Patre Four LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. Friday, July It, 1930 4m I i (Iiioorpurutnl) An Imlfpf iHlent Ncwvpnpi-r P. R. FINLAY Editor nnd Publisher HARVEY F, MATTHEWS Bwliiina MnnnRrr PublUlird ovcnIiiiM, except Buwlny. nt 1710 Sinn street La Grande, Oregon. Tho Observer-Stttr published every Frltlny. Entered nt the Puatofflrc of Ln Oritnde, Oregon, u Second Clnsi Mftll Mutter under net of Mureh 2, 1H79. OFFICIAL PAPER OF UNION COUNTY AND TUB CITY OP IA ORANDE MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publica tion of nil news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited II published herein. All rights of republication of special dis patches In this paper nnd also the local news herein also are reserved, Nntlonal Advertising Representative M. C. MOOENSEN CO.. Inc. Ban Francisco, Los Angeles. Seattle, Portland, Chicago. ' Detroit. New York SUBSCRIPTION RATES liy Carrier Dally, per month In advance ...... Dally, six months ln advance Dolly, single coupy -.. ilv Mi ll Dally, per month In advance Dnlly, per six month ln advance Dally, per year In advance .. Weekly, Observer-Star, per yenr 750 H SO - 6o .. 80c M.50 ...S00 ... MOO ADVERTISING RATES Display, foreign, per column Inch Ulsplny, local, per column inch Time contract prices on application. ..42c 4Sa .tic Oyiter Cultialioit The Turlous countries. whch rnlso oysters for market besides nur nro: Knglunri. Trance, tier nmny, Holland, Spnln, Italy, Aus tralia. I'lilna, .Inpuii, t'unmlu, Mex ico, ami certain purls of South America and Algeria.. In these va rious countries there nro about ten different species of oysters, all of which arc similar li. structure to our own, though some do not grow so Inruo and Uo not lave ll.u shim Havor. Vlrgir.ia's "Fairy btonei" The sliiurollu-s, better known as fairy stones, are found In a Held of about llfiy acres on top of Hull mountain, Patrick county, Virginia. They are twinned stiiurollle crys tnls slintilntlng the Homan Maltese and .SI. Andrew's crosses. The original stnurollte mineral lias changed to a compact, softer niu Vrlnl so that the stones can read ily bo prepared for the Jewelry trade For ye know the grace of our Ixnd Jesus Christ, that, though ho was rich, yet for your stakes he Ijecame poor, that yo through his poverty might he rich. 2 Cor. 8:0. Color in the Sea The most beautiful of tropical sea-folk Is the inoonllsli, often called the ghoslnsh because of lis paper thin form of n sliver color. The nngelllsh Is as gayly colored as the rainbow and with trailing tins of contrasting: Huts. The squirrel llsh Haunts a deep coral shade and groat dark eyes. The parrolllsli at tracts intention as much by Its gor geous colorings of tutquolse blue, plum, purple or bright green as by the peculiar bony beak. Man and Thought The key to every man Is bis thought. Sturdy and defylnjr Uiougu he looks, he has a helm which he obeys, which Is the Idea after which all Ills facts arc classilled. He can only be reformed by Snowing lilin a new Idea which can command his own. Italph Waldo b'merson. A Bit Difficult - A snake expert says If you see a snnke with nlue scales on Its bead, let It alone. It's poisonous. Venh. but what's the snake gonna be dclng while you are counting the scales on Its bend? Macon (Mo.) Telegraph. Ideal Days When young people realize that old ngo naturally engages In retro spect, and old age realizes that young people can have hurt feel ings, life on this earth wiil have be come happier. Atchison Globe. Valuable New Metal The new metal, beryllium, comes from beryl, which is a bard gem stone, of which emerald ond aqua marine nre variations. Ileryl eon tJns u bout 14 per cent beryllium oxide nnd occurs In feldspar, espe cially In New Hampshire nnd North Carolina, lterylliuui Is the world's lightest metal, being only about twice as heavy as water. CLEAKIXfi HOr.SK Steps should be taken at the earliest possible moment to put into effect the suggestion made by Governor Roosevelt, of New York, that the 4S states cooperate in establishing a states bureau which would act as a clearing house for infor mation pertaining to state legislation and administration. . Such a bureau, pvopevly organized and staffed, would carry on during the intervals between the annual conferences of governors, keeping all governors and legislative bodies in formed at all times of what the others are doing. The tliere-oughta-b-a-law mind and the other sort of mind that sees in everything a move to enact mure unnecessary laws immediately look upon the Roosevelt plan as a system for recommending to other states new statutory experiments. It conceivably could operate with opposite results. Many laws are enacted by legislatures and signed by gov t. .1 :.. : ..c i. . iv. M ci nors uiev are in iimuniuce in me taiiiiiv oi similar i legislation in other states. Too often commonwealths hear j . , T" " f1""1' ... . , . , , , Ile.ilnd the question : "Who glv- oi ine praises swig to projioscu laws tu remote states ana c-th this womnu to be married to hear not the lamentations that follow their adoption. There most certainly should Ije an ngyncy that would keep all administrators and legislators informed of the successes and failures in state, government. Tie It Tight Tie a pencil securely to your tel ephone and you will llnd many steps and n great tax on the memory will ,le avoided. It must be tied, though, or It will dlsapiear Just like any pencil. Road Menace Tl-.e cllng-vlne type of girl U to be scarce now. but slu Is fre quently feen winding bev tendrils ntvund the automobile driver. Newark (Ohio) AdvocaK. Unmerited Rewards . Riches and honor nre what men desire; but if they attain to them by Improper ways, they should not continue to hold theui. Confucius. Quitters A party composed of middle-aged peopie is the best. Its disturbance stops at 11 or 12 o'clock. Terre Haute Tribune. Old Tires Know Tacks A new tire rides nicely, but it'? the old one that knows Its tncks. Des Moines Tribune-Capital. FALK LA GRANDE STORE Successors to N.K.WEST & CO. SATURDAY, JULY 12TH STARTS OUR UB.Y Milking Cows Cows give more inllk II mllkel three times a day lm'tead of twice. In observed enses the tncrease hat been from 10 to 25 pe' cent. nis man?'" was the one-time ac cepted belief that a woman was a "chaitel," like turnlture. Not Originated by Mutes The tuanuaT aipuabct used by deaf mutis was not Invented by Iheju but by persous who talked for the purpose of secret communf WITHDRAWAL OF ALLIES For the first time in more than 10 years Gerniiin territory cation in monastic institutions. is entirely free from occupation by the allied armies. The lust officer of the occupational army in the Rhineland was withdrawn last week. Praise of Silence Says Carljle. -Silence is of eter- I nlty. 1 bought will not work ex- The final evacuation of the country west of the Rhine at,,cn", ,n "- science, the great ., . .. ,, , , . ,, , ,. . . ; P'oplre of silence: higher than the this time more than four and a half years betore the date stars, deeper than the kingdom of set in the Versailles Treaty -can be attributed nlnkvst entirely.: !Va'l,! s.'iemv and the great i- . .. . , ,. , .. .lent men! A country that has none to the Dawes Plan and the lining Plan. .Evacuation wasior few r.f thes.. i i- n 1.1,1 .re conditioned on Germany's meeting certain' conditions re-;"1 "kf. h!iS " .. ... " .... , "ots. which has nil turned to Kuiuiiig iviKiiaiiims iiiiu iiiMiriiiHiiieiu. toe conditions nave been met and the allies have carried out" their part of the contract. ' Spirit of What? Crush, If you wiil, the dandelion, but do it with respect. It has the spirit which lias made our land what it is. Omuba World-Herald. Still Good "New Morals for a Sew Age" Is a lecture subject The old ones are all right so long as you don't treat 'em as antiques. Dallas News. Take Your Choice 'flunk." something to slcap on: I something your friends try to put you to sleep witk. Florida Times-Union. While the French niny argue that occupation was essential leaves and Iwutghs, which must soon wuncr and he no forest." At Chinese See Duties The Chinese classics grade the U tlioir nntiivnnl'c.veiii-itv lwv ill i.r.t ,l...i- if ..(.-! i JllM's own Into live categories . ' ' .., v v v....... j to the e:nperr. to parents, to eljr buted nothing to the amity of nations and the establishment i brother, to wife and to friend. of world peace and served to aggravate the traditional hatred and suspicion between themselves and the r.eighKiring Teutons. Fog's Effects Illrds of alt kinds seem quite helpless In foggy weather. Horses, on the contrary, are not at all'wor rled by the fog, and will keep their direction as well as If it were per- M-ll. cltai Poor Type of Citisea "An unrighteous man," said HI Ho. the sage of Chinatown, "often seeks to make up for his own short comings by enforcing the strictest rules of conduct for others." Washington Star. First Formation of Coal Peat is usually foully1 In bogs or marshes and Is practically the first transitory stage of coaL It Is very dark and resembles drj mess. Singer's AdTantage "I'd rather be a good singer dan a good talker," said fncle F.ben. "When you sings, everybody knows what's comln' an' ain' got no 'sense for gittln' mad." Washington star. ' Smart Old Dobbin 1 The true value of horse sense is , clearly shown Iv the fact that the I horse was afraid of the automobile to... 1 - , - . .- . , i during the period in which the th- Im Grande people tiro using water for sprinkling lawns and ; d.-strian iauShed ut it.-uuisvii; gardens in a greater amount this summer than ever before j Times. . nnd there is an abundance of water without restrictions of 1 c. . "T" T ... First Short Stories' any kind. Now the water supply is taken as a matter of; in early literature the parsMes course but such was not the case a few years baek when strict ' " ,h ' x" ' Ttatr!nt m.wtcUwely . , , , , ..-S.-11 .n me story, aceord- -when law ns ana gardens needed i log to some authorities. Genuine Antiques Tiie Punams of Borneo are so primitive that they are not even agricultural. Monogamy Is the rule among them, and marriage is for life. Brooklyn Kagie. Truths Fun-lameiital truths should be both clear and familiar truths: self evident truths are as solid founda tion for reasoning. Simmons. limitations were in force Water the most there was vei v little oxcont for rliinkino- mir. poses. And this reminds us that we have a great city asset BIG MOMENTS IN LITTLE LIVES in the deep wells that help supply our needs with the purest , water in Oregon. a. Now for a real Clearance Sale! Bigger and Better than ever! July, the month when all stores clear their stock to make ready for the new and our loss is your gain. Every department in our store is in cluded in this great clearance and it means a saving to you! Come! Buy! and save for this is truly a sale of first quality .regular merchandise from our stock. MEN, A REAL SHIRT SALE mil $2 50 to $5 Values S1.95 Neckband- Collar Attached 26-PC. SET SILVERWARE IN THE BEAUTIFUL CTNARD PATTERN $4.95 9oc Down Then 50c A Week Here is a real shirt event in both collar attached and neckband style shirts made by famous makers such as Manhattan Eagle Shirtcraft, etc., in popular fabrics and colore in all sizes. 14 to 17 !i. A efroiip of boy's blouses and shirts in aces QQin of 5 years to 14 years. Reg. $1 values U7C A TEN-YEAR GUARANTEE We were able to secure only a limited number of sets of this unusually attractive pattern. The knives have stainless steel blades, and all of the other 26 pieces are cf pure plated silver, guaranteed to give 10 years of satisfactory service. ' )!) Occupation Gona 1 The clmmymnu Is no more Tie s whs the chorister of the oM pac::t ship. I'e :an the lines of he j chanties and the crew joir.od In 1 the chorus, "perform in 2 their ta-ks as they san?. There were pull- in sone-i. trimliass son:. setting I and rurlinp sails, pumping the ship j t. Some were imenOetl to be;ru"Ie ; the meu while pet t inp up .ha anchor. Need of the Hout 'What an oM-fashioned country this Is. Haven't you camels with lifts?" I.usiice Klaeiter. Berlin. In a NuUhcll One of the best secret of en-'! joy merit is the art of caltivatin,; ! pleasiiut associations. First Internaticnal Jury The four citizens of the Tinted States who were on the original panel of the l'emianent Court of Arbitration, established at The Hainie In 1T, were ex-President Henjamin Harrison. Chief Justice Fuller, Attorney General Or:c?s and Georpe Gray of the Vniicd Slates Circuit court. V XT 1 a T i the aid of Bid well's wife, w v-i m&liv xiv-TTO death row as the first glow of day- i light appeared in the skv anri Hkt. (By The Avociated I'resv) . to the scaffold. The trap was sprung j Iumptic : a a. m.. and Clark was pro- f Marion. Ohio Building shaken by ! jounced dead by tiie prison physician earthquiLke. 12 minutes later. Prison authorities ; -! (said ihe body would probablv be i Washington Koorer to attend I turnM over to Clark's aged parents, opening of American Legion conven- t . Tne execuUn today marked the lion in Boston, October (I close a long battle on the part oi . Clark and his friends to save him Cambridge. Mass. J. p. Morcan ! frorn tne death Penalty. Andrew Mellon, end Edel Ford 1 Arrested with Mrs. Bessie Bidwell anions nmminnt k,- ' shortly after Bidwells death, he .Harvard to a:d m business research. i Ioucht a losing battle through the I By Oscar Hitt I Oratory soonis to bo tlofiiiitely on the wane: Virtually all j the non-stop flight rxxvixis are now hold by aviators. : What to IX in an Emerjrency : In case of ;m earthquake.' jump into the nearest ainhme. In Washington Uy UrStt rttintmer WA?HINOTON At Wa&hi:ton' beautiful union :at:on the other ai'.ern.xxn n-.c:e than a Kvre of Icc.'.ts fathered to r fvx1ye to or.e cf t iwy-wi poo;ilr merr.tyr o! tlieir preuj.wThf Kci. Viikyui Msy. tirst tna.lian muiit to the JL"iu;ed State The ciin;:r ar1 Mr Mjlw. her ami? full cS txw, Tre rrtu:r.:r.i; to Ttw;r Ma oc-uit:rr. Shortly j;e i to to UtTMion a iwr.ratwiowr t."e h.fiwt -.;iial j.x: m ti ilv Canadian svr:i".nvent. It h-v a bur thr Tirs th-e Cnaiar. tr.;tv.:c r has spr.t in Wasii initoa. Kr ca-r.f ftre m 1-; to r:w itt t;;e docivtr.ton'-s try. im-.'.unoii ivrrr JrvsTA tliat oS trade to a:v"-vacv. When the co'.ernn-.e :t: Tr:r.:t Min.;er t:Kc..i K.i devived trie ou v, c i ? r : .e m r ji t ; on ahoi: S d cl r j. I Surc:lT i;. A-t.:cn :t de- tNrir:-.e;,i r .e m:nt of te lod U-"C ;ne Cw;.Vfr of the ten Kr,Uh ATi:tvtvxat2rfi. S.r Er.-if Ho ri a:xi .. ia;:, iherf -:e tv m inati ho t:wuki:t th fc.vec;:-,; ur.twv"s.rT IVlhrate Tavk T:-r T:e weve who thc-ush: it indicated a pu.i:n nt ii. what Caad;an cad 'the vd cour.WT -MaaMT w5 harv-ed witn the delicate taak ct beinaits. ot V. Jo-rntn by the statemfni avVv-r.-spAnieJ h: ctepArture. sa;a SevrrtAry ot State "I consider Mr at"let revt-ci-.'.&: power lu iir.::-.,;- na t or Jor h r ;. s : : r- -. r, of : wr..v.c loreicn .o:i cor.vfnittee. fvprwevt rvio-.:-hi rrvvc: S.r E-.e . rd t o : .1 t y. . r . n: . c r Ne Yo:k that he h.-.d o. ;-.-.e f-l Masfy te ent::,.-.f;;T a brother Mi a i cure not cr.Jy in Wit Jiii;;, thr.-uhout r prva: part of t.-.r c.';:urv wh-f.'e he traTlM ao:t c. . s t:. A re and tj aiatf n .--fv-..-f c the ts.::- ,f V l ed Slaie .th the . . r.-.rr.;a of the-r r.c-'.;.: r.r . The new M.. n-.f r.t durntc t Vie , j- tlTA itvc rox-i i th of a h;.-h hxirc ro...r :.r.e Cir.i, i-.r;tir.(r. irt :e :-..r-.; Ie-:;on y:v of:?n ..,::. j rn. "id:e-s. ;j j;. "h the-.r fr h.:, ar.i hmt atvut CTV : .A.:. rv -, -at:o4i m Afnoa.. I....;. e. ;-.s m.'h s;:n,... The ir.:n-j.:er i:,-. r,.cin atvut azotic h: a: r n: uo n li v ; tanned ,r the su;; ;P ur . , coif m t.--.e cftT..!j,:...i .o lif:- l: Sone t'S ?v-u m. r. of the h.Me were r:enc ?.Vsp r.,. Tr. I ond on the C:xa,-.n .h ew--.-r-'.iw.-c.ner iU t cf Co:vi " aV-i matfT-- . ' 4 - . ODEHVX OUR VlERO5 y h) -REACHED THE BUUFf. dK CHtYEtsne charuc suRouriorD BY HOSTILE" SOUX RTOSKVNS. ilrri l : SHatnos his trusty --Mk -- -.-- Rfle, vouncs vmld west i-KX : ; QUVCKLY DREW A SHAD CM ;z VP IN THE OlDJ ' V4AY LOFT. 1 Honor ami Judgment li neit!ier bfdor nor juilsn-ent is ilestroytHl. ttie man him'i' is preserwii liken ;e ; but o-lteD either of the? is (3enn!islietl. be is Jo? alo. ?!pictetc5. ' Washinctnn .vrenn- nf . denined to death in the lower court. Hurler defends arrangements for lne tence being sustained by thro . transportation of negro Gold Star(8Iote suPKme court. friends Mothers. jthen sought to avert the execution jon the grounds that Clark was In sane. Mrs. Bidwell was convicted of sec- HEAl deaths IN MID-WEST CLDIB TO 43 Washington Senator Watson ln j rndio address savs time will nmvo f wisdom of Hoover administraiKin d ' ond decree murder for her part in accomplishments. (the killing of her husband and sen j tenced to serve 10 years in the state I Foreign ! penitentiary. She served a portion or Zst&nbil. Turk ev Turkish troopa ! her sentence, but was later removed 'wipe out LOW Kurds in btf-ie near ! to a statc asylum for the Insane. ' Ms. Ararat. where she is now confined. Berlin General Friedrich Von Bcr-1 p 4?v PEOPLE (Continued frvm Tape One) Bucharest Pr.n San Ghika of In Chicaio. the maximum was 79. in seriously hurt In attempted Milwaukee K2. non-stop flight from Eng,and to ls- But the prediction was for warmer tanBlil- weather tociar. Con;:nued het was the forecast WELCOME RAIN OX WEDNESDAY for the tnJdd'.e west, except in local: toriuna'.e enough to receive showers. London Kin Georre and queen receive icst croup of debutantes, in cluding ech; Americans. 13 ME IV ST. LOlJ-s ST. LOt'IS. July 11 v-5 Erressrre brat killed 13 persons and prwtratec rwenty-one ethers in the St. Lou:? -metropolitan district yesterday and early todxj-. 1; was tr-. hotter", dsy m thirty a maximum of ICO decree bcinj: reached JCcurode. Germany Death list ii mm? cas disaster in Wencesiaus mm reaches 1CJ. jxrL' Minneapolis Mtc Sm:th ntvd Ar mocr lead at Interlachen with 70: Jones and Cox next with 71. The heat wave continued its rent- T? AT PIT iv-e- ivxjay no reie; i s:cht. It li taken a toll cf f.fteer. j hvos ;n the St. Louis district in in ! last ek. I FLEAGLE. LEADER OF GANG, IS PIT TO DEATH (Cofiiittut-d from Fare Gn V FOREST F1KES R.F Fmy-e:?ht forest fins were ccur.teo ' r.on. resifted Ke W2s kil'.ed. K.s son in this district today They were theJ. P. Partish. cashier, was fa;ai:v result cf a t?rr:;K- l.chtn:n storr.-. . wounded. Keys: on ws shot thrc-ur:: Cosnmur.icatiiwt w:tli crrai rane: . the w try the eider pirri;. $tatM cvu'.d not be esijirsrtet! j E a. Kossiaer. a UUer. wjts kid In the Bitter Root v.O-t. 41 ! raped ard ved by tr b3r.d;t a a were nrpsXted Mcce tiAn F3 men. ' shH-ld. A few days Ister Krss :nie: uppiemei:t;ns r.vula crews haie.ody wis foud m tc?terr. Kansa.- rf':'. ni out. j -crtere the txindits f;ed Roviton i he fcAt --iT forest rrported six m nee-3 cf cecica! :ter.t:cn Dr lirt. Freochto-n. fi-n- Three other- iW. Wineincw was stirsmcae-l to Dicr. ' were found cn O'Brien creek. Uoa. Kans, to trri. the woind. Kc tn i. Nee:e canyewi near Kvaro, a was shot arter he Urcc fire was repcr--d racing ( metiica.! service. The White Ta.1 fire in the -Vffer- ! son rarest was urider ccc.troi. but twe j UM ( I RK IIT others a-ere staged by liruunr WALLA W.LLA. Wuh jv II Of ?.vs poJ seen by an Preston Rae "Shm" Clark d -d or. -ofcserr"r or. Mount Jurr.aC e-as cf the rvUcws ar the r:a:e perutf r.t:arr the ct-y. lS.t m-re rrportfi to hart bere at citq ttxi? the muroer is-trtK jyauna,.. :JV, )of A. L B.dw:i of Wai: n'aJ:.v whem 1 1 itmt po-jooed in Deccmher. 127. m.iz j By FKa C. Vanortler i ( Observer Correspondent) THE PARK (Special) The Park f folks- are all rejoicing over the rain j Wednesday nl:ht. ; Mrs. Hunter and dauehter were ' Pcr.dosa shoppers Wednesday. ' Kenr.eth Vanorder and Miss Mary 1 Vancrder acre Tuesday guests of Mr. j ar.d Vrs. J. R. Wanker and family. I Mrs. K Yiinorder is much better, i Mrs. Ed Conley ar.d sons. Philip 1 End Veral. were Wednesday guests of Mr., and Mrs. Wills Harson, of : Pondosa. Mr-.. Graver Hatcier, Mrs. Joe f Bste a::d Mrs. Francis Ott motored to F.-Mid-sa Wednesday. Mrs. Scott Burnett motored to Pon dcwA cn business Wednesday. ! ihe Stoddard Bros, logging camp i s'-aftei again Monday after a week's : becmninc the Fourth of July. I M;ss Ea Dean Conler is spending a few days w:th Mr and Mrs, Homer ( Hs-rson below Pvmdca. Mr. and Mrs. WiiUam Colton and children mcved their sheep from this vuir..: . to Muddy creek. They start ed i ueda . Mr.- Kxtson Rchlell t ilmntt .citon -as eo?red from htr f r. ts. xr. pom oince steps La-s B Larson Wt the C. Van crder res.detice Sundar for Pleasant Vahy. Mr ar.d Mir. Wilson Hayes and Csuihter. Lucille, also Mr. and Wl bb I-ams, from Pondera, were hasiness risuars in The Park Sunday. Lew F:v- ami son. Frank hav hr wrricinc th road and they an: new much lmpnrecL F swo-th Man ts to working at the P'caados milL perfcrmec ,