La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 09, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    O if L
Saturday, August 9, 1930
Paee Three
. i ' i
Government Men j
Show Preference j
For W-0 Models
Road Men of SS.Nationa
to Attend Sixth Inter
national Congress.
WASHINGTON iVP. Expressed in
many languages, the. common theme
ci good roads for nil the world will
be studied this fall in Washington by
road builders from 55 countries at
tending the sixth international' road
congress. 1 ,
' The highway v(U be
held October 0 to 11. at the invita
tion of the United States Roverii
ment, with an object to continuing
studies begun in Paris In 1908 and
later conducted in other world capl,
tate. ;' ,"'
' It is expected . by Thomas H Mac
Donald, chief of the bureau of pub
lic roads and secrctftrygeneral of
the American organizing commis
Biof to be more : representative
than any preceding congress.
A particularly large representa
tion is expected from the Latin
American republics, for whoso ben
efit papers prepared for the six ques
tions of the agenda are being trans
lated into Spanish fou the first time.
Tho material for discussion also is
being prepared in German, French,
nnd English. .
; Construction and - maintenance,
nnd traffic and administration will
comprise the two sections of the
agenda. Under the first heading
road men will tell of results ob
tained In their countries by use of
. cement, bricks, and other artificial
New methods adopted for use of
tar, bitumln, and asphalt In road
construction will be presented, and
construction of roadrf In new coun
tries, colonies and", v undeveloped
regions will be discussed.
Methods of financing road con-;
structlor. and maintenance, corrc-
lation of highway- transportation
with other modes b&trnnsport, traf
fic regulation, and parking and
garaging of vehicles will be con
sidered among traffic and adminis
trative problems.
First-hand studies ot highways in
the United States will be made by
many international visitors after
tho conference on tours planned
by tho highway education board
into the south, east and mid-west.
Ah exposition and road show,
demonstrating American mnchinery
and equipment, wiU be held by the
American Road Builders' associa
tion in connection with the congress.
mi ntMiHnnMHaimmHWM mm
Snow above are a dozen Ford cars recently aeli vercd to the On tea States Department of Laoor for
tho use of the Bureau cf Immigration. These can, Fordor Sedans, are being used for patrolling the border.
TOLEDO. Aug. 0 The fact that
products of the Willys -Overland com
pany, Toledo, O-. play an Important
part In the operation of city, county
and state departments, is evidenced
by the recent delivery of a large num
ber of motor cars and trucks to
those branches of government. It Is
TM-miftr Pni-ifo a-P TTunmr wea known that before such pur
v eiliy-blA lL'IlLb Ul rjVCiy chases are made by governmental
i Oni'ist 1)0 MT are Given departments, the equipment must
lULUib. UUiUU aie juveu pasjj var(0U8 lIgtd requirements.
to Him, KepOl't. ' Such equipment must, in the first
place, give dollar-f or -dollar value
PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. HP) Of whether It bo truck units or passen
evcrv dollar tpent by the tourists of ger cars. They must have inbuilt
th; country. 26 per cent goes direct- stamina since In many Instances
ly to the merchants, acording to the they are subjected to herd Bervtce
Ornar. state Motor association. night and day. Economical opera
Ihe association base, this state- tlon, low upkeep cost, dependable
ment on an una. vale ot tourist ex- service nnd performance are other
per.riltures made by the rosenrch do- Requirements that the government
pnrtment of tho American Automo- demands of its motor equipment.
rnc .i-.scrmtion. l nss means tnai oi i iwu m uU...ui,Uuc. bu"""-
tl:c $1,000,000,000 expended by the mental agencies have turned to
ratlor.'s motor tourist caravan each Willys-Overland for Its motor equip
ear. mors than ei. 000.000,000 goes ment 1b a tribute to the product of
intc the tills of merchants and shop- tho Toledo manufacturer,
kocpern and affords striking proof of Sales executives of Willys-Overland
the beneficial effect of travel on announce that recent deliveries to
the economic life of the nation, government unite include: 20 Whlp
Whllo the merchants come first in pet four touring cars to the Kansas
tho list of beneficiaries, the rostau- City pollco department; 17 Whippet
rants and hotels secure a very sub- four coupes and coaches to city of
rtantial share, though by no means Hartford, Conn., which increases its
the lloiVs share as has been generally fleet of Whippets to 43; a fleet of 34
assumed. (Whippot sedans to Toledo police de-
Followlntr Is a list of items for . partment, four C-101 chassis for
valve springs and carry the weight
ol the car and driver nicely. The
pulleys were sawed from pine boards
and nailed together. A loose belt
connects the engine to the counter
shaft, where 1 obtained reduction of
about three to one. An idler pulley
tightens the loose belt winch is the
clutch. It is very smooth and posi
tive. A differential Is mounted on
the rear axle: The hood and seat
were constructed' from yeneer and
sheet iron." , j
Hobper says that, he has had mmv
erous requests for details of con
struction. Evidently Dill has been
dciiionstracing his t car among his
playmates and has made "sales" as
easily as his father docs with the
Chevrolet, six. VI believe that half
tho dads, in, town wish I had never
built the darn thing," says Hooper.
"1 constructed the little car In or
der to Interest BUI in tho Chevrolet
business,"- Hooper points out. "I do
not believe he is too young to start
now. When he Is of ago he will
have a wider experience than most
men much older."
Most any day Bill may be seen
scampering along the sidewalks of
EUensburg in his "Chcvn. He Is
very mechanically inclined and takes
great pressure in explaining his car
tc- spectators, of whom there are al
ways hundreds. He understands its
operation perfectly and some day
will step into his father's business
with all the requisites of an excel-
lent Chevrolet dealer. Incidentally
l his father Is now regarded as one of
the best dealers In the state and-Js
to be congratulated - for giving his
OF SMALL SIZEi y ? ',, w-.. x-
mci Little BUI has his car all ready.'
Is there a happier boy anywhero.)n
these parts? Try and find one.
Without question,' one of the
happiest boys in the west Is Bill
Hoope.-, eight-year-old. son of( Har
old Hooper, Chevrolet 1 dealer at El-1
lensburg. Wash., who is the owner
of the world's smallest "Chevrolet."
p. one-passenger ear ..that' wilt; turn
up 10 miles an hojurftind deliver 20
Tnls little car carries the Chevro
let name plate (salvaged from an
old radiator shell) and naturally it
is his most prised possession. Here
Is how the older Hooper, iwhoi built of- public' roads,
the car, describes it.
"The motor Is a three-quarter
Effects of Buses
o4 0io$d)Tesled
- . ABERDEEN. Md. upi The wear 'on
Program of Road Building Opening
More Canadian Scenery for Tourist
which the tourist dollar Is expended:
The extensive program of road
building by provincial and federal
governments In Canada will open to
motorists more scenery to the square
mile than any other country in the
world offers. The Pacific slope which
in the north country Includes the
Scl kirks and the .Rockies are fast
opening up national parks to motor
ists, and with that an unsurpassed
opportunity for enjoyment far- ro
moved from the rush and hurry of
great cities. Many of the lakes are
filled with sporting fish, the British
Columbia salmon is well-known to
The Trans-Canada highway will be
ready for use early in 1932. From
tho coast it is now possible to travel
to Big Bend on the Columbia, and
work on the gap between there and
Revelstoke park will be pushed.
"One of the finest tours in the
Canadian Rockies is over the Colum
bia River highway passing north
through the cow country ending In
a most effective loop, the Lariat
Trail through three of Conada's na
tional parks, Kootenay, Yoho and
Banff." stated F. O. W. Sudrow, Pa
cific regional manager of Olds Motor
Works, manufacturers . of Oldsmobilo
and Viking cars. . - .
First To C run brook .
Crossing tho border into Alberta,
the motorist goes first to Cranbrook,
and then up the trail to Lake Wind
ermere from which pretty bit of wa
te;; the . great Columbia flows north'
nnd . in a broad curve rushes, south
again forming tho, Arrow, lakes, and
crushing a path for Itself, down the
valleys and Into, the Pacific.: . i
: Three days is the time usually al
lowed the motorist to circle the Lari
at trail.., The Canadian Pacific rail
way has erected., bungalQw camps at
several points on the road, and touch-
ABERDEEN, Md. P) The wear on-j ine as it does the famous hotels.
modern' 'highways; of heavily loaded j Banff : Springs ond Chateau Lake
buses, speeding at 50 or 60 miles en Louise, the traveler Is sure of finest
hour, will bo studied by the bureau accommodation, and fresh ideas for
ol"-n;il)lic' roads; if loner sntoiirn. , ,
;J a long sojourn.
A stretch of concrete pavement j Perhaps the best approach is north
i at the Aberdeen proving grounds ! .from Lake Windermere along the
horsepower washing machine engine., lias. been made available by. the.. war i hanks of the most dangerous river in
The frame was mad? .from- white department and .'tests will .be .-con- J the Rockies, the Columbia with
pine. The sprlnps arc Chevrolet six dm-ted for two months." ' 'wicked white water. The district
Merchandise 36
Restaurants and cafes 20.5
Hotels and rooms 17.3
Auto accessories, gas and oil 11.5
Theaters and amusements 8.5
around Windermere is tho entrance Transportation (rollroad) 7
to tho great Ice-fields of the Selkirk Ccnfectionurics and Incidentals 5.9
range, and there are some famous Street railways, taxis and buses .... 3 3
fishing streams In the vicinity, so
pack a' rod. There are many fine ! fif 1 Dlif...
trails, tod. and the sure-footed, fool- ! 1 B S I IftlJOrlTI
pruuj, uuyuae ui inu rtuiKtcs win ui ui
you many a thrill.
Tho road crosses and rccroascs the
river gorge, and 35 miles -from Gold
on, the river! chasm narrows until a
mcro ledgo serves as tho basin down
which the torrent; rushes Natural
bridge. From this- point for nine
miles the road runs straight through
an avenue of stratght tall pines,
Snowpeak avenue, for at each end
rises a peak nearly ten thousand feet
high, and nestling at the foot of
Mount Burgess is Emerald lake.
The lakes In the Rockies cannot be
Stresses Road
Needs Of West
The platform adopted by tho Amer
ican Automobile association at its
rt'i-cnt annual convention In Ashe
vllle, N. C, embodied several im
portant resolutions pertaining to the
development of highways In the
western states and stressing the Im
portance of the development to the
nation as n whole, according to Dr.
they are too beautiful. e. B. McDaniel. president of the Ore-
Dollce patrols and on Model T-103
Pet. truck; to the government of Lucas
Whippet four chassis, a Willys Six
coupe nnd two Willys Six DeLuxe
sedans; Ada. Ohio, school district has
received six Model C-101 chasls for
school buses.
Among the numerous other gov
ernmental divisions recently -Install-ino
Willvs-Overland eaulDment are:
Leporte, Ind., Bellefontatne, Ohio, I
Mollne, 111.. Antwerp. Ohio. E. Rock
away. N. Y.i 'Oakland 'county, Mich.,
Camden,' N. J.. Plymouth county, N.
C Wood county,. Ohio, Sandwich, IU.,
Hillsdale,. Mich.
Many of the points whore new
Willys-Overland products are being
installed, for years nave , usea pro
ducts of the Toledo manufacturer
and its sales to all government divi
sions show a marked increase ovor
other years.
But the glacial water here is of clear
est green, and the reflections of the
peaks and the trees and the sun is
so pure that humans wonder which
is reality. A fine chalet is built on
the lake, one of the most popular
places for loitering.
To reach the Yoho valley, ono of
tho world's wonder places, the motor
ist retraces Snowpeak avenue, crosses
tho Kicking Horse at Field, and then
meets the Yoho river.. Half way up
tho road Is a fine specimen of cork
screw . architecture. Suddenly the
voice of rushing waters' Takukkaw
Falls, one thousand feet of rushing
spray from the groat Yoho glacier,
leading to fossil beds, to ico fields,
olpino mendows'and lakes and water
falls of purest beauty.
Tho great spiral tunnels of the Ca
nadian Pacific are soen, on the road
to Lake Louise. The moat perfect
bit of scenery in the known world
lo at the cud of the day's run, and a
gen State Motor association, which Is
affiliated with the American Automo
bile association.
"Organized motordom's platform
for 1930 and 10:U," ho wild, "stresses
several measures which the local club
and ether western affiliations have
consistently fought for.
"After commending President Hoo
ver and congress for the enactment
of the Oddie-CnltoXi bill whereby the
Government- for the first time as
sumes the responsibility for the con-,
c traction; and maintenance, of' high
ways -through 'and across unappropri
ated, public lands and: Indian, reaer
vationsi ;the convention 'look up the
question of approach roads, to tho na
tional,, parks; and tho; question of
reads to protest tho national forests."
In regard to national parks ap
proach roads, a resolution was un
animously adopted, tho gist of which
Is:- . . 1 x ' i
Tho American Automobile osso-
wlsc motorist leaves his car to climb elation' therefore endorses legislation
tho paths leading to the lakes In the now pending-ln congress to bring the
clouds where a view is given of a sea national park anproach roads under
of peaks as varied as the waves of i the Jurisdiction or the national park
tho ocean. . j service and authorising adequate op-
Tho road leading to the Valley of I propria tlon? for thoir construction
the Ten Peaks, past Temple moun-i p.:?d maintenance." :'.
Arnold Leads Car
Racers For Title
WASHINGTON The command
ing lead of Billy Arnold, 23-year-old
Chicago racer, threatens Louie Mey
er's two-year reign as America's
championship driver.
With four remaining events sanc
tioned by the Amorlcan automobile
association for the crown. Arnold Is
ahead with 888 points, and William
"Shorty" Cantlon, Detroit,, seeond
with 480 points. "
A win for Arnold In the 300-mile
race September 1 at Altoona, Pa.,
would Increase ' his lead by 240
points and put1 him boyond reach
of the other contenders, racing of-'
fiolnls say. t ,,t . ;
Air Mall Haves Loss
' WASHINGTON m Air mall post
ago on a ploce of mining machinery
flown i from Ohio to Chile totaled
680, but the machinery forestalled
closing down of a plant with a loss
oi several thousand dollars, r
if you hit him
why take the Risk?
ACCIDENTS happen every day ill-. the year! A
. How do you know YOU won't be ncxt You
cannot afford to risk damage claims anil law. suite. 'Uoji
Protect yourself NOW! .
YOU can secure complete , protection ; imme-, ;""
diately by paying a shiall, amount now and
spread the remainder over a period oi months. ;
I 1 .11.
United Sfates rNational" Bahk uiiing,',!'
v' . - La branded Oregon-n Vti'v'
i ;;
Look Over Our Want Ads for Bargain
WSiesa JfeMHS caraves---
iio tire I'siiB i loo god
--i- Fc w ml L'l.
New Low Prices
on ,
Goodyear Double Eagles
New Heavjr Duty . .
Standard All-Weather
Heavy Duty Pathfinder
21 a?JE,57VE-&ra hacked
btj mtr prompt, polite service
We pride ourselves upon the increasing num
ber of women drivers who drive in for our
service. Courtesy, cleanliness and quickness,
we know, appeals to them.
Without question, also, the ladies much pre
fer Goodyears they till us they've found
them "more reliable," they "feel safer" on
Con&uk us, without obligation, as to the most
economical type of Goodyear for YOUR
Strikingly handsome! A big, stout tire with
an extra-thick, extra-safe All-Weather Tread
over 6 plies of sturdy SUPERTWIST Cord
selling at ordinary heavy duty prices!
Phone Main 163 for Prompt Sen-ice
talr to Moraine lake Is a famous
morning's drive, and then for forty
flvo miles to the town of Banff.
From Banff due south llss Ihej
Bon f -Wlndcrmere highway, 1 04
miles of sheer wonder. Past Castle j
mountain and Storm, up, up. over .
Vermillion Puss ttnd down tho valley
of the sparkling Vermillion and I
After citing the fact that In the'
period 1010 to 1027 there had been
destroyed 173,000.000 acres as a rosult
oi' 707,000 forest fires, the conven
tion ivent on record with the follow- .
iiiR declaration: ' j
"The enovmoufi Increase In the
number of fires in our national for- 1 during the past fow yeoro in
Kootenay rivers, and then through j dleatei. the necessity for enlarged
the Sinclair canyon, whore tho road
pusses through a mere gash in the
reck, hundreds of feet htfrh.
And so i again to Windermere and
to Cranhrpok. One may ho oast or
west again, or again to some
rcmembebred spot. Three days easy
driving makes tho Lariat tour, bnt
throe months could easily be spoilt
and not half Its beauties seen.
The eighteenth child was born to
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hcrberg, York
town. Towa. farm coupln, rrcpntly.
f.:c!cral appropriations for road build-
lpg and lire protection purposes, and
the American automobile association
favors enactment of legislation to
remedy present conditions."
Airport HiiH Wide Kuinvuvs
LOS ANGELES iP) Airplanes
land nd. and took off simultaneously
on the same runway at United air
por. In p, toot, rttinways arc 300 feet
in width and require 3,000,000 feet of
Lhryiler tight Roadster, ftgj
(wire wheels extra)
Regular PoUifinder
TTTTJ T71 rpff More People Ride on Goodyear Tires
IlSliliSh 1 JJ Than Any Other Kind.
There U today a 'Chrysler for virtually every purse and
every person's need or dtsirc stx-cylindrr Chryslers and
eight-cylinder Chryslers and in whatever Chrysler you
choose you Ret more for yci:r money than the same sum or a
similar sum could elsewhere chtain. Let us prove it to you.
Coupe, PiS;Touring,Sf;RoyalCm,,!SiyRotl,lrr,SW:RnyalStJaii,SS45.EO.B.Faclory.
Bunnell Cculr, tVi: Brruf,h,tm, SWf; V.oi-Mrx (vilh Tumble iral), S1W; Phdtttm, SI02);
Royal Coupe (with tumble lent), SIQ71; Royal Sedan, SK'li. I'.O'B. I'atlory.
Bunnell Coupe, S1W: Brmirham. SIW; Rmal Coupe (vllh rumble ieal).S129f: Royal Se dm,
SMS; Phatlon, Slllh Roadster 'with tumble leal), SH4i. V. O. B. Faeloty.
SlandatJ Model, Roadrlrr, ,V55; iMS: Sedan, SnlfSperial Coupe, JW;
Special Sedan, fl6?; Speual Conyertillt Cv':pe. Roadtlet 6 Mite wheell
nrjttunh tad), Ji'S " O. B. faeloty.
Four magnifieent body ity'.es: Seren.Pcir:!er Sdan, Sedan-l.tmow.ine , Fiye-Pauenger Sedan,
' ' Close Coupled I'tie Pasienger Sedan.
Greenwood and Jefferson
if you ride
YOUU trip will not bu nvaried by tire trouble if you have
equipped your car with Goodyears. Their solid, extra
thick treads give unusually long service, and rid your mind
of worry. And. now you can buy them' on our convenient
Easy Payment Plan
by which you can equip your car with a complete set, and
distribute the cost over a period of months. Come in for
further details.
W. H. Bohnenkamp Co.