La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 07, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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Full Associated Press Leased
Wire 6errloe
OREGON: Generally . fair tonight
and Friday but fog on the coast and
local afternoon cloudiness In the east
portion, temperatures generally above
normal In the Interior.',
i 5
I i
) Terms of all Three Pres
1 e'nt Executives Expire
j at End of Year.
Regular Meeting of City
Dads Held Last Night
Paving Project to be
Although the public attention Is
largely focused on the gubernatorial
campaign and, Its developments In
Oregon, local electors are facing a
municipal election this fall on the
same day of the general election.
Tbee commissioners are to be
elected, as the terms of office of Com
missioners A. T. Hill, Charles Playle
and V. R. Melville all expire at the
conclusion of this year.
City Recorder J. E. Stearns stated
this morning that nominating peti
tions must be filed not later than 31
days before the date set for the gen
eral election. The petitions are to be
iiled with the city recorder, then cer
tified by him to the county clerk.
The present commissioners have
made no announcements as t?
whether they will be candidates for
re-election, and so far, no other
names havo been advanced.
Only the three commissioners arts
elected under the city manager form
of government followed here. The
commission then appoints a city
manager and municipal Judge, and
the city manager appoints the other
department heads.
At last night's regular executive
meeting of the city commission. - a
hearing was held on .he Improve
ment district for the paving of
Eighth street near the Eastern Ore
gon Normal school. There were no !
was authorized to advertise for bids
to be opened on Aug. 20 at 7:30 p. m.
Another Improvement district was
acted upon, when sewer district 3-7,
In the neighborhood of block 44,
rihnnlln's addition, was created. A
hearing on the Improvement will bc-j
uciu Aug. i . i.ouH-"'- i
Oiling Discussed
The problem of settling dust satis-
faotorlly on the north side was dls- 1
cussed and the city manager woo
authorized to nicoare a cost estimate
on oiling of streets, to be presented
ncxt Wednesday night. W. C. Crows,
city manager, and one member of the
cornmtsdlon will go to Bajter some
time during tho coming . week to in
vestigate conditions mere. .
Commissioner Melville rcportc:!
that a man at Huron, Ore. had a
tame doe and two fawns, which ho 13
willing to give to the city of . La
Grande. This was referred to the
city pBrk board, which Is to meet at
7:30 o'clock this evening.
The salary list In the amount of
$5,844.42 for the month of July was
ordered paid.
The program for the La Grande
municipal band concert to be given
at Riverside park Friday evening at
B o'clock, was announced today by
Andrew Loney Jr., dtrector.
Tho program follows:
1. March. "The Adjutant" . .Wcldon
2. Overture to "Orpheus" Offenbach
3. Fantasia for piccolo, "Tho
Whito Blackbird" Damaro
Dolph Slegrlst
4. "Tunes from the Talkies
Arr. Godfrey
5. Grand Scenes from "Tho Choo-
olato Soldlor" -t. ...... Straus
0. (a). "Chinese Patrol" Fliege
(b) Anvil Chorus from "II
. Trovatore" Verdi
7. Characteristic "The Wedding of
the Rose" Jessel
8. "Procession of the Sardar" from
"Caucasian Sketches
Encores will be selected from the
latest popular numbers and novelty
August Session Of
J. JIT ' ' I
lVMit 1Y VililflU Hi I lit
, . .
The August session of the county
court was nearlng an end this after-
noon, with the commissioners Just
about through with the bills, and
preparing to consider the docket, not
of usual length. Matters before the
court included a petition asking for
h rcoate oi taxes, ana & ipw unti l- -
cations for county aid and widow's
pensions. .
. SACRAMENTO. Cal. Pt Estimates
of California's field crops for 1030
show an Increase over 1929 with thz
exception of hay, rice and alfalfa.
Barley and wheat head the list of
increased crops. The barley yield is
.estimated at 29.BM.CO0 bushels, and
vheat at 13.S60.OO0.
Other yields forecast by the Cali
fornia agricultural Department in
clude beans. 5.553,000 bushels; rice,
5.940,000 bushels; hay. 5,130,000 tons;
potatoes. 5.320.000 bushels; oats, 4.
028.000 bushels: alfalfa, 4,040 050
tons; corn. 2.795.000 bushels; sweet
potatoes. 1,244.000 bushels.
7 a. m. 69 Hbove.
Minimum: 62 above.
Condition: partly cloudy.
Maximum 94. minimum 65 above.
Condition: partly cloudy.
WEATHER Al O. 7. I29
Maximum 92. minimum 53 above.
Condition: clear.
Drum Corps And
Drill Teams Of
2 Cities Parade
American Legion Fur
nishes Demonstration
Post Nominates for
1930-31 Officers.
La Grande took on the appearance
of an American Legion convention
city for half an hour or so last night,
with two drum and bugle corps and
two women's drill teams parading
Adams avenue. The stirring music of
the drums and bugles, the colorful
uniforms of - the marchers both
men and women and the crowded
streets brought memories of a few
years ago when -this city was host
to the legionnaires and auxiliary
members of Oregon.
Baker, which will entertain the
state convention next week, sent her
drum corps and auxiliary drill team
to La Grande and the local organiza
tions Joined with them in a parade
and concert, preceding the meeting
of La Grande post No. 43 In the Saca
jawcp. Inn, which was followed by
a dance.
rust Commanders He port
Last night's meeting was past com
mander's night and the following
occupied the offices and reported,
In order of service:
J. L. Ingle, forming of post and
suppression of I. W. W. Ideas; Fred
K. Kiddle, tried to scatter flowers on
cemetery during Memorial day ser
vices from airplane: memorial certi
ficates given to relatives of men kill
ed In France; victory medals given
returned soldiers and sailors; Roy
Currey, no victory medals so had to
glvo out cider and doughnuts to get
n 'quorum; Ray Murphy, auxiliary
formed; Ralph Huron, troop of cav
alry formed for Harding celebration
at Mcacham; trees planted on Victory
way; Fred E. Kiddle put over as state
commander; $830 raised for overseas
graves fund; Ray Williams, largest
membership yet attained; put drum
corps on feet; successful auto show;
Otis Palmer, drum corps sent to
Prlnevllle; show "Man Without a
Country" shown to 'school children;
street decorations sold: $1700 raised
for endowment fund for widows and
orphans of service men; trip made
to Legion- mountain back of Ice
lake; Harley Richardson, starting of
stato convention planH; organized
drlll team. Hu(;h E Bmtly, carrict)
convention plans outt most success-
ful held to dato; C. L. Thompson,
purchased gold uniforms for drum
corps; acquired cemetery plot and
endowed same for ubo of ex-service
men; acquired $10,000 for armory:
C. V. Talbott, drum corps to Salem;
(,aB pol() rRls,d on cemetcry plot.
Mmillintlons miuib
Nomlnatlons for omcers for ,030.
3i BlBO took pincc, with the election
10 b0 neld ncxt montll. Those nom-
nated follow
Commander Norman Desllot, Jesse
Andrews, Oscar Johnson. . ,
(Continued on Pago EIrIiL)
Government To
Open Lane For
Proposed Road
Surveying of the road from Owsley
lane to the summit of Mt. Emily Is
to be done during part of this month
and during September, previous to
the making of a lane through the
trees and burning and piling the
brush, for which $1000 has been
appropriated for this fiscal year, ac
cording to forestry officials.
Of Interest anions proprsed roads
If. one which will complete a good
road along tho summit of the Blue
mountains. At present there is a
good road from Dayton, Wash., to the
Tollgato ranger station; the part yet
to be completed is from the Toll
gato ranger station to Knmela along
tho summit. It is expected to com
plete that stretch In a few years for
It Is Included in the road plans, of
ficials say.
ThiP afternoon A. W. Nelson. Sher
wood Williams, W. R. Ledbetter, Ger
ald Tucker, forest ranger, and J. F.
Irwin, forest supervisor for the Uma
tilla forest, aro leaving for a trip
along proposed roads in the Blue
mountains. They will start near Ka
rr.cln. and expect to return Saturday.
Funeral Services
To Be On Friday
The funeral ot Albert Coffin, who
passed away early Tuesday morning,
will be held at the chapol of Walker's
Funeral Service home Friday morn
ing at 10:30 o'clock, and burial will
be In the family plot in the Elgin
..cemetery. Mr. Coffin was a pioneer
resident or union, naving spent his
boyhood days there and moved away
!80mc 'ears a8 10 Montana, and was
! spending his vacation here with his
' brother Edgar Coffin, of Pumpkin
' Rld8e- Hc 18 Hl, survived by two
nieces. Mrs. Jessie Pratt, of Seattle,
i and Mrs- Ocrgia Farmer, of Los An-
j -ica- "e f 1U"
Union, Ore., Girl
Beats Off Attacker
PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 7 m Lor
raine Belle, attractive 23-year-old girl
from Union, Ore., fought off an as-
1 Plltlant cnry today who attempted to
attack her near the home of John
Tichenor. where for the past three
weeks sue nas been employed as a
matd. Her clothes wore nearly torn
Irom her In the struggle.
Mtss Belle had Just left an owl
street car when two men drove up in
?. car and halted a few feet away.
Ono man. described as under the In
fluence of liquor, staggered out of
the- car muttering unintelligibly and
seh.ed the young woman.
Two Drunks Fined
i In Municipal Court
: -
; Two men. both charged with
: drunkencss, were tried In municipal
, court last night with Judge C. M.
'. Humphreys presiding.
: Bruno Garcia was fined $25, which
he paid, and Oscar Nelson was fined
: $20 or given 10 days In Jail. The
J prisoner selected the latter and Is
serving his time today.
Claudius H. Huston, of
Tennessee, Submits
Resignation Today.
Retiring Leader, in Clos
ing Address, Charges
"U n j u s t and Unwar
ranted Attacks."
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 (VP) Claud
ius H. Huston, of Tennessee, sub
mitted his promised resignation as
republican national chairman to the
party's executive committee today
direction of the fall campaign was
turned over to Senator Fess, of Ohio,
and Robert H. Lucas, of Kentucky.
Fcss, a staunch administration sup
porter, was appointed chairman of
the national committee.
It had been announced Fess would
be made provisional chairman, pend
ing a fell meeting of the commltteo
to select a permanent chairman.
N lint mention Unnecessary
James Francis Burke, general coun
sel, said, however. It had been found
the executive committee had full
powers and Fess selection would not
have to be ratified later.
Lucas, present commissioner of In
ternal revenue, was named executlvo
chairman. Ho will carry the burden
of directing the party forces in the
approaching campaign and will re
sign his treasury post soon to devote
his entire time to the new Job.
Both Fess and Lucas were present
at the meeting and made brief ad
dresses. In submitting his resignation, Hus
ton said he was conscious of his own
integrity, but was putting the in
terest of the republican party ahead
of personal considerations to the or
ganizations might might select a
leader free from the present factional
Charges 1'njust Attacks
"No man in political life," he said,
"has ever been subject to more un
just and unwarranted attacks."
The new alignment of the republi
can organization leadership went
through as forecast many weeks ago
when agitation was at its height for
Huston to step aside. '
The Tcnnesscean's testimony beforo
the senate lobby committee that he
deposited In his, broker's account
$36,100 he had collected for the Ten
nessee River Improvement association
before turning the money over to tho
association started the uprising
against his chairmanship among
"young guard' senators and house
republicans up' for' ro-iloctioh; . . v-
Georgo Deb Kelm. Edgewater Park.
New Jersey, a retired banker.-, was
appointed secretary of the national
committee to succeed Representative
Franklin, Fort, New Jorsey, resigned.
Other vacancies on the national
committee filled at the meeting were
Ernest Lee Jahnckc, assistant secre
tary of the navy, national committee
man from Louisiana, to succeed the
late Emile Knutz. Ezra R. Whitle,
Cocur d'Alcne national committee-
(Continued on I'ago Four)
nftnnnm tit l linn
ruKfcM rLAlWtO
Fire Spreads Over Mile,
Front National Forest'
Lands are Closed.
PORTLAND. Aug. 7 fP) A forest
firo of incendiary origin burned near
Breitenbush Springs today with more
ithan 100 men fighting its spread over
a mllo long line.
S&ntiam forest headquarters heard
tho firo started at three different
A fire on Silk creek, west of Cot
tage Grove, Ore., was controlled, ac
cording to C. V. Oglesby, western
Lane county supervising warden. This
fire, also. Is believed to have been
of Incendiary origin. Damage was
j nominal.
! Despite extremely dry conditions
the Umatilla national forest fire slt
; uatlon has been kept In hand, Pen
Idleton foresters said. Fifteen small
: fires were started by lightning Mon
: day but were controlled easily by
I The mercury registered 102 at
Pendleton yesterday afternoon. Strong
northeast winds today fanned forest
fires on Humbug creek In the Breit
enbush district. La no county, while
'. 100 men sought to check the fire
I which has swept over 270 acres, half
j timber and half slashing.
(fontintrfd on T'acft Two)
Rains and Cooling Winds Bring
Seasonal Temperatures to Nation
CHICAGO. Aug. 7 (r, Rains and j
cooling winds brought seasonal tern- '
peratures today to most of the heat- j
scared areas. )
i Southern Illinois still sweltered,
J however. In b withering wave that j
' ranged upwards from' 100 drgrcos. J
j Wells, streams and reserve rs have ;
ibeen burned dry. Farmers are carting ;
! water from oases for their families
' and beasts. j
i Showers splotched the midwewt and '
, northwest, bringing a cool respite. Up
in Aberdeen. S. D.. two Inches of
rain late yesterday clogged sewers and
'stood in streets. The rain was gen
eral over Northeastern South Dakota
and Southern North Dakota. St. Paul .
; was cooled off with a 10 degree drop, j
i The precipitation pushed south in- ,
to Central and Southern Nebraska. '
Omaha was swept by a rainstorm and
! the thermometer dropped 28 degrees
: In two hours from 98 to 70. In Lln
tcoln. a half Inch of rain brought a
1 heat drop of 22 degrees. Over the
; state, the temperaturra ranged below'
90. J
Dry League Sees
Another Wet-Dry
Battlejn 1932
Anti-Saloon Organization
Fears Democratic Party
Bigger War Chest is
;7 tPj Executives of the Anti-Saloon
: League of America, gathered here in
conference, already are preparing for
' another wet and dry fight in the 1932
! presidential election.
The democratic party, they con
cede, will then bo stronger than it
. was In 1028 and In the words of Dr.
F. Scott McBrlde, national superin
tendent of the league, chances of
having democratic nominee friendly
to prohibition "are not very hopeful."
Gathered yesterday for tho opening
session of their conference in a little
church almost hidden by sand dunes,
on the eastern shore of Lake Michi
gan, the league executives from all
over the U. S. heard reports predict
ing few reversals for the cause of
prohibition in the fall elections.
Alarmed at ItemocrutM
Although those elections arc the
Immediate concern of tho league,
principal alarm was expressed over
the activities within democratic
ranks thus far In advance of the next
presidential election.
To counteract thoso ac.'vltics, Dr.
McBrlde urged accumulation of a big
ger war chest, strengthening of stale
organizations and planning a definite
offensive against the wets.
. "I am of the opinion, Dr. McBrlde
said, "that the time Is over-ripe to
go to the public with a challenging
call and a program. A more adequate
fund for a more adequate program is
demanded If we are tti meet the
needs of the day."
Hounds Cheerful Note
Dr. McBrlde sounded a cheerful
note In his report of the political
' situation to date.
"So far." he said, ''twenty primary
elections have been hold. In mast dis
tricts and In most states the primary
Is the real election. We have not for
gotten, however, in caring for the
primaries, the non-partisan methods
of the league. Particularly In those
districts where the voto Is likely to
be close In the election, wo have
made it a point to win drys in both
major parties.
"These 20 primaries have embraced
most of tho doubtful districts. They
have proved to be a cross section of
the country, extending from Oregon
to Maine and embracing tho very
critical states of Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, and Illlno's. It is within
i (Contlhiixd on Piibo Uighl)
WA3HINGTON( Aug. 7 (T) Sec
retary Hyde said today after Rjgpn--
' ferenco with President Hooveihav
county agents In the drouth areas
would be asked by the administration
to furnish data on the damage,
Tho agriculture secretary said on
the suggestion of the president ques
tionnaires would be sent farm agents
Immediately asking them for detail
ed surveys on boln the actual damage
and the suffering caused by dry
weather and Intense heat.
. Hydo returned today from a tour
o: Tarm regions and Immediately
tftlkod with Mr. Hoover. While as
carting the situation was serious, the
agriculture secretary suld thcro was
always a tsndency to magnify dts-
J asters and that general rains now
would save a great deal of the crop.
Russian Pulpwood
Discussions Held
PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 7 P Dr.
Wilson Compton and W. S. Shaw,
National Lumber Manufacturers as
sociation trade extension manugers,
tomorrow and Saturday will continue
discussions of the Russian pulpwood
situation with more than 100 Pacific
northwest lumbermen oxpeetd for
the two-day meeting of tho national
organization and the West Coast
Lumbermen's association.
Besides Dr. Compton and Shaw. A.
C. Dixon, national organization
president, will speak. The trado ex
tension department of the national
association callsd the meeting and
west coast lumbermen have been in
vited. '
1 Awaiting Decision
Of Prison Board
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7 1Pt Colt
fornia supreme court Justices trday
awaited decision by the state prison
board as to whether Warren K. Bil
lings could legally be brought here
from his cell at Folsom prison to
make his own defense on application
for a pardon.
This legal phase called a halt to
rcnsatlonal testimony by Ed Cunha.
former deputy prosecutor, who charg
ed Billings and Thomas J. Mooney
with being members of a gang of
Southwest Iowa was doused with a
good downpour last night, leaving the
Boutheastcrn counties the only part
of the state still In need of a goorl
Throughout the southwest, the hot
test part of the nation two days ago.
seasonable temperatures generally
Light local showers coolrd off
Ohio, with temperatures generally In
the R0"s. One heat death was re
ported. In New York City, the heat wave
lingers on with no relief In sight.
Thousands have been slrping at the
beaches at night and the heat caus?d
three deaths yesterday.
Lake Michigan's winds were again
good to Milwaukee and Chicago. The
Uplake city had a low of 65 to start
the day of with, while Chicago, with
a shower greeting the day, sull lolled
In the seventies.
Scattered sections of Northern
Illinois and Indiana were Also cooled
off with rnin.
Proposed Intake for n gravity of Irrigating the Columbia river linsln Clark Fork river In Idiihn (left).
,V dam nml pmver plant In the Columbia's uld be I at. head of Onuiil Coulee (upper right) also arc
suggested to pump water Into land now dry-fanned (loner right).
Army Engineers
Starting Work on
Columbia Project
SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 7 (;P The
Job of harnessing the mighty Co
lumbia river for agriculture and in
dustry has been begun by army en
gineers. Moro than 1 1.000,000 horsepower
of electrical energy may be pro
duced by maximum development of ;
this largest river in the far west,
and IU. tributaries, ongineers havo !
determined after a year's survey. i
Hand in hand with the hydro-1
electric exploitations is a reclama
tion project Involving millions - of
acres of seml-arld farm land In the
river's basin.
Ultimate development of tho Co
lumbia also will open a new water
way 750 miles long from the river's
mouth to the Canadian border.
Mu J. John S. Butler, .army dis
trict . engineer at Seattle,' has di
rected study of the river which drains
p. territory equal to more than one
fourteenth of tho nation's area.
Government engineers - cstlmato
ultimate development of tho river
and Its tributaries will involvo an
Investment of $600,000,000.-
Markets for tho power and addi
tional crops to bo created by de
velopment of tho stream have been
studied, -irt addition to power and
navigation Itcs, 'needs o irrigation
"and iilicr iclatud subjects''-. .:
Construction of the first big pow
er project on the Columbia already
has begun a $12,000,000 hydro-electric
plant -. at Rock Island, near
Wcnatchee.- There- provision will
be made for locks to carry freight
boats of tho future around the Qtim.
Two plans for reclamation of
scml-arld lands of the Colunyia riv
er basin, which covers 1 ,803,000
acres, havo been suggested.
One calls for a dam across tho
Columbia at the head of Grand
Coulee, vhcro glacial action once
turned the Columbia from its old
course Into an entirely new chan
nel. (Continued mi Vhkh IJiRht)
Roller Towel Is
Needed, Hc Thinks
What this country needs, in the
opinion of Policeman Louie McCul
lough. is a return of the old fashion
ed roller towels.
Take- yesterday for instance Mc
Cullnuuh stopped In a ganollno fill
ing station to wsh up. Ho got soop
In his eyes and couldn't find tho
row fanglcd box In which tho papor
towels repose.
While hc was hunting for the towel
bandit entered tho station, robbed
the-.attendant and got away.
Colby, Kansas Has
No Municipal Tax
COLBY. Kas., Aug. 7 mt Colby
citizens will have to worry along
another year with no municipal taxes
to grow Indignant over.
For thn third succositve ysar th2
city council voted to 1st the muni
cipal water plant wo&h away ths
city's bills.
During two years earnings of the
i plant has paid administration bll's.
! provided $300,000 for pavements, paid
for new equipment and placed a bal
ance of $45,000 In the city treasury.
Merchants Bilked
At Pendleton, Ore.
PENDLETON. Aug. 7 fPi Several
Pendleton merchants were bilked yes
terdHy by counterfeiters passing dol
lar bills for tens.
Wheat Today
cnrcActo. Aug. 7 m sudden
fi:evetx' ttunbloFi In grain v;ilti03 took
j place during late dealings today. Corn
fell nbout 4r. a bushel from the
: day's top level and whet about 4c.
I Urgent efforts to realize profit! af
i ter corn and all other grain had
, reached new high price records for
I the Reason proved Ui be of too over-
whelming a character toward the
last, with new buyers barking away.
although no general break-up of
: drought appeared to be In sight,
j Mny delivery of wheat showed an
extreme temporary break of 5 cents
. a bushel from the dy's top point,
'. and September corn a maximum drop
of 4 V4c. Wheat and corn both closed
nervous, wheat Hwl'c lower than
j yesterday's finish and corn showing
!l'4fr2'i net decline oitn .
lH off and provisions at 10-17 ad-
Los Angeles Aviator
Classes the Nation in 14
Hours 50. Minutes. .
' LOS ANGELES. Aug. 7 (Pi Frank
Hawks, Los' Angeles aviator, today
holds the record for - the quickest
westward : crossing . of the United
States. j 'jv. . , ,
Flying at an average speed of 179
miles ' per. hour,, Hawks, yesterday
drove his low-winged monoplane from
Curtlss Field, New York to Municipal
airport Los Angolcs In 14 hours. .50
minuses aid 43 seconds. It was tho
first tlmo a trans-con tincntol flight
had boon mado in full daylight, Tho
travel air plane touched the ground
hero at 4:50:43 p. in. (P. S. T.) alter
leaving New York at 6 a. m. (E. 8. T.)
Hawks lowered by threo hours, 53
minutes tho recent east-wost 1 record
uot by Roscoe Turner. Hawks made
refueling stops at Columbus, Ohio, St.
Louis, Wichita, -Jias., Albuquerque, N.
M., .and Kingman, Ariz. Turner , mado
.but one stop on his -flight. , , ,.
I , ' Encounters rtrurmtt
I Stormy weather Was encountered by
; tho . former Instructor at the army
flying school, Brooks field. Texas dur
ing most of the ,9600 mllea, ho. flow;
Raliis ' wero encountered ,-botweon
: Pittsburgh, Pa and ' Torre Hauta,J
Ind., and severe storms from Aibu
querquo, to tho ArlEona -California
border. Over Arizona, Hawks said., he
was forced to fly high and off his
course to avoid thunderstorms.
' Detracting tho tlmo taken for tho
five stops Hawks actually flew across
the country In 13 hours and 35 min-
utes 43 seconds. . '
i About - 200 aviation - enthusiasts
' hailed Hawks as he flashed across the
finish line at bettor than 200 miles
per hour. Mr. anil rs. Charles M.
Hawks, the filers' pafonta, and Turner
woro on hand. '
I ' Hawks said ho was "tired and glad
to get hero" as ho climbed from his
! plane His father suggested a game
jof golf as they shook hands but the
aviator took his mother's advice of
getting some rest first,
I 34 Miles Per Hour
I The aviator said his piano made a
top speed of 240 mllos an hour, but
that he rarely kopt it over 300. A 20
milo head wind cut his speed moHt
J of the way. He said tho trip was "a
'pleasant ono except for tho bad
weather." A collapsible cockpit cover
I protected him during tho rainstorms,
i Hawks turned hla piano over to a
' force of mechanics Immediately In
structing thorn to put tho ship In
Hhapo for a return trip as soon as
possible. ,;
j Hawks Is 33 years old and has boon
' SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Aug. 7 Wi
Dolores Del Rio, Mexican film star
and Cedric Gibbons, studio art direct
or are spending tho first day of their
honeymoon here today, whllo the city
Is In costume, celebrating Its annual
old Spanish days fiesta.
The couple were married yesterday
In the old mission where, since 1786
Franciscan fathers have performed
holy offices. Tho wedding was qutel,
like tho old adobe church they chose
as a setting.
As the ncwlywcds left the missions
they were met by photogrophers.
Visitors In the patio asked each other
who they were, and someone whis
pered "why, she Isn't wearing stock
ings." One of tho guests tossed a
single handful of rice after them as
they walked to their automobile.
Miss Del Rio was dressed In a gray
suit, close fitting gray hat and gniy
pumps. She carried a bouquet of
orchids and gardenias. Gibbons wore
a blur business suit.
At the mnrrlage license bureau tho
actress gave her age as 24, and stated
It was hor second marriage. Gibbons
Is 40 and also had been married once.
Endurance Fliers
Near Old Record
cit- ft!TQ Aurr 1 IPi ftaln .Tnrlf-
'son and forest O'Brlne today were
; near their former world's record for
' refueling endurance flying at 420
hours. 21 minutes, established last.
! year, and were ready to point their
monoplane Greater Ht. Louis toward
tho present record of 554 houra held
'by the Hunter brothers.
At 2:11 p. m. (C. 8. T.) Jackson and
O'Brlno had been up 415 hours and
gave no Indication either they or
their piano was weakening. A fire-
, wurw uif;i7
St. Louis field tDnlght when the
'lllrnT nlrt record Is pawrd.
Selling Drinking
Water in Ohio
3c a Gallon
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 (Pi A story
of drought In tho Ohio valley re
sulting In the salo of drinking water
came to tho weathor bureau today in
n letter from Dr. L. vv". Humphreys,
to his brother. William J. Humph
reys, meteorological physicist.
Dr. Humphroys said drinking water
was selling at 3 cents a gallon In Lo
gan, West Virginia. Ho added that
across tho river In Ohio, farmers were
attempting to save fruit trees , by
pumping water on them with old
lire engines. Rural resident In West
Virginia, ho said arc seeking to have
three months cut off tho high school
pericd in order that funds saved may
bo used "to buy food tor .poor fam
ilies." : .
Independents To
Meet Tonight To
Pick Candidate
I PORTLAND, Aug. 7 (A1) Oregon ln
dopundontD moot tonight at the pub
lic -auditorium hero to nominate- a
candldnto for - govornor which prob-r
my voil qo JUm li. meior, rurumiu
mere hacdi hop. , '
The call for an independont rally
was signed by moro than 300 citizens
oi 'Oregon, who sought tho nomina
tion of Meier after tho republican
convontlon which nominated Phil
Metschau, Portland hotel man, and
well known state resident,
j Mctsrhnn Makes Statement
In his first public statement deal
ing with stato policies Issued Bince
hlr. nomination. Metschan last night
eald development of Umatilla Rapids
for power and Irrigation by tho fed
eral government should bo urged on
congress without dclny.
H( said if elected governor he
would ask tho legislature to enter
Into a -compact with Washington'
state for a dlvlnion of the power
and water and would recommend a
I delegation bo sent to tho national
i capital to work for an appropria
tion for tho project. , . -
American Stabbed
To Death, Report
HANKOW, Aug. 7 (P) The Rev.
AlloniV, Cameron, an American mis
sionary, wa:i reported today to have
bron stabbed to death at Changsha,
tho Hunan provlnco capital recently
sacked by communists. Tho roport
while vldely circulated lacked con
i Urination, but Cameron could not bo
I Cameron represented the Broadcast
Tract Prcsi of Denver, Colo., and
camn to China from Topcka, Kan.,
llV 1801.
SHANGHAI, Aug. 1 M'l Moro than
600 British and Japanese soldiers
and marines wcro on route to Yang-t-so
valley cities today as tho result
Oi' uncertnln communist conditions.
Carrying 400 marines, four Jap
aneso destroyers arrived hero today
from Sascbo. Japan.
Three Women Die
At Grade Crossing
Three women apparently sisters
rroir Lilly, Pa., were killed at Eng
lish creek crossing near here today
when their automobile was struck by
r. Reading railroad train. The only
icicmnicauop. lound wcro three
Pennsylvania automobile driver's lic
ences In tho names of Agnes S. Ryan,
Helen Catharine Ryan and Urusula
L. Ryan.
K.;.vn rKV stk m,itiui:s
PADUCAII. Ky. -Western Ken
tucky's strawberry croij this season
enabled ninny farmers to pay off
their debts for the first Umc In many
The crop yielded 212 carloads that
brought a gross Inronin of $526 000.
The net price to growers averaged
$4 25 a crate.
The first commercial nhlpment of
raspberries was miide. from Western
Kentucky this year. Dewberries also
wero shipped, (irower.i plan Increased
berry acreage for nrxt season.
ltl.A( KItl UltlKS PAY I' KOI IT
TRKZEVANT. Term. Ml An acrs of
j land planted In blacklif rrlrs nettd
In. C. Luudy M15 net profit this year.
I He sold 1B2 crates of berries from the
Nogales, ; Ariz, and No
gales, Sonora Swept by .
Raging Torrent.
Among Those Not Ac
counted for are 25 Chil
drenHeavy Rains Con
tinuing Today.
NOQ ALES, Ariz., Aug. 7 (F) SaN
vador Estrada, commandant of the
Nogales Sonora munlolpal police, re
ported after a check up at noon to
day only two bodies of victims of last
night's cloudburst and flood have
bcon found, both on the American
side of, the International line. Early
this morning tho Mexican police and
others reported a total of four bodies.
Earliest estimates of the losses, ex
clusive of ruined merchandise In
stores,, woro given as (i00,009. .
NOOALES, ArlR., Aug. 7 m Four
persons woro known to be dead, forty
wero missing, and police of Nogales,
Sonora. this morning behoved deaths
would total at least 26 in a torren-'
tlal rain and flood which Inundated
the twin bordor cities shortly after
midnight. '4
Surging walls of water, preceding
a heavy, steady downpour, struck this
border district at H o'clock last
night and swept through the streets
0; both cities, Furniture, trees and
parts of buildings were swirled about
as rushing walls of water poured
northward from the Sonora sldo over
tho International horder.. - . ; V
At 3aT m.t the chief of police of
Nogales. Sonora, made his way to tho
American, side and said he had re
ceived reports of at least . two dozen
deaths, although he could make -ho
personal confirmation. ' , .
a.1 Children Missing : " ? V ;
Ho declared 25 children had been
reported- missing from their, homes.,-
Up to 3 a. m., only one death, that
of a Moxlcan woman, had been con
firmed, but police on the American
side said more dead- undoubtedly
would bo found when daylight came.
Utmost confUBlon reigned on both
sides of the border and little could
be dono to confirm the many re
ports 01 aoatns,
A Nogales, Sonora, hotel, of adobe
construction, crumpled at 4 o'clock.
It was not known how many per
sons wore In the building at the time. "
Mexican police said they feared sim
ilar occurrences and that as many
lives -would ! be loat -' in': collapsing
buildings as by drowning.' . - '
Mobilizing. Doctors, , Nurses- , .
- Physicians and nurses wero being
mobilized on the American side and
all spaoo In hospitals here was made
ready. Rescue work was made dif
ficult because of darkness and the
heavy rain. At c o'clock the skies'
still wcro pouring- forth sheets of
water and there was no perceptible
slackening of tho flood.
' An Amorlcan aviator, Don Phillips,
visiting on tho Mexican side, man
aged to make hla way to the Amer
ican city and said he had seen sev
eral small children swept away when
an adobe building collapsed.
Phillips declarod the business sec
tion of tho Mexican city was flooded
with from five to six feot of water
and that debris was swirling about.
Several persons from tho residen
tial section of Nogales. Ariz., reported
thoy had soon three baby cribs float
ing down Morlyavunue, but were un
(Continued on Page Eight)
SALENS Oro., Aug. 7 lP) Roy Can
non, of Portland, Multnomah county
school superintendent, was elected
president of- the Oregon County
School Superintendents' association
at tho closing session of its annual
convention here yestorday. Martha
L. Mulkey, of Coqulllo, Coos county
ruperlntendent, was elected vice pres
ident, and Maybelle Romlg, Baker
county superlntondont, secretary
treasurer. Tho association went on record by
resolution In favor of free textbooks,
largor units of administration in
school affairs, a more extensive pro
gram of physical education, and "a
substantial state fund for the pur
pose of equalising education oppor
tunities In poor districts."
Senator Heflin Is .
Hurt In Accident
DECATUR. Ala., Aug. 7 (D United
States Senator J. Thomas Hcflln, of
Alabama, suffered bruises and cuts
and a sprained wrist and threo mem
bers of his party were cut and
bruised today as their automobile
crashed into a telephone polo to
avoid striking .a heavily laden log
truck that drove onto a highway
from a side road, near hero.
Senator Hoflln and his party wero
brought to Decatur In a passing bus
and threo of them wero taken to a
hospital. Tho senator, however, went
to a hotel where a physician at
tended him. 1
R. H. E.
Brooklyn 6 14 0
Pittsburgh 4 11 0
Elliott, Vance, Clark and Lopez:
Krcmcr. Spencer and Bool.
R. It. E.
Boston . 10 1
New York 5 10 I
MacFayden and Heving; Wells and
R. H. E.
Washington 1 10 0
Philadelphia 4 6 1
Crowdci , Links and Sperxcr; Ward
bert and Cochrane.