La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 19, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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Full Associated Press Leased
Wire Service
OREGON: Pair tonight and Sunday,
but with log along the coast, normal
temperature. Moderate north ana
northwest winds on the coast.
$327,210 TO
Four Separate Projects
under way on La Grandc-
Kamela Stretch.
widenin'gwill be
finished aug. 31
Resurfacing Work to be
Done Dec. 31 and
Grande Ronde Bridge
Will be Built Sept. 30.
Wtth the completion of Improve
ments now in progress on the Old
Oregon Trail highway between Ka
mela, at the summit of the Blue
Mountains, and La Grande, that
vetch of highway will become one
i the favorite pleasure drives in the
vest, both from the point of view
of scenery and comfortable travel,
Roy A. Klein, state highway engineer,
said In Salem, after completing a
tour of the road.
Incldently. the work now in prog
ress on the La Grande - Kamela
stretch of the Old Oregon Trail high
way will cost $327,210, the total of
four contracts.
Tho earliest of the projects to be
completed on this high mountain
road will be the 14.5 mile widening
and regradlng Job between Kamela
and Hilgard. Kamela is In Umatilla
county, but near the county line.
Hilgard Is In Union county so most
of the improvement is in this county.
E. L. Gates, contractor, began work
September 1, 1929 and the project
will be finished by August 31, this
year. It was 75 per cent complete on
July 1.
Straightening Curves
The width of the highway Is being
extended from 20 to 32 feet and nu
merous curves' straightened out, so
the drive will be one of the fastest
mountain roads In the country. Un
usual difficulties have been encount
ered by tho contractor, Klein said,
for the reason the railroad and tele
phone and telegraph lines parallel the
highway most of the distance, mak
ing "shooting" a delicate business,
yet not a train has been delayed by
blasts. At present the contractor Is
working 40 men with one shovel and
two tractors on the Job. The cost of
the project to tho state will be $172,
000. " ,
As this work nears completion It
is being followed over the same
stretch by another contractor's crew
resurfacing the highway with maca
dam. 20 feet wide This contract was
let to Homer O. Johnson -February
27, last, and will be completed Decem
ber 31, 1930 at a cost-of 108,000 The
Job required 73,000. -cubic feet' of
crushed rock. This Is being laid at
an average of 400 yards dally and
4,000 yards had ben placed July 1.
The road will be oiled next year, '
Between Hilgard and La Grande
6.5 miles of resurfacing and mainte
nance material work is In progress to
be completed August 15. The resur
facing has been completed and the
crew Is crushing rock for mainte
nance. The road Is being widened
by a maintenance crew; Later it will
be oiled. Clyde B, Beltz of La Grande
is the contractor and the contract
prlco Is $$20,600. September 30 Is
tho date for completion of a rein
forced concrete bridge over the
(Continued on Pago Eight)
Dean Ernest M. Patty, of the Alaska
College of Fairbanks, narrowly avert
ed death lost week when he success
fully fought his way of a snow slide
after having been rolled down the
mountainside for 250 feet. He Is at
present in the Seward hospital under
the care of Dr. A. D. Haverstock. Hia
face Is badly bruised and cut. and
he has a very deep cut under his left
eye. His right ann in broken near
the shoulder and his body Is also
bruised and cut. The famous Patty's
cheerful Bmtle refuses to be wiped off,
however, and the dean is becoming
very anxious to return to his home
in Fairbanks where his wife and three
small sons wait for him.
"Dean Patty was In the Moose Pass
cut inspecting property but when the
accident occurred he was at Hershey
mine near Hope. Alaska. He and
three others were Just corning out of
the mine when caught by the slide.
Aside from one of the men being
knocked off his feet the dean, who
was on the outer edge of the group,
was the only one caught. Down he
plunged while the others watched
horror stricken. These men later told
Mr. Patty that each time he was
glimpsed as he emerged from the
slide he was fighting for his life. The
dean realized that he had to fight
or all would be over. At last he broke
free from the slide which continued
for more than a thousand feet down
the mountain. When they arrived at
his side he gave them instruction
how to treat his broken arm. It was
eight hours before he reached medi
cal aid. Numerous friends and ac
quaintances have visited him dally.
He Is very appreciative for the many
courtesies extended to him.' He will
as soon as he is able return to his
home In Fairbanks. Seward Dal:
The above Item from the Seward
Daily Gateway describes the injuring
of Ernest Patty, formerly of Lt.
Grande. The paper was recently re
ceived by his mother. Mrs. Patty
7 a. m. 61 agove.
Minimum: 49 above.
Condition: clear.
Maximum 73. minimum 51 above.
Condition: clear.
WEATHER Jl'LY 19, 1929
Maximum 91. minimum 57 above.
Condition: clear.
Hall, Two Homes
Are Destroyed
At Cove, Oregon
Fire Loss Estimated at
$15,000, Partly Covered
by Insurance Smoker
is Blamed.
By Mrs. A. i. Conklln
(Observer Correspondent)
COVE. Ore.. July 19 (Special)
Fire, starting In the Maccabce. hall at
1 o'clock this morning and spreading
to two adjoining residences, caused
approximately $15,000 loss here beforo
the flames burned themselves out.
Untiring efforts on the part ot
those fighting the spread of the firo
prevented it from eating Into the
Stevens house, although a walk oa
the place caught fire. Handicapped
by insufficient water, the fire fight
era had to direct much of their ai-
tempts to saving nearby places, after
realizing the impossibility of saving
the two-story hall and the two nomas.
Smoker Is Blamed
The fire started In the upstairs
part of the Maccabee hall, following
a dance, and tho general belief is
that a carelessly thrown clgarct or
match was responsible. The blaze
spread quickly, attacking the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Robinson on
one side and the Joe Gayette house
on the other. The contents of the
Robinson place were all destroyed,
with the family losing practically
everything. Mr. Gayette was able to
save most of his furniture and a
chicken house in the rear of his yard.
His house was Insured, and it is be
lieved that the hall was also pro
tected by Insurance.
Practically Cove's entire population
turned out for tho fire, many Join
ing in the plan of combat .
Several telephone and light and
power waters were burned but for
tunately, no one was injurcu oy me
Band Protest In
Attorneys' Hands;
Decision Soon
A letter received by the band from
Joseph Stearns, attorney in Portland,
says the matter of a protest concern
ing the awards in the northwest band
contest, Is now In the hands of at
torneys for Sherman Clay & Co. und
the Hayden Island Amusunent Co.,
owners of Jantzen beach, who expect
to reach a decision the first part oi
next week. - .
Additional nrotests "nave been re
ceived In Portland and these will al
so be decided at this time.
Andrew Loney. director, received
the following letter last night:
Portland, Ore. July 17
My Dear Mr. Loney ; V
We cannot thank you enough fob
bringing the Municipal band of Lc.
Grande to the U. S. Veterans' hos
pital last Sunday evening. , -.
This was one of the f nicest treats
the natlents have ever -had and . the
stirring band music made them for
get their ailments for the evening
and- filled tnem witn "pep- ana nap
plness. Even the bed patients en
Joyed tho music as a microphone was
Installed in the auditorium and
broadcast throughout the hospital.
Every number played was beautiful
and well selected and overy minute
of the program was enjoyed.
Please accept the sincere thanks ot
the patients and tho Red Cross.
Very sincerely,
(Signed) Marguerite Swctt.
Director, Red Cross Service.
12 Epworth League
Members At Meet
The La Grande delegation of 12
Epworth Leaguers are enjoying them
selves greatly, according to word re
ceived . from Wallowa lake today,
where the annual Institute for East
ern Oregon and Southwestern Idaho
la under way.
Three more delegates arrived yes
terday and tho La Grande league will
have charge of. the young people's
service Sunday evening.
Mary Lou Piper Is a member of the
student council and Ethel Sayre is
the bookkeeper and treasurer of the
group. Jean Williams has been se
lected as the leading character In the
drama to be given Sunday night. She
Is also a member of the committee
on nominations for district offlcorn.
Gwendolyn Hcrtzog is chairman of
the committee on water sports ana
Is arranging a tournament.
Spike M alone In
County Jail Again
Spiko Malone, convicted a short
time ago on a charge of possession of
liquor, Is In the county Jail today In
He is charged with unlawful posses
lieu of bonds in the amount of $1,500.
slon of Intoxicating liquor together
with two former convictions of the
prohibition law.
Malone was arrested earlier this
week by Sheriff Jesse Breshears, Of
ficer Johnson and two federal agents.
He was bound over to the grand
Jury yesterday in Justice of peace
Seeks Solariums
For Lake Bathers
CHICAGO, July 19 (JF) Lake Mich
Igan bathers. If health commissioner
Arnold H. Kegel has his way. may
soon be able to absorb the sun s
rays without the hindrance of a
bathing suit.
Dr. Kegel yesterday asked for the
establishment of solariums at all
benches, one for each sex.
"A solarium." the commissioner
said, "Is nothing but a stretch of sand
with a high board fence around it."
LOS ANGELES. Jul;- 19 W A d.
vorce suit brought by Mary Lewis
against Michael Bohnen. whom she
married in 1927 while both were
Metropolitan opera stars, today was
on file In superior court here. The
suit, the second in two years, cnargea
Miss Lewis, working In speaking
pictures in Hollywood, asserts her
baritone-husband deserted her July
1. 1929. and went to Germany.
First Break in Two Weeks
of Debate in Senate
Against Pact.
Action Today May Signal
the Approach of the
End of a Losing Fight
by Opponents.
fight against the London naval treaty
let ud lona enough today in the sen
ate to permit the reading of the
treaty text lor amendments.
It was the first break in the steady
flow of sueeches against the pact
since early In the week when tho
proponents left the burden of debate
to tne opposition.
Taking the floor today after two
long speeches yesterday, Senator
Johnson, republican, California, ask
ed, after he had spoken In a hoarse
voice for about thirty minutes, about
procedure for disposition ot tho
Sensing that a break had come,
(Continued on Pago Five).
REBUILD "0-12"
United States Navy Sub
marine to be Used by
Sir Hubert Wilkins.
Bv Howard W. Blnkcslee
(Associated Press Science Editor)
NEW YORK. July 19 m When Sir
Huhnrt Wilkins' submarine sails un
der tho Ice to the north pole next
summer, what will protect her from
crushing Into sub-suriaco diocks oi
This question, always the first asked
about this project, was put to Lleut
Com. Sloan Danenhower, who, with
Simon Lake, will rebuild tho United
States submarine 0-12 for tho voyage
and himself sail her under the polar
Tho answer Is a law of nature, tho
operation -of which Commander Dan
enhower found for himself last sum
mer at the bottom of Long Island
sound In the. tiny submarlno Defend
ers It is an action of bouyancy which
he said oven few naval men have
"The Defender had wheels to run on
the bottom. But when she hit a rock
the wheels Beemed to be rubber balls,
bouncing her easily upward out of
harm's way.
Her weight was close to nothing,
that is, Just a little heavier than the
water. She was not greatly differ
ent from a balloon bouncing along.
The Bame principle, with tho wheel
over the sub's back, and tho bounc
ing done downward, will be used un
der the ice. The wheel will run on
a stocky trolley above the conning
tower. The lower end of the trolley
arm will be pivoted like an automo
bile shock absorber within the sub.
Ilouyuncy 2,000 Pounds
The ship's bouyancy will be about
2,000 pounds, sufficient to keep her
trolley bumping lightly along the
under surface of tee.
A protective arch en) led a Jumper
bar, like a wartime net protective de
vices will curve above her back from
bow to stern. Commander Danen
hower said she will be strong enough
to withstand collisions at four knots
an hour the highest underwater
speed contemplated.
Even so, the sub is not made to
crash icebergs nor tho underwater
ice crags called "rafts." These ob
stacles are not believed to exist In
the polar sea.
In their request to the navy for the
0-12, Wilkins and Danenhower wrote:
"There are no Icebergs of great size
within the Arctic. Large pressure
ridges have been observed only near
the coast and the deepest of these
extend not more than 100 feet under
sea level."
The 0-12 can descend 200 feet.
(Continued on Tago Six)
Business Institute To Be Staged
In La Grande On July 30 and 31
Bringing modern methods In good
merchandising, advertising, selling,
window trimming, cost accounting
and checking on bad credit account
to merchants of La Grande ana
neighboring towns, the third annual
Business Institutes conducted by th
school of commerce of Oregon State
college and the Oregon Retail Mer
chants association will be held here
Wednesday and Thursday, July 30
and 31.
Local arrangements for the two
days of meetings are In charge of a
committee of merchants consisting oi
H. B. Parker. E. S. Burnett, Max R.
Sarvls, R. A. Epllng, and Roy Farnum.
Three authorities on business
methods will be In charge of the pro
gram to which merchants in other
towns In Union county have been in
vited. Prof. H. T. Vance, head of
courses In merchandising at Oregon
State college, who has had years or
experience in advertising and mer
chandising, will handle advertising
and selling at the institute. Business
management will be under the super
vision of Prof. E. E. Bosworth. head ol
courses in accounting and auditing
and a certified public accountant.
O. F. Tate to Attend
O. F. Tnte. secretary of the Oregon
Retail Merchants association, will
lead the discussions and conferences
cn store arrangement. From practical
experience Mr. Tate has learned that
new aggressive types of retail outlets
into the merchandising field make it
necessary for a detailed analysis of
merchants' problems.
A special feature of this year's In
Dean Smith Will
Be Welcomed In
Portland Monday
Former La Grande Boy,
Who Was With Byrd
Antarctic Expedition,
Flying to Oregon.
PORTLAND, Ore.. July 19 (Special)
All Portland will have a hand in
welcoming Lieutenant Dean Smith,
famed filer of the Byrd Antarctic ex
pedition, to Portland Monday.
Plans for a reception at Swan Is
land, a stag dinner at Multnomah
hotel, a trip up the Columbia high
way, and probably an afternoon tea
were- worked out by a meeting of i
memDers oi the hospitality commit
tee of the chamber of commerce, the
Aero Club of Oregon and representa
tives of the junior chamber of com
merce yesterday afternoon.
Mayor Baker, Julius L. Meier, presi
dent of the Aero club of Oregon; W.
1 Merry, chairman of the cham
ber's hospitality committee and the
membership of the latter croun will
bo on hand when Lieutenant Smith
lands on Swan Island at 2:25 p. m.
Monday In a West Coast Air Trans
port plane from San Francisco. Mrs.
Rhoda Smith, tho flier's mother, will
be at the head of the welcoming line.
itoyni welcome to lie men
Lieutenant Smith will receive a
royal welcome in the air before land
ing. It was announced by A. C. Al
brecht of the Junior chamber of
commerce. A fleet of six planes of
the 489th bombardment squardon
from Sand point will arrive at Van
couver Sunday for training at Pear-
(Continued on Pngo Eight)
Air Service Is .
Discussed Here
Friday Evening
J. D. Lynch, representing the United
Airways Co. of Portland, left for his
home last evening after discussing the
proposition of a passenger and ex
press service, between Eastern Oregon
points and the Oregon metropolis,
with about 10 local business mon, all
of them prospective shippers.
Mr. Lynch feels encouraged with
tho situation here, believing that
business men are becoming more in
terested in the project, and Is of the
opinion that in due course of time,
something definite may be worked
out. - The meeting last night was at
the Sacajawea Inn.
Incidentally, Mr. Lynch compli
mented the chamber of commerce
and city highly for refusal to pur
chase land for an airport during the
last year or two. He said that such
steps are not necessary until the
community knows it is in need of an
airfield and he said that legitimate
business concerns may make use of
, the emergency landing field under
1 certain conditions. He cited the coses
of two Oregon cities which 'spent
800,000 ahd $75,000 respectively last
year, land said that today one of tho
fields was covered with oats and the
other weedy from not being used.
$600,000 Project
Celebration Held
GRAND RONDE, Oro., July 10 (P)
Officials of Oregon, highway depart
ment representatives, gocd road advo
cates from all parts of the state, and
hundreds of Oregon's cltzenry were
here today for the celebration mark
ing completion of the Salmon river
cut-off, of 8600,000 project that has
opened a new automobile route to
the ocean.
At 0:30 a. m. caravans from Port
land coast and Willamette Valley
points gathered to mark the opening
of tho new route. During the after
noon a parade proceeded over the
new highway to Otis where the cut
off connects with tho Roosevelt
Rumors Say Flier
Being Cared For
LONDON, July 19 (P A Rangoon
dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph
company today said villagers near the
Bali river insisted that Erlck Rook,
missing British airman, was being
cared for in a certain village.
The report was being Investigated
although floods were making tho
Bearch difficult. No other traco of
the aviator was found In tho region
where his companion, Jlmmle Mat
thews, said he left him after their
England to Australia plane crashed
more than a fortnight ago.
stitutes will be a window trimming
contest which the three visiting In
structors will Judge. A grand prize
will be given for the window which
receives the highest score among
those In competition from the 2i
cities in which the meetings are bo
lng held. Manufacturers of Oregon
products are cooperating with th
merchants in this contest and arc
sending out display material tend
suggestions for an attractive all-Oregon
products display for those desir
ing It.
The program for sessions the fins
day Includes discussions on the ac
counting for retail business and re
tall credits and collections by Prof.
Bosworth, retail advertising and
salesmanship by Prof. Vance hiki
store arrangement by Mr. Tate. The
morning of the second day will be
open for special conferences and vis
its to stores by the Instructors. lit
the afternoon Prof. Vance will d is
cuss window trimming and Prof. Bon
worth store organization and man
agement. All three of the instructor!
will be available as luncheon speak
ers. 29 CI llr on Ust
Although the business Institutes
are only two years old. 29 Oregon
cities requested them for 1930. Th
plan was inaugurated at Baker It
March, 1928. and was so successful
that It was tried again In 1929 with
18 institutes being held during th
spring and summer, the retail mer
chants association adopting them ah
its chief activity.
Open lead j 1 ' Boring periscope air
5 mice pac " ' '-'
1 c E PACK I Spring wheel to I NyNT: I Bumper structure!
. under ice ; j length of boat
lTperaturel ILIA'S?1" lg tutesupper I
of -water 29 and ladder, used for light- I
' 11 for diver lower for r I
ijMWHwsMMBiiiaatiMHaBBj observation W
This Is the first detailed diagram of Sir Hubert Wilkins polar submarine, as described by Lieut. Com. 8loan
Ihuu'iilMiuiT, who will rebuild ml snll her. Wilkins li planning to explore the north polar areas next sum
mer, nnd believes Mint the above carrier will be so equipped to be protected from crashing into sub-surfuco
! blocks of ice.
Judge Knowles
Sustains Baker
In Lien Action
BAKER, Ore., July 19 (Special)
A dispute of many years standing
between the city of Baker and Mrs.
Stella Messlck, wife of Mayor J. B.
Messlck and owner of residence
property at Thirl and Court streets,
regarding unpaid sidewalk and pav
ing assessments, has been decided In
favor of tho city by Circuit Judge
J. W. Knowles, of La Orande. who
heard tho case here several weeks ago
and whose opinion has Just been ren
dered. The Hens aggregate approximately
$2000, Including interest. Both sides
will pay their own costs under the
Knowles decision, which however lb
subject to appeal to the supremo
Tho principal Issue was the quality
of the paving, which Judge Knowles
frankly conceded was "bum," but
ho cited various authorities to prove
that when the city accepts an Im
provement that act becomes binding
upon the abbuttlng property owners
unless fraud can' be shown. Ho said
that the defendant should have con
tested the quality of the work be
fore It was accepted by the city, but
when tho contractor was paid off the
property owners wore bound to pay
their assessments, as they came duo-
The city was represented In the
case oy u,ip. aaoun wou win u.uu.a
the rirrrce for Judiie Knowles to sign.
Under It the property will be sold
at auction unless the liens are pre
viously paid. J. B. MessiCK, or mis
city, and J. D. Slater, of La Grande,
represented' . jura, juicstuu& in n na
tion. Wealthy Clubman
- Shot by Officer
CHICAGO. July 10 WV-The prom
inent John H. Roomer, wealthy club
man and well known corporation law
yer, was ahot and probably fatally
wounded early today by a policeman
In tho busy uptown section of Bheri
dan Road, Broadway and Montrose
Roemer was holding tho point of
a pistol against the head of a young
woman when officer Edward Strand
berg ran up, deflecting the aim Just
as tho 60-year-old attorney pulled tho
trigger. Roomer than turned the gun
toward tho policeman, who opened
Doctors doubted If Roemer would
Auto Plunges Into
River; Man Drowns
PORTLAND, July ID W) Jack Les
lie. 46. drowned In tho Willamctto
river here last night when his closed
automobile plunged from a dock af
ter striking an obstruction. He was
a watchman for tho Union OH com
pany und the accident occurred, on
tho company dock.
Witnesses said the car was travel
ing too fast and got out of control.
It hit an oil valve and crashed
through the low railing, and fell in
to 40 feot of water.
Bookkeeper Guilty
Of Murder Charge
LOS ANGELES, July 19 (P) Will
iam Burkhart, 22-year-old bookkeeper,
today is under conviction of first de
gree murder for the slaying March 24
of his estranged wile Anne Mc
Knlght Burkhart. actress. A sentence
of hanging was recommended by the
trial Jury last night.
Burkhart was accused of slaying his
wife after efforts to effect a reconcil
iation had failed. Sentence will be
passed Monday.
mnkn 11. a st rusi;i
SAL KM. Ore.. July 17 tA'i The
management of the Oregon Linen
mills today onnounced that the plant
would be closed temporarily because
of lack of orders. It was believed op
erations would be resumed not later
than Augimt 7.
Wheat Today
CHtCAOO. July 19 IP) Corn be
came the leader as a grain price In
fluence today, advancing nearly 4c a
bushel aver yesterday's finish, and
helping to holwt the wheat market.
The weekly weather forecast Indi
cated no general breaking of the
drought In the corn belt, and pointed
to a continuance of excessively hot
weather menacing the corn crop. Se
vere damage already to corn was re
ported from various section!, and at
the maximum the corn market shows
a rise of more than 7c a bushel from
the lowest level of the present week.
Corn closed nervous 3i fn 3 a
bushel higher than yesterday's finish.
Wheat closed unsettled, 'iw li cents
up, oats & advanced and pro
visions unchanged to a rise of 5 cents.
Lamar Bandit Pack Down
to One Jake Fleagle,
Who is Unapprehended
CANON CITY, Colo., July 19 UP) .
Three hangings left the Lamar ban
dlt pack with only ono member allvo
Colorado last night exacted tho
death penalty In a double hanging ot
two confessed holdup-killers, George
J. Abshler and Howard L. Royston.
Only Jako Fieagio, unapprehended,
survives of tho four men that storm
ed into the First National bank at
Lamar, Colo., In May, 1928, and took
$210,000 and. loft four dead men iu
their wako. Ralph Fleagle, brothe.
of Jake and reputed leador of tht
pack, was executed in-ro a lortnignt
All Appeals Denied
Last minute appeals by. attorneys
for Royston and Abhsler for cxccutlvo
clemency were denlod by Governor W.
H. Adams. A stay o. execution to
sixty days also was denied. Officers
asking tho stay wero attempting to
loarn from the two condemned mon
detalU of other criminal activities in
which tho Fleagles wero thought to
have been Involved. .
Tho men embraced with the Oath,
olicr' faith and weid baptised by
Father Regis Barrett, prison chap
lain. They went to .their deaths
calmly and quietly.' . . . -" ' "
Prison officials asked tho men 11
there was any preference in tho o
der In which thoy died, "I'll go,
Abnhler said simply. The trap was
sprung' for him at 0:40 end he was
pronounced dead at 9:63. The trap
was sprung for Royston at 10:37 ana
he was pronounced dead at 10:62.
Before going to the oxecution
chamber, Abshler. was taken to Roys
ston's coll. Thoy said goodbye ana
shook hands.
Itovston Leaves Will
Royston mado a will leaving his
raw nossoHsiona to his wlfo who is in
i California with their baby daughter.
Royston's body will . be sent to
, Richmond, Cal., for burial. Ho haft
previously requested he bo burled li
j the prison cemetery to "save expense."
A war service organization w nivu
to supply funds to gtvo Abshler a
In tho Lamar holdup, A. N. Parrlsh,
president of the bank, and his son,
John, wore slain by the quartet. Two
tellers were kidnaped and later the
body of one, E. A. Ke3slnger, was
Royston had boen wounded In an
exchange of shots In tho bank before
Parrlsh and his son wero shot down,
and Dr. W. W. Wlnelnger of Dlghton,
(Continued on Pago flight)
AUTEUIL, Prnnoo, July 19
Amorlca's youthful tennis tonm today
gained the right to ohallongo the
French for the Davis cup, eliminating
Italy in the Intcrzono final by swoop
ing the first threo matches. '
The crack doublos combination, of
Wllmcr Allison, Austin, Texas, and
John Van Byn, East Orange, N. J..
scored tho deciding victory, defeating
Baron Humebtr De Morpurgo and
Oasllnl, 6-7, 6-2, 8-4, 1-6, 6-3. aflel
Allison and Ocorgo 1Jtt, of Chicago,
had chalked up slnglos victories.
Oregon Crater Co.
Is Enjoined Today
kkW YORK Julv 19 Wi Tho Ore
gon Crater corporation, owner of 120
acres of land on Bald mountain near
Baker. Ore., and the brokerage firm
of McAdow and company and three
Individuals were enjoined today
from further stock sales.
The state bureau of securities as
serted no effort had been made to
develop tho Bald mountain prop
erty although literature or tne cor
poration predicted it would be a phe
nomenal producer of gold, silver and
other metals.
Tho Individuals enjoined were
Raymond B. Kelzur, president of Ore
gon Crater; Charles E. McAdow. presi
dent of the brokerage firm and A
Montclth Richardson.
I'i;nm.eto man ihkm
PORTLAND, Ore., July 19 Mv-The
body of Wesley W. Harrah. 02. who
died here after a three-month Illness,
was sent to his home In Pendleton
last night. The funeral will probably
ne held Monday, friends here said.
Mr. Harrah, widely known In the
state as a prominent Umatilla county
grain grower, was a native of Mis
souri and came to Oregon when ha
was 21 years old. Ho was married 1:
Pendleton 35 years ago. Surviving
him is his widow. Rose, a son, Forrest,
and a daughter. Beryl.
Clifford Case
Hearing Nears
End In Portland
PORTLAND, July 19 m Possibil
ity that the game commission hear
ing of charges of inefficiency and
laxity brought against Harold Clif
ford, warden, and E. H. Clarke, chief
deputy, by several sportsmen s clubs,
might be concluded today, was In
dicated as the hearing re-opened this
morning. Warden Clifford continued
statements began yesterday tending
to discredit unsworn testimony of
witnesses for the complainants.
In speaking of the testimony of
J. Pago Bond, Portland, who said he
overheard Clifford and Clark talk
tug In Clark's house, and that large
sums of money wero mentioned, as
well as a "60-50 split." tho warden
Bald he had gono to Clark's house to
discuss with him a purely admin
istrative matter that of seining bnsa
from the Columbia slough.
Vigorous Denlul
While they were there, Clifford
testified Clark complained about tho
salary ho was making and mentioned
tho sum he considered necessary to
support his family. Clifford said he
recalled that 92000 was tho amount
mentioned. .
Clifford vigorously donlcd taking
os much as a dollar outside his Balary,
since . ho has been In office. "If
any one working for me ever said
anything in my presence about my
taking as fuuch as a doiiuV outside of
my salary I would write out-bts-resig
nation at once," tne warden declared.
In discussing tho administration of
his office since he has been -warden,
Clifford declared that under his di
rection "the game department has
pulled out of a- doflolt of approxi
mately 950,000 at tho tlmo he took
office, and now has $44,281.00 over
and above all outstanding claims, as
well os approximately 930,000 addi
tional due the depuartment from 050
license selling agents throughout the
slate. '
"I havo nevor Instructed any war-
(Contlnued on Piii;o Eight)
Capone Denies
That He Knows
Lingle's Killer
MIAMI, F,t July 19 yp) Alphonse
Capone by his own pronouncement
tho chieftain emeritus or Chicago's
gangland says ho Is willing to go
beiore any grand Jury to deny state
ments attributed to him that ho has
"nlonty" of Chicago newspapermen an
his payroll and that ho and Chicago
pollco know who killed Jako Llngle,
Chicago reporter.
Capone dictated a statement at his
Palm Island estate lust night re
garding a copyrighted story written
for tho St. Louis Star by Harry
Brundago, a reporter.
"If he Is trying to build his repu
tation on what he thinks I said, and
not tho truth, ho Is a deliberate liar,"
Capono asserted. "I will defy him
to say that the statements he has
mado are true. I will face his be
fore any grand Jury and deny them
to his faco.
"It is the truth when he said I
gave Lingvo a diamond beltbuckle.
Llngle was a dear friend of mine.
Tho buckle was a Christmas pres
ent." Capone said Brundldgo talked with
him for approximately ton minutes
20-Foot Python
.Terrorizes Town
ROCHESTER, N. Y., July 19 m
After a night behind doors
locked with more than the usual
caution, residents of tho lake sldo
community of Sea Breeze, seven
miles north of here, took up the
search today for the 200-pound,
20-foot Indian Python which
escaped yesterday from tho rep
tllo exhibit of Edward Hayes,
park concessionaire.
During tho night, more than
one hundrey men with search
lights, led by pollco and deputy
r.herlff, beat the brush and woods
In the vicinity of tho park and
nearby Irondequoit Day.
Baker Gets $10,000
Highway Building
BAKER. Ore. July 19 fPj Plans
for construction of a building to
house the highway department of
flco and shops here were announced
today by H. O. Bmlth of La Orande,
division engineer of the highway de
partment for this part of the state.
Tho bulldlni; will be of frame
construction. 28 by 150 feet and will
cost about MO.OOO. An aero of ground
Is being purchased near the east
entrance of tho city. Bids may be
called for within a few days. Smith
said. The plant here will be a dup
licate of the one In Pendleton.
rhree-Figure Readings
Common Throughout all
But Pacific Northwest.
Nation's Granaries Fac
ing D r ought Iowa
Worried About Corn
People Crowd Beaches.
While most of the United States
sizzles In a withering heat wave,
which Is taking many lives, the
Paclflo northwest remains In a
belt of moderate summer weather.
Clear during the day and comfor
table at night, the conditions here
are Ideal. Yesterday's maximum
In La Orande was' 73 above with
the mlnlmums ranging from 50 to
60 above.
CHICAGO, July 19 UP) A wither
ing heat fastened itself upon America
From Great lakes to gulf and from
ocean to ocean, the continent cooked.
Threo figure temperature readings
were common. Ninety degrees or Doc
tor were recorded la virtually every
On tho basis of official government
figures, the average maximum tme
perature for the United States yester
day was 90.5,
Out of 94 government weather bur
eaus reporting to the Chicago fore
caster, 64 had temperatures of 90 de
grees or better. Only nine of the
(Continued on Page Fivo) ;,
WASHINGTON. Julv 10 UP) Presl- .
dent Hoover has 'Instructed eablnet ,
officers to make a searching survey to
determine what economies can. bo
made In the government expenditure
without affecting the unemployment'
situation. : ; ' , "'
At the cabinet meetlBj Pjjday ;
president and the membera of hl
official family devoted attention to , ,
the financial situation of the gtvem-
ment as the result of appropriations
made by the last oongress.
The budget for , the present fiscal !.
yoar starting July 1 was estimated ait .v
4,103,284,467, an lncreaso of 208,
101970 over the expenditures for th
1030 fiscal year.'i ; "- "'..'
'- '-'! Cv
L. D.S. Official To
Be Here Tomorrow
Andrew .Tenarn, hlntorlan for the L,
O. B. church from Salt Lake Olty,
will bo In La Oranrlo tomorrow
whrro lie will give on ndtlross at the
tabernacle at 7:30 o'clock In the eve
ning to which tho publlo Is Invited.
He Is known as an able speaker.
Mr. Jensen leB compiling the htsL
tory of the Mormon church and la
getting tho history here dating from
1000, as part of the centennial story
of tho church for the past 100 years,
A number of years ago Mr. Jensen
was In La Grande; while here he will
bo the guest of Mrs. Ellen Stoddard.
Youth Confesses
Slaying Mother
HOLSTEIN, la., July 19 W A 14-year-old
boy confessed to County
Attorney George dark Jr., last night
that he knocked his mother uncon
scious with a brick, dragged her Into
tho kitchen of their farm home and
shot her to death.
Tho youth, Lester Mohr, said he
hod quarreled with his mother, Mrs.
Ous Mohr, 38, Thursday afternoon
over some work she wanted him to
do that he threw bricks at her while
Bhe was In the farm lot.
To Be Married In
High-Flying Ship
OAKLAND, Cel., July 19 W Nan
M. Halsortey, postmistress at Tejunga,
Cal., and R. D. Champam, postal em
ploye of Pondleton, Ore., both at
tending the postmasters' convention
here, will be married today in an air
liner 3000 feet above the earth by
Postmaster Nate W. Friend, of Oak
land, who is an ordlned minister.
The couple plan an aerial Journey. .
BROOKLYN, July 19 W The Chi
cago Cubs gained a virtual tie with
tho Robins for the National league
lead today, by winning the final gamo
of their "crucial" series, 6 to 4.
R. H. E.
Chicago 6 ? ?
Osborn, Teachout, Root and Hart
nctt; Vance, Phelps, Thurston and
Deberry, Lopea. R. H. E.
Pittsburgh - 9 10 0
Boston 11 a
Brame and Hemsley: Bmlth, Sher
del nnd Bpohrer, Oowdy.
First game: R. H. E.
Cincinnati 10 15 0
Philadelphia 3 10 3
Benton and Gooch; Hansen, Elliott,
Collins and Rensa.
First game: Tt. H. E.
St. Louis .' 4 8 1
New York 17 1
Haines and Wilson; Walker Pruett
and O Farrell.
First game: R. H. E.
Washington 3 7 0
Cleveland 5 8 3
Fischer. Hartley and Spencer; Fer
roll and Sprtnz.
if!" St.