J,A GRANDE P.VENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE. ORE. Friday, August 8, lfl.SO 1'ajro Six VALUE! f Men and Boys POLO SHIRTS 63c nc HY-PEP-SEN mid sx-Mem Oencr. I Makea v rat brtter. slwp bttrr. work bttr and ttti better. H axu are wvk and nerxvxis, hax thai tinM, wvrn exit and run down reUn(t, vxi ahould start taking lv FHNStn today. n wtH (ttxe you vim. vtpor and vitality svich aa yoxi hax-e nvM knoan in rs Hy-rEP-Pen U tasttnjg Tontc and Raten bulkier. l-sr sale by Moon lixig Co. Adv. Genuine Horsehidc WORK GLOVES Special 95c New York Store tmm COMMUNITY CASH STORE TH0NK M.VIX flour arsr $1.39 T) TT? Pncy Klne Rose. O fl IvlLTis inds o;;C JAR RUBBERS 25c COOKIES 'iC1'"'- 24c soap 3oc PURITAN 11 ALT - -49 c SEGO MILK ;r 25c SALAD OIL gs,, 35c MEAT DEPT. BEEF ROASTS iW""; 15c PICNIC HAMS Sir 18c COTTAGE CHEESE LARD llf refund for L. D. S. Ixidit s' Cook ed Foid Sale Saturday H UTTER, EGG PRICKS SHOW NO CHANGES ! PORTLAND, OX.. AX13. 8 lVrtlaud w holesale bvitter and egtt pi tee remained unchanged ted ay. Kkk receipt were nuu.nii n little be low last M with n k1 volume ot buMtiesa reprtexi by nuwt denlets. Hxitter receipts were light ami de mand Hmttcd. The count i y d tewed meat and poultry trade ret lev led h steady lour tn price ami demand. V. S. IX A miukct nexvx s?ivice ro Hrtevt hiKhllphU on the wholesale fruit and vegetable trade a follow: Cantaloupe declined again, wu;. liberal receipts of Wahiivjiiou stock, and a lew ftMi Oalil'MtiU. Ilw. Mntxdard mw lanced t 75 ;, WW per crate, with 2-V discount er orate of lanwr sIfc. Snw old-aule musk melons from 1 1 1 i$on ere also re - OelVTVl. The peach market I unsettle!. Shipments ftMn Oalttoinia continue lather It hi. tVrtlauds uck holdings an hoavv. and Lval operator v divided in their opinion ot future values. rears from ftroxvx.stnead are decUn lix$ tn volume, and art now Inade-Qiiat-? to supply IVrt land's demand v Orion's )vMr shipments uill soon attain considers Me x-olxtme. with aaity loartmps of 4- cam this week. I'notncial repori in Klamain rails indicate production ot I P car of potatoes there tin yer. com pared with I..VO cars Ut seovi. That district has stealer cre,we this yvar. and the crop 15 m fveeUeixl con dition. M ; AK M M m K r.-ist-t in iw An 6 Surr. nwi.tv; iM.'krt lwl .-Arc. frail or rnrrv W 1HT c1. lWt r' Wftm Mrit. s it 4i. Ps (iv Hour. 4s - Insulation Home ownoi-s a.v findinjr that it iviys to insuluto Ajraiiift the summer heat and the winter cold. RAlAM WOOL can Iv u s e d in your jMvsont home, l.ct us explain to you how essly it can lv installed in your home. VAXPETTEN LUMBER CO. . rUONK MAIN MARKET NEWS IIK (iO UIIKAT Open MiRli I tn ("lose I.IIJl . Ji 1 ,0.1 4 1 .41 1 H l.lHltH V4 t.itt. if" 1. in 1 .mi w itfi.o; i Hrr. i Mar. IMHIll AMI Sept. Pee. Slocks Plunge Share In Street! i NFW YORK, Ane. 8 The stook i ma;ket was oarrit o!f the lexie on; which tt had t.vcn drswuig tor aoine ' daya by a now landiulo of sc'.ltn? , today, to rxjrlonsf one of the mo-t vio'xnt dr't amoe the tii-stiv def ta-j lion Jxuie. A Ion? ht of prominent fct.vk : MMd off 3 to SIA a sharv. and tew at'tixv shatvs reoirvted losses of less than It wa statct in brokeracr oirvle that prixfcwional te-.xr Cvr atv skMd stovk in tarite xvOxm-.e. but that general t;o,uutat:c aio .s ex-ten-iv. The da "s traduxd evoeded SaWVV hare by a si'otaitial :nn:'li lor the firt tttv.e nn.e nxiWur.r. a hen saU ran tron iV tl to SaW.01 lor a tew day. Shares declined ! not Moodily thrxuchiH the day and while tlu'tr rre s-ir,e svixs of yhoit oovennj; tn the final dealnxg-s doms imoea wvnc cloe to the day s lowest. Such share as t'mtd Slates Steel, raduv Noith A:xe:iran. Air Retuotton. Atchiv.t and Pui-on. lost tJ S, liRVNTS WRIT 1 HAHY CASK t CHICAGO. Kxtp. 8 t A writ of babes corvus'bpquinuc Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bamberger to produce in coirt the tnfant gixrn them by the KngiewvvM hcwpital as their child but ! claimed by Mrs. Margaret Watkins as her baby ix-.stead of the oe gioen ' her, was granted tcxty by Jvge iRotil K ientpvt. The writ also : ix t ranis the lUmbergvrs from leading ; ihe jxi:.sxJ,ict:on of the court. WONT lOMHMV HIKT1I CONTROL TONlVN. Ax-.c S .r- The Daily HeraM today s-a the Anglican bish 041 at the isbeth oor.rerenc have decided not to condemn xirKwxprvcn lv.ngly the practice ot b;rth control, refxising to g-o tY.rther than to sig gest it has no rart m the pertect Ch-:stian rarnpvl life" "S rrivate Ambu lance Service FKF.E. Moiern Funeral Home Experienced Usdy Attcndant rerfect Funeral Sen'ico Piioes Within the Keach of AH. fa i WALKER'S FUNERL SERVICE 512 AT SPRING ST. Cory Pert""'8 and ?owdr tr. A E ac iS- SSc S9c T aVr merm n tn pe ert rHtf hrirv A SV wloe. 69c 50c "t cream rimtw 1101-3 Wash. v TT. . - v ' - 1 Si P and G Wm Mrcll Curllna Ruld Cleansing Crm OF THE DAY UIIKAT Mich I OW Cle rOKTl.AMI ('AMI rtl?TIASD. Ore. Axic 8 i Cash wheat Hip Bend bluestcm 1 Oe. Sft white Wo. Western xxhite 4c. Hani winter Sic. Northern spring 91c. Western red SK Oats: No. 3-58 lb. white 24 00. Tod ay "a car rece Ipta: vheat S. flour 6. oats 1, hay 3. MitKTAt;t: or iu ukus IOPTLASlt. Ax. 8 1 Uxunber vle xt-re seihng at J 00 f. J a crate on the east side fanners' mar ket here today. Btackberne were rl3AI.MX. and strawberr.es M'.s 00 a crate. There was a general shortage ot hemes on the market. PW l.TRY SAN FRANV1SOO. Axvg. R t Fd. -State MkU Bur.3 BrvMlers: lvhorns, under 15 lb, per dos Sec eak. Oeorcia farnxs last year produced 000 bushels of corn and ft?. 870,000 pounds of tobacco. Young farmers of lnnesee are conducting i.il different provts trtrough 4-H clxibs this year. Australia. Argentina. Braaal. Yen esuela and Mexico hax-e ereatevl fed eral districts lor their capitals. PORT! -AM UUSTtH'K lORTl.ND. Ore, Axtg. 8 tie ftV calx-es 8; quotaMv steadv Stevrs fWi. lbs. si ,v mtviium .S5rt A. eomnxoa M .so, SKV-i ico MvXi. (vramoa MOOmMNX JOO-llOf lb, eoos.sw, medium 5c0 w 8.t. common f4 50seO, 1 ICO I AO lbs. $ 7 .V tr fS 00, medium 00 k Heifers. .VsVS50 lbs, 87.00 - 0. rr.edium o07xX cor..mo". H .V m A 0. CowSs pxM & 60 0S. con-.mon and rnedium 00-SKi. Kiw cutters 3 504 00. Bul'ts lyrari mgs evcluded J-S ?0 I 00. cxitter common aixl medium 00 Ji. Yeaiers. ir.ilk fed $10 00 -c til. 00, me dium fSOOwslOOO, cull and cori mon SsS 50 . s$ 00. Calm SfO-V 15. s, s? 10 AX ccjmm.m and medium 00 ( ,v Hogs: 1M, opening steady, i So.rt or o:lv hoes and roasting pics excluded i i:cht nchts i4tvii tio.7&. Ught m-eight 10-10 lbs, 8107S ( SiliVX. Ift-900 lbs. 10.75 (?r ;i0O. Medium w:cht 3A-?0 lbs tlOOO U 00. iO-iiO lbs $S0tUV7&. Heaxv -a-eicht 1S 825 ;0. lbs. & 75 H0 00. fa.-kirx 275-SXi lbs, S CO 1 CO. 1AV1S0 lbs. t 7J-10 7.V Fwd er and stocker pic 70-lSo lbs, HI K V f is CO. S-riecp 4i1. quotable steady M rounds down pood rd chojee $00-7fO. medium M 36 CO. all ux-ighrs. cotr.mon s5.sokJ4JO. Yearl ir.c wethers sKSll lbs mw.;um to chc-oe SCO?M0. Fx- lbs maSiin to cKVoe tl 752 k 120 l.V lbs, 1.1083.25. all wehts, call and commoii (iA'tt tl j0. WOOL KtrORT BOSTON. Auc 8 The Commer cial Bullet in say tomrcrow: 1 "As the -eefc has prorressed it ha beoorrie clear that the worsted manu facturers have taken a very decent weicht o! -a-ooi off the market acsia. Mosily the demand has come rrccr. tie larger Tn:it but sonte f;ne vvvv hsx c.ne to the tcomaiers. Prices are steady, ercepi that scene vcoJea v s-e barely f:mv "7he piecec.vvts markets continued ;r. rsthrr su:ier. m.w; R-.isr-1 Xaptha Soop 10 Bars 39e SPECIALS I.,;.,.,, 79C z" i7c aP -1 n WRdreot 2:.c W,, -:.,::.- LVQ H.k Twite ' v :;-.'i's li j.r..i A -1 59C CrC:-." - OlV Prrr m oaair-. r P-er Kiss OQ Rep. . T. - - -Ot .15 v Pr .vUirlK Ti.Uv. Wbdreot .-....s. Ot)C Shampo !" C O.i. :). ... 49C nf Vve. I.a (developing slowly, as yet. although It -jts o he wly matter of time! :unttl bu'era must corns into the mar ket. t "The foreign markets are generally jqtttet. Uradfotd Is In more cheerful (mood but financial depression In ; Germany and a rather aerlous strike j tn Fratioe are reported. ! "The drought tn the wvt appears I to be spread inc. Feeding of sheep , for lack of pasture ts reported in sev I eral states and some growers havp I si sheep because of Ieedl.4; con j d it tons. t "Mohair stilt Is slow and price nominal." The bulletin will ubltah also the foUowiivg quotathxns: Domestic: Orecon. ftne and 1. m. staple 7:1-75; fine and f . m. Ft. :cMnbtng 70-T3: fine and f. m. cloth ing -67; -alley No. . 7-68. Mohair: Oregon. 38-40: domestic grading, tirst combing good carding 84-56. lORTl.AM PKOIH l'K PORTLAND. Ore . Aug. 8 o Bxit ter. eccs, mtlk tbutterfa. poultry, country meats, onions, potatoes wvol. nuts. ixay. casvara bark and hops steadv and unchatxged . ihtti:riat SAN rRANCISCO. Aug. 8 1 But terfat f. o. b. San Francisco, 37l-c. .IKKIHH1L WHEAT UYFRFOOU Axig. 8 Wheat close: Oct, fl.US Dec- l 13V Msr. 11.15. FIND IT HERE Copy,for thK Cxtlumn must be tn by 9 a. m. 1VWCE AT txtUV Pavilion every Sat. r.tght. Deck Ltr.osey's 5-v-.ee; ccches.ra. 8-8-3 L. A REAL C.IFT WTien you wish to please ber. you -can surely do so by giv;ng her a piece ol beaut itul Fostor Class, cc startirc her with one of the loiely r.ew patterns c stem wr. Eighteen patterns of fine Fve-tor-.A Clsswre foe TvXir selection at Rzchardsor.'s Art and Gift Shoo. S-4-tf. August 11 last day to pay your wter rent without a penalty. 8-8-3 t. avtirctxiru:. ploAtlng;. btrtlon . holers etc, Norton's KMdic Sbjop. Aucust 1 1 !&st day to pay your water rent without a penAiiy. t. FOR YOl R f IS XThen you break your vmdshieid cc s;de glass w-ll pay you to tske your car to R:.--haroson "The Art Man" at Richardson's Art and Gift Shop, where you w ill receux? t he promptest sen ice at tne least pnee. Thev specale in all t.nss of gla work. S-4-tf. Aucust 1 1 last day to pay your water rent without a penalty, fi-8-2 t. swim at coyk rooi. Th.s ur.:ain of Youth." Com plete chanpe of cloAr, sparkling warm mineral water every 7 hours. 6-:5-lro Auc-iist 1 1 last day to pay y.-ur water rer.t without a penalty. S-8-2 t. Sftr BtRtiAIVS Read tociaVs add. NORTON'S KIDDY SHOP. S-8-1 t. VOM4. KK SI KPRIsKP TJThen you hax-e enlarsrrment made tt Rjchsriion s Art and Gift Shop ; They w;ii be as clear as contact j prints. Enlarcemer.t made from j either your pr.nt or nec.uv. Hand ' ur.unc and frammc a specialty. Tsfce ; 'our iv.-t"re vxt to Kcharc!scin " he ; Thestricai Cleansing Crea.T Fo!! r.-nd Jar Crrm Removing 79c Si7t Marwlle Lemnn Cream 32c C"Mrum IlMtt RenveTi. ery bnr puaiiryl R Grande. Ore. J.G. 108 Depot St. $7.90 Art Man" at Riciiarasan's Art and Gift Shop. S-4-U. Aururt 1 1 last day to pay youi warer rent without a penalty. 6-6-2 v CARP OF THANK? We wish by this means to assure our friends that we are very deeply and sincerely appreciative of ths many kindnesses shown 12s and the sympathy expressed m so many ways during our recent sorrow. It ail meant very much to us- Jiirs, Andrew Biofclaad and children. Garret Blokland. Mrs. vrm Case. Mrs. W:lum Webster. 8-8-1 V Aucust ll last cay to pay your water rent without a penalty. -8-2 t. 5ftr BARGAIN'S Read treat's add. NORTON'S KTDDY SHOP. 8-8-1 t. CU FOR BIT'S SeaJed bias will be received by the City Commission of vhe City of La Granat. rman county. Orecon. for the construction of tne tmprrvement m Improvement rjcssnrt Na w.'ih-n the C:ry o La Grann. Orecan. accortimc 10 tn plans anc Rpecifica r.'n for the saie imrrrr'veme,nt a s AUGHTinAecDo! deer depths I H fj 1 pi J V of ooc-! wstc-s.t;.sic-dcr,Sivor- I yj ? V j J cjs sea decacy es a distinctive ar- MjMJtiifcJtfMy','Vv m ia-ocst ca-ir-rs o i'i i71 te worb' ,v Reaches you Jrcsh ei wt-er; paclcd.. ready to serve. TOASTED TUNA SANDWICHES t '-r 5m- Tan t tw.-vw Sr-v tA i- -nt tM-vac t tewvxtM ncfvvw sm-tt I tw m Mt f af . , . .. .. "ts. af tr-wt cym m zz SiA B-Tt-- a- . ttc Tkr ' . rrrr?r Tr -t - W. lK lew Nr-rr Sw'tr- .-) fAJ PmW M V jjjy P" - '"' PENNEY La Readjustment SILK FROCKS We have readjusted and grouped in this lot 50 silk dresses in conformity with the new wholesale costs . . . you'll simply refuse to resist these frocks! The price is so very low ... you .can follow vour natural inclination and buy two or "three! And no mutter how par tial you are to soft colors ... or how high your spirits soar when you wear prints . . . we have variety enough to ; guarantee you a happy carefree season . . . while the low cost will dispel the . "glooms"! . See Them in Our Window trict now on We in the office of the City Recorder of the said City. A deposit of Five i5.0D 'Dollars win be required lor plans and spccl ficaoons, which amount will be re funded bidder is unsuccessful and returns plans and specifications to this office. Bids will be received to the hour of 7 150 p- m. Wednesday. August 13th. 1980 and must te accompanied by a cerufied check, or bidders bond in the sum of ten per cent of the amount bid as a guarantee of the ac ceptance and completion of contract if awarded. Checks will be returned to unsuccessful bidders. Ail bonds in connection with this work are required to be secured through resident agents and no bond will be aocepted unless written by a resident of the City of La Grande. The Commission reserves the right to retect any and all bids. By order of the Commission. July 2S. 1330. J. E. STEARNS, 8-1 -lOt Recorder. CALL TOR RIPS SI RKFT 1MPRO KMENT Sealed bids will be received by the C:ty Commission of the City ot La Grande, Unioc County. Oregon, for the construction of the Improvement Grande, Ore. j In Improvement District No. 1&2. Within the City of La Grtnoe. Ore gon, according to ins plans and j specifications 'or the ssid nr. prove ' ment district now on file in the of fice of the City Recaroer of the said city. j A deposit of Fir 1 55 -PC Dollars j xx'iM be required for plsns and speci I Itcations, which amount will be re funded if bidder unsDceessful and returns plans and pecfj cations U I this olf.ee. I Bids will be received to tie h?"r of j7:30 p. m. Wfdnfcv . Aurust 2?ih. ! 1S30. and must be aonpanied by a certitted check, or tioners bonn m ths sum of ten per cent of the am aunt 1 bid as a guarantee of the acrertancs and comp;e".:an of contrBn if awara ed. Check will b retumen to unsuc cessful bidders. All bonds In cor.r;rc um with this u-ork sre required t3 be sMurei through resident acent ani na bozd will be accepted ut-icss wr.tn ty a resident of the City or Gritnie- The Commission tHsprves tnc r.zhx to reject any and ali bins. By order of the Aufust eth. iwt.x J. Z. STTAJINS. SerDroer. f--lO t CHICKEN