' '4 AVednesday, July 16, 1930 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. Page Four I 1 (IiicoriMi rated) An Inilcnuiilrni SmTpapw P. R. PIM.AY Editor and Publisher HAIU'EY P. MATTHEW8 Business Manager Published evenings, except Sunday, at 1710 Sixth street La rT"r;rT,i brsnd.. Oregon, is Second Claa, Mall Mniu r under net of March . 1879. OFFICIAL PAPER OP UNION COUNTY AND THE CITY OP IA GRANDE MKMllKit OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Tho AMOCi.1 PrSS 1. exclusively entitled to us. for puW ca Uo of all news dispatches credited to It or " 1! published lie.elu. All rights of republtcat on of l I dU-.....J..,.- i.. ihi. r-n.r mid nlso tho local news herein also are reserved. Nutl.mal Advirtlsinil Repreenttlv M. C. MOOEN8EN CO.. Ino. Sim Francisco. Uw Aneeles. Seattle. Portland. Chicago. Detroit. New York SUBSCRIPTION PATES II) Carrier Dflllv. pot month In advance - Pally, hix months In advance Dullv, .m:lu voupy II) Mnll liHily. pt-r month in advanoe Uiiliy. per six month In advance ... - - Onily, per year In advance Weekly, Observer-Star, per year - .. 7&c ... 14.50 ... 5C . 50c ...3.50 . S5 00 ..MOO Display, : Display, ADVERTI8INO RATES foreign, per column Inch local, per column men ..42c ...45c Time contract prices on application. l.ti. son, Starr Charlton, of Athena, drove with his family to Kamela for the day. The youngest son. Otto Charlton and family of High River. Alberta, are spending a few days visiting In Kamela and will visit In La Orande beforo returning. Mr. Otto Charlton owns a ranch a few mites south of Calgary. Mrs. P. Blcver and Mrs. W. Lane of Kamela. were also guests for dinner and helped the hostess, Mrs. Denver Charlton, with the many pre parations for the affair. Ralph Rlggs. of Kamela. who was acting as substitute section foreman at Gibbon has now returned homo and started work on the fire patrol on Monday. Engineer P. Blever. of Kamela, went to Portland on Saturday. Ho Is a member of the La Grande band and took part In the contest. Mr. and Mrs. Kent wero La Grande visitors over the weekend. Mr. Kent Is employed on the highway. Herbert Casteel. ol Kameia uruc-cry are now five engine crews working last notes had died away. Then the here. Havana maestro almost ran to the Engineer J. B. Smith, of La Orande, orchestra platform where he embraced has returned there af r working In the violinist In the Latin manner and Kamela for several days. kissed him on both cheeks. Most of Kamela'a young people Then, thanking him again in Amer took part In a welner roast In Kamela ! lean fashion and with a voice a trifle camp grounds on -unaay evening. husky, ne returned 10 xus lauic. Helen Carlson returned here from La Grande last week to spend some time with her father. Engineer Carl IIAKMNO PORTRAIT The White House la to have a per son. Dorotha Mccoury, of La Grande, : trait of the late J resident naming a. oi an cases operated on accompanied her returning home on last. It reduces malnutrition and pro motes the disappearance of enlarged cervical glands. In 01 per cent of the cases operated upon, the complaints were relieved. The younger children among those operated upon benefited more than the older ones. Children with sub-normal mental ity and retarded school progress showed Improvements In. 40 per cent a ut.wsji a HP SM& J&IJL-VB LA GRANDE STORE Saturday evening. Miss Carlson spent the winter with her mother in Yaki ma, where Mr. and Mrs. Carlson own an orchard. She will return home soon. In Washington Itv Herbert Pltlntiner WASHINGTON Random notes store, msdo a business trip to Pen- A Washington Day Book: .... Thpv'vn utvin Nicholas In They've given Nicholas Longworth a new name on the hill. He la "Doc tor Longworth" now, and Just as In dlelon on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Horstman and son, Jack, .pent the weekend In WtaA ev;r. olher lhing pluming to the O.-W. meet. He will go Horstman and Jack spent Sunday ' with Mr. Horstmans sister ana iam II? In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cochran I After Harding's death at San Fran cisco in April, 1933, congress author- ' teed an appropriation for such a work. i An English artist. E. Hodgson Smith, for whom Harding posed during his Incumbency, offered his work, but It was rejected on the grounds that It was unlike the president. The portrait finally selected by the Fine Arts commission aa suitable for hanging In the White House, was j executed by an Uruguayan artist, who never saw the president. His name ts P. L. Mora, and his study was made with photographs as his only guide. There are walks In Havana which measure only four Inches from prop erty Hues to curbing. 8t. Kttts Is the mother colony of the British West Indies. .v.. genial speaker of the hpuse. every wun me KnHu ,,,-, ti.i, rtf tH- r.u,i. A Pennsylvania college has con ferred upon his the degree of LL.D. The other day during a post mor tem on the tariff bill In the house. Health Talks Jack Rices was sick for several days , . , . ,.rw,, .. n lasv wpen oui. iw huh ,v..... Mr. and Mrs. Melqulst and F. Mun ro. of Pendleton, spent Sunday visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Clauston of Kamela. Mr. Melqulst Is an O.-W. employee and Mr. Munro Is a forest service man. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Kelley, of Half way, spent the weekend In Kamela at tho Horstman home. STfllY IX TONSILS Diseased tonsils often co-exist with olher abnormal conditions. Whether lan of New York arose to ask In face- or not the diseased tonsils are res- tlous fashion: ponslble for the condition la often a "Does tho Doctor know what kind matter of question, of a prescription to write (to remedy That enlarged tonsils may be re- ovlls of the tariff bill)?" la ted to malnutrition, asthma or hay Came the retort terrible from the fever, and retardation In school work, republican camps, uttered by Sloan may only be con o. tur.a of Nebraska. In the light of this, a recent study I do not know what kind of a made In Michigan on the eitccts oi Mrs. Kelley la u.n..i., wrtu or whnt the removal of diseased tonsils in 733 . Mrs. Horstman- sister. disnoaition ha would make of the children has special value. Anrl hp rrnve Some aDOStles; and some, prophets and some, Vance Morrison, of Troy. ore . is r r he has administered the The children operated on. had in Ana lie Raesoilie, itpus lis , r perfect- assisting Mr. Clauston In the forest med7clno But If you take his polltl- addition to diseased tonsils, certain OVailgellSts; and Some, pastors and teaclieiS, 101 ine ptllt.i office In Kamela. On Sunday rlptlon, you wlll imym.,., other undesirable conditions. illir Of the saints, till we all Come ill the Unity Ot the lallll, they report that tho electric storm n(, constituents wlll profit Thus, some of the children were and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect .man, Sia'TcreTr C SZXrZS. UlltO the meaSUl-e Of the .Stature OI Xlie IUllIlts ui tunsi, ar! hsndled by regular ire PATRIOT some had marked enlargement ol the empiojes ana mi uuu Blase Washington scarcely noted cervical (neck) glands. Engineer i. msor. m i. . lollowln lltll incident. It would Some manifested rheumatic Infec- j-asnalWWatiTfiaV? SUITS A Special Lot of Men's and Young Men's Suits that formerly sold as high as $35.00. NOW . $17-95 limll im mmmnMam'mm Eph. 4:11-13. CHEERFUL SCHOOLS worked In Kamela during the aoseuce navj msde nnt page u lt had oc. ,lon5 freqUent colds and sore throats of P. Blever. ..H cured back home: !was the complaint In a number of Mr. and Mrs. o. Flnaa drove 10 ui Oomolo Rolg. the famous Cuban children and still others were retard- ENDS SATURDAY JULY 19th Substantial Savings Await You in All Departments of the Store nlng during his stay. The study on the effects of the re- ... , ... .-t., V.. n ritt.a.Ml trmclle In thou Lowo oi Aieacnam. n " "" violinist In the orchestra to play the cases revealed the following: lake was enjoyed before dinner Cu0Bn na0oni nnthem. As the or- f Tonsillectomy (removal of the dls- T. Burton, of Kamela. attended tho hrnV ,. ,., ,trln. ,, tonsils) offers a child conslder- J . . , .-- . of the number, M. u. t-asteei. oi ' ', " entire party, rose to their feet, business visitor In Kamela on Mon- , ' ,rt, ,,, dav morning. ! Mrs. W. T. Brown Is working In i Kamela Grocery store at present. Mr. ; Rrown Is emnloved on the highway. Their home la in Perry but while Mrs. Senor Rolg and his able relief from such common com plaints as sore throats, neaa coias remained standing until tho , and mouth breathing. untain . A nv.c.s. Imrnsserl teacher, an unrjieasailt nomc, DOlll nave Grande on Sunday. crnirxer--onductor. who was In the ed In school work. i- l ., i, 1,1M nnrl it nlivsipnl wpll-beinrf . Members of a Jolly plcnlo P"y ' capital recently as guest artist at the One hundred and forty-six chll an emotional effect On the Child and Its pllSlCai WCll Otlllt. xiencham Lake on Sunday were Mr. pan.Ara'wlclln concert, wet dren in this group were mentally sub It' seems clear enough now, but there was a time when eciu-.- Kn"e,7Mr. Si5 i.Sl?J?l.JSlc,u w in1. l ..l. I AA t,rf u-nrnt n vmr surh Ihino-s: vim. L. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. the main problems being tho multiplication table and the contents of the geography book. Now. schools are claimed to be bright and gay. Attractive ' - . . - it business visitor in . Th(,v K. A...A nUn,l 4nnt,m-a linvo ronlnrprl nrtm school- .nr.,tnP la" MUttUJ uicascu atuuui i'il.,, . , - .. miums, while school buildings have been beautiful by paint and landscaping. Pnivnt-tpnrher associations are doillST milch to Create a Brown Is working In Kamela. they . . ., , , . . i are staying here at the home of Mrs. better understanding between the hoine and the school. Drown s mother. Mrs. l. wigcieswonh. It is not waste. It makes the children happier. It makes K?m?ZrT them healthier, both mentally and physically. And it pays, the place of Denver chanton who School boards, superintendents, principals and teachers are ' Mr. and Mn. H. Horstman and son. devoting time and effort at this season of the year in plan- rV iiinsr to make tlieir scliools happier and healthier, places for in u orande shopping on priday. ..... . ... . , r, i i . . Mrs. A. Kennlson. ot Meacnam. the children who will return to them m September. drove to La Grande on Monday. t she spent some time In Kamela at the s' ; " F. P; Brooks home on her return. ' ! ' UNNECESSARY NOISES MlM AUa Smith, fcookkeoper. for l.nnmr..mi vi. . c 0rcKon Tnvn Trading store at In an indictment of the common noises of the city, the Meaenam. was n Kamcia visitor on New York noise abatement commission arrives at the con- rri?y wtlci Mrs. m. Broms and son, elusion that excessive and unnecessary noises puce undue Barton. ZXJ?Ri pressure on the brain, induce partial or total deafness, pre- the home ot Mr. and Mrs. seton, par-. . . ' . , ,, . . . . , ents. of R. Seton. a fonner Kamela vent concentration, reiara menial euori nun iiueriere wmt rident. ihe noinwl development of infants and children, slow up the work of office forces, cause nervous irritation and decrease ' T?npryl human efficiency, -1 ' ; Every city dweller will concur with theppinion of the com- Mr.. and Mrs- F. Barnes drove to La Grande on Saturday. Mrs. H. Hood and daughter. Arcella spent Monday In La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. C D. Kelley accom panied by their hostess. Mrs. H. Horstmsn drove to Huntington to nussion that city noises are something more and worse than JJl" nev.nd" :t lui'.jance. r.)r for o'lfoivod abatement. Instead of being an individual discomfort, call- ter-ln-law Horstman. s-.n feinnce, noise is a communal evil demanding ter, Lola Marie! of Kiantatn Fails, and Mr. and Mrs. carl Ingram, oi nau wav. soent Sitturday nlcht in Kiutte- As Iv Grande is not troubled with a great multiplicity ia as guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Keiley ot urunuiig noises, out, now is a gooa xime 10 siari me prac tice tu rutting a soft pedal on our auto horns. It is not good manners to drive up in front of a residence and toot the to night shin ork m Kamela. There horn until a response is obtained. Let us all co-operate veduoe unntx-cssi-ry noise. were en route to Klamath Falls. Engineer C. E. Thornburg and Flre man F. R. Barnes have been assigned r, OltieMo ; HILK 'is-. .s IS V 7S J03 Ike FOOD SUPREME Andofthir milk you, can be sore. if youvoant f iesK. and pure. BLUE MOUNTAIN CREAMERY PHONE MAIN 60 r raj &txrr K 0 intSL!) Tt mat to TENSIONS For liie lUc.il ye:r ended June 30, 1929, the last for which 1 fijrmvs me a;i;l;,ble, more than $57,000,000 wsvs being paid i . hiiituaiJy to Civil war veterans and more than ?S5,000,000 , to viter.iu'i dei-cndents. For the same peiiod Spanish war; veteiuns' pensions totaled more than $65,000,000, a sum hich will be greatly increased through the new Spanish war pensions bill recently passed. Added to this is the tre-' jnendous cost of caring for disabled World war veterans . and their dependents. i Tremendous as the burden is, the taxpayers seem willing to bear it, and as long as they do not complain through the medium of the vote, congress will continue its generous treatment of the war veterans. Considering the physical and mental suffering involved, together with the great monetary loss to all, who will not be in favor of settling future disputes in a peaceable way. ! 1 i The installment plan isn't new. There hasn't Iven a time since the Revolution when Americans were not making pay ments on an old war. i Affluence is what makes the man who left the country to live in the city IcaveHhe city to live in the countrw The best way, after all, is for married people truly to as one. That is what they get married for. l;v, Huckleberries Not Plentiful, Kamela Report IW Mrv t K Thornburt lOKvrvr Correspondent 1 KAVKLA. Or, $pci: Somt Knni jvop. hr n out tn the berrv crop and at. nrpvrt thj-t thry Ul b Quit iK-arc. Arcund Kai U 1 lU-.rrp a:e oft tJe u hii in bvxt and larther off xtterr ar Ivrrirt ctij where tbfy -rf htUd I rem lit trvwta. An elffinc tcrm ca SuixUt afir trcon aofccr.panitxl br a Utht ram brauht socn rrXief 10 KaxU atler rrtral ija- of rrrr txt vMthrr. but UondAT aas IkM aram. although thtrf r:v tor department. The oklet w-is a ::cht ,vM ee a'.I cUv Tt-.e we:her na btv-nt u-: firaathopr ar.d severai r:-.U ;er anakea have been a.i:Ni r.car jAni ard Bot. r.vhvH-;rn. t-.Arf are qune uuuil in Kan.?:. Tiit hipha-ar l beln: oiled near ' Xleacham and w h, j rev r. ? m quick that th many tatprover.wn'.a t are rery noti-aMe. ! Kur.e! vai the cvn exf a rr : happy Ian.Uy reunion on S:iir.v, Mr. H. K. Charlton, cf Ia Oratxie. ho i vmt;n$ at the hen-.e her an. IVnxTr tn Kamcia had le p.vvi fortune t? be aurrvunded by hei fut ao: and their fmilie. tiv the firs, t:roe m IT yeia Thoe attend. r.s from I Orande were Mr. and Mr. ClTde Chariton and tani:ly- Mr. a:vd Mrs J. K Charlton, and family, alao Dale CharUon. eon ol Denver Cha:i- toci. c4 KutfU. ho u employed at I 1 ONE STOP SERVICE STATION ' fP S filth the Complete line 4 herk LUt mm KHat h ! x Scf-ticv MeMia4er C r -.v- - OL ei-v Hir automcKfe rtoctxtioo it tJcsfTivs as an tnttTncT.t vu nccJ all of ih wv-Mre outlined on this pacc. but do u ha time to dnT to various pare of towr to Haw xir car pcojvr.v Li Wen cane otT Wouldn't it be a wonderful ccmwtxTve and sairrg to Kav it all done under one nx7 That's what our OocStof Service will do foe wxi. We do the w Hole jci xr tou can be sure it is done right. Re jrdles of how many or how few of the maintenance serv ices your car need pive us a trial. You'll tike to do business here. Come in todav. BVl I fcRlrS - BK4KE SEKVICE - GAS - OIL CREATE PERKINS FIRESTONE ONE-STOP SERVICE ms8sBMm m rt S3"! THAT'S WHY THEY GOT T II E R E S QUICKLY ' j(f ' r, ' wv i v- i y' ' FAST SUCCESS STORY MO. 9 CK'.Jf ', ' ;L i' J m a n s ly 3 miller 1 tViJiH4vJ MOT A From hergrar.ilmcil-.cr's cellar. . . to Ziegfcl J's Roof. . .in just the twinkle cf a toe. She really zvas the"Saily" of the alby calleil Broadway. U;i',v cxpbia the miraclo of Mari- yn s nieces?? . . . Nature simrlv bicssc J her v, ith a charm all her own. And that's the cr.'y answer to another youn rtar's rise. OLD GO LI) madj iti b.r.v just '4 years In a month it was popular. In a year a headliner. Today it's Amer ica's fastest growing cigarette. Nature aain! Sun-drenched heart-leaves from bclttr tohaci.os. A new taste thriil for jaded palates. Anew throat case and freedom from coushs. BETTER COUGH IN A TOBACCOS CARLOAD"