; -T-. -. . . TjA-GRANDE-RVENING OBSERVER; LA- GRANDE, OKBr "nTOiiy,,irini(in,i 9 , t Page.Six-. j" ! , BUY THAT VALUES in men's and young men's suits not equalled in fourteen years see them. ' 17.00 Values to $45.00 Westenhaver, Inc. i now showing at the State Theatre. makes It quite easy. Then we piped t Explosive Men "The Medicine Man" was a stane the water down, strained It and put ! play originally, written by Elliott it into the pipes. j Tim man wllb a violent temper I Lester, and adapted lor the screen! "We managed to get three tons 1 lets it po because lie finds it easier j by Ladye Horton and Eve Unsell. (that way. It doesn't cost anything! (n command attention by making 1 "The Medicine Man" himself is i and works perfectly any time it rains scenes than hv lincoininj: kucccss i the proprietor of the show, and In j and- of course there is always lots fHj jn a nrofi"-ioii Woman's ; small towns he's a big sheik. The I of rain around the Atlantic." ! i.im- 1,n,11-ii1i,m i ground -for his conquests of untn i 1 tin led small town belles, i Of course, there are all kinds of 1 liniments, patent medicines and the like. Including the one thut removes Brunette Toast '"What made you think we wore not having I oast this iiiiiruln'V'' the coni, or table stains, tones up the I oun ' '-nue lm,u,red. "I didn't liver, grows eyelashes, cures Bkin ! hear joj scraping, dear. My mind iiium 1 1 it v t ih'l'ii on oiuer inuig.'j. Detroit News. diseases and doubles the mileage of an automobile. "The Medicine Man" was directed by Scott Pembroke. Prominent In the cast are Jack Benny. Betty Bron fion, Eva Novak, Tom Dugan and others. It was recorded by RCA Photophone. Oregon School Districts Draw Fundtf$411,607 SALEM, Ore., Aug. 1 (A) Oregon school districts this year draw from the- state. In interest from the Ir reducible school fund, a total of $411,007.38, a per capita apportion ment of $1.68 for each person be tween the legal school ages of 4 and 20 years. The state's school popu lation, based on the latest school I district census reports, Is 260,511. ! Tho 1930 apportionment was an i nounced today by "George G. Brown. 1 clerk of the state land board, which ; administers this fund. ! Last year the total apportionment ' was $408,479.40, or' $1.75 per capita, ' and the total school population 200,178. 1 Apportionments liy Comities Among the new apportionments by j counties, school population includ ed, are the following j Baker county School population. 5233; apportionment, $8208.14. i Benton 5021: $7933.18. Clackamas 13,055; $21,574.00. Clatsop 6199; $9794.42. Coos 8605 : $ 1 3 ,595.90. ' Douglas 0059; $10,621.22. , . j Jackson 9693; $15,314.94. Josephine 3210; $5387.80. ' Klamath 7983; $12,613.14. j Lane 15,129; $23,903.82. I Marlon 10.384: $26,886.72. Multnomah 80,708; $127,673.44. 1 Polk 6419; $8562.02. j Umatilla 0870; $10,854.00. Union 6351; $8464.58. Wallowa 2510; $3905.80. Peculiar Pealmi The: "ahoeerlai 'an pnlrns" are psalms such as Ui- il!)ih. in wlii.-h tin verses of s 11 cress ivi (tortious are arranged lit alpliahwi'-iil order Delicacy, at It Were Scripture: examiiml'oii ; km.jII boy naked what he knew ahout Mml and Elijah (lie TIshMto. .Said he: "liliza dressed In n camel's hair and went hol'ore Ahah and wid, 'Heboid. I am KU.a. the titbit.'" Imagine It! According lu 1 he 'mtiiiiilvtlmis of an uMrntinmer. the "Milkv U'nv" 1 l8U.OOO,000.000.(JO(i,oo;j miles in dl amoler. Prolific Ant White utils have leen ,I;ihivii to J lay WW" day each rur a month. Cupper's Weekly. News of Markets Curtailed Today Because The Observer went to press shortly before noon today in order that the staff might be in attendance at the air circus, the usual market page Is curtailed. The majority of the market news comes In during and Ju.t after the noon hour. The early press hour today was In keeping with the actions of the vari ous stores that closed from 12 to 2 o'clock. STAYS HAPPY ALL OF THE TIME NOW FIND IT HERE Copy fur I his Column must be in by fl u. in. DANCE AT EI.OIN' I Pavilion every Sat. nltc. Dick Llnd-l sey's 6-plece orchestra. 8-l-2ti ireiiLstitt'liinc iilinllni;, button holes, etc. Norton's Klildle Sliop. Adv. Wallowa Grass 'Fire Controlled; Grain Is Saved " . It) Mrs. Ktlim Kenfrow Hunter (Observer Correspondent) WALLOWA, Ore. (Special (Quite a- lot of excitement was caused in Wallowa Wednesday by n call from the P. H. Wetnharri farm In Lower valley for men to fight fire. A urnm flro had started In the field adjoin ing Mr. Wolnhard's place and with the wind that was blowing, threat Little Mary Elaine Bratton, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bratton, had the misfortune of breaking her arm while playing with some other small children Monday. O. P. Campbell, superintendent of tho Wallowa schools, returned Wed nesday from a vacation trip to Mont peller. Idaho, whero he and Mrs. Campbell went two weeks ago to wlHit Mis. Campbell, parents. Dr. and Mrs. llrckstrom. Mrs. Campbell will remain until tiie middle of August. Mrs. Charles Fisher was hostess to tho Presbyterian Ladles Aid at her liomo Wednesday afternoon. Twon-ty-fivo members unci four visitors attended the meeting- which was tho to tin rrmt dnmnuc. Severnl ' e ueniner. Airs, risner carloads of men went out from town pcrv lovply refreshments after and in a few hours had tho fire un- KO,:l1'1 1,om' Wlltt i'Joycd. der control and managed to save 1 Mrs. c. T. Hockett and Mrs. Asnhcl Mr. We In hards .wheat fields. Tho j Hockett were clown from Enterprise Vacant . buildings 011 the Clarence , Wednesday calling on Wallowa Burgutt homcstcucl were burned. Mrs. Barton Wade ro turned Tues day tfrm North Powder whero she 1m been for tho last two weeks car ing for her mother, Mrs. Ashby, who is seriously ill. Medicine Show In Picture At the State "Lndees and KentullmenI" The old medicine show In all its glory is a hilarious and reminiscent feature In Tiffany's all-talking com edy drama, "The Medecinc Man." "I wasn't free of stomach trouble and indigestion for 6 veara and I was such a nervous wreck that restful R-100 ENDS OCEAN TRIP EARLY TODAY (Continued form Pago One) In handling lightcr-than-alr craft. ''The most Impressive thing about tho trip Is this: On Monday night I entertained a party at dinner. We lert Cnrdlngton at 0:40 p. m., and if wo had been lucky at the latter end of the trip we would have been here In time for dinner last night." ....... 1 . V """ .. ... ME S. A. BURNS II ..iiijui ouuli,, tupuim 01 tno urst l British airship to fly. inventor of sleep was almost unknown to me. My ! the air ministry's method of airship , liver was sluggish and I'd suffered! mooring, and one of the greatest of i with constipation for years. I start- i SWIM AT COVE FOOL "Tho Fountain of Youth." Com plete chanRe of cl'ar, sparkling warm mineral water every 7 hours. 6-25-lm FOIt "Ol'TING" Long forks for welner rgastlng. camp chairs 70c, gasoline camp stoves, camp tables. At Melville's. 8-1-lt AVOTIIKIt LAMP SPECIAL See the 'wonderful values in new table lamps featured this week for 92.98 at Richardson's Art & Gi.'t Shop. These- are tho greatest values which have yet been offered in Table lamps. These new lamps are now on display In the window at Richard son's Art & Gift Shop. 7-28tf FOR YOi:K CAR Have your broken side glass or windshield refitted where you will save both time and money, and re ceive tho best of glass. Take your car to Richardson's Art & Gift Shop. They specialize In all kinds of glass work. 7-28tf J C P E N N E Y GO 0 E P A 108 Depot St. T M 6 N T ST O R, E La Grande, Ore, Of Soft, Absorbent Quality, Temptingly Low-lJnced! A splendid opportunty to add to your never enough supply of Turkish Bath Towels These are double-thread terry towels and will give long service. Your choice of all-white, white with colored borders or with colored cross stripes, at our usual thrifty low prices! 18x36 inch ' ;; 22x44 inches l5Cand25c SHOW CAHDS AND SIOWS Have Richardson "The Art Man' do your show card and sign work. Price j tickets, window cards, advertising cards of all kinds, made in attrac tive colors at very reasonable prices, at Richardson's Art & Gift Shop. I LOCAL MARKETS Poultry Spring 20Cft 30c lb. Heavy hens 30c lb. Light hens 26c lb. l'linir Hard Federation $1.5D per 40 lb. $6.60 bbl. Soft wheat $5,80 bbl. Hard Federation $1.70 per 40 lb. sack. I.A 1RAN1E RETAIL MARKETS Sugar 100 lb. sack $0.10. Vegetables Netted Gem Potatoes $2.25 sack, 3c lb. , Parsley 5c bunch. j Cabbage; 4c lis. i Lettuce 2 for 25c. ' Yellow onlons 3c lb. Green peas 10c lb., 3 for 25 Carrot 5c bunch. Cucumbers 10c. Field cucumbers 5c. Green onions 5c Cauliflower 16c lb;. Celery 15c. Turnips 6c lb. String beans 3 lbs. for 25c. Green peppers 35c. Radishes 6c bunch; 3 fur 10c. Tomatoes 3 lbs, for 25c, Ialry ' Butter, creamery 39c lb., 2 lbs. 15c, Eggs aoc uoz. Cheese 35c lb. Honey Comb, 25c a square. FrultK Bananas 3 lbs. 26c. Apples $2.00 a box. Loganberries $2.50. Watermelons; 3 Vie, lb. Apricots 18 lbs. $1.40. Raspberries $2.25. Lemons 60c doz. Oranges 60 e $1.00 doz. ,: Meats and Fish Beef boil 15 ft-20c lb. Chops and steaks 3035c lb. Private Ambu lance Service FREE. Modern Funeral Home Experienced Lady Attendant Perfect Funeral Servlco Prices Within the Reach of All. frlciKlu. Mrs. W. V. Poole drove to Canyon City lust Sunday to tuke her small granddaughter, Lucille ltced. home. Lucille spent a month In Wallowa visiting her grandparents. Mrs. Poole j was accompanied on Uic trip by Miss Marie Knep and they will spend a wock In Canyon City before return ing home. Chitrlie Williams, forme fly of Pas-1 co. Wash., returned to his home ! Tuesday after spending several days' with the Dale Kmifrow faintly. Mr, Williams Is a brother of Mrs. Hen- frow. Mrs. Prank En lis, of Los Angeles. Cal.. came to Wallowa Wednesday to spend a few clays with her sister. I Mrs. llruce Cox. WALKERS FUNERL SERVICE 5!B AT SPRING ST. PHONE 242 (iruss Revenue of Bus Lines Tho total gross revenue of the common earner bus lines in the United States In 11)21) was $305,000, 0(H), according to the Oregon Stale Motor nnrliiilnn. lighter than air experts, has devel oped a new plan for collecting water for ballast while flying. "When wo need more water we Jhst collect it on the fly. We did It alt the way across." he said. "Wo built a sort of little gutter arrangement along the top of the envelope and collected rain water. The enormous bulk of the ship cd Snrgon and It's really amazing how ; every ailment I had disappenred. 1 1 feel like a new woman and am happy ! from morning 'til night. I "Snrgon Pills regulated me perfect- I ly and cleansed my system of poisons without the least discomfort." Mrs. A. Burns. 1701 Siskiyou St. Portland. Oregon. Red Cross Drug Store, agents. Adv. 1 TEVEN'YAN EN&fELEN CO A Bargain for Bikes! Runabout Tire $1.39 Good for miles mid miles! Made, of two-ply bicycle fabric and tough live rubber, black stud ded thread. Regular 92.50 Value MONTGOMERY, WARD & CO. FRESH TROUT AS LIVE r - r i- - r -r- LADIES' FOOTWEAR All Sizes and Styles $2.98 NewYdrk Store f standad oh company or caimoni. 'mime FLY SPRAY K7j- '? Dear mosquiiois ' ants - rtus motms lOACMes ms Commooity Cash Store 2 Phones Main 26 FLOUR SgJSl $1.39 MILK TZ:.. 25c QJTTP A "P I'"e C & H Cane in &-i rq U VfiiLXV sacks, 25 pounds.... tj) X.Dt POTATO CHIPS r,:" 23c SODA CRACKERS Plain or salted 3 pound caddy 39c rATXT 17T A TTT7Q ieiioSgs 3 pkgs. 25c BROOMS Wfcffl 89c XJnXTT?V New Cop AJLVflKALX 10- pound Pail $1.15 "OT? A TVTTTnPC! VmAi Salted A U10 16 Ouiu'es 18c BEEF ROASTS Wlti'n we say "Special for Saturday on leef roasts" we mean our same quality href at a lower price. We do not buy cheap heef to COMPKTK but number one steer bee!" to REPEAT. POT ROASTS SS , 15c RIB BOIL!:: mind ir2c 1 WORK CLOTHING AT EVERYDAY PRICES THAT SAVE YOU MONEY WORK SHIRT LIGHT WEIGHT Light, weight blue ior grey chambray. Just right for cnol summer wear. Full cut and well made. Sizes ll'2tol7. 39c S-V-E STORES WORK SHIRT EXTRA HEAVY Made of extra heavy blue or grey chambray, coat style, with two large but ton through pockets, triple stitched and reinforced at all corners. Sixes Wi to2- 89c- S-V-E STORES 'Buck-All' Work Suits These work suits are made from the sturdiest materials. Cut mil and I jus n. Waist tenuis rein forced and garment Is fiur tacked at nil points nf strain. An exception al value at $1.95 Save with S-V-E Stores 'Underhiir Overalls I'liderliill" brand 320 blue denim two hlh liurketo two rclnfnrrnl lili pockots, lo front snhiKiiiK purkrls, rule pockrt uild Iminincr loip. Trlpli' stltrheil and bar laikfd nt strain points. Sizes 30 to so. riiqli pr low hack or Jacket. $1.10 Save with 'S-V-E Stores ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR F.xccpl imiiit good c tin 1 it y Ugh; iveilit knit athletic muiernear Iiuttons on slinnliler. St7.cn to l. 49c WORK SOCKS Heavy knit, It ock ford s t vie, work socks, lllue or tan. liny several at 5cpair WORK SOCKS flood welKllt plain grey, tan, lirown or black work socks, f ry them. 2 Pair 25c WORK GLOVES "Hoss" leaf her Ixiunil, white cam as work glmes. Well made and reinforced 19c SHOP CAPS Black sateen or hlckoiy stilpe shop caps. Tliese rap-, are cool and coni fnrlahle and economical 23c Work Pants Cottonade Dark grey cottonade cuff bot toms and belt loops. Durable pocketing and curtain mate rial. These pants are strongly sewed and neat in appearance. Siae -SO to 50 waist. $1.49 1'air Khaki Work Pants 0. D. Khaki, medium weight ; belt loops, cuff bottoms, heavy drill pockets well made. Regu sizes .10 to" -11 waist. 89c St. fl. SM'AIV, Mgr.