La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 14, 1930, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday, June 14, 1930
Battle About Polish Diet Has
'ties upon holding the nektons to
th minimum.
Ti:i:l fl r1..: Thl yar. for example, the dirt
X Ulllltdl UUSerVerS UUCaaillU wnuuoncd by tha government
By Mnrlla i'l'i-zjntm-ko
( Awjooiatt'il i't'rHH C'orrBiiondtni)
fore many persona believe that he
will check the present stalemate by
winning over a part of the irent 1
opposition. ' j
only for the hmltftn n-on, the The peasant, for instance, have i
tmn the jwu of tin house an not urm for which was rf-Jucei to 60 j never ben very strongly against'
valid iiiilt-H.H thv ii put churnlxr is daya. The slon wan proroffued Ihlni. and many government men t
WAJtSAW ( A!') Political cir- 'sltlmK'' promptly after approval of thw heliev- their support could be oh-j
ckn, iryinif to flff-im out what will Th opposition parties are ready budget. pained by grant in ifOernment I
be the next ph:i- of (hp perennial!10 lt"'nt a motion of non-conn-, Tho procedure left a number of jrural t and alievlatlnr taxa-j
fiKht between A.unthiil Joseph I'll- di-nce in the government and to Cry 'affalro unsettled. Incftidlmc pro-;10" n turnier .
sudxki and the INdiflh diet, have lu in tiitiufry Into several ! po-sc-d taxation reforms, for which!
not proirre. h ul b. yuiiil th; Kuesfhie .)- is. parucuiariy i-xpenuiture commercial lnter'sts nave been
Russian Kulaks
Find New Farm
Homes In China
. Alagc.
I Some,' however, nre predicting
. tliat tlie erntwhi.e dictator will
I turn to a bloodless oh il'etat us
the most effective m-'iins of k tting
rid oY his p:irlUim-. rttary foH.
The situation Is d:ie lo coino to
-j a head abunt June 2. On that
dcte there will expire ;i thirty days'
Interval reatcd on May 1M when
President Mohcicki prorogued
. ftpeCUll Ifc'HftlOn Of th low
l a few hour before it xua .In
Iyjnl the biuret of M. deechow.
iez. wlm w:.h of finance in
ISl'T-l'S The diet's effort to dis
credit hirn have ctul omo of
ctamoiinif. and ratification of .
eral commercial treaties. i
Col. Hlawek, present premier, hutt
iiff-Hted new elections n a mitn4
...-.u-iM,. most vitriolic utter- of bPWlkine Ihe deadlock. Hut oth
the m-juoers arm oi panmnienw in t,lt,t.Uon w,.n. n,.,(i un,p.r ,hi exiM
Kfliemi. . illlf ,,rl titur. thf rtftr 1II4
1 ii(K electoral law. the new
The marshal, ever hi nee he iwlzed probably would have a more
power in -May. I3i. baa been fav- j.otvtionnt character than the pr - t trajP
tiuuft; 1 uiibuuhiuiiui Miii-ijuiMir-iii ,'111 one.
hN .r-.sIrirlinB parliamentary power j Thl.r, arc rontant rumorn.
ami mcTKWii m ' : ihrf for, that! I'lliimlhkl
:,ul"V " i'"""' will navu rcpountu to a new coup
w.. .IS .oh..r 'f";:;t'"U-h, Uiaoolv., ,h rern, dl
cabinet' ano cnanjfinff ine electoral law iy
,,m "" f".i " Hrw.w j...- decree u us to give
m nt. . I control of th new diet.
Since then various development I Hut the marshal, while he
. - Ity Morris J. Harris
I (Assoeiated Press Correspondent)
1 JMHRI.V. Manchuria AP) Ie
'prlved of their home plots by the
! soviet' collective farm movement.
; 71 P I P V C fk A i hundreds of the well-to-do type of
'" -'''" " IOI lii , 'itu.-slan pentsants. belter known as
11 AS UUM 1NU ."kulaks." are drifting into north
OUT" PARTY They must escape Red Army
'. i(ju:ird.s on the Siberian side of the
lly l ItnllcrflclU border, but report that the major-I
i (Associated pirsx Itadio Killtor '. ' wno lr-v-
1 ; " 'oniiTiercia I
the African Sudan are competing penetrated far inland, even beyond t the lnsf two years connect in the
ivitn the camel and the Nile as the Sudan and the Belgian Congo, j eat with the new railway at it
means of transportation. ccirdinK t- As late as 19JC there were only i junction in Kasala and continue
to the overseas periodical "reber- jsiy motors and motortrucks in the from , there nouthward into Aba-
ee and Kolonialzeitung." jwhole of Sudan, whereas there were 'sinia. iere other new roads con-
, .1. 1. . 1 j i va-ifB iitp- nect with the traffic on the Su-
, Motor cars, thanks to improved : 2.1 2& two years- late.. - c u
roads over long distances, have Automobile roads laid out during jdaneso'Niio.
The house
despite the hnstlll.y of
nienihcrs to the move, having been
palled by virtue of a pciillon signed
by the proper nuniher of ineniberB.
The session would have b-en alior huvt- operated to block further often interpreted the coiistltirtion
live, however, as ihf sepjte was h:tnges and for the past two yoars in a rather liberal-way, has never
not called mid under th coustitu- the ex-dictator has based his tac- broken It since Slay. 152;. There-
Iu non-skid qualities, in wearabililj', in
e!i-round t.-oubie-free performance, the .
new L'. S. Royal is America's must scicn
tificaiiy Ies:gncd tire.
It's the finest achievement of the world's
largest producer of rubber and will net
you more non-skid miles than any
other tire In its price class. When you
ride on Royals you save! Start saving
for Life!
Note These 1aw Prices
: S7.00
3U''"". ...$9.60
M. A . Harrixon, Mgr. Opposite Post Officet
Are your finances in such shape that an
unexpected call for $100 or $1000 would
not inconvenience you? Or would such
a call embarnss you?
If you own a car such a call mav come
today tomorrow it's liable to come
at any time . . . for who knows when
that auto smash-up will come. Every
day it comes to hundreds of people
some have never had an accident be
fore in 20 years of driving.
There is no need to fear financial strain
in the event of property damage, collis
lan and claims for personal injury if
(and if is a big: word) you carrv Auto
Insurance with us. Act todav and elim
inate that ward "If." Don't put it off
but put Auto Insurance on your car to
day. Ask alMHit our liberal Installment Plan.
0. W. Warnock. Mirr.
They j
from '
particularly in the kit that
was an important part of one of
the display. ThlM ouifTt. offered
lo the hnme eiMri metiter who
I would like tu put toother xoinc-
thini; that he could hum to attempt . "fler lhe Ru!an revolution.
10 delve into nniH of the myster
ies of television presented a neat
appearance when aHKemhled. Oth
er outiitH Included complete com
bination television and wound re
ceiver. 'I ..e kit consisted f the etven
tfcil parts to make a vision repro
ducer, and of courKe wuiild not
function until it wan connected 10
the proper tuning and amplifying
chciiitr. Much us a shortwave receiver.
Meanwhile the remnants of theft
"white Russians are finding con- I
ditions hereabouts unsatisfactory. ;
following Moscow's triumph in re-
training control of the Chinese
Ku stern Railway. They are head- '
tnK south towards Shanghai. 1
One report from the city- said j
that so many of them arrived thert,t !
destitute, that a special employ- ,
nient bureau was opened for their f
benefit in the French acction of the j
International settlement.
Otherwise the trade show look-j Tbno In 1930
fd to tho liny console Its new-' Prosecuting Attorney: At what,
L offeriiiK in bioiidcast set con- nour did vou hear tne P,Ktl hrt ;
Miuciinn. Although there waa anilai1 "lf"t?
increji.o in tho uj-e of remote con-1 Witness: - It was either during
trol and automatic tuning In addi- the l'twtnd'nt or I.ucky Strike
tf on to greater application of hmir' 1 for-et which. The Ring
niifoiiiatic voluum control. the. rnum1 '
"doll-liko" receiver, nveniKing i '
not much innre than 3 feet In' Gunlfn Truck
height, were about the main point t have a terrible rumbling in my
of interest. stomach. It's like a wagon Hofng
In sound reproducers there was over a bridge."
Miim thing a jiitie ilirftrent than " "It's most likely that, truck you
usual. One demonstrator wns nte tlliH morning for broakfakr."
showing u massive outfit that con- Oregon Orange Owl.
tnined small pipe like those of a
pipe organ in front of the mouth 1 A drummer employed by a
of the Hpeaker. Scotch firm telegraphed from a dlti-
. , . lJ1U tOH-n. Held tip by storm. Wire
- Inslructions,
MllUfl MS inn Itate Tho fh m replied: Start your
Alenaces Country
UHHO (Al-) While ihP .spec
ter of depopulatbiii fareH most of
the KuropKin nice, to Portugal
Hie incrense of the nation birth
rate is a sourer of concern.
J'ortiiKal'a population within ten
yearn has risen by half a million
or U.& p(.r cent. The exce.n of
births, over deaths for 1 was
Karnest propaganda for better
housing conditions and the ohsr-r-vam-
of hygiene is marie in th)
towns and villages where the popu
lation is decimated by tuperculosln
and typhoid f-ver. The infantile
population is paying a heavy toll
i 10 the terrible lung disease.
I Yet despite a rapid increasing
hirtn rate, marriage ur fewer and
; divorcer arc increasing. Wherens
In U'lM $7.&05 brides were led to
the altar, lu 199 tfiu number of
couples who .signed the marriage
jiegisti-r dropped to 41,674.
other Kunpean countries offer
.rewanbt for largo families, but
j Porttigul is in no need of such
propaganda. On the contrary, the
1 people are told that well-filled
mn-fie nre a. luxury under prcs
out conditions.
week'. vacation as from yesterday.
have Inst '
1( years.
on .Manhattan Island
t,U(i pupils In the last
Two OliUiiiohllCN Kohl '
An Oldsmoldle De Luxe pedan,'
was sold by AI. J. f',on to K. A. j
Cutun, of Knterprise. - Another j
Oldsmnhile, a standard sedan, was !
purchased by J. "VV. Hansen, .also j
of Knterprise, from Mr. Goss.
Buys Two Dnrants
I t. S. Ross, of Prairie City, pur
chased two new Durant fours, four
door sedans, from the Petersen
Iurant garage this -week.
Ruys Coupe j
Audmer Playle is the owner of ;
n new 1'lymouth coupe purchased
from the Chrysler garage this
Mustapha Kemal
Tries to Revamp
Chi load of Cars
I A carload of Ford cars was un
I loaded by the Perkins Motor com
j p;tny yesterday.
; Xeiv Kinploye
j Ray Counsel! has nccepted a
World Histories 1 Vm ',M'n a,irf
ANOOKA (A1-) Ohazi .Musia- .Mrs. J. O. StUlinRer. linokkfoppr
pha Ki mnl, having n volutlonlz. il 't the nine Mountain enra, has
Turkty with swor.1 bii.I hand. Im i.,.n absent for a tew davs title to
mtvi- otit to rcvoltitionizp th hli. ' IllnttM.
t'iry teMs of tho orli ith the
I'1'"- 1T0 Cnlirorain
Arcor.Ilnir to prlvileired person- Jack ljimb. flnnrman nt the
:ik ho have, rend the nuttn nitio .Mountain KaraKf. has realcneil
hith the (thai! is making. a:irtae- ,t0 Join hl. family In California,
ity, patriotism, ami nationallstn j
marl; the hIMory he wrlti n ax they lXm- ClK-vrolcW Solil
marked the history he mad... j o. y. and J. II. Hill of Elsin.
These name v ell-lntorme.l peo- hav pnrrhasied a new Chevrolet
pie mv that the work will pi ohahly j eoach from the Larison Chevrolet
hear the slicnattir of his adopted (tarace. Other sales inrlude a
danttlitera and collaborator. Afet Chevrolet sport sedan to O. Kan
llanlm. whose speech be-jsen at lf.1 1 "ashlngton avenue and
IorR the Tiircololry rnnicrrsa here, a Chevrolet coach to I.eo Westen
eo,'d the thesis underlying this skow. of lmbler.
. vonnumary h.t4.ry of the world
l lie Krest civilixations of the
ancient world. Afet lliinlm said In
h-r address, were all Turkish: the
Hitmen, the Or.-eks. and the Ktrus.
Haziness Trijt
J. H. Llewellyn, Chevrolet repre
sentative for this district, has re
turned from a we.-k spent in l'ort-
cans. were all pt-nple of Turkish I.Ttwl .m t..iuinou.
onitrn. I '
She pointed out that the won! ! f lianirtw Posltlou
Achaean comes from the Turkish Clianae losltioo
ak.v" (pronounced aiiha in mod- l'eter ltowmun who recently un
rn Turkish) nuaninB "older derwent an operation ana whe for
brother;" that the word Attic jmetly worked at 1'erkins flllin
comei from the Turkish "ata" .station, has accepted a position
inesnuiB "ancestors:" and Aek-ean with the Superior Service station
trom the Turkish "ekl," "older located at -Second and Adams.
hroth.-r or sli-tcr."
The hli-tory which Is to prove Promotion
Turkish civilisation me mother, of 1.. L. rittlnster. who is an ent
ihe world. Is to he published first ploye of the Vtllex Oil Co.. ha
for uv in the Turkish schools. jl.een promoted to local manaser
A Napa. . d ilry is experi-
of the l-'letcher Oi! Co.
mention its nnlK to Kin Prunctsco AI'TOS VI K WITH CAMELS
by al! plane. It saves lime and the 1 M il.W (if Al'mf I
cooler utinwphera bon.tiis the! .
m"k . 1 IiirrJUX (APJ Automobile in
are successful. I"
oiiunereial television sets have i The I lilnese are aeni-nted nt the
""- ! hn.l lh ir inmiiiM ..nt f.r t:..- prospect of havinu vacant lands in i
:n.irtncrn .uancnuria tail into sucn
Whether that means nnythins :f"l'able hands and are encouraglnc !
In tho effort beink- made by radio lthi el"" of ImmiKration. IitTse ;
sluht to obtain a position !n the tracts are being set aside for the j
home aloDKSldo of that now occu- (Husslans and some are being- fur-;
pied by sound broadcasts ornnot ' nlh''a wi,h ,arm Implements at.
bo forecast. Nevertheless! it is re- low loan rates.
yarded as important in view of
the tact that the annual trade
show of the Itndlo .Manufacturers
? I The kulaks lost their lands when
'they refused to turn them over to j
the collective farms fostered by
association at Atlantic city rttve It i,ne "osc""' ko ernment.
tuffl.lent recognition to assign constuently were driven
places:, to two manufacturers to',heir lH,me'' anA ent tn "sections !
demonstrate what they have. "c Siberia, the pollcy being to get'
Television has had opportunities ' lhrm flir nwa" PO'ble In j
lo appear at pnhlit; shows, but this i'1'r to sllne ,heir Pr"ten and
war. the first time that the trade nt lhc SJ'me t,me brin -uncultl-i
has had a peep at it at the annual l'"1 nvift lands Into production.
prUnle exhibition. - I Virtually all of'them who have
:enlered Manchuria have declared
There was nothing reallv s'tnrt- ! 'hemeelves fed up with soviet i
lin in either exhibit, except that methods. To prove their (rood faith !
numerous roush sp.its iu equi).- " "eltif rs. mnnyv are taking out :
nient design had been smoothed ,l'"ln,,se ei'lzenshlp papers.
out. parlleularlv in the kit that' eins nam worsers anu capaDie .
of suppbrting themselves by farm
ing, they constitute an entirely dif- '
ferent class from the "white Itus- !
sians" who poured into Manchuria '
-it T7r-i
Bedy by rithv
Oldsmobile's ease of handling and quick
responsiveness make it a wonderful car in
traffic. Every control operates so smoothly
and effectively. Clutch, brakes, gear-shift, and
steering all work with delightful ease. A touch
on the throttle, and the car flashes away as the
signal light changes. And it pulls down to a
smooth, silent stop immediately, when the
signal's against you. As for parking, just try
it yourself. Pick a restricted space at the curb
and see how easy it is to fit Oldsmobile into
that space. Then, try Oldsmobile on the
road. Its all -round performance .
will tell you why Oldsmobile is
such a great car to own.
Spirt Tira and Bumpcri Ktirm
142S Adams Ave.
The attractive means of
comfortable, economical
transportation for hundreds
of thousands of motorists
Whippet Four prices range from $360 to $645. Whippet Six price,
from $635 to $850. Prices (. o. b. Toledo, Ohio, end ipecificetioni
lubjeel to change without notice.
Jeff erson Ave.