Pn'pe Six UIM, ! LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. Friday, January 23, 1931 : MARKET NEWS OF THE DAY Miir. (old) (new) Mny (old)... Open Kll .w!A CHICAGO WHEAT UlCh .80 "' .H3 July W'!4 inn .May July .... Open Mi MX . .01 Vt PORTLAND WHEAT .mull . AU .liH Ml"-, Low rinse .Wt .-!, .Kly, .HiJii - .Ki'S, .HI Low ' Clone .(15 .as .U8 .OK MVj .OH1 I'ORTI.ANU CASH PORTLAND, Oro., Jan. 23 (P) Cosh wheat: Big Bend blucste-m G8c. Soft white 00c. Western white (10c. Hard winter 03c. Northern spring: 03c. Western red 03c. Oau: No.' 2-38 lb. white 22.00. Today's enr receipt: wheat 120; barlev 1; Hour 21; corn 1; oats 1; hay 1. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO, Jan. 23 !) (U. S. D. New Potatoes, Green Peas On Local Markets New pot ft toes from Texas unci Hreen ben iib from California are among the other new products on the mar ket that remind shoppers that sDrinc Is coming, for new potatoes are being shipped ln anil many of the local urocers exuect to have them nil tho 1 time, selling at three pounds for a quarter, Oreen beans are still some what of a luxury, selling at 30 cents a pound. There havo been no radical changes in tho prices of flour, butter, or eggs for n number of days. Other LA GRANDE RETAIL MARKETS Bed, Spring and Mattress Full size metal bed in Walnut finish 09 coll spring finished In green enamel 46-pound felted cot ton mattress with roll edge. i A Complete Three-Piece Outfit $19.95 Montgomery Ward & Co. 1101-3 Washington Ave. La Grande i. j nogs io.uuu; biow. sicaay to iu prices also remain tho same today. ritlttt l.tusnr hullr I'ln.lln I ha 1 Oft mi ' -v . v ."vu. amy lrci $7.80; pigs 7.76fr. 48,15. Cuttle 1,600; calves 1,000; mostly steady; bulk common und medium grade short feds 7.00 $9.00; slaughter cattle: steers, good and choice 000-1100 lbs. $0.50 ( $13.60; vcalcra (milk fed) good and choice $0.50. $12.00. Sheep 12,000; killing classes mostly 25-40 .cents higher; bulk good to choice fat lambs $9.00 h $9.25; top $9.40; lambs 00 lbs. down, good and choice $8,750 $9.50; ewes 90-150 lbs. medium to choice $3.26 ( $4.76. effective the water and power utility district amendment adopted by the people last November, was presented by J. O. Senator Bailey and a num ber of other senators and representa tives. If enacted into law', Its opera tion will be In direct connection with the hydro-electric commission pro vided for In one of the power bills. The bill provides for the creation of utility districts for the purpose of public operation of utilities. The crea tion oi tne district is placed into the hands of the hydro-electric commis sion, provided In the administration Dili instead of into the bands of the county courts. . To avoid the necessity of holding an election in the face of an i.dverse report by the hydro-electiic com mis- unless otherwise authorized by sion, provision Is made for a prelim- of the people of the district. mary petition, asxing me commission Is provided that the transmission of water shall not include water for ir rigation or reclamation purposes, ex cept as secondary to hydro-electric usage or in connection with it. Act Kxplained There Is nothing In the act, the sponsors state, to modify in any way the charter provisions of any city or town. All property owned or con trolled by a district created under the act would be assessed and taxed in the same way that privately-owned utility property Is taxed. No bonds could be issued except by the vote of ine quannea voters or the district. In the incurrence of debts the district board of directors would bo restricted to the annual income of the district. vote STOCKS CI.OHi; MUM NEW YOIifc, Jan. 23 W Stocks closed firm today, holding the best parts of 1 to 3 point gains. Profit tuklng cub into the extreme advances in the afternoon but ,tho rise was re sumed in tho Into trading. Antivo shares up 1 to 2 net included U. S. Steel, American Can, American Tele phone, General Motors, Electric Pow er Se light, Du Pont and Atchison. Auburn Auto was heavy, losing 2 points. Sales approximated 2,700,000 shares. HUG All PORTLAND. Jan. 23 W - Sugar;: ( steady; (sucked basis) cane, fruit or berry $6.00 per ewt. Beet sugar $4.a0 : cwt. . PORTLAND IJVKSTOCK 21st Anniversary Sale Clearance of Winter Dresses Values to $12.75 Special $5.00 NEwYORKhTDRE PORTLAND, Jan. 23 (I) Cattle 35, calves 10; talking steady. Steers 000 to 900 pounds, good $8.60 us $0.10, medium $7.60 (r $8.50 com mon $0.25 (.c $7.50; 000-1 100 lbs. common 0.25 $7.60; 000-1100 lbs. good $8.0O6i0.l(, medium 7.50 m 8.60, common 0.!I5t 7.50: 1 100-1300 lbs. good 7.00f-i $8.50. medium $7.25 (.78.26. Heifers 660-860 lbs. good 7.60(f8.a5. medium n.fio w $7.60, common $5.50 r $U.60. Cows, good $0.25 ci $0.75, common and medium 6.oo (ii $0.26, low cutter and cutter $2.50 (i $5.00. Hulls (yearlings ex cluded) 6.00; - $6.7.1, cutter common und medium $3.60 $5.00. Verniers, milk fed $10.50ci $11.50, medium $9.00 r $10.60, cult and common $0.00 (t $0.00, Oolves 260-500 lbs. good and choice, u.00?$10.50, common and medium $5.60 i $0.00. Hogs 100. cjuotubly steady for kill ers and 25 cents or more big bet tor feeder pigs. (Soft or oily hogs and rousting plgn oxcludcd. Light lights 140 pounds $8.26 r it. 2.1. Light weight 180-180 pounds 0.0O(jj$0.25; 180-200 pounds $9.00 o $9.25. Medium weight 200-220 lbs. $8.25Ti $0.25; 220-260 lbs. $8.00f $0.00. Heavy weight 250-290 lbs. $7.50 - $8.25; 290-:)60 lbs. 7.00t.i $8.50. Pack ing sows 276-500 lbs. medium unci good $0.60 (.( $8.00. Feeder and stock ier pigs 70-130 lbs. (jootl und choice !$n.76ri $10.00. Sheep 385, Including 280 on con j tract; talking fully steady to strong. ; Lambs 00 lbs. down good and choke $U.76 $7.26, medium $6.60 $0.75. alii weights, common $4.50(.r $5.50. Yoarl- Sugar, 100-lb. sack $5.00 Vegetables N. Gem potatoes, lb y2o Sack : i,6o Parsley, bunch 6c Cabbage, lb .,.. , . 3c Yellow onions, lb 2c Cucumbers 26c Cauliflower, lb 18c Celery hearts, bunch 20c Turnips, bunch 10c Parsnips, lb 3c Lettuce, head 10 16c Brussel sprouts, lb . ...... 20c Garlic, lb ;. 25c Spinach, lb ioo Oreon pepper, lb 36c Squash, lb fic Carrots, bunch 10c Sweet potatoes, 3 lbs 25c Tomatoes, lb 35c Hhubarb. lb ; 26c New potatoes, 3 lbs 25c Green beans, lb 30c Fruit Florida grapefruit, 3 for 20c a 25c uunauas, id ioc Apples, box ...60c$3.00 Lemons, doz 46c Oranges, doz 26(gB5c Dry prunes, 30 to 40 size, 2 lbs. 25c Dairy But tor, creamery, lb 29c Eggs, doz 26 fr 30c unccso, id 2935c Honey, comb 25c Cottugo cheese, lb 20c 1 lour Hard Federation, 49 lbs $1.26 per barrel 4.76 Soft wheat, bbl , 4.00 Meat Beef boll, It 15c Pot roast, lb IB 17c Chops and steaks, hi. .. 33 30c Mincemeat, 2 lbs 35c Clams, lb ioc Salmon, lb aoc Halibut, lb 30c Smelt, lb 20c Poultry Spring, lb 2030c Heavy hens, lb 28o Light hens, lb 25c .'or an investigation Into the feaslbll ity of forming the district. This is followed by a report from the com mission. After tills. If the sponsors of the district wish to proceed, they file a final petition with the commis sion asking for the election. The com mission is required to grant the pe tition. Districts have power, under the bill, to borrow money and assume Indebtedness, but no indebtedness may bo Incurred or assumed except for the development or purchase of utilities as defined In the act. A utility is defined to mean the plans, works or other property used for the development or transmission of water for domestic or municipal purposes, for water power and generation of electric energy. In this connection it in event of annexation of othen territory or consolidation with other districts no debts could be assumed except those having to do with utility districts or public utility operation. This Is a precaution against the as sumption or irrigation district debts. While these measures were being introduced, the matter of selection of port of Portland commissioners at tracted the interest of the Multno mah delegation. A bill providing for the election of these officials, In di rect opposition by the governor was filed. Move for a compromise was under way, with the suggestion the governor name four of the commis sioners whose terms expire this year, until the next election. There are nine members on the commission. A public hearing on the old age pension bill previously introduced LIVKItPOOL WIIHAT LIVERPOOL, Jan. 23 uV) Wheat close: March 50: May 60: Julv LA GRANDE'S ARMORY BILL INTRODUCED liitf wnthnrn OO.l in Ihu mmlliim tn!"111' choice $4,006. $5.50. Ewph 00-120 lbs. 1,0 commission medium to choieu $ .$3.50, 120 160 lbs. medium to choice $2.25 $3.25. ul) weights, cull and common $1.60,-. $2.25. (Continued from Vago Ono) This commission hns virtually full power over water nowor oro tec ts within the state, and tho act provides for control of private enterprises uom preliminary survey until taken over. If at till, by state or munlclti- NOTK'K Notice Is hereby given that tho as sessment roll for the improvement of improvement uisirict o. aui, within the City of La Grande, Union County. Oregon, Is now in my hands for col lection and tnat snmo may be paid at any time within ten days from the 23rd day of January 1031, without penalty, interest or costs, and each owner Is hereby notified that on ap plication to the undersigned, within STOP! And Buy h Coat Arc 2 to 6 for $3.49 Knit Hercls and Felt Tunis Now 79c Reduced Prices on Children's Pajamas NORTON'S KIDDY SHOP Is given Judicial powers to tho extent that it can hold hearings, summons there witnesses, and accounts and books or private enterprises concerned, and to regu late such private enterprises in con formity with the new act. Provision Is inoclo for a preliminary permit for survey, und bud for a li cense, not to exceed 60 years, to the concern which is given permission of the commission to proceed with Its project. At all times the commission is expected to bo In touch with costs of development, and Is given the right to regulate bonds issued by the company, whU'h, bonds, it Is specified must be based on cosh or property. A provision la included which gives tho right to the stuto or any muni cipality to take over private plants erected under tho act at actual cost, plus damages. . The grunge bill, nn enabling act that provides the machlner to make Radio Programs 3 HIGH SCHOOL AND GRADE SCHOOL TEXT ROOKS AND SUPPLIES ! 00KS. M.l, NEW CIVICS HOOKS. SOCIOLOGY GENERAL KUS1NKSS SCIENCE ANO OTHER HIGH SCHOOL, TEXT HOOKS. ALL GRADE SCHOOL TEXT HOOKS. LOOSE-LEAF N0TEH00KS AND HINDERS. NOTKHOOK HAVER AND REINFORCE MENTS. TAHLETS, COMPOSITION AND NOTEHOOKS. PENCILS, HENS, INK, ERASERS. RULERS, PROTRACTORS, COMPASSES. TYYPJNG PAPER PA PACKET AND REAM. IMCTUUE STUDY PICTURES FOR SECOND SEMESTER. La Grande Book & Stationery Co. "Sorviee Station for Homo and Office' 1111 Adams Ave. Phono Main 00 KATl'ltlAY PKOtiHAMS National Brondcostlng company; 6, concert orchestra and soloist; 7, j douce music; U, Amos und Andy; 8:16, i Rainbow Harmonies (KGO); 8:15. (Circus: 8:46, Mullen program; 0, mtn jstrels; io to 12. spotlight review. I Northwest Broadcasting system: 1 6:40, markets, labor talk; 0. mustcul programs; 7. mystery play; 7 :30. I music; 8. concert; 0, band; 10, pop fular programs; 11, dunce orchestra; u to 3 u. in., request program. Columbia Broadcast log svstem; 5,30. orchestra; 0. novelties; 6:30, na tional forum; 7, Showboat; 8, symph ony. Musical Cocktails; 9, Merrymak ers; 10:20 to 1, dunce music. Spokunu KHQ (500): 7 a. in., Town Crier, news; Start o Day: 8, Happvtlme: 0. t , Lumberjacks. Walt and Norman; 9:30. farm and home: 10:30. Woman's I Miiguslne; 11:30, novelty trio, organ, 5 i talks; 12.15. orchestra, songs, con f cert program; 1 : 15. farm markets. musical programs; 0. NBC; 0:30. or- ichestru. harmonists; 10 to 12, dance I music. 1 1 sealtle 2 K.'li (970): 5:40 to 3 a. m.. NUS , programs. J I .m rnincKeo f KKItC (6101: 0 to a. m., CBS pro- x grams. II KPO (0801 : ti. organ. Cecil and Sul i I ly. Henry Stair; 7. popular music; 8. ioir venture; 8:15. NBC: 8:45, feature; concert orchestra; 10. dance music; J j 11. Melodists. 0 i l.o- Angeles ' K1U (000): 0, CBS; to, news, dunce music; 12 to 1. organ. 1 KKI (040): 6.46. stock markets; 6. J Mil; 8:30. music: 0:30, concert or- chesua: 10:30. NBC; 12, Midnight Unite. 1 KNX (1050): 0. organ, ensemble; 7. Watannbc and Archie; 7:15. must J i eat programs; 9. Wranglers: 0:30. ; Ethel Duncan: 10. rionco music. v titcoimi KVI (7601: 6. NC: 8:15. concert music, vattetles; 10. riunco music; U. Midnight hour. Portland KKX (11801: 0, NBS; 0:15. piano. iM'MTi; 9:46. K:--: 10. tenor. Oakland KGO 700: fi to 12. NBC programs. KLX 8H0): 6, concert: 7. news: 7:30. musical programs; 8:45, sports; P. dance bund: "10, orchestra, classic uvordums; 11:30. dance music. lie uver KOA (8301: ti, NBC; fl:15. features; 0. Rudy Volice und orchestra: 9.30. Assess, No. 1 2 3 4 6 0 NW 10' 7 SE 20' 8 0 10 11 NW 6' 12 SE 24' I 13 SB 1' 14 NW 20' 15 SE 10' 10 17 18 10 20 The Description Lot Block ten days from the 23rd day of Jan uary 1031, which Is the date of the ilrst publication of this notice, they will bo allowed to pay such assess ments in ten annual Instalments, the first installment thereof to be due and payable the 23rd day of Jan uary, 1032. If application is not made as ubove specified, the whole amount is due, payable and will become de linquent, on the 3rd day of February, was announced for next Tuesday eve ning at the state house. ' Another bill in line with Governor ' Meier's power program was intro jduced today by Senator Woodward of ' Multnomah county. It would exempt . the city of Portland from the neces sity of applying to federal power t commission for a license to go upon j federal land when application Is made to the state for water appropriation permits for power purposes. By sus , pension of the rules the bill was ad jvanced to second reading and referred to the committee on railroads and .utilities. I If the power site is on federal land the law now requires that applica ! Hon be made to the federal commis jslon within six months after applica tion for the state permit is filed with the state engineer. In his special message to the senate yesterday, ac companying introduction of the hydro-electric commission and power ! conservation bill, the governor stated that about 00 per cent of the desir able power slte3 of the state are on federal land. I The Woodward bill applies to cities 'of 300,000 population or more, i" Senator Bennett of Multnomah ' county today introduced a bill to change the date of the Oregon pri mary election. For the year 1932 it would shift the- primary irom the j third Friday to the second Tuesday ' in May. All primary elections there- i after would be held on the second .Tuesday of September, . - beginning with the year 1034. Senator Bennett said that -one purpose of the meas- : lire was to get oway from, the long ! campaign period which now extends from spring until the November elec tion. Should the bill pass it would be necessary to enact another law providing for the election of delegates to the national party conventions. The delegates are now elected at the primary elections in presidential election years. . For Service . . SHOES . . . For Savings Such comfort in the broad toes of these brown elk shoes . . . how easy to walk on are the rubber soles and heels I $2.98 Men in 'most every line of tvork favor these shoes because they are serviceable and com-, fortablel Brown elk. $3.49 Assessment Itol follows: 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 0 10 11 )' 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 1(1 17 Addition Chaplin's Chaplin's Chaplin's Chaplin's Chaplin's Chnplln's Chuplln's Chuplln's Chaplin's Chaplin's 105 Chaplin's 105 Chnplln's 105 ClmpUn's 105 Chaplin's 105 Chnplln's 105 Chnplln's 105 Chnplln's Chnplln s Chnplln's Chnplln's 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 las 105 21 22 NE 05' 3 BW 65' 24 NE 55' 25 SW 55' 20 NW 65' 27 SW 65' ' 28 NB 65' 2!) SW 55' 30 1 SE 8 2-3' 32 NW 21 1-3' 33 34 BE 20' 36 NW 10' 3ti 37 38 . 30 , 40 41 ' 105 105 18 105 Chnplln's Chnplln's Chnplln's 105 Chnplln's 105 Chnplln's 105 Chnplln's 105 Chuplln's 105 Chnplln's 105 Chnplln's Chaplin's Chnplln's Chnplln's Chnplln's Chnplln's Chnplln's 105 Chnplln's 106 Chnplln's 105 Chnplln's 105 unnpllns 105 Chuplln's ' 105 Chnplln's 10 10 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 ' 28 28 27 23 29 30 . REPUTED OWNER AMOUNT United Stntes $ 41.00 United States 143.01 United Stntes 143.01 United States 143.91 La Omnde Theatres La Grnnde Theatres .. L. L. SnodRrass J. J3. Manor Estate 147.50 Brier & Stravens 147.00 N. K, West & Wm. Sieurlst N. K. West & Win. Slcsrlst Wm. Slogrlst Puttison Bros Puttlson Bros Maggie L. Couch Mngule L. Couch Ulrlch Lottes .' Ciruncle Rondo Mont Co. .. Mnry T. Foley 143.01 Mury T. Foley & h. B. Bouvy 143.01 Mnry T. Foley & L. B. Bouvy 143.01 Archie J. Murrny 100.74 Lloyd Scrlber 43.17 Archie J. Murrny 102.05 143.01 47.07 95.04 143.01 23.08 111). 15 4.01 08.00 47.07 147.09 143.01 143.01 105 105 105 105 105 105 Lloyd Scrlber Archie J. Murrny .... Lloyd Scrlber Archlo J. Murray .... Bird Lewis Bird Lewis Bird Lewis R. F. Tyler 11. P. Tyler R. F. Tyler .'.. Fred Spneth Fred Spneth' 43.17 102.04 43.17 100.73 43.17 143.00 41.57 102.33 143.90 95.04 40.23 147.08 4 lui A Moment of Sadness That Becomes a Comforting Memory What is more com forting at a time of cxtremo sad ness than the realization that every detail has been assumed by us, and will be attended to with a quiet, un assuming confidence that Is truly comfort- WALKERS FUNERAL SERVICE 5T-H AT SPRING ST. PHONE iii;;fi - t. f- fa. r. r I- r.. i. r, mm I Policeman's special calfskin shoe riveted steel arch support, ventilated insole, double sole. ,$4.98 Work hoe with drill lined moccasin vamp, for- real ease md comfort. Made of brown . ilk with rubber sole and heel.'. $2.49 A fine all around work shoe In either brown or black elk. tlade with leather sole and rub ier heel. $2.79 J:C. Penney Co. , DEPARTMENT STORE 1307-09 Adams Ave. , La Grande, Oregon Many Bargains Listed qn Want Ad Page Fred Spneth 147.05 Mnry T. Foley . Mnry T. Foley . Mary T. Foley . Mnry T. Foley Totnl 143.90 143.90 143.90 432.93 , .:...$4.077.82 J. E. STEARNS, Recorder of City . of Ln Cirnndo, Oreaon. 1-23-1 t HUM WKV"WU IW'.MMWI,! Ill HUB I IWKJ Main 759 3 Phones Cor. Cedar & Washington Our meat cutter, Clyde Sullivan, knows the cuts of meat that his customers like best knows whether to cut a steak thick or to cut it thin whether to cut a four pound roast or a two pound roast. He is also a good judge of meats and buys only the best. He is pleased to help you in your selection of fine meats for your table. Beef Shoulder Roasts, pound 16c Choice Standing Rib Roasts of Beef, pound 26c Rhode Island Red Hens, young-. Family size Snowf lakes 33c Fresh Whole Wheat Fig Bars, 2 lb... 25c Rhubarb, 2 pound 25c New Potatoes, 3 pound 25c A Bargain 4 Large Grapefruit 25c Carrots and Beets, bunch 5c Lettuce, 3 heads 25c Large Oranges, dozen 49c Powdered Sugar, 4 pound 29c New Aviator Cap left in our store S P E C I A L Clearance BEDROOM FURNITURE 4MJ Wa"u,t 3-Piece Ivory Suite All hardwood with jrvoen trim. Decorated. $37.50 3-Piece Walnut Consists of full size Med, Chest and Vanity Table. Decorated Ivory fied. Chest and Vanitv Table $29.95 0HNENK FOUR FLOORS OF FINK FFRMTI RK e studio; 10 to 12, NBC.