.11" i.'Ji- v. I : ! i I W O K CO. Bradley Bathing . Suits for Women I Have you got yours? If not, come in soon while the color, size and style range ii complete. HILL'S Portland Wins ; Second Game Of LastJalf Play (By The Associated Pre) That the Missions have consider able strength a a aecond half-coast league season contender Is evident following their first two games with Seattle. Easily winners Tuesday, the Reds crashed through. 10 to 0, yes terday, as Herman PUlette threw a five -hit game. Portland Is in the win column to day, and was the only team to re verse Tuesday's decisions yesterday, by virtue of having downed Holly wood, 0 to 4. With ortmn in tho the umpires for viirloiia - . Ban rrancisco appears to tnrive on night ball, having , a 4 to 3 win to show for Its second experience at Sacramento last night. Elmer Jatobs allowed only fire hits, and Keating Was unsteady In the box (or the Sacs. Angels Lose Two Los Angeles, first period champion. Is a straight loser so far. having lost Citilllos wore pounding ouy, 10 to I torobardl's homer In the second pro.' 1 ,' 'doclnit the only score as Craghea sreono airmen leuui-. iii.l.n nch held hu onDonents to five bits, and both teams vera errorless. - At Los Angeles: R. H. B. Portland 8 13 0 Hollywood 1 S Ortmen and Palm; Tde. Hollerson the Chicago Cubs with a double ni'uder. The I!ot)lns remained. In l.rat place by a tnreo-game margin and lei t the Cubs too fur behind to mertuke them even by winning all Uie remaining games of the series. Pat Malone pitched a flve-hlt game and the Cubs won It 8 to 4. but Wll bert Kobtnson countered with old Adolto Luque In the second contest and the Robins backed him up with sumo heavy hitting to win S to 3. Del Blssonctte knocked himself out j sliding into the plate in the first j game. 1 Tuss Pop Hollies i The tons tho-JKiit tiubby Hartnett v.iui the cause of the damage and i u.i ll tusamg pop bottles. Luque i unu lus rival. Charley lioot, nearly hriurrw cmixnlrd over a "dusting off" Iru'di'ii'. and .vu ciMcliea and Miyj I hk:i- .V.-t':,:ihv of the Cubs were i uuiKd by NviMur tl:c Giants nor. tho Cards lopfctct l.'zo sor.ous opiwiicnts yester dav. Iliey both were victims of hit ling sprees by low ranking clubs. The tilonls lost an 8-1 decision and uiu srrles to the Cincinnati Reds as Kru Lucas gave a lew less hits than !,!., n: .le nwcle. Phil Collins kept under control while ; the ( m n - w mm FUKNITUKK . Xr;.,,,.:. 4 TWO DA Y FEATURED EVENT OF OUR JULY Friday & Saturday C ARK'S tv arua - ' , t .VI Jal II : ' - - -- - i;..t . MHly ' 4 ffiWal Friday & Saturday and PUtaburBh, divided a double .id' i. Tne Uraves won me iirst m'.tot. 4 to 3. with a ninth Inning hy behind Tom Zm-hary's five hit .:a. but went down, 8 to 5, in o m-.:u1 nlthough they made 13 i iv. -. i viuding Wally Bergcr's 35th CUBS AND ROBINS ! SPLIT TWO GAMES With National. Leaders: Playing Erch Other, A's 1 Add to Junior Lead. l;io Philadelphia Athletics added a i;;,f t i:m la their lead over Wash lilmi. ry slamming out a 14 to 7 ..urv over Chicago as each team W.t-lMi. n divided a pair of heavy ;; ' " m 1 V .. ZV-t i Missions Kf i:-t a-ortest 10 to 4 as Al ' !'nA.ic 'A-1!, hii sixth game In eight' and Severe id. At Oakland: -Los Angeles w , Oakland '. Delaney and Warren: Lombards ' ' At San Francisco: I SentUa . .Jt Kalllo. Hansen and 1'lllrtte and Hofmann. At Sacramento: R. K. E. L- 0 5 0 15 0 Craghead and ' R. H. E. 0 5 1 10 15 1 Borreanl; H. White Enamelware $1.25 "-L oj.fl Aft Quart Kettle a for .ini-obs and Gaston; , wins. R. H. E. a o 6 t Keating and Itf Hush 1 iiilerloii. Jr. (Associated Irs Snorts Writer) The National league's latest crucial battle is n stnUolf with perhajM) a pllylu tinge oi m?r:u victory for Ute Brooklyn Robins. They got an ewn br.tilt as they opened & series with :l cli'fCnnd won by a 13 to 8 count, all the. Senator runs coming In .iie lunt malng. I V W,-Hs.-rot the New ork Tan-, m tj .v . W. .-4. rrt Walter Slewnrt. rival south- , r luXll TliAIN- ' :v frrm St .ju(s. put on the lead-j i, t-T TJITTT TIT VP I,..- nucnlnit .fc.rl or the tiny and the OK BUlLPliNU. Vflnkecs galrfrd a 3 to 1 victory on j p;-r il home runs, one by Harry j ;i.e luc uv;ier u .ix-iihh. , . l!r.5 i:i got live hits and the j " . ,'ien. lew more oiows ii i;;? tit Itroit where the Tlg t.r. iiif H.TSl.in Hfd Sox. 3 to a. .f? lie.tilf w..is close all the way Trrl Whltelilll getllug tne de- M H H II II II If GAS STATtCfN M U $1.25 $1.25 S1.25 $1.25 $1.25 8 quart Sauce Pan 2 for ; Double Bot'es B for Percolator; il i " a fdr Oval Dish Pan a for . Round Dish Pan a for $1.26 $1.26 $1.26 $1.26 81.26 $1.26 $1.26 Aluminum ; clslon. STATE LAST DAY Wi Inter Allison To , Play (U)e Stefani J'AF'I-? ulv 17 lw Wllmer A1H :n. Ttx-;s boy who beat the world's champlun Henri Cochcc at Wimble .'n. wtM pU Oeorglo de SteXant of tMo TtftMnn Pnvls cup team In the t-j'cnirs 8tnf!!- match of the inter ?:t (lr.at Rnland-Oarrca stadium U'imhiri'v nftemoon. tia-orv't T'Ott. also of the American mert- Hmnberto de Wor ptTrvrn. captain of the Italian team. place at noon today at the he&d- reason that business Is not a desir able one for that location. We earn estly solicit the denial of a permit for tho erection. of a service station any pUce within the lira Us mentioned a bo tp." Andrea- Loney Jr.. director of the La Grande municipal band, was pres ent and reported briefly on the band's participation In the Northwest ama teur contest In Portland last Satur day. Other routine business matters were considered before adjournment. Sport Slants $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 ,65c 60c Percolator a for ; Roasting Pan -a for i fj Sauce Partt a for .. Double Boiler : a for Tea Kettle' a tor :- Water Pall 3 for Round Dish Pan a for Sauce Pan a for By Aran J. Gould (Associated Proa Sports Editor) 1 Ttte ftstle racket -not' anly baa fallen upon evil days, largely because It IS rackety but there has not been $1.26 81.26 $1.26 S1.26 $1.26 $1.26 $1.26 66c 61c 51c 36c quarters " nB uuo or, witain-memory when champlor4 ranee. Neither Americans nor Ital-: 8hlp tignta champions vr - selves meant so little to the pubin irani oin witi cnowe mem lampr inr rw tot: Radox Brings Foot Comfort To America selves meant so little to the pub lid least has proved of championship caliber on the f occasions when he has chosen to risk the title that vras .once one of the most often in the thick of com pell Hon, - Uldgek Tolgast to a scrappy Im pounder, probably the beat of the fly-weights, but he Isnt recognlEed aa,anythtnc but. a willing walloper outside of PennsylTaina and Kew ssa York. tn. some preclnc. lnclUftiflsM. w ifrvny PtviJtKtiOii TOMORROW Nothins Like It Ever Sold Ihr DruUltiS4S Before 1 Onada and mwe; ,tiey still tnlni . Jl'i " the aged Prankle Oenaro Is chirn" j 7 . . . -ip1?- . . . :i!r Corns - Callouses - Burning Feet , Sauce Pan . " - I . a for iii-'--: B OUC a for mm Of - Sauce Pan 5 $aCa,or m g .lOcor8!.!!!" 11c b iQcag;--, - lie S 10c lie S ZtonTE 21c 20cirr 21c mm V v " ' ' ". " With A Big Star Cast Now you can buy Radox tn Ameri ca at any up to date drug store. Bed Cress Drug Store Is selling dozens of packages a day. Three or 4 baths according to di rections ar.i your corns and callouses uro vour tired, burning, aching iiv arv changed to strong vigorous rv ar.d bear this in mind If Kadox dcesnt do as advertised money back. Getting a ecru out needs only a fe Radox too; baths. ln the last few years mtlUwvs of packets of Radox have been soi4 to corn sufterer Here ts a typieai letter: "My wife had a wry bad com Tor sevrral years on the ball of the foot, and four smaller ones ca the ttw, also hard skin which was very pain ful. Afser a few soaking in a Ra dox footbath the hard siin beui to jwl olf. and the coriis came ntht cut after a wrek. It Is a pleasure for her to walk now. s. 1st Norembvr, 1M?. Kad'-x contains to.:r different Salts. One bantsh5 odor, one ts antiseptic, one softens the water, and one re leases cvifen whuh carries the soit ening sl.s rlcht to the roots of cocas which :e thus loowned so that they can be lifted cut bodily. Only Rsdcx contains this fourfold ccrv.'.r.Ation. AdT. The bantams are as poorly lUettrU I or a rexu patc-scntr, tuuugu wv- ama Al Brown is recognised as chain ptou in some parts.- , - For purposes ot record only. Chris topher iBatl Battatlno ts the feather weight champion, having taken over the business formerly conducted at a loss by Andre Routis of Prance. Outside of Connecticut, his home -taic .there appears little enthusiasm and no knowledge of Bat- Ebony KM Chocolate probably would left- And the Battler duay U given an opportunity. ; '.t? weiterwelght champion Is Young Jack Thompson ot Oakland. i.wru and a persistent puncher, S'j was beaten by Jimmy UcUrnm t-r.are he won the title from Jackie s.ds and has been beaten since tnen (for the third time) by Young . or twit 111. who Is considered the champion to all intents and purposes &y the folk one may meet on ar rival, by ferry from OaXland. at San Francisco. Cake Turner a for mm n u a 20C ? 20ct 20c 25c 65c aE m Nutmeg Grater 3C a iot 75c S421c sic Scythe Stone : for. Esg Beater for C Butcher Knife a for Look Over Our Want Ads for Bargains Moving up another notch, there Is chunk; ti(ure of afickey Walker, scrnexhat battered but atlU smiling. Mickey has not defended bis tnladle .:ht utle In so long that quite a lot of the bors. Including the Ss tlonal Boxing association, no longer consider btm champion. . 1 It may take a rtslt around the r nixht-club belt of Broadway to lo ; cat. toe new Ught-beaTyirelght king snd fVsttc croa pruie. of Jesters. Muq Rosenbloom. Uaxey left the cy life of the B: Tovn ton; enough ior a train nde to Buffalo, vhere he beat the local tango irlBI, JUamy Slatter'. e hare the beaTy-weieM wreath or wild raspber- FlnaUT laurel, ot 85c aE,Sm. 50c 35c rr O Ted ax Mop a for 21c 26c 66c 6c -76c 86c 51C 36c Miscellaneous 81.25 35c A C Kirsch Extension Rods Bridge Covers J for Kirscb Extension Rods a for 82.95 83.50 75c ? 3 tor : Pictures a for Electric Irons a for Mixing Set for $1.26 36c 46c $2.96 $3.51 76c A sak with the most extraordinary money saving opportunities- an event in which one cent in many cases has a greater buying poer than one dollar. You can purchase two identical articles, pay ' inx the stancard price' for One and only one cent for the other. For example: the standard price on a 10 quart white enamel pail is $1.25. During this sale you may purchase two of these pails for $1.26 and thus save fli24. Every article in this sale is a high quality guar anteed product being sold regularly at the standard price. There ia no limit buy all you want. But don't forget this sale lasts for two'days only, Friday and Saturday. $22.50 Universal Electric Urn and i; $11,75 Tray UJ S22L51 irnaiine this beautiful Orrclsn style nlekle plate Electric I'm at this sensa tional price. ' tht nrn selh regularly for yiiJl). yet for only one rent more tod may bar. ttle tray to match which or dlnlrlif sells fdr Sll.TS. - A t34.ta talus for Jit Jl. Here, Is a wonderful wed dlti; (irsent or lft for the home. - ' -liii ' $5.00 ' Lamp Shade Base With $10.00 Shade $501 Absolutely.- this resular flS.09 Junior Floor Lamp for 95.01. The bases are all metal and sell thronghont the year, for $5.00. Daring this sale for the addi tional one cent yod ni&y have a beauti ful colorful georgette shade. Lamp and shade complete for $5.01. You had bet ter harry only a small number. , .-,..) ' t: . .... Ckiiftle C'amw 'Sigfe.. - :2 SetfFW"- . $1.96 n-iasHMetnrirty to brighten up yonr window at a fraction of what It would orSUurHly cost yon. psJjity i niece .eurr. I3in-t. retularly 1 JS, 'But Iwo sets- . rr, VKN dnrtng this sale. Choice of ion. air. kfcV t Room Size yfnlaid Linoleum ' . 'Remhanli "j:: 81.51 ; 82.01 2 yards S2.00 Grade '2 varda '"Tj Quality Iniald .'lnol-nm nctodfog: the famous Armstronyand Valrh-' grades; TleMe remnants are of -eneroos size and Hrc enoogh.' for ,the average7 room.' Check up o'ybiir room tneasuremehts Bnd bring themto us quick. Tour chance fo-teeoter those floors at a tremendous Uvlhg. . '' $55.00 Heaviest Quality Axminsler Rug and an Electric Vacuum Cleaner ' S55;01' With the purcfias o a ixlt fieaflest Axrolnster at the regular price of $55.00 yon may hate for only one cent extra s rebuilt Electric Vacuum Cleaner,. Theee cleaners hare been completely ( recon ditioned by the factory and are guaran teed to be In perfect working order. tht$ offer ts for Friday and Saturday only. Terms If you wtoh. $89.50 Universal Range and a 54-pc. Silver Set for ' S89.51 A regular 5110.00 celebrated rnirersal Range and a stiver err Ice for eight Including 8 fcjj.ve. 4 fortes, soap poons. S alad forks, 13 teaspoons, S table spoons, 8 butter spreaders. - 1 Dishes 40C 50c 75c 35c 40c 50c 75c 25c Oval Baker a for Oval Baker a for Oral Baiter a for : Bowl a for Nappies a for Nappies 3 tor Nappies a for - Oatmeals ' 2 for : ZUC a or Pte Plates , a for 25c 30c nr..!: Soup Plates 25C 15c $2.00 $125 $1.00 50C 60c 60c 15c 25c 30c 2Qc 30c prulu a for Casserole a for : Platter a for ; i Sauce Boat a for Baker 2 lor Baker 2 lor Nappies 2 for B. ic B. Plates 2 ior - Pie Plates S lor '. Breakfast platts-!- 2 lor 6a'tmeals .' 3 for. Soups.. : . -t.i.' .! ..'f 2 lor . '. -41c 51c 76c 36c 41c -51c 76c -26c -21c 26c 31c 26c 16c $2.01 $1.26 $1.01 51c 61c 61c 16e 26c 31c 21c 31c Silverware ait 7 alii BHttej. Spreaders 75c a lor i'..ii4.i-C- Butter Knife ' 2 for ...j. Bouillon Spoons . 2 (or Table Spoons r, 2 for i Tea Spoons 2 for -. 60c 55c 30c fit 4 ft aw Meat Fork $2.25 $1,75 2 for rrs- Chlld's Set . j 2 for J Serving Spoon 2 for .. 71c 76c -76c 61c 56c 31c $1.26 $2.26 $1.76 CARR FURNITURE CO., INC. tl e . I League Standings rBBniBBBEaBBHIIIIlESlIIUIBBBlS M Q n H B H H READ THIS fl The values in this sale are inter changeable, for the additional one cent you may select any item at the same price shown in this ad. Example: take 'the first item shown in the upper left corner. You may not require two 10 quart pails, yet for the extra one cent you have the- privilege of selecting any other article priced at $1.25 listed in this sale. America's first It's an all American product, invented by an American, and it comes to you straight from the sweet pastures of the great Wisconsin dairy country. It is safest milk always and America's irst. Take a bottle home w ith you today. Or send ten cents for sample and mixer. HORLICK'S RACINE. WISCONSIN BJ the Actate4 Press CO VST LUUI E W U San praneueo a 0 Uilons a 0 Oakland ... Portland 1 I H-il?oevt I 1 . r.Ktsjsctuo o a Seattle . 0 1 Los Aafele. . . 0 a NATIONAL UUI'-l'E W L. ; Bnxlrn CROUCO Ne York . : SV LOUIS' . . 49 at 54 S3 3 M S 1 Pt'.tsburcn . M Caclsnau 44 Pri;lde:phia IS 4 AMtRICAX Lt-lil K w. u PR:Ude:ph! . S JS Washlrtco W fl S Vxt . SO Ji ! Clre!ard 43 4J 1 Oetrojt 41 Chieaxo tJ SI . St- Lotus JO 54 Beaton 31 S3 Pet. 1 CIO 1 cvo ION) .MO .S0O CO) ON) JX Pet. CIS !M .Ml SIS .441 4-S3 4iO -54 Prt- S4? SS -0O .401 35 .171 rles. dependlntt on the nev point, awarded to Mt Schanelln. Tree Ger man is the first tn a long and lam. O'js line to reortrs stich recocmuoa hlle prostrate from a foul arsd be In r carried frcrn the scene of action. The New York wwe men of bonne; toted tor VTa-X but then decided It w a e Ther ralcht hare hid t foresiefct to spare seme SO -CJO custocners a lot of anguish aa the firs; pUce. Spanker of Woman Gets Many Letters HAXTORD, CiU July IT -r Be cu ic pul'.xl K WVTT.D Ectorut cut of hrr u:ociicfci uikd fcr. Jcivn Sorter. ry.ix 1J ey, left to srr cf m SO-!t daturtXE. ifc r-" 5n:ac. is rvceitLi diiriiig li:r irecs ail pvrts oX ti o?unirr. Tie li;r wriser tvtunfaU.e Stac der cr. tis cri'.o2t:y iixa urw-e bira .o kp up tie xxi week " Or IcTiTc tira tc direvt txxftic la Prsuxk Iocy. another Uooroe by & xrunec trmJfK cc:siat. Huey Long Seeks 7 'i Seat In Senate XTW ORLKAXS. JUlj" 17 L In a ccorTtchil artKi in his vwklj nsfper. tae Louistan Prccrta. Oorernor Huey P. Long mnnoonced his cacdxUcy for the United Ssa.es en- t now ocrapted by Senator Joseph RusdeU. . . He ciid he vouSd enter the demo cratic prtm&rj- to be held September 9. SHIP CAPTAIN ACCVSCD j WASHIXGTOK. July 17 Pi "Ctiarve ot recile&s naTlatton. neg rlievnce ftod naneating at excessive : speed in to, hare beea tUed by fed eraJ steamboat Inspectors at Boston axalnss Captain Archie N. Brooks, master of the steamer Fairfax, which collided vtth the tanker Ptnthls off the Uacsacosetts coast June 10 w.ih the lose of 49 Ures. ! third rounds- Cecil Oeyset Seattle , nuddleweight. and Frisco McOale. San I Francisco negTO. drew. ix rounds. Ry Archer won n Unpopular four round decision ortr sailor- Willie ! Gordon. Anacortes, wins half Mile title Marine Aviators Killed In Managua MAX AG C A. July IT CP Walter Lee PcuEdera. C S. marine runner and pilot. and Chalmers Lew-s Martin. V. S piirtne aerolorlst. were it:Id while JAfctnc an aeco-octcal flarln ten mtlea south of Manjacua yesterday. Plunders came from Colt, Arkansas, and his next of kin wrns flTen as tss brctfcer. Jamea S. Pnrnders. Martin came from ftarlov. OfcJO- next o kua was (:tta as his mother. Mrs. Sadie Martin. The cause of the accident vaa not known here. ! TACOMA. Jnly 17 Harry Dtl km. Winnipec lieht nnwsQi f no match for Leo Lomskl, Aberdeen t in their scheduled s rotn:d match here tass ntht. Dilon was kx-;ked , out in the fourth round af ter beins; t knocked down m the second xst CARNERA FIGHTS TONIGHT OMAHA. Keb.. July 17 The off anm. on-aaln 10-round bout' be ; tween Prlmo Camera, huge Ltallan. S and Bearcat Wright, Omaha negro j heavyweight, will be held tonight. I REVErU, Mass.. July 17 GPV Joan ' McSheehy. WSUlnsvllle. Mass.. swlm I ruing the backstroke all the way, won ; the national Junior half mile title , In 13 minutes. 24 4-5 seconds In a i Boston swimming association meet .; here last night, ; John Oslpowtch. Worcester. Mass. .successfully defended his national ; Junior men's one mle event in 25 minutes. 1. 1-5 seconds. Cox Aufo Electric . Electrical Ignition and Battery Repairs on all Makes of Cars Ph. M-753 1425 Adams Hemmed Diapers Sanitary Packed - Especially Priced $1.78 per doz. Crib and Wrapping Blankets Special Pink and Bine Size 30"s40' 50c and 59c Checkerboard Blanket in Pink' and Blue Sire 36 bv 50 $1.78 NORTON'S KIDDY SHOP 1 '1 ... ' . n . .