La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 14, 1930, Page 7, Image 7

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Oregon to Experience I
Usual Heavy Fl6v of Mo- j
torists, is Prediction, i
VOltTLANU, Juno 14 Predic
tion are bolnff made for unusually
heavy traffic on tho main high
ways of tho nation In tho coming
summer months and tho public
safety department of tho Oregon
State Motor association urges
every motorist to contribute to tho
cause of safety by exercising due
caution whllo en tour.
. i
UrrgiMi win i-AiiiMinue us usual i
heavy now una counter-now of
resident motorists during tho vaca
tion season augmented by a big in
flux of visiting motor tourists. Re
ports received by tho motor asso
ciation from tho American Auto
mobile association, with which it is
affiliated, indicate that tho out
look fur tho 1930 motor touring
'season throughout the country is
that tho motor caravan of vaca
tionist will bo a record one.
New Record Kxocted
Judging from the demands on
1 i
the A. A. A. motor clubs through
out tho United States for routings
and information, thorn is every in- j
dication that motor touring as a
business and as a recreation, will
set a now high record, putting mil-
lions of dollars into circulation and
Improving the economic life of tho j
entiro nation, says tho report.
Planning of tho motor tour well
In advance; getting an early start
on each day; seeing to it that the
car in in first-claws condition:
avoiding over-crowding of the car;
familiarity with motor layn and
regulations of places to bo visited,
aro cited by tho motorists' organ!-
Kit ion as factors which would not
, More Highways Paved
"Since the close of the last lour
ing season, some 32,000 miles of
paving havo been added to tho na-
......... ..,.,, nf lnlllrnvnll lilfll. '
.. Vri.n nr.,.' n..n,.a Vwivrt Hortn
opened up, while accommodations
nnd recreation In practically all
tourists nreas havo been improved.
This means that Alio lure of
motor tom infr is creator than ever
before, nut l.y ino samo iokoii,
,u i-uh" ........ .... .....
crowded than over, placing a Brest-
er premium on tne pi eparauon ioi
the, tour and on care and caution
while on tho road. . yul .- . -
"As a result of handllng'nilllions
of tours each year, the motor clubs
afrlliated with tho A. A. A. arc
agreed on somo of tho fundamen-1
1..M.I, u'lfn nml t.lOllSnnt
touring. Some of thoso are worth
stressing at tills time.
"For Instance. It Is extremely im -
mirtant that tho tour snouiu no
i.lanned well in advance, not only
as to routing, but also as to the
rtant that tho tour snouiu
stopping places and tne time ami
tho distance that tho tour will cov-
cr without straining the budget.
"I,.lr.iat f-ntl nfJ tllPlr TOUttng
,.i..k! in iwiv.mco
OimiW! remember that conditions
on the highway change from nay
, ,i,t, nml so
.m,l for that reason, they .
should make a praellcc of cheek-
InK In at touriiiK bureaus en route. I
lioadsido information otten ieuu
to Krief and loss of valuable time,
"An early start on each tourlnc
dav offers blf; advantages, since '
il makes It possible to get the lars-
er purt of the day's run behind b?-
foi the period of congestion, it
li well to remember that most ae-
ciden . occur late III the day. due.
of course to a natural phvsical let-
down anl .""to indifferent vis-
1,1 ..... ...
blllty. It is thc period that cans
for maximum cure. Particularly Is
this true on highways passing
through rural territory where a
Picnic party may come out of any I
lane and where thousands of rail
crossings aro wholly unprotected.
"Tho 'foreign' motorist can not I
be expected to know the details of i
the motor laws and regulations of
every stato and city he may visit, i
but he should familiarize himself
' in a L-oniral war with 4he impor-
tant provisions of the codes of
states to bo toured. This is a wife-
r- precaution as well as a protec-
Hon to himself and a courtesy to
the state of community that Is tern-
pontrily his host. 1
"Tho car should be thoroughly
checked beforo thc start of the
lour. jsraKinj; ana iiBniins
incut should receivo particular v
tentfon. It Is well to remember that
nver-crow uinj? is . iii-M' l v....- .
of accidents, ince it means undue
strain on thc car and on the driver.
Above, all, the driver should as
sume the obligation, of keeping
Physically fit at all time?. lMcnty
of sleep, fcood food and a reason -
1 U
mlli-airo are three requisites
In iii.h fi r.iinti t inn
"Too many tourists take It for !
granted that accommodations can
be hud any time of the day or
ni-rht. This is far from being thc
c;ie. particularly in cities wncre
hotels are liable to be filled by
nightfall. "Writing or wiring for
T"erv:it!nTiB tit m nut fl necessity.
TJie holds will co-operate, but the
litntoi-iuf ulimitrt remember that US
a matter of fairness, thc hotel
eho::3d always be notified In th
'vent that reservations can not b
Liken up."
Van Orinan HhI IValloiil.-t'
AKItOX. O. (AD Ward T. Van
Orinan. defender in thc 1530 inter
national Gordon Bennett balloon
rae.. has been named president of
a n-.w balloon club organized here
Lintt t ci w cfi,-. r.hinr nf tlio
n!iVy tuapeclioii staff, is vice prcsi-
om wim iimw i " i'"i,'L "i lunimiiit, nit' in i-iii m. iias vwuin- v n. i.-t. LU, tn promotion oi a uniform irainc cotio i uf (oors Short trips from this i
tho tour but would also bo a great lished a conspicuous place for itself way to its owner somewhere in j wherever possible. Tho company f (jpVouh to interesting places in
aid in tho campaign for national among fine cars. j America. The epochal car, which : hollevos that much of tho -prawn t j ylclnitv may the n be mitdn to br
safety. The automobile association , Fivo passenger, sedan, five pa-.n- . happened to bo a coach, rolled off i conftiHion among drivers In a1.,.,, ,',.:,, r inini, ln nnn
This Chrysler l77 roadster won the recent Mexico City to Puebla road race of 74 miles by setting a record
of one hour, nine minutes anil twenty-ono seconds over a winding mountain road that proves a severe test
for both car and driver. On level stretches the car reached a top speed of 73 miles an hour, but steep
grades and sliurp curves reduced the speed to 40 miles an hour through the mountain passes..
Six Is Gaining
In Popularity
of the sleeve-valve type of engine,;
as well as the distinctive beauty
that characterizes "Willys - Knight 1
cars, has created more interest than i
ever before in tho Willys - Knight I
tlreat Six. lneomfort, style and per-
coupe, rondstcr and coupe
mako up tho AWllys-KnlKht Groat
SCiv linn All nr. nimliuinil ,,-itl, ,.(-,.
wheeln, althouKh modola with wood
wheels arc ottered at lower prices,
Kach model ptesent, a slrikinK
st'lo dovelopment that l empha
""" ,JJ "IW , V. ; ?
mcnt employed. Tho comfort for
wnIch "Willys-Knight eara aro fam- j
thclr ,u!furiou8 cuslliona unu sml t
... ,..,.., fol. .,,,., .,.
f.r i,u speeu is answeroa empnai-
i(.aly hy thc ,.. wuiya-KniKht
tireat Six sloove valve enKinc which
llcV(.l0,)S 87 horsepower, resulting I
in a considerably(higher road speeci
than ever before.', This is the most I
powerful englno ever manufactured !
by Willys-Overland. ;
a ndniber of Important changes
I ln ...l.l.., ..... !
. ticulariy to the driver. An Improve-1
'mcnt In tho gear shifting mocha-j
! nism, together with the use of a
w a.b.. '",-'"
sumBm k-h-i iuii-u u
lever, results in shortening the dis-j
tnnce necessary for tho hand to
ir.n m ciluikhik
The spare wheel and ti
, tire mount-
;1ng in tho front fender wells has.
weight on the brackets riveted to
the sido rail of the frame. This re-t
moves any ju.iu num mu k-u
and running board and eliminates :
Outstanding nieehanleal features :
of thc ne' (ireat Six includes the :
iiopumi r'5-"i' ......... ... ...... ... -,
which starts the engine, sounds the: months. 17 days. The seyen mil-
horn and operates the llfhls with ,
a button located in the center of
the steering w heel; the new three i
spoko rubber covered stcerini; ;
wncei; one snoi luoric.n,,,,.. c.
and lever stcerlmc gear; manual -
heat control; automatic radiator
shutters; all internal four-wheel
,,rkes; adjustable front seat and
. . .. ...
steering pun; emergency ..... ..t
left of drivers seal;
anu neavy !
seven bearing crankshaft.
p. n r) rn n e T PA H
U IX U Li li, O LiEjAU
UKTJtOlT. June 1 i With or
ders from IX- Koto steadily outritn-
nttw itm-.ilnrttinn l.v T,ii itnr rent, thf;
inI.O(,ucti0n of a fhu.n D(. Soto six
ow(?r pi.Ice u nlre,1(y n J1S.
puct.Wi a(.cordinc to I. G.
Keneral maIM11!t.,. flf the
,JO So((J Motor corporation. Heavy
-hipments have been followed by
for flirthf.r stocks, an.l
oriloVti ,jlr-iMl- on hand cannot be
ronndotelv flllerl for sonic time
desplto production belnjr pushed to
tlio utmost.
, . , i., V(1
Hired tho rec' pti'.n of the si
its first announcement Hay
first of these wns routed to Phila
delphia, comprising a total of
carloads, this also beiuu- the third
...!..!.. ..,1 .tif-i.
ted to Healer."
y'1'1'' ' "'
Other heavy shipni'-nis iy ran
Inrludii I carloads to Angeles.
19 t-arloads to San 1- ra nri.-eo, ana
10 carloads to liallas, Texas. Ku.-h
of these t-hipmenls represented -.r-dcrs
placed by individual d'-;i h-i--.
In addition to it first r l-t' t for
1H carloads. San Kra n -is-'o oi-b-r-
cd a
further totai ft 1 " sixe (.
hipped by boat from .Vow York
Vacation Air IJnc To ("
f.WV'.MlV (AIM Airplane s.-rv-ire
between .Minneapolis. Itioit
and I'hieaco and vacation spo's in
northern Minnesota and Canada
will be petied July 1 by the Ixuak
Walton airways.
W. J. Itrow n. Nowata, o.l:i
pipeline walker. Has- covereti ...e-
miles in the ht
IS miles every
wi'tk day
3Ga (iranite Etmttttg (Jfeemr
Wins Mexican Race
is Delivering Epochal
TVT 1 T, lT !
iViclCmne tO JrUrCllElSer. ;
DKTHOIT, Mich., Juno I t The j
seven millionth car built by the j
t n e iisspnimy line ounosuay
moi nlni;. May -'S, In tho company's
llltL'n llljlllt at Flint. M il'h. TltP VilT
aa the l,S4r,. 938th .six'-cyllndor '
car proilucoii uy unevroiel sinco
January. 1929. I
this model was. urouKhl out In
i.nuwun-m 'nuu-ii.h. ;
arrived without benefit of cere-;
mony except for the cheers of tho
l,ly nu who halted work "long'
I oiioiiKh to Kive It welcome ' and
! watch It belnK driven to the load-
inc clocks for mupmcr.t. Then worn
was resumed and not many sec-
onds later car No. 7.000.001 went
to join its historic companion.
Various daus .in tho life of the
Chevrolet .Motor company on which
tho millionth car marks have been
passed furnish n graphic picture of
tho rapid strides made by the com-
.... , t... ......I.I.h f n..-ltnn
leadership In tho industiy. ;and over-lime parking and sundry
Nearly J2 years elapsed after tho cither traffic offenses and rcgula-
company's organization before tlieitlons. Already many cities "n
" ' .' " ,1 .u i
27. 1923. but the second millionth ;
car rolled off the assembly line Icks j
than two years and five months i
later, on July 20, 1925. A yoar and j
six months later, on Jan. id. i:u7,
UIU llliuu iniutrmiii nnr .i u-
duced. Thereafter less than a year ,'
was required to reach each of tholcomptete tabulation of tho survey;
millionth whs produced, on Jan. 1 1. !
"" i,
lionlh. on Kept. 8, 1S28, in elsht
monl hs, three days; the sixth mil-
iiontn mai K. just- passeu, was
reached In 10 months. 26 days,
Commenting on thc production
of the seven millionth Chevrolet,
. .
eral man.mer of the company, de- :
dared that bulldimr a million 0-
cylinder ears In less than a year is
an outstanding indication of the
,.,tl,,,h.u,n with which lh
, . ' . V "
'""" '-. ""'V
the lowest priced field. J ills class, (leparLment oi tne- tiregon maio "
ho explained, offers to buyers a ' motor " association. Motor vehicle Hedjaz met In Haifa, in order to
greater extent than, ever before the fatalities Increased 1 11.3 per cent discuss questions ot ndmlnislj-a-qualitv
and performance available , In 11129 compared ti.-1028. while In Hon. The delegate of the Waliabl
only In cars of higher price. the same period registrations In- ruler, however, retlreil when the
Creas-'d only 8 percent. , others refused to laekle the prob-
1 While uniforming in trafric ' fern of properly rlghls.
Slfflt SlnVflll TPwA 'regulations and stringent penalties! ;
' - - - f sj
Pl(XyS Big Part
.fueh of the jirogress that Dodge
l!rot hers metallurgists have made
in their unceasfn); war against rust
lias resulted from -what is known
as the salt spray test. In a spcrial
ly constructed booth, parts taken
at random from factory production
are submitted to the corrosive ac
tion of a mist of salt thiit repre
sents in concentrated form wh.'it
a. car endures when used regularly
at tho seashore, where It is con
stantly exposed to the salt-l.nlrn
oeean breezes.
The salt spray tent is one of the
most Interesting of all automotive
evperiiijentrf and is believed to be
the mose severe for plated or
enameled parts that could be de-vl-d.
A sattirat"d solution of sodium
'Chloride or common salt in pumped
under pressure through smuJl jets
or orifices which act as atomizers.
The resulting spray is many times
.more penetrating" th:m natural
fc oeeati mf-t because of the giater
content of tall in the .dution and
!.o because of the pressure built
up in the booth. Although double
'doors', tho outr ono of Immense
' tiifckn-s.". are ued on the hit It
Miray room, the penetrating solu
tion finds its way through infitutis
mat openings that othrrwi" would
1-e iinrf'',"p'ilde lo the nuked eye.
An Knglishman was visiting this
country for thc flrt time, and as
ie was driving along the highiyiy
s-iw a "Ilmi. "Urive .Slow. Tltis
7". eon means Vol'!"
alktng Thc Kngll.-hmiin Mopped In ur
durnirf iii"e and exclaimed: "My word!
th'" I 7' h
DKTHOIT. Mich.. June 14 A
survey of uulomobile traffic, in the
major cities of the United States
jH heing conducted by the Hupp
Motor Car corporation.
The purpose of tho survey by
thhi manufacturer is to assist in tho
pirnm.-? locality can he
f thoso In chaiKe or the various
l4lnu .....I ntl.n.. nhn...).! .Tl.'l-
slons ,viM coi.pcrate in standard!-
inK truffle roKUlatlons, and that
Somo sort of unified system nt
control, slnillaf to that known as
universally adopted.
Much of the present confusion ;
lie control. Hiipinobllo points ,,,,
aro due to the individual develop.
inont of separate communities with
a suiiseiiuoni oranciunj: out oi local
traffic problems without considers-
tion havlnc been Riven locally to
corresponding developments in
other districts of .tho. country.
Among tho ninny Itoms being
checked In tho survey aro speed
limits, , general traffic offenses
such as incorrectly niado turns,
ll. - n.lrlnf r,f rrin nnntn.l aillliil.
. L rr . " L
qulries and public officials havo
been eager to lend thnir assistance
to this movement to improve traf
f ic conditions throughout the coun
""iiuuhi. i....... ........ o .....
received, It is probable that tho
"" V ,
two or thivo weeks. The results of
.,m, .u,,,,. .....
lJ0 announced by the comimny.
UtjAl Ml O t KUM
Deaths from motor vehicle acel-
rten.s are Inereasin,.-at a ra.e aster
than automobile reos! rat ions In the
face of a national effort to promote
saretvt.ti I he st reel s url h cbwavs.
""'.,'".,.. ,u ,,., . ,.,,'
. - . .. ...
in curbing this national menace.
Jndividuul care, in operation and
education on protection also hiivn
an Important place In tho effort
to preserve life.
"ThlH has been demonstrated,"
says tho motorists organization.
through the medium of safety edu-
cation in thc schools and. thc work
of nehool boy patrols. As a result
of Ibis activity, the-death rale of
children under 1 Tt years of age In
automobile accident has declined
sinco while the number of
adult fatalities has increased moro
than loo per cent.
i. . '-
II ere9 8 Answer To
Used Car Problem
' oim method of holviiik' the used
car problem for automobile dea Pts
and others is that recently adopted
by tips municlpulily of New lioch
elle. N. v.. it is indlfijtrd in advics
reaching the f regun State Motor
association. This community tie
cided to use the 2. .".na abotidoned
cars in the community to fill up
mud flats as a bae fnr a top cov
ering of fine soil.
"Haven't 1 made yon uhit you
are''" aked the wife proudly.
"Darling. answered the hus
band, "havti I ever reproached you
for It?"
"Is your husband a good pro
vider. Dinah?"
"Vesum. h's a good pruviduh
all right, but lse skeercd dat nig-
Motorist May Find Spot
For Rest by Driving to
One of Playgrounds.
"What makes a vacation?
Rest and outdoor recreation aro
admittedly the chief ingredients.
hut a changu of scene also Is highly
important for a. successful "mental
and physical rejuvenation."
.Many autolsts make long cross
country triis during tho usual two
week's vacation period. These of
ten approach the status of endur
anco tests, tho motorists driving
all of tho days and purt of tho
nights at high speed to cover thoic
itinerary during tho short tlmo al
loted. Not only are the hazards of
driving greatly increased toward
the end of thoso long dally tours.
Investigation shows but tho "re
creatlonlsts" often return to work
tired and worn instead of refreshed.
Whilo long journeys aro not to be
discouraged if thero is sufficient
time, many motorists after making
marathon hops aro profiting by
such experiences. Tho touring bu
reau of tho Orpgon State Motor as-
jsociatlon reports that an unusually
year's vacation in Oregon, which
offers every possible variety of va
catlonland. In this stato tho motor
ist can find Ideal resorts or camp
sites easily accessible at any desired
mountain level, in tho largest for
ests ln tho world, along fino fishing
streams, or bcsldo unsurpassed
co a s t a 1 bead i,cs.
A vocation plan highly recom
mended Is that of driving to some
Oregon reereutlon section offering
a change in surroundings, there to
relax and enjoy tho healthful out-
tho brea 1c
Arising early each day and
1 s,enlln-' much ot tho time as
1 , " ,. , , , , """i""
eedilro-well repaid In added onercy
and health upon 'returning to the
daily Kl'tnd of el(;ht hours work n
day. '
The plan oC "cunipimr out" in
trlsues many who prefer "rouirh-
j JnK It." while others prefer KtaylnB
In hotels, resorts or auto camps.
A Q If r n r rf i irri
t :
'liUKriniM have pi'lftlonod Jbn Kami,
'king of tho Hedjuz. lo rebuild the
0lr"!(i!!1ICe"0n "' ruilw"v
h,',,,,,,,,.,,., ,., ., confer
I '. , Ml,rril , ,,'.,6' Mnt,IttelldI
ed by pilgrims from Algeria, Mor-
. . nUu,.!,!,- rr0m Aleerl-i Mor-
' !, ' . s' ' Mrs. mt-.i nin
: Java. ' South 'Africa, Turkc
and Persia. Ibn Saud demanUd
tlial the whole of the Iledjaz rail
way bo given over lo him, so as to
lake its control out of Chris tlan
Formerly thft railway was Turk-
Nh property Tho Moslems regard
, : ' " . " .h !
it in tin) lit;ht. of a religious trust
slnco tho lintt was construe) cd with
funds contributed by Moslems all
tho world over with a view to fa
cilitating pilgrimages to Mecca.
Aftor the war. the sections of the
lino situated in Syria and I'ale.s-
hy France and Knglund until tho
question of properly rights should
I, Kotii,.,! n,,, meater pari uf
;'" ,n th ' ,1 n
ruins ''''" ' 3 " ' '
used mem as IfUl.
I Somo two years ago, reprwnta-
. i.-i,i i.-,,. ,i the
ST V I) Eli AKEIi 8
OF 102 M. P. II.
The speed and power of Ktuile-
baker s world-champion President
Kight was dramatically attested ro
eently when u stock 1'rcsident
Kiuht roadster attained an avcnige
speed of moro thnn 102 miles tin
hour Iti a. test run tit New Orleans,
according to M. J. (Joss, Ktudebaker
dealer here.
j "The run was made across tho
i J'onchartrain bridge, approximate
ly five miles long. It established,
according to the local press, a
speed record never before reached
in or near New Orleans."
j "Tho record of '. minutes 't'J. s-c-
for Die 4J mile span of the
rHtr ww officially limed. The
roadster ivhich set the record whs
more than (wo years old, with 107,
000 niibs on the speedometer."
snows c;ai o i;k maiicii
OK'ntOJT (AIM Automobile
production Increased to 41'.'.Q30 ve
hicles in April, acceding to manu
facturers' reports, a gain of 41. tR
"cars over March, but a lot-if of 1711-
So for the same mouth last year.
Tho greatest month in thc indus
try's history occurred In April,
1 'i'i'J. when t; ,01 6 vehicles were
'produce. ICxecpt for It. liowver,
the production this yeur exceed d
'all other April outputs.
j Production for the first four
months or 1930 totaled lGQ.'JO
ears, compared to 2.07 l.fsO cars
pro J'J'je-J l!l tho :t'H-J:T 111 IiJ'.'.
' i
New All-Weather Ford Car i
1 - 1
Ford Convertible Cabriolet
THE new Ford convertible cabriolet Is an automobile for every sea
son, with all the snugness of a closed car when the weather Is bad
and all the advantages of an open car when it Is fair.
The top of tan material rubber interlined, folds completely when
lowered and lies flat back of the seat. Door windows, which fit snugly
into the top, are in chromium plated frames and may be raised to act
as windshield wings when the top is lowered. When the top Is up the
rear curtain may be raised to permit conversation with passengers
in the rumble seat.
Bedford cord is used for upholstery and interior trimming. '
Chrysler Motors
Shipments Reach
40,644 In Month
ShipnieutH ot all (UviHionH of
Chrysler Motors for the month of
M ay totaled 40.644 ca rs. an In
crease of 3.1C3 or 8.C per cent over
April,. 1930.
May HhlpmentH thia year were 74
per cent of tho Ha me month last
year, tho best relatlvo showing
made thia year to dute, April ship
ments being fi3 per cent of April
la. it year. It is also significant to
nolo that May Hhlpmcnts this yeai.'
exceeded tho shipments In May,
! 1028 by 1,040.
Outstanding anions the Chrysler
divisions during tho month just
pasaed was the, record of tho new
low-cost l'lymoulh, whose ship
ments of 14,077 showed an Increase
over April of G,20!i cara or 58 per
cent. Do Koto with shipments of
fi.347 also represents a marked in
creaso of III) per cent. Shipments
of cars bearing tho Chrysler namo
totaled !t,380, and the Bodge pas-
1! tigers cara 8,73fi. Of commercial
rehicles DotlKO shipped 1.80G and
Kni'Ko 292. '
I Ueflected In theso Increased fac
tory shipments is the continued
consistent improvement in retail
salcH. All divisions of the Cbi-ys-'
ler corporation delivered 9 per cent
morn cars nt retail In Mny than In
on E. Z. P
Goody ears for You
You can put on an entire new set with as little cash as you would
pay for one inferior tire. Come in wc'H arrange the down pay
ment and then divide the balance in weekly or monthly payments
to suit your budget. .Now more than ever you'll want Goodyears
tl.c prices; arc thc lowest in history thc quality is higher than
April, tho low-priced Plymouth
showiiiH tho most remarkable ln
creaso of 38 per cent. During tho
past two weeka retail dollveriea to
tho public havo averaged 78 per
cent of last year, whidh ia relative
ly tho best showing mado this year
lo date, for a corresponding period.
Field stocks in the hands of deal
ers of all divisions are materially
lower as of Juno first than they
j woro at tho same period a year
I ago, tho reduction being moro than
j 21 per cent.
! Factory shipments of Chrysler
built cara for the week ended May
31st excecdod tho corresponding
week of last year, and continued
improvement In tho retail demand
for automobiles will naturally ro
tsult in furtbor increased Bhfpmonis
from tho factory, as tho stocks of
cars In dealers' hands aro at a very
low point compared with tho cur
!rent rate of deliveries.
j Twenty of the forty-eight states
require drivers of motor vehicles
to havo operator's licenses, accord
ing to tho Oregon State Motor as
sociation. Oregon is In this list whlcji In
cludes Arizona, California, Conneo
1 tlcut, Delaware, Indiana, Maine,
j Maryland, Massachusetts, Michi
gan, Nebraska, New Hampshire
New Jersey, New York, Pennsyl
vania,. Kluidn Island, Vermont,
Washington,-' West Virginia, Wis
consin and tho District of Colum
bia. BE
o 1 lires
One Automobile to 3.72
Persons, According to
Motor Glub Director.
PORTLAXD, Ore., Jun 14 Tho
United States has one motor car
registration to each 6.8 persons.
Oregon ranks fifth with ona roeis
tratlon to oach 3.72 persons, while
eight othor states had ona registra
tion to leas than four persons, ac
cording to Clarence Francis, direc
tor of tho Oregon Btate Motor asso
ciation. It Is estimated by students
of the subject that tho country as
a whole will reach ono registration
to 'each three persons, and then
hold that ratio as population in
creases. If tho ratio of registration to
population holds at one to threo,
exports predict there will be In this
country sixty years hance 71 mil
lion motor vehicles whero we havo
approximately 20 million today.
With an average life of seven years,
that would mean an annual rc-
placement requirement of moro
j than 10 million motor vehicles per
year, giving employment to more
than 8 million wage earners.
Tho first nine states in propor
tion to population are:
Stato , 1'opulatiou per car
California 2.64
Nevada ... 3.28
Iowa ..,.,-........i..r 3.43
Kansas , 3.65
Oregon ...'.... 3.72
Nebraska 3.70
Michigan 3.8S
South Dakota 1 3.92
North Dakota . 3,95
France And Canada
Hdve Many Autos
Franco and Canada' are tho only
countries outside of the United
States having a motor vehicle regis
tration over 1,000,000. Franco
loads with 1,240,000 and Canada
has 1,168,188. according to reports
received by thc Oregon Stato Motor
association. Canada, howovor, has
a motor vehicle for every eight citi
zens whilo Franco 1ms ono to every
33 persons.
Worse than Chile lusband
(feeling a twinge in tho back while
he Is tuning in the wlroloas receiv
er): t bellevo I'm getting lumbugo.
Wife: What's tho use, dear? You.
won't be ablo to understand a word
they say. Kpworth Herald. -
Not content with stealing only
tho - chickens, thieves - at- flail tin,
Ivans., -carted .awtiy a henhouse..
too. 4
tlut time