Wednesday, July 2, 1930 Page Six LA GKANDE EVENING OBSEKVEK, LA GRANDE, ORSjL One Oregohian Remains In Net Tourney Today PORRTLAND, Ore.. Juljf 3 JH Three Cttlllornlans and one oregon lau today are to battle each other lor place In the final bracket ol the men'a singles of the Oregon atate tnuls tournament, Orcajor's only hope la Bradnhaw Harrison, who ! to play JacK Cos grove. San Francisco. Harrison yea terday eliminated the. only other re maining Oregonian, jacn uniue. o-i. 6-2. .CoeKrove had more .trouble wltli hl man, Ken May, winning 8-2, 4-0. 0-3. . r Miiy staged the major. upaot of the tournament Monday by defeating Irv ing Welnleln. a seeded player. Af ter losing the f Irat , t to Cosgrove yesterday he ataged a atrong counter attack w win the aecond act but he weakened rapidly In the third. He had previously defeated Bob liooga. University of Oegon, In tt three-sot match and the two long battles had their effect. i .,. Canadian Eliminated Tho other two Calltornlana who atlll wore In. the running today wore Hay Casey and Joe Coughlan, both cit Sau Francisco. Casey eliminated r!flnfitffi.'a contender. J. C. - Edwards. Victoria, B. C, 8-2. 8-2, while cough' lun beat Frank oove. Bon rranciscu, 0-3, 3-8. 0-2. , The pairings today ore Harrison vs, Cosgrove and Casey vs, Coughlan. ; The men'a doubles championship may bo determined today with Har rison and Bob Hoogs playing Henry Neer and Irving Welnoteln. Mrs. Clolda Myer Cross, Charlotte Miller, Helen Bovonnkl, and Marlon Green, .four . seeded players, remain In the contest for .the. women's sin gles titles. Mrs. dross Is to play Miss Green und Miss Miller la, to meet Miss Sovcnakl In. the semi. KEEPS PROS FRO M RICH WINNINGS Ducks Will, Play , Night Baseball POnTLAND, July 2 W Thomas L. Turner, president of the Port land Baseball club, said Tuesday he hud signed a contract with a Coun cil Bluff,. It., concern Xur 1 natal -nltlon of a lighting system In the Vaughn street grounds for night buneball. Turner said the light would be turned on July 22 when tho Port land team plays the Ban Pruuclsco Missions. PAINFULLY IIUKT SALEM. Ore., July 2 (AV-M1bb Al lle Worrol of Albany wan painfully Injured on a Salem street yesterday when she was caught between two automobile, one of which won back ing from the curb. Bite received lacerations on the limbs and body and It win feared a leg wait fractured. L kutLs pfl;J hv I I T ' 'nobayuc , . iryr-wf 1 . Profeatiionul golfers tills year hope lo keep Iloliliy Jones, America's hardest working ai celling the profit wlilcli would go with winning the American Open, starting at .Mill June 11). - Among the pros with tills aim are Walter ll.tgen, -Morton smith und Leo lllegel amateur, from c-an- ineapolls this year,' .eo lllegel. Two Admitted To Citizenship By Court Decision .. NEW. YORK, July 3 (AP) Declar ing that an applicant for citizenship has the rignt to ioiiow tue con science and religious scruple regard ing the bearing of arms, the United States court of appeals has ordered that the He v. Dr. Douglas Clyde Mac intosh, professor of theology at Yale Divinity school, and Miss Marie Av ert. Dlund be admitted to citizenship. MARKET NEWS OF THE DAY CHICAGO WHEAT Open High Xxrvt Clme July no'4 Mi jiu s & Kept. J '4 & .r, V Dee .,.........l.WiyH l.tilij .011 AMl POHTLAM WHEAT Open If IkIi Low Close July .nyt m ava Kept. ... wt Mt m M Dee , Wiit AKi .11.1 14 .ori In its opinion the court reversed the decision of federal district courts In New York and Connecticut. Both Dr. Macintosh and Miss Bland are of Canadian birth. Dr. Macin tosh was a war chaplain with the Canadian army and later served 41th the Y. M. C. A. with American troops In Prance. In his application for citizenship he declared he could not swear to bear arms In what he might consider an unjust cause. Miss Bland, the daughter of an English clergyman, who was a war nurse with the American army, was denied citizenship in New York be cause she said that while she was willing to go to the front to nurse wounded, her conscience as a Chris tian would not permit her to bear arms. The opinion written by Presiding Judge Martin T. Monton said that the coses of Dr. Macintosh and Miss Bland were not parallel to that of Roslka Bchwimmer, who was refused citizenship because of . her pacifist views. The refusal In her cose was upheld by the United States sup. -erne court. Judge Mantoa described Mme. Schwinuner as an "absolute atheist" who was found to 'have no sense of nationalism. 'DEPT. STORES " jr ' Store No. 13 La Grande t TI NE IP FOR THE GLORIOUS FOURTH IJItESH I P FOB TUB HASTE I OK IIHESS IP IX VACATION' 1 WHS. E'l.l, SAVE VOl' I lIOXEV ON OL ALITV CLOTH- ' BREIER'S FAMfiriR KITTTH l They call for them by name I nd the price Is always the i a m e. Finely tailored ill i j . J.,iO, July Clearance Extreme Reductions on Our Entire Stock of Spring and Summer Ready -to - Wear DRESSES The season's smartest dresses are. hero offered at prices as low as one-half their true value. Un usual selections from absolutely new and fresh stocks. Complete, your summer wardrobe here with fashions now in greatest popular demand at prices that will astound you. Three Lots of Unusual Values You'll enthuse when you see what real style we offer at this little price. Values to $19.95 $9.00 Every style is hero, every new color, and nil sizes. Never such values. Values to ?29.95 $11.00 The season's newest and smartest styles lit a fraction of their true value. Values to $31.95 $17.00 MILLINERY We are closing out our entire slock at prices so low that you will buy several of these fashionable hats. Tho lot includes values from ?4.D5 to? 14.95. $1.95 $3.95 $2.95 $7.95 COATS Every remaining Spring coat. now has its regular price just cut in half. Come in at once, for We can offer such values on.'y once in a year. ALL COATS y2 price Pajamas and Robes at 20 Reductions The Cinderella Shop ' Suit , DRESS OXFORDS I In three popular grades tan or black. We have the proper a i tji ir your jooi 2.98 3.98 4.98 DRESS SHIRTS r Ol fine hrnnlrlnthB anrf not. i tern shirtings, well tailored and picium.g iu service or appear- 98c to 1.98 . MEN'S ATHLETIC UNIONS Special reinforced bacls, a good t ' it - 49c ' STRAW HATS , The comfortable Italian Cru- :lolo in three grades 1.29 1.49 1.98 f Whipcord Hiding Breaches i Good looking and durable I double seat, double knee, khaki or grey. Special vaca- I tion price of ri.98 I VACATION SHIRTS ' Fancy pattern and color in i i light weight hot weather 1 F 3hirts. Neat flttintr collars 50c 79c f 13XTRA TROUSERS i For play, work or dress 1.98 to 4.98 i VACATION LUGGAGE f Suit Cases, metal tourist lock- . ers, army lockers, steamers or j I trunks, any price any size. Grande Ronde Meat ! COMPANY PACKERS AND DISTRIBUTORS bF MT. EMILY PRODICTS ' City Grocery and Market Main 75-50 ; Hoover Ma 735 " . Economy Grocery and Market Main 573-48 Fjr.Strcct Market & Gioceiy Mam 700 STRICTLY MODERN Our slaughter house refrigeration plant is now complete and we invite your in spection. Aside from having a plant which scores 97 perfect we have a modern and up-to-date refrigerated plant with the best cork cooler possible to be had, which insures your meats at the proper leropeicume.- THURSDAY & Beef Roast, lb. . . . . . Choice cuts from A-l grade. Sliced Ham, a cut . . . Choice center cuts from medium hams. A-l grade. Picnic Hams, lb. .... Full length. ; Not shanks. Hams, lA or whole, lb. "Mt. Emily" Sugar cured; SATURDAY SPECIALS 19c Beef Boil, lb. .... . .13c Choice rib cuts. 25c Cottage Butts, lb. .. . 18c Sugar cured. Choice. . . 19c Bacon Backs, lb. . . . . 22c Fiesh sugar cured. 28c Pork Shoulders, lb, . . 19c Well trimmed. Lean. . ... GROCERY DEPARTMENT Everything to Make Your 4th a Complete Success Monarch Spaghetti 25c Sardines 25c 10c Richelieu Pigs Feet 35c Queen Olives With Cheese in Tomato Sauce, No. 2 tins, 2 for Norwegian in pure olive oil, 2 for ......... Large oval tins in mustard or tomatoe sauce, each Fancy pack in glass, Each 25c WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR PRODUCE SPECIALS Old Monk brand, fancy olives QA. . at a real saving, jar . LaVK, Sugar C&H pure cane, &i 25-lb. bag tPi.'ttJ Elgin Mayonnaise Our best seller, 69C Bakery Specials Jelly Rolls, pure fruit - Q filling, each JLtL Potato Chips Fresh twice weekly, O p 3 pkgs. - &0j Have You Tried Oreo-mi Trail Peanuts' They are good Ige. pkg Remember The Observer's New Telephone Number Is MAIN 600 DOWN GO THE PRICES OUR FIRST PRICES .. NEVER WERE SO LOW CONTINUES WITH THE SECOND BANG THEY COMEU THEY BUY! THEY SAVE! SUITS i:.r. mtis MEN'S SUMMER SUITS SACRIFICED The mnke and quality of these suits defy all competition, and on inspec tion you will wonder how such mag nificent suits can be sold for so lit tle a price. Placed in Four Groups for Quick Clearance Group No. 1 (fr-i f) QQ S25.00 values : pL6,OZJ Group No. 2 QQ J30.00 values P i.U.O7 Group No. 3 Q QQ $35.00 values tPJ.t7.Ol7 Group No. 4 dOQ QQ 537.50 values $0.07 MEN'S FINE Dress Shirts One special lot men's extra fine - Dress Shirts. Seven-button front, " cellar attached, in an excellent ar- Ono sprt-lill lot uf Im port (Ml tCiin It UK14. n'rs' nitti f;mrv nor- ray of patterns to choose from ilorv .Will III In litre- SiOS 11 to 171.. R.rroy Kx,,:l SPecial France v.u i. ZiC Sale Price 79c Persian Rugs This special purchase Is an Im port and one of tho most beau tlful ling Hurs one could nwk to see. They como in all colors in Persian designs with fringed ends; size 27x54. Colors: red, blue, brown, green. Just the rug for bedroom. Ask to see thein. Extra r?Q Special w J Well worth MEN'S HI.VE CHAMHUAY Work Shirts This Work Shirt Is an outstanil Ing value. It's a big generous full cut; It's triple stitched; It hns two nrenst pockets nnd Is well made nnd good fitting. No hlgeer value anywhere and can't he heat. I'lticE ...39C Jirx-S ALL WOOL Dress Caps Men! Tulfc about caps here's a real buy. One special lot tit this event, nil wool and won derful patterns to choose from. Colors: tans. Brays, and novelty pattern and the popular one piece top. SPECIAL . 89C SHIRTS Made of snow white novelty INIe cotton, fancy rthhed. SHORTS Ail evcollcnt grade novelty broadcloth. Priced specially (or this great clearance. SALE l'Klt'B 29c EACH ,srrr We Wish You All A Glorious Fourth of J 58cs CLOSING OUT ALL STRAW HATS , REGARDLESS OF COST Here youll find Just the hat you have been looking for, both foreign and domestic made. $1.43 seller, now.... $ .89 $1.95 seller, now.'... $1.39 S2.45 seller, now $1.98 ?3.45 seller, now.... 2.39 S3.95 seller, now.... $2.98 $4.95 seller, now.... $3.49 MEN'S SILK NECKWEAR One special assortment Men's fine silk Neckwear. In all silk, In ii beautiful arrav of colors ami patterns to choose from; all this season's newest. Some all silk knit ties; formerly sold nt Si..".o. Extra special for this sale. I'RIc'e. 3 for $1.00 MEN'S niirss oxfords One special lot or .Men's Ox rords In black onlv. Modified brogue toe, with conviosltlon '"'"sue"'5' fe"' pa'r l'rlce $2.79 uly! ii m -.-j mt'si m m. m m n a Mfc- M.(fsV A IX. Manager