La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 18, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page Two
Friday, December 18, 1931.
:. O
. p
Save on Her
The leading brands of
hose at lowest prices in
cluding Allen-A, Phoenis.
Gotham and Belding.
69c to $1.29
Department Store
Ready-to-Wear Store
1 v'-w
h iefc- gr a
1 i
fa 1 11
.deaxn in axuiaouri. He declared then
that "if there J a hair of her bead
f harmed. he would devote his enure
Ufa and Donnelly would devote his
enure online to running down the
abductors. -
The magic that "Jim" Reed's name
carries In his borne city probably was
a strong factor In the decision of the
kidnapers to release the captives.
When the former senator left the
trial ol an Important case at Jeffer-
son City, Mo., yesterday and rushed i
here at Donnelly's request to take
charge of the situation, the abductors i
discovered they had more to deal with
than a helpless woman..
Heiress, 15, Fights for Truckman Mate 'MANY FAVORABLE
(Continued From Page One)
litre Is a late picture of .General
Siiieeru Jionio, Jeadrr of Japa
nese troops In )UDrhuria. who
hat rrusned the Cblnne army jn
virtually etery cngacemejit.
(Continued from Page One)
jwe want $75,000.-
I said, "oh, my land! I haven't that
i" - : much money. ;
had received an anonymous telephone 1 dec!ded to write to her attorney.
Miller; angels. Sjrlrla Hodgin. Joanne
Leslie: Icings of -the orient, Donald
Culp, Ralph Gelbel and F.oscoe Hur
ley. ,
In "The Beautiful Legend of
Cathay," the gift bearers are Mary
Freese. Lois Jeane Davis, La Velle
Hanna. Jeane Sturdlrant. BetUe
Martin. Katharine Wnsler. Virginia
Shepherd, Bettle Palmer, Lillian
Schubert, Elizabeth Milne. Winifred
Scott and Intermediate girls.
Christmas offering for Near East
relief. ,
Lighting of candles Substance,
Service. Self.
Confession of Faith and Consecra-
Joy to the World."
call which instructed him where ' James E. Taylor. She said one of the'
find the ViCtJmS. lmn sinl tmf- - w-i ,H a fia.hllofe 1
They failed to find the victims, but dicUttd the demand. 'MYSTFIiV 111? AM A
a-'ter cruising around a woman step- sbe BulI "
ped out and asked: ,. The abductors hd I I STAGED HERE BY
Is this the car that came for me?" provided a bed for her and a cot for j J, J C J I TV I OPS:
JOuuuiiued from Paga Onef
J -
"3 , 1
music admirably interspersed with
UTtiy and modern coinixjsitlons."
(Ocntmuea mxn. Pag Ons)
Oregon Journal . (ccsnmentlng on
concert - played in Peninsula park.
j Portland, in September. I23:
j I i ne municipal oaiui 01 uiuimuwc
' listeners were generous In t3Ir paro m. comp lime n lary concert at
' praise and expressed a desire to .hear . Peninsula park, Sunday afternoon.
' more similar band music." j .... It (the program) revealed care-
Orc-goR Journal (Radio concert fu! preparation. .... The band is a
splayed In Portland, 1923 : igreai credit to La Grande."
, "Radio tolk listened in- last j Editorial Irojn Baker Democrat -,
niiig tc an enterxainment that was Herald'
l nuij ura wnue. i ce ut unooe;
municipal band, with its prcgim I
-Comments of praise are still be-
cf grand opera sanctions, splendidly j """" u"
. Trr . ' . . ' 1 remarkable concert Riven by the La
; rendered, was a pleating feature of
Grande municipal band at the park v
last Wednesday evening. Conducted
Beatrice Barclay Pickerel!. 15. daughter of wealthy John C. Barclay, of
MontclaJr. X. appeared in roart and helped her truckman-hoshand,
Kevte T. Pick ere U. raise bond for later appearance on an abduction
charge preferred by her father. She slid down a sheet and escaped
from home recently. Above photo ma snapped as the couple were
reunited in coart..
Bull. Uarylou Rhea. Robert Zweifel,
Garth Cross. Riley Lambert.
the evening. The music of the mu
' pon-e methopolises proTtded was UJf sw-k
wortehy of a pUoe on any program Is truly the most musi-
the countThe radio SSl ! organization in Eastern Oregon
Jit over wita a perfectSons that gave j and 85 bO06tr ior lts
nerjs of thousands pleasure." jhome town."
( (Pendleton East- Oregcni&n com-! Pendleton East Oregonian (com-
; men ting on Happy Canyon- show, ! menticg oa Happy Canyon show in
( September. 1923 : 11927): ,
j The music by the La Grande mu- j "The fine music of the La Grande
! nicipal bend . is winning much far j band adds much to Happy Can yap;
j ortle ccmaient- The music typi- i the musicians are with, the ahow
- cal of the spirit of the play." Pur-1 every minute and their acocenpani-
l ther: "T-nro yeers aco the La Grande ..meats are unfailing."
; band was practically unknown in j With such, a fine reputation and
; Western Oregon. But through, the I with the eiiv erf La. Grande havlne
efficient direction of Andrew Loney the honor to possess such an oigan-
izacon. erery effort should be put
forth to see thas the band should
not be allowed to disband. With
this thought in mind, the La Grande
pes No. 43 jof the American Legion
has taken on the Job of raising funds
to keep the band intact.
Hugh Brady is general chairman
Jr. the band has raised its standard
; and is cow known as one of the
best bands in the northwest."
j Baker Herald - Democrat ' (June,
1 1929, : '
; "Who doesn't thrill to band music
; and especially to music like the La I
Grande municipal band played in j
as the
EXaAUSENBURO. Rumania (-
Because the municipal electric light dows.
plant ref-sed to reduce rates, msr-' tte cilY park last evening
chants of this Tranv.-lvanla town '. fniE? number of a series
ummnuon suite -5"j""- hatadons and Mr. Brady will accept
JTT lZ lt S5llT Toluntary offers gladly. A gen
cues in tte.r shops and shoar vin-t! oreanization srhich r 'erai drive will bi startsd on Dec. 28
The Toman tras Mrs. DonneUy. Blair , the chauffeur.
lras with her. ! 6 he said they re fed milk and
' auinapmg occurcea - jcracxers. ana mat omy ope c the face of dishonor and ignominy. Is!
home late Wednesday as she was re-- men was discourteous. .She described portrayed by Harry Johansen. whoj
turning from her downtown office, j the house as "filthy." with Miss OooUdge form the leading '
As Blair drove into the driveway I "Then the thing got out (referring team in th. nrmnrum mi jn !
another machine pulled In. Three I to the news of the abduction) .and McKennon plays the outstanding fe-j
v:ch a splendid program of classical ' and continue through that wee
City's Liberty Tree . '
The Providence (It; It) journal
says that on July 23, 1703, the lib.
erty tree of I'rovhlence was delU
cated in front of Cnpt. Jnmes 01
ney's house, on Olney lane, now
Olney street, by the Sons- of Lib
erty. ' Among the lower brachos a
platform was built fre:n wlileli
speeches were made. 1'he tree was
cut down about 1825,
Bque Poll Not.Poraolio
AU dolls of domestic manuf.ic
ttre arc today made of an unbreak
able composition, ,wMeh is entirely
separate and distinct from the
lisque dolls, which are still import
ed, although io a very much lesser
extent, Into this country.
Foot Coverings .
The sandal, the earliest and sim
plest shoe, was known by the most'
primitive race and was certainly
worn by the ancient Esyptians. The
Hltlites wore shoes, often with
gaiters above to protect the ankle
and calf of the leg.
Many National Holidays
Of the 305 days in the year, 2C0
are bank or public holidays In one
country or another. People en
gaged In International transactions
And It necessary to keep track of
them all.
First Through Canyon
The first man to make the pass
age of the Colorado River canyon
was MaJ. John Wesley Powell in
men got out.
jthey came to. me and told me they male character rote in the part of
Blair was forced to move over from ! realized they never should have taken m Rosalie taGnan. and the
the wheel and two of the men got ; a woman and that they were going leading ma character part is played
into the rear seat with Mrs. Don- to release us. They toid me to get by Wayne Poster, who is excellent as
nelly. As the car moved away the ; up and they put the sack over my the hard boiled detective intent upon :
men blindfolded her. head again. They put another over solving the mystery j
Blair also was blindfolded and, af- Blair's head and took us out to the' The spirit of burlesque does not'
ter a 20-minute drive, they were .car.- enter tn the production of -The
transferred to another car. j less than an hour later the two Thirteenth Chair- In the least and :
-K-was six o'clock when they cap-. were released. ' ' every part is seriously portrayed. The '
tured me." she said. "We drove for a j -It's wonderful." said Reed. 1 who mystery strikes In the home of a '
long time and then were taken into ; had spent a sleepless night. -Now all wealthy family among a host of
a dark house. I was seated without j we need to crown this is a hanging." guests, whose attractive clothes lend i
delay and they Immediately toid me j In a warning to the kidnapers yes- a glow of color to the stage. Other i
they wanted money.", iterday. In which be guaranteed airs, members of the east are Burke Inlow. ;
They umi me: v are not going Donnelly's husband would pay S76.000 uiss Eveivn Uasfen inn Pirnn I
e to hurt you If you wul do a we tell ) for her safe release. Seed pointed out Henrietta Ashbaugh. Dale Standley
s you- We will treat you a3 ngnt but ?that kidnaping u punishable by Donald Culp. Robert Cunliffe. Melva'
I 5
W .l r I V. V a f - IV A' 1 .. r I S W'
Only Five More Shopping Days! Toyland has hundreds $
of delights for the Kiddies. Make your selection now g
tor Christmas Deuvery.
! J iM'
' Scooter
Selected hardwood frame.
Steel disc wheels, rub
tired $3.25
Outstanding Values
for Thrifty Purses ,
Telephone ', 39
Aeroplane ; 39
Ted Tovs 39d
Ship 39
Dressed Doll 39t?
Motor Car v 39
Toy Bank . . 39t?
Tootsie Toys 39d
Skipping Rope . 39
Values to $L00
Just any kind of doll you
wt.iu fully dressed. ocne
vlth real hair.
As low us
Sat ni-day Specials in Toyland
Drain . 99t
Golf Set 99c
China Tea Set 99
Aluminum Set 99c
Steam Shovel 99
Trolley Car 99d
Mechanical Tovs . 99?
Doll Trank 99c
Dolls 99
Values to $2.00
China Set
Ready to entertain. Pret
ty design
vlth nice
R3 Varsity brand. Gen
uine leather cover.
wrongly eewn. Jusi vnat
every boy
Saturday Specials in To, And
Magic Lantera ! $1.69
Roller Skates ..... 1.69
Dressed Dolls 1.69
Erector Set No. 3 1.69
Golf Clubs 1.69
Dram 1.69
Box of Soldiers , 1.69
Doll Ti-unk . 1.69
Kitchen Set .. 1.69
Values to $3.95
Pedal Car
Selected kiln-dried hard
wood, exceptionally well
constructed. Bright en
Child's Set
Child size, table and
two chairs nicely decor- f '
T $4.95 i
Doll Carriage
Genuine fibre, sdjustable
hood and rubber tired
Choice of
4$ Inches loo;. 13 Inches
wide. Genuine Flexible
Give things of a useful and practical nature such as furniture provides. Furni
tuxe will not only bring- joy and pleasure to the recipient this Christmas, but for
many.Christmases to come. This Christmas you can profit by the lowest furni
ture prices in 16 years.
He wiU be glad to
, get a Smoker"
$2.95 up
A splendid variety of smoking
stendA, cabinet and buroldor
style at Amazingly loir prices.
(If t ifc
A real surprise!
2-Piece Suite for
If yoar home needs a new lliin- room suite yon could nt possibly
tm a better lime to fill that need than Christmas. These two knvly
Imtx in monair maxe a sir the entire frmiiy will enjoy for many
years to come. A small iIout. payment
unmediate delivery.
is all that is necessary for
This Spinet Desk
Will Please Her
This Is an unusually low price
for one of these desks so popo
ter with every woman.
Book Case No Finer
Gift for the Home
Really, no home should be
without one. Additional sec
tions con be added any time
at very little additional cost.
"Here's a fine Gift
Table for Onlv
This Is Just one of the oot
fUadlne nines He are offer
ing as a solution to your sift
A Super Gift!
8Pc. Dining Suite
One of the fine dinln- snlies makes a truly maeniflcent gift for the
home, and will make this Christmas lonj remembered. Beantlfally
finished In Tlnut. buffrt. extension table and six chairs tmrlnded. A
splendid value to be hed on tt ea.y pa mentis.
A Cedar Chest
Makes an Ideal Gift
$8.75 up
Genuine red Tennessee cedar,
exterior In walnut finish. Wide
choice of sires and designs.
Men Like Governor
Winthrop Desks
A eift to tile man of the house.
Some place to keep his private
papers, etc.
I -y riynia w .Jrcl I I
a a . ..rjm.- mm m
A Real Gift for
$6.25 up
X Bridge or Junior Hoot Jmp.
Wonderful selcrtiau. metal
tiaadards pAirhmfnt 3nd sror
aette studr-.
Easy Terms
Gladly Arranged
Bedroom Suites make
Wonderful Gifts ..
Yoa can make no mistake hy cbcoInc one of oar beeiatlfnl new bed
room uitrs llrreS. three I'kcr. Bed. Canity and Chiffonier equfcs
ttdy dP' ijrnrd and flt.Uhr.j .n -aainut. Any onrtn vronld dclicht In
thiHtift and ocr con.en'rnt term require vctj little cash (or Irame
dkite uVll.erj. '
Surprise Them
With a New Rug
Fine grade, 9x1 Axmlnwters
rrpresentlng nPW patterns end
color schemes.
Tull-up Chair for
Wife or Mother
$8.75 up
Comfortable sag seal, choice
of nplmhiery, inrhulin- no
halr. velnur.
Buy Now
Pay Next Year
Flyers racer