La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 07, 1930, Page 9, Image 9

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    M?M ...:; I
'Thursday, August 7, 1930
Menus Of The
. Day
2 tablespoons butter
2-3 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix the sugars, butter and milk
Cook over moderate lire, stirring fre-
By Mrs. Alexander George
Dinner Menu -
Stuffed Eggs Creamed Potatoes
Corn on tbe Cob
Bread Fresh Apple Sauce , !
Sliced Cucumber . Salad
Fruit Ice !
Chocolate Loaf Cake, Frosted
Coffee or Iced Tea
Fresh Apple Sauce
6 cups sliced- apples
2 cups water .
1 2-3 cups sugar i
, 't teaspoon cinnamon,
Mix apples and water, and cook In
covered pan 10 minutes or until the
apples are soft. Add sugar and boil
without lid for four miuutes. Pour
into serving .dish. Sprinkle with
cinnamon. Cool and chill.
Fruit lee
3 oranges (large)
3 lemons (large)
g 3 bananas
' 3 cups water
3 egg whites, stiffly beaten
Squeeze juice from oranges and
lemons. - Boll the. sugar and water
2 minutes. Cool. Mash bananas.
Combine fruit juices, mashed ba
' nanas and syrup. Pour Into ster
U'zeti freezer and turn crank until
mix aire begins to freeze.'1 Add beaten
egg whites. Freeze until stiff.
Chocolate Loaf Cake .
1- 3 cup fat i r ,,
1 cup light brown sugar
2 eggs .
2 squares chocolate, melted
2- 3 cup thick sour milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
cup salt -'
2 cups- flour ' . v
1 teaspoon soda;
Cream the fat. and sugar. Add
rest of ingredients and beat 3 min
utes. Pour Into loaf pan' which has
been fitted with waxed -paper. Bake
40 minutes in moderately slpw oven.
Cool and frost.
Fudge Frosting
1 cup light brown sugar
1 cup sugar
quently until soft ball forms when
a portion is slowly poured into pan
of cold water. Set frosting aside
for 20 minutes. Add vanilla and beat
until thick and creamy. Frost top
and sides of the cake.
Beach, Party Menu
Rolls Stuffed with Ham Pickles
Baked Beans . chill Sauce
Apple Pie Coffee
Never boll more than four cups of
Jelly at a time. It is better to have
several kettles boiling at the same
By Mrs. Mary B. Kail
(Observer Correspondent)
PERRY,-Ore. (Special) Theodore
and Lois Mathson were city visitors
one day last week.
Herbert Caste el, of Kamela, was a
Perry visitor last Sunday. .
Mrs. Joe Smith vfixa shopping in La
Grande Saturday. .
Dean and George Sinclair attended
a show in La Grande last Saturday
evening. -.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Holden were
La Grande shoppers one day the lat
ter part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hon t son and
daughter, Evelyn, and nephew, Shel
don Mulr, of Cove, and Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Dlehl and J. H. Dlehl Sr., also
Mr. and Mrs; J. H. Albertsori, all of
La Grande, J. D. Broughton. and son,
George of Roseburg and Mr. and Mrs.
Burt Kail and daughters, Retha and
Reba held a family reunion at Pine
Cone last Sunday.
Mrs. Thomas Haakins. of Pox Hill,
was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ole
Mathson one day the paBt week.
Miss Alice; Fletcher, of Boise, Idaho,
Is a guest of her friends, Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Wright, this week.
Joe Smith and sons. Wesley and
Milton, were La Grande visitors last
Mrs. Kelley has registered as a
member of the classes of the last half
of the summer session of the Eastern
Oregon Normal school.
Mrs. Valcln Wright returned home
last Thursday after having spent sev
eral days visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Haag, of Cove.
Mrs. Joe Smith and son, Wesley,
were shopping in La Grande last Sat
urday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown, of Ka
mela, were recent Perry visitors. .
Mr. and Mrs. T. Burtom who. make
their home at Kamela, recently visited
with friends here.,
- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cathcart and
small son -were recent La Grande
Mrs. A. F. Ingram and Mrs. Arlie
Gassett, of pine Cone, were La
Grande visitors one day last week.
Mrs. L. Furgason and son were re
cent visitors at the Joe Smith home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Braden were
business visitors In La Grande one
day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Kail and daugh- I
ter, Reba, made a business trip to
Elgin lost Friday.
T. K. Bellamy spent the past week
end at his country home at- Upper
Flat. ,
Mrs. J. H. Booher, who has been
ill for several weeks ' at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Weeks, of La
Grande, -is reported to be convales
cing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Powerw and daughter,
of La Grande, were recent guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Robertson and
daughter. Fern.
, . Mrs. Burt Kail has had as her
guest the past week, her father, J. D.
Broughton, also her brother. George
Broughton; . both of Roseburg, Ore.
The visitors departed by car, for their
home early Wednesday morning. They
were accoihpanled by Mis. Kail's sis
ter. Mrs. J. H. Dlehl of La Grande,
who will make them an extended
Frank Shields, youthful New York
star, sprang a sensational upset today
by defeating Big Bill TUden In the
Meadow club's invitation tennis
tournament. 6-1, 2-6, 6-V-
Shields, 19-year-old schoolboy who
ranks No. 12 on the national list to
Tilden's No. 1, scored his surprising
cququest in clean-cut fashion In the
quarter-final rouud of the tourna
ment. Tilden, only two days off the boat
from Europe, made a belated entry
into the singles competition yester
day, lie won his first two matches
but was hard-pressed to beat Jv Gil
bert Hall in three sets.
Tom Heeney's handlers claim that
he was unable to finish his fight with
Tuffy Griffiths becaust. rubbing alco
hol got In his eye in the rest poriod
before the final round.
Paced by Al Quigley, 39-year-old
druggist of Chicago, who - rose to
tournament heights from service as
a caddy, public links golfers of the
nation tcday entered the first round
of match play in their ninth annual
championship, with a low score of
Brooklyn, whose four-man team
won the Harding cup with the bril
liant score of 617. was represented
by five mashie swingers in the
match play to decide the successor
to Carl Kaufmann of- Pittsburgh,
thrice champion disqualified through
an inadvertent error in scoring.
Portland, Ore., hod three men In
the mutch pin v. James Bushong,
with 156; Dr. w. A. Norby, 60 and
Arthur J. Pease, 161.
A European fungus that destroys
elm trees has been discovered and
identified in Ohio.
A grain elevator with storage space
for 0,000,000 bushels Is being built
nt Galveston. Tex.
Th ilouitiai one
is iff! s tight . T' '
and dust-tight
li e c u ii s e i t i s r i v e t e d
Tun smell of coal gas Is unknown in homes heated
by the steel Torrid Zone. Winter after winter, with
out replacement or repair, this marvelous furnace
keeps delivering clean, healthful, luxurious heat.
For just as the locomotive boiler is made of steel,
riveted and calked for complete safety so the
Torrid Zone is made gas smoke and dust-tight.
This is the wonderful improvement this furnace
can meun in vour home next winter a more health
ful atmosphere and greater cleanliness. No more
poisonous gases no smoke or dust to soil walls and draperies.
Even the cellar will be cleaner than ever before. Every part
of the Torrid Zone is as tight as a drum.
Two other essentials to healthful heating humidity and
air circulation (or'.vejitilation) obtainable only with warm
air systems are yours with the Lennox Torrid Zone. In the
Torrid Zone, the humidifier has twice the evaporating area
inside the casing of ordinary water pans. Rapid evaporation
is also necessary, so' it is placed directly above the firing doors
where it gets the most heat possible. Proper air circulation
guaranteed, when an authorized Lennox Furnace man in
stalls it according to the Standard Code. This is the most
desirable heating plant that science has yet devised.
Torrid Zone dexifr meant more heat from
your tarorlle fuel
Pick your favorite fuel hard coal, soft coal, coke, lignite,
wood, gas or oil and this furnace will save you money in
J . jj "
Lennox Tokbid Zone furnace
for soft coal with outer cas
ing removed, showing riveted
construction. (A) Extra-Ions
smoke clinniber, or radiator,
vqueczca maximum of heat
from itinokc before It can es
cupe up chimney. (U) The
specially designed fuetsav
lng lire-pot with locomotive
grates and other features.
You enn see why this fur
nace Is guaranteed for 10
years Hnd why Its average
life, based on the Service rec
ords of thousands of Torrid
Zones, Is si yean.
Maxville Clock
Is Returned To
Standard Time
lly Mrs. M. F. Raymond
(Observer Correspondent)
MAXVILLE. Ore. (Special) After
using dAy light saving time since May
1, the camp returned to standard
time Monday morning by order of E.
P. Whltton, superintendent.
Quests at the W. P. Matties home
Sunday were his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Matties and brother. Fred
Jr., bis sister, Mrs. Clifton Siiigletary
and. her son, Clifton Jr. They return
ed to La Grande Sunday evening.
Mrs. Singletary and little boy are
visiting in ' La Grande from their
home in Tennant. Cul..
Mrs. G. D. Punches and children,
of La Grande, came up this week for
a month's visit with friends and rela
tives. Mr. Punches wae killed here
while at work in the woods Jan. 10.
Miss Thelma, Denton and Mlns Ed-!
na Kbby rode over on horseback fromi
their home In Promise . Thursday
morning. Miss Dentou formerly lived
Mrs.. E. .F, Whltton returned Sun
day evening after a pleasant visit in
La Grande. She drove down Friday
Mr. and Mrs. James Prince, who
live on Dry creek, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Prince's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Boxley. " ' . "
Miss Annadel Hubler returned Mon
day after a 10 days vi&it with friends
in Wallowa.
D. R. Tanner,' an official of Bow
man-Hicks with headquarters In La
Grande, drove Into camp on business
Tuesday. .
Mrs. R. L. McC raven, who runs the
company boarding house, has not en
tirely recovered from her recent in
Wallowa where they have a home
while Mr. Anderson Is employed here'
.SALEM, Ore , Aug. 7 VP) J.: A. JScol
lard of ChchaUs, Wash., dairy qq
Mrs. G. C. Parker Is doing the : operative organizer, and state senator
cooking until Mrs. McCraven is abie'rjoe Dunne of Portland urged - organ -to
do it. llzation for marketing dairy products.
Quincey Trump and twin boys.of ! n speeches-last night before local,
Wallowa, spent Saturday at the L. E. j dairymen.
Trump home. The men ore brothers, t 1 '
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Raymond and ij.V9 roil PATIENTS
dauRhter. Doris, drove to La Grande! SALEM, Ore., Aug. 7 WV-Patients,
Sunday and visited in Unbler on. their jt le state tuberculosis nospitai were
return home.
Johnnie Bowers.- of Elgin, was
greeting old friends in camp Thurs
day. Mr. Bowers at one time was em
ployed here as locomotive engineer..
Mrs. Herman Anderson and children
came In Tuesday for a month's stay.
Mrs. Anderson hns been living in
entertained lost night by the Salem-,
band. . Tonight the band will play at
the state institution for the feeble
minded. .
Dib Williams, now playing short
stop for -the Athletics, played lcsti
Bii'sbn with" Little Rock. ;
burning it. The Torrid Zone produces from 10 to 20 more
lieat from the fuel than other furnaces do, hence will heat your
house with less fuel than any other furnaec will consume.
Oversize heating surface radiates the greatest possible amount
of heat from the smoke before it escapes up the chimney..
Efficient, economical operation and great permanence have
won thousands of warm friends for the Torrid Zone.
Come see this marvelous heating unit today or phone or
write. We want to show you the sturdy locomotive grates, the
"lazy" shaker and many other features that would need pages
if explained in this paper. Indeed, we have a mighty interest
ing book about it to which you arc welcome. Pluns and esti
mates quickly furnished for installations in new or old homes
and other buildings of all types and sizes. Factory engineer
ing service and blueprints obtained for special problems. Made
by the Lennox Furnace Company, Syracuse, New York
Marshalltown, Iowa Toronto, Canada.
lennox nrorrid njone steel fuiinaces
Th Standard Code for installing a rearm air heater, adopted by the Xational Warm Air
Heating Association and written by iti research engineers, is our code.
1314 Jefferson Ave.
ONGE . . . and Only Once each year, "Western' Auto" 'makes '
this startling ANNUAL ECONOMY OFFER to car owners S & l4i Jl l.
of the West . . . SUCH SAVINGS ... I ) fff v J. '
-Bear this in mind . . . these are our regular low catalog prices Sjf $Ljl &-gS f"r
... the merchandise is from our regular fully guaranteed stock. ' y& lifeSIL - ft I '
Every article is the highest quality. There are no strings to this I "' ' ! "wffifjf lr": I ?
offer either no mysterious phrases YOU BUY ONE ARTI- ffpg fiSBj, '': & F
CLE at our regular low quoted price and you get ONE ABSO- k Jlflial ffrg I f
Ol courie, on many of thtu articles we actually late money, ;, fejj fefT KitoBB- B t J
but it i. a worth-while advertising event because it brings us 15W ggal foVJ Fi Hi9fia JF. I I
thousands of new customers who once they become acquainted Y gVg V.l Sf'Jt g"1 2 1
with "Western Auto" Savings and Service, make our stores iheir Vp5Bt "ili ffiSft5353W B t Ifi
headquarters for future purchases. iffi-pm,,., -usg fcJ WM '
" SSalSWSraww--r f
LAST DAY, Saturday, August 16th wmummmm - ' L
? Only One Sale of Each v
SiX I Item to a Customer LjlS f
L Guaranteed One Year ' "
Imperial Dust Cloth 226. .. 1.45 224 screen Buy 1 pint ' OQC !
Buy one for CftC 227 1 9S 6k zfirJ grid . 2.95 cantor '
ft.. O-. FBRE! W m... X&VMmP ....- ' Got One FREE! -
I One or the mt popular oust 280 .. . 1.75 y 245. . . 1.85
cloths mnUo.' Chemically truuteil
lo absorb and holit the rtuBt. Buy One and Get One FREE!
;.(,mit o one sale to a customer. por cUpr tf)ne V1,umc Mciectlvlty. aonaltlvlty ami lonscr llfn, 1ao
: L-jS) Wlzaiil Undio Tillies. Absolute satlaractloll niul n year's sel vli o
u uiKimntood. (Juiillty worthy of any nullo not nt prices that offer
I Chrnm Poliahmtr Cloth ivorth-ivhllo savlnKs. limit-one complete. 10 " customer. , M
u - I
Specially made for pollnlilns
chromium finish. Huy ono QQp
and cet Ono FRKE Ouw
Insto Hand Cleaner
A quick cleaning powder
motorists and mechanics.
one S-oz. can, ael
Cuba Wool Sponge
Fine quality, and you need two
anyway. Uuy one and QHo
get One i'HEK Ollu
Imperial Auto Polish
Buy one bottle for
Get One FREE!
After you've used tlicao two bot
tles, you'll realize why thoumuida
ot motoriHtB uho no other polish.
Cives rich, lusting luatre on any
Limit of one tnle to a customer.
Nationally popular for cleaning
clothing, millinery, turn, hatu,
kIuyub, carpoLa, etc., nntl for
romovhiK Ktoaso and oil spots.
Non-cxploHivo und quick.
Limit of one mlc to a customer.
Chicopee Maid
Cheese Cloth
Buy one pkg. for.
, Get One FREE!
Kivo yunlH of ffnent quality
bleat 'bvd cheeprloth in n dut
proof j)iif-kot. Kplendld for pol
ishing the tar or furniture.
Limit of one Bate to a customer.
"Klassy" Step Plates
Buy one for $ 4 45
Get One FREE!
You need a pair now you Bet
them both for the price of one!
Heavy polished aluminum frame
with ribbed rubber center. For
Hinall cars.
i.lmit o ono sole to a oimlomcr.
TirKOr sized plates, $1.75 and
$2.25. liny ono and (jot Ono
Buy One at Our
Regular Low Price
And Get One FREE!
"Protexit" Tire Covers
Attractive small check pattern.
HmiK fittintf. Accordlnn to nlzo
$1.28, $1.79, $1.98
"Poison" Tube Patch
Buy One Get Ono FREE I
Makes a quick, permanent VCi
patch . . . largo size..... Oil
JAmlt of one sale to a customer.
Buy One at Our
Regular Low Price
Get One FREE!
Glen Elmo Cement, for mendlntr
ulaas, wood or metal, otc..43o
"Do Ijuxe" Wedtfo Cushion ...
extra quality $1.95
Striped WodKn Cushion . . .
splendid value 95o
Wcdiw Cushion, extra quality
leatherette covered '...,,.$1.45
"Mnrv Jane" Work Cilovefl for
ladies, pair 25c
3-ln-l Oil ,30c
"Spring Eez" lubricant, pint, 93c
Bull-Vein Hummer 29c
Slip-Joint Vllers 23c
KhockleHS Screw lrlver . . . .22o
"Spc-D-Cur" toynutomobilo, $1.95
Limit of one sale to a customer.
, $2
Kool Kushion
Buy one for '
Get One FREE!
The Ideal driving cushion. Pry,
cool and Saves i-lolhtng
rind upholBt.T.v. Sjirlng Illl'Ml, rind
rovorfd with wovfii tan Saxolln
Textlli'. Splenilid value ordinarily
. . , douhlo valuo now.
i Limit of one naio to a ouHomcr. .
Wireless Cigar Lighter
Buy one for Q?3C
Get One FREE !
lu tly gu:i ran teed, f l:unp on dasli
wMhout drilling. No lioihfjring wires,
JiiMt j)Ufh down until clement kIs ltt,
then p.'tsrt around. t
Limit of one note to a customer.
Simoniz Cleaner
and Polish AO
Buy either for ...
Gel the Other FREE '
Mfiken your car look like new.
and ke'ps It that way. I'roteetrt
the flnih, too. popular with mo
toriKtti every where.
Limit of ono tale to a aulomer.
Imperial Nickel Polish
A quick workinr? oat rr nffkel
or chromium flnhfh. Buy (.
one and eet One FItKK. . HUU
Transmission Lining
For Model "T" Fordi
liuy One Set
Get One Set FREE!
1909-25 .... .$1.35
1926-27 $1.45
ChiiUwh t;M and Ions htstimr. Sne
rl.illy tr.-.itifl to resint ve;u. 3
pie'cs and rivets.
Limit f one '- to a cuttomcr.
"Neverburn" Brake
A foot free with every fuot
hou-lit nt our regular low retail
per font . 18c lo 55c
Abiioluto o-tif.ictkin jjuaraiitecd
L'scd bv huildi-ed:( uf thuusamls
of incitoii.ts.
Limit uIl ti Ift fect to a cufitoim.r.
No Deviations From Articles
Listed in This Advertisement
169 Stores in the West
Supply Co.
1411 Adams Ave.
La Grande, Ore
Buy One Get One FREE I
Handy Hat Hanfler '. .18c
Key Caao; I. athor, double end
knife 8tylo '. .'. odo
"Aristocrat" Ash: Receiver . .590
Fulton" Glaro Shield . .. .$l.tb
Head Vieor celluloid. Hiah
quality .4!c.
JAmlt of one sale, to a cuntomrr.
; r-, ;
"Tyton" Wind Wing
Mirror . Si 65
Buy one for
Get One FREE!
.Snnppy lookluir, well made and a
real driving necciwlty. Bertt
iiuallty kIuss. chrome pliiletl
clump. , You can use' ono on each
wind wing.
JAmlt of one sale to a customer.
Focusing Flashlight
Buy one for. ..... $ 4 32
Get One FREE! 1
One of tho hlKh-llKhtu of this
Kreat sale. Two Kuarunteed 2
ccll forusltiK fjashlliihts eomtileto
with fresh Imtterles and liulbs,
for ihc price of one.
IAmit o one attic to t customer.
V. S Me y
Ladies' Heel Protectors
Buy one for. . Af0
Get One FREE I
l'rotect your heels from Heufflnff
itehlnji. On or off in u
moment. N-catly m ule of leather
Willi elastic rtrnp. I"iv for Iheiu
selves ((uickly In Hhoea saved..
Limit vf our tdc to a cu-itumcr.
Folding Camp Stool
Buy one for "7JC
Get One FREE!
Two of these splendid hardwood,
nit'tal-hraeed stool with durably
duek ne;itn. for our regular low
jirirp of one . . , and cwrylwdy
IK'fttS titooln . . . !
Limit of one ale to a customer.