apostolic Assembly 1806 Jefferson. Avenue Sunday school at the Smmanuel Apostolic Assembly will open at IS o'clock Sunday and the morning service will follow at U o'clock, when the pastor, Bev. R. S. Sweeten, will deliver the sermon. In the evening at S;8S, the Young H meeting win bo held, after which an evangelistic service will he heid at 7:45, to which ail are invited to come. The midweek services will be: preaching, Tuesday evening at l'A& Wednesday evening, prayer meeting; Friday, evangelistic service at and on Saturday evening at S o'clock a street meeting will he held. The Gospel Mission 2201 Kortii Fir Street Sunday services at the Gospel Mis sion, will include Sunday school at 9;45; morning service of worship at it o'clock! young people's service at 8:4Sj and the evening service of evangelism at 7;30, In that service, Mr. Clark, the evangelist, iii speak on the interesting subjects "Fight ing His Way to Hell," The revival services have been well attended from night to night, and the pastor, Bsv, I. Carlsen, describes the evangelist as a "bold speaker of the truth, not taking man's In terpretation of the Bible but preach ing it as it reads. Friday night is "Healing Sight, in this service the sick will be prayed for. According to Bev Carl sen, MT. Clark has seen hundreds healed through prayer. In the three nights of next week, Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday, Mr, Clark mil speak on the subjects i "Prophecy Proving the Infallibility of God's "The Great Zioiegist Move- in which he will whether the Jew is soon to have ful filled the prophecy of OosTs word tn building their great temple; also "la Mussolini taCOBsiBg Anil-Christ?1' 'A welcome awaits all, he sdds. . Chares f CJod Sprue Street at X avenue Sunday school will begin the day's services a& the Church of God at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. The sub ject for the lesson will be "Jesus Kai&es Lazarus Front the Besd The regular Susd&y morning serv ice will begin at It o'clock and the sermon subject will be Serinonette Edited fey Harriet B. MaeBosald "Arise Shine, for thy light is come and the glory of tne Lord is nptm the Isaiah, 80:1. Pray That Thy Faith. Fail Sot The year is now just halt way be tween the dead of winter and the beginning of spring the most trying period in the annual cycle of tiras. It is trying as to the is trying as to sickness. Still we are on the way toward, springtime each 24 honrs marks a certainty of advance in the direction of increased light and life. Now all this has a meaning, Not long ago I wrote you about the be ginning of the new year, and how its beginning pictures in every detail the beginning of & new and better state of life. One would easily sup pose that such, a marked turning point woaid be uninterruptedly fol lowed by steady progress toward But such is by no means the fact. M !PfVf Let atoms come as they may, they cannot change the fast that each day the sun is rising higher in the heavens, -Have not you been having & simi lar experience on a smaller scale? When the Ideal of Christianity first biases in glory upon us, wo sense a crisis, a turning point, amounting fairly to change from death nnto life. We exult; we shout tor joy. And then happens the inevitable. Meal fades; winds of doubt assail; storms of bit ter anguish, fall upon us, we wonder at times at our former faith. When such a "winter" come in the inward mind we need to go to outward nature, (And Kature Is as much the voice of God Spoken Word.) Here we are remind ed that winter may Muster and blow as he will, yet at the center his power Ss broken. Whatever the storm. its springtime is assured, " We shall see iiiei . t , ,-, So -with the winter oi our doubt. Today the great turning psk&t Is be hind us and not ahead. Doubt may assail, and discouragement belesgner and failure threaten, ys ws. go on. serenely, confidant that no winter storm can endure iorever. Oar faith shall Jail so&i .. . . ' H. 8, Dana Declares For River Development PORTLAND Feb. 25 Sevelop- ment of the Columbia slver "for &u its nses, was today declared by Mar shal N. Sana candidate for tfes Democratic senatorial nomination, to be the next responsibility of the federal government in the waterway program." Basa at a meeting of the Willa mette association today outlined ins Ho did not mention prohibition but said "on all questions that may become issues I shall he responsive to the Toted will of the people of Ore gon to the extreme extent consistent with, personal conviction and BHOIIERS TEAM TO ME ALf TEXAS tEASE CLUBS W2CHTFA Te$C The Coombs brothers baseball ism, com Ptfsse send me i gasbag. 1 V v I rii.nv lit I L -4 I l!f.4 III posed of 11 brothers all Hring tn or near W&ha Falls, has ss&s&ulsdL x MbliLaa games with all eight Xeias Tke hroSherly aggssgaUon i raie4 with the bes sen-psbfessicss&l fils in this section. lilgh Seeffsy Set Few Free She Kebv -Scker Wil son o 3iuland so&gge'a b&ak$b& team Is a ie&ding sssssa? is the 3se hra&ka college oonfereneev hut with nsi? the season gasa he had. been awarded only ono free had not made it good, ; Be&tc ef AmW&or - 1 Ambassadors ar ordinary wftsa the? rsslls persBasebtly at fcr egs eoar or extraordinary whes ssat of special oeeasfss. Wbes am feassaasrs extraoMisarj are reatei wUJa fail powers as of eodamg peaces msktsg trestles asg fns tl&Sv, they are called nleslootsa iisrles.: ? Enkay 1 J 'i quick-dissolving sugar Thammis of Pacific C&ast wsswa have siready dia:sared how to save liws asd labor fcj ming fite-graiaed C sisd H MENU "Berry" Sogsr for their cosidng. They sever waste Ersciou mlsnlts sftisg sugar for a cake, or tire ihessselves wisfc arduous slirrfag to ereasa it wife bsr. C asd K MENU "Berry needs no ssftissg! It'crsasa iss jsffy lo magte velvrfy sEseoilmessE' It dissols'ss ia liqaids three times as fasi as ordsssry grassland! Try this nsarveloss sagar today, mi find st for yearself what a differesce it mates is use s realiy fise-graiasd quick-dissslvisg graaslaled for every household ssrpose, Be sure, st course, ts insist ss C and H MESU "Berry is Use erlgsaat reisery sge. Hat's ysar gaarassise si gteg snfy pure cone sagsr, refitsrf scieaiifis standards o parity and deadlines, ' Brswa Sssgar, CaBta:lioaers Powdered, Dessert Sagar, Crystal TaideSs, sad Cakelets . . : all Site C assd H MENU Sugars otter endless op portunities for varyiag the aseaa. MEM ?$zr ??cipe heki? sU ff csti 1 " :zrzzzzz HILLS BROS COFFEE