Page Six LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER,' LA GRANDE, ORE. Tuesday, June 17, 1930 OVER THE VALLEY 1-Yont SiiliMii MVh. V. V. WIHinniK arrived last evening from Kalein and l vlxllliifr t ! homo r ,im' it-v. Mm. Julius Kih n lower ' ( ovo. - Vhllinu Itrollicr Air. anil Mm. I'nul Kuinitx f the Jowh rtlntrift hud us tlHMi Kin-sts over tli week end, Mr. K limit x' liroltii'i'. Charles Knaiil. ami fam ily, MrH. Kjiuiii. ami osus, Kiinem unci UiHianl of IteJlliiKhaui', Wash liiKton. Mr. KnaiiU Hlster, Mrs. Tnim'hKi'l of 1 'ort la ml a ml his ih'Ii-o, Kvnlyii Kberhardt of Pori Jund. Tin party left In Ihelr pars this nturniiw fr t r n-mioriivo llOIIK'K. H Nolls Tui'koyM Mriif. (Veil It. OrlKKH of Tnion served In a nuuior of rapacities during; tho recent stock show. On Krlilay In rerclved from Mr. lius hoII of tin Willamette valley a Hhiitmcnl of day old chicks. Tho UuhkoIk worn aUtniijitluu to dlKpOHii of hoiiio Mtirptus turkeys and sent thain hero nl it low price lo. ho dls iintniiK oluh nienthers. Mi. Huneoeded In put! inn; out the whole lot or ftlmni 1K.0 llillc turltcy.H. MaUos Initial VMI Kail I.. Coo ley, state supervisor of vornilonal aKi'lriilturo wnfl In this v.'Hlcy hint week widening his acit)fiiilaiiM'H hero and confiT rliifc will) tho K, V. A. hoys at tho nl.onk show. M",r. Conley h"s iHil(! reconl ly snrroeded O. I- 1'nulnon, who has (niton (he position of ok rirtillure nffeitt of tho I'. I'. rail road. Mr. Paulsen, wiih hIho. Ihto last week renewing old ncriuuin taiires and maUliiK new ones. 1'nlH In OIH'itIok Sin to Hopresfiitativn "IT. Jr. Woiiiherspoon has hern dninK some real wrtrlc I ho past weeks. He him clouted off another piece, on his farm above Klln and is pultintf in unveil acres (if cherries. Mr. yonthernponn Is a firm believer In the possibilities of Iho hillsides fop fruit and he is wiving It prae. tleul demonstration, OnruimloM Visit Mr. J.ev Lewis who has been vIhJUdk at iho home of her hoii-In-ltiu' and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Curl JJrown near Imbler hrt Sun day for her home at l.uthrop, Mo. Mrs, Lewis has been In the valley for nhout a year. . , ; 0 JIoiimi I'Youi Trit Mr, and Mrs. Sam Ituokmnn nf neap ; Alleel havo just returned from a very pleasant auto, trip whlph,, took litem Into southern and western Oregon. "While (hey worn gout they visited also a( Hie homo or Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ohms nt Fields, Uregon. j I'mieral Today I Tho funeral of the late ft. Me- Anlsli, who died Katurday at his j Ilium In the Valeria dlslrlet, lH lav lag held this ariernoon, Mr. Me-, Anlsh had been In poor health for! a long time but hud Imped that; with wanner weather ho would; he able to get out and would ln- j prove. The family hail been living! rather ti comparatively short time, on what Is known as the l.ytlo farm which they purchased. Mr," Curler Heller M. h. Carter who hntt been iulte 111 of rheumatism at his homo In the Riverside .lint let H much heller and very nearly well again. He, too, like others bothered with this disease, began lo fee better as HOon as t he weather became wa rmer. Purchases sire Wayne l-YIzcll of I'leasani (Irnve last week purchased from Jlmniie MIMh of near Cove a rcKlcli-red Jei-Mcy hull which will eventually become the head of bis herd of film Jersey rows. Mr. Crlx.i-M has been building hln herd up uradual ly and now has both iinanliiy ami (juality. o- - Wins Scholarship William Hill, nf Klgln. who was grudunted week befxre las) Irom the Oregon slate college was an nounced as having been awarded n $Hioo fellowship In Ihe soil bac teriology department nt Dm stale college of WiH'uiiKln. o Club I'lcnlc : " Tin- I'rlsellla Hewing club, an or-ganlx-'itlon of ladies in the vicin ity of Imbler held ii club picnic on Thursday at lllvepdde- Park. There were I !i ladles who attended the happy gathering which lasted nil day, tho picnic luncheon being M-rved at noun. The next picnic will be two weeks frnin that date at West's Intake. Oifinne T Meet The regular meeting or (be nine Mt. grange will he hel.i nest Sat-' unlay at the grunge hull, begin pliitf t It o'clock, mill with din ner served at noon. IVariurcH Ann Knrl ll:rm:inn son or M r, and Mrs. Henry Hermann of the Mnnd CHy-Ceve ro.-ol had the misiotuji to break both bones in his rlnhl nrm Just above the wrist la.M week. Tho accident occurred while the lad was attempting to crank the t raetot. Hump I Vciiii Vlnli j Tins MlKsca S'. lis umI llnlliir nuil Ainnlil K.iviililm.n Imw w cimly ri'titrni'il fi inn a vllt x It It l-i-liillvoii In (igilin, I'tith it ii.l Kntilli I'm il;iho. They wcrw rti'rmn l.ilil.) lo the vall.y liy tlnli uls-lrr-ln-lli . Mrs. I'ill l I. Kilv:llnOll. nml Uer (I.iiicIiIit. Klu ti l.imlsi.. j III" lutliT ln'lnir. jy Dip liny. Hip only uranil.liiiiKliu i ir Mi. n ml Slr. C. I'. Kilvnlnnn of rullmrliip Clink. Tin. itiiitlipr nuil 1I11 mrliti-r Will -niuln lime vluJtin- ior unnn Muliol .Morton, Valley Svw J'MUor I'hmtcs: Itoitloiice, Alain OfHl; Office, Ahiln 37 time. A week ago Hundity Mr. and M is. Kdvnlsiiu were further sur prised by the arrival of their moii-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh CrosHim ami their tw H'Tis. I.eo and flleii of Helianon, (jrngon. Mrs. CrosHun Is ih eldest daugh ter of the 1'Mvalson family. J,ast 'Ihursday evening il family ullnner was held at Hie lMvgson home with all except one member In at tendance. Hint being their son, Carl 1.. of Ogden, Thosn present were. Mr. and .Mrs. Theo Kdvalxon and sons. I lotialii, l.loyd, Kliner and fiene; Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Crosslin and sous, Lee and (Hen: Mm. far) L Kdva Istin and daughter. It hen Louise; .Merlin Wale, Herman Kd va (son, Mr. and M,rs. C C l-:dval-hhii, and children, Arnold, Itulon, WIHnrd. John, Ksther, Stella, Kdnti ami Ada. A bounteous dinner was served and the evening was a very happy one, so till report. n lias I'die Stock L. K. Hunter came down from Wallowa with Hi head of fine re gistered Jersey cattle and carried back Ut the clnHo of the livestock show, numerous a nd sundry rlb 'hnriM of different linen as well as considerable prize money. The ten which Mr. Hunter chose to show rrom out of his herd or 30 head, entered at the show under the clasHiflcations of aged bull, yearling bull, senior hull calf, Junior bull en If, cow over four years and senior yearling heifer. In these classes he placed its fol lows, respect Ively, first, Hoeond, third, first, -secoml, first ami first. His was senior champion hull ami ho also received ; ribbons for the senior champion "nd grand cham pion female. Mr, Hunter stayed in this valley during the entire show and was aneomp.'inled by Mrs, Hun ter who tnado many friends while on the show grounds. Morn Ilea us They am trying for the first time thlH year, beans on tho Curt-I I lei ma nn ra nch east nf Isla nd I CHy also. About 70 acres havo been put as a trial. These men ' LIST OF AWARDS MADE AT EAST ORE. LIVESTOCK SHOW Might thOURaud dollars was awarded In prize money fur, slock of different douses at :t he ' Ksstofn Oregon Livestock show' which closed at Culoa Saturday evening. This money was divided between the open class ami club stuff. The official iM of winners am) the places made in the open class ii given loday by secretary Tony l. ; Smith and Is as follows,: Hoiscs . I.lglitboned DIvIhIoii: Thorough hredH. 4 year old nt allien. If. 'C. Hldwell. 1: Mil VI. L. Copenhaver, ''M Alfred Thoinas, 3. Three: year o,h( HtalllfVns: M!a r t Xlcldnson, 1, Voaripg Htall'lun, ,M. H. nderHou, I.' Thoroughbred marcs: over 4 years, G.enrge Mtiffitt, I and , M. H. Anderson, 3. Three year old mares,. Win. Hyers. Two year old mares. W.. Mcpherson. I . Year ling mares. George Moffitt. 1; At. if. A ml ei-sou, 2; Sophia Morr Chnmoloii uliillloii. "llhi.Tm.nn " II ! . Hidwell. ownor, Champion mare, I "Klnnlclt Klnnick," (leorge Motflt, I owner, lEi'glstered Saddle hornes: mares over 4 yeat-H, Hobert WH hycombe, 1 and 2. Polo type mares and gel dlngH: Lena Hetldiug. I; Mm. H. Andersfm. 2: If. C. Hldwell, 3. Cavalry type: H. C, Hldwell, I and 2; Guy Church, 3. SlmitnndH. M. H. Levy all awards, (let of sire, )iu li (boned division ), 11. C. Hld well. Produce of registered dam, Win. Hyer, I; II. Anderson. '. Pro duce of grade dam, H. C, Hidwell. I ami 2: Virgil Conley, ;t; Kd. Mil ler, 4. American Iteniount associa tion specials: Stallion, . C. Hhl- well, Well, 4 year nl.i marc, indwell, t 3 year old mare. Hid- I well, I; mare of gelding, over 4 years: dense Melton. I ; Alp-ed Thoina:), 2: It. A. Haines, 3, Iteniount specials: mare or gel- ding, 3 yeart and under 4: Al- lied Thomas. 1; I f. C, llbwe. 2 and a. Two year olds, n. c. Hid- well, 1 ntid . Yearling inare or ueldlngs: S. Miller. 1: IL P. Hldwell, 2 and 3. Ili.'ln fonts; H. luouen, i nn. i ugn con- ; ley. 'l- Get of Hcmouilt stallion: H. C. Hidwell, I. Mare and I lu ec ) of iioduce. H, C, Hidwell, I. 111 ni t lype Ium ses. i 'lydesdales: ! Champion, "Harry Lauder," p. M. ' MiCallixp.r, 1st in class, Kail Swlger. 2. yearling m.tllion, Karl ! SwiKer. 1. 4 year old maivs, K. i i,.t. I, i .... ..... ' i .moi . . i ar- i !j --INSULATION- ! IJAbSAM WOOL installed over your ceilinjr joists will make your home cool er in summer and warmer in winter. of your heat loss is through your ceiling. Ask us about it. VAN PETTEN LUMBER CO. P1I0XK5IAIX 732. "Good Ken ice Quick." 1 1 nro not yet ready to report their 1 decision us to the miiccchk of their i-xperlniunt made lapt fall with the . deep harrowing the Killefer ma 1 ehini. having been used. It Ik curly 1 yt to determine just what benefit ; Is going to. be derived. Had Men!!1 MI Jane Daniels of Muddy Creek recovered from an attack of the measles junt In time to come to Hie llvcsloek show, nit hough her eyes wen still weak and ml. i nrcd glasses were necessary, June, j wnr. sucecHHfiil in receiving Hie , se)nhutbil given annually by Or, J'hy In memory of lici rulhw, i Mai via who w as very ',T(Ve ill club work ami who died a few years ago. Hot h of the Oanlels girls havo now won this particular scholarship. Xnnie! (Jivnii IncoiTcctly- In rie account or the recent olcp tlon of a Hmini-lfughes Instruclor lor the Imbler high school, to suc ceed I'roC Hon Hiowarl, tho name was reported Incorrectly to us, and should have been "Swearlngep" a n el n o t "Swen ringer,' Prof. Sw earingeii was kept fm busy during the three day show and made a very good impression, ac cording to reports, o . Wedding or interest or considerable Interest In this va Mey Is l he recent marriage of Miss Carmen I'lass of Wallowa to Harold L. Ceareo of Lostlne .rliiclt wiim solejiinled nt Hi . ." of Itev. Shlelrls at Wallowa il week ago Sunday. The ceremony was witnessed only by tho Immediate familleH of the yotlllg people. It is reported that they will mnke their homo in Lostine, Siiillh-Coulcy Itctinlon About. fr meiuhers of tho Rnilth Conley plan galhored at Itiverside I 'ark in La (I ramie Sunday for their annual reunion. Tho day was spent very Informally with the different groups having their din ner together and then an after noon of visiting. A Hhort, business lings". Karl Swlger, I. Shirts Champion stallion, W. It. Ledbetter. Knglish , "IJond," 1 'erclierous: sta I lions, 4 year olds: Willis Moss, I and chain- plan; A. 11. Davis. 1!: Karl Swiger. ' 3. 'I year old mares: Willis jU'osH, I I ami champion; Wayne Krlxell. j J niiti .). i fin mi); iinin', n inif Moss, I; filly, Willis Moss, 1.1 'irail( ilrart mares: . Willis iMoss, 1 : Sam line); man, 2; Myers ami Woodall, 3. .3 year olds: Kvelyn , ch .h-Kenzie. 2. Senior year- ;;!,'!U,,:;,,l. ' ,lUU! J' i:iTr..'';'linif Chandler, l.j inn, u. mi i pnih'-i, i. un of sire from registered dam, Wll- " v " (-."' Hum: wiHMtoii ami Myers, i; Wil- '"" " .Meunioiii. - aim .t. junior i uwn, rTu1 wiml 1,1111 'J,I,': ,,0,',,ort Wayne M-l.ell, J, Willisj,, umI Kl,in,, champion: lis .Moss, 2 da in .moss, . j i ron nee oi u ratio u ra n tiam : S,,, U. kn,,,M. l: Winis Moss - ' Myers and Woodetl. 3. Grauil dis-, play: Willis Mo I ; Wayne I-VIk- z,'n- l!,'sl 1 11 - I"0"': "'l Swigpr. 1 : "'Stolen-d draft leant: Wnyi- .' 1111,1 :,; K- - M ''('"'d- rlek. 2. Draft team: Sam Hack- man, 1; Myers nnd Woodell, li; Willis Moms. 3. Koiir horse leant, Wayne Kriy.ell, I ; .Moss. 2. Six-iu-hand draft team: Willis Moss, 1: John Michelbook, 2; Kouth Mc Kennon, 3. Knur horse team, (grade): Wil lis Moss, I; Sam Packman, 2; John M Icbelbonk, 3. Jack, 2 years and over, William llneier. 1; 11. J. MctJrath. Hecf emtio Sinn thorn. Aged bull. A. P.iyton. 1; Green brothers, 2; 3 ir old bull: Green brothers, t : ;t year old bull: W. A. Payton, 1: Julius Fisher. 2: Senior vearllmr j bull: Julius Kisher. t; Green Pros., . junior yearling. " Green Hros., j ; Julius Kisher. 2; Senior bull , calf: Julius Kisher. 1; Green Hros.. t 2: Gaylord Pralher. 3: Junior bull call: Green Hros.. nnd 2: ; Julius Kisher, 3. Senior ami grand j chainplnn bull: W. A. Pavton. 'junior champion bull: Green Pros. Aed cow and calf: Julius Kisher, I ami 2: Green lints. 3. Cow t hree IvcaiM and nveiv I nn.l :i C.i- Pros.. 2. Heifer two and under three: Green Hros., 1: Julius Kisher. 2: Kranli If tek-ni a Senior yearling heirer: Green j liros., I and 3; Julius Kisher. . Junior yearling heifer, Allen Mills. ; tlieen Itros.. 2: Crank Hicker. . . ' ;:. r n tor tieirer cab. (irccn Hros. sesNiou resulted In Die retention In office of the present officers, Dick Smith, president nil I Mm. O rover (Li miiiet;, secretary. It was also decided lo hold another reunion next year. Wins I ,u n ih Clifford Itoyes of near Summei villo received the fine registered Hampshire ewe lumli which f to bo given ana uatly imw' by Hugh J I u ron a nd I'ra n It M c K en nun f or uoiiia sheep club member of east ern Oregon, inning the IjvnsiQck niiow it three day contest In fitting a lamb for hIiow purposes is to bo liolil and the owe lamb Is the prize ottered. This Is the first year this award has been in ido but the two men plan to make It an annual one and open to all sheep ?luh mem bers. Haying Tho first culling of the alfalfa, crop Is being innde at the present time and as expeditiously as possi ble. In most cases tho quality is reported as being (uito good. Weather Is Ideal right now "for dryiiiK and Die stacks are going up all over (hp valley. n ' Sells Many Animals C. N. Ogilvlo, of near Cove, whose herd of fine registered (iiieriiseys is very well known, re ports! tho Halo of 12 head from his herd since he made his extensive showing at tho Wa llowa county fair last fall, Tho whole Ogilvin family is interested ami busy wlft the Cuerpsoys a nd are proud of the successful showing they havo made. o To Xorlh County Mr. and Mrs. Kd Jasper, of the Valeria district, drove to Palmer Junction Sunday on business and pleasure combined. Visits Son Mrs. H. C. Dahlstrom. of North powder. Is making a visit at tho homo of her son, John Dahlslrom, of I own district. They all spent a day last week at tho slock tdio.w. 1 and Julius Fisher, Junior 2 and heifer calf: Green Itros., j 3, Senior ami grand champion. Julius Kishor. J uninr champion female. Allen Milts, Graded Herri: Greon Itros.. 1; Julius l;lshet 2, Yearling herd, (i recti Itros., 1 and 2; Julius l-'ish- ! i, : Herofords Aged Inill. Albert Mehlhorn. 2 ; I vear olil bull: Herbert Chandler. , nn or1 vear ng till 1: tier hert Chandler. 1 nnd 2: McKenzie. 3. i ,-Heuior nun can: v mi inner, ii M.t .Mehlhorn, 2 and 3. Junior i;nip(j eha in pion. J tin lor chant oloii. 'llano iei Aired eow; I'lviie i .u.Kpll20, ,. 3 yon r old cow, Uor- iM.,. Iim mllei- l ve n- nt.l 1itiiVr i t handler. I and 2; Clyde y.. -i Senior Yearllnir lielfer. Her l(,r chandler, I. J unior yearling iieifer, Herbert Chandler, l and ; Clyde AL' Keiifcie, 3, Senior heifer calf: I lerbert Chandler, I ; A. Midi) horn, 2. J unlor heifer ealf: Herbert Chandler, I. Senior ami grand Champion, female: Chan dler. Junior Champion, Chandler. Graded herd: Chandler, 1; Clyde McKenzie. 2. Yearling herd, Chan dler. 1. Kat steers: Herbert Chandler,.!; Allen Mills, 2; Gene Hloklaml, 3; Lloyd Mills. 4. Hed Polled John M iehelbooli entries. ind Son: all Swine Poland China: Aged boar: Clyde McKenzie, I. (Spotted Poland China: young sow. Gordon Stuart. Chester White, aged boar, Clifford Conrad. 1. Young boar; Hurl Kooch and smw, 1; Clifford Con rad. 2. Junior champion: Kooch and Sons. Aged sow: Hurl Keech and Sons. 2 ami 3. Senior cham pion sow; Kooch nnd Sons. Junior champion sow: t 'It f ford Conrad. Young herd, Kooeh and Sons, 1; Clifford Conrad. 2. Hampshlrcs; l.eland Hudson, nil award. ;!, IKX DAYS liy WAN'S Dniwil fur lll!l)()MI'li:l.ll ltl( llAOIS( 0 VXJ SATlSntrT) WITH GEE , FbP GETT MUCH 6ET7-ER 7 meals Since y BEEN UV1N1 WITH vJ5,ooh't If you are satisfied with nothing short of p c. r f e c t fuel, you should phone Main 71-1 for King Coal. Broomfield Phone '' ,. ' . , Sheep i la m (ish tren: I (a m. I yea r and under ; Hubby Huron.) : Clayton Kuv. 2: Alvin liaviv, J. Ham lamb: Clayton. -. 1: Keith M.cKinnis. J and 8. Kwo. two years and over: , Hobby Huron, 1; Clayton Kmc, 'J; , Avin Davis, a. Kwo, I. year and under: Hobby Huron, 1 ; Clayton Kox, 2: Kvelyn McKennon, 3. Kwo Iamb: Keith McK.lnnis. 1; Clifford Conrad, 'J: Hobby Huron, S. t'ham- : plon rain : Hobby Huron. I 'ham 1 pion Kwe; Hubby Huron. I 'en of 4 lambs: Clayton Kox, 1; Dale Ntandlcy. 2. I'en, ( 1 rant and 4 owe.) : Hobby H'urnn, 1 ; Clayton Cox, J. Shropshire: Lcstiu Phillips, all et) tries. Lincoln:, grado sheep. Norvln Woodell, all ontiieH. Hairy Cattle Jerseys: Aged bull: K. K. Hun ter, 1: W: O. Christenseii. 2. Year ling bull: J. K. Mills, l; junior and grand champion: K. K. Hunter, 2: W. i), Christenseii, 3. Senior bull ealf: Jack Gorham, 1: J. K. -Mills. 2; K. K. Hunter, 3. Junior bull ealf: K. K. Hunter, I and -: J. 10. .Mills, 3. Aged eow: K. K. Hunter, l; Duncan, 2: J. II Mills, 3. Two year old heifer: Hobert Duncan, I: J. 1-J. MillH. 2 and 3. Menhir yearling heifer: K. K. Hau ler. : W, O. Christenson, 2. Junior yearling: W. ti. t 'hrist enson. I : Dwight Perkins, 2: Hubert Dun can, 3. Senior heifer calf: Allen Mills. I: Gale Mills, 2: Kdmund llrowitell, a. Junior ludfer ealf: W. O. i 'hristenson, 1; Hobert Dun can, 2; Charlott Wheeler. 3, Senior champion bull: 10. K. Hunter, Sen ior champion ami grand champion: K, K. Hunter. Junior champion heifer. W, O. Ohristenson. Graded herd: W. O. Christensnn. HolMteins: Aged hull: C P. Kd valson and Sons, Senior and grand champion; Andy DeLong, 2. Senior hull calf: H. Daniels. 1; junior bull enlf: Arthur Qorhain, 1. Aged cow Aiuly Ih-Long, I. 3 year, old qow: It. Daniels. '1. Senior : yearling heifer: It. Daplcls. 1. Senior heifer calf: Wllma Moncrief, 1; It. Daniels, 2. Junior heifer calf: Ruth Moncrief, 1; Lnvon ICoger, 2. Junior champion bull: It. Daniels. Senior and grand champion: Andy Senior and grand champion female; Andy 'DeLong. Junior champion fe male: H. Daniels. Produeeof eow, H. Daniels. Guernsey: Two year old bull: Mrs. Klsie Collins. 1; c. N. Ogilvie. 2. Yearling bull, C. N. Ogilvie. I; I'M ward -Ogilvie. '1, . Senior bull calf: C. N'. Ogilvie, 1. Junior bull calf. Parley Keik, 1 ; C, N. Ogilvie. 2; Kleanor Ogilzle, 3. Aged cow, C. N. Ogilvie, I; Kdwnrd Ogilvie. 2; Parley l-'eik. 3. Three year old row, C. N. Ogilvie, 1. Two year old. J. H. Meheal, 1. Senior year ling heifer, C. X. Ogilvie, 1; Kd wnrd Ogilvie, 2. Junior yearling heifer. Kdward. Ogilvie, 1; K'.ca nor Ogilvie, 2: Parley Kolli, 3. Senior hcirer calf.. Lloyd -lurehl-son, 1. Junior heifer caif, ' Kd ward OgilvJe, 1; C. N. Ogilvie. 2. Senior and grand champion bull, 'MVh'. Klsle "Polling Junior, clinm j.lploi liuM,,.(J. iX. Vkil-bt. sdnloa- i a ml grand champion female, C. V. Outlvie. .Iitnloi- ehanintoii fe- Lloyd M urchlsnn. Graded , i kt (i..n..! .1. i.-.i .i 0ifMvio ' ' ' ' Ay,.s,;ims: Senior bull calf. Tv. Standlev. 1: Hind Kooch 2 and .. L, n.... , m year old cow, Kooch 1 and 2. Heifer, 2 and under 3 ) Kooch, 1. Junior yearling? k o, senior heifer calf, S Heifer, 2 and under 3 ' years. Kooch, Stand- ley 1 and 2; Kooch .1. Junior hei- ..i i - i. 1 . f n..., n .,'. ' K,,', ,:hll' , )um. . , ,, . . .: , .. . , i pon. also Junior champion. Kooch. Hrnwn Swiss: C. 'nhlo and Hon all ' awards. Market Price Of Good Lambs Is Advancing In (he current insuo of the Ore gon Wool Grower, it Is asserted t hut I ho market, urine nt- trond '..lambs Is advancing as the follow ing .story shows In one of those ; personal letters that Kd Nolan sends out to several thousands of the fofks In tho sheep count ry. there is indicated an opportun ity for the fellow with lambs now ready for market. As sheep sales man for the l.indh VCahow com pany at Omaha, Mir. Nolan writes as follows under June fth date , line ! "It is more than satisfying to see t Ii market advance gradually just as we felt it would, and our predict lens made some time ago when thlngK looked prelly blui' j that the good lambs would briivr $12. Ml has come to pass. I'p null! DON'T LIKE CEREAL,) 1 HUH ( WtU ,WHEN I WAS S A Boy 1 Wad to Be 1 r vn HARD BREAD 2 r YOU Vou-r & Richardson Main 71-1 today,' J 12.00 to J 12.25 has 1)06 n the popular price and ,the top on thin and othor river marUetii, or fourno, the hulk or tho lambs or; ferod eomlng from California, u few m attered Idaho shipmentw, and todity I d)d foVMit Wales Hpeneer of Holwe, Idaho, four double decks of good Idaho .la nth ill $12.50, every lamb hU'hrotight down going across the scale at this price nnd I Hold good California straight at $12.10. The fuet Hint Chicago lias shown a deeline of fine to $1.00 per pwt. lie the lust two day brings our market well In line, and It means that the puckers want this eltuico class of lambs and will pay for them, and I hope and really bellevo that we will see 13c lambs, nnd we would see them in the very near future -If there were ndt so many Iambs being shipped front Kentucky and Tennessee.- Aged sheep have 'not held up, there being a'decllne of about "$1.00 per cwt. . Hest ewes are selling around Be, now. Most of them hringint.- i 4.0 .to $4.75 per .cwt. Good yearlings,' are selling at 7Vje to ;c, according to weights and quality. . Old wothbrs would bring around Se, and. wo holleve the tlmo has been reached on this (dass of slock. ( There seems to have. been a lit tle, niiiru activity in the wool Hales down east these (Mist t&n days, al though - there has been very, little, ehango In values. H wouldn't take much of a 'boost in price, and only a little more activity, to give the nickers, more; credit for their pelts, and this and the fact that possibly lot: of idle men have found, work recently, and with the good de mand for Iamb.-! that has been created by the advertising your Or ganisations' have parried . makes It a sure bcl (hat an. outlet will be found for all your fat lambs that' will come nCfali' prices. ' The demand for feeders Ih. lim ited to the eonitherrinl feeders who are paying $S.Mi lo $i.2B for H n spring lambs to shear ami feed out. Tho country demand will no amount to much for thirty days at leaHt, and rlghl ' now the pastures n e v e r w e r e belter, and n go o d prospects for a. corn crop makes it almost a sure bet that there will be a big demand for all the feeder lambs, but at lower -prices' than were paid last year." Chats With Parents A CILWOKD IDi:.L Hy Allen Jiulsnn l'cale I'liorc whs it tlmo wlicn tho con ceplioti oi' ii pcrfoft nitithi'r was Unit of n woiiuin wholly iloilVnti'd to her oh Mil ron ami to lur homo. Sho had no othor iutorestH, no lo.nginKtt that woro not TuIHUimI hy ti conirortiLhlo mm) hiioUohk hnuu and a row of Hhlulnfr fuoop at tlu 'iNmrt'i- ftihlf.A f r f The perfect mother of a gener ation :igo whs tin; enihuillniont of soli'-fiiicriflco; it was her duty and pretiuinahly her joy to Kivo up overylliinji for hor children. The ideal has Its virtues and its NEVER MIND THE HILLS- "C.,r"r.PILLAR" tractors play with grades . . . side hills or straight up . . . bridge washouts, oscillate on rough ground, turn ouickly, low and powerful they stick to the slope with grip in every inch of contact with the ground. They whipped the hills' in Oregon's giant wheat fields, the Black Hills and Oarks, the Rockies and Alleghanies . . . growing wheat, fruit and vineyards at low cost on steepest slopes . . . working where all other methods fail. BIGGER than tfie weather ARMORED against time Bunting Tractor Co, 1426 JEFFERSON AVE. drawbacks, but whatever our final edtlinullon of its value,- either- to th pnrents or the children, the fact remaiis that it Is out of date. With changing social and 'eco nomics conditions . such single hearted devotion has become ab surd and pr;ibaldy. harmful. To tho. mother of today, bring ing up a faintly .is but one tuter eK.v although an, Important one,, among others. . . .. The papsing of the home as n productive unit,, knowledge of the newer psychology of family rcla Houshlpj have brought her to a stand from .which site could not, f' site 'would, turn liaek'U) th? old simple picture. , The mother of today Is success ful through the IntegiiHIon t f her own personality and througn her understanding cf the importance of relative values In her own life and in the lives of her .children. ,: She Is working out all entirely now scale of values and In these her Independence as-an Individual has taken Its place.- . Her solutions are not final, they e;iuitoL bo in a world ho ipiickly changing. . - liriiiiiiHiBiiiiiiiMiiiiiijliriii'ffliiiTOi'fiii'iini iii;i'i:i!i!!i'i;''MiMi;iiii;p!i!iwii;ii!!i .7 of thousands of owners not 1 - t TIM I GENERAL ELECTRIC 1 SITES ESOSFtftlCSKIIBATOEK i1 W. H. B0HNENKAMP CO? PiiiilHIili - She works not from an Inherit ed pattern of ideals, but 'from he formulation of what seems to he ) iniportiinl in a progressivo adjiih ntt'iit to realities. 1 OLD SOLDI Kits. KXKMPT lempting old soniiers pom cert ertiirf I forms of taxation is operative 1 I the soldier is buying land on eons-11 I tract unit is not vt in iiosrietudoii ? I torney General ')n Winkle to Kreii''. A. Miller, district attorney ,.for ; .Clackamas county- ...,.. i j u m' in io v eit tin- .em imni mi v J929 tho onlnlon holds it Ih not T i sailor to have filed his claim pn;.or' : J before April J of that year. .., ''f iicants i ijnrj in , ' ' I J - " . : - t rinl.rl,.! ixf S!r, fiH III! Iifii rlii t i- I learning to fly in Toledo, seekiii(:,: fore returning to teach avlatiottj to women in ilulgaria. DEPENDABILITY! ' DURABILITY ! EFFICIENCY! ECONOMY! nc.i..L..j. i- vyi uic ziuiiurcus . t nas paiu a cenx ior SERVICE ! Come in and see for yourself why General Electric Refrig erators hold this amazing record. Let U9 show you tho many attractive models which may ba bought on our very easy time payment plan. iiPtiiiillliah'illiiiiRMiXiir'- f ! . ii 1 'I et .,..11.0