Page Six LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, QUE. Saturday, June 21, 1930 HL ASSIFXED AD Vr The Market Place of Union and Wallowa Counties NEW TODAY Hf'KCIAIv fold cream, powders n n d hcunty requisites at half price, AliLi-incllii lleauty shop, over & I diUK-s. 0-2 1 -8t KOK H KNT Modern fi-rm. (ia rnxo and' wood hod, mas Ad ams. tp MOUNTAIN C'AMJ.V Wallowa rlv .(! , front ape, ntone fireplace, wooded lot. $4.r0.wi. Terms. O. t- . jawMon,-Jw'ih, Ore. 0-21-1 ip FOIl HAM-J At JIM .leffuiHon live. Moi-ffaiTM Hiuck at rcnnon ahle prices. One HMidelmlior Vrestdmt "0" 127 model, one 1 (runner nir compressor, :t' Hh. One electric fan and pipe, for painting- Out? Minks paint outfit. AIho other articles for Karate uhc. J. Is. Mnnhull. 0-20-21 WANTED WANTUD-(''si mlly 227-lt. ' , v:inli. I 'holm Want Ad Rates Observer (Count flrn averairo words to the line.) Per line, 1st Insertion .10c Per lino, ech added consec utive Insertion r, , 7c Mlnirrruin charee on one ordur 2Gc "WANTKO .Mod. furn. lions:-. He H)onsittl(( and permanent ten antH. l'lioiii; .Main .150.' G-Sii-li. WOMAN WA NTH housework. liH. Ohserver, 0-20-2 tp. RATES BY MONTH 2 Ilnew, per month .f 3.60 3 lines, par month -.J3.25 4 lines, per month 4.00 6 lines, per month ...$-l.75 Bach additional line over five churged at Dt)c per Una per month. CASH IN ADVANCE Is re quired on all Classified orders to earn these rates. Higher rates charged on all credit insertions. Copy for all Classified orders must be In this office by 10 A. M. DAY OF INSEltTON. Stvp orders on ad inserted until fur ther notice must be received by the same hoir or extra insertion will b chained. Telephone orders solicited. Cash rales may be earned on Phone ordera by payment ou or before dutu of lust insertion. PHONE MAIN 87 ' "An Observer Want Ad Will Do It" KOOFINO WORK Hepalr work or uny kind of a lew roof. Call Choa. HU6ebrand,'bJ0W. 1-0-lnip MONET To LOAN ou improved city property, Mralght loom- or luHiuilmeiit plan, L-j-vtun ratos United States Invwitmont Co Phone Mala SI l-lfl-ltr Njill I-ake C'lty I KSI,; 7:30, NliC; Jir, organ ; ' 10:30, musical protrrani; 11, Va- uhond of Air. j ' I'oiIlaiKi ROW: 0:30, Kmplre Jluiidcrs; 7, Piano ..Capers; 7:30. NHt": -10. I 11 to J 2, vaudeville lant'o n i unit frolic. Oiikluiul KI.X: 8:15, quartet, soloists; 10. feature: Ht:16, Happy Hayseeds: Railroad Doing Track Work Near " "Hilgard, 'Oregon jS1 FOR TRADE 10:45 to 12. dunce music, JvCJO: 7:30, NJJC; ji dancv juuhIc. Kcitttlu KJU: S, NHS; n, soloists; NIlH. to J2, '"''n on .me sine tracks in !ffard thi we!;. One hundred .have he-en laying stei'l and putting in new switches. thiK In a bridge. Mrs. VWhb nnd j children will remiin here for tho i preen 1 Jjinit-H Undley and son, JInrry of iterprise, called on Mi, and rH. lifter Stoop' Tuesday. Mr. Mndlcy is Mrs.' Ktoop'rf father. ' Mrs. Kmry Iiin;son was in l.a Orando Tucsdi. Mrs. Thornliuc nnd son. John, i nd I''ra n k Sink li v n? 1 n 1 .a ail moving back to Mt. Kmily c:ini. They have hci-n in otii of the 'taires at t'ivc Points iump I past "two months. , ' . I The Hoy Hcotits caljln J progrc. 12, W1I.I, liXCHANOK My fully cqulppml 320 m-re dairy farm, 40 head of milk cows, 12 head! young stock, 2 hoi-Hen ond ma chine ry, I i Is ha rn , I ) J ji va 1 tnilkluj; muciilnc. 2 houses, water In harn and both houses. HO acres finest bottom land on Nest ticca, river near Tillamook. 3 !u In nee. Rood hilt pasture. All fenced. Trade only with owners. Want stock ranch In northern pa rt o f Ci ra n d o 1 1 o ndu va I ley. Hobert iKryrear, (,'lovcrdnle, Ort., phono Oiifj-J. (i-I!i-4 ip Ily Verim Weliucr (Observer Correspondent) : linXrAHM, Ore. (Special) Ten r.tilroad: construction cars li'ive neen on . the side tracks In Hil- r.nmh. w.-.ii.etuh.v men i- Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Weimer iit- temied tne stoc;; snow in i. nion. Mrs. Cantrell, of Portland, has Tlie school ineeOnar was held and ; leen visiting anions friends here- Officers for th enHiiinir ii'i-m ..!; thin we. 1: eleeted. Mr. Hturrett, as chairman j Mr. and Mrs.- Kred Hagty, of KM: S, NIK'; it, concert orehes- l''lil the nomination of re-jt'ove, weip attending to some liust- tia: lii, soiigK: li)::0( dance music,. ?Iet--tion and Mrs. Krank Williams ; nes : in MiU:ar.l Thursday. KNX: 7. symphony; S, playlet; WHH elected on the board and Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kor-rer are H:3o, violin hoir: if. male quar- ,Thornlrup was re-elected a clerk. I moving hack to their firm n.-ar let, piurio twiim; !:3o, radio detec- ' Webl, of Pearee Construe- Pendleton. Mr. Foster lias heen live feature; I, dance music. Ition Co., who has been here work-j working on the highway for the KHJ: 8. CMS; 10. news, dance OIL ln nvw f'go aa called : dates Conatructlon Co. ip aiiu wanu, vvasn.. .ionuay i Mrs. r. .M. itankln is viPKIug where he will have thc Joh of iut-' in Ilikraid this week. f Mrs. Kred Hoes and Mm. I Abater Stoop motored to Cove Wednesday rand enjoyed a swim in the Cove pool. ' Mim. MiuttiBn. of Portlnnd. was In noun.. L'uest of the Suirctts this snz well. It is going to he u very week. jlicHUtiful huildlng and is in a lovely f Mr. pnH Mrs. Vein Thomi'son arc loeation. . . 'y music; 1 2 to I, organ. Taconm KVf: S, orchestra; to 1, organ. 1929 DURANT-RUGBY TRUCK Completelv Overhauled and Reconditioned Flat Rack and Grain Sides an OK car $565-00 LARIS0N CHEVROLET CO. rns; JJItlVINO TO HICASIDB Wunl ';Wi-ltu A. ). Oimi'rvcr. r.-2S-l nip , FOR SALE VOll BAI.H Oricii licilroiiin hoc, ::c;hmiy cuiniulo ilionoKr:iti, IjimI 'with iimctroKH iinil hiii'Cii uhimI ' 5 ninnlliM, OlHOn 'niir, irnnolino lunCorn,' Don Hlowurl, Imblirr. 0-20-2 tp. KOIl HACK CliuiKi! nnd 2 or 3-rm. rum, apt. for ri'iit, liMiTi AilimiH. (j-20-2 I p. "), J'lionn R!M-W. 0-ta-(it. I'Vllt IlKNT-llms. Radius, Clljm. 111. J'liono 14r,-W. 0-1'J-tf l''Olt HUNT Furnlslii'il apnrtmonL 1HII3 AillllllH livl'lllln. iis-ir. KOI I KKNT Ptirn. npt. HkMh nnd M-nCer fiit'ii, 2I0R AiliimH, '. . . 0-17-Ctp I PROTEIN DIET IS VERY IMPORTANT WO It UKNTCool, upt. I-'rigldaire, 2 J jinri Is Court. modern, f urn. beds, garage. 6-11-lm. KOIl H I2NT Mod. npt. with Frldl gairn.. Call Melville's. 0-0-tf. POIt KAI.K it. I. Jt. fliirlng frys. - Will deliver dressed. Karmer.i J9XC. ' 0-10-4 lp KOU HAL 10 At stud, derinan Shepherd (police dog) A. K. ( rcKislered. Dark silver grey; show type; best of blood lines. Son of International champion. Ve reasonable. Mrs, W. G. llub .Insoii, Hox 33, Telocaset, Ore. ip. yon sai.k Main 112. -Pit bull pup. Cull O-lft-3 tp rOll SAI.K M nun re Main r4:t. range. Ph. o-isir. APA ItTMICNTS All rc-finishe::. Hummer rates. Inquire Komrner hotel. 6-28-1 m. Kl'N DAY PIKHatAMS National llroadcasting Co.: 0:15, popular program; lf:4o, Sunday at Setli Parker's; 7:15, orchestra; 8:30, dminar Johansen, pianist; 0, concert ; 0:3(1, Mender's guide; 1 0 to J I, .Concert Jewels. Columbia. Jtroadcastlng system: 8, concert' nnd hoIoIhIh; 0, dance; 11 to 1 2, organ. Northwest broadcasting Hyslem: 8, iMmski orchestra; 0, Argentines; KOIl UK NT upts., with low rate Adults, wood. 1810 Green- 5-1 0-1 OlA) Tl.MK DANCI Angles hull. FOR SAbH Six room modern cottage-, excellent location "Wallowa ; JmUo grounds, (lond flreplaco, Vood range in kitchen nnd Iiouro almost fully furnlslied. 10. M. Cnlvort, Joseph, Oro. G-17-0tp. iron SA lA'Z Husinesfl nnd pan . furniture of Ostormoor hotel, 24 ' rooms. Mrs. l- M Martin. , PH. I ,400, linker, Oro. . 0-lU-l nip j VM1NMAHI)'H Cohmihla near beer i on draught. All kinds of sand-j Z.ptlcs, in business 30 years. 0-4-1 in. 10, ensemble;, 11, band. TjO.s AngelCR KNX (10!i0):. 7, symphony nnd tenor; 8, church; 0, symphony-; 10, Kotary program. . . 1 Kll.r (00(1): 8, CHR; 10, new, - Furn. houses and CHS. bnths, chmn, quiet. kkt ((MO): 8, musical programs; v, twn;., ;r:.tu, violin; ju, tinner music. Salt r.nlco CHy KSIj (1130): 8, rhurch service; 8:15, concert;' 0, NltC; 0:30, Ulah hour; 10:30, Vngabond of Air. Senltlo KJU (070): 8, NP.S prngrnm. . 'J'acdiim K.VI (70(1): 8, CHS; 12 V 1, or gan recital, Denver KOA (830): 8, NliC jirograms. 1 Port laud K15X (1180): 8, NDS; 12, newa MISCELLANEOUS Hue. nlfht nt C-ia-:il JON'T I'OltOMT Urn iinncft al KI Kln open alp puvllinn cvt'ry S;iC. ulti'lit. , l.indHcy'H orcCicHti-a. - 0-211-2 t. RASTEKN OltKClON School o( ACiihIo, violin, nluno, volco. CrcU iCH. 1. O. O. l' tcmplo, 447-.I. 0-3-1 111. 'jA UKaNLiU MaTTKUHH A Up hnlslejiliiK ft Ruir Clennln? WrliB. Phono. 424-W. Cha. Krt wanlB, h-rop, , ,2-1-ttn FOR RENT VOU H10NT Ti room niodorn huni;ulow licic. Vanlh and Adants. aC l!lli4 Aldi'l'. 0-211-2 1. KOIt HUNT Moil., rnni. a-rm. lipl.. 1!iu4-:lnl. I'll. SH-W. ii-20. 2lp 'Olt ItlINT :i-ini. f:nn. l'llltl': Mll.K. 'OoiHauiH every clo- llionl I'ccpilrod ly . tlift liutTinn body. Our. dalrioH uro pporalnd Willi caroful altciillon to HiiiiUo. tion. n renoiunii!ild I'UHIO ,-NATUltAI. .MI4.K to you, un. ndulterilt(l, -iinpantniii-ljtod,' nn- Htundurdljcod. rl'hn bftt milk ovor 1 nolil in U'i Orando Ih produced by I.A C1UANI1K DAiHYiMUN'S AH HOCMATION. ri.20-lin State of Health of Human Beings Depend on it, Dr. Slonaker Says. .KI'QK.VK, Ore. Juno 21 (Al1) ! Or. Janu s It. Rlonukor, Stanford iinlvoiHlly, who iiddri'.SKid tlio- wi'Moni HOrlcty of nalurallntu sec tion of tlio Anierlcaii Asfjofiation , Tor lhi Advannonicnt of Kcii'llee : liorn b'rliliiy, Hald thai If man worn! to ri'iirlr Iho lllKlH'Ht point of of- ' I'lolcnoy, tho paramount-nori'.HHlly i would bo to maUo n.'IoihIKIh out of oookH ko lliat prololn db't rould bo ri'Kulnlrd lo Clio bom of ndvaiituRp. I "Tho HtaCo of health or human ; bobiKM, tho Hlzo nnil vlKor of their children, in face, how people a well an nnlmalfl feel nnd act do- , petidH Inrnely upon tho protein ! rtlel," ho tald. j Dr. Hlonaker Maid thai Che size of the offMprln In not Only reu- j laced by tin, union nt of protein in I the diet of parenta, but of the pro- ; tijin.s In what lea ancescors nie. Too1 much protein In detrimental, he j wild, except chill I lip ofrsprlnKH urn I larger In anfancy and youth. This larger nmiisH a a sacrifice, how- ( over, for the reproductive span Is ! shorter anil the spontaneous oc- I llvity of lllo beinif Is lessoned, Dr. i Mlonaker a-iid. l:.vli'iislvc I'lNpcrinieiils j The speaker sabl he had made ' extensive experiments on the Al- ' blno rat, reKulntlnir their diet by' divldlnur them into five roups nnd IflvliiK each Kroup a different per- , ccntaice of prnl-eln food. The life 1 span ol iho rat Is three years, lie sain i ' - .... . I . . . . I men tnji-jjumLKir n-"s jihiw n mi jwnere ne win nave tnc Jon or put- mends in llllgaru this week. :B T5 9 v "... B inmm -wou i II to 1 2, organ. San I'VuiiclrW'n , 'KPO 1 (H0)t . 7:30, concert or chestra: 0, string (iiarlel; 10, news; 10;3'i, ;danco ru. Kl-TtC (010): , CHS programa. OaklaiMl KOO (7!i0) : 8, N liC; 1 1 lo 12, Dlue Itiiys. KI.X (SNO): Silent Night. ' MONEY TO LOAN Wo are repro Bcntntives for tho Prudential In surance Co., and can make farm or city loans at attractive rate of in Ureal. Chu. H. Reynolds, immrnnea. loans and bonds. Professional Directory This directory Is esiwelnlly hnnily for tho newcomer or fur tho out-of-town reader who mny ivnilt the nanio and nddnss of wmo pnifesslonal man. It lias been carefully preiwiml nail will profo to ho a iiiidy nhl to any reader In obtaining prompt pro resslonul semleo. CLASSU'IKIJ FOIt QUICK KEl'KItliNCE Physicians & Surgeons At U RIOIIARDHOV, SI. 1. Physician and BurKeon Offlco ovor Olnsu DriiRH Office mono, M-1S Itcs, M-G5 l.I i: II. IKII'VV, M. I. I,I0VA WICK10S, SI. 1). Practice limited to diseases ot the lyo, ICar, Noso and Thro&t. New Foley Telephone Building Muln 16 Astrologer SIRS. FRUDIMtlOK n.M.MKS SOI N, AVIC Readlncs llally. Readlnga by Mall a Specialty U. S. L. Batteries Yoyjr olil liatccry nml $tl.8!i puis a now ono In jour ciir. Burgess Battery and Electric 3 blocks pnst of U. P. Ilepot. CORRECT ..fiS-M CnlToct service, evcrytbliiR as you wlah It. without con fiislen or mlsuudei'slandlnir lhal Is what we Huarantee. We know how lo rnlflll our obbKatlons. WIO T'NTDKKSTANII Snodgrass & Ziinniernum Main G2 $165.00 DOWN Buvs LATE 1929 MODEL "A" FORD STANDARD COUPE This car lias original paint, new car guarantee, 19.'J0-31 license. , PERKINS MOTOR CO MainRnO Mth and Adatna so he was able to make ol KUW (020): 0:16, NIK": 8, iservalions IIiioukIi several Kcnera Ceeil and Sally, violin: S::io, NUi": I 'Ions. KiartliiK wilh I II per cent as !l::ill, eoneerl: 111, litt lb -synipbony :1 'he lowest and 2(1 per cent protein .o the blKhrst, oliserVal ions" were i mane as to food inlake, spootane jous activity, reproiluelive ablllly as , to number, character and vliror. Tho results showed, ho. said, thai pracllnnlly all ' or . tho. , activities wore greatest with rats Riven 14 per, cunt protein while those Riven the highest . showed tile ' least ae- jllvlty wilh the exception of lllo size jor their offsprlni;. l.leulenant V. O. Philip, of the I'nlted States navv. who addressee tho- meteorological division, said thai pilots of mall and transport i planes whose routes lend over I mounlalns must lainlliniize tliem-! 'solves witli the conditions of ice! I formations In order to avoid them before It is too late. Jn cxpcrl- meats conducted over the moun tains of Oregon nnd Washington. I Lieutenant Clapp found that freez j ing: rain did not play a largo part in the formation of Ice. "Through knowledge of the topo graphy, forecasts ami warnings of lee danger," he said, "must bo the rooming iliis scrl- to come to Wallowa Lake Park and Celebrate With Tliem an OLD FASH10MD FOURTH Of JULY Hear the Declaration of Independance read, join the fun and frolic that begins at 9:30 a. m. and continues, throughout the dag. Listen to the patriotic address ":, ' by EX-GOVtRNOK WALTER M. PIERCE MONDAY I'litX.ltA.MS NT IC : 7 : it 0, A mop a nd A nd y ; 7:15, Jtiliu and Ned; S, symphon iHtx; 0. Serenaders; :!10, Ji.oiiMe of M.ytha; 10, Harp harmuny. CHS: S, Mine Monday jamboree;, 10 to 12, dance music. NHS: K, Harmony Aces; !), Oamski'H Nfapulitan's; 0:3n, wres tling mateh; 1 1. Kevellers. Ileiiv! KOA: 7::io. NHC; S::to, dancu muHic; 0, NHC programs. San l-'rant'lco Isll'O: S.L N 1U; 0, Toreadors; ii::to. feature; II. dance niutdc. KIllC: S, CHS; in, fen Mir a. i pilot's aids In ov Enjoy the stirring martial music and concert of old-time pieces lo be rendered by the ' FA MOTJ S LA .G.R A:N..D.E:.....E AN.D l; Watch gour newspapers next week for details of pro gram, something doing every minute. There will be no admission charges. ; Bring yoiir lunch, or purchase sandwiches at the booihsjf you pref er. W e will fur nish the coffee. ; , . ., . COUNTRY FOLKS AND TOWN FOLKS EVERYWHERE ARE INVITED. LET'S HAVE ONE GOOD TIME TOGETHER ALDER SLOPE GRANGE HURRICANE CREEK GRANGE LIBERTY GRANGE Wallowa County, Oregon dmiee muie. ' ous danger.' SCORCHY SMITH lrad0 KksR omcePP"ed For V WAV.. I WlCKtiN WE. MUST A RftSS-SB OVER. TH G&OLE S NEST Off Til'CUFK AN' RILED Til ' OLD BOY IIP - ' THESE. MOUNTAINS BE. FULL OFEA V 1" GtAll WC. DIDN'T KILl "1 mm, IMEN,PO TtlFRE MIGHT BE EACiLfTS TO BE PED - 116 CERTAINLY biltOWtD SPLENDID Coul-JAGE im An'ACKlMG tr WAI .moriwr ai i i.,, - CRlTVERS WILL PROTECT TUFIRI YOUNG NO MATreR-WHAT TH' ODDS BE AGIN 'EAA EVEN A GROUSENMILL TACKLE YtR AN'fCY AT. YER BOOTS ! Safe In The Sky tr WAS ItlCKY TOW THE RlRDTilM" You WERE. FldtlTIN'SO CLO',E FoR WOUIU HAVE OWEN IUr A BltLtFT IMSTFAD OF KNOCKING IIIM. SEMSELESS Willi Avy', WKSNCM IIOweVLR.LVJCK WAS Wtil US WHEN OUR PtANg WENT OUT .OF CONTTOL IN THE CANYON J 'I DON'i CMLTHAT LUCK.&COKCHY '.' THAT THAR oAANEUVfcPlrl' WUM" YOU DONE KF- FTAIN SMARTNESS ) - BUT THAT NARKOW 6QUEM BEINy OVFd WE KIN I.OOI' ABOUT A6lfO FtRTIlAT THAR LOST ' vmih : By John C. Terry YES, JAKE, THAT S WUAr Wl 1 ue iiRE vow . look, javce, through YOUR GLA-iSe - WHAT 5 TV I AT ON "Ilie FLAT KltlOE 1 GLORIA V , 1 ,, i .nil.. Trade 1: ark Registration Applied For U. S. 1'nlent Ofllce WAL, T BE . !,. Ihornswigoled! ) tlMY. ; I.C ;wti ,.. ,i,, ,, ,; pf I CIDN'T MA13IG I I I ' 'I "mSAII I I SOT IT'S (.YOU KNOW 1WAT TWtTATRIfAl Wave: ill oaok' N pboduczq, -- BLONDE .W'lif , TrtrW- ( MR. GWAY, (p. S -nk AroVt-fo K (V" IS 9 V iJ ( WATCHING iT Maid To Order! By Julian Ollendorff Yt?s; - He has OFFE12EO ME A -FtoSlTlON AS SHOW GIRL IN ONE OF ,VIIS MUSICAL KKLWl IUINS. WELL, HE1 frlIT II83 AND MARIE'S j cV, I I PYEING t J ' TO Ng VI JA I