Page Four LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. LA GRANDE, ORE. Tuesday, July 8, 1930 ( Incorporated) An Independent Newspaper P. R. FINLAY Editor and Publisher HARVEY F. MATTHEWS Business Manager Published evenings, except Sunday, at -1710 Sixth street La Grande. Oregon. The Observer-Star published every Friday. Entered at the Pos toff ice of La Grande, Oregon, as Second Class Mall Matter under act of March 2. 1879. ' ; OFFICIAL PAPER OF UNION COUNTY AND THE CITY OF LA GRANDE MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publica tion of all news dispatches credited to 1c or not otherwise credited If published herein. All rights of republication of special dis patches in this paper and also the local news herein also are reserved. National Advertising Representative M. C. MOGENSEN CO., Inc. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, '. Detroit, New York - SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' ' Uy Currier Dally, per month In advance 76c Dally, six months In advance - $4.60 Dally, single coupy ....,... fic liy Mull Dally, per month in advance 60c Daily, per six month in advance $2.60 Dally, per year In advance .. $5.00 WeeJly Observer-Star, per year $2.00 ADVERTISING RATES Display, iorelgn. per column Inch 42c Display, local, per column inch . 46c Time contract prices on application. VfB0 OLD MAN MORTON'S SON, ELMER By Oscar Hitt LOOKS LAKE THE VAHKS GOT, I A PITCHER. THAtS I ALREADY HAIF- MX NAMES ELMER. MORTON AMD VM TO REPORT TO fANA.6E' SHAV4KEY 1 COME FROM THE CHARLOTTE CLUB IN THE SALIY7 SOMETHING utftuut ABOUT HES ONE O THEM SLI6HTLY UAMACrED (51WS THAT SOUNDS HOLLOVN WHEM YOU BAP 'e m i i.. i God is ;ib!e to make all grace abound toward you ; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to 'every good work. 2 Cor. 9:8. li i t 1 ' . ' A GENIUS SPEAKS .! j 'J- That genius of international finance, Owen D. Young, is Hie author of a political policy in international affairs which .president Hoover .might have pronounced as a most appro-' pvhxtn statement to accompany a veto of the tariff bill.!Such a statement would have won universal support and acclaim at home and abroad. .. ..fc. ; .' Mi'. Young's address to the National Electric Light Asso ciation went to the heart of the nation's present economic problem surpluses. He divided them into agricultural, raw material, industrial, service and earnings surpluses, and said they can only be disposed of by cultivating good-will, extending credit and exchanging goods. The nation event ually will heed his words: . . d v :"r- ' COMES FROM THE ' I STICKS - HE VS.TLe.K- 1 - kICVICD Hap I J j f iw ur i-f-it ill I IMG A YE rT I UNBUTTON HS COL- i ' OPEN FOB. A I C - '" LAW, VT&U9S fli'j Ai (l fy llW TA MS . 1330 Toe A. P- Croat BrlU-lo RighU Reserved jjigjr returning to work on Sunday. I Mrs. Charlton, of La Grande, mother , of Messrs. D. C. and J. K. Charlton, j Is spending a few days visiting two ! of her sons who are located in Kame- i la at present. - ( Engineer J. Carlson, of Kamela, left j on Thursday evening for Yakima, Wash., to spend a few days with his ; family there. - Miss Dortha McCoury, of La Grande returned home nn Monday morning '. after a short visit with her friend, Helen Carlson, who accompanied her I for a visit with friends in La Grande and her father in Kamela. Mr. Carl- j son. also returned with them to Kamela. Mr. and Mrs. T. Burton and son, Karlee, were visitors in La Grande on Monday. Mr. 8. l'ngerson spent Monday in La Grande with his family. Mr, and Mrs. C. L. . Hudson, of Kamela, were business visitors in La Grande Monday. They have been Kamela residents for some time, but aro leaving soon to make their home in bum, Idaho, where Mr. Hudson has secured employment. COVE PERSONALS LA GRANDE STORE Successors to N.K.WEST & CO. COLUMBIA KNIT SWIM SUITS For the Whole Family Children's Ladies' - Men's $2.75 to $3.50 $3.50 to $5.95 of Cove, were recent guests of her sister, Mrs. Burt Kali at her home In Connordale. L. B. Hallmark and son. Eldred. were La Grande visitors last Satur day. Mr. and Mrs, John French and family, of La Grande, were recent callers at the W. L. Robertson home. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Williams were recent city shoppers. . . - - Mrs. Hilda Carlson and daughter Clara, were recent guests of friends in town. , American motor trucks are used in Swedish logging Industry, as mtiri Mr. ana Mrs. n, n. iisiruue mm ; winters nanaicap use or sleds. Miss Edith Cox were visitors in l,& i ; Grande during the past week. Hit unit ftAt-D Dnv Ulna nnrl Vinv 1 recently visited friends here. Miss Fern Robertson, wno nas ncen 111 for several months, is again con fined to her bed after having been able to be up about the house for a fow days. Her friends will be sorry to hear that her physician forbids her to have any company at present. Mr. and Mrs. Fred araden, 01 la m o K9 nnin tro anm nmam mm mm OFFICE CAT fHAOB MAMH lo. By Junius Helen Aro you engaged to Jack? Carrie Yea, are you? (. quontly, general practice has reason Portland behind. It. KOW (620): 6:30, NBC; 10. Cecil The good reason Is that diving In and Sally; 10:16, orchestra- 11-30 feet first may cause water . to enter NBC. ' with some force Into the nasal cav- HEX (1180): 8, NBC- 10-30 orches ltics. This, In turn, may give rise to tra; 11:30, news. Revellers ' a number of disease conditions of the suit Lake C'ltv eyes, nose and throat, the ears and K8I, (1130): 7:30, NBC- 7-45 mu tho sinus or the cavities In the head, slcal program; 9:16, news; 9-30 'NBC I The summer season brings a crop 10:30, dance music; 11, Vacabond of of those Infections. Many are the Air. vb"uuu oi result of poluttcd beaches and un- j Oaklnnil sanitary pools " KOO (790): 7:30, NBC programs. It Is unsafe to bathe in unknown I KLX (880): 8. orchestra; 9 book waters. The stream that appears worm: 9:15, soloists: 10. featurm- "When our political policy in international affairs becomes tn w " and tear on .omTpSlbo" -"etherec'mTent l 10:15, myKeiaLl0t dance mU8lc- 0...BO owing m sucn wa- i kh3 660): 6:30, NBC; 11:30, dance ter may result in the development of music. ui.o typhoid and other gastro-lntestlnal Sail Francisco diseases. KPO (680): 8, NBC; 8:30, musical Swimming pools where the water Is features: 8. vlnlnv nnn ,.,.,. ,n not sterilized and not changed often dance music. ' EARS AREN'T MADE TO y.7.1 . , . ,? ,, ., V. (610): 8, CBS; 10, news, fea- ... UUJLv.u.u..uw.0 tuiq; iu:oo to l, uanco music. we are under-suspicion now), then we mayhope.ior effec- k.:',Vm;.uk.'w'S hvx ,,: Idio; 8:3o, cbs; live plans Tprinrm renei, lor retJUCtlon-OI our sum us of raw- mg the farmer remains on the farm .7.." V. ?. lu' '""'ure; 11 to vt, ces. cooi)eiative. in spirit, which need not involve us in entanrrle- nients or alliances; when our economic policy looks to the f1"1' "ever becn klssctl economic development of the world as' a whole audi t'e'ini- JMePh Go hcad-o wouw i. ijiuvciiicni, ui uviiik toiiuiiions evorywnore, wneaoui-taBitsf Jake a tip prom nature. 0"7; r",r" dnnVerm.s x...i.: ' i . ... , ... . .. .. MEN'S EARS aren't mahr '(! dangeroi. .mm uui ueuues are nuiae to eviaence tnis spirjt, (because shut ms mouth is. imfMWte'anttiWUfllCtOW!lHMlUet8s'cfWi the eye, nose or throat ...u Hiu mi yiiui, jp iiyt iiiipui liiui. ui an a uetter suffers trail a contagious disease of 10 -eye, noso or throat. Don't uho pool water as a gargle. spirit of all nations toward' lis'.aW Ipwird tach other." THE THINGS YOU eAT Bright boy-Uncle., donVvou p!y frlrtlZX eT dTu'S football? i Thp. aoat No. why? i ,h ?7,T;.Wc.1'; Dnd Bnld h'AUke dSlg." in high diving . , u. , ,..,..,, w ,., . ought to protest their ears against the water. Nor snould such persons in- KAMELA PERSONALS The reverse of the old, saying that imen 'dig. their graves ' -Ud'ii'., l jj. TucT r,i. 7WtrUir;i r;.7' r; " ' Obstruction or the outer canal. The obstruction Is due to the swelling of the wax present In the canal. I ho, condition is not serious but with their teeth is presented by Dr.. E. V, McColIum, pro- p"cco or7un"l I feasor of chemical hygiene! Johns ' Hopkiris University. He ;,,ir,.,cr-LrinV; u&l'yto ' want ..oaci-u .ungevity, pnys CU1 .aim menw alacrity, general well ,: .,, ,h ,,, , . may bo made so by unskilled attempts hnlncr nA !,.. o tin . ..-4. j..,. m..L ... . V. ?W '"' " nlc ln l l"e to iromovo the obstruction. . . - if .,T ?,i:',j:: .TM the legs away' from a musical , But he is undoubtedly right when he says that the appetite comctly na 11 ,won,'t ,n lonB alone is not a safe guide, citing that some appetites ask-for""" Dora t can 'writo' equally well with immnrlpvnrn minnfif qo f (nU.,nnn 1 1.-1 u .t.:i r uul" "muj. uuiiuum m tiiuuuui, suai, xiuuii, lorm- COVE (Special) C Lawson and A. Brlzille took their cattle to the re- servo the first of the week. Ed Bos- well has had his cattle on the re serve for some time. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Kline of Walla Walla brought their son, Billy, to Camp Yew Bow Wednesday. Billy Grande, spent Independence day as spent the month of August at Yew guests of their son, Frank Braden ouw mat summer. uud wife, of Perry. I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ingram or I Recent cnpsta of Mr and Mrs I.a Pendleton arrived at the home Of Gore were their son and his fnmllv. of Mrs. Mlnnette Spentner Thursday, for La Grande. ; a Bhort visit. I Mr and Mrs. Stcnhen Proctor and ; Mrs. A. O. Conklln and son Albert I children wore recent citv visitors. ! returned from Santa Barbara whero Mrs. W T. Brown was a recent ' they have been visiting with Mrs. i euest of Mrs. A P. Blanchard : Conklln's oldest son, Philip, for the ; l. B. Hallmark, who Is employed past three weeks. They arrived In : by the state highway hero, spent the Cove Wednesday. : past weckcnd with his family at Cove. Mrs. J. E. Mills returned Wednes-! Mr and Mrs. Burt Knll and Inra- day from a visit in the east. Whllo iiy were dinner guests of Mr. and away Mrs. Mills visited relatives In Mrs. J. W Koatson, of Cove last Colorado and Wyoming and- also vis- Sunday. ' . . j itcd with her son Gordon at Cam- Elmer Sinclair and sons were re- onage juassacnusetts. uoraon is a cent city visitors Junior in Harvard, and has attained Mrs. Hilda Murray and her mother, a place on the Dean's list which Is a Mrs. Nell Robertson, of La Grande, mark of excellent scholarship. were guests of relatives In Perry one Miss Lola Martin, who has been vis- dav last u-eek I Iting In Portland for some time, re- Among those who spent the 4th of turned to Cove Wednesday evening. . juiy picnicking up the Grande Ronde Miss Martin drove homo alone in her river were Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hol-car- den, Mr. and Mrs.- Olc Mathson and LeHoy Lay took his motor boat, ramilv. Mr and Mis. ,loe Smith mm which he built during the winter, to children and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald 'nQffiBtB WBHKHmMHBa wanowa lane ior me rounn. Mr. i,ay pierson and children. i-iouihbbiMBB gave the boat Its initial tryout on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boohcr were ' nie river lunungr, luKiny eigui, peo- recent business visitors In La Grande, pie. Virgil Conley drove the truck In Mr. and Mrs. Cal Wright recently which the boat was. hauled to the made a trip to Covo. lake- j Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Furgason ! were recent guests of relatives at J ,1 Tl.,jr,,. :Kamela. UUIlUVll J. I tit 11 i perry people visiting La Grande re- Ladies' Holeproof Hosiery Reduced $1.00 kinds.. 85 c $1.50 kinds $1.30 $1.95 kinds $1.65 Iy Mrs. c. E. ThornlMirgh (Observer Correspondent) KAMELA (Special) Miss Nancy Cast eel left Sunday for her home in tiiot rock to help her mother during the harvest. She has been employed tne treaty. ior some time in Kamela store and ! Haifa TJnncmrnnnn contly included: Mr.mnd Mrs. Frank UUtld MlUllVyillUVIl Braden. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Holden. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Pierson and WASHINGTON, July 8 What- children, Mrs. E. Morrison and Charles ever else the London naval treaty may Dooley. accomplish in the future, it already Mr. and Mrs Alfred Mathson. of has disrupted plans of two honey : La Grande, were recent Perry visitors, mooning senators. - i - -. The Pino Cone auto camp is a busy The veteran Senator Smoot. of place these days. .The swimming tank Utah, who was wed only a few days and buildings having recently been ago and planned to leu.e this week , treated -to a new coat of paint and for Honolulu, has responded to a plea other things hae- been done to beau from President Hoove, by advising tify the place. ", i'- - . that he would arrive in the capital . 1 .. - " - - , 1 j Wednesday to support ratification. , He and Mrs. Smoot will be guests : of President and Mrs. Hoover at the i i white house during the debate. Prom abroad. Senator Balrd of New, Jersey, who also is on his wedding trip, cabled the president voluntarily that he would return immediately to help Insure a quorum for approval of Establishes Mark Radio Programs Dumb Let's see you do lt Dora Havo you got a typewriter? ItliV 1nirvo 4 .. 1 U. i . - it. ui ukui Aiji,m;e L.uciius mat some innns which jirn .. . extremely pulatable to the individual derange his digestion. T'i " young lady from wnts, , The trained dietitian has proved himself able to cure many 'VTy1 ,tooh"how "inking miiesses ana DUlla up depleted strenirth. While he mio-ht nnt JO 8llow " muc" stc"ni!. be able to bring about "general well bcinir and hanninesa" in CVerv Case, it rinnhllpsa wnnlrl ho ,,f vli,Q t .,r,., i- it . Johnson-It's all wrong about tho , , w iiiijuiiv tu luuauii, irlsn being such good fighters. uiie. men, u me patient did not follow the advice received he would at least know what was wrong with him. WKDNESIMY I'KOdilA.MS National Broadcasting Co.: 6:30, popular music; 7:30, Amos and Andy; 8, Jack and Ethyl; 8:30, Hill Billy boys; 0:30. pleasure hour; 10:30, min strels; 11:30 to 13. dance music. And she said, Well, what about kilts? orcnMtrn nnd B0iol8ts. g, Neapolitans; iu to iu:ju, sunHnino nour. Jackson Really? Johnson Yea. Last week my brother and I and two other fellows almost knocked an Irishman silly. In :ihe London Lancet a doctor reports the case ol a small lioy who is unable to smile. Rather a trying child, ,we should think; to read the comic sections to. A" aviator repaired his plane with his' shirt. Here's one man who enme out of the stock crash with something. - Chats With Parents will return In a few weeks. During I A lytplin W.nvllfivt hur flhnnnro Mm I. Wltm1rrth twill !lCHl -v " ' tU-i work in the store. Blaine Castcel, of Pilot Rock, who has been a Kamela visitor for some time returned home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lockett and son, James, Miss Nancy Castcel, of Kamela, and Art Lyons, of La Grande, spent the 4th at Meacham. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kelley, of La Grande, were Sunday guests at tho P. Biever home. Mrs. Kcllcy is Mr. Biever's sister. Mrs. Garfield, of Portland. Is a Meacham visitor at present at the J. Casey home. She is Miss Florence Columbia Broadcasting system: 8. , n ,' , "SC pS hfnl.h Kamela. Tnd Mr. and Mn J. E t2- m h1; " f. 1Ub I""" """"y- ' Meacham. were mem- oers or a picnic party on the Grande Ronde river on the 4th. i Mrs. A. Lockett and son, James, ex- ! pected to leave today for a short visit at the home of Mr. Loc Rett's parents in Boise. Lillian Schubert Is to accompany Mrs. C. E. Thornburg on Tuesday to Joseph, whero they will visit at the L. E. Thornburg home. Ian Thorn program; 10 to 12, danco music. Seattle KJR (070): 8, NBS; 10:30, orchestra; 12, Revellers. Ienver KOA (830): 7:30, NBC; 7:45, dance music; 8:30, NBC; 0. Ocnver concert orchestra, malo quartet; 9:30 to 11:30, NBC. I.os Angeles KNX (1050): 8. feature program; 0. "Sporting Events"; 0:30, featuro; j in Joseph for some time will return SUGAR SUPPLIES CALORIES AT THE Few Foods Return' Such High Caloric Value. for the" Money , . , DETROIT, July 7 (PI Amelia Ear hart, transatantlc flier, established a new International woman's speed SuRnr is an Inexpensive food, record hero yesterday by averaging Compared with butter, bacon 181.18 miles an hour over a three ,nrtJw; 1 i ""tvw" """i kilometer course. r,0m'( i C'"1, iT'?' Earlier in the week she had made Rreen vegetables and fresh fruits, another record by averaging 174.9 suKar supplies the system with far miles an hour over a 100 kilometer n'or0 calorics for each cent spent course. ; than the same amount expended on The flights were checked by ob-' onv f the rest of the products servers from tho National Aero- named. This fact is sifrnifiennt because the average system, requires ap proximately 3000 calories daily. Of this amount, sixty per cent should be derived from the enrhohydrato group of foods to which sugar belongs. To get the full value of sugar tho housewife should consider it in re lation to all the foods she chooses for her table. The most inexpensive iiiuancen mom can no made satisfy. aim Tmwers - ' .T .;, The experienced, courteous drivers : .'of . (lie. Cliloii 'rnclric Stapes are trained1 'to assist passengers, par- ' tlcularly- .v o it n g s t e r s, - women traveling ultll children1 and elder ly people. " On your vacation trip, travel the comfortable, economical way lit our nio'dern, roomy motor coaches. Departure times lire: For Baker, Boise & East 9:10 a. m. 10:35 2:50 p. m. p. m. nautical association and tho Federa tion Aeronautlquo Internationale. Believe Aviators Crashed In Jungle RANGOON. Burma. July 8 Pi Be lief that tho British airmen. Hook and Matthews, crashed In a wild. tlgor-lnfestcd Jungle a few miles northeast of Taungup, Monday was hr.,rl,fnn.l l,u m,.r-, . ...... stated they saw airmen flying very ns! an t-omplcto by n sweet des- For Pendleton, Portland 6:30 a. m. 2:05 p. in. 7:2a p. m. TIIItOIKill SHUVIOE TO ALL EASTERN POINTS 10 to 12. danco music. homo with them, about the end of khj (uuu) : b, una; 10, news, dance tho week MAIUOHV'S I-KIIIT My Allco JmlKuu l'cale , ' ' " ".- ' . Marjory had Waited patiently for music: 12 to 1. organ. Engineer C. E. Thornburg. who has We lire always a little ClirioilS about the illCOlllP tax ml urn hor iurn nt 1110 '"ln ll"rt 11,011 lal KFl u40: 8- NBC; 8:30. symphon- I been working from La drande on the . - hb fine went ui 10 t burg, who has been visiting relatives j low. their plane apparently in . sert- Canned vegetables, as well as ..t.i unca, 11IUCI1 imprOVCd of the golfer who takes 11 strokes and puts down five. Over Night News ! on i;it $100 to nuitiTY u Uttlo girl rushed In ahead of her. Without preface, Marjory attacked her. 8ho pounded her with her fists and hud drawn blood with her nails by tho time tho teacher reached her 8LEM. On,. July B Mi a. li Vnn HIul PHl her away. '" ' i Trump, Marlon county fruit lnnpec. 8o removed Marjory from the (By The Assoclutfd l'rpss) j tor,, in a letter to rtodney W. Aldem, Bceno and allowed her to brcomo WnBhlngton Opponents renew de 1 editor of the Woodburn Independent, mlet beforo they talked things over, mand for conridentlal documents as offers to give 100 to ehartty it AlcU-n Marjory was on tho defensive. bJMiut? cousLlcratlon of naval can prove any one of several thlnn "That little girl made you very trwTV. said about Van Trump in n recenc "Kry. didn't Hhe?" the teacher be- Lns Arel.B dviory pardon board ' nrtlclc nmong other things the In- B" quietly, vrrjnmmenda to Rovurnor that nnrdon lcP""lent ehargeH that Van TriHiip "Yea, she did and. and " hesl- J Moonev. delivered a "political harangue" wti tatlngly then in a nuddrn burst of soma nr his remarks bnseti on articles confession. "I Just hate her take it another cttc: 0, musical features: 10:30. con- trouble, toward the Jungle. cert orchestra; 11:30, NBC. br refused Mooney Tiinytown N. Y John D. Rockc f!Ir 91 years old tlay. in blrtu Uitv pxp-c--! gratitude Jot ' i:li.diiescs In past year. Miuoln. Neb.-rM;ss Alberta Urlnk- ' (hafr, unlverfiity of Nebraska senior, commits suicide by leap from plane. Wah!ngtm Do'ir-lns Fnlrbnnki ir-ai'tert refiiui of WH 708 for owr nBWiamcnt of 1024. 1025. W2J lnc m tnxeB. I..ux5lm: ?Tchi an supreme cour. m rim"- ta Jnt ncTip in move to re call Moyor Charles Bowles to Detroi. Wi, ,hliu tn:i Bishop James Canhoi. .i'- urt. s pxciUR'.on of unnatuinUKeR r liens from census count to ke.-: uuwii rtprc-.en'at:on In congre s ForelRii London Baldwin moves to censure he read In tho Independent. "Yes. I know you hated her and 1 don't blame you. 1 get angry at peo ple too sometimes when they do things llku that to me. But I dou t . July 8 ,-The Salem V" l.hPm r'11"?0 1 .k"?' thn U 1 n of the last year win JUrt . wol,,d OIll Bpt lnto u Io1 TO KNTKK IIKAI.TII IMKKiltAM SALEM. Ore health program be entered in a nation-wide content RDnaored bv the United States clum ber of cMmnf-n-e. Salem will be en tered In the class of cities nuvi- t; nt m ,000 to SO.OO0 population. !'i':na, v. y tliln clar-s Ipflt year. TKN Af iKAHIANjt KllIKI) MEXICO CITY, July a an The cnrrofiiiendcnt of Universal at Gunim Juato todav reported that ten Arr- innn had been killed and numerous solution for her difficulty. Mac Donald for government for failure others wounded In n battle betwtvn not made to feal KUiltv not nut to provide protective tariff. farmers and Hulcachl and Kovatlnii through the forms of repentance for Naples Vesuvius In eruption: wr 'PW" w eonununai grants ol having given vent to unsocial but trouble. "You lmuin't hit people either, es pecially someone who Im smaller than you are, as that little girl was. I'll go back with yoit know and you can was winner In rx?lnin to llcr thftt "nwn" yur tur and 1 m sure she will give up the t swing to you." I hey went back to the playground. Tho atmosphere was cleared and there was no further trouble. That little episode was wisely handled from more than one point of j he child it'nrnpd the practical She was spouts three fountains of lava Helslngfors Finnish peasants; march into cnpltal In demonstration against communism. Wellington, N. Z. Sir Joseph Ward, formerly prime minister, dies. THA1NS TIKI) IT wholly natirat Impulses She was made to understand that it pays to cultivate self-control. senger trains of the National lints to- Sclacca Sicly Trial of 241 mem- rMnU of heftVV nUn; 5 frelKht wreck, The tieup cut off passriKi.r service between Mexico City and Ju arez, Laredo and Guadalajara. bcrs of Mafia begun under guard of ou carauinieri Health Talks Sports New York TUden announces he will not play in Davis cup challenge round. l'KKT I IHST At the old swimming hole. If you dove in fret first, the practice was to Mndamo Chiang Kai-shek, the "first nliu-h vour nose nnd hnt vnur kvm lortv nt rhtrnt " h.i Inli.n tU 1h i. ... ....... ... .... . Mlnne.DOlis Jones and Del - '".."""V .' ... Z" V' ., UH. 1U"V "M.,ow..lttP mhnnt -ft i i., a-in-i. 7i- " """"'"ic wuuipu nm not Know except that u was the hoot 70 in int-rlachen practice. lo URO only Chinese grown product. ,.cral nra.tlce nil that not infro- US 1 1 Jll ! A If WUT- iT1 t '--- t IUTW, f C, m-.ta -. I The district Ik one of the wilder, in taste an Deal if a Hash nt nrr in Burma, uninhabited and without to A pinch, of salt is added while roads- they arc cooking Breakfast cereals Hook and Matthews dlsanneared nn unrl dmuarl AiA i j i Joseph branch for some time spent , an attempted fl!Sht from EnBland to goodness when sucar is added last weekend at his home In Kamela i Australia. r . ..7 . uueu- uoctors ana dietitians approve CAPITAL .- Plilt CENT DIllKK use of suirar in making esscn- tial foods tasty. For these foods PORTLAND. Ore.. July 8 (Pi P. contain vitamins, mineraland Seott McBride. uatlonul superlnten- "ouehapre all of which are needed dent ol the Anti-saloon League of , "V the system. Good food promotes America. Washington, u. c, said here gooa neaun. ne tiugar Institute. mat juu per cent pronioition v., 11 :- MODEST MAIDENS -:- Trade Marke KeKlstratlon Applied For U. S. Patont Office STAGE DEPOT 1308 Adams Ave. Phone M49 come about Just the same as 100 per cent observance of the ten command ments. McBride. who arrived In Portland to speak at several churches in this city . and In the state, said the nation was becoming drier and drier. The city I or Washington, ne aula, is o per cent drier now than It was two years ago. PERRY PERSONALS "Ho n't lilnnie him for rorcettinr vnur hirthH.iv them jonrrtf." Von try to forget Uy Mr. .Mary l(. Hull (Observer Correspondent) PERKY, Ore. (Special) Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Pierson and family have gone- to Halfway, Ore., to spend the summer. Mr. Pierson is employed on ; the stale highway work at that place. Little Miss Pearl Bftiwn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown, has returned from a veer's visit at the home of her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Witrglesworth. of Kamela. Mrs. v. w. Holden s bother and family of California, who have been f visiting at her home for several days recently, have departed for their home. Mrs. A. F. Blanchard and daughter j and small grandson were shopping In lx. ursmie last Saturday. Little Keba Kail spent the sast i week at the home of her cousin. Evelyn Hoatson. of Cove. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Bellamy, of Lt Grande, spent the 4th of July at their country place here. Lawrence Robertson has been busv for several days constructing a mod ern poultry house on his place at Upper Flat. CHERRIES We Want Your BINGS and LAMBERTS Erickson a Phone Main 792 1525 Jefferson St. Mr. J. W. Hoatr-on and daughter.