La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 06, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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Monday) April 6,. 193k
NOW AT $26,725
For March $16,525,
-Including Three New
Dwelling Places.
; Building pcrmjts Issued In March
provided for new construction In the
arncunt of 16,625, this figure brlng
fng the total for the first quarter of
1B31 to $28,725. The fluure for
January was $7500 and for February
i During the month three new resi
dence buildings were started, ranging
fn price up to M500.
Only two permits were Issued last
week, as follows
i Mar. 30 Elliott Austin, for Wll-
llamson and Berry, to alter and re-
palr a homo on First street between
AUw niiu ..nwn u.c.uva,
U) cost oou.
ti and "Repair a" bu.lnebuT.ding
-Mar. 30 E. O. Reisland. to al
wood and Hemlock streets, work to mlnlmum D, effort. Annuals or sum
Cost 350. mcr bulbs to sunnlant the earliest
-J ! crops give an easy solution. Corn
ea . ri1 . I panlon rows of annuals can be
Nicaraauan Shoots """? "lli!d m mere,y y eivmg the
. , , 1 vegetables a little extra distance be-
American Sergeant '" rows wicn " make cultiva
te Hon easy.
; . 1 T1c sunflowers, for years a com-
. MANAGUA. Nicaragua. April 0 W mon leature of coumry vegetable
Sergeant W. H. Plgg. U. S. M. C., was Kenlli ln their modern guise should
shot and killed by a member of the bo used freely as borders or boundary
Wcaraguan national guard Saturday )int,. Formerly It was the old-fash-afternoon.
H was unofficially re- joncd, tall, hugs sunflowers that
ported that he had lost his mind wero the flower accent In the vegc
under the strain of rescue work, and tablo garden. They now have the
had threatened the guardsmen. big ones In red and red variegations
:.. The name of the guardsman was and zonlngs to add to their attract
not disclosed; , ' Iveness but there Is a group of
:;,Ccl. Frederic Bradman, marine com-i medium height, neat small flower
rnander, said an investigation of the sunflowers known as the cucumber
hooting already was under way but leaved sunflowers which likewise
no particulars had been adduced. ! have the red types but also beautl
jt ful and varying shades of yellow
f . . i . frrim rrdnm In nlmnut. n no nrl.h
Police Confiscate
u llrmp tJniinr Cnrnn
" MMliyK UllJUUI lUI yu
tt. r, . ,
Y ROSEBUHO, Ore.. April 0 (PI Two
men 'who said , they wero Lewis Qui-
xante,-25i i and - James Pachello. -19.
both of San Francisco, wore under
prrcst here Saturday while police held
their lltnmntiltn anrt W flvft.vnltnn
Cans -of alcohol. ,i Police halted tho
big -roadster when .they becomo bus-,
glclous of It, Tho liquor cargo, C, H.
Bennett,, deputy, sheriff -ml, was)
ttitinti 1n Ihn .Mr nf . th mi- .n,l i
Weighed over ono thousand pounds. I, SALEM, April 0 UP One-way traf
(Tha car was equipped with special ne over lhe upper Columbia river
jprlng to carry the load. Police sold "il!r'woy, disrupted since early In the
lho:.two jnen told them they werei
running tho liquor to Seattle.
ning lit of Cold
. At Windsor Home
( 'WINDSOR. Eng., Apr. 0 (PI King one-hour Intervals alter dork. Thurs
George spent a comfortable night last day or Friday of this week Is set as
night, It was announced today, but the probable tlmo for completion of
because of unfavorable weather, It the repairs and resumption of two
was considered likely that he would woy traffic.
leave his room today. , The highway Is reported open and
vlt was stated that the king's cold safe for travel at all other points and
was taking a normal course, that ho traffic has also been restored over tho
was not in oca ana was continuing to
carry out nis oruinary worx.
Winter Efg Laying
The Poultry Item says: Take Hie
Winter egg crop nwny nnd this
mighty Industry would fall to tho
ground lu one jinr. It wns dis
covered Imlf a century ago Unit If
hens nre kept out of t lie snow and
In oilier ways duly protected
lufnlnst tho rigors of winter they
will Iny eggs ut 40 below zero an
eertnlnly m m 00 -In the slindo
This Is the basis of nil prollls In
poultry cult".
-- Old City National Playg round
,V A city of picturesque contrasts,
' Where one may sec the old beside
-A!10 new. Sun Antonio Is nt oncu a
community of bounty, chnini nnd
Jiletory. Once n Spanish strong
'hold, nations, two centuries ngo,
louglit for Its possession. Toilny
It la one of the favorite winter
playgrounds of the nnllnn.
A Better Aim
. "I observe," stntes a roguish rend
er of the Inrt nnd tnrnlsheil tub-
lolds, 'Hint 'Ilccnuse 1 loved him so,'
Is becoming nn cver.5dny ullbl for
women who murder their busliniuls.
How," be catechizes tho (.'olunilms
Citizen, "enn such loving disposi
tions be curbed?" Ily tenchlng
them," suggests Hie etlllor, "to con
trol their effecllmia."
S - P - L - I - N
orrw'ifii I'niiiu-jiiioii or
you do your
Rare some occults to
last week?'
Tramp: "No mum,
and tho doctor Buys 1
never will he nnain."
spring houKC-clranlng
we can suvc you sonic
money on your paint
ami kalsnmlne. Vt
have tho CKRTAIN
TEED Una than which
thero is none better.
Aftor these spring
ruins in u good time
to have the new roof
put on. You can lay
asphalt shingles right
over the old roof
without much
"Have you Bern Ilo-
"Here cornea a frtenri
of mine. He's a hu
man dynamo.
'Yen, everything ho
has on Is charged."
COCK makes a dandy
spring fuel.
Young Wife: "Aren't
you tho same twin I
The Garden
. The vegetable garden may be made
an ornamental factor In the . home
grounds even though it Is as strictly
nt til flirt n us thA klthn In th.
b .
erate none the less efficiently be
cause of pretty wall paper, attrac
tive curtains, handsome linoleum
and other decorative appurtenances.
There are many decorative schemes
that may be employed In the vegeta
ble garden. As the hose Is likely to
be called Into frequent play, a bird
bath Is an interesting and pleasant
feature, whether it Is in the shaDe of
imal! pool or a basin on a standard.
A sun dial as a central feature also
adds a picturesque feature.
provldlng goo,, snaoe on gome out
ijui aoove an, n mere is a tree
tlcirt of the garden, provide an orna-
.., h,h ,,r,,iV it Thu mil .
useful as a refreshing place to shell
pcll3- prepare Bnap tnna, husk corn
omI pcrform other taak8 ,
tJon wlth preparlng vegetables tor
ttlC table.
In addition to these, blooming
Si? " 1?.?2
nldxo nf IntAi-nat a l kioi.i., mitt.
, glittering black contrasting centers.
i Tneso are beautiful cutting ma-
tr'. "man enough of flower
to lack ull the coarseness of the old-
'fashioned giants.
Draw your garden Won with an eve
to a few bright spots or color ln the
vegetable garden and an ornament of
som kl"a or otn" dd mtcr-
flnn.Wrtii Ti'tifttf nrt
v-"'c " "f I Ul 1 11. VII
Columbia Highway
"y wuonout ana suae near the
top of tho figure 8 Just east of Vista
House, has been resumed, it was an
nounced by the highway department
Saturday afternoon.
During tho daylight hours traffic
ln- allowed to flow In each direction
ot half-hour Intervals, subject to tho
oneratlons nf rennlr fi-nwn miri n.
waplnita cut-off.
Air Mail Old Idea
Interest In nlr mail times back to
3SL'2, when the postmaster genend
wns nslieil to give cnusldemiltui to
an ncrlul device by Jumps Ilennctt
of Philadelphia In order to ex
pedite mull delivery. )..
Right Efforts
The great high rontl of humnn
welfnro lies nlnng the old high
way of stentlfflst well-lining;
and (hey who nrc (ho most per
sistent, mill work In the true
spirit, will Invariably be the
most successful. Success trends
on the heels of every right ef
fort. Samuel Smiles.
Cullinan Diamond Supreme
The largest anil In most respects
the most reuinrknhle diamond ever
fount! Is (he Culllnnn diamond. It
weighing S.0-2i carats or 1.37
pounds, and measuring 4 iuclics by
2.5 Indies by 1.2.1 I ne I ion.
fflcGuffcy's School Book,
KsUtmitcs 1.4 to how ninny copies
of .Miilufley's rentiers wore used In
tills country riinge from 7O.(KKi.(Ki0
to SlUHXI.tXK) nntl upward. The
American Hunk company nlHrluls
have e.sifniulnd Hie combined hiiIc-p
of Metiuffey's rentiers, primers nnd
spelling books between 1&1U and
l'.rjo ut rJ2.mi(UKH).
- T - E - R - S
sle'ft new evening
'No, what docs it look
"Welt, hi most places
ll looks quite a hit
Instead of using cloth
and paper on the
walls and ceilings ot
your heme this year,
why not finish 'em up
the fire pi oof wall
board? Let us give
you an estimate on
the quantity required
Wo Sell To Soli Again
Stations Gird
To Battle For
Greater Power
WASHINGTON tPt The battle
between broadcasters for maximum
power privileges will be renewed
before the federal radid comrnis
slon here April 14.
The commission will hold a hear
ing on the recommendations of its
chief examiner, Ellis A. Yost, that
eight stations be granted Increases
In power to 50.000 watts, and 11 sta
tions to 25,000 watts. Several sta
tions which were not recommended
for the maximum, and others whoch
failed to receive Yost's approval for
ana increase, aireaay nave iuea
briefs attacking his report.
Maximum power applicants In the
first radio zone are WHAM, Roches
ter, N. Y.; WBZ. Boston; WOR,
Newark; WJZ. New York. Yost
recommended 50,000 watts for WJZ
and 25,000 for the other three. The
latter contended he erred in fail
ing to approve their reaue-ta for
I -.2?." .C-httn.' ??'"' hiR-h
power ln the second zone are
WCAU, Philadelphia, and WHAS,
Louisville. Yost recommended 60.-
000 for the Philadelphia station and
25,000 for the Louisville transmit
ter. Counsel for the two stations
will present competitive claims for
50,000 watts at the commission's
High power applicants In the third
zone are WfAI, Birmingham;
WSM, Nashville: WSB. Atlanta:
WBT, Charlotte and KVOO, Tulsa.
Yost picked WSM and WSB for
tho 60.000 ratings and the other
three for 25.000.
In tho fourth zone a battle Is be
ing waged for the power "plums."
Applicants for 60,000 watts are
WHO-WOC, Des Moines: WCCO,
Minneapolis; WTMJ. Milwaukee:
and four Chicago stations, WGN.
WMAQ, WBBM, and WCFL.- Yost
recommended 60.000 watts for
WCCO and WON and 26,000 watts
for WHO and WMAQ. Ho reported
adversely against the applications
of WTMJ, a regional station and
WCPL, a limited time station..
In the firth zone there are four
applicants for high power: KOO,
Oakland: KOA. Denver; KPO. San
Francisco, and KSL, Salt Lake City.
Yost recommended 60,000 watts for
KOA and KPO and 25.000 for KOO
and KSL.
Two regional stations seeking
maximum power are WWJ, Detroit
and WltEC. Memphis. Yost recom
mended that tho applications of both
be denied
Menus Of The
Ily Mr!. Alexander George
Chilled Fruit Cocktail ,
Cooked Wheat Cereal with Pigs
lg Omelet Broiled Ham Slices
Bran Muffins Coffee
Chilled Fruit Cocktail
(Serving Eight)
1 cup diced pineapple.
1 cup diced peaches.
1 cup seeded white cherries.
I cup diced oranges.
1 cup fruit Juice.
2 tablespoons lemon Juice.
4 tableHpoons sugar.
Mix and chill ingredients. Serve
in gliusa cups.- Fresh or ounned fruits
can be used for this cocktail., .
Cooked When! Cereal and Fig's
114 cups wheat cereal.
Vi teaspoon salt.
6 cups water.
2-3 cup chopped figs. .
Pour water ln upper pact of double
holler. When boiling, slowly add
cereal and salt. Boll vigorously three
minutes. Put in lower part of boiler
which has been 1-3 filled with boil
ing water. Cover and cook 30 min
utes. Stir frequently. Add figs and
cock 15 minutes. This, cereal can be
cooked the day prior to serving and
heated 16 minutes In double boiler
when denlred. ,
Itrolitd Ham SI Ires
2 pounds ham, cut y4 inch thick.
Cut hum In serving pieces.. Place
in frying pan and broil for 15 min
uter, below glowing fire. Turn to
allow even browning. Place ham on
serving platter and surround with
egg omelet.
KJCR omelet
fl egg yolks,
cup milk.
1 tciiKpoon salt.
y4 teaspoon paprika.
0 egg whites, beaten.
Beat yolks and add milk and beat
two minutes. Add rest of Ingredients
and mix lightly. Pour Into two but
tered frying pans. Heat slowly nnd
after 6 minutes, carefully turn half
over. Hold in place with fork and
cook three minutes. Turn out care
fully. When making omelet for serv
ing eight per ho ns It Is best to have
aid lu cooking the omelets.
Had Enough of the Sea
On account of a shipwreck in
his Ionia when he was emigrating
fnun Knglnmt to Snuth Afrlm. Mr.
Clark of I'.oshof, Ornnse Kreo
State, m:i(le Ills way lnhnid. a'ul
vowed that lit would never enst
eyes on Hie sea nsain. lie settled
ut Itnshof, where he hullt up nn ex
tensive general 'dealers' business.
I mil left a large fortune nt his
idea tli.
j Many Humming Bird Species
! What hiimmln;; birds luck In size
i tln-y try to innke up In n:milpr.
I Tlu're itre nenrly MX) Hpocles unit
lliey an' found nnly fit the New
world. They nre tropical, hut In
warm xveailier anil the season of
I Honors tliey migrate as far norlh
us Alaska ami us far south as
rutiiironln. Our country makes nn
acceptable summer home for about
sixteen species.
Alio Dangerous
"My ancestors." said III Ilo, the
Ni;:e of riilnatown. "were worthy
men. They are named only In
praise, since they were all so pow
erful that It would have been fool
Isli to mention their faults."
Washington Slur.
Texas Under Many Flags
Texas has exlsied under slj
fhiss: That of Knince. planted by
l.n Snllo; the Spanish Hag. the
Mexican, the I. one Star banner of
the republic of Texas, the Stars
and stripes and the flag of the
southern Confederacy.
Evil ot Vanity
If vanity does not entirely
overthrow the virtues, at least
It makes iheiu ull totter.
: ' K.'T H "'Sxtd I --r L i3'o'
' J I It's la' 'JUJL J KM .C. tttti-ft-
(By the AsKoeluted Press)
Compactness is combined with a
very livable arrangement ln this house
inspired by the English Georgian
Because he has wasted practically
no space the designer has provided
rooms surprisingly large, considering
that the house is oniy so zeet square.
The front view Is intriguing in Us
simplicity, relieved by a nicely shaped
second -story bay, which is supported
by the entrance porch columns.
On either side of this bay there
lc a generously proportioned wall
space, unbroken except for the upper
and lower parts and the vertical
For thfi sake of variation fn .this
design, two circular windows may be
placed on the second floor front, one
on each Bide of the bay. In the cen
ter of the wall space, one oi
windows would be in the upper 'left
bedroom and the other on the stairs.
Designate Books
To Be Purchased
Under New Laws
SALEM. April 6 (P) Textbooks In
reading for the first, second, third,
fifth, seventh and eighth grades, and
geographies for the fourth and sixth
grades, and a civics text for the
eighth grade were designated as
books for first purchase by school
districts under the new free text
book law at a matting of the state
board of education Ait was announced
Saturday. AU of ffiese textbooks are
recent adoptions and are not owned
at present by the pupil of the schools'.
The new law calls for on annual
levy of 41.60 per enrolled child ln the
elementary grades for the purchase 6t
textbooks until such time as all
books are supplied; thereafter this
levy will need to bo In only such
amount as may be necessary for keep
ing the supply up to requirements.
In these districts in which the fund
raised by the required levy Is suffi
cient to purchase more books than
those set forth on the designated list,
tho board has recommended that ad
ditional copies of one or more of the
text books now In use be secured to
supply the classes.
Tho handling of textbook orders
through regional depositories of pub
lishing companies at Portland was
deckled upon by the board as the
most feasible rhethod of distribution.
The books may be purchased in this
way at a 15 per cent discount P. O. B.
Portland. For some years the J. K.
Gill company has acted as the rils-
trlbutinir aEencv for all the textbook I
publishing companies doing business :
In Oregon, but it is understood that i
other companies arc interested in en
tering this line of business.
The decision of the state board of
education to have distribution of
textbooks made through regional dis
tributors was made with the under
standing that ln case more than one
reliable distributing agency arranges
to handle textbooks ln this territory
on the same bnsie. school offlciuls
will be given a choice as to the one
through which their orders shall be
handled.. Tho state superintendent
will work out a detailed scheme for
handling textbooks under the general
plan adopted by the board. The
members of the state board of educa
tion are Governor Julius L. Meier.
Secretary of State Ilnl E. lloss. and
Stato Superintendent C. . Howard.
Crop production for Idaho in 1930
was 9.4 per cont about the last 10
year average, with beans and pota
toes the highest on record.
The New Improved
Iloteoil combines. a heating unit and storage
tank. The instant a hot water faucet is turned
the tiny burner flames blhzo up. The Cold water
entering the tank is iirfmediately heated, and the
automatic regulator reduces the gas supply so
that the burner again slumbers. The Hotcoil is
thoroughly insulated by the aircell asbestos lining
beneath the enameled jacket.
Get Our Prices Before You Buy!
MainS4 1314 Jefferson
A name plate with the house num
ber Incised or raised upon its surface
directly above the entrance porch Is
an Interesting touch, r
The exterior is of burned red brick,
in a blending mixture of darker and
lighter shades. Woodwork for trim Is
painted white, while the wood clap
beards of the bay are wide, adz marks
shewing through the natural wood
finish, weather dark gray in tone.
The enclosing hedge adds a feature
of reserved attraction to the, view. In
the rear there Is a terrace, featuring
the garden upon which the dining
room and -living room open.
Preferably the house should face
the north on a lot no scalier than
50 by 100 feet. A wider lot would be
better and one deeper than 100 feet
would bo more suitable for a long
English garden.
Construction cost will likely be
somewhere between $7,000 and $9,000.
There are no expensive details or
plan difficulties , to. surmount.
Beautiful Costa Rica
The republic of Costa Itien is one
of the most charming of Central
American countries. It has an
area of 23,000 square miles, with a
population of 520.700 neonle. Liners
call at I'untn Arenas, the Pacific J
eonst pore, 03 nines from
the capital, San, Jose. Costa Itica
Is unusually progressive, its proud
est claim being that Its school
teachers outnumber Its soldiers.
Modern schools are located in every
Salmon Drivfirt From River
One of the most valuable of
freshwater nsh is the salmon,
which breeds In rivers and makes
ujost 'of. Ha lrmnerisely rapid 'growth'
fn thu sea; Less than a century"
flfc'o -the. Thames produced tons
upon tons of sulruon , annually, but
pollution from London has. made
it impossible for fish (o ascend for
breeding purposes. Not one has
been caught In the river for more
than fifty years.
Butterfly's Wings Puzzle
In. the course of some experi
ments a government scientist lias
discovered lime, the wlnja of a but
terfly give off a radintinn which
enables thorn to photograph them
selves, rjured contact with a
Sensitive photographic plate aud
allowed to remain for days,
u perfect picture of tli wins was
produced. Now the scientists are
yiidoavorinc; to ascertain what the
mmmtioji Is.
Thnrrn twd are cleaned
treated by cotinty-owned projects
f0r farmers in Georgetown county.
Without Salves or Cutting
Itching, bleeding, protruding piles
go quickly and don't come back. If
vmi rpmnvfl the cause. Bad blood
circulation In tho hemorrhoidal veins :
causes piles by making the affected I
parts weak, flabby, almost dead.
Salves and cutting fnil because only ,
an Internal medicine can actually
correct thec conditions. Dr. J. S.
Leonhardt discovered a real Internal
Pllo remedy. After prescribing It for
1.000 patients with success ln 960
rn.M. hp named it HEM-ROID. Red
i Cross Drug store says one bottle of
HF.M-ROID Tablets must end your ;
Pile misery or money back. Adv.
Caustic Words Fly Fast In Chicago . '
As Race For Mayor's Job Nears End
CHICAGO. April 6 W) Bittag ad
jectives and scorching adverbs are
tlying again ln Chicago as Anton J.
Cerv&k and William Hale Thompson
remind voters why the other should
not be elected mayor tomorrow.
A lull followed the rough-and-tumble
primary of February in which
Thompson won the Republican pref
erence from John H. Lyle, municipal
Judge, but that armistice Is ended.
: Cermak, who breezed in to win the
Democratic primary has designated
Thompson the "friend of gangsters"
and a waster of public funds on pub
lic Improvements.
"Cermafc is a tool of wealth
charged Thompson, adding that the
county board president had sponsored
a re-asssessment of Cook county
property which took more than 300,
000.000 off loop property and passed
the load along to the little property
"They have tried to 'hand me Ca
pohe," asserted the mayor. "I never
ssw Capone: never shook hands with
him; never was in the same room
Three New Men for
Game Commission
EUGENE. Ore.. .April em The
ftegister-uuara saia Baturaay mat in
a telephone conversation with Gover
nor Meier, he said he has selected
three new men for the state. game
commission but cannot yet release
their names..
"I have selected three men for the
commission." the paper quoted him,
"but I .can't announce their names
for .a few days. The shakeup will
come sometime next week."
Sonoma county, California, agri
culturists have on hand 6,000,000
lady bugs to. release. In. their or
chards to combat apple aphis.
Growing Deaf With
Head Noises?
Try This
If you are growing hard of hearing
and fear catarrhal deafness, or if you
have roaring, rumbling, hissing noises
In your ears, go. to, Red Cross Drug;
oiore or your aruggist ana get l oz.
of Parmint (double strength) and add
to It 14 pint of hot water- and a !
Ut tie sugar. -Take 1 tablespoonful
four times a day. - ,
This, will often bring quick' relief1
from the distressing head noises.
Clogged nostrils should open, breath
ing become easy, and the musous
stop dropping into the throat. It Is
easy to take. Anyone who is threat
ened with catarrhal deafness or who
has head noises should give this pre-scrlptlon-
a trial - Adv
"If I Only Had the
with him. But I received a report
that a Capon attorney organised a
Democratic club for Tony.' I hnd
Capone back to them."
In the February primary "Big Bill"
used a circus to advance his cam
paign and to burlesque his oppo
nents. A fat pig. for this campaign,
is designated "Tony.v .Cermak, he
said, wants to be mayor, retain nis
county post, and win through a leglsr
iatlve act the tax -levying powers lb
Cook county.A
in the fleshy, round-faced former
mine breaker boy. Thompson meets
a vote-getter who has won county
elections by large majorities. Three
years ago he stepped outside Cook
county to run for the United States
senate. He lost, but Cook county
went to him. ;
Cermak, 63. of Bohemian parentage,
Is an organization politician, believ
ing in active workers in every pre
cinct. While-Thompson has been con
tent to let others build the vote-getting
machinery,- Cermak has always
supervised that function.
See Our Stock and Save Money
iPhbrte MAIN 248.
How" often do you hear that when a business oppor
tunity presents itself to one of ybur acquaintances?
How often is "lack of capital" given as the reason for
a business failure, for inability to "get ahead" financially?
The times are hot infrequent when a man has bor
rowed to the limit of his credit and lacks just a com
paratively small amount of capital to take advantage
of some business opportunity.
Then he can appreciate the importance of building
a reserve fund, of preparing in advance for the oppor
tunities that are certain to come of preparing for
the business reverses that are possible iii every busi
ness. A reserve in your business can be more than a pro
tection it is an investment earning a good interest
rate through Certificates of Deposit. Your banker will
gladly discuss how it may be started.
xt xRxtbz ifaf foiral Bank
Member Federal Reserve-ResouTces over 2 Million
Cermak Is. a fluent, conversations!,
type of public speaker, with none of
the Walr for -the dramatic that: u
Thompson's forte. i"Blg Bill" point,
to the street-widening projects; : the
Wacker drive, .river bridges,- extca.
slon of streets and erection o school
buildings to Justify his appellation
"the builder." : .'
"Tony" believes he Is entitled to
credit for: extending the county's pi.
panslve forest preserves and construc
19SG Dodge Coupe $2
1D28 Durant Truck .....$H25
1S7 International Truck ........$293
1927 Ford Truck sisjj
1414 Adams .. . Phone Malu a
1802 COVE AVE.
w v