La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 02, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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    Pape Four
i rtrtinu-tJ iruin Ont)
A lAA0Mtt Vniii
cixp tr. tour oc: liit warluiigitj
Successor, lo N.K.WEST C0j
ripUAt tAxtx mA ruvutuer
j Tut pTK3jsn Ice xbe iuior. be
1 t& u&Lii zut public to me
Trt fcfeb'rjttvn itupe to refah rr
J T7 Aj3jrijii wiiii fe pits oC aevot-
. iyn tAly Ice vuozmtiutm xcitT
Gn'v once k year comes thin jfala time - of "';e you'll dress up for it
acdright here in our men'ii Htore i a world of things you II need and remem
ber this store will be closed all day July 4111.
A Smart Shirt For
Vi. t-o Vj report tocfcr.
Is', 7, i m-'ju-i :C it4. -
K-t-t,- s-yr .
ttt'.if, ft t,ftJ ill HJiv f.' . ,., -
h t,if, l,t, v-.t Miun iwh ,--4C.
linttt wilts $,Ujkm on ptUUa.
; t- lfciA'f M aw.-. U 09 t-'J 'vat
tnt'iif'i. h' t tsitifoii wiit-tKWjUi "w 'ArfMri y we isfii'rWi 'A
nA-'t t'sgt. '4. i.
! f !; i3 1 ;
M h i 1 i Bl '
TiO1 );ft ;'J of jw y a h'jcr fa Iw.ii than t;ft y:5ir old.
"tilxd Ui Jjjv- w-l ou, lioj lii -'JJ uJl wi- tUat"
Less Population Foster Charged
PORTLAND, Ore . JuJy 2 t7,
Cr-fcrv rf treeptw br-yti;t by Jot-
tx Pitii Crtic Ctrt ritr Eowiruv
wrre Oiamiwati tolk wiiea ail fiyor
from tie zj&t;v&&.l Jori ifcrid.
'Xrrrx vtst cn.r u&s btntczJ
efrtz to, ti di;. -Bt tet u t:rr.r
txe fiyjir rrjA-Q t to rert to
ti'j etnrt thutt trry ntd Ei'fccl from
tr Jweti- A r. ol r.i mcoitriS
Jn fail tr-d fire of V given Eaiory
Dhviz tor tretpbxm and contempt of
court. ta v&ctd.
Other IfccJijg the charges Included
H. Bt, J. E. Brhiizn ti-d I3-
kV'A Uifot'H thay will aikk Ut a ihih.
AuUmvAAk owium not uipH with WAh-ZX tate Xwmuw
inn or nikVwH an vnry Uwmtykuoun thwt day.
Costs Judge Fee
$500Jn Salary;
fM.kU. Ore , J'jlf 2 'p, Tfus '
Thin wit-nniun Hurvny of flm m in Ut Crumi"., 'vm in "f, " .f1'11".""' 't.
lftail MWHMrv, 111 iAny n ()wvf.r, cjak well w trie woum m kufnntuiiy awn
t'ffw.wif.y of trie fire o;artmeni Amniv,ii there wan alxjut (f .j,,. 1IW M1 Vy,iy. , i
50 J-I- c;,t more at rfuk the firet half of thin year lSZ'XZ, wX.SSv?' j
than for a wrei(po;nJjiK wnio'l hi the a,-tual Iof. va iry jiwu h. i. ',rv ;
of ti Drfot fllicUl'-'t, tsjmprlititi Jtv:lt- j
HhOtll H til Ira le, ,W1 biJ I'M-vhlix wumm, 1 in-1
fcjtlfcfy of Jjflt; W- M. DfjfKnn of tlx;
With xurder Of
Crime Reporter
Gotham Welcomes
Robert T. Jones
NEW YORK. July 2 Eobbr
' Jor-te. returning from a euccebgful
: tumujtuyus urtetliyj tjdiiy by Kew
: York City and a t:ril army of friend
- frwn hl old hwne town. He landed
i at the Battery at 2 35 p. m. (E. 8. T.)
i and fifteen minuteu laver v. ha at city
; nan.
ment tiarifJng Faijie F'ter, Ohi
eafco gunman uider arreat In ISA An
Kel)t, with tli murder of Alfred
"in.;" IAuxU:. Tribune crime re
p'rter, relumed by a Ifrarid
Jury today.
unnmitH atj were taten fori A tTOWd of aeveral thousand waa
tlrf eilraditlon of the fugitive (run- j mawed in Battery par a Bobby
ir;an, Indlctrnent wu tl.e Jir.t , .tepj.ed aanore from the municipal
definite a-;Uon In the aake of the a- , tuij Marom. which liad taken him off
aatlnatlon threeweeM aio. ! the Eurona at quarantine, and other
' v.. ' ; vr.e route w city nail.
te.' Chlcavo Kanoiter arretted i
in k.m;i M:aioiNLy
I VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 2 UP
he yawned, arnlllnn ; nr. and Mn, r-ranlt Berenren. Van-
Willi tll lllllili'l' liOVK of Kl;irlM I I.. hi ill rirorllfiv ovef ltii dlatrtct. Klamath county. 1 In- i F'te.- Chicago Kanioiter. arreasted
.... , , . . . . f t ii i ' creaaed frowi t lkUM!: here, was Informed Vday that the
'iiii:hj0 ill nn;ir n'vuill'l liuwi jimie an eiiouram: ;ec or iwreMe in the populatKn of tltoae ; t-imaijo (rand jury had Indicted hirn
onl loio; hIiiw iiijr(iai4e(Joiie rwallu the former endurance jJ the ,ws leKi.hrture! ''f h' Yea-'
lef'ilYl IlllllH limt Vear-lllld t(il mini V exnccKKiolIK li I h (.ffr'f'fc " aalarlen of circuit Judaea are uneeilntrly. "Well Homebody had to i COUVcr reftlderitii. re-iverert In a hr.
..... . . , , , ' . , . used on ifJUUUiUm of their dlatrlcW. ! 'e the iroat. I was handy o they : pltal today from aerloua burna re.
that ft WOllM Hlltwl for lUlliy year. Hie tw remuUW, JlOW- Judge. In dl.tncu of 3l.OO0 or more! etatM me" ;',-lved Monday night when they were
,ver( fn thl day few record holder hould ext V, u'" ,w "' ! tr,, UX
remain Oil Urn for 11 vei v lull! neiiud of time. 'I'fiere Ik iikiihIIv The cnu. ahowa that the trU.1 return and fa-.e the char. i
' r i , population 'rf Jtldffe fee dUtrlct ; John ry.herpln and Ed Dudley,
tumwmtt juitt around the corner who Ik cajiahle of (loinjf jinst ' ' kiw iaaa from aia chictgo dete-.tive, aid they -had
i lllll,, I , ii,,,. ll,.,. II... I ul . .... . , r . . u ii , w Morrow cunty dereatlnli I'lenty on fter" f act faat when !
ft f,i,,.j f,.i:i i,iiin 1,11 f;r,i, iiyiuo ' j i' ii,!! n q i in;nn jiom wvi ut una umatnia from tuey oi mm -.jack to Chicago
of the field of endeavor.
2.IH1 ui 'HMr-4.
I 'VltM Ja karn.JrAephln wunty din- f
tflet lwrema4 from WtjtH U, MZWt '. Ml a If, I- p (lii;0a fJ.rt
111 tlx 10 .-ar, and Klamath county l"t""-c lltt Ml Ull
from 11.413 V, VIM,. linlh A.'inii'Hfi'.
Ih new aalarleo are effe-.tlr from i ' ' omniuuinto
date the aecrelary tt atate re
JUjy -i itt Although
V. Hunihv. demfx.ratlc
1 candidate for Juntlce OT the (eace Uir
I the Junction dlatrict In fxne county.
;t. priiiefj on me republican ballot
,'hy miatake, he la entitled to the re
publican nomination, auya an onlnlon
( f I V I ! T I 1 '.yA V "' At";rney uencrai van winkle. In
l Jell 1 VJ J--l.l I loillry wan made by Alta Klrin, dlatrlct
Satlorney for Iine county. Murphy re
('.onllnil' 1 from I'ago One) i'elved 1U2 republican voten. while, on
! the demfx.-ratlc ballot where hla name
Cmillldy Ill'tH till) lieai t lllld el V0H lin tt lollli; for lliniiy 111k; """" "'an had been anllc .ahould have ap,ared, 34 democrata
. I : l'"'ed. I wrote lu hla name and Kave him alao
mill mill, irt tun leiimin liiij iiiiiik; nun IIIIIIK upon me WOIHX 01 1 jonnny iiorirnan won inn n ine nomination of that parly.
III... A ..1 ill 1 mil ai 1 1 iim laei hlnhi, which will m i
iiikii iinu i UTiiiiin yyilin, lllll liyi: lllin 1H twain more ulKe alui, framed, auufaphwl pho
BAI.EM. Ore.. July 2 (,Vi A sur
vey made Tuesday allows that about
2000 pernons are employed In gulem
It l not recirded who declared that "a little iionwenne now n.
i,n,l Hi,,,, U i.,,!!,.,.! 1.., II... I...ul ..r ri..e ...1.,.,..,.. U celvea offl lal l,foroiallr,n of t BAI.EM, Ore.
' ..ok . iv,, r,,.,..,.., fllllluJltWm ,,. ! the name of J. V. Murphy, democratic
wan, no inijflit with eiiial truth have olinerved thai a (real
deal of nonniiiiHe In rcllnhcd any time hy mi mi men, TEX ELIMINATED
In lunilneHM or iilijanurn, a lauoh In ax hujinrlly koukIiI an; LI()S IJEAliTY
unytlilnjf el that may he on the iirojram, The huxlneiif)
of IIvImk In Involved In ho many worrier mid hardiihipK that ?
tlui Ii out trivial lioiineiini! helpK to lighten the mind.
readily than the wnrdri of a Keri'iim-mlnded etui -hiiuhi.
I'l'iiplo love to lm thi'iimelvcK in nniiHeiiHe, 'I'heir hoiiIh
ery nut fur laii;lilei', It In their antidiite for KorrnwH and
lioilliliiH, The (rreateiit tiiitfedlen of the Hl.aKe iave produced
hoiimi of the (jreateHt comedy of all tlmeH, ' i
'Hie iircnldelil.ini vncatlon Imi't nairli of a vacation, in the j
i eii;'i of Hiiiceam.' friiin (lie en fen of ntal.e and eciiH! from j
n'iii', 'I'lie I'lei'i'e Unlit that lieatn liion the chief executive j
f'llluv linn v.lieiever he ".iich mid modern memiH of com-;
iiil.iiili'iilinii lircp him lu coiuilant ciiiiLimiiilcatloii with Wimh
Ihi' tiin. 'riiero Ik cliaiiK In weno lint little cIiiiiikc in occiiiu-
I lull I'OC till) lll'enldelll.,
I'lCNldclit llnover in ilecldliiK to tour the national parlm al
vacation limo IIiIh aiimiiH'C will no mure "k"1 may from It
nil" (linn (ircnldciiU I Ini him did, ,nl. he will have a trip
Hint linn llirllli'd niilllium of Anicrii'iuin and l'iireln vlnitniM
Hlld vlrilt tlui nieccim (if every Aiiii'iican vacalliinlMl.
Illit di'i'liilim to MH'inl liln viicalion In llicm) pulilic play
(iiiiuiiiIm In further iloof of Mr, IIoiivci'm inleime IntercHt in
lie iHVHcrvalluli, ejileniiloii and di'Velnpiiieiit of Hie iialinnal
liiiilis, Nn prenidenl nlncy Koimevell I mil evinced an much
inlcivnt In Die pai Uh.
'I'llil IHcnldenl'H ilii,ecteil Iniii' of llie pulillc. IiiiiiIm will uive
him flint hand Infill inulliiii on llii lr preacnt atiite ami luliim
l In. He hlinlild return In Wiinliiiiiflnu "nnlil" inure than
ever mi national parlm and iiiaiiiicd to work in their lielmli',
Milllnim nf people vlalt. the niillniiiil iarlH In the of
a ycai'hul Hie 1'iicilllicn have nut Ih'hiiii Id lie (axed. The park
cuiiiiiiIhmIiiii IiivIIch inure viiillui a and luulm lu the I'm llicuin
lli( iiciililenl lal viiiil. to liruvidii the "See America Kirnl"
nilvel lliiiiiu; that will In inn thent.
1,flaph of "Mine Ia firallde.'
nonv iir.i ovi.iii.n
TOO .M.tSV M.lllllMI.IIH
HAI.EM. Ore., July 2 ll'i When
C. M. AldlngUn waa haled Into Jum-
ourt yi'Hleruny on a charge of
I te e
KIIOKNK, Ore., July 2 W The body I fitlllnu to aupport two minor ehll
of 1'iiuik Maichle, highway worker Ulren he told JudKe Hmall that Mm.
burled under !0 feet of ro k an f Addlngtoil haI been married no lean
giiivel below Yu'.hata, vaa recovered
'I'he bialy will bo returned to I'ort
Ihhi i: insii cti.i.K
WAHIIINfl'ION. July i ll'l The
fcoihlilioller of Mm currency Inilied a
icnll loilny for llie condition of all,
liiil.loiutl bunka at the clone tit bllal-
neaa Monility, Jilnn 1MI.
Lhau !X tlmea In the limt. 12 yearn,
and some of her marriages were Il
legal because not enough time had
elapard since the previous divorce,
Ills case was taken under advisement.
roi ar To t,ki; vacation
HAI.KM, Ore., July 2 (Al The
Ktule supreme court will begin Ita
summer vacation July II). 'I'he recess
probably will I.-IKI about Mejit. 1.
Slock, in Uie Up lo 1803
I'he stocks vverit In actiml 11?. In
Kak'Hl us late us 1V11 nii.l In Bos
lon up in vftt, and ut that we run
boast Hint we gut rW of lliesn semi
barbarous Inslriiments curlier tliun
llie ICiii'llnh from whom we took
them, who lir not filiollsh tlinin un
til about 1M0 In pniciko iifnl In
1V.7 ofllclnlly, when pnrllniiicnt
imswi) a law forbWdlug llielr use.
llOSlOII lilTllld.
Collar attached shirts in a wide variety of colors
with soft or semi-starched collars. Plain colors
or striped effects, you'll find several you'll like at
this price of 52.50.
A Cool, Comfortable Straw
To Top It Off
Look at your hat others do and if its not
a straw you'd better get under one pretty soon
for the warm weather is sure to come. Jlilan
sennits panama, etc., they're all here at a
price you want to pay. ,
Cool because they're skeleton lined, that's quite a
feature in summer-time foot comfort. Blacks and
tans in kid or calf skins and
most styles are
$io m
The Pastor Sayil
Kvnry renter should become llie
owner of his own house. Then he
tuny make nil Hie Improvements hn
Ieslre hut prohnlily he will
not. . . . The buslticKs of life
cannot ho transacted without necii
nlonnl heavy losses, iiumIiixi which
regular' II men of worship gradually
liulld up n sinking fund. John
Andrew Holmes.
Fashionable. Audience
At ii spei'Ial "one-iilglit-iiiily" per
formance of a revue given recent
ly lu I.nliilon In alii of u charily, Die
value of the ermine worn hy the
Indies In the aiulleiiee was cstliiinted
at S.Mm.OHO. while the display of
eivelry was esllinaled nt ?.VX,000.
Heals were hollgllt for lis llllicll tlfr
l.:fl each.
PORTLAND, Ore.. July 2 UPi Cash
wheat: Big Bend blucstcm 91.071.
Hofl white 9314c.
Western white 03 V2c.
Hard winter 01 c.
Northern spring 01 'uc.
Western red 01 'ac.
Oats: No. 2-38 lb. white 827.00.
Today's car receipt: wheat 81, bar
ley 1, flour 7. corn 8. hay 1.
I'oitTi.Axn iMtomcE
The Hunter brothers evinced no
fear of losing their new laurels at i
the announcement from St. Louis PORTLAND, Ore., July 2iP) Butter
that Jackson and O'Brlno planned to eggs, milk (butterfat). poultry, coun
take off July 13 In an nttempt to try meats, onions, notatoes. wool
surpass the mass of hours piled up . nuts, hoy, enscara bark and hops
oy me uity oi unicago." 'steady and unchanged.
LIVERPOOL. July 2 P) Wheat
close: July l.02: October $1.0414; De
cember $1.06.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 2 (.Ti But
terfat f. o. b. San Francisco 37c.
'onllhih il liiiiit I'iik" ii)
tin III.- In iihh, iniii mliultli'.t ln
HlnH llrnli'Ml'h )
MniiltUhii i.thli'-.r. IliM ('llllltt In
thti (IltlliU Jul), ImiI tlllltllH ltl Ullil
liiHtlnlttl I On hi mi v, u,t ItlH Mllitpltti
HiiM'liH hlMi In Ii imhI lllll, II
Wuiiltl liinn Mi tiiHliMirli Ii
l''ii N( Gohl Slur
Mother Makes Trip
KANrtAM (1 1 v .miy a t'l'i 'l hi
Hi.illitii ul thr IIH aimirtl Mttlw
MHV Ulll.r. k Ut. . )n ,-tui u
Mniirn Kill Instil .Mntuiil, n .il,ttm
HH In Phil HI A WliUrt niut lit MlP
hi 11 1 HHP 'i(tl'i
IMie U Mi ritlhiMiiiP MnilmHt
Hit mom, l.lmd Wlllliun T KHvlm-
IIIMIIM, l III hilt III Mill IhtlVlUll IllWl-.
tHIitl null. wii h i Mi 4 1 .V it Odinim
him lal Ix.iiih Mriili'itihfi -t, HM
MAI-KM, on-, July 'J irl -- Mriitilnr
( Imili- I,. MiNiiiy urn! Mti Mi Nitty
Will itiilvn hi'Ui .liilv I ft. iiml uill
niiii I h mihiii I ut I hi Mi'imliu
tiiiiiiliy h.niiit ni'.ir I it-M tiKimitiiK it
Ihlniiiiitttiin tri iivr.i In itii-iitiH in Mit
Icin. I lii-v i-(itrl I . ii iniilii lit ilne
oll lllllll Nmnnl'rl
DAI. t. AH. JulV y iv I'ftK iiiiiiitv
(till lllll HUH llHlltV KiMIIlt it huuil nl
I lvlr itlli'Mrit In tint n mliliril f 1
hihlnrk, Ahllp (nntii't, o :l.lti H.'h
huk inlil p"lhf lii tlukt'in! ttlltt thi
I I v "tit I til" nil mittMiinhtlt nlut til r w
lh( lltilir ntil ut n hnhk (Hp
leu itltiiiinl Htttt tipltt hint tip with
n ii'ViHii,
Tl ' A-o- . . .
'4 f oh! OH! S Oy
iTM";- quick- 3qhh- ( Wy )'
'mm -Iv v' 5iEy L
.f l31 Th A I. oiat Mrlttta tl'iau H.,,.J
(Oonttimml from Pago One)
Kenneth scribbled a nolo, dropped
It to Walter mid Albert, tho Hunter
brothers clown at the Sky Hnrbor
hangnr. It wan marked "personal"
and the refueling crow would not
reveal Its text, but they nnld Ken
neth thought tho Might should end
Ilut John will stay up tncro lor-
evrr " said waiter.
John dropped a nolo to do leio-;
L'ranhed to Ills sisicr. xviihs mnuunu
i Hunter, who Is 111 In a hospital. It
i was an answer to her message de
livered by radio through the medium
'of her mother yesterday. In which
expressed worry of their speech and
The note read:
"What do you say 'Hoy' (Mabelle's
ntrknnme). Who don't know how to
break a record? Well, we have close
to C00 hours and the motor Is run
ning fairly good yet. I don't know
how much longer it will last. Beans.
(Kenneth! ts fretting and wanU to
romo down at 520 hours but I want
I to stny up 'till Monday.
I "It has been tough but nothing
llko the other flight. We are fepllng
fine ulihough Beans ts getting pretty
"Wo go out and work on that old
motor as If it were on tho ground
(bolouy). But I did go out on the
rat -walk, this morning at 2 o'clock
and put a new breaker In the mag
neto. "Now don't go worrying about us
bernuse we are all right. We can still
, tnlk and to prove it. we will all come
'down and make a big speech for you."
j At lc lt:titfp
Mother Hunter and sister Irene
saw brothers John and Kenneth at
close range Inst night. They went
aloft with Casey Jones, observer for
;thc National Eronautlcal association,
(who lumbered his large Curtiss Con
!dor alongside the "City of Chicago."
j "I couldn't see the boys distinctly,
but I saw them waving at us." the
. mother said.
! Among llie congratulatory messages
received yesterday was one from Col.
i Charles A. Lindbergh, who In the
(days when he waa "Slim" and an air
mall pilot, barnstormed several tunes .
with the Hunter brothers. :
i lie Big
A Melodrama
All Talking
Select Talking Shorts
Direct from first run showing in Portland
Return Engagement by Popular Demand
"Gold Diggers of Broadway"