Page Six NEW TODAY LOST Wrist watch between post of fice and BoHnenkamp's. Engruveci with Initials C. A. B. Roturn to Observer. 7-1B-H SALE Two houses nnd lots at Prry Reasonably priced. Phone William Brown at Kamela. 7-18-3 ip EXPERIENCED GIRL work. Call 353 -M. wants housc-7-18-2 tp. DONT POROET the dance at Elfin open air pavilion every Sat. night. Lindsey's orchestra. 7-18-21 USED CARS With a now car guar antee. Silver Winged Chrysler 1030 70 sedan. J927 70 coupe, 1027 00 coach. Chrysler garage. 7-14-1 t. FOR SALE Used cars '20 Ford "A" sport coupe. New tires, complets motor overhaul, cxcollent up holstery, fine appearance, rumble - seat with an OK that counts, $49Ii. 29 FORD A COUPE New tires on , rear, ' compieic moior overnnui, ouuy In beautiful brown buff, clean in side, low mileage. An OK car for only 406. 29 FORD A TUDOR A real bargain, striking appearance, good rubber, thousunds of miles of low cosi transportation. Of course It's OK. M25. '28 CHEVROLET TRUCK Tires are 75, flat rack body with stake sides, motor completely recondit ioned. Has an OK that counts, e446. LARISON CHEVROLET CO. , Used Car Lot 407 First St. - - 7-18-1 t. FOR SALE La Orande Midget golf course. Best business proposition in Oregon. Priced for quick sale. Spruce and Adams sts. - 7-18-tf. ANOTHER SHIPMENT stamped pep perol cases for Saturday tradc.'40c pair. O. J. Brolcr Co. super snlo. . 7-lB-lt. ALL SILK DRESSES on Wo. HlKllost price Is 7.85. Take your pick. i.. J. Dreler Co. super Bale. 7-10-lt. FOR SALE FOR SALE Lambert and blng cher ries, 3c lb. Call 443 -J. Mrs. Dyal. 7-17-2 tp FOR SALE 1 set of Hid wig grounds, 72.60, now 905. B. O. Music Co. 7-17-2 tp , 7-17-3 tp. FOR SALE Old newspapers. 6a per bundle at Obsorvor ofrico.- 7-17-3 tp FOR SALE 3 tiny toy Torrior pup?, mother and father weighs 0 lbs. apiece. Price $10.00. Mrs. Wm. Wig gans, Lostlno, Ore. ' 7-17-2 t. POR SALE Cheap. 1 l'rlgadalro 4 Hole onblnet. holds 40 Kal. of ice cream. .In good condition. Will sacrifice for casli. mis. win. wig- gans, Lostlue, Oro. 7-17-2 t. STOPI LOOKI A 5 room Homo two blocks from Normal school at your own price. Call 211-R. 7-10-3 tp FOR SALE 1 4-uurncr Cheap. At Melvllle'b. oil stovo. 7-15-lf. FOR SALE Hoiiioh : 2 now modern bungalows. Attractive properties, with pxirchaso prlco and terms right. Call Lowell Williamson. 1315 Adams live, Main 000. ,7-14-0t. FOR SALE Good canning chcrrloB. -Delivered. Bo a pound. Call 4UH-J, 7-0-12 tp POH SAIjM UUHliHWH nnd part furniture, of OHtcrmoor liotol, 2 4 rooms. Jlra. V. M. Mnrtln. I'll.' 400 Hakei". Oro. 0-111-1 mp FOR RENT MOD.. COOL AP1'3 -- Very special rate's. Sommor hotel. 710-tf. FOR RENT 6-rm. mod, partly fum. house. Ph. 213-R. 7-12-tt FOR RENT 2 fum. apt. Adults only. 1002 Wash. Ph. 030-W. 7-U-U. FOR RENT Urns, over SHvorthorn Wright Drug store. 7-10-tl FOR RENT Mod. garago. Ph, 245-J. 7-3-tf. I'OH KENT Fum, houscH nnd npls., wltli halhs. rlcnn, irih-t. PEACOCK COAL Kor (his time of year you want n quick, hot fire. PEACOCK COAL has loss ashes ami' no spol. VANPETTEN LUMBER CO. 1MIOM3 MAIN 732. "OOOD SKUVICE QI'K'K" ktnainor HUDSON BROUGHAM New Paint - New Tires Motor Completely Reconditioned $500.00 PERKINS MOTOR CO. ASSIFIED AD The Market Place of Union and Wallowa Counties "' ' ! Want Ad Rates Observer (Count five averaKO words to the line.) Per line, 1st Insertion 10c Per line, etch addod comee- ? utlve Innortlon 7o Minimum charge on one order -r, , ,, - ?5ff RATES BY MONTH 2 lines, per month ?.5Q j lines, per momn 4 llna, per month 6 lines. DtT month Each additional line ovr five charged at COo por line per month, CASH IN ADVANCE Is re quired on all Classified orders to eurn thesu rates. HlKher ratei charged on all credit insertions. Copy for all Classified ordera must be In this offlco by 10 A. M. DAV OB INSERTION. 8u:p orders, on ad inserted until fur ther notlco must bo rooolvhd by the sumo hojr or extra Insertion will bo charged. ' telephone ordera solicited. Cash ratus may bo earned on phone orders by payment on or before uatu of last Insertion. P.UONE MAIN 37 "An Observer Want Ad . Will Do It" i low rates, wood."- ' 1810 Gieon-5-10-1 m. WANTED WANTED Roomer :n private home, breakfast It preferred. Ph. 431 II or 1708 First. 7-17-3 t. BOY 10 WANTS WORK of any kind. Call 405-W. . 7-10-3 tp MISCELLANEOUS WEEKEND SPECIALS -25c. Sheet music 16c. Co. '' - All record a E. O. Music 7-17-2 tp OLD TIME DANCE Sat. Eagles hall. night at 7-17-3t. NOW IS THE CHANCE to buy clean brick for less than half tho price while they lost at Island City school house. 7-14-tr. WRITS 'YOUR INSURANCE In the . Oregon - .'Mutual Fire ' Insurnnco company for less. Ln Grande In surance Agency, ngents. H. P. Bax ter Mgr. I'll. Main 80. 7-11-tf. I I BOMMEU HOTEL Plrnt class apart- monts,' auiumar rules, also nouso. Closoiln. 7-7-1 in. AUCTIONEER Call Jay Broshcnrs. Pli. Funnors 0x1, Routt I, Allccl. ' I-..., ' ' - - 0-30-1 m. p. i ItllAUi: CUT mirnso lunilii'r, 10x10 with dooi-H, shlnrfleH nhd'trlms, $4L'.r.0. M. UOU, l'eto Dousrillet. 0-24-1 nip UASTKUN OHKOON Bcllool of Aiinilc, violin, piano, voice. Cred its. 'I, O. O; tbmple, 447-J. 0-0-1 m. UA GRANDE M ATTItlCHS A Up bolaterlnK ' ft Ku ; Cleaning Works. Phono 424-W. Chaa. Kd wards, l'rop: ' . 12-1-lm MONKS TO LOAN We aro ropre senttillven tor the Prudential In surance Co.. and onn mnlce farm or Pity loans at attractive rates Professional Directory Thlfi dlrcrtory Is cHpci'lally handy for tho newcomer or for (ho oiit-of-lonu rentier who may unnt tlto nnmo nnu addrrsfl of Boino itrofwft'.mml 'mail. It 1ms boon carefully prepared nnd will pmvo to bo n ready nltl to any reader in obialnhiff prompt pro resstnial porvlfMS CLASSIKIKD FOll QUICK RISFKRENCI2 Physiciiins & Surgeons A. U RICIJAUDHOX, M. 1. Plvj'alclan and Bui-Koon Offlco over Qlnas tlr'uKB Office Phonu, M-1G Kcs. M-66 i.i.i: ii. iuh vv, m. i. LEWA WILKICK, M, 1). Practice limited to dlaonnos of the Eye, Knr, Nose and Throat. Now Foloy Telephone Building Main 1A Astrologer Mits. rni:ir.iiiCK uai-mi-s , 801 N. AVK. Readings Bally. neadliiKd by Mail a Specialty U. S. L. Uattcrics Your c.ltl hiiltrry nml ?U.8I Iilica n new ono In yoitr ciir. Burgess Ratteiy and Electric 3 hlrn kf ont or U. I. Ili'lml. of IntareBt. Chu. L Reynolds, insurance, loans end bonds. " KOOi-'lNG WORK. Repair work or any kind of. a new roof. Call Chan. Htltfebrapd, biOW. J-6-Jmp idUNEX tu luar ou improved city property, straight loan pr insiaiiment plan. Lweat rates. United States Investment Co. hohe Main Si. 1-16-lm i.v Tin: coijxtv court ov the hTATK OF ORK;OX FOR VSUSS ('OV.VJ'Y. In the gaiter or the Estate, of ANN 1 15 HONAN, dccinscd. ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE JH IIKHKUY GIVEN that b 1j, Muyors, Mary T. Foley nun j. s. mihsuu, oxt'ciuurH oi mo I Kutr.l.. nf tlin Am,U llnnfm doci.'UKed. havo fld in th nhovo entitled court their final account of tho administration of 'Bald es- tato. and until court has fixed Mon- day, thfl 4th dny of August, J930 at. 10 o'clock In the forenoon of Hiild day la tho County Court Koom nt tho County Court Houne in La Grande, Union County, State of Oregon, as tho time, and pluco for hearing1, objections and exceptions, If any thero be, to said Kinal Re port, nnd all persons Interested In Haid estate uro hereby notified to appear at said time and place and to make any objections or except ions they may havo to the approval of ald report and tho discharge of said executors, A NO IT JH FURTHER OR DKHED by Bulrl Cnurr that This notlco shall be published. In Tho La Gran do Kvonlng: Observer a dally nowiipapor pibllHhcd at i,a Grande in Union County, Stnto c Orngon for four oonanciitlvo nnd bucccsbIvo wocUh, thero being' flvo publica tions, tho firnt publication hereof being nmdu on tho 19th day of Juno, 1930. Haid order Is dated tho 18th day of June, l!30. F. L. MEYKltH. JJARY T. FOLEY, J. A. JtUSSKLL, Executors of tho Estate of Annie Honan, dc nonand. It. 10, outoru. DIXON, Attorney for Exc- Juno 13. 20. July 3-10-1S. PARK PERSONALS Ity lllva V. Vanorder (OhHorver Corrcnpondcnt) THE PAIIK, Ore. (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Wllverton nnd daughter. Lcona May, returned to Echo Satur day ntLer several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Pnincls Ott and son, Don ald. Mrs. Ott Is the daughter of Mr. and Mih. Wllvorton. Miss Kva Dean Conley. accompan ied by her brother, Philip, motored Sundny evening. ljm; B. Larson was a weekend Kiiest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Van- i order and family. Mr. Larson is now located at Pleasant Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ott and son. Donald, motored to Elgin Sunday to : spend the day with Mr. Ott's people,' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bates and noil, Richard, accompanied by Miss Iiorco Hatcher, motored to Union , Monday. i Mi, and Mm. Erwln Pence and baby havo moved to tho camp from Wallowa. I Euroiio Bonhnm Is building ' Mr. : , Frank Mlunaur;h's hoiiHe. It Is bo- ; Iiik built north of tho camp. ! Mr. Dcshler and Miss Gay Lay mo- I : toVed to Medical Springs Sunday i j evomiiK. Mr. unt I Mrs. ft. A. Runn wnrr- ' buslnesH visitors In Union Monday, j I Laurel 'Lay, Dcshler Lny and ' Hubert Clarkntoh, Edward Wolfe and I Fllsworth Mann were guests nt the l Clarence . .Vanorder home Friday j uinht. j Mlsr. Helen Harson spent Monday vIsltlpR Miss Eva Dean Conley. , Horry Barber helped Kenneth Van order hay Monday and Tuesday. SCORCHY SMITH Trad0 Maruk ? KZlTnr,ZPl,e For f' I i t" It. Ut'l I '' i IT iZi Xi- --7 WELL.VOU OLD ROCKET, IT WILL TftKt A VEEVO I l' ItW 1 V 'rZZ -( T GETYOUOUTOP-TUIS JVCKPOT , SO TH6 I "l'l J j, ' z- ,f BEST TlJINQ POR USTO DO IS TO HAVE. VOU i fy'iV'1,f, Si' Jr ( J iiS?" - j WAIT H66,VHlLe T. HIKE. TO TMe MING I i -fiil'ill ,v B '''' wssfii- so jaks. and Berry vwjn't tmink i havs ':mmK mm I Tit a trado Mark Keglatrntion Applied For j UijUlVlA U. S. 1'iUonl Office W K E Y- -fXf S, EUT IT'S I I IfFALL INTO .X'WSLL. - I HAD LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. Clarence Vanorder Is alowly re covering from his Illness. Lewis Oraham and Ivan Harson wcro Mondav trues Ls of Mr. and Mrs. I Ed Conley and family. Bud Jacobson was a Sunday guest , of Mr. 'and Mrs. Clarence Vanorder I and lamily. Geo. mcDow motored to Union Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hodson Red ell mo tored to La Orande on business Tuesday. Mrs. Grover Hatcher and daugh ters', Loree, Ilene and MaXine, accom panied by Mrs. Francis Ott and in fant son motored to the Cove Thurs day. Oyer Night News (My The AKKortnfed Press) Domestic New York Newspapers report tentative agreement retaining pres ent wage scale reached by anthracite mines and operators. - Jackson. Miss. Sheriff says he ex pects to arrest Mrs. Belle Dimness wanted in La Porte, Ind., for slaying more than IS men on "matrlmoniut farm 20 years ago. Washington Labor rimnrtmMit ngurcs snow steaay decline in wnoie- Kfi In nrtfM tnf -natit xrnnr- i Foreign I " London British government ho!d9 "T' , Pi,p .77 "n nnHWould con"ict witn lcnguc o: nations. Snorts New York Al Singer wins light- weight championship by knocking out Sammy Mandell In first round. WALLOWA AID HAS OUTING AT SLED SPRINGS By Fdna Hen f row Hunter (Observer Correspondent) WALLOWA, Ore. (Special) Mrs. Lewis Cnrpenter entertained the Presbyterian Ladies Aid In an all-day meeting at the Sled Springs ranger station, 40 miles from Wallowa, Wed nesday. A party of 29 motored out oarly in tho morning and enjoyed tho day in the woods. A chicken dinner waa served at noon, followed by the business meeting and a song service. This has been an annual event for the past alx years nnd the trip to Sled springs Is looked forward to every summer. Mrs. Weston P. Shields joined the party In Enterprise and wns a visiting member. Mrs. Margaret McDonald was in town- Wednesday from Wallowa Lake transacting business. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cox and son, Re Id. left Wednesday for Portland to be away several days on business and pleasure. Mrs. Pred Kiddle, of Island City, and Mrs,. J. P. Morelock, of Lh Orande, motored to Wallowa Thurs day to spend the day with Mrs. Henry Spence. Mrs. Pat Ballard, of La Orande, was In Wallowa Thursday on her way to Powwatka to vl3it her mother, Mrs. Ben McOlnnis. Mrs. Weston P. Shields came down from Enterprise Wednesday evening to spend a few days with Mrs. Susie Davis;. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mumford and wmniwa 1 m 1 1 ABSOLUTE serenity charac- torizes our service. Every- ted to escape our Attention. I wo unaersiana op Snodcrrass 1 mi im i1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarencu Mum ford ars camping at Wallowa lake this week and attending the Epworth League convention in Its annual session. There Is a good attendance this year, according to the report of Mr. Mum ford. Thurston Shell drove to Walla Walla to spend several daa on bust ncsa. - ' . y " ' Armida and Ron Terry In' ' ' ' . ' "Border Romance" A story of love and adventure south of the Rio Grande is told In "Border Romance," the Tiffany all talking outdoor drama with music, beginning its 2 day engagement' at tho State Theatre today. Don Terry and Armida are the hero and heroine of the story, an original by John Francis Nattelord. Vic Potcl and Marforle Kane suddIv the comodv i and other Important roles are played by Wesley Barry, Harry von Meter, Nita Marian nnd J. Frank Olendon. Border Romance" is the etory of a young horse trader's adventure In hearts. He has his herd of horses Htolcn and It Is while in pursuit of tho leader of the canur that he runs mm a neauinui Mexican gin ana fit on a linr hnnrf fvnntiinllv Ho mairna her, like his being a thief and ho re thieves, but he has anexcltinir timo tiding so, because on his own head 1 thoro is a price, for he has killed a I man. Fortunately, for' the course', of true love, it turns out that his crlms Js not as bad as it would neem and all ends the way all ro- mances should end, Armida and Don Terry display their vocal powers in "Border Ro mance" with the singing of a song. "Vo. Te Adoro," by Will Jason and Val Burton. The Ru rales, the coun try police of Mexico, also havo a sonr;. COMING TO LA GRANDE Dr. Mellenthin Special Attention to Internal Medicine DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at Foley Hotel on Wednesday July 23 From 10 n. in., to 4 p. in, ONE DAY, ONLY No Charge For Consultation )r. Mclli'iillilii's visits arc crentlv uilri'('liitel nnd imtronlzrd, especially i.v (iioku who ure sintering or nlllng from Irmihlcs of the luternnl orgnlis, In the ehest or. abdomen; ulso hcail , .ear-Mose ami tliront. The Doctor ne edpTs only those who ran lie treated ineillrlnallv wl(h the aid of correct met and liviricue for which n nominal charge is miidc. - Women If married please bring their iiiiMjuims. Whatever your complaint inny he It will be of interest to consult the Doc tor' on this (rip. Below are the unities of a few of his many satisfied patients: Mrs. I In rr let Anstadt, Astoria. Alfred Clcnunens, Cor vu 11 Is, f C litis. Dfsch, Portland. ' i. Cirulibe, Allmny. Mrs. ,1. (1. Iliintsucker, Toledo. W. K. Hanklns, Mt. Hebron, Calif. Denver Khuiild, Ashland. Bert I.nmpu, St. Helens. L, II. Martin, Moro V. O. Pollard, Yreka, Cnllf. K. r. Smith, lleppuer. Mrs, Win. Hrhtienlng, Helix, Oey, North Powder. T. L. Shown, Cloldeudale. Fnuna Turner, Mlkkulo. ' Henry Trowbridge, John Duy. J. II. Wood, Eugene. V. p. Hnrrls, At limn. Mrs. It. Dunks, Klamath Falls. Mrs. Walter Scott. Mt. Angel. Henry Srliultz, l'cndtclon. Mrs, . X. Klmbnlt, Crahtrec. Mrs; Frank Simpson, Hood Itlver. Lee Muchcr, La Orande. Note above the exact date nnd place! Permanent address: So. Serrano, l.os Angeles. THE SEA Modern High-Speed Tennis Forces Ranking Players to Light Racquet By Ted Vosliurgh (Associated Press Sport Writer) Light rackets are the rule In this modem era of high-speed, hard - hit - ting tennis. Only four of the first 20 ranking players in the United RtntM lien n t-nrniint. urntoMnif 1.1 ounces of more. The heaviest war-clubs are swung by Francis T,. Hunter, New Ro chelle, N. Y., veteran, who ranks Ne. 2, and Herbert L. Bowman. New York, No. 17. Both use a 14 Vi ounce "bat." ' Richard N. Williams, 2nd. national singles champion 16 years ago and atill good enough to rank eleventh fn the country, is nest In line with a 14 -ounce racquet. Fritz Mercur, . snui3 a wcopuii buui weiyiu Just 14 ounces. ( John Doeg, No. a. the most power- i fulJy DulIt of all the ranking tennis I players, wields the lightest racciuet. it is a iJ'a -ounce ciuo that Doeg smashes his terrific services Into court. The late Dr. George Kin. No. 18, favored a 13 -ounce bat as he Played his shots with a pronounced .-ih1 ' 1H KenefJ In general it appears that the nlav- ers wno lflP most stress on a driving game use the heaviest racquets while tno volleyers, smashers and cannon- i DaU servers go in for a lighter I weapon as best adapted for fast swinging, wuiiams, a nn.e voileyer, Is an exception to this rule. j Doeg's racquet is quite a bit lighter than that of Mrs. Helen Wills Moody "j Malt Extract ; AM E B I C AS B ICG EST SELLER Have Tear out this advt. and send with your name and address, at once. Let us tell you how R. M. B. Prescription checks ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS quickly and easily. R. M. B. LABORATORIES, INC. J028 Alaska Bids., Seattle, Wash. V My name Is . My address Is City and State PALS PART FiiO LONG, PAL.1 TAKE. CARE. , Mill Sj ( oV V0URSELF ! - I LL BE BACK J ,, ' ' V. SOON TO PLV. VOU OUT I l m'L MVilf OP MATRIMONY VO TELL ME CHARMING TtXJNG LADY;- I N ABOUT IT ) TWtT MOON WAS LIK? THIS, ANO SUE l , who swings a club which Is exactly I tho same weight as that of Bill Til- ' den 1314 ounces. This seems to be j the most popular weight among the j men, but six of the first ten ranking women players use racquets- of en ! i o ri.i Burfchartlt of San Francisco, No. 8, n o-ioou,- iiu-pouna sup- oi a gin,, uses a "fly-swatter" of 12 ounces, tno lightest oi all. , Helps 5000 Negro Schools CHICAGO (-P) The 5000th school for negroes In the south to be found ed with aid from Julius Rosenwald, Chicago philanthropist, has been completed near Hampton, Va. Tho first was built 17 vears aco near : j. USKegeC, Ala ' ' . '. , , j VOICE GOES AKOt ND ( H'OKLI) IN INSTANT SCHENECTADY, N. Y." (AP) A voice has traveled around tho world In an eighth of a second. Tho transmission was put 6n a record to mark the unusual broad cast. Tho voice was that of C. D. Wag oner of the General Electric staff. It left Schenectady via W2XAD on 19.58 meters, was relayed by PHI, Huhien, Holland, on 16.88 meters, re transmitted by PLW, Bandoeng, Java, on 30.5 meters and returned to Schenectady by 2ME, Sydney, Aus tralia, on 28.5 meters. , 1 Wagoner sort of talked to himself, You the sxis? rQ0SH )-THIS POSSIBLY BE IP IT IS 1AA BADLY MixET-UP NOW, WHAT JAKE, THE WOLP HUNTER, TOLP TO UO IN LIK6. THIS V mm.. Friday, July 18,1930 for his voice came back as an echo, an eighth of second after the words left his mouth. ". The distance was 22.900 miles., Compensator Aids Tone new YORK The tone com- pcusator system developed by . g. Aceves. New York engineei will be of value In both transmission and reception of radio slgnals.tests-have shown. The compensator, rights for i ..... kun ilnpd tO LOUIS j q. pacent, permits the accurate tone G. Pacent, permits me -accural adjustment of radio apparatus. Ear Fends Noise Interference NEW YORK JP Radio engineers have found that the ear will stand for a considerable amount of noise interference.' both' natural and me chanical, with only a moderate loss oi' musical or tonal values. 1 - Pay Por Hadlo Entertainment A BUDAPEST WV-More than 280,000 persons pay on an. average of 45 cents a month to receive radio pro- grams In this city. - Crotalaria, a new legume, grows well in southern states. - - Just Arrived! NEW SHIPMENT ' of -: DRESSES Shantungs PRINTED. AND PLAIN COLORS Special $10.00 Also New WASH : V SILKS In White and all wanted shades S6.G0 . t mmm A New Lot of . - ..- . . . . Felt and Stitched Silk , ' hats ' IIH:ilWI!illl!ll ' : THE . LITTLE SHOP By John 0. Terry COMPASS CANY CORRECT '. - WAS IT OLD A SITUATION l. 7 ,,y. By Julian Ollendorff 1 r 77 j A