La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 08, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, August 8, 1930
Page Two
Fall Comes Early at This Store .
Showing new Fall dresses. New styles
in Crepe Elizabeth, Crepe Romain.
Black and Blue.
La Grande's Largest Home-Owned Store
League Leaders i Ducks' Winning
Turn Back Foes;
Yanks, Cubs Win
Streak Extended
To Three Games
lly thu Associated Press
Portland made it three straight
iroir. scauie, winning d to 4 last
olate so Close That De
cision Displeases Many
IIV A III II J. (llMlll)
Associated l'r:t;n BportH Editor)
the moat furionn rounds of slam-
bang boxing New York has witnessed
In many it moon. Ah Uellerln' Joe
Humphries walked toward him, white
cfiiciul slips In hand, KJd Choco-
Ily Ted .Yosburgh
(Associated Press Sports Writer)
The leaKue-leadlng Philadelphia
Athletics and Brooklyn Robins were ' night, by virtue of a seventh-lnninK
howling along today at a pace that I rally which was good for three runs,
boded no good for the clubs that j puiJertcn took the mound decision
are doing the chasing in the current; from House, whose wild pitches were
pennant races, . costly.
When a club that already is lead- Fans had three Jiot ninth inning
ing the pack by six and one-half : finishes to talk about today marking
games hands its nearest pursuer an j clcsc. contests on yesterday's Coast
artistic beating to stretch Its advant- I lenguo schedule, the third day of a
age tc seven and a nan, the sup post- j wctfc n which first division teams
tlor Is the team in front Is going to i wore battlimr each other for stand-
" - - - j)rovt, pretty hard to overhaul. ( ings.
ball park. It was fully five minuted i The Athleics yesterday beat the! 6an Francisco bunched three hits
before order was restored by the po- ' Washington Senators, 4-1. thanks to fo;- two runs in the ninth last night
lice. I Jimmy Foxx's 31st home run of the I to overcome a Hollywood lead and
Among the ringside experts, a reason in the sixth Inning with two beat thx Stars, 4 to 3, behind Jimmy
sharp division of opinions existed, or. base. j Zinn, cutting the Hollywood lead to
uiLiiuiiKu u oiiiit. iiiiijuiiigr ujJfciuiru ' i iiiini'm iiuimiin I IWU guinea.
Loo Angeles pulled a fast double
play to cut off a Mission rully In the
last period yosteiday, winning 4 to 3.
with Ballon in the box. shoving the
Reds into third place.
' Oakland profited by "Buzz" Arlett's
ninth Inning triple, and u sacrifice
ti', regard the decision as fair. On! Pulling up on the Senators, the
the Associated Press score-sheet, '.third place Yankees, still hitting and
Ponfpf Vit"h Kid OllOC- Chocolate was given six rounds and Btlll dangerous, won their second
, ' ' , " , , T. Berii four but the margin in several ! straight victory over the lied Sox.
was so close that there was plenty j 5-i, principally because , of timely
o. ground for the wide range of opin- triples by Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig
Icn. Chocolate seemed to have the and steady pitching of Ed Wells.
edge in the first three rounds, aa j The hard fighting Cubs Just man- which scored him, to break a tie and
well ud thu sixth, seventh and eighth, aged to keep the Robins from In- beat Sacramento, 2 to 1, for the
Ben: held marirliiH In the fourth. ripusinir their three and one-half I nut- fimt. win nf th. koi-iok Mn.
Ntv iUkk., Aug. a itv n ijatteieu i in til, ninth and tenth. ; gam lead when they nosed out the; derson was the successful hurler.
little bundle or ebony fighting ma-I nvvti .jmds ( Iimikt llluns ' Cardinals, 0-0. Chick Hafey. Cardinal j At Portland: H. H. E. I
rhincry sat huddled In his corner a'. Chocolate landed thu cleaner, more' slugger, drove in all the home team's I Scattlo 4 10 0;
the Polo grounds lust night after ten effective blows, lie had Berg some- runs with his 20th homer of the sea- j Portland 6 9 1 i
what groggy with a sensational at- ' BOn with one on the first and a House. Kunz and Cox; Fullerton j
tack in the third round. 1 lie most double in the eighth with the -bases j and Palm.
exciting of the entire fight. The loaded.. I At Los Angeles: R. H. E.
Hashing, ebony Keed wan also the i For the second time in two days, j San Francisco 4 11 1'
faster, better boxer whenever ho the Robins beat out the Pirates, this Hollywood 3 19 1 !
could keep away from the crowding, time by a 6-4 count. This would be j Zinn and Gaston; Wetzel, Holler-I
mauling Englishman. Bcr,. however the. abbreviated series. i eon and Bassler.
was unceasingly the aggressor. His The Robins now have beaten the At Oakland: R. H. B.
punches were- seldom damaging but pirntee 11 times and lost to them on I Sacramento 17 2 I
they were more pernisteiit and landed enly four occasions. i Oakland 2 10 0 I
oltenei. This forcing, plus the fact i kohlnt Win hi Ninth J Thomas and Koehlcr; Henderson!
that Berg unquestionably made the ' Yesterday the Robins won In the and Rlccl. -Etrcngcr
finish apparently swung the rlnth in spectacular style- when! At San Francisco: R. H. E. !
decision in his favor. ; Johnny Frederick tripled to drive, Los Angeles 6 10 1
- : 1 home ,Iko IJpoijo .who had batted J Missions 4 U 0
ft1 A ft I MA IT'Fff) ' lor Vnnce nrid'waiked. Just to make! Ballou, Peters and Hannah; Knott,
issxiViJ irflO-f itiy . tne margin a little more comfortable I Darrough and Ho f maim.
A KI T W A W A 1 VI A -Mii.-.-t !,,. V.,.,l,t
Frederick - with a' single. Watson I
irifJH'i' III iii-f Alt Clark, pitching tho ninth for the
.v u a w f mins, held th(
the lead safe.
CHICAGO, Aug. 8 lA't Earl Mas
tro, Chicago's contender for the world
fe'ithrrwttfght title, today had a draw
with Fidel La Harbc of Los Angeles
and tin eo painful bruises on his right
, groin, as mementoes of his latest en
j counter with the Callfornlan.
Several times during ten bitter,
sweltering rounds of fighting in the
stadium hint night, Mastro com-
I plained to referee little Phil Collins
i that lie had been struck low. Col-
Young Hurlers
Help Missions
To Top League
PORTLAND, Aug. 8 W) Mark A.
Mayer, company officials, announced
today plans for liquidation of Fleis
chner, Mayer and company, pioneer
Facific coast drygoods company.
Mayer said liquidation was prompted
by the desiro of company principals
to retire from active business life.
KARACHI, India, Aug. 8 fI) Two
persons were killed and seven wound-
Jiif-khi (Kid) Ht-rfi
By Russell J. New In ml
(Associated Press Snorts Writer!
'fnrur'n'm, "L.S a? Melons, with Ike Boone and Harry rioting at Sukkur early today. Loot-
hn f.n iS r,u,i "XX. Ln MMcntorg. mighty swatmen. In uni- '"B waa reported and the flghtlnB Is
ul rles suddenly checked himself, i M"slro. llrst three weeks of the second half, operates a shoe store In Mechanlcs-
lurncO and lllu'd tho hand or Jackie j The crowd of 12.430 which paid what. Watson, do you make of that? ""r. Ohio.
(Kid I Ben- in token of triumph. i about J3.4;)0 to wutcl. tho two lit- Some followers of the Bame who ' .
14 ' . " . . tlr- ItnlinnK. 1-prelvpd th( vprrHrt wUh nra nnt nn.. . .,.. .
I'l those lew uiamunc niumuuw.. - wuh tueir
Dulse-stlrrlnK to a crowd- of S5.000 o00 "i Jeers, rlgurlng that La credit will point out the Missions
that had been thrilled by a sensa- j had clearly established a win- took on Seattle and Portland dur
t una! battle of little follows, the 1 "'k margin during the first seven Ing tho three weeks. It was an old-
i. iri,i nhnnlntn 1 icuiHls. Rlneaide exports had that Iiik factor, no elonht hut h.r..i
aimeuied to have kept Intact wan ' opinion, but p. medical examination 01 the records will reveal that three
brought to a sudden ond. annpped revealed that Mastro had been struck younfc pitchers, not rated to rate,
alter two years of unbroken victory j lc nt "'"S1 l"roo times and waa In had something to do with the s'tua-
ik. I... ii iitiin kiiuiihia wniriwinu ' i '
Sport Slants
Regardless of the fouls the cus-'
Irom While Chapel
AgKi'rsslvent'ss Wins j
Entirely on ie """8"' Mt e. hot pace from the start.
f. two to one vote of tho officials.
Tho British lightweight received tho
verdict or Referee Patsy Huloy, grey
Th three arn'.lnrfe Knnir. rhoHn
tciners goji all the action they looked (Dutch) Lleber nnn Tri Piiioit
lar. The former flyweight tltlchohler Youngsters nil of them, none was ex-
wMiif pcctcd to step out and pitch Class
By A inn .1. .Cmil.l
(Associated Press Sports Editor)
"Who is the outstanding rookie
oi the year?" ask3 on inquisitive ob
server of the major league scramble,
adding that he would like to know
If there has been a better find in
left hooks found Mastro's head ond a ball the wav it nhnmn h T 1930 Lmm Senor Lopez, tne uuDanoia
However. Knott beat Portland t-ir- : 01 e
body and tho Chicago Italian was However. Knott beat Portland twice-'
nnoblo to use his own boxing skill. PUlcttc won two games and Lieber
'""""h "', v,,u t,Hwi iuuiiu, vninv cm-ougn lor a vlctorv. Full
Judges, Joe Agnello.
Charles F
Judge, won
So close was the battle ond so
Brooklyn Robins.
Our National league scouts report
Lopez stands well up at the top of
any list of newcomers, that he has
haired lltt.o vcteraiv. and one of the - h",-m; dS credit JoTto Av,, ZuZ" "
juuges, joe ngueuo. int vuie ui .... ,,,. mnr ,,, hi. ,' -- . had mole to do with the sensational
lathlson. tho second ; ' t u n , . ""ssions. who rlsc B tllI! Brookiyns Ulnn any other
t to the Cuban feather- j ,,dlewelght pro- ' iKco "Z youngstersP who we're !l!,"iu"! ".tal1.of ?',T.'
tego or Hicnio Mitciieii, knocked out drifting rather aimlessly nhmit ti, w,1b,h u "v
Dan Gasparo of Chicago, in the sev- missions acUmlli -J5e c,oes not entor lnto thta tlebate aln
The New
. The Radio
With the Golden
NEVER before in eight years of leadership has At water Kent offered
such a gigantic surplus of value . . . from every standpoint of radio de
sirability. In beauty of appearance and in wide choice of styles you
have grace of design, richness of woods and finishing, surpassing any
thing you have ever seen. Here the New Atwater Kent, the Radio
with the Golden Voice. '
New Tone
The 'Golden Voice' not 'Radio'
tone, but natural tone of voice or
' instrument.
New Tone Control
giving- four definite tone shad
ings, bringing out base or treble
at will.
New Quick-Vision Dial
the greatest aid to easy tuning
in all the history of radio. Only
. Atwater Kent has it. . Word's
can't do it justice. You must see
and try this new wonder!
Come and hear it the new won
derful Atwater Kent with the
Golden Voice
Come and hear the radio, with the
"golden voice" and you-.will appreciate
the vast difference in tone. We shall
be glad to demonstrate for you in our
own radio room.
You can enjoy your new Atwater Kent
while you pay for it. A reasonably small
down payment is all that is required.
Pay the balance out of .income in con
venient weekly or monthly installments.
Eastern Oregon's Largest Home-Furnishers r
partisan tho sympathies of tho crowd j cnth round of the eight round scml-j ently good moundsmen. Bert Cole
, .,. UM. antl merman Fiiiette
that the decision, plus the
ncuncer'r. uncertainty, provoked a big
demonstration of disapproval. Choc
olate-, led tearfully from tho ring, re-J rate for largo cities
he is distinctly a veteran.
rut- ttooins uncovereu anotner new
Tho Mirnpio nf Din. i. star in. Uav Phelps, the riKht-hander
New York claims the lowest death ers, Herman and Ted in keeninJ 1 wnc llDS formed a great battery with
ti.4 uci i.uuu men' in Lent ntr n(t tmnii i .,i. wuva, i-iiiii uiiu oiiiiit. niii miv- , .
reived an ovation that drowned out over 3-year period. out of the ordinary Hormi.. It,l stone kids also ranks among Brook- ima vcar'
the. cheers for Berg. 80 heated was ; 1 older, bolng one of the toonotch 'y's tl'scovorles.
....- im. uiut imp.unipLu ngiuHi iwo vnousanu pneasaiu eggs nave tuhlers of the circuit natumiiv wnR The Boston Braves nicked un two
1 assured of his Job but Ted had a nljIp recruits fom tho Pacific Coast
f rough row to hoc. Ted won a steady league in Wally Berger. the siege
berth because- of his willingness. A RU, nnd Buster Chatham at third
recent Incident is an example. The ! hose.
Missions had but one catcher, Fred Cincinnati acquired an Important
Hufman. Young Bill Brenzcl was pitching find in Bennic Prey, also
out with an injury, Hofmau got. in- ) 'hie now infloldnr in Tony Cuc
iv a dispute with the umpire and was cincllo. The Phillies picked up a
chased off the field. Monagor Kil- ! slugging first baseman ln John Sher-
1 lock and tne Pirates bolstered their
hrokf- out around tho ringside and
a ftiniCMtiin .iycr ALL TALKIKC
PLUS Two Good Comedies
"Jazz Rylhm" and "Station li-U-N-K"
lefer was at his rone's end until
young Pillotto ran out and volun
teered. Antl he didn't catch a bad
gamo at that.
initial sack with another recruit, Otis
Suhr, from the San Francisco Seals.
Th(- outstanding "finds" in the
American leauue for 1930 included
Mux Schmcllntr had botlor lnrt tn!"Steed" Mahaffev. Portland riirht-
his laurels. According to the Japan j bander with the champion A's: Tom
Tlmea of Tokyo (here is u movement , Olive;. Hed Sox outfielder from the
afoot to have Musashiyoma, chain- Southern association: Ben Chapman.
winner, iixkc up boxing in an "ow latiKce mira sacKer, irom st
attempt to win the heavyweight title.
ttiiwiwmjamu is years old. has a
74-inch reach and weighs 250 pounds.
The threo quarters column, first page
story says: "Mr. Koizumi, minister
of communications. Mayor Nagata of
ii'Kyo unci omers are reported to
Paul: Chief Hogsett, Detroit's Indian
pitcher, and Smead Jolley of the
White Sox.
Taking all factors Into considera
tion, Lopez seems to be the outstand
ing newcomer of the season, with
Berger not far behind. Lopez can
havo taken a keen Interest in thi hit at a .350 clln or better and he is
plans of Musashlyuma." The article l- hrilliunt workman behind the plate.
HuwiiH oiu unit "if a Japanese won
the championship Japan might prof
it by $20,000,000 ln a year."
Young Corbett. the Fresno welter
weight who has trounced two chain -plonH.
is willing to make most any
kind of concession if Young Jack
Thompson can be induced to meet
him ln a title match. Corbett will
Mgn on agreement with the slate
ahlctlc commission to defend the
title wihln eigh weeks if he meets
and defeats Thompson.
In another year, when America
canvasses her youth for better ma
terial for the Davis cup battle, the
scorch need to extend no further
than to Bryon Grant, the "Atlanta
atom" ond Frank Shields, the tall.
10-year-old New York youth who re
sembles Big Bill Tllden in action as
much aa Grant does that other fig
ure. Little Bill Johnston.
Grant, playing mostly in the
South, has in some unaccountable
lashion been overlooked by the over
lords of the game. They failed to
Hy I ho AsstM'liileil Pros j
COAST I.K.tlil'K !
W. I.. Pel. i
Hollywood 18 8 .1107
San Frtinolsco 14 10 .583 :
Los Angt'lra 14 10 .583
MIsMlaiM 13 11 .542 ,
Oakland 11 13 .458
fiu-rumi'iuo 10 14 .417.
Snittlo 8 5 .375 :
Purllaml B 15 .375 ;
N VriONAl. I.HAlil K I
V. L. Pot.
Brooklyn . 65 41 .813
CIh iko 01 44 .581 '
Ni'U York 58 46 .538
bt. Louis 53 5J .500 :
PltLvburgli 50 51 .41)5
Uwlon 50 58 .472 i
Cnu-uinntl ..45 55 .450;
Pluludclphln 35 ti!) .337
AMrillCAN I.K.Mil K j
w. I., ret
Phllnclclphla 73 37 .6C4 I
Washington .63 43 .602
New York 64 46 .582
Cleveland 56 53 .514
rx-lrolt 54 56 .491
Chi.-u-o 44 63 41 I
rank him nntlonnlly In 1D29. He
whipped two ntcmbcrs of the first
ten in capturing the 1930 national '
clay 'court title, and hardly 'can be
kept out of the top-ranking group
Shields, though erratic, has shown
great promlBe. He was Invited to
participate In tho Davis Cup tryouts
this year, but declined. Rangy and
well-built, Shields packs terrific pow
er into his shou and has n sound, '
well-developed gamp calculated to ,
niovo him up rapidly anytime he con-
centrates on the main object.
MM Co.
Flying Frank Wykoff, who raced ,
to u new world's 100-yard dash rec- j
prd at Chicago ln 0.4 seconds, has .
hung up his splke3 for 1930. -None j
too robust, the California youngster j
will not compete in the national
championships at Pittsburgh nor In
the meet with the British Empire I
team at Chicago late In August. I
Thereby he forfeits the chance to '
renew a duel with Percy Williams of
Canada, the Olympic dash king. -
It's the vacuum pack
that keeps JJLLS
Bros coffee
perfectly fresh
In Hills Bros.' vacuum pack, air
's completely removed from the
-an at the time of packing. Air
destroys the flavor of colTcc. No
air-tight can will keep colTee fresh.
For freshness ana flavtir buy Hills
Bros. Coffee in the vacuum can
easily opened with the key.
I r,iivj 1:1U ilrj.
i Ctflrl J ftjnr ttj
j trkircsffn hat.
! C I'JO
Grande Ronde
City Grocery and Market Main 75-150 Hoover Market Main 755 -
Economy Grocery and Market Main 573-48 Fir Street Market & Grocery Main 700
Our quality and service is and always will be the finest it
is possible to make it. We are a 100 La Grande firm
buying Union county 'products and selling them to you for
less. Again we say phone us Look! We v have a Union
card in every window. . V.
Crab Meat Monarch Coffee
Yatch 'Club Brand, fancy crab O O n i " ' A On
moat. tins, each OOC Reg- pVv; :OC
i 'i-lh. Monarch Tea Free
Cookies Brooms
Raspberry Tarts, fresh stock. A r Miller 5-tie, reg. 85c rf
For this sale, 2 lbs 'dUlL Saturday only OiC
Pineapple White Beans
Preferred Stock fancy sliced, rQ Large, good quality tn
213 tins, 2 for DOC 4 lbs. for 29C
Golden Age Green Corn
Macaroni, Spaghetti & Noodles f)(n Sweet and tender, ' -g A
large double pkg., 3 for dozen 14C
Beef Pot Roast
Fancy steer lioef,
Pound .
Veal Roast
aaanma w i n n 1 1
Auto Electric
Electrical Ignition and
Battery Repairs on all
Makes of Cars
Ph. M-753 M25 Adams
Choice shoulder cuts,
Pound ..
Shoulder cuts, No. 1 steer
beef, pound ,
Mt. Emily sugar cured,
large, pound
Picnic Hams
Fresh from the smoke house,
Beef Boil
Short Ribs,
St Louis 44 06 .400
Breton 37 "3 .330