Page Six LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE- Wednesday, June 25, 1930 S(DCHEiry NtEWfl Mar jorie Kirby To Wed Lieutenant Parks Next WeekjT A. wedding tltrit will tnke plfice tnrty In July is ihnt of Miss Mur Jorie Kirby, daughter of lr. und Mrs. id- O. Kirby to JJutittmunt' Frederick I'arkH, of the U, H. mar inesi son of Air. and Mrs. W. O. PnrkH, of Mllwuuklo, Ore. Tho mnr rliiffo will be soleninlrA'd next week in Washington,' J"). C. and after a month's honeymoon during Air. Furk's leave of absence, which will y be spont travelling through the . eastern states and in a visit to New Pi York City, , Ihoy will make their j home at Norfolk, Va. ;W .Both Miss Kirby and Air. 1'arkH yt are grad'iatns of Oregon HUilo eot- fl lego in ll2a, und last summer Air. t'f J'urkn spent a number of weeks In c"i v this city. Jle was born in Klgln ,; and his family were residents there s ! until about 10 years ago. $ jl . ; The bridu-to-he lert on this A 'j morning's truln for Washington, d! !i Rhort slops will be made at Halt hko City, Denver and Chicago. Allss Aielissa Martin, Instructor In Spanish at O. K. C, will accom pany Miss Kirliy east iiio iiimn . Alartin will attend hl-mooI Auxiliary Honors Three Members ' Honoring three members, Iva Rcliultx, secretnry; Airs. Al rs. Den Al m. Smith, conduetonfss, and Aim., Winifred Cass, musician who havo held ihelr orrlees for tlm past litres years, the ladles auxiliary of tho Crnlnrnnl Ordor of Kagles-' enter- tutned Tuesday afternoon at the homo of tho president, Airs, Her-Jrn hert Thompson. I'ourteon woro In attendance ami each ono was presentfd with r friendship motto In tho form of n remembrance. Following games and a social afternoon a diilnlj-two-courso luncheon was snrvod, Entertainment Is Given At Baker '.- Of Inlerest to" La Grande friends of Allss Florence, Nelsnn, member of this year's graduating class of the St. Elizabeth's hospital of Mak er, and of Allss Joycu Cusick, vio linist, Is tho following Item from tho linker Democrat-Herald. Alls-. Nelstn is the daughter of Air. Airs. A. P. Nolson of this clly. ' Tho Nurses Alumni nnd members of tho recent graduating class of St. Elizabeth's hospital en joyed n sorles of entertainments In the form of a reunion Friday and , Saturday. A tea was nuld Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at tho nurs -s homo at tho hospital. Out of town guests were Allss Pearl Wilson of Nampn, Airs. Elizabeth , Swans Meredith of l'orlland, Airs. Hhena Tomtln Howry of Ktauvjith Falls, A hunrmet was enjoyed at the Hotel Maker Friday evening al 7:110 at which Mrs."G. G. Gordon was toast mistress. A picnic was held al Ra dium Springs Saturday. In the eve ning tho student nurses entertain ed with a party in honor of tin alumni and graduates, at which two vocal duets, of Hawaiian selection woro given by Miss Dorothy Alon orieff and Allss Wolf with guitar ftccompnnlment. A violin solo was rendered by Allss Joyce Cutdck. Re freshments were served at the closP of tho evening. The nuraea and graduating class attended muss at & o'etoek in the hospital chapel Sunday morning, after which Mrs. Jean AlcKnroe, MIns llessie Alcf'nbe and MIssHertha Nelnon entertained with n waffle breakfast at. the home of Airs. Mc.Knroc, . ,W. B. A. Initiates Three Candidates Tho Women's Henefll association met last night In regular session. Three eandldntes were Initiated In. lo membership and a large number of members were present with Mm J. K. Reynolds, president; In charge. The Wcstway club will meet Fri day evening at the. homo of Mrs. Reynolds at 1MS Second street. Cards will be a diversion und all members nro Invited. (30 Attend Meeting ' Of N. 0. W. Lodge About TO were in attendance at the rngulnr nieetliig of the Neigh, bors of Woodcraft last night, which was foil, .we, by n Hoclal evening during -which Oscar Alarshali was presented a quilt. - -v .set suit Mn entertulnlng program was cn Joyed with a. piano solo by Doris Kehultz; a tap dance by Allllicent Hansen ; u piano solo by Ernest uveson; a vocal trio by Eileen Htaco, Hetty b'tlen and Lucille Hriggs; a dance by Hetty Rteln; n pluno solo by Florence Rchultz: two readings by- Airs. Hurry Ale Clay; and a violin and piano duet by the Duncan sisters. After tho program a grub luncheon was serv ed. Relief Society Planning Program The Itellef society of tho Second Ward Jj. J. H. clutch met Tuesday UUITIUUII III LI1U UlllillTIl Wit II UUUUl J6 present. Airs. J, l' Hulkltdd. president, wuh la charge and the meeting woa conducted- - by Alra, (Mt-o JohiiHon who gave tho regular social servlco lesson. I 'Jans were mad0 for the worlt for the hii miner, and the officers will meet to prepare the topics for the visiting teachers during the Hummer months. Arrangement (were made for a benefit social to I be held 1'Yiday night at 8 o'clock i In I hi" rliiii'li. 'I'll ii nrnt'OPdw will )0 f()r (ne t,.,iiplo fund. Airs. John sun was appointed in charge of tho program and Airs. Hay .Cook in ehargo of refreshments. Rainbow Girls To Attend Convention Following Is an account of the preparations that nro being mado (lt ICugcne for tho stato usscmbly of tlio Order of Kalnbow for girls. Those ntlenillng from Ia Grundo Assembly No. 13 are: Miss Char- Kaus, worthy advisor; Allss Alary Lou J'lper, worthy associate jadvlsor; and Allss J&dna Brown, 'sister of charity, Tho Kugene Itainbow Order for fllrls will entertain the stnto us sembly here next week, Friday and Saturday, June 27 and 28. Aloro than ono hundred nnd twenty-flvo visitors and delegates will bo coming for tho event. Allss Alarlnn Chapman Is worthy advisor of tho lSngcno chapter. , Alombors of both Alasonlc lodges and of the two lodges of tho Order of Kuslorn Hlar hero are assisting with plans and work for the convention. All meetings will be held in tho Alu sonlo temple. I Among social nventK planned for and 1110 ovei,t 1V,H 1,0 1,10 lommi re ception and dance ion Saturday evening. Kugene Guard. - the .... Announcements The mombers of .the Alethndisl church aro arranging for a re union to bo held Sunday afternoon, June 9 ut the Riverside park, when tho congregation will meet the Rev. . and Airs, dicrtxog and their family. A cordial welcome Is extended to now members who wish to attend. Members and friends are urged lo bring a baske luncheon which will bo served at l:8t) o'clock. The meeting of the Juvenile Neighbors of Woodcraft scheduled for this Saturday hns been' post poned until July. Tho Lutheran lmdles Aid will meet In tho church annex Thurs day afternoon at 2:110 o'clock who: a potluek luncheon and program will be enjoyed. ,- A special meeting of (he adlcft auxiliary of Ihe F. O. K. has been called for Thursday evening, June LM1 at 7; HO o'clock. It Is a Hpecial session for Ihe purpose of voting to change the meeting which Is scheduled for July It, lo Wednes day, July 2 due lo tho fact that many or the members will be out-of-town the evening before Hie Fourth. I'lll'ILMMY I'llOCItAMS BroailcastlUK Co.: 7, popular music; The National li. dance music; 7;3u. Amos ami Andy 7:45. syrn orchvst ra: phony tiour; 8, dance 8:45. Parks slstiM-s; 9 l.ane: 9:30, olympians llnnal Concert orchestra dance orcliestra. .Memory 10. Nn I I to 12, Ct'lumMa Broadcasting sysle illfir 'I E T h NOW PLAYING EVFDV Tl K At- r-. . MARION HERMOUTH DAVIES FUNNIEST AIM) SKLKCT SHOUT SlIUKCTS QUEEN LOIS I i 1 jl, 1- -r " " j; "i y 1 r- ! MmiJ M AIcci Oucen Lob r Hm 180 Ronnd-Vp to lo held in Pendle ton, Oregor, August 28, 29. 30. The queen In private Wo is Miss IjiIk Alcliityre, daughter or Air. n nil Mrs. A. If. Mclntyre or Athens. She, hns attended the University or Oregon inn) the Washington State College, leliiff n member or Hm Olil Omegn Sorority, (jueeii lx!s mm ono of the Itoynl Afalds durhiR- tlio J2H Hound-Pp, is nn neeompllwiieil liorso wonmn nnd ono or tlio 'ixitsfins why "Geulleiiieii prcfep llhindes." 8, Murrymnk ji-h: 8:30. organ nnil Hlnffi-rs; o, dnncc music. Northwest HronflcastinK system: 8, snlolsifi; l, Ibur with tho opei-us. . Dcnvt'i' ICO A (S.KI): 7:30. NBC: 0. KOA Koons; 11:30 to 11, NBC, Soot tin KJIt (97(1): S. NHS; 10, slin slilno irogram; 10:30, orchostra munis; 12, ItovDllera. San lVuiK'lKn KVUC. (010): 8, CHS: 10, Frank Watatiabo; 10:10, dance lullslc, newj. f Ktl'O (l!S0): 8, NBC: 9. salon orchestra; 9:30, concert; 10, dance music. Onklnml KOO (790): 7:30 to 12, NBC propratns. KLX (S80): 8, popular pro firams: 9. Rnsppl hymns; 9:30, Old homo poet; 10, danco. music. .Ttu-omn KVI (760): 8, (MIS; 9:30, tea turo; 0:45. CI1H; 10, feature; 11, CBS; 12 to I, ni'Knn. SiKikano RIUJ (590); c. NHI'; 7, Hawa iian trio; 7:30, N'UC; 10, dance band. lvcw AiiRch-s KNX (I0MI): 8. symphony; 9, lontiircs; 10 lo 12, danco music. KH.I (900): 8, CHS; 10, news, danco music; 12 lo 1, orKan. ICIl (lilli): 7:45, NBC; 8:45, concert cnsemhlo am! soloists; lo. Tom Torrhs; 10:30, danco music; NBC. " rordand KKK (1180): 9. CBS; 10, rec ords, news, dance music. HOW (020): 6, NBC; 8:45, Mac and Al: 9. NBC; 10, Cecil and Sal ly: 10; I 5, .danco hand. Menus Of The Day By Sirs. Alcsnmlcr ;Nrco l.t'XClir.ON 1'olt KKillT Cantaloupe Bulla Krult Ciclatlne Molds Cheesed ltlsctilts Prance Sherhct Date Killed Kitunrca Iced Tea Salted Nuts ' CantnlotllHi ttalls 4 cups cantuloupo hulls, l-'i cup stiKar. OF ROUND-UP MMmfm m 3 tablespoons lemon juice. 1-2 cup orarfgo Juice. 3 tnblospoons finely chopped mint. 1-2 cup water. Chill cantaloupe. Cut out balls with small French vegetable cutter and chill. Mix rest of the ingredi ents. Cook slowly 4 minutes. Cool and chill. Pour over balls. Servo in glass cups which have been placed on green paper doilies on serving plates. Fruit ehi(ln Molde, Serving 8 1 packago lemon flavor gelatin mixture. 1 3-4 cups boiling water or fruit juices. R halves canned pooches. . 1 cup diced plncnpple. ' 1 cup seeded whito cherries,'' S red cherries. Pour boiling water over gelatin mlxturo and stir until dissolved. Cool and nllow to thicken a little. Pour Into small molds, rinsed in cold water. Allow to stiffen a lit tle. Insert peaches in bottoms of molds; add portions of tho remain ing ingredients. Chill until stiff, i L'nmold on lettuce and surround with salad dressing. I lato rilling I 1-2 cup sugar. j 2 tablespoons flour. ' 1-8 teaspoon salt. ! 1 cup chopped diites. 1-2 cup orange Juice. 1 tablespoon butler. 1- 3 cup nuts. Mix sugar, flour and salt. Add dates and- juice and cook very slowly until mixture thickens a little. Wlr constantly. Add the rest of tho Ingredients. Alls well and cool. Cooky IHuigh 2- 3 cup aft. 1 1-2 cups sugar. 2 eggf!. t teaspoon nutmeg. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1-4 teaspoon salt. ' 3 tablespoons cream." 3 1-4 cups flour. Jm THE SIGN OF FINE COFFEE EVERYWHERE PACKED BY M J B'S HI-TEST VACUUM AETHOD I teaspoon bulling powder. Cream fat and sugar. Add eggs i and beat 2 mlnutcj. Add rest of Ingredients. Chill dough. . Roll out dough until it is 1-8 inch thick. Spread one half dough with date mixture. Press down und cut In 1 1-2 Inch txiuares. Crinkle edges of each square with tines of a fork. Hako on a greased baking sheet for 2 minutes in a mod erate oven. Giants Buy Coast League Outfielder NEW YOiRK, Juno 25 (AP The New York Giants today an nounced the purchase of Harry Roscnhcr;.;, . Mar outfielder, from tho Mission club of tho Pacific coast league In a $40,000 deal. NEGItO Si:C0M JjIKS PORTLAND, Ore., June U6 (AT) Joe (Old Folks) Wilmore, negro, after acting as second In Herman Ratzlaff's corner in h'is fight with Ray AIcQuillan luwt nl'ht, dropped to the ground just after leaving tho auditorium. was rushed to un emergency hospital but all efforts to revive him failed. Ho was 60 years old and at one time was Jack Dempsey's trainer, Wilmore came here from Los Angeles to settle ati estato inherited from a deceased sister and while here acted us trainer for various fighters. THEY WALLOP EM OAKM.'ONT, Pa.. June 25 (AT) They eeem to wallop golf balls in tho big open spaces. A drlvo contest at tho intercollegiate golf tourney was won by Al'ac Hurnett. of the University of Texas. He averaged 27'J yards for three shots. ' AXTIoriCK IN STOHAC.K WA K I I.I N ( i TON, Juno 25 (AP) Somo antiques havo been taken from tho white house and put into storage. They are wineglasses, 1800 of them. Military Honors A ccorded Veteran ANHOX1A, Conn., Juno 25 (AP) Full military honors Tuesday w-.Te accorded Itnymond C. Spang as the demented World war vet eran was buried in .Mount St. Pet er's cemetery with his wife and four children, whom he flung to ihelr deaths from the summit of West Itoek. New Haven. Saturday be fnn ending his own life with a suicidal leap. Scenic Gwmi LEAVE Vancouver, B. C. and go direct to Chicago through the world's finest mountain scen ery, the Canadian Itockies, at no extra cost on the Mountain eer - a fast, luxurious train with finest equip ment, service and cui sine. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES aro on sale until September 30 return limit October 31. Stopovers allow ed everywhere. Canadian Pacific Travellers Cheques Goal the World Over. W. H. Deacon-O.n l Aftnl-rWr Dtpt 1 18-A Broadway. Portlitnd- BK'dwny 338: Amr-ricnn Dunk Buildine For r.-jfijif O II. ftvlrr, Dulricf Fr.-,plil Afsnt jj-i i li Tuesday was the twelfth anni versary of tho marrlago of Air. and Airs. Spang. Jt also would have been Spnng'g SHh birthday. ' He J was born, married and buried on Juno 24. , . . . Flags throughout the city were half staffed in honor of a war vet eran who had been mustered but. A military escort to tho grave was provided by William H. Gordon post of tho American Legion. Attempt to Shut Down Hotel Fails l NKW YORK (AP) The sov- IDEPT. STO-HES IN THB WB3T Stove No. 13 La Grande If you are fond of pretty Frocks :" ' Breier's Pre Fourth DRESS EVENT Summery Silk Frocks For All Sizes 13 to 46 ' $8.66 $7,66 $6.66 $5.66 $4.66 THAT'S WHY THEY GOT THERE 1 n -t&iiS OLD GOLD was first Introduced at Atlantic City. June 13th, l7. In 90 days It had become one of the 4 best sellers in Atlantic Coast summer hotels. BETTER TOBACCOS . . . "NOT A COUGH IN A CARLOAD- ornmenfs first attempt here to clnso an entiro hotel failed -when Kcdoral JudBo Knox refused a petition to padlock the. Cornish Arms hotel for violation of tho prohibition law. Judge Knox is sued an Injunction against the sale of alcoholic beverages by the hotel corporation for one year. Howard Jones Now Prohi Chief's Aide WASHINGTON (AP) Howard T. Jones, assistant in the office IBB1II1BSBIQEB3 OVERALLS They Can't Shrink if,; .1 .ii m v i. x'-au m: 1 39QERBQHIBIBEBB ' . of Assistant ; Attornay General Youngouist, haa been appointed af stant director of prohibition by Attorney Gonerul Mitohell. Jones will bo assistant io Amos W. Woodcock, who wasappointed director of prohibition Monday. Jones for years was asslstnnt to Mabel Walker Willebrandt, assist ant attorney general in .charge of prohibition prosecutions. Ho was regarded as ono of the ablest prohibition attorneys. tstrasa ' LOS ANGELES Gonvenietice GomforttKospitality You will appreciate the excellent service and moderate rates. - The f city's most centrally located hotel. One block from Pershing Square convenient to all leading shops, theatres, financial institutions and electric depots for all resorts. Garage adjoining. All Ouwtde Rooms Each With Bath , Onel'mon -- $2 50. S3. l Two I'urtani -- 2M. U, ?o Unexcelled food Friendly Price Frank Simpson, Jr., Dlttcior Hotel Savoy Sixth & Grand - 91 i ' SO QUICKLY LITTLE STORIES OF FAST SUCCESSES 4. DOROTHY MACKAILL Newsstand girl in Hull, England, "glorified-girl" in Zicgfcld's Fol lies, now the idol of screen-struck fans. "All in four brief years. ' A fast shot of the quick success of Dorothy Mackaill. Success .'V . because she gave a new thrill.' Quick . . . because of nature-born charm. " ' ' " That goes, too, for another young star, OLD GOLD. Three years ago, unknown. Now, America's fastest growing cigarette ' " v "O. G." gave a new taste-thrill . '. . through smoother tobaccos, free from irritants. When a girl, or a cigarette, is blessed by nature, a new star rises . . . and fast." '