Page Six New Tariff Law Hailed By IJyde As "Distinct Gain" For Agriculture WASHINGTON, July 3 (fff The new ercd In the bill Is only 6.17 per cent, tariff law was hailed' by Secretary i tho Increase of 54.43 per cent on ng Hyde yesterday as a. "Distinct gain" I rlcultural products Is significant. The for agriculture, provimnff Increased Iftext largest increase Is 22.17 per cent protection, actually and potentially, over the act of 1022. This is on splr- for American farmers. In an address over a network of radio stations, the secretary said It would serve to hold the home market for trio American producers and would stimulate agriculture to balance its production against the market de mand.. ' Many of Its rates such as those on wool, eggs, long staple cotton and dairy products, ho said, will be gen- umiiy ut'iiciiciui m uhisib wm. In border markets. ' "The new act reduces, even though It may not entirely eliminate, the disparity in tariff protection which has existed between agricultural and industrial products," he said. "On an equivalent ad valorem basis, the per centage of Increase on agricultural products (Schcdulo J) is more than twice as large as the Increase upon other schedules in the bin. Slciilflcant Increase "Thlo increase was 64.43 per cent, m nee ine increase o mi Double Header Goes to An igels, Increasing Lead nv tlie Associated Fress A hair game gain, all Important bo Into In tno tlrnt porlod of the Pa cific coast league season, which ends July 13, was mado yesterday by Los Angeles over tho runners-up. Sacra mento, as the Angels downed Port land twice, 10 to 9 and 3 to 2, while tho Sacs beat tho Missions 0 to 8. Los Angelos overcame- Portland loads In both games, Peters came In to win for tho Angels In the ten In ning first contost attor tho Ducks had started by pounding Delaney. In the' second Ballou, who finished tho first gumo for tho Angels, was behind In a pitching duel with Al Walters until the ninth when Han nah doubled with two on to win the game. '. ' .. Three Straight Wins Tho Senators mado It three straight from tho Beds.' Tho latter used 10 men, some newcomers to the lineup. Bryan finished and wan the winning pitcher. Johnson' entorod' his first league game for the Reds in the Sena tors' big seventh and 'was charged . with tho Iobb.' ' v San Francisco lost ngoln to Seattle by a 7 to '4 scoroi ' Tho Indians pound ed Jacobs for an early lead and never wore headed, ' wlillo Zahniser kept tho Seals well In hand. Mars In Fourth Hollywood moved Into a fourth plnco tie with San Francisco, wln 1 nlng Its ninth straight gome by trouncing Oakland, 12 to .1. ' Daglla Was Ineffective and Hollerson limited tho Oaks to five scattered hits. Bnr- boo's fifth homer In fifteen days with - x . . a n.T it i the Stars was one of their four ctURUGNON .''AN IJ . cult Clouts oi tne game. At Portland . . '".'(First game)' '!,;..:!.?: Tj H.; E. Los Aiigolcs .......i. 30 li 3 forlland .......i P 13 4 ' Delaney and; Warren;' Mays and Wnrvlnll. , ' i tr ( I f I Second gamo) Lob Angeles , Portland , pallou and Hunnah; ralm. . -i R.iH. E.ij 1 a o u Walters and r .? H.. E. - B 1 ' At Los' Angeles ') Oakland.1 .v... Hollywood paglla, Du movie U and Hollerson and Sevcreid' , ''At Seattle - - - t Ban Francisco .......... i j Lombard!; H, H. ..4 8 7,14; Seattle, ' Jacobs and Jackson: Zahniser and Borrcunt. At San Francisco . Jl. H. E. Baoramcnto. 9 16 1 Missions ......j. 0 0 3 ' Flynn. Gould, Bryan and Wlrts; Knott, Johnson, Dchoag and Walgren, Drenael. Abe Colman Pins Russian Wrestler PORTLAND, Ore., July 3 (V) Abo Colman, Jewish light hcavwclght wrestler of New York, defeated Al KaraBlck, Portland, two out or throe falls lust night. Colman took the first fall in 24 mlnlitrs, 40 seconds : with a series of flying tackles and the third in 14 minutes, 20 seconds1 with a crotch and arm bar hold. The second fall went to Karaslck In 16 minutes, 60 seconds with a scries of head locks. Colman weighed 186 pounds; Karaslck 170. V i:ltS MOTIIHH'S COliKT (IOWN WASHINGTON WV-Misa Helen Leo Waslilngton, a next season's debu tante who Is to be presented at tho last court at Buckingham Palace in July, will make her curtsy In the samo gown her mother wore when sho was presented at the Italian court in her girlhood. OLD NEWS PAl'KKS WALLS DAirtEN, Manchuria W There Is a healthy market for old newspapers hore. ' They aro used extensively for papering tho Interior walls of coolte mud houses. Sensible Way To Lose Fat Start taking Kruschen Salts that's tho common-sense way to reduce but don't take them with the Idea that they possess reducing qualities In themselves. This is whut they do they clean out the Impurities in your blood by keeping the bowels, kidneys and liver in splendid working shape and fill you with a vigor and tireless energy you'd most forgotten had existed. As a result Instead of planting yourself In an easy chair every free j moment and letting flabby fat ac cumulate you feel an urge for activ ity that keeps you moving around doing tho things you've always want- j ed to do and needed to do to keep j you in good condition. i Then watch the pounds slide off! Kruschen Salts are the up-to-date ' Fountain of Youth. Take ona half teaspoonful In a glow of hot or cold wnter tomorrow morning and every ; morning they're tasteless that way. ' and If they don't change your whole Idea about reducing, go back and get ; the small price you paid for them. ' Oct an 85 cent bottle of Kruschen Ha 1 1 s 1 an t s 4 weeks a t Red Cross Unit; Store or any progressive drug gUt anywhere in the world. Adv. ' Thcso products of agricultural origin." Hyde cited as Important nisrlcul turul products upon which tlte rate ban been raised, cot tie, meats and meat products, hides, wool, long staple cotton, flaxseed, soybeans, but- inr a tit I rhixiAn milk nml rrcam. ! casci( egg8, a large variety of f reah , jrultB, frfiah vegetables and sugar, ..Tue duty on Whcat was not in- 'creased above tno rate efitaonsneu oy jne president under the flexible pro- . vision of the act of 1922," he said. : "Establishing tbls rate of 42 cents . in the 1030 act, however, maKCs pos Bible such changes in rates as later investigation may show to be re quired. "Despite the surplus in production, tho duty on1 wheat is partially effec tive. It is most effective in protect ing the hard spring wheat growers In 1 seasons of snort crops, out it Dcncum 'other classes of ( wheat by creating a """"e"- PUBLIC LINKS GOLF TOURNEY IS ARRANGED Willi thirty-two players qualified for the event, the first public links golf tournament ever held in La Urando will begin tomorrow, It was announced toduy by B. V. Copscy. Mr. Copscy Is pairing tho players according to their handicaps, and the play will be In twosomes or four somes, match ploy according to their handicaps. Jesse Andrews is offer-lug- a cup for the winner and Mr. Copsoy is offering n bag for runner up. In addition, a dozen bolls will bo given the medallist; ' Tho tournament will continue until tho vorlous matches are completed. Sande Will Make Trip In His Car NEW YORK, July 3 lTl Evidently Earl SSndo Is a fatalist for Americas premier Jockey will Journey to Chi cago In his automobllo to ride Gal lant Fox In his Arlington Park en gagements. Sande wub In his third accident In throe Weeks Tuesday, when the steering wheel of his auto mobile flew off, but other than few scratches was not injured. Tho first of Sunde's series of acci dents came on tho evo of the Bel mont stakes, when his face was cut badly as a result of an automobile collision. Tho second was when Dis traction unseated him on the way to the post In tho Brooklyn handicap and caused him to bo out. of the Hrt'.. dlo for a week with a sprained anklo. , COCHET, RE A, CIl rl$EMr-; FINALS ... . . 'v f. J r-;'' " ' !1 ' urMni-RnriM. Ritr'.. .Tulv 3 w-- .it - nrl c:ochetr ntl JacbuoB Bniuntm. f Jvj..i. r.. in riim : .t.mtilno ln.irri Spirit h Flavin Cnn '-: doubles tcurri. renchcd tho semi-final round In the Brillsli tennis uhampionHhlps today 1 oy defentlng Bill Tildrn and. his putch partner, "Hano Tftnmor, fl-fl, iC wilinor Allison, 'of-. Austin, ToKfis, and Miss Edith Cross, of San Fran. cisco. were eliminated -in !lho'.quarteiv final round by tne 'ustriiutin-Anuw-tau combination, of Jack Crawford and MIho EliKabetli Ryan. The scores wore 0-3., 3-0. 0-3. - - i The defeat In mixed doubles today markdd tho first reverse of tho an tiro tournament for Allison who litis reached tho final In slnulcs and the semi-finals In men's doubles with his young American partner, John Van Ryn. That the veteran French combina tion will bo a serious threat for the title was indicated by tho play of Cachet and Brugnon against Tllden and Tlmmer. , U. S. Crews Win To Third Round HKNLEY-ON -THAMES, Eng.. July 3 M)--Two United Staten crows won through to the third round of tho Thames challenge cup in tho Hinley ltoyul regatta llil;i morning by de feating their British opponents. Princeton university won over Clare college, Cambridge UBtventUy, by six feet, making the mile and five-slx-toenthH in 1 minutes 40 seconds. Kent School for Boys, with a crew member i averago or Hi years, beat Lesbury rowing club by hull a length In 7 minutes 64 seconds. Tomorrow the two trams will cele brate Independence day by racing each other. MOTIIKll IN (iUAI)i; .SCHOOL ST. LOUIS (Al A mother of five children has been awarded an eighth grado diploma here. Bcmuso she wanted to be able to advlne her chil dren In their ttrhool problems, Mrs. uuiu Klin, 4a, hht September took up her grammar school studies whore she left off 30 years ago. RIVAL WELTERS Its and fruit syrups, are almost wholly C it 7 v - I''mr ' fr" HOVV THEY ISA V. .1 U STACK UP TV ' JACK I t THOMPSON ,..j Young Corbett of Fresno. Cnt., been knocking at the title door for the last couple of years and already holds two decisions over J.ick Thompson and fought him one draw. The bouts occured before the negro became chsmpion of the writer.vsirjht division. Thompson will receive $20,000 for his end of the affair In S.n Fr.mcico, July A, n big purse for a non.titl fiuht. fc . v- ADMIRAL BYRD it t. v t r ? x Sri Msi Pictures tell the story of the ovation extended to Rear Admiral heme city of Beaton after 18 months in the Antarctic. He is siiown in ing a Qold medallion from" Gov. Frank G Aitrn whi e lui wife looks on. : " . ' Georgia Out To Regain Laurels -'As Peach 'Ruler ATLANTA W-rSpcaking of come backs, how about . those Georgia peaches? . . Last year Georgia lost its supremacy as ruler of the peach realm east of tho Rockies. A small crop and poor quality cuts Its carload shipments to 5.228 and the crop's value to $3,312, 000. This year the crop won't be much larger, but quality is expected to put Georgia back on top of the roost again. A 7,000-car output with an es timated valuo of $7,000,000 1b in pros pect. "The entire Dixie peach belt, says A. D. Jones, director of the Georgia state bureau of markets, will not ship more than 13,000 cars this year. Georgia's comebock .will be offset In tho south, by nnticlpa'ted small yields in Texas, nnd Arkansas, whore winter kill took a heavy toll. Last year Ar kansas challenged. 'Georgia's suprem acy' with 2.036,000 bushels and Illinois led'ail states taut of the Rockies with 3,fl00t00Q bushels.' Georgia record, its poorest in years, was 2,880,000. , Tho., estimated. 7,g00-car production for 'Georgia will yield growers far above the $l,15-pcr-bushtl farm price of 1D2E). and tho cxpoflttt;, 7.000,000 t.nlnl will nnmnnrn faVOrablM .With: the crop in 1028, whcnVthe ' ylelql': wwj worth $8,100,000. . .. -Mf :i bo. sUuiuion (viva . Jones. dentohV slrutca the. need for.-controlled'-'mftr-' kotin? Tor the entire'peacn ueit;uiiw ywirf nature .took n hand with wintc'r ktllsi in the western Hector. Lost ybar iiwiiiet nests and adverse weather pon- tliiuhis hit the sou tUrjeas tern scctipil. tuetngia is preparing 10 Jinuaie ilb fuiuro surnlusses in freozlng plants ojulhpctl to handle "dead ripe", fruit, toui cream or tho crop, but until Tor shipment. ' ) , 1 . ;!Tnc southern peach season, Whloh stants in late May; usually . runs until Allowance PerilecJ Assortnteii Pre.... t'hoto Now that 6he't married Mrs. Sutli Mix Gitmorc, 17, may lose her &2b0 a month allowance trom ncr 'athcr, Tom Mix. I hit M K.4 jf; SHAPE UP FOR BATTLE OF FOURTH Thompson Corbett 25 Age 24 142 Ring Wgt. 1-i8150 5' ' Height 5' 5 72 Reach 67" 12H" Biceps 12H" 34" Cht. Nor. 40' 38" Cht. Ex. 43 64 Ankle 12" Calvea 14" 10' Thigh 21H" 15" Neck 16" 5" Wrist 7" 11" Fore.irm 11?4" LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE, i RECEIVES HOME CITY'S WELCOME IXwmmr- wM ,..jffot,,i-t aE late July. North Carolina, Arkansas. Texas, South Carolina, Tennessee and Louisiana are other Important peach producers Jn tho south., ; Health Talks iii.oon .srcKKUs Blood-sucking . insects have been the greatest enemies of mankind. Mosquitos, flies, ticks, - bed-bugs, lice and fleas have been-responsible for the transmission of some of the most devastating diseases afflicting mankind. To list but tho principal among these, . wo find mosquitos spreading malaria ana yenow lever, uioou-suck ing flies spread sleeping-sickness and luma-miu. turn preu icvei, lice, typhus fever; and ' fleas the kJF"uo, plague. Of the diseases listed, malaria is the only one now widely prevalent in the United States; Malaria is spread by an Anopheles mosquito, which ' differs from tho common pest mosquito (the Culex) principally in the position which it takes when biting. The Culex. (non malaria spreading mosquito) holds its body parallel, the malaria mosquito holds its body 'perpendicular to tho fest'of 'thG Biirface, . -r: ; " Malaria" is - a disease peculiar to man.. ,No other animal is known to Buffers frbm' It. Man and mosquito are the itwo living things essential to the llfeycleof the malaria parasite. flno pitching of Earl . W hitch 111 in Malaria ,'vhas ployed. -ftprominent the first game, but Philadelphia re rolo in "haninK the -history -of. the turned to slam Watte Hoyt for a 7 world. The , decline" of ' Greece is thought to have been hastened by the enrnnri of tmnlflrln nnri wlfln rfftfinfl I of tho-' world are rendered uninhabit able because of. malaria. Wherever malaria prevails, and almost In tho degree of Its prevalence, the popul ation; is generally neiow normal pnysi- cally, mentally and economically. ' ,Tho soitehern states, becauso of many swampy regions, are chief suf- ferors from malaria. . About 250,000 cases of malaria develop t annually, Most or tnosc are m rural sections. Kvcrv case of human malaria must be considered a reservoir ot Infection to others; PROHl CHIEF PLANNING TO SEEK SOURCES SEATTLE, July 3 Ml Taking office here yesterday as prohibition adminis trator for Washington, Oregon. Idaho. Montana and Alaska. Carl Jackson, discarded coat and vest and announc ed his policy would be. '"To halt liquor at its source rather than seek out hip-pocket totors." 'I shall devote rhy attention to for- . rctlng out cases involving liquor j manufacturing, transportation, con- ; nplracy and abatements," ho said. j Coming here from Fort Worth whoro he was administrator in Texas under the Treasury department pro hibition enforcement, organization ho takes charge of a Pacific Northwest . province enlarged under the new de- partment of justice organization to lncludo Montana ana mono. ( Jackson was Laraml county sheriff in Wyoming before entering tho fed oral service as prohibition divisional chief hero in 1922. - From Seattle he was sent to Mon- tana and then to Texas. Phonographs are used to attract and entertain customers by native shop-keepers in Ceylon. ' n n I & YOUNG vl CORBETT 21 - tMi 'vX 1 II Byrd when he returned to hit incct at the State House recelv . . -... SENATORS MOVE TO SECOND PLACE Washington Clinging on Athletics' Heels With' Yankees a Close Third By Hiiffh s. Fullerton Jr. Associated Press Sports Writer) Of 65 games played in their recenf homo stand, tne eastern ciuds oi the American league won 46, leav ing only 19 victories for the western clubs. Wnnhinf'ton nut the bie snurt into tlie flniBn 0f the intersectional play yesterday, moving Into second place in the standings and nrmging its toiai of victories for the home stand to 12 against three defeats by winning both games of a double header from the St. Louis Browns, 5 to" 4 and 6 to 3. The first contest went 12 in nings. ' A Game's Advantage The double victory gave the Sena tors a game's advantage over their rivals, the Athletics and the Yankees, both of whom divided double bills. Thev now. arc a full game ahead of New" York and.only. j games behind Philadelphia. Tho Athletics' five game winning streak was broken when Detroit- beat lnc champlans, 4 to 3. behind the ' to 2 triumph In the second. . ' An Injurq to, Babe-, Ruth's finger . and tho slugging leats or uari Kcyn . bids shared tho Interest as the Yankees won the first1 game from Chicago, 6 to, l,.as the Babe hit his 31nt homer oi tho season, then took . r. 15 to 4 drubbing in the second. ' Reynolds equaled two records by hit- ' tins three home runs in successive times at bat and by driving in eight runs. The injury may keep tho Bnbe out of tlie coming series with tho Ath- icucs. Itally. Wins Boston put on a fine late rally to j lake a single game rrom tne sadiy slipping Cleveland Indians, 5 to 4. The Notional league pennant race became more complicated than ever as the Now York Giants and Brook lyn Robins gave a great display of civic spirit before starting their own , -jlts ! defeated the Chicago Cubs. 9 to 8, by putting on the bet ter rally In tho ninth inning, while the Robins pulled out a o to o de cision over the St. Louis Cardinals on tlie strength of Ray Phelps' pitch In;. ' The result put Brooklyn in first place once more by the margin of lefts than half a percentage point. The Boston Braves also improved their position a bit, turning back Pittsburgh's threat to take fifth place with a 6 to 4 triumph. Harry Set bold. Boston's reliable vetoran. did the major share of tho work, bearing down heavily when men were on bosj. I'ltlVATE ('All FOR HOUSE NEW YORK, July 3 (,P) In a pri vate car of his own. Gallant Fox. champion race horse, was a passen ger to Chicago today on the Pennsyl vania Limited, leaving New York at I p. in. (E. s. T.). A steel horse car was reserved for the turf celebrity, who Is going to Chicago to run in the $80,000 Amer ican classic at Arlington park on July l'J. , Severe Quakes , In North India GAUHATI, Assam, July 3 (P Nine , severe carthquako shocks were record ; cd here within a period of six min- I utes early today. Many persons were injured. Several buildings were de molished. Telegraph wires - were I broken. Slight shocks continued long after the heavier ones. Assam Is a province in the extreme northeastern part of India, it is not densely populated. HIES OF IN.Il ItlF.S McMIKXVILLE, July 3 i.ri Max i Oeorge. Portland bell hop. who was injured In the automobile accident which killed two and injured two others, died In a hospital here early today. Earl Knott, district attorney, said there would be no inquest. FEES INCREASED SALEM, Ore., July 3 ff Because of Marlon county's increased popula tion, which is now GO. 537, persons going into court must pay higher fees. Up to now 92 has been the charee cn all documents for which a riilni; fcf is charged. Now there Wilt be r. f 12 fee if there Is to be a Jury trial. $0 for default caust nnd 3 lor any Judgment. , Sammy. Baker In Hospital After FightWith Gans CLEVELAND, July 3 0P Sergeant Sammy Baker, the veteran New York welterweight campaigner. Was In a serious condition today from head In juries suffered in a lacing at the hands of Baby Joe Cans of Cali fornia In their 13 -round fight at Tay lor Bowl last nlKht.' - Baker collapsed In the last round, and was taken to St. Alexis hospital where an X-ray was ordered to learn whether he was suffering from a hemorrhage of the brain or a frac- tured skull. Baker, reeling from Gans' onslaught ana at tne limit oi enuuruiite iroiu;worK towara tne suinu u. oumu eight knockdowns,-' staggered back-: come in disguised as public relations ward and sank to the canvas after a counsel, director of news, chief of minute and 36 seconds of the ' final press bureau, press manager, public round. As Referee Matt Brock tolled relations executive, director of public nine, the New Yorker gamely pulled . relations and manager of dcvelop- himself to hie feet to face another two-fisted flailing ' from his negro rival. He sank to the canvas onct more and this time Referee Brock ruled it a technical knockout. -- The stricken - lighter was carried from the, ring, moaning rn delirium ana nan unconscious, ana was tasea to the hospital In an ambulance af ter first refusing to leave his dress ing room. Baker won only three rounds, the third, fourth ' and eighth, although he twice felled Gans. v Nearly 4000 spectators alternately cheered and booed the pair, who some time ago;handies publicity for a fight club in fought a vicious ; 10-round draw at : Los Angeles. He does not label "has Madison Square garden. ibeens" and "palefaces" title contend- BaKers condition . was reported somewhat improved this morning, but hospital attendants said the ex- tent of his injuries could not be determined until an X-ray was taken. iie was resting easily. CARD FILING SYSTEM FOR CORPORATIONS SALEM. Ore.. WV-For convenience in keeninc tab on Orecon banks and other corporations subject to the state excise tax. the state tax commission has devised a card filing system dl- vldlng the corporations Into . four classes. A different colored card is used for each class, but the informa tion shown on each card relative to the income, deductions, net tax and other data of the various corporations Is identical in character. Blanks on the cards are filled out from' Information contained In the excise tax, returns rpceived from the uoipuituiuuo. ao uuuwimuuu rem- tivo to income covers gross sales, case of manufacture, trading gain, Interest oi bank deposits, interests on bonds and other income. For - deduction purposes the card . shows . officers' j salaries, rent, repairs. Interest paid, taxes, losses, bad debts, depreciation and depletion. .Net Income and net j tax paid aro also shown. Corporations are classified as finan cial, manufacturing, mercantile, and miscellaneous. ' 1 Under-the financial classification come banks and trust companies. bujlding and loan -and savings and loan associations," investment bankors and bond dealers. Jcommercial paper I and finance companies, brokers and miscellaneous finance businesses. Under' the : manufacturing classifi cations are 'food products, textile and textile products, lumber and wood 1 products: pulp and' paper -industry, printing and publishing, chemical and allied substances,-'metals and metal products, miscellaneous manufactur ing. The mercantile businesses listed are wholesale, retail, auto ana garages, miscellaneous trades and businesses. ; The miscellaneous classification cov-J ero agriculture, mining, construction. personal service,- lnsuranco agencies and real estate. Herman Revamps Batting Lineup ST LOUIS, July 3'P) Babe Her man and not Wilbert Robinson is re sponsible for tin revamped batting order tne ttoDins usea yesteraay.'- The Robins were talking baseball l tho bench. "I don't think our batting order Is so hot," suggested Herman. "Well, you know bo mucn, now would you arrange It?" Robinson re torted. ' Herman wrote out his Idea of a batting' order. Robinson thought well enough or it to give it a trial. As a result the Robins broke a four game losing streak.- CROP HAS VARIED NAMES WASHINGTON (flV-Prosco or "hcr- shcy" now appears variously as. hog millet, tjroomcorn millet, Early For tune millet and Manitoba millet.' SEALS IN HIGH COMPRESSION POWER MOTOR1TE is refined to meet the high speed requirements of the new high compression motors. It is the oiliest oil known. It hs a great capacity for car rying away and giving up licet. It resists dilution by giving up stray gasoline intheforraofvapor. It is entirely free from acid forming properties. it forms NO hard carbon. It seals in high compression giving 200 EXTRA miles of lubri cation. Refill with Motorite. Only 25fl a quart at any Union Station. ' Tunt id Union Oil Radio Pro gram frfrj tveniitg bttwttn ::I0 and 3:15 over station KKX. MOTORITE The Union Motor 07 (or High Comprciiion Crs Press Agent Is Often Equipped ' With Big Title Hv kusspII J. Newlaml (Associated Press Sports Writer) eTj PHANriftCO Those who be lieve that sports editors live a life ol Pftun And affluence and have nothing more to do than to. occupy the best seats at big events should call in on days when press agents are running heavy, like Balmon on a spawning mission up some ereek. Every sports editor is the legitimate prey of these hustlers whose duty Is to get a piece in the papers. Some I are congenial, some conniving and ' others downright pesty but they all ment. Press agents are press agents, oil these tricks and high sounding titles notwithstanding. Most of them have the nerve of a burglar and a rebuff makes no more Impression than wa- "ter on a duck's back. However, sports editors who assign all press agents to the same category, no doubt will be surprised to learn there is one such person who hesl- tates to call black, black for fear It will fade, (Ho is alive and well ,too.) Hc Has a Chance Dean Snyder is the name and ho :ers or "champions of the southwest" or tne man the champ is dodging." etc etc., Ho tries to stick to the , news and when he writes an article, iSaId article has more chance of being printed than a lot of other literary outbursts that change otherwise peaceful sports editors Into prema turely old men. He slips into an office unobtrusive ly, bangs out his piece on the office typewriter, and slips but again with out having disturbed the office rout ine except possibly a sleepy office boy int9 PeninE his eyes. : 1 Another Is Sain I Another one of these rarities Is Sam WHderman. a little quick wltted chap wo handles sports publicity for the University of Oregon. So far-back as the wrlter'remembers which neces sarily dates back to the time Sam took over the Job, Sam has never won any football games on paper in advance. When he is on tlie road with the team, Sam will inform the editor he happens to visit as follows: "We have a pretty good, team this year, but it. looke like a tough game against so and so." -Incidently Sam's WlnHfl lnRslfv ,,.m R .Wkr " ,, r r a?ffi i ' " P,lsL For Penclleton, . I IIW Portland I 6:30 a-m- n 2:0,r p m' SIE - "7:25 p. in. La CJrande T,,KOl1S!,AfBV,CB National '. -,. eastkhx points Itank . M S.F,C II tS&A Stnsc Depot Hi . 0Sk l:i" A.lams Ave. ,1.;-;: Jiliila Mrmbrr Federal Keservc raJii'afl Hesourccs over 2 .Million . fprm $ 83 tM P I FOKTV-SK(rONI) YEAR OF STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA IB- This Year Will I jm . : Make 1 v CIRST. on Yicroru fast Onidun Banff. Lake Louise and the Buncalow Cimrn m the heart of the magnificent Canadian Rockies enjoy ever)' type of outdoor recreation and activity there . . . then by rail again to Calgary, Spokane and home. That's the Circle Tour-really atirtlt cf Irani, enrtr uinmmi itnJ fltjturt for all the family. Here's a vaca. tion you'll all like, and it can be had at modcrare cost. Ger folders and details now from the office listed below, and plan to go this summer. Pacilk Troxrlltri M8ICtHBAMkStn&.' Thtrtsdayi July 3; -19301' Mike Fisher, veteran of "baseball wars" that disrupted the game In the I early port of the century tells thu S ; one: When he owned the Sacramento C1UO in-jfu4, a piayer uy me name of Wagner was sent out to him from tho east recommended as a "smart" player." "Tho Senators were behind v.hcn Wabner came up-and hit i jlbng one which put the winning run on base, wagncr wnizzea over first and headed for second. When he KOt half way, his cap blew off and he Ktonned to nick It up. He was tnsH jDU at second and Fisher tossed him 0ut of tho park." 1HM" i'Ull KILE j ' j APIA, Samoa iff) The women of Samoa have taken up the home rule C(.Usc. since most of the men leoaers 0f the movement have been put ia inrison. A Remarkable Treatment for Stomach Troubles. We have been looking for a prep aration for the re ii-f of var.oug Stomach Trouble?, a medicine of such unusual merit that we could honestly rcoammend tj our customers and know that they woulu derive the re- I suits tney uuvc u ii&ul iu t..tct irom - its use. j we finally decided that Hy-PEP-. ; Sen fully met all our requirements ub j a perrct preparation for the relief or ; TudiEestlon, Dyspepsia, Chronic Con, isttpatlon, Torpid Liver, Loss of Appe- tlte, and a System Builder. Wc now have it In stock. If you suffer from any form or Stomach Trouble, we want you to try this splendid Tonic on our guarantee. Come In and lot us tell you about li. Moon Drug Co. Adv. i rw:ct Imtr from Senile to and Vancouver . . . then, on 2 Pacific trartsconrincntal trun ro Offliwi Coorf tht World Onr i i Xlow vyS .Suinimir travel by - jraftjg motor toacli Is M'on- ft$s"?V 0111 1 c 11 ' cmi'lortahlc K&l and pleasant. O n e l3frf ' sees 411 o r e of the ffofflj. country at no adtll "fSSr t'unal cost. Ask your S'iS nRl,llt r"r ,nreH tit any point. I nlon SiiS l'ai'Kle Stapes leave at the following hours: Mil For Baker, Boise & East J1 KN 9 -AO a. m. iW 2:fi0 p. m.