La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 08, 1930, Page 10, Image 10

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d; AHfft 8; 1930
Ni ws o' the Chutchpe
Converts To Be
Baptized Sunday
At TheCity Park
Interesting Church Pio-
grams Arranged in La
urande Evangelist to
A baptismal service at 2:30 o'clock
Sunday afternoon at Riverside park,
conducted by the Gospel mission,
will be one of the leading events on
the program In La Grade churches
this weekend.
The pastor of the Gospel mission
and his family are at Lower Cove at
the Elmer ranch, and the new con
verts among he boys and girls will
conduct , the Sunday school Sunday
morning at 9:45 o'clock. A contest Is
being held In the school with Interest
very keen. - .- -
Morning worship is at 11 -o'clock
and evening services open at 7;45.
Twenty have 'been converted in reg
ular Sunday services of late, six of
them last Sunday.
Church of God
A free dinner will be served and
Immediately after dinner, gifts for the'
children will be given-out to those
who have spoken the most scripture
verses correctlyat the Church of God.
- Sunday school Is at 10 a. m. with
preaching at 11 o'clock, followed by
the children' chorus choir of AO
voices.' '
James B. Burr ell, evangelist, will
deliver tHe evening message on the
subject "Gain and Loss." The public
is invited to attend.
- Baptist Church
According to previous arrangements
the Baptist and Presbyterian congre
gations will meet together ' In the
Presbyterian church Sunday morning
for preaching service. The pastor of
the Baptist church, the Rev. B. Mar
cm Godwin, will occupy the pulpit.
His sermon subject will be "An As
tonished Churchman." Special musi
cal numbers will be a prelude "Cava
tina"'py Raff, Mrs. Delia Parkinson
at the organ; "Jesus Ikver of My
Soul" (Rockwell), by the choir. There
will be the usual evening preaching
service' at' the Baptist' church. The
sermon -subject will be "Bible-Valuations."
Hours of service axe: Sunday
school 0:45, morning preaching ser
vice, 11:00;' evening Bervlce, 8:00;
prayer' meeting,. Thursday evening,
8:00, Everybody - welcome. Tourists
welcome ''as you are." '
ion Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Sherwood Williams and
Knautz v. ill s.i. a jt "The Mcs-
wcre oii their wuy to La Grande to
spend the day with relatives, and
are spending their vacation at the
Wullowa lake. Lucille has been In
Chicago for the past year and mode
the trip west with her brother, Deun
and family, who live in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Letcher Norvall and
daughter. Shirley, of Helix. SDent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rice.
Mrs, Norvall was Miss Opal Rice and
Paul erai yeargj
Miss Mlna Cummins Is spending a
Episcopal Church
Holy communion opens the day's
services at St. Peter's church at 6
and 8 a. m. Morning prayer is at 11
o'clock with a sermon by the rector, sage" at the morning service at the ! 1 p ain? a
Mrs. Fred Hoover will preside at the M. E. church. i """" V" ou"aay.
drove to Walla Walla with her, re
turning on Monday. Miss Cummins
God. It will sing during morning 'h "ZZ , "iT"'" TJ..
muck in a lew nays more.
Baptlnmol services will be held nt;DcK. ' ." ""'7, "
fit ' lllOrP With th M-1 Raimimtan
! ily and other relatives, are visiting on
mi. ... l . , I Cricket Plat this week. At present
There will be no evening services k, ... . . . : '
. -- liicv lire ai me name 01 Mrs Kranir
rhrMhm riuirch
Bible school begins at 0:45
Sunday ut the Christian church, fol
lowed uy morning worship at 11
o'clock, subject "Bible Sanctiflca
tion." A unified service will be held at
7:30 p. m. with song service, C. E.
topic discussion and a20-mlnute ser
mon "The Guide Post at the Cross
The pastor will preach at Union at
3 p. m.
Flrnl M. R. Church
The church school at 0:45 a. m.
Sunday at the M. E. church will be
directed and led by E. S. Burnett.
superintendent. Interesting lessons
and classes for all age groups are ar
ranged for. The summer attendance
has been very good.
The sermon subject at the 11
j o'clock worship' hour will be "Po-
niuuii uim tunny, opecim music ior
this service will be a duet "The Mes
sage" by Petrle sung by Sherwood
Williams and Paul Knautz, and or
gnn numbers by Miss Helen Williams.
Epworth league services are at 7
p. in. and will be led by Miss Jean
Williams. "Moving In Destiny" is the
subject for the 8 o'clock hour and the
young folks choir will lead In the
EnglMi Lutheran Church
The Lutheran congregation will
continue to hold the Sunday morn
ing worship at 10:30 to 11:30 o'clock.
The pastor will deliver the sermon on
the. subject, "The Sifting Process,"
which will be a consideration of the
factors that Inevitably classifly peo
ple according to merit. The Junior
choir will render the song number,
"This Is My Father's World."
M. U. Church. South
The pastor will preach
A children's choir of 50 voices is ;
being developed at the Church of
worship Sunday.
Riverside park Sunday afternoon
2:30 o'clock by the Gospel mission.
aken to the hospital in La Grande not definite for the future. I
and the passenger, a young man H. H. Weat hers poo n is having his I
named Jones, was brought to his par- house on the apple farm remodeled.;
ent's home in Elgin with but minor J P- Hall has the work under hiaj
Injuries. The car was quite badly supervision.
damaged. j Dave Zweifel reports the killing of I
Mauley Arant. editor of the Elgin a large rattlesnake In the Minam dls- j
Recorder, is spending a few davs in trict while fishing Sunday. ' i
Baker. j Grandma Zweifel. Miss Rose Zwel- i
i Mr. and Mrs. Victor Osgood, of fel and Mrs. Dick Zweifel and daugh-j
Portland, are visiting at the Dallas ter, Mary, of California, and a daugh- I
Harwood home for a few days. Mrs. ter from Idaho, are at Mrs. Zweifel's
Osgood will be remembered as Miss home here for a visit,
lone Royce. She lived here for sev- Mrs. N. G. Graham plans to leave
era i years. She graduated from Elgin . Sunday for a two weeks visit with
High school and went into training her purents near Spokane. She will
at a hospital In Portland, where she take her two small daughters with
graduated. She has many friends here her.
and is renewing acquaintance with ! Mr. and Mrs. James Parley. o(
them. They came Monday and plan Portland, with their daughter, Mrs.
to return to Portland by way of Burns Ruchey and children, of Salem, ore
and Roseburg, where Mr. and Mrs. in Elgin for an extended visit with
Royce have made their home for the relatives. The,y arrived Tuesday and
past few years. - v Jure with Mrs. Farley's sister, Mrs.
Ralph Jones, a former high school Luella Long. They will also visit her
teacher, is visiting friends here this father, "Grandpa" Darr and the num
week. He is at present at the A. R. erous other members of the Darr
at the South M. E. church Sunday 'Jones and wm vhm otner old-time Hm home. He will teach again this family in this vicinity. Mrs. Richey
evening. i rpinnd. ... vear nonr fcVhn uhrn Ha is ,m hA riniomhiiniri no Mft Omit
The Baptist and Presbyterian con
gregations will meet together Sunday
morning in the Presbyterian church.
Elgin Man, With
Leg Fractured,
Walks to House
Ily Mrs. Lynn Hill
(Observer Correspondent)
ELGIN, Ore. (Special) Wllllom
Hazel wood Is suffering from a broken
leg, which occurred in an unusual
munner. He was walking along the
trail to the pasture on a farm In the
North Cricket Flat country when the
bone In his leg snapped squarely a
few Inches above the ankle. He walk
ed to the house and was taken to
town where he received medical at
tention. The accident occurred on
Monday and at this time his condit
ion is considered very satisfactory.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mead are selling
their home and furniture preparatory
to their leaving Elgin. They plan to
spend at least the winter near Rose-
Durg. ii they are not satisiicd with
year near Echo, where he Is principal , will be remembered
m u scnooi. e spent Tuesday at the Farley,
nurmai scnooi at i-.a tiranue.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gent returned
me aeam oi Mrs. uent s lamer. With
PARIS (Aft Ruffled necklines re
main favorites with Parisian women.
Smart necklines are frequently
outlined with softly gathered or
finely tucked width of the dress ma
terial. Even black dresses are treated in
this fashion. When a touch of while
is desired the white ruffle Is newest
when placed beneath the black.
COPV M', MM Kit llltl.MK
The Rev. R. L. Putnam, of the
ChrlHtlnn church,' will preach at Un-
For example
,Tp Baker
Lv. 10 :10 A. M. ; 2:20 P. M.' 8:25 P. M.
To Huntington, Weiser, Payette, Ontario, Caldwell,
Nampa, Boise, Twin Falls, Pocatello, St. Anthony,
Weat Yellowstone, Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha.
Chicago, St. Louis, New York, and all Eastern Cities
Lv. 10:10 A.M.: 8:25 P.M.
To Pendleton, Walla Walla, Lewlston, Colfax, Uma
tilla, Paaeo, Spokane, Coeur d'Alene, Kellogg, Wal
lace, : Missoula, Butte, Arlington, Condon, Fossil,
Heppner, Bend, Burns, Yakima, Ellensburg, Wenat
chee, The Dalles, Hood River, Goldendale, Portland
and all points on Pacific Coast
Lv. 5:45 A.M.: 8:50 A.M.: 6:45 P.M. i
Affiliated with Pickwick-Greyhound Lines
Mr. F. O. HEATH '
StJg Depot Elm and. Jefferson Ss. Phone Main 799
pastor will preach Sunday. this part of Oregon, then they plan
morning at 11 o'clock at the M. E. to ko to California where their sons
Church, South. There will be no ser- live. The Meads are old cslrtentu of
vices Sunday night on account of this vicinity, having lived cn a farm
the revival which is going on at the north of Elgin on the Orande Ronde
Church of. God only a few . blocks river until two'years ago, when they
away. Every one Is urged to come 'sold the farm and moved to their
Sunday-morning. (present home. They will be greatly
The Sunday school will meet at missed by their friends here.
9:45 a. m. and the league at 7:00 p. I Mlfla Arlojne Barnes and Miss
m- Every one Is invited. f Louise Pierce left Monday for their
: i homes in San Francisco. They had
spent the past ten days with Miss
Barnes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Barnes, having come to attend the
funeral of Harlow O. Barnes.
E. E. Arant has returned from
summer school at the University ot
Oregon. Mr. Arant is superintendent
of the school at Elgin and will be
employed In the same capacity for
next winter.
The Rev. and Mrs. Lee Harvey and
daughters, of California, have been
visiting relatives In the Falrview dis
trict for the past ten days. They also
visited the Scott famines in Wallowa
county. Last week they left for Van
couver, B. C. for , an extended visit
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. U. F, Weiss left last
week for a visit with their son. Ern
est and family, who live at Tacoma.
One of the Interesting events of their
trip will be the making of acquaint
ance witli a wee grand daughter, who
wnu hnl-ii Inat- nu'nihai- ..,111 ..
. ..-.w uli . si.vj ruts uv
(none an Indefinite time. Thnv ninrln
the trip with the Leo Harvey family,
who are relatives.
Mrs. Luella Long has returned to
the Orande Ronde hospital for treat
ments. Mrs. Long has been in rather
poor health for the past several
months. j
Clem Henry and E. E. Arant went I
to Wallowa county Tuesday, where j
they have the contract for reflnlshlng
225 school desks. I
Jess Crum is having one of his !
houses painted. Thiu is the cottuge i
where Miss Avcrll Stewart, second
grade teacher, and her sister. Miss
WUlena, have lived for the past two
school years.
Mrs. n. a. Graham and children
and Mrs. Lester Qucsmi berry spent
Monday In La Orande on a trip com
bining business and pleasure.
Three new combines are being put
into use in the "Cricket Flat country
this year. Emory Scwell has purchas
ed one, Henry Wickens one and one
will be operated by Earl Chandler.
The one Mr. Chandler owns cuts a 10
foot awath and la one of the largest
combines In this part of the country.
Mrs. E. A. Pollock and daughters.
Lucille and Elizabeth, stopped In El
gin for a short time Monday. They
friends for a period of .several davs. iyear near Echo, where he Is principal will be remembered as Miss Opal
Their home is In Pima, Ariz., and the
irip is made by car.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Parks attended
the K. O. M. picnic at Riverside park
on Sundav. '
Henrietta Rasmussen and Wilma ln tne space of three weeks time, Mrs.
Harman spent the weekend with thfGent's mother and father both have
Chester Boswell family near Stubble-j dled-
field mountain. Hanford Reed finished the logs he
Mrs. Henry Sommer left Wednesday I natI at tne m111 this week and closed
for Spokane for a visit .- of several ! tne mm n Tuesday,
weeks with relatives. She expects to Mr and Mrs- Geo- Jasper and their
be away for two or three weeks. She ' daughter. Gladys, were visiting last
made the trip by train. j week at the A. R. Hill home. They al-
Lee Tuttle and his children arrived iso visited with Mr. and Mrs. William
on Saturday from their home in Med- I Roulet. Mr. Jasper Is an uncle of
ford for an Indefinite visit with his i Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Roulet. The Jas
mother. Mrs. Sarah Tuttle. They per's home is ln Meridian, Idaho. Miss
made the trip by car cominn bv wav Jasper has been teaching ln a high.
of Bend. Mr. Tuttle was for a num-i school at San Jose, Cal.
ber of years editor of the Elgin Re- ' Mrs. Levaney and daughter, of 0n
corder and has been ln the newspaper t ln. also was a visitor at the A. R.
business ever since. j Hill home. They haa been visiting
Mrs. Hugh Lyttle is Improving from - n Wallowa county and stopped here
her recent Illness. ion their way home.
Mrs. Elvl Parks, who Is employed In Mrs. George Sadler and her grand
La Grande, spent Saturday night children. Glenn and Gladys Galloway,
there and In company with others left Friday for Portland, where they
from the La Orande, spent Saturday plan to remain indefinitely. They
nitht thorp nnrl In enmnnnv with i made the trio bv car.
others from the La Grande Stevens-I Elgin is sending fi.e students to 8flare mile.
Van Engclen store drove to Powder I the normal school this session. Misses
springs, where employes from the! Wilma Hill, Helen Reed, Mildred Ad- TfS in the blood, apparently" re
Baker store Joined with them for a ams, Margaret Hall and Mrs. Wallace marked his instructor "Rosser took
day s picnic. Wilson. They drive to La Grande iier off and set her down "with all
uuiu nrcmci, wirec-year-oia son oi cuii Uuy. tne finesse of a seasoned flier.
mi nnu Airs. jra jsecntei, oi uricicet a mrge representation 01 uigin
Flat, Is reported as Improving from: people attended the northwest air
a recent critical illness. tour at La Grande Friday. Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Don Myers spent Sun- (Mrs. Overton Scott and family, Wil
day at the L. Hale farm, south of i fred Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jess
PARIS (P Winter hats which
duplicate the lines of summer shade
hats in velvet are conspicuous
among advance models here.
Shallow crowns and wide brims
characterize much of the vel
vet millinery.
The borough of Manhattan (New
York ) has 84,383 persons to the
Reduced fareaall parts of eat; liberal top .
ov;ri, Fine trains; modern equipment;
splendid service; scenic route. Short side
trips enable you to visit
Information and Booklets on request
U N I 0 M
DFNVLK 87.10
OMAHA 70.15
UCTBOIT 104.67
TORONTO 111.65
ATLANTA 116.4a
WASHINGTON ...140.61
NEW YORK 146.45
.1. If. KEKXEV,
I.a Gi-amlr, Ore.
Thsre Ii no Tea like Uplcn'i for flavor
Iced or Hoi -.
Elgin. They plan to leave soon to es-
itiDUsn ineir nome in soutnern Ore
gon. Olendale Metcalf, of Pondoso, spent
lant week with his cousins, Harold
McCully and David Hug, at the Louis
Hale farm. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Met
calf drove down from Pondosa Satur
day and took him home with them.
A car was wrecked beyond the
Crum and Genevieve, Charles E. Bean,
Dick Shoemaker, Dave Zweifel, Dr.
and Mrs. F. C. Broslns, Mr. and Mrs.
Wllford Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Bernal
Hug and family, Mrs. L. E. Hill and
children, Mrs. M. G. Allen and Paul
ine Becker, Mrs. P. Z. Terpany and
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hug. j
Mrs. W. W. Binford and son, Eu
gene, are guests at the Jess Crum
bndKe on the highway south of Elgin home for an extended visit. They
Sunday. It Is reported that one man ! have been living in San Jose during
wns injured ho seriously that he was ', the pant winter but their plans are i
avA a.vo"Hts
Travelers will appreciate the '
frequent schedules and econo
mical fares afforded by the
Columbia Gorge System. -
Mill mmmsmmm mmfgmm :iunrnninmiTOnnmniTTFnTnni ' iff 'hQ, warj "lf good things to eat
HUH ' iW'iT: m ot ower or
ii. Mi ur this .m-.w iiijii.i.s i. kami.k. ii ii k ayYr - Vtjtm -
i ' : tSrrw-- !, 1 3 fSS9sw W ti r J a 1
' MJT, I W lf n -Schilling's famous
The La Grande Hotel
lit I.a (iraiiilp, Oregon.
Come In ns You Arc . . . Your Home While Horc
Dining' Room Coffee Shoppe
Clean, Comfortable. Cozy. Warm Rooms. Telephone Service.
V. C. Ileektell, Owner unit Operator.
puis money in your own pocketbook.
That's the kind of news that interests
everyone. For good news for the
whol family, read Safeway ads
Safeway Blend, finest mountain coffee grown.
Ground fresh before your eyes. Try a pound to
day. . Save the difference in the tin.
Pound .... . . . . .... . 37c
.For further Information and reservations,
call on or phone agent named below
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I
Food knowledge of twenty years ago is as
out of date as an autonioliile, or woman's hat.
of that period. Nobody know much about
Vitamins then. The purpose of eating was
to satisfy the appetite, with little regard to
nourishment of the body.
The homemaker today, in planning the
family meals, makes sure to include foods
that will supply the Vitamins particularly
Vitamin A, the body builder.
. Butter is one of the most accessible and
plentiful sources of Vitamin A.
1112 Jefferson Ave.
Main 122
in w
. Tfsal-BDB
Raised Doughnuts, doz ...25c
Our Scrumptious Doughnuts sugared, doz 2.1c
French Doughnuts, doz 30c
Chocolate Doughnuts, doz 30c
Lemon Cakes, each 20c
Delicious Cup Cakes, doz 23c
Jelly Rolls, each 2."c
Chocolate Rolls, each .2.c
Mocha Rolls, each 60c
A delicious cake for the family 60c
nnnnnn. I
nnXXXnX. "uuuu""ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo '
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo t
Ginger Snaps , j
Fresh from the oven. LARD
They are Snappy. cmUrts Pure
9 lbs Qf Government Inspected
8ft. $1.10
Root Beer
Extract Salad Dressing
HireS Salad Bowl Brand
It's Delicious
Nothing more refreshing . v
these hot days. JR St.... 23C
Bottle . 23c
Chocolate Malted Milk
Raker's Premium Thompsens high grade
t-lb. Cakes. fine for kiddies these
hot days.
Cake. ..22c Lb. Tins. 45c
Maximum in oval tins,
mustard, tomato or
spice sauce.
3 Tins.. -29c
Cleans like lightning.
Cleans Everything.
2 Pkgs. . 19c
Geisha the finest cold
water Japanese Crab.
No. ., tins.
Can 33c
To help solve your canning problems.
We pass on the following information:
Peaches I Blackberries
The peak of the sea- I Ilemelias
son will be on from
the 12th to the 20th
of August. Our ad
vise is to waite until
that time for best
canners do not buy
now for canning.
Price reasonable now
for tabla use. How
ever we look for a
cheaper price on to
matoes next week.
coming in
now,' best for canning
first of next week.