La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 26, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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- Page Two--
Df Www"
A Good Place (o Trade
I p
Store y
Sacs Stay Out
In Front In The i
Pacific League:
Br Tbe AMKUtrd Frews
Sacramecto's poaer
soie hoUier of Jirat place in tfce
Pacific suit tears remained in- "
tact yesterday in spite of the de-
feat of Ik Senator by Hollywood.
to 2. thank to Seattle's nintn
inning triumph over Los Angles.
T to . An Ansel win would hate ,
girea tnem a t;. for !h
TUrner of the Stars held Sacra-:
memo to Tito hit as the Holrjr
vooj outfit mado It two straight. '
taking a four run lead In th first ;
innicy. Thomas, on the hill for:
the Sacs, went oot in the aexenth.
Knothe. Indian third baseman. '
clouted a two-basBer in the last '
half of the ninth with the bases
full to overcome a Los Acaeles
lead and even the series at one -earns
earn. Lairianxi was the
winning pitcher.
San Francisco rained oa the :
, leaders by downinr Portland eas
ily. ' to t. Jimmy Zinn keeptc
the Pucics from f lytnr far. even-'
lac the series. (
Herman Pillette of the iliaaioaj
shut Oakland oot aftsr their three-
run second inatnr. and th Reds -won
as Haiti's second homer of
' th dar accounted for the last -r
tally. I
At Portland: 1
San Francisco 111 1 j
Portland 3 t ,
Batteries: Zinn and Pcaeoaay;
Mails and Palmisano. f
At Los Anreles: j
R. H. E. j
Sacramento 2 i If
Hollywood IS i
Batteries: Thomas, Smith mod j
Wirts; Turner and Baseler.
At Seattle: j
RT H. K. j
I.o Angeles , t J 5
a 1
Batteries: Bartoot and Warren;
Hansen. Uauuki and Cox.
At Sn Fraaeisco: -
R. H. E
Oakland S 11 1
Missions 4
Batteries: Cracbead and Lora
bardl: H- Pilletl and Brenxel.'
Foul Ball Legally
Lost, Judge Rules ,
CHICAGO. Jun :t (AP i
Hereafter a foul bait Kaadinr
anicnr pectater at WrieUy tie'-d r
u ieralr a tost bail for th Cuha
unless an uher erab it first. f
alasicipal J'Wia- Aiiesrretti -
cided that yesterday la disoiissias i
e-arrea against s boy. wa picked '
p oae of Hack msli foul tips
and refused to surrender t: to a
tr.i:ect uaer.
' I de-c't biarn yoa for taxis-
the fculi." Jtrire Aiiesrettti a:4.
-If one case cr way at a bail
rant, why Id grab it. tc.
: lAi Kralt Troeh. Earl
Troh. a U ra:oa. Hearj
Veateh. Otaries I.-:ejsd:ct aad
other pronitae&t Derthwe-st trap
ehMers arrived here tc-day for tie of th first axssa! tray
shoot S7-tred y tie Klasa'.a
Han c:K. Tae sioot Deas for-i-xiiy
Completely Overhauled and Reconditioned
Kbt Rack and Grain Sides
an OK car
$11.25 CASH
If Applied on One of Our
$22.50 Spring Coats
We have only 2 left in stock
1 Size 13 and 1 Size 15
Come Early and Buy One at lA Price
All Other Merchandise Reduced
10 to 50 per cent below regular price
Robins And Cubs
Open Four-Game
Chicago Series
By Bncb S. FwHerton Jr.
(Associated Press Sports Writer)
Separated by one rime, the
Robins and th Cubs open .Chi
cago today series of four fames
which probably will decide which
will reach July 4. th traditional
turning point of the season, oa lop
Brooklyn has held first place
for about a month with a crippled
Cab team Jianrinr riht onto th
next rung of tb ladder. The Rob
ins did a littl sliding yesterday
as they lost their final same be
fore invadinr Wrigiey field to th
Pittsburgh Pirate.
They can lose again today and
still remain ahead bat only by a
few perceatag points.
The Robins could not hit offer
inrs of Ray Krtmfr jes.-rday.
getting but erea rathee taexfec
tiv blowa Pitubnrgh. touched
Dudley sad Clark for eleven blows
and a S to 1 victory.
The Cubs hit the PhlUdelphU
pitching mucn son freely but
barely pulled oat the game by a
11 to 11 scor to sweep the tare
gam series and scor thlx eighth
victory la am starts.
Gabby Kannett drove in th
winning ran In the ainta inning
after bis two home roes and a
single bad brought la fire other
Rods Wia Final Game
The Cincinnati Reds shoved th
New Torfc Giants deeper into third
place, by winning the series final.
11 to 1. to break evea la the four
rame. Starting against aa ex
Red. Pet Ponohse, they pounded
out It bits while Red Lac htld
the Giants to half that number.
It was Bab Ruth day agaia la
the American league as th bom
run king hit two wallops of his
favorite kind to lead the Nw Xork
Yankee to a double victory over
tee St. Laais Browns la their third
straight double header. .
Ruth, a.: his lith and Ififc
home runs in the second rise,
heading a 1 hit attacX that re
sulted in a It t 4 txssmph after
th Taaks had edged out liul
victory ta the opener.
laakeea Gaia
The day's resaits were all la
favor of tb Taskeea. leaving
them only a ha! game beaiad
Washingtoo aad two behind the
tearae leading PhUadelphiA Ath
letics. ' The Senators held onto
second p'aea by beating the CVve
Utid lrr-ii.tas for th fo&rth ac
cesaiv uss. 11 ta i. Washingtoa
sccred eva rj-l in the seventn.
Ti& Athletics gec aa evea break
wSl i Chicago VThit Sox.
rom;isg through th firsc game
I to 1- ehteag took la eccd.
Jack Raseen o? tie Bosua Rej
Sex had :-c ene bad itxsx
agaissc Detroit, the .eighth, a-t
thit was eccrs to give tie Tigir
th rase. I u t '
rUasaag Fal f Air
Perv.-e k thiat last air is
tUM ar tVi staved teveslra: the
rsijeft. Tie air tie e.-icarj
rood (f rjress.J l-t tke s-tc
e4 a travelieg hag woaid be a load
that cc:? a street tsaa eosd rarrr.
It wxUd fce esai to a weight tt
Ia a NetaaaB
Ote ct tfej Usi errcs of e
Jcjtmci b U t.t c' -itin;2j
tteefct--.t ast-.i;a
I Mi I . 1 lt : -
jBobby Jones In
Stands As U. S. I
Net Stars Win;
(AP) Wltli Bofclry aad Mr. Jom; Bab Ruth s hotn r-UTj"barv5mrtr
of AtUaia. Go-, amour Ui ds-1 loiay tii3cksafd the B:s Bambcno
ticuifar-d ctKjt la the tucdi t wxs excTlT day acd two
Mkss EUtabetb . Rxa. Amtrkaa j faaairs attsd of his record breai
mMat of Er-Fad. riv L'te-i tag sehdu of 1?7.
SuUf m. flyicr Mart in lo-iijs piri H h;t two circa; smtihes y
tf tbe Eni ish tBBis chicpwa- I t-trixy to te bira a season's total
Aipa when ate dir5e3 Mil, J3- of la 1927 fc did act mike
astv S;bavrt. Bifttuas Nou l wo- j tis iziy-s-x.h cutit July Z. Oa
m.n' ranlalxix plJt ia ssr-Aih: j Jane- I i T. he fc-id only f 4 or
seu, -4- ; i two thaa ha fjr;nt crcp-
KxciKg i trough iwtIt straiitfci HacX Wl'jfoa of sh Cub$ xnd
et 34 ra Uq Vi"ua irXKly aai ; Waiter Brr f the Boston
Waja Ryan dffl'J Mrv V- Burr;
- aad Uoa G. X- Tfeoptfoa. Ea.y-
?! toJsd. -. l oc!E bA faxcr- r
' Km to win tn Ee4FtwSi wcraes ;
doubles (lazni.ouh.ip.
. Mia Matt Grwf. roathfcJ Kia
(t -U ffitton, m 3iBsi-sa-d j
ifcjr aUt Faroe txvenac&& ttss
;rUyrr. -4. -J.
f &txiy BtU Gfrorr Mas- ;
S Cla. akraa oa tn L":t-i Sa:
1' Dart cap PKfcsx dtimtei Caact ;
Voa Saira Hstraa:a of AWru '
land Ban- of Ens-xni. -4. t-- :
j Big BiU Tlliea and hi Datca ;
; -dn.r. H. Tirasaer. HoiAai. w-a
their first tfo-aoie ma:ca. :uiivi.t- t
tET B- E-triiC and J. B Ki ixli.
Eoriacd. --2-
Gxve Lott aj JohTizy Pw -, f
V&itea F?a dealt chaEpios. -j
wr forcysi to ta Usart lo d-fat
ti Enr-a tAa of V. A. Cata.rt j
ian-i J C, Mastcnsin. i-t.
j M: HJa Jacoba. California. sert work of hr catch with
v Msa H. Waaler. Eraai. wicain
I League
II j Tbe Aswrtated Press
Ctaua Leagne
: I
I Sacraserto
j Lea A-
Saa Krar-riso
i kjkoi
ataottal- Lewcne
W. U
Broeaiyn . la 11
CfciCaxo J li
Nes York . j:
Si Uu 1
Roetoa . , . 1 7
Ptttsisrri :4
AmrrVaa Lraxne
V. I-
N Vert
OeTeiatd .
Ii:ron -
- Loats
' Beta
. 3T
,m i
Vslaabl New Metal
Tb aw sjaL berjUIira. oxres
frma beryl, aijob is a bird rera
Koc. of wivji esera.d aa i a.;jit
atirice ne rariitic-as. LWryl oco
tait :t 11 f cent berji;i3
otte aad oocrtrs la feii57ir, e?
r.aliy la New Haispaiire t-i Ncrts
Carriiaa. PeryUiiia is tie wri.J s
l!tate crfcal. belr oo:y kst
tic as beary as water.
Staeiaf Qualities Tieeleeted 1
Tt B!Ta bat.rvvr.s la t.- '
aT-roor tdTen-seaeats are fri- . I
n.-. to be sare, bst ya ess't tr'l
aytbiif fn a piita.-e. IXroit
Hlttsrtc Calr
Calm Si is Mat i M :-tai.:3
learcit. Its asirerniy. tbe U-r-
ta il l;ia. dates t w tteltai.
IBabe Ruth Eight
Days, 2 Homers
Ahead of Record!
Brave ar fur b!c ltiiin.d
Ratii' rwcrd-bresEiinj- juace aad
two ih.;ni Ks;ij 11 schtdtise.
KKt cars close yesxr.iiy ap-aicat
ih;"iAiri.LA d: Si l acoed
Uswul Twias
Twira wbo j ki a'llte are
cii:ti frUiercaJ iwiss. Tcy are
often cc.- i? ir-J are t-o core
alite iSuta cii- -'to is ih si aiar
Cjr craiily are. Iti"ctk-ii ndnj
are always of ite aot x izsi are
Ssccseisd V i cryls worth
Trcv.' t. a::r-;?f-J jo?!
scrr-iie ie 6ekih cf vords
Seeks Senate Again
-v i. -..w. -
S e a a t 3 r Giibe.t M
i a carS3te fcr te
Nebraska aerate
George WNsrr.,
Ci oc rat.
seat he'd ' by
H.tcfccic ts a
On The New
Put On By
New Roofs
Held As Suspect
John 0. Gilvoj was aesd ty
Newark. N. police far avestisa
ji3 in cssnertioti with two recent
New York siajinss casmttted by a
snaniae " wfw has wrrttea tetters
! t-rr - - r to kill 13 faore-
UolecmWs Fae Abeat
13 Ae coorse of a reoeot lector
at ti Califora Teetaical it
ii sa:ed tLat the i&o:e;es cf
any oass rsiy oere?y a ay posttioa
laser ordinary etratTMtanor. bot
tie last list ta ssass is ci
td to the iniaeuoe of Eiaraet
bra the cx-Sevuies alertly taro a-d
tin In the sase dirertSoo. If it
tsppess tfcat tbe Eweeralea ar oo
iecr tai arricej will accsc aa ba
Krc(4iMe ar:aeaic at tbe bax.
Rartiaa Profrsas
History tells rhat 'RssaU
rzrs recofzixeri U nlc ef west
era science, and took adra&ia-e of
it wlit:TT they eoald. Iran m.
Mci !a tie latter rrt of ti FSf
teectli oremry, Itrportad a Ts
tiaa wis tafit the Boasiacs hew
to tolld c&orc&es aad paiaces and
to tas rasooa aci c:ter tiiirs.
Mis rrttdioc Iraa the Terrftl, ai
lewpted to bria ia arssaaa frosa
Geraaty. bs s 14 tisarCfi la ku
Maa aad Tkaafai
Tt key to etery taa is
tifxthi. Stsnly aad deJyic thasiri
e- fit him wi.-i k
. I oi-eys. irti-ea is tie We after wbici
all his firts are clusiied. He taa
coy be recre4 by sfccwiax tia
' a cew Idea wS:.rb caa coecuad bis
own, Ha:pb. Waldo Ersco-
Old Roofs Repaired
irs viOti
Carr Furniture Co. furnished
and laid the linoleum for the
New Obsener Building
The linoleum we have laid on the floors of the
New Observer Building is a fine example of
the latest trend in new designs and artistic
colorings. We invite you to inspect this won
derful piece of workmanship and visualize
the exquisite color effects it is possible to
have in ywr own home. ' .
All our linoleum work is done by experts, cut
and matched to a degree of perfection that
it ; is practically impossible to detect the
seams, the effect produced is that of a beau
tiful colorful seamless carpet. The linoleum
is cemented on to heavy felt paper which has
previously been cemented to the floor. The
result is that you have a perfect floor cover
ing which under ordinary conditions will last
almost a lifetime.
We carry a complete line of the famous Arm
strong and Nairn Sealex Linoleums and we
cordially invite you to visit our store and
see for yourself the very latest in beautiful
colorful floor coverings. Bring your room
measurements with you, actual cost of any
job - given without any oblgation on your
part. -
Ethyls' are
.v Vv. feSke
"Tit-- TTTf. Trrr-s r tx.. see
lU. ia-4 iiuJ SLli ViiiiS jB -"fcia Uaa
V1; Nevsr Before has Ethyl Been Added
Yjto a Highly Vitalized Anti-Knock
V Gaspiine of the Superior Quality of
The Result is a Surging Flow of
Double-Power Unequalled in
Any Other Ethyl Gasoline
U yc ewe ens cf rf-.e skepCcs who has said "One gas
is cs gztd cs cr.olher," or if you have figured that Ethyl
is Etry, no rrctter what irs othor name, then you are dee
for a bfg surprise. Drive into any indapendent staHon,wg the General Ethyl sign, fill up your tank and
fe yc-jr engaie c'ecJde. General Ethyl costs no more than
Cfarwry Efbl gasolines.
Not Alike
IT '"" W 9 ii a-i
- " . . . ??Man ILfC . So frwesc
kON . ...sta HHJ . . . u.
4000 ijqaM SkIm a o
r, J !4 -