CITY EDITION Full Aotoeiateri Press leased Wire Service 12 PAGES TODAY r THE WEATHER Oregon: Generally fair tonight nnd Wednesday but cloudy on the coast, continued mild. VOLUME XXVIII mi;mhi;u associated iiu:ss and a. b. c. LA GRANDE, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1930 KASTCRN OREGON'S LUADING NEWSPAPER NUMBER 228 ratine HAINES MAN WOUNDED IN GUN BATTLE Garage Owner and Robber Engage in Fight With .22 Caliber Pistols. BAKER OFFICERS MAKING SEARCH Robber Used Car Stolen , From C. R. Seitz, of La Grande Machine Wrecked, Abandoned. . linker county officers are combing the country near Haines, Ore, Inday In search of a robber tvhl) -early this morning engaged In it pun IkiUIc with Harry How dcn.ln his garage at Haines and escaped In a car stolon from C. K, HvUz. I. a Grande contractor. The car was Wrecked a short dls lanc.H from Haines- and aban doned, leading officers to believe that the robber and a partner are si III hiding .som,owhore in thai district. M .'. Hpwdeii Kin St. Klr.abclh'H hosiiilal in Maker today with u .22 caliber bullet wound in his hip, but his wound is not. danger ous nnd- a. quick .recovery is ex pected. ' lOarllcr re purls received hem. this morning were that a tnan was killed, but were orrcnoou'i. Nino Shuls I'lml .' .Mi". Ilowden sleeps In his ga rage nd about I o'clock this morn in;;, he was awakened by a noise';. Arising, lie went out of his roonu armed w it h a .I'l ca 1 i bet gun, and saw an intruder, who. In the dim light, could be describ ed only, as ;m'ill and slender. Mr. Jlowden and the robber both opened fire. , but Mr, ITrJwden's (,'iin' juiuniod a nor the first, shot, all hough . in the excitement he Wiffi -not' aware of thai fact ami continued pulling the trigger. The robber i'lred at least eight shots before dodging behind a car and then woi-King bis way to, the front of -ih.'- garage,, where he dove through ;l U! by 1t Inch window, then escaping to the car In which it li believed a. companion remained-1n order., to make , a iulck gen way.- ' -" ' Sheriff .MeKlniiry found eight empty caliber shells in the gu ragti but I Icy did not fit Mir. How den's sun. which wua fired hut once, leading officers to be lieve thiif Ihe intruder idiot at leusl right liiwf, one of the bul let.; sll'lking the proprietor. ' Stolen Car Wrwlioil . A short dlsla nee from .1 hi lues the stolen car was found wrecked and abandoned, nnd a search of I ho surrounding coiini ry was im mediately t art I'd ami wad still under way shortly btM'ure noon to day. il l leer-, in l.a Grand" are of Hie belief that l.he intruders at Halne::-are either boys or young liven from thin olv, who stole Mr. .Si'itw's car from ids home at M avenue am Cedar si reet. drove lo Haines and Ih"n,.at1enir.ted to burglari;.o the plice. ' There Is a, possibility that thA roljhcr who onLiged In the gun bait le, was' uiiiinVb'd, but officers discount l his t henry. , 'I he heller that t he "robber was i. boy sained additional credence hero when 'it wan learned that, he dove through a 12 by 11 Inch window, which would have been easier for a boy to accomplish than an adult. Seitz. ;hs A fin- Oir MV. Weil-, accompanied by II. V. Copsey. lert here this mennlng for Haines to look over his car. The lnachlno was a used coupe ('untijuifil on I'nca Six) 40 menIielF build pens at union sunday With around 4 0 mn dona lime llt'-lr services, the bitf pheasant pen at the In Ion fish hatchery was about two-thirds completed Sunday, and a. ureal. deal of work wan lakoit care of In arrjinu-inc for the hatching' of the pheasant ezr. at 1'nlon for release in this country. l he co-operation with vry eood, with a number or farmer:'' and a number of sports men not affiliated with clubs, joining in with the others In the work. At M'jpii a luncheon uus served for tin workers, who put In an entire day on the project. Warren Cornell, same wardi-n. annuo need tlm.t ; ejrijs are be In:: set today, and that be expect-: a shipment of ess tin last of t hir wvfli to be ilistribuled a tu one the farmers of the valley. ' WKATIIFIl TODAY 7:3a a, m. .1 1 above. Minimum : iS abo . Condiltion: Char. WKAT1II Maximum vi;sti:iid. v 7- minimum I" above. Condition: Clear. WKATIII'IS MAY 13. Maximum 05. minimum 4'i ulwve. Condition: Cloudy, rain .08 of inch. J. MELVILLE John Melville, pioneer business ii um of I -a (frantic, Saturday observed the niiiiivi'rsary of his plumbing, heating ami .sheet inctul concern. He open cd a ouc-mnit nhop here .May 10, INW.-. OPEN HOUSE AT HOSPITAL MONDAY National Day Observed Excellent Program Held, P. E. 0. in Charge. About, ir.n pei-MMis reistered at omn Ijoiipc yesterday afternoon a : the Grande U.inde hospital lmld in observance of National Hospital day with (Mm pier I of IV K. Ov. in charge of the pro gram. The patients in all I ho rooms received floral Kifla and lovely flowers wen- arranifed about the reception room. M iss Stefana Wandau and her corps of niirHes received with MIl'h Kvelyn 'Zuuiri; and Miss Helen Swehla presiding at the punch b';wl. Those appearing n tiie after noon':; program were: Al IK. MliMlyti ry. Mrs Klnyil Oeorge Mirnit; , anil .Miss Miiller, Mrs. (Marenco Iter.. !. I.eal ItiiSMidl. Mrs. V S. Mrs. I villi Wright. Mrs. Sherwood, MVs. fli-orire If Uiitinulon Curi ey. Mrs. W. W. N'usbaum, Mrs. A. W. Nelson. Miss Mubrl A'o'tnn, .Miss haisy Itobbs. Mi-s Until (Jeibrd. Mrs. Itay l-'ull-er. M I.vh Kill harlne Wispier, M vh, Ashby, Mr. If.. N, Ashby, Ma (CJuititKied on I 'ago Seven ) LARGE CROWD AT DRAMA AT TABERNACLE A crowd of froln -I'm lo 5(111 ul Icndcd the Miblical drama. "The Keast of" presentee last niKhl at. the 1 . S. taber nacle by the Wright's California players, finder the ir.isplces of the I .a (!rande Minincnfil assouatlon. The proceeds were nufficlent to pay all hills of the assnci.ition witli a. small surplus IH'I. Members of the oraniz-illon were pleasetj with tlm success of Ihe presentation ami expressed an appreciation of I he generous pat ronage given by tie public. . . Little, Cove Resident, Passes Ity .Mrs. A. (. ( on I. tin ( Observer ( 'nrres)ondent ) t'OVK. Ore., May 1 1( (Special) II. II. Utile, prominent resident of i-ovo for many years, died at Hot La Ue yesterday afternoon, accord imr to word received here. Mr. Initio was well known throughout this section and had many friends over the valley. A(;i:i Td YKAItS It .MONTHS Henry Harrison 1. 11 lie pass"d away at Hot IaiU- Monday after noon at the age of 7 years. II months and six days being born June, fi, 1 XT.. l-'uneral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in the SnodKtass and Zimmerman nioituary under the auspices of Ihe Jilta- Mountain Canton, after which the body will be sent to Mnplolon. Minn. for burial. Mr. Harrison made his home In Cove for the past 1 X years where be was a veterinary doctor. Those surviving him are: Mrs. Klln Ut ile, his widow; ami two brothers in Mapieton, Minn. DR. PHY FACES DAMAGE SUIT FOR $42,193.00 poiiTLAND. Mrty I (A.P) Pollin Hiiddl'.'ton tr.d.iy fii'-d Milt f: r $1-M:"; against. Dr. W. T. I'hy. tiKimigcr of Hie Hot Ijike sJinitoriuitu charging that th physician it.ed Improperly d:in-fei-teij surgical inMruiiK-nts in performing a ton-it operation for him. and that hit: throat became infected to so h an extent that he ha hecom a permanent patient at White hospital. Lewlston. Ida ho. The suit for damages was fib. J in KJ'-nil cjt.ii i luii. CHAMBER TO ASK DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Committee of Three to Present Requests to the City Commission. 12 TO 7 VOTE IS TAKEN AT LUNCH Considerable Discussion Precedes Action Other Mattel's Considered, at , Forum. " ' After a long period of 'discus sion, that kept the lueetlng.some 20 minutes overllntc, the. .cham ber of commicrce t,oday went on record by a vole of 12 to 7, lo ask Ihe city commlMslon to put the dayllnh'; saings lime into effect in a Grande. There were 27 members in attendance; and only li of these ' voted. One of Hie others said that he folt that he did not need to vote, but that lie was willinc to. do whatever the majority did. Almost i every member present entered into the discussion, hoi h pro and con,' with most of the talks being favorable.' Itouth M.elvennon, farmer, was in at tendance and answered a nunvber of (ueslions as to the attitude of the agricultural population on thr- oaettlon.; He fald that most of them. ; as near as ho knew, were more or less Indifferent. Tho?e wiio jidlher spoke or asked miestluns flurlng the dis cussion were I 'resident Oenrifp T. Carrey. Secret a r' A. It. Ranter. Aug. .1. Stance, Dr. It. V. Mur phy. I jr. Kirby. K. It. Appleby. Hsirley Itichardson, Mjr. Kemlrlck. (Continued on I'ago Kigtil) L. &L. Drug Co. Is Observing Its 10th Anniversary Ono of the oldest of the 1,0 Grando business houses Is the and drug store now situated at the -corner -of " Adams .end- Depot but which was originally n drug store in obi town owned by Xew lln and Calmer and was moved to the new town in about 1XX5 when the old town was moved nearer the railroad tracks. Afler the death of Adolph Xew Hn Sr. In UiOO the store was se cured by Adolph Newllu Jr. and after being In several locations was moved to Its present place In about inn I. Mr. Xi'wlln retained his owner ship until a "tout i:IG when the store Was purchased by Levy & Vu gel,. who in April five, years later sold it to AVatter Lcisnmn, and in June tho same year, .his partner ( 'buries (i ra ha in came 1 o Ia Orande and they have successfully operated the store since that time. Although the location, the build ing, the type of workmanship, etc., havo changed, tho policy of the store Is still the same as It was in (he eighties to hold mm its first re gard Ihe health or tho community ami of the patroiiH. This weeli Messrs. Ielsnian and ( I ra ha m a re observing the tenth anniversary of their ownership. SKM) UODV TO I'ltUTA The body or John K. linder.i who passed away at Hot Lake Monday afternoon at t :!." o'clock is biintr sent to I-'ruita. Oregon. In Wallowa county for Interment, lie is an uncle of the Mr. Landers, manager of tho local C. J. Itreier store . IT N Kit A li T( .UO KUOW Kuii era I services wilt bn held for Mrs. Claude Tlolbrook at Ihe Snod grass and Zimmerman morl uury tomorrow afternoon at :3l) o'clock with the lev. It. L. Tut mini in ehari-e. Interment will be In the ramily jdot at the Klsrin eemetery. Pulitzer Prize Awards In Letters And Journalism for 1930 Announced NKW VOItK. May I '.I (AI) Pulitster prize jiwirds in journalism and letter fr l!i3a were unnounc cd -est'r'lay. Tim ward for novel wi-nt lo ver Iji l-'arge for "Laiighln.; Hoy," a story of the Indians of the south west and La Farge's first novel. The author, a young New York an thropologist, obtain d his material in .N"v Mexico. The dra ma award win les lowed on Marc Connelly for hi play "Th" (Ireen Piislures." a drama of the obi testament as pirpired by neg roes of the south. It is li'dng pl iy- fd In New York by an all-negro cast. Tiie play was suggested to Connelly, oil" of the b'Sl kiioun Ol A uieriea's younger playwrights, by Ib.ark Bradford's book. "OP Man Adam un's his Cullun." The novel and drama auiirds eaeh amount to $inm. otlp'r awards Inr-toded: The best book of the year on the history of the CnlP d States. J-f'Mio "Tho War of Independence," by j the late claudo If. Van Tyne, pro j feasor nf history at the I'nlvcrsity j or Michigan. Mr. Van Tyno died Change History As Written By Calvin Coolidge Gutson Goiglum, Sculp tor, Reveals Altera tions he Made in Text of 500-Word Article. MOW YOHK. May 13 (A.IV Hut7.en ltorglum. sculploij, in a communication published in the New York Timica today revealed changes ho had made in tho text of the 5'ia-word history of Ihb I'nlted States . written by Calvin Coolidge, t lie inscribed on the gt unite of Mount ltushiuore in South Dakota. The Coolidge text, which read: "Tito Dcclarnliun of Independ ence -tho eternal fight to seek happiness through self-government and the divine duty to de fend Dial right at any sacrifice," was changed to read "In the year of our Lord .177(1 the people de clurod tho, eternal, .right to seek tiappl less self- government and tho. divine duty to. defend that right, at any, sacrifice." Mr. IJorgluin, who is in charge of the memorial, saitl he made the change to Identify the histor ical' era In which- the events re corded took place. He saiil lie w rote "in tlm year of our Lord 1 77fi" to nfcirk the Christian era and eliminated the words "Dcc larallon of Independence" to con vert tho text into the style of his !.crical narrative. . ' The declaration stales t hat the (.'real or endowed nuiii with certain Inalienable rights," Mr. liorgluip, said. "The existence of these rights Is so. obvious that it needs only to be stated. Tho pur suit of happiness is one of those (Continued on I'ago Kight) LOCAL WOMAN IN PRESIDENCY RACE Mrs. Walter M. Pierce Among: Those Endorsed at Salem Convention. S A 1. 1; M . O re.. Mia y I :t ( A I Mock legislative session.'' to be held by the- Stale Federation ol Women's clubs, now In tonven thm: licrr, are not to bo wholly given over to comedy. Such mo mentous uuestluns as Tree text book?:, mother.'- pensions, the bill board (mention mid taxation are to be brought beforw the session and debated. Some admittedly frivolous subjects Will be Intro duced for relaxation. , Governor Norhlid and Mayor A. I.lvesley addressed Ihe dele ga tec. last nlirht, extending wel come on behalf of the Hale and thii ehy. MJrs. G. J. I-Vankcl. of I'ort land, president, of the stale federal ion,; respond") , Mir. Charles N. Hilyeit. or Dal las,, is an active candidate for the stale presidency. She has the support of her district. Mrs. Wal ter M. Pierce, of La Grande, has been indorsed by her district, hul there l some doubt as to her eligibility because of the short period of her membership. An other candidate is Mrs. G. L. Uulaud. of Portland. Consider- able op posit ion to I he presidency again going lo Portland this year ban developed. Rotarians Hear Urge For Action SPOKANK. May I '! (AP I'rg Ing a plan for development oT bb-as of citizenship before liMio delegates of district No. 1 llotary International front Oregon, Idalu. Washington, Itrltfsh Ctdumlda ainl Alaska, I'Vank II. Lamb, of Ho 'luiam. Wash., declared ihe organ l.ation was "without an adeipiate program to maintain Interest." "The only thing sure on earth." ho added, "is ihe universality of change and I want lo say right now that I am changing my mind on Ihe value of by-law ! 1. which says the club must be k pt out of polll Ics." The best American biography. Jluuo "The Haven," a biography or Snm Houston, by Marmiia James, ex-New York newspaper man living at Pbasant ilb', N. t . This is Ids first publish-'.; literary v. ork. Tiie best volume of verso by an American author, J I 000 Collected poem i.y i 'onrad Aikn, Cam bridge, Mass. The awards In journalism were: Keporllng. $1000 Icnsse) K. Owen of the New York Times, for bis art hies on the Ityrd expedition. A special award of f-"no also was rondo to W. O. D-tpping, managing editor of ih Auburn. N. Y ., cltl .''ii, for bis report, tor Tiie Asso ciated Pn-ss, of the December riot at Auburn prison. Cartoon, JliiHi -C. It Mi Atlli-y nf the Itrooklyn Dally cartoon "Playing for n lieu'l Horse rua ry printed In the Ivilflo l-Vb-3. Correspond)-lici $5fill Iji'liind Ktunp. l'rlB corrpp'ind'-nl of th? Nw York Ifi'rald-Tribunc. for his wrii-a of ftrtlcU'i! on thi repurutlunB conference Hnd formation of the ! Jn:c l:r.",lon::I Iju.H.. MAIL PLANE SAFE AFTER LONGFLIGHT Jean Mermoz, French Aviator, and Two Com panions Land at Natal. OCEAN CROSSING FIRST OF KIND Los Angeles Pilot Starts One-Stop Trip to New York Girl Down'Nortiv of Rangoon. RIO JAN'KIKO. May 13 AP) Hrlnging with them the first transatlantic airmail lo South Ainei tea. Jean Mernioz. French aviator, and two companions landed at 0:12 a. m. (4:Hi u. m. l-. S. T.) today at Nalal, near the northeastern tip of Ihn continent. The landing coinpleled u flight of about L7H0 miles from! St. Louis, Senegal, which is near the far eastern Hp or AJYlcu, It took 21 hours and minutes, more than an hour longer than tho avi ators had expected would bo nec essary. The plane, u postal hydro-air-plano, b-rt l'ortpgnan, France, Mtay 2 for St, Louis. When de parting at noon yesterday for Nalal It picked up airmail which had been brought Saturday night from Paris by plane, and took It across the A Ha a tic. This lap of tho Ku rope-Sun th American air mail heretofore lias boon made In last destroyers. Ha hi Severe All was not. easy flying for the plane. The first, part of Its trip u us easy, but once near the mid dle of t lie journey the avlutors radioed that tho cabin or their plane was nearly filled wit h rain which fell during a Nlorm through which they had Just passed. They passed over Fernando do No run ha, where i here is a Hra II lan penal colony, at 4:-lf a. m. O. M. T. (I2MTi a. tit.. K. S. T.) but needed nearly two he urn and e. half to negotiate the remaining IlTi miles or more of their jour ney. "When passing Fernando do (Continued on Pago Eight) COLLEEN IS GIVEN DECREE OF DIVORCE LOH ANGFLKS, May III fAP) Colleen M'nore of the films, was granted a decree of divorce In sp perlor court today from John B. MeCornilek. film producer, whom idle charged with cruelly. MeCor nilek, who Ihe pellte actress mar ried In August, I!i2:i. did not ap pear to contest the suit. 'Colleen whose legal name Kath leen Morrison McCormlck was used In court spent hair an hour on the witness stand testifying to asserted mental cruelties and humiliations suffered from her husband. She aserted he repeatedly Insulted Iter guests, broke social engagements, and was "In an ugly inood" during tho whoto of their Furopean tour last. year. Tho interlocutory denree will not become final until one year from today. Prison Population Today Reaches 901 SALFM, Ore.. May 13 (API A new high mark in prison popula tion wis established hero Tuesday when the records showed that !MU prisouci-3 wore housed In Ihe Ore gon stale penitentiary. Five wom en, all federal prisoners were hroiiKhL hero Tuesday to swell tho total. Hoover May Visit Portland, Oregon PORTLAND. Ore., May 13 (AP) L. C. New lands, president or the clianrfber or coinmerce, re ceived a telegram from Senator Charles MeNary, republics n. re goti, slating tbiit President Hoov er probably would vbdt Portland and Seattle1 during the summer. 'I h senator said I 'resident Ifoovej "Intended visiting all the par It it In the Pacific Northwest and cities like Port land end He al He." Wheat Today I'll H'Af JO, May i:t (AP) Hes pile lnt fslimalcti thut export busf-IK-HK In North American wheat to day lotab d bushels wheat prices averaged lower. Mont of the wheal purchases for overseas ship ment were of wheat ki'owii in Can ami. An additional bearish factor as an unofficial report that &0 per cent of Ihe i:i:io SaHkaleliewan and Alberta spring wheat crop has been seeilr t and It 7 per ceo) In Manitoba, with the crop condition In Saskatchewan and Alberta un usually high. Iri per cent. Wheat closed unsettled Vil'ic a bushel below yesterday finish. Porn closed e, off to c up. oaU) at a shade decline to an equal ad-vum-e, und provisioiiH varying from to a vUi, of 3g. ENGAGEMENT RUMORED lknssll,llil.v r .nuirriuvo of AivIhIiiKh Olio r Ausd'Jii tuul PritMHVs Mui'lu, yuuiiKiMl iIiiukIHi'i' ol I ho In Hit it roytil raiiLlliv Imis broil liinximl In Vicuna lmllliuil t'lrelcs. Norblad Winding Up Campaign in Western Oregon SALFM. Ore., Ma. 13 (AP) 'There tiro no pronounced Issues In this campaign, and most of the candidates .are busy In a selling Oregon eamiiaigii," 'Governor Nor blad, one of the six contenders for the republican gubernatorial nom ination, tedd the Salem chamber or commerce yesterday. Tho governor said that lie be lieved ho understood tho common type of citizen bettor than any other candidate Tor the reason that he was ono of that kind -and had lealt with that typo nil of his life. He added that tho business of the governorship is mainly with tho common typo of citizenry. After a campaign trip that kept him away from Salem most of the last" week Governor Norblad was at his office a part, of Monday. Do made a; trip to Poriland Into in the day. Tho remainder of tho wools, wllh three campaign days left be fore election, will be spent In West ern Oregon, centering in Salem und Portland, according to Information at tho execulivo off let.'. JIOI-GH 1M)U MODIFICATION (1 HANTS PASS, Ore., May IV (A P) A.,' f-V JlO'tXb; Gmnls Pass attorney and democratic candidate for the nomination of governor, to day declared himself in favor of tho modification of the prohibition law am) said that "present day bootleggers and rum runners are more of n national menace I ban wero pre-Volstead hhIuoiih." , Hough's sin lenient was made here a few hours after ho returned from a tour of the stale which end ed nrrielally in Portland Saturday at a conference wllh parly repre sentatives. Hough's official statement snld he approved "a systed or govern ment control of ihiuor without the saloon." Hail And Rains Cause Crop Loss (IK.LAICO.MA (MTV, (tkla., May Kl (AP) Hall Htornis and tor rential rains, doing great damage to crops, havo accompnnhwl devas tating winds into parts of the sotit Invent. KIkIiI counties of nori h western Oklahoma wore h ept by hall slorins last night. Heaves wero stripped from trees, livestock was Injured, and homos were damaged. Reports from Woods, Alfa I fa, Woodward, (Irani. Ilocer Mills. Dewey, Major and Custer counties all told of ruined crops, hammered Into tho ground by hull stones. Hunting Accident Kills Idaho Girl JKUHK, Idaho, .May HI (AP) Until Andregg. 8. of Dry ( 'reek, Jdaho, illed in a hospital today from shock and loss of blood suf fered after her pk was shot almost off by u gun with which her older brothers were shooting msKpies. She stepped in front oT the gun as her brother fired. Hoy, 13, Suicides Due lo Reprimand CRICAfiO. May I :t ( A P) Har old Vi ostein. 1 3 - year-old school boy. hunger himself in the cellar of hiM homo yesterday alter being reprliuamh d by his si-hool (ejM-h-e,. All iiriusually bright. -tudent. Hfirobl hail never before been criticized for hi deportment, his inoMier vaid. HJs offense -was rc-e-ltlng lMfor being called upon. 3i us. iibovui impuovi.m; WASIIINOTON, May I :t (AP) -Siifferlng from an Injury more serious than was at first supposed, Mrs, Herbert. Hoover Is not expect ed to return to her normal white house activities for several weeks. Captain Joel '( . Hoone, whttu hotiMo physician, however, sold to day the wrenched back Mho stir -fered Ynti fall had Improved and she would be able to take brief automobile rides soon. H said she would probably not bo able to ac company the president tu Gettys burg, ru., v.. , ' SHOLAPUR SEIZED BY GANDHI'S MEN Natives Set up Self-Government British Atti tude. Becomes Firmer. . ly Ihn Assoolntwl Iros8 Ma Iml ma Gandhi's Sholapur lo glons today solved thut city of 119, population and swiftly brought upon ihomsclvoH n stulo of martial law with investlturo of tho city by government troops.' Tho na tives set up swaraJ (aeir-govcrn-ntonl) in defiance of Britiah do minion. Tho Hum buy government sum moned a special ncsfllon at Mjiiuh balnshwar, summer capital, to deal with the pxtraordlnury crisis. Whllo Dr. Sarojtnl Naldu und Mniiilal tiundhi prepared to launch sail, raids on government depots, Abbaa Tyubjl, Clanhdl'H successor whom JJr. Naldu succeeded; , and numerous other leudcrH woro sen tenced to tornitr of ' . Imprlsonmont ranging from six months In Tyahji's caso to threo years of rigorous servitudo In that of other dinlurb orH. A general hardening of tho gov ernment's atlltudo on iiH sldea wua oviUont 4da; . ;.. -;. - -; - . . JO MORE DAYS FOR FILING OF GAME CHARGES POIt'l'liAlKU, Ore, Mriiy HI (XV) Thn stale Kama cohmuIh slou today. tho Alull uomah County Anglers' and Hunter.;' club t hint, a Hi-day llnio extension In which lo rile charges nic.ilnnl lluifdd I f. Clifford, slate game warden, and K. H. Clark, assistant stale -gaum warden, had been granted. The extension ,f time was granted yesterday following re ceipts of u letter signed by rep resentatives of the Multnomah AnKlem' and Hunters' cjub, the I 'nltcd Sportsmen's Council and tho l.aan Walton league. Incorporated In, tho hdler was tho staleiiDont. that 4 ho. aeopo of I ho investigation being conducted by I tie organ Iza lions against the gn mo warden, ami his assistant had been broadened considerably ami moro time was needed before a detailed report nf tho charges could be 'inad o public. Famous Explorer Passes in Oslo OSbO, May 1.1 (AP) Fridajor a rises, ruinous Norwegian arctic explorer, humanitarian sad author, died with dramatic suddenness to day at the ago of OS while In tho midst of plans for a dirigible flight over tho north polo next yea r, ills death was so unexpected -that ho was alone, neither his relatives nor a doctor being present. More Gold Star Mothers Assemble NKW VOUK, May I :i (AP) A second party of '.i'U gold star moth ers assembled from 1 4 states to day to embark upon a pilgrimage to tho graves of their koiis in Franco. They will sail at midnight aboard the United States liner Republic from Hoboken, N. J. of the group lino are from New York slate, with others from Cali fornia, Washington, Oregon, etc. HUOOKf ,! K ri .NKUAb services will be held for .lad; lliookler, who passed away at his home in Kindt, Ida., May 10, Wednesday "afternoon at 1 :'I0 o'clock nt Ihe Sandgrass ami Zim merman mortuary with the Kc-.-, .1. (boige Wal. nfflelallng. Inler ment will be in the Masonic ceme tery. Mr. lirookler was born In la Grande, March l. i'Ji. being 6 years and two months onl. Ho leaves to mourn ids loss, his widow. Mrs. llertha Hrookler; a daughter. Constance; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John II. Hrookler or Ia Grande, und a brother, bcon ard Hrookler. benijts olbvr rulu U- 'i: and friendrj. - LEADERS ARE WORRIED OVER TARIFF BILL Senate Republicans Con ferring in Hopes of Solv ing Disagreement. HOUSE GROUP IS STANDING FIRM Meanwhile, Senate Lobby Committee Hears More Testimony from F. Scott McBride. WAHHTNTtTON, May 13 (AP) -Krankly worried over the status of tho tariff bill, sonato republi can: leaders wore conferring to day In hope of solving the pro cedure disagreement over tho floxlblo provision. . Tho meeting "of. tho senate und houso conferees, which wus ex pectod to be held lato today was called off bocause of a meeting of the finance coniinilttee on vct wtijta' legislation. ChnLrntan Smoot said tho conferences proh ubly "would meet tomprrow. Meanwhile, tho . houso group wan standing firm; on Its position that the somite conferees take tho measure back to the senate for a vote on tho partial' confer once report and for Instructions on tho Hernia In disagreement, in cluding tho floxlblo and deben ture provisions. Senator Smoot snld today thut the only way to nwtko any head way wan lo report to the scnatu a failure to, agree on any of the unsettled points und ask for in structions. Senator Watson, Indiana, re- puDiicaii icaiier . nun una ui um senate conferees, ' said after a conference with Sniot tho sen-: ito toonfty'oej would repor'tl the measure back to the senate utter tomorrow's conference and ask Insistence on Us floxlblo clauses provision. . ' ; This, it was explained, would return tho bill Immediately to conference und .give tho sennto conferees a freo hund td work out un adjustment -of the issues. ..L.,MctirtirJ3 ON' STAND U'AHHINOT6N, Mkiy H tAt) Antugonisnt of the Anti-Saloon leuguo toward prohibition refer enda, and endeavors by it to Infiit- enco red era l appointments of Vol- uleud enforcement -officers were recorded toduy by tho senate lob- Tho medium' was continuation of lostlnmny by F. MbHride, who Huld at one point that tho dry law was "not J00 per cent perfect yet." The league superintendent praised a recent houso speech by Heprowntotivo lfort, republican, Now Jersey, in which thut strong administration - supporter said beer and light wine 'could bo made in the home legally. Ques sald this might bo done "under (Continued on Page Seven) 5. L. Hunter Dies At Union, Oregon According to word received In ba Graudo today, S. b. Hunter, aged contractor of Union, Ore,, j mssed away lust night. Mr. Hunt er wus well known over tho valley and was one of Ihn few remaining charter members of the bit Grundo lodge of lllks. REAL WHISKEY WORTH $75,000 CONFISCATED i un AUUi oay - id nw t carload of "lutnjhor" was seized by federal prohibition agents In tho Illinois Central rrelght yards y'Htcrday and round to contain geiiulno -whiskey with a bootleg value of 1 7 5. 0 (Ml. Infornuition on which the seiz ure was made was obtained, thn agents said, in recent raids on tho Cotton club, a cabaret In Cicero owned by Halph Capone. The cargo consisted of 18,000 plnls of (l. and W. Hotirbon, Indi an H.ill and Old Crow whiskies, originally distilled In America. It had been exported to Canada, hot tied and stamjuMl, and re-exported to Ihn Himtnt Islands. Front itimini it was smuggled iu the Florida malnlund, the agents said, and loaded on the freight cur at Jacksonville. BASEBALL TODAY American Lriiiio It. If. K. Metrolt 4 U 0 Host on .........I 8 .0 Hatleries: Herring und Ilensu; UusHcl und Herry. lb If. K. Chicago ; 7 15 ' Philadelphia 14 17 0 Hatleries: McKaln. Walsh, Well ami and Autry: Shores, tjulnn, Walberg anil Cochrane. National bcugnn Hrooklyu ut CtnclnnutI postpon ed, ruin. U. H. K. Philadelphia 14 18 X Pittsburgh .? 8 13 ' 3 lljittnr(i-u I?nir.t n Iwl Pin vlu- Ti,. ty, Jones, Spencer nnd Henislcy,