La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 16, 1930, Page 1, Image 1

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Full Aagorlntnl Prum Leased
Wire Service
Check Under Way Today
Indicates Event. Also
Financial Success.
Complete List of Prizes
Not Yet Available, But
List of Special Awards
is Released.
Tin: curtain rang down on thM
L'Und K tstern Oregon. Livestock
show Saturday afternoon tit
practically every way one of the
l....t unfi l-'-'1 diows of the kind
ever Hinged, Secretary Tony J-.
tni.Lii i.i ..usy to'iay writing eneeks,
iind made the statement this morn
ing to the effect that the si.uw
would bo very nearly if not a finan
( i:i I success. "Our receipts wer
less this year' than In previous
years, and smaller than we. had
hoped lor Considering the excel
lent weather prevailing. On the
other hand we, were able to cut
down nome in expenses' said .Mr.
Smilh. "If wo do not break even
this year. the .deficit will In: snmll."
The iiiii'i-ifW financial margin,
one wuy oi' ;thu other, will be. due
to the comparatively small crowd
Friday, small in comparison with
the second day In previo-is years.
The first day was -good find there
was a large third day crowd, this
liilter fact accounting some for the
reducing of the loss on Kriday.
I'Yoiu .every other point of view, it
was a bit? show and a good show
hi the concensus of those interested.
Complete itstn were, not avail-
(Continueil on l'aice Five)
Shanks Bakery
At Union Robbed
Sunday Evening
Tin J. It. Shanks bakery and
confectionery at Union was tn
lend sometime during hist uignt
by rnhbeis who carried away the
safe, which is believed to have,
contained about $(!, according to
reports tliis morning.
, County officers were called
from Lit. drande to Investigate and
as The Observer Rous to press,
fatly loibiy (because of George W.
Joseph's death), It was impossible
to learn addilional details of the
K.vrimpiMsi-; -On-.. Jime
(Special) Com mil tecs have been
appointed for tint preliminary
work in connection with the cele
bration oT t!i Kourth of July here
1 h is year and it m expected that
all previous show will be eclipsed
with thir, year's performance. One
ol ihe features of this - ason's
program will he the contest of
A merican Legion drum and bugle
corps rrom Uastern Oregon and
nearby Washington and Idaho
towns. Automobile anrl motor
cycler aces, novelty races of all
Minis, patriotic hand music, danc
ing and j-porting events will be
crowded one upon another to form
a program such as has never be
fore been undertaken in the coun
ty and prospects are that t lie
lagrest Influx of outside people in
the memory of the oldest Inhabi
tant will tahe place on that date.
-Mayor Striekler has been made
chairman of the celebration com
inlttee and "Mill" Ortman. seere
biry ami general manager.
';nide ThWsen, about years
r ace, ;i nd employed at the Im-pei-ie
I Itilifard pailor-. died sud
denly this morning. Kuneral ar
laneemi'iit;; have not yet been
a I VI III i; TuAV f
' i. m. -;:t aboe.
.Minimum: ."; ;ilioe. "
" condition: eh;i;-.
e vi:atiii;is vi;mi;i;i av
" Maximum S!. mini mum -11
C.ndillon: eb ;n-.
vi;.vnii;is .m m: in. ifl-'o 3
n Maximum G:.', minimum A'
" above. I
" Condition: partly cloudy, rain j
of Inch. j
(r7 n
15 r
Waltonians End
Convention At
Wallowa Lake
Return to State Division
Plan Urged Ikes do
Not Favor Open Season
on Elk at Present.
JOSl-il'Ii, Ore.; Jne 1U (Special)
The second annual convention of
the Oregon council, l&iak Walton
league of America, closed Saturday
nltrhf wilh a banquet at "Wallowa
lake lodge attended by 3 35 dele
gate and members. M. K. Keckord
K"nerul manager of the league from
Chicago and the principal speaker
of the evening, assured the council
of tho cooperation of national
headquarters at all limes. Nutner
ou.'i other out-of-town speakers
wen. on the program. Including
Wllford Allen. Grants Pass; J,. A
Wright, Union; A. K. JJowns, Port
land; W. S. Haker. Portland and
Stanley Jewett, Portland.
Unanimous dissatisfaction wit it
the present council form of etnto
government were expressed at the
business meeting in the afternoon.
Tho council plan, inaugurated at
the convention in Portland last
year, places tho state organization
in an advisory capneity to local
chapters without effective niea ns
of raising funds or doing business,
i Several chapters throughout tho
state have shown declines In mcm-
heivhlp because the state council
has no way to intervene or main
tain morale. A return to the state
division plan, which places the
stale organization InJ control of
local chapters and In turn is re
sponsible to national headquarters,
was urged at the earliest possible
Several ltccommcmlatlpus
Several projects were present ft)
to the council fur Hp approval npd
fubseiiuent recommendation to tho
state gome commission. Resolu
tions from the Wasco chapter ask
ing that shooting of geese within
two. miles of the Uolumbin river ho
prohibited were read1 by A. K.
Downs, secretary of the Portland
iwiak Walton league, air. Downs
said that many geese hunters have
been in the habit of shooting at
geese on Islands beyond the pres
ent quarter-mile limit in order to
ra ise the b i rd s. a nd t h a t ma n y
have been killed in this manner.
(Continued on Pape Kivo)
Stewart M'Anish
Passes Away At
Home at Alicel
Stewart McAutsli. resident of tho
(liaude itoude valley for many
years, pamed away at 7 o'clock
Saturday evening at his homo near
Alicel. Ills death is mourned by a
large number of friends and by the
following survivors his widow and
two children. John and Kiimia Mi:
Anlsh. Klin era I services will be held
Tuesday afternoon at - o'clock at
the Snodurass and Zimmerman
mortuary, with the I:. P. O. Klks in
charge, liurial will .lake place in
the I. O. O. cmetery.
Mr. McAnish was born Dec. - (I,
IStS in CJreen-'holes. Ireland, and
came to Canada at the age of 18
vears. Later he went to Pennsyl
vania, spending several years there,
and then came west to Nevada,
Inter coming to the Orande Itoude
valley where ho established a
permanent home.
Vote Today For
Election of Two
School Directors
i'olls lire open lit UriM-nwoMil hih!
(Vntnil sHicmiIs Mils nftPi-nooiKiiii'l
nnlil 7 ii'i lock this cvenlnK. to flei-t
two ilirectnrs to thf linjii-ii in
N.i..l ilislrii-t No. 1. wliii.-h In
r.nd..s 1.M (iramlo ui"l nctirliy I I" -iltor.v.
Six nl 'li "rr fiiniiitliitt's: ( oltn I..
Klii'i i il. K. -I. -Mi Williaini'. II. A.
Si-'.tt. II. Smilli. Joiin s. Iloiiin
an'! K. It- Hil'Ko.
Tin- i"lls '1 1 I not opfn until '1
oYlfH'k nnil Tin- Olisprvfi- wi-nt to
press l.rfor! It wns piissllilf to
Lain how huivy thu vot.. was run
ning. j Fire Extinguished
i Before Dangerous
A f re, that u mi Id have b- .,
!- ry dmigerous if it had not l it
j discover- d as quickly as it wa.
extincui.-dc d by tin fire depart
' nient at 1:5" o'clock this tiiurnlim.
j Night polb-eiiif n discovered smoke
I in the Modern laundry on Wash
ington and I'epot. and nomieu we
fin-ni-n. The fire was in the fuel
and feed chain and the damage
was very slight. The recall ww
.ou::J.d t:t 1 J a. m.
-M.iss Klniimi (.leaver Is u
grriHhiiitc r tho .nlvf-rslt.v or
OrrKmi tliis piiilY hi llic ilo
parliiicitl ji -yt'hiliu:y wllll
n lliilini' in pliysUil eriiiculloll,
ill ivllit-ll ili-iirlilK'lll Hlio .htl"
liocn ('spccinlly ncllvo 11 ml In
loi . vd lit' Jn'.'rprctulltc
iliiiH inn'. S'lio is llio (IniiKlilf'i'
ol' .Mi', mm Mrs. II. II. I'li-iiMV,
.' tills city. . .
Summer Quarter Enroll
ment Under Way Train
ing School Also Opens.
"The Kastern Oregon Normal
school in l.a Grande begun it sec
ond year as an institution of high
er learning this morning, with reg
istration .under way for the sum
mer session of I- weeks, which is
divided into two equal sections.
According to President II. K.
Inlovv, no check has been made: this
morning on the number of students
enrolling, but. a large student body
was expected. No classes wore be
ing held in the normal school to
day, as it is being devoted entirely
to enrollment, etc.
A year ago tills June, the first
classes were held in tho completed
administration building, anil dur
ing the last 1 months a very suc-ces-iful
school has been conducted,
culminating last week in the grad-
(Continued on Page. Five)
S perry, Inventor
Of Gyroscope, Dies
Ni:V YOlt.K. June ill (AP)
lOhnc.' Sperry. inventor of the
gyroscope, died today at St. John's
hospital. '
In addition to the gyroscope be
Invented tho gyro-cuni pa.-s air
plane and ship stabilizer, high In
tensity search light, compound in
ternal combustion engine. fire
control apparatus and numerous
special devices, many of them for
the 1'nltcd States nay.
He had been it member of ihe
! naval consulting board since I I T.
j Company E Enjoying Camp Clatsop;
Several Promotions Are Announced
ly ('lias. I,. Cook
f ( ibserver ( "fiiTrspondenl )
CAMP CLATSOP, Ore. (Spicial)
--Company K detrained at Camp
Clatsop station at I'iMfr Wednes-
day .norning anil was foon busied
uilii the task of establishing Its-dT
for the two necks of training.
'I lie company. compoKed of tin l.a
Oi ntie yount; men. commanded by
Cjtpta In W, A. I le.-in a nd i. leu ten
ant :; Ji ssi' Andrews tind Porter ;
Wibb. round many changes since
the last encampment.
A we p. i uiie Interlude in I lie
pitching of eight pyramid tents,
ilnit are t bouse the l.a GtMiidc
unit wis ;i piping hid dinner
-rv--d e;(ety on lime by S-rZ'ant '
l-'anell Murray and his afstants.
Kii sl "ool; Kre. Wells preced-d
tloi i oinpatiy to etitnp. driving
low n v.lih S ige;io Moiv.tfd c.l.-nn d iS piejitx to the ; r-
riviil oi the company.
Tip- nies-; fpiad. -on-iting of'
Sei jei'iH Mm ray. Kir.-t Coe-k W-dls
itai Seeond ' 'o-.k ' 'lyde pi-lining- ;
ton ;iid-d by two klteb-n oHr'
who are jipptdnted daily. have
road" a toi-d it-ginning by feeding'
their el low town-men on I iim.
K Company in fortunate In hav- 1
Ing tabic crockery to supplant the ,
u!J u!u:::':;u;:! z::t.-i pu-:s ur.d cup-
Announcement by Census
Taker Today Shows -:
Local Unemployment
Statistics Also Given For
Other Sections in Coun
ty Elgin Unemploy
ment is 14.
A preliminary nnnounecnietu; of
unemployment In Ui Grande and
other sections of I'nion county,
given Tho Observer today by A.
Alelntyr?, census supervisor with
headquarters at Pendleton, show
173 out of work in this city on
April 2. 1SI30.
The 11 election precincts In the
city were used as the boundaries
for checking the unemployment,
and show up as follows:
, Precinct Unemployment
i y
r, &. u
7 . K
H 10
!l 11
jo r.
3 1 x
la"'- r.r.
X3 ; : . 2'J
- J-reeincts outside city Hints.
Tn king Iai (.! ramie's population
(Continued on Page Klvo)
News of Death,,
Received With
, Sorrow Locally
News of ihe death this morning
of George W. Joseph, republican
nominee for governor of Oregon,
brought scores of statements of
sorrow and regret from the ranks
of I'ulon county men mid women
Members of the republican and
of the democratic parlies both ex
pressed sorrow at his passing.
Mr. Joseph was here last Thurs
day en route to the Knstern Oregon
IJvcHtock show at Pninu, ami was
escorted to I'nlon by members of
the county republican central
committee, headed by J. It. Pen re,
(Continued on Page Five)
Pendleton People
Hurt In Accident
Two Pendleton resident-; were
injured, hat not crhically, in an
accident -on the old Oregon Trail
highway near here Sunday about
' I'- m.
A car. driven l.y V. C. Clark, left
the highway when the driver was
blinded momentarily by t he sun.
Kiel Lamherson, 41. or 3ti7 Sura
avenue, suffered a broken shoulder
bliide. and his wife suffered a
broken rib.
t hiit. had such an inconvenient
and uiu oinforta ble way of folding
up suddenly, when loaded with
food. The open air mess 1 1 ' II has
been somewhat sheltered from the
cold, damp ocean breezes by a
board wall along one side.
A number of promotions have
(Continued on Five
Wheat Today
CHICAGO, June 1 ' (AP) All
grain prices touched new lows for
(he yeitr on the Chicago board of
trade today.
Wheat sold at more than a cent
under the record lows as the mar
ket opened and f-11 still another
cent in the fir.t half, hour of
trading. I eeenihiT corn fell it
fi',J. July wheat reuehed 97.
After a maximum drop of 4c ;i
I iihhei eipiilpated to Sa t oi da yV
fini-b, vheat clot-vd nervous at
- -3 '..' net loss. Corn vnwtl
1 T-i. - - 1 e down, oats S. - 1 c off.
and provisions unchanged to a
.-.eti.Mck Of 37C
Wide open frr.h breaks in a II
yrain value Icok place early to-
MONDAY, JUNE 16, 1930
Republican State Central
Committee to Name
Joseph's Successor.
Phil Metschan, State
Chairman, "Will Confer
yith Attorney General
Tpday for Ruling.
POItTlA.Nl, Ore., June lti
(AlJ) A candidate to succeed
Senator George Joseph, republi
can nominee for povernor. who
died at Camp Clatsop today, must
be selected by the republican state
central committee under Oregon
laws, Phil Metschan. state chair
man, said today. Mr.. MVt solum
said he (lid not know whether the
new committee, yet to bo organ
ized would make this selection, or
wit el her the oh! one had , that
power. He was to confer wit h
Attorney General Van Winkle to
day for a ruling. At any rate, he
saidj tho committee will meet at
Ihe curliest possible date.
KA.LKM, Ore., June Hi (AP)
Cnder the Oregon election laws It
will be the duty of I lie republican
stnto central committee to nomi
nate his Buccessor as the party
nominee for governor. Jofleph.
I wury nominated in the prlinliry
ofectinn of .May i h.
"In' rase any ca ndldnlc nomi
nated under the provisions of this
act shall die. withdraw, or for
any reason be ineligible. . . .on
or after the day vvl by law for
holding primary nominating: elec
tiom" say:i the statute, "or If
kim h vacancy occur, before such
nominating election but within
ruth a time that a candidate for
such vacancy could not be nomi
nate it t such election either the
(Continued on Pago Five)
Claire Windsor
Is Rescued From
Waters of Sound
Glil-jKXWicif, Conn.. June n;
AP) An unidentified boy wan be
lieved drowned and Philip W.
Plant, mil Nona Ira sportsman, to
gether wlih Claire Windsor, film
actress were rescued from hong
Island Sound early today after two
fast ea bin cruisers collided off
Great Captain's Island.
Plant's boat, the Molela, sa nk
almost immediately after the. col
lision. The nt her boat, the Changwa n,
owned by Otis C. Taylor, New
York, remained afloat, and picked
up 1 he two survivors from thu
Pla nt. Miss Windsor and the
missing boy, a youth of IH known
only as "Krnle" were thrown Into
the water of the sound by the Im
pact. The actress and Plant were
rescued by passengers of I ho
changwan but no trace was found
of i he boy despite a search of
mui"; Hum two hours.
Racing Driver Is
Killed at Portland
POHTIyAM). Ore., June 10 fAP)
Charlie MeOinnis, 111, of Gre--rha
in. fire., veteran autoinoldln
racing driver, was iuMlanlly killed
yesterday at the speed bowl, near
Portland, when his car crashed
through the fence in front of the
grandstand. McGinn is was tuning
up his racer' preparatory 10 parti
cipating In the rue-. As he fin
ished a lap. he lost, conlrol of his
ear which turned rrom the track
and catapulted through Ihe fence,
pinning McGiunls underneath. Mis
skull was fractured a nd he tiled
shortly arterwaid. Jin Is survived
by his widow and a, four-year-old
Nine Prisoners
fJ scape From Jail
I'ilKSNO. C;,. June 1; (AP -Tearing
the locks from the door
-if the felony lank, then digging
ihioilgh Hie heavy brick outside
walb;, Iiine men, all nceus-d of fe
onier, early today made their es--npe
from ihe l-'resiio county jail.
Tu o ' of the men. Chai b s Isb-dl
and A. Weckesser, are under
sentence (o th- state prison, while
the other seven are racing charge
of safe-cracking.
lunation today uh cohimibhiimt-r of
Lingle Murder
Causes Police
Head to Resign
William F. Russell, Com
missioner, of Chicago,
Quits When Faced with
Severe Criticism. ; '
CHICAGO, June 10. (AP) Wil
liam F. liuasell announced his res
ignation today us commissioner o
Kaeed by Hevero public erltlcitmi
of his conduct of tho department
and apparent failure of the police
to copo with tho gang rule of Chi
cago, tho commissioner said he
had prepared u statement offerinff
his resignation to tho mayor.
Com in Irs toner HuaHell'a retire
ment, carried with It the demotion
of John Stoge chief of tho detec
tive bureau, whom he assigned to
day to captaincy of. the Irving
Park police district.
In submitting his resignation
Commissioner Russell, a closo
friend of Lingle, gavo out tho fol
lowing statement:
"I am resigning because I can't
function hero nny longer and be
causo 1 do not want to hamper
the Investigation. I thought I did
a good job and J am ready to let
someone else try it.
"Deputy Htcge (chief of detec
tives) Is going to Irving Purk Htu
tiou so ho will not hamper any
Investigation either,
"I have 'been working day and
night hIuco I took tho job and
lately have been working till four
or ftvo iri the morning. 1 will nut
stop out of tho dwftarlment, but
will go '. back to my civil Hervlco
rank as captain and I'll Hltiy in tho
department as long uh they.. want
mo. .They will fir 1 still uiu tho;
sauio nut, "liusiifji.yi- aiways, was,
ram only getting myself 'and Htoira
out of lite picture..
"You can check up on my or
ders, iny work, my fight to get
additional police. I saved money
out of salaries to buy 100 police
cars and to eHtahllBh the police
(Continued on Pago Three)
George W. Joseph's Name
Brought Into Petition
Filed in Salem.
SAl.lrJ.M, Ore., June 10 (AP) -Thomas
MauuU, who was perman
ently disbarred by thn state su
preme court from thu practice of
law in Oregon at the huiiio time
that similar punishment wan meted
out to George W, Joseph, republi
can nominee for governor, has filed
with the court a petition Tor ro
hcurlng of his cane.
In his petition ManniK recalls
that Joseph, who brought the
charges against him, accused him
of passing worthless checks, and
avers that thn court refused to al
low him the constitutional privilege
of introducing evidence to provo
tile falsity of the charge.
Manutx alleges that the supremo
court erred in its disposal of the
charge that ho purposely misled
the supreme court In the first case
involving the K. Henry Wemme en
dowment fund.
Mannfx charges that following
the rccoiiimcnda.1 ion by the refer
ees that Joneph be disbarred, and
following Joseph's later nomination
for governor, various articles wero
published to tho effect tluit ill
nomination whh a vindication for
Joseph, the articles being. Manntx
declares, an effort to Intimidate
(Continued on I'ago Four)
DAMAK, Tex., June Mi (AC)
Hudden storms over the weekend In
the foulhwest took a toll of nine
lives In Texas and caused damage
In Oklahoma estimated unofficial
ly at several hundred thousand
dollars, chiefly to ripened wheat.
Mrs. Norrirf lurahiu, Iumeba,
hostess at it supper party and Mrs.
fora Wibiker, one nf t ho guests
were killed nd five others injured
by llL'hlfng Saturdny nlk'bt.
Oscar Tidwell of i',urt, his wif".
Oseur Jr., x. IMua, 17, their daugh
ter, nil Mrs. Tidwellu mother,
Mrs. W. M. Cilliland, SO, -wero
drowneil when a sudden freshet
swept away their home, on Ixtko
creek. Saturday.
Scores of persons were driven
from their homes at Wichita Kalis
yesterday by a rain which Inun
dated several hundred acres of
farm land, and u mile of tho Kurt
Death Takes Him on Drill
Dies With a bmile on His Face and a Joke on
His Lips End Comes With "Lightning- : 1 v
. 1 Like Rapidity Was Reviewing'.,. , . '.' 1
, ' .-the 162d Regiment, 0. N. G.
CAMP CLATSOP. Ore.. Juno 15 (AP) Senator George
W. Joseph, ' republican nominee for governor,.' died at 8:45
a., m. here today on the drill field of the Oregon national '
puard encampment. He was
George A. White when a heart
The two were laughing and telling jokes wjien Joseph
sank to the ground. He died with a smile, on his face and a
joke on his lips. ; - i
Lieutenant Col. Scott, medical officer, examined Senator
Joseph and found that death had been instantaneous.
. Reviewing 162nd Regiment , . r '.
Mr. Joseph yesterday met with the Clatsop county republi
can central committee. At 8 a. m. today he came to Clatsop
to view the camp. After breakfasting with General White
and his stall he went with the officers to review the 162nd
regiment. . ,
He would be unable to attend the major camp review, he
told General White, and wanted
ment on parade. - . . '
His death! without any warning, followed.' V
Colonel William G. Scott, of Portland, senior medical of
ficer, announced at 11 a. m. today that Senator George
Joseph had died from cardiac
heart..:... ;
Jfilllll of ucorgo W. Jiisopli, iu
puhllcnii iiomliiei for governor,
tlmnv ,tho stjite Into mourning
today. lnsikih, who won tliu nv
jMihllcaii iioinlimttoii May 16, with u smllo on lils HW.
President Regards Such
Action Essential to
Business Recovery.
WASHINGTON', Juno 16 (Ai)
l'resldent Jloover will b!b' tho
tariff hill.
Ho regards such action aa essen
tial to prompt business recovery.
Any Inmiltable rales the measure
may oontaln, he says, can he cor
rected through iho new flexible
With the return of normal con
ditions, he foresees a continued
expansion of export trade. Foreign
complaints against certain rates,
ho believes can be satisfied through
applications to the tariff commis
sion. (Continued on Pajcn Thre
Professor Killed
In Auto Accident
MIJIloKh. on., June t; (AP)
Word reached hero today that
Ir. firanvyl (i. Ilulse, 35, profes
cor of political science at the Uni
versity of Washington, was killed
Into yesterday when his uutomobllc
overturned nr. the Cascade gorge
section of tho Crater Iikc high
way. His enr dropped into a two-foot
ditch beside the road and tipped
over. Hex Rush, of Yakima, the
other occur art, "'-s uninjured.
OREGON: ! Fair, tonight with
lower temperatures In east, Tues
day fair with lower temperature
in east, rising temperature In In
terior of west.
Field at 8:45 a. ra. Joseph
talking 'with Major General
attack seized him..- ' ' -
at least to see the one regi
ombolism a' blood clot oh the
' i
PORTIjA&TI! Ore., June 16 -
08, republican' nominee for gover
nor of Oregon, who' died' today at v
Cnnip. Clntfiop, wq for twenty' '
years prominently Identified with ;
Oregon politics, and an-' avowed',
antagonist of "goitistuM and spe.-' '
clal privilege.. Born In) a log cubla.
In Modoc county, California, ho f.
reached a, high., position In this
slate by virtue pf hie own efforts ,
and dillgenco. .
U It tor In -his denunciations of
what ho considered wrong, Joseph
often ' wag' Tit logger-hcndii with
various political factions both In
the state assembly and but of it. -
Lant month bin was permanent
ly disbarred by the state supremh
court for written (ipd spoken at
tucks ho Ifc (Ulcged to have made
on members .of (tha't court. Ho
had -accused, certain' members fTf
having professional 'und unethical
interests-In cases up for hearing.
Tho supreme court in ordering his
disbarment announced that it
would bo happy to withdraw tho
order If Joseph would apologize
for his statements, ' -
Joseph was born in a sawmill
settlement on iho bnnlta of Joseph
Creek,, Modoc county, - California,
May It), 1872. tho t?on of Kdwurd
Worthington upd polllah Jane
Heath Josbpli.'., MJs mother's rath-
er was tho IteV. George W. Heath,
pioneer Methodist. .
Whon four years old. Joseph
was taken by hit family to. tho
Crewaucnn valley, hake county,
Oregon. Homo time later the fam
ily moved to Nevuda.
A year or bo later the family
returned to Modoc county and
tho boy obtained tr Job herding
sheep. Ho attended the public
schools at Lakevlow, and gradu
ated from high school in 1889. To
help pay for his education he
worked as janitor in the school.
SUkIUnI Iaiav
County Judge W. A. Wilshlre, of
Lake county, encouraged young
Joseph to study luw. Tho hoy did
(asks around the judge's home In
return for board and room and
legal instruction,
li tho early 30'a Joseph enmo
to 1'ortland and continued his lc-
(Continued on Pago Four)
AMTRAH, Cnl.. June 16 (Al'j
A firet degree murder charKti
was i-xpi'ctcd to liu placed lodny
ugulnst Kodney Helby, S5. Indian
KprlnKM si'rvlco ntatlon uporalor.
who BiirriMidcTed Sutilrduy nlKlu
after he had been nought since last
Monday for tho killing of Prohi
bition Agent Albert Drown and tho
Hounding of Agont Hobert Uavls.
Selby gave himself up to C. J.
r'ulehi r ' of lookout, TiO tnllrs
southwent of here. Jils Hhoell wero
worn and he wan near collapse
from hunger and exhaustion. Selby
declared ho fired at Urown In Rclf
defense -ufter tho uguut hud shot
first. .
Tho shouting occurred 'when thu
ugenU sought to arrest Bclby on a
charge, of selling Uquor.
ill n