La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 30, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    AVednesday;' July 30, 1930
Page Five
Ki'turits From Convention
The American housewife has be
come the most particular woman in
the world in furnishing her home and
jurniture designers are ever lmprov
'rng their designs to meet her meti
culous tastes, L. A. Bohnenkamp de
clared today upon his return from
Halem where he attended the con
vention of Retail Furniture Dealers
cf Oregon. "Things that pleased tho
American woman a few years ago are
not marKetaoie louay, jur. uonnen
kamp Pfd. "Her Increased know
ledge of interior decoration and home
arrangement together with changes
in social structures of cities has
hrouKht new demands end ,thls sub
ject received considerable attention
at tne convention, x ne inuusiry nas
watched these chnnges closely and for
that reason the first national home
lurnishlngs style show will be held
ibis year. aigm nays, bept. to Oct.
i retail furniture dealers throughout
the United States will display in their
.stores the latest designs that have
been created to meet the demands of
tno New and well defined
ideas on merchandising by which the
retail stores may better assist their
customer in selecting the proper fur
nishings for their homes were brought
cut at the convention, he said. The
latest style creations already are on
the market and ready for the public's
Inspection, he said. Indicating that
lenders in the industry are optimistic
over future business prospectu.
Pick Huckleberries
Over the past weekend many La
Granders were picking huckleberries
in the Fox Hill vicinity. One party
numbered Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bay,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Nelson and '
daughter. Lois. Dr and Mrs. R. F.
lUirphy and children, Jack and Betty
Lou. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Leisman '.
nnd their two nieces, and Mr. nnd '
Mrs. Herman SlegrlEt. They drova
to tho top of Mt. Emily where they
visited Bernard Tliiesen. who is for
est ranger in charge of the Lookout
station there. Muster Jack Murohv
Jjfrmonstratcd his pluck when he
lookout tower where he"' was erected I
us tho youngest visitor of the year.
Visit :it Turnerqionie ,
Declaring thai Oregon and this
Eoction in particular, has some won
derful scenery that ought to attract
many more people than it does,
Clarence Getz. of Philadelphia. Pa..
left the first of the week for the
cast after a stay here nt the Harry
R. Turner home on Washington ave
nue. Mr. Getz had highest praises
for Wallowa Lake. He called at the
chamber of commerce cfflce - before
leaving where he secured a supply
cf Oregon literature to take back to
Pennsylvania friends.
Sent tie Hoys Here '
Dick and Donald Drivfs, of Se
attle, visited for a few minutes this
morning at the A. w. Nelson home.
They are on their way to Yellowstone
national park and are motoring.
They are friends of Mrs. Zelir. Stuurt
and family, relatives of Mrs. Nelson.
M May Locate Here
T. H. Lawrence, of Newton, Kim.,
Is visiting in La Grande at the home
of Mr. and Mrs.: Scarlesi 'lfil2 Jeffer-
r.nn nvminn Tin mwln 4 i...
" mw w
car .""gJftsed with Oregon
WMWmZft''i f WRUIS
i .Swi., The
-tWy j Ihc
fit ymf mi
vu i. s.....K&5aiT; i II J j l&wamwmmmuMmimm
"Killing the Killer"
Hear (lie liKs of the Colini m'ordpil for the first Umi;.
Enough iU'linn, flraina, snsppit. thrill for a lncn
fail K-iitli features!
His school was the gut
ter, his degree plain
'gangster.", He learned
t h e underworld's strin
gent cade then broke
it when gangdom threat
ened his loved ones.
Paramount News
that ho Is making plans to come
I hero permanently.
! Visiting in i;ii!hi
i Miss Helen Voelker. University of
j Oregon student from near Portland,
j is visiting in Elgin this week with
i. . uiiu iitt s. iv. ij. onuemnKer ana
their son, Vernal, who drove to Port
laud lust week bringing Miss Voelker
hero with him. She Is a member of
Alpha Omicron Pi at the university.
I Cars belonging to It. A. Mastortoh
find Mrs. Suffoid were in a collision
at Penn and Fourth streets yester
day, according to a report made to the
police, which said that th Safford
car was parked.
On Vlill-
Threo former La Grande boys, Tom
Llujwiell, Eugene Metcalf and Don
Metcali, arrived here Monday from
Los Angeles for a week's- visit. They
made the trip by car.
From California
Mr3. idr. Holland, of Sacramento,
Cat. is visiting friends and relatives
in La Grande and through the val
ley. Spend Vacation
Miss Marie Peetz. of Pendleton, is
In La Grande spending her vaca'tion
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. B. K Peetz
New Hnby
Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Grant are the
parents of a baby daughter born to
them on Sunday morning at the
Grande Ronde hospital.. She has
been named Mary Margaret and
weighed BV pounds at birth. Both
mother and daughter are doing very
Visiting Here
Mi", and Mrs. J. L. Waller have as
their house guests Mrs. Waller's sis
ter. Miss Ida Cochran, and her
nephew, James Cochran, both of
Seattle. Wash.
!n Portland
Floyd Anderson Is in Portland for
a few days visit.
Visiting Here
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Reader and
family from California are visiting
In La Grande at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred A. Balmes. Mrs. Read
er" and Mrs. Balmes are cousins.
While here. Mr Reader, who is a
contract builder, is doing consider
able remodeling on the Balmes
From Holsp
Mrs. Paul Jones and son. Bobby,
of Bo!se, Idaho, .are visiting In La
Crande at the home of Mrs. Jones'
parents. Mr. and' Mrs. H. L. Clausen.
M.-. Jones is expected in La Grande
in r. lew days.
Mrs. Mary Jameson and grandson,
Urgil Osborne, left laut night on No.
23 for Jewell, Ore., where they will
visit a daughter, Mrs. Dave Conn.
Returned Home .
Miss Elcunora Rondeau, of Coeur
c'.'Aleno, Idaho, who has been visit
ing M.-j-j treueviovc Gmelner, student
of- Eastern Oregon Normal school.
Ul LilU past iwo v.
her home yesterday
ur Liiu past iwo weens returned to
slenn. tlm mmnlcr umi
soda jerker a triangle of
l'atne linking Comedy
"Audio Review"
Now Playing
' 1 ' r i
A Ser.sationol tSisi j
. Stitrinq DRAMA i-pff
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mldgley and Mr.
and Mrs. William Hite, of Pond
Creek. Okla., have returned to Al
berta, Canada, after visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. F Lloyd.
Mr Midclev 1b sn extensive wheat I
farmer and said. "We harvested our I
wheat on May 12th; a hall storm
cleaned it out along with many oth
ers, so now we can play." Mr. Hite
is an auto dealer. All the party
were very favorably impressed with
La Grande, the Grande Ronde valley
and the Old Oregon Trail. The
Mldgleys make this trip every year.
They will fish and hunt for the
"big ones" and return about Nov. 1.
It ("turned This Morning
Mrs. Marlon Rettig and daughter,
Vivian, returned this morning from
a two week's camping trip on Va
shon iBland, located on the Puget
Sound. Miss Betty Buehler. who
accompanied them on tthe trip, did
not return.
(Continued from Page One)
all preliminary work being done to
put the field in excellent shape for
the airplanes.
It was announced today that ten
tative plans are that the stores will
close from 12 to 2 o'clock Friday,
so that all may attend the air tour.
A survey is being made and It is
hoped by the club that a definite
announcement may be made by to
morrow. The chamber of commerce Is co
operating with the Lions club In some
of the preliminary work.
SALEM, Ore.. July 30 (VP) Governor
Norblad will go to Medford next Mon
day to speak at the dedication of
the Medford airport. A fleet of BO
airplanes, the northwest air tour,' will
participate in the ceremonies. j
YAKIMA. Wash., July 30 (P Two
Portland. Ore., fliers, John West and
R. A. Alexander, announced lastj
night they would leave the air cara
van making ft tour of Washington.
Oregon and Idaho and return to
Portland today to make final ar
rangements for an endurance flight
in an effort to break the record
established recently at Chicago by the
Hunter brothers.
Tho proposed endurance flight, for
which financial arrangements were
recently completed, will be made at
Rockaway Beach on tho Pacific ocean.
West has had nine years of flying
experience while Alexander has 1,100
hours of flying to his credit, .
YAKIMA, Wash., July 30 (IP) A
fleet of planes left here today. In
dividually and in small groups, for
Pasco, next stop in their projected
aerial tour of 22 Washington, Idaho
and Oregon cities which started yes
terday In Vancouver, Wash.
Although the chamber of commerco
local sponsors, had scheduled an air
show today, only a few fliers re
mained, Including Miss Dorothy Hes
ter, Portland, to perform- for the
crowd. A stunting; program Was held
for three hours last night. Tex Ran
kin, another Porllander, lost part of
his propeller but landed safely and
tho plane was repaired today, t,
PORTLAND, Ore., July 30 Vn Fred
ISchultz, 72, died at a hospital here
I today from a deep stab wound Just-
below the heart. Hospital authorities
I said they wcro at first informed by
I member of iBchultz' family his only
i Injuries were superficial ones suf
I fered in a fall down " the basement
stairs at 4:30 a. m.
But when tho Injured man was
taken to tho hospital surgery the
knife wound was discovered. It caused
his death.
Detectives immediately placed all
members of the Schultz family under
BUTTE, Mont., July 30 VP) Major
Gilbert H. Eckerson, transcontinent
al filer who crashed south of here on
the first leg of a Portland-New York
flight last week, believes he was
gassed by fumes from the ship's ex
haust. Tho major expects to leave the
hospital for Portland within a day j
or so. ,
Short exhaust pipes, he said, un
doubtedly threw carbon monoxide
gas Into the cockpit, where it finally
ovcrcamo him.
Electricity in Executions
llotli alternating and continuous
currents are used in electrocutions.
Kxperlnients nt King Sing have re
sulted In I lie conclusion that no
buninn body enn withstand nil al
ternating current of ),r00 volts, nnd
that 3110 have produced death, while
for the continuous current It may
be neecssnry that as much ns .1,000
volts are required to bring about
fatal results.
Much Rejected Manuscript
The proportion of manuscripts
submitted to magazines that is ac
tually bought depends upon condi
tions. The editor of one national
weekly states that bis magazine
purchases approximately .004 per
cent of the manuscripts submitted
to it from one year's end to year's
end. lie adds that from 80 to 00
per cent of fiction submissions
come from people of no profession
al experience or training whatever.
Lifted High in Air
The battle monument at liennlng
ton, Vt., Is the second highest In
the United States W feet high,
Ti'J feet above I be water.
! Artificial Silk First
Tlio oulput of nrtificiJil silk Is
j now several times Hint of the nut
I ural sflk.
It All Dcpendi
.Science says UIssIiik Is dansoroiu.
It Is if flie Is not willing. Florida
Penalty of Lost Caste
' In losing ensto, nn Kiist Ifulinn
does not enter the ciiste heneulh
him; he hecomes an ou.cast.
The Moon
It is not noiiKpnsp, hut nn ftnb
lihP(l truth, thnt rPrtaln ppoplc nra
prejudicially nfrffted by tiio monn'a j
r:iy. i;o not let your child sIppji '
with the moon shining on its fuce.
Trada Mnrl-.e Registration
toJH. Wis?
'This 'roughing If would be nil
NEW YORK, July 30 (Pi Bull
forces experienced one of their most
severe reversals in -.DCay s stock mar
ket since they undertook to lift
prices out of tho Juno depression. A
wide open break In the wheat mar
ket, together with tho recent inabil
ity of the operators for tho rise to
get price's above the resistance levels
of July 18, caused extensive deser
tions from the bull cause, and Im
portant sharcG tumbled 2 to 14 points.
Shares closing 3 to 5 points lowei
Included U. s. Steel, Radio, Ameri
can Telephone. General Electric. In
ternational Harvester, American Wa
ter Works. Dupont. Westtn-ihousc
Electric, and American Can. Shares
off 6 to 10 at the finish Included
Case. Byers, Columbian Carbon. East
man, and Vanadium. Allied Chemical
lost 14, General Motors, recent firm
spot, lost a. .-. rally during the mid
dle of the afternoon failed to . hold,
and closing prices wcro mostly. ' tht.-,
day's lowest. . v'
Tho closing was heavy,, sales . iip
proxlmated 2,350.000 shares.
. wealth' for" ita'iy"!::::!:! !'
Italy contains vust . deposits of
rock of volcanic origin on the
slopes of her extinct volcanoes. At
one time this rock, ciilled' loucitev
was despised as- useless but' the
work of ft distinguished' elienijst,
Huron Olnti Alberto Ithinc, turned
vlt Into valuable mitlcrinls,. The
louelte , oontiilns'i much., iilutninuii.
which Is being 'extracted on such a
scale that Italy will become it lead
lug producer. of this metal.
Mads Fa .oc;s by Kitchener
Klinrliium is the oiiltal" r.r the
Aiiglo-i:;,-.vpihiu Sedan, iinil::lsit
tinted on the left lunU of the JSlite
.Nile linmeiliutoly above its (miction
with Hie White Nile. H was here
that the hite Lord Kitchener be
came famous as "Kltclictier of
Klini'loum" when he captured the
clly from the Mulnlist rebels In
ISM). Incidentally, Lord Kitchener
designed the plan on which the city
Is laid out.
No Evidence Now
Evidences of a woman's presence
no longer Include dropped hair
pins. Arkansas (juzettc.
Farm Serious Job
COLBY, Kaa. Wi Marion Talloy
Is part ol the farm problem now.
Out on her 1.000 -acre fnrm here,
where she in boeAing harvest of 1,000
acres of wheat, the former tllva ex
pects to reap a. 25.000 bushel yield.
It's h long Jump from grand opera
to harvest time in Kansas, hut the
23-year-old singer Is playing no
"super'B" part here.
While she dos not actually run
a combine or do any manual !bor.
fine checfcB the loads of grain as they
leave the field and pays close atten
tion to the marketing of her crop.
She has made an extensive study
v aTk msJ
.Marlon Talb-y (rlKht). formrr opera Meger, Is bov-lng a l.iiiai-acre wheal banct on her Kansas
farm wlu-re .slic Is shown on a reaper anil In a fl.dil id grain.
Applied For U. S. Tatont Office
right If we hadn't forgotten the
r.3crely Expressions
.Tin' li'rnw "dark of tho moon"
ninl' 'light if i he moon" mo nut
('cognized by scientists. In sonio
cotmnunltli's I ho (lurk of llin moon
Is the lline fnim full moon through
the wane until tho now moon, nnil
the Ugh! of (ho moon Is tho' rest
of 'tho timp;;lii others the dark of
the union !s tho time when It Is
nut soon tit nil.
Salt in Embalming
The Kgyptimis uscil suit for cm
hiilnihis;. I Motor Helm says they
lirst laid tho body in n strong brine
for throe (ir four weeks. It was
I lion removed mid dried: herbs nnd
spices were milled, and I he body
was wrapped in linen. This does
not, tipixiri'iitly, rcftr to die mum
mies which wore preserved with bi
tumen. '
Double Potato Crops
rrom '.southern , New Jersey to
Texas, nnd as far north as the Ohio
anil .Missouri rivers, nnd In Callforr
.niii- the: '(trowing iseasoir: Is long
onouglr.'to produce Iwo crops of po
tatoes (i ' .veniv by the 'praeileiil up.
plication or the donnancy-breiiklng
trcnti(ionts. 11 " ' f,
! Drum Long in' Use
Tho Hi'lini, among' !tho'; 'very
earllesCMtru'nieiit fr tile inakini;
of lnusjcisouuds liiiil litis been
round iu some form In nil nations
nnd ugiw.-An- netunl - drum with
two curved.;ks, vus fujiuil. in.
seme of Hie earliest Egyptian ex
cavations made in Thches.
jSiBnjfcanco of. Salt t
Aniojii; Hip,' Iledoiiln Arabs salt
was njtokon. of hospitality, nnd If
n slnijiger cotild succeed In outing
(in Arab's suit, he was thereafter
protected, rrom harm bv his host.
That sumo Clvlng of' salt Insures
hosplliilily nnd protection in cer
tain parts of Hussia loduy.
For Dog Owners
Ft Is am: Ihinj; to love n foolish
Utile pup that cocks one ear when
you apeak to him, nnd another
thliiK to love a mere collection of
blue rllihons. The next lime n man
talks rtoR to you, nolo .whether li!
discusses his dn or his dog's unccs
ti'.v. Country Home.
to Marion Talley
As She Bosses
of forming methods, rrsortlng often
to the fttate experiment station here
for advice.
Early In 1026 she made her debut
in (jrand opera. In April of 1029 she
retired abruptly and carne back to her
Kansas to buy a farm.
The farm Is operated by three ten
ants. William Wall is. William Pur
cell and Morris Alleman.
In addition to the wheat crop.
Miss Tiilley has 450 acres planted
barley and corn. The Talley fam
ily has not yet established a resl
rtfnre nC the farm but the building
cf A home is contemplated for next
Farmers Busy
With Hay Crop
In Joseph Area
lly Miss I.eonn Thornburf
(Observer Correspondent)
JOSEPH, Ore., (Special) Jim Estes
and sons, Lester and Guy, ol Imnaha,
were In Joseph on business Monday.
Mr. Estes, who owns 80 acres of tho
old Proebstel (arm. came up to liar
vest his crop. Although his crop Is
just volunteer from Inst year It will
mnke good hay. Until this year tho
land has been rented by Roy Vnrney
who owns tho remaining 80 acres of
! tho farm.
Although the majority of the farm
ers havo their hay put up, thero are
several on upper Prairie Creek who
!are still haying. Tho E. D. and Ben
Peal families who have quite a large
jcrop of hay aro just fairly begun.
While tho nights remain cool In
warm. Monday was another scorcher
but people are expecting ram again.
More water has been turned into
Stiver Lako ditch again as most all
i of the farmers In that district are
irrigating their second crop of hay.
ah ss K.euy uray ana unanes An
son, of La Grande, motored to Joseph
Frldny, spending tho weekend with
Mr. Anson's aunt. Mrs. wtmam uon
rnd. of Prairlo Creek. They returned
to La Grande Sunday evening, taking
with them Mr. Anson's mothor, Mrs.
J. Anson, also of La Grande, who has
been visiting hero for tho last two
I Fred Doty is back In Joseph much
i improved in health although ho prob
inbly will not be able to do any work
this summer. Mr. Doty was seriously
Injured In an auto accident some
itlmo ago and has been in tho Vet
'erans hospital in Portland. He also
ihnd pneumonia soon after tho acci
( Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gray hlavo
'moved to Big Sheep where Mr. Gray
will work in tho hay fields. They
had been making their home at the
McKinley mill beforo It closed a short
time ago.
; The power plant at the .hond of
Wallowa lake Is being overhauled
J. H. Siegfried, of Kennewlck, Wash.
who Is superintendent of tho Pacific
Power and Light company, will ro
.rnain hero until tho work is com-
ipleted. ...
Thad Meade, who has been qui to
!ill of tho flu, has almost recovered
from his Illness.
i Jackie Childcrs, small son of Cecil
Chlldcm, of Joseph, broke his arm
Just above tho elbow Friday. Ho fell
out of a wheelbarrow In which ho
was playing.
Mrs. Hen Knapper and family, of
Portland, arrived in Josepn sunany,
for a short visit with relatives and
friends. Mrs. Knappor was accom
panied by Mrs. Edna Parrish and her
two children also or Fortiana. Tney
mndc tho trip in Mrs. Knappcr's car.
Noel Scott is working In the Mac
Marr store In Joseph during the ab
sence of Frank Keener, manager of
tho store who Is on his vacotlon. Mr,
' Keener and his family left Sunday
for Dallas, ,ore and other points.
.- Mrs. Bert Wlngfleld' and daughtrirV
Anna Loo, . of Hurlctmo Creek, wcro
shopping in Joseph Tuesday morning.
1 isiHio Thornburg and daughter,
Leonu, of Prairlo Greek; made a hutv
ricd business trip to Josoph TUeaday
morning.' : ' ,. ;;',.) i- ,,,- i
The last electrical storm started
18 new forest fires In the part of
the national forest of which Wade
iHail is dispatcher. All but a very
;few of the fires have been put out
'and tho remaining few aro not eorl-
Heart. Must. Be in Job '','
'"ItidlhoraH'e-lB ft slun of mental
lliibblnt'ss or pliyslciil In.lncss. A
routine sot cf motions may tnko
enro of "h'jobi Uut .It; will nlvnj' bo
Just n Job." It Is 'lint enough mere
ly to net jonr ImruMo n task; you
must put' your licurt Into It also.
Crit. . "
Showing Eye Fatigue
FaU(;ue of the eye mny bo meas
ured by tho number of Involuntary
blinks in n speellied period. More
than three blinks a minute indicate
Hint the light Is not snllnble, A
man working by candlelight wns
noticed to blink several times n
minute. When tlds was changed to
electric light be blinked only twice
u minule.
1,000 - Acre Harvest
Miss Talley during the summer
lives In a suite of rooms In a hotel
hero, driving to the farm with her
parents and sister each day.
Offcm have failed to lure the
singer back to grand opera. but
Miss Talley says she may sing again.
When and where she does not know.
8hc hopes to be through with har
vest In time to spend a vacation In
the Reck lea and then go back to New
York. "I love to travel, and do things
nny other average 23 -year-old girl
likes to do," she says.
Top Grade Eggs
rirm; Vegetables,
Fruits Plentiful
PORTLAND. Ore.. July 30 tVP, Tou
grades eggs were firm today at the
recent advance. Tho price of off- j
quality eggs, however, was reported
as oeing shaded by some dealers.
jb utter supplies were liberal with
moderate trading, but there wero no
changes in prices. Some shipments
wero made to outside markets. Ban
Francisco and Los Angeles reported
advances on 00 score and above.
Reviewing tho fruit and vegetable
market, the Portland bureau of tho
U. S. department of agriculture says:
Team-track holding of 125 cars ol
fresh fruits and vegetables Monday,
of which half were watermelons.
marks the heaviest volume of sup
plies In the city at any one time this
year. Yesterday's arrivals were light,
with only 20 cars compared with 81
cars received over the weekend: and
Tuesday morning witnessed a reduc
tion In track-holdings to auo pars.
Peaches, watermelons, cantaloupes
and tomatoes all declined since Mon
day, under pressure of liberal re
ceipts. California peaches are of fim
quality, and prices are unusually low
at $.00 (r 1.00 per box of Elbertas, and
$1.25 for fine highly-colored J. I.
Hales. California Klondike water
melons sold as low as t2730 per
ton to Portland Jobbers. Tomatoes
from Tho Dalles moved at .90a per
15-lb. box of No. Is, while a few
fancies sold 25c higher. Fine-quality
tomatoes from Walla Walla sold in
30-lb. boxes to retailors as high as
$3.25 (;. 3.35.
(Continued from Pago One)
The dlrlglblo has been roported by
numerous liners, most of which were
in wireless touch with her. at 7:15
o'clock this morning Greenwich time
(2;15 a. m., E. S. T.). tho Ausonia
sighted the R-100 which passed ove
her. The giant air liner was ap
proximately half way between tht
Irish coast and Capo Race, New
foundland. '
"Signals . and grcotlngs exchanged..
Apparently ail well," said tho nici'
sngo. ' ,('-
For some unknown reason the. R
100 did not communicato with Card
lngton at 6 o'clock this morning as
expected, but no anxloty was felt as
tho airship had exchanged greetings
with ships about this time. Atmos
pheric conditions,1 it was thought,
may havo prevented her from get
ting in touch with hor baso. .
Weather Favorable
According to the North Atlantic
weather chart most favorable weather
conditions were prevailing in tho mid
' Amontt tho liners which was in!
touch with tho airship during tho
Tho passengers and . officers ' on the I
Megnatlc could ncHr the motors ui
the dirigible but were unable tu nliil't f
her because of. fog.; . . .
Tho air ministry this morning ro
quosted the Asaoclatcd Press placc,
at Its disposal Associated Press mes-'
sages regarding tho R-100 from ships
at sed. The mlnlBtry wished the mes-,
Bftges to supplement Its own lnfollfrti
tlon regarding tho . progress) of tho
dirigible.,. , . . 1
KIRKWALL, Orkney Inlands, July
30 wi Bud weather todfiy again do-,
lnycd Wolfram Hlrth and Oscar
Weller, German' aviators, In tlielr
lllght to Iceland, tho next step In
an air voyago from Oermany to tho -United
States. -, , .-. .. i j
"Tho air ministry rcporta a " 25-'1
mlle-nn-hour wind i. dead :allOud,.'
Hlrth said, "and wo would bo fools
to try It." .
PORTLAND, Ore., Jlily 30 (riCatt
tie 36, calves 10, quotably steady for
matured classes: calves, voalers 50c
up. Stoors, 700-000 llw., good 8
In 8.60. medium 0.50(. common 4
r.iO.60; stcors 000-1100 lbs., good $ll.
8,60, medium 0.50 1,, H: common
(4.60a 0.60; stccra 1100-1200 lbs., goou
$7.50(?i8, medium $u,7.&0; belforn
660-860 lbB.. good $0.607. medium
$5 r.. 6.60: common $4r,.6; cows, good
$6r.'95.60; common and medium $3.60
$$5: low cutters, $2r,i3.60: bulls,
yearlings excluded $6.50 4i 6. cutter,
urn. milk fed $10w 11; milk fed.
medium $8.00tt 10.00; milk fed, cull
and common 96.60 r.. 8; calves '250-600
lbs. good and common $H.50vj 10, com
mon and medium $0(.i8.60.
Sheep 300, around steady. . Lambs
00 lbs. down, good und choice
$6w 7; medium $4.50w $6; all weights,
common $3.60(.. $1.60; yearling weth
ers 00-110 lbs., $3.$4.50; cwos 00-120
lbs., $1. 75(1 260, 120-160 lbs., $1.50(,
2.26. All weights, cull and common,
$1 if $1.60.
Hogs 160, opening steady. (Sort
or oily hogs and roasting pigs ex
cluded). Light lights 140-100 lbs.
SlOtr, 11; light weight 111(1-1 BO lbs. $11
11.26; light weight 180-200 lbs., $11
m 11.26; medium weight 200-220 lbs.
$1011; medium weight 220-250 lba..
$0.600 10.76; heavy weight 250-200
lbs., $0.2Sr, 10.60; heavy weight t'00
350 lbs., $8.75 (v. 10: packing sows, $B
t0; slaughter pigs $0.76 w 10.75.
An Opinion
There's nothing wrong In having
n good opinion of yourself, If it's a
right opinion and you keep It to
La Grande Business College ,
" Mr. R. ('. Cavcns, of Tat-oma, Washington,
Succeeding Mrs. M. V.'Hyniim"
Still a incmhcr of Darter's Consolidated. Colleges
Special classes in comptometer
One of larui'sl and slioiiKcst life insurance companies
in the world, with over ,'300,000.00 of business already ,
in force in I.a Grande, has opening for either part time
or fill! time representative.
Write: I). C. SHERWOOD
1 7 N Second. Walla Walla. Wash.
I Never Did and Never Will I
Do Anybody Any (iooil. They 1
I aro Just Like Dirty Collars. I
I Ask for Samples ol Better I
I Jx'tivr o4t(ls I
I Opposite Post Office I
": of
Hart Schaf fner
$30.00 Kinds
$37.00 Kinds
: $28.85;; .:
. $40.00'Kinds -
$45 & $50 Kinds
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i.;:'iU'i,.' J4ui'j;; ..Jj- 'kv'ltlj-
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Drv Cleanins"
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