f Page Twelve LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE. ORE. Friday, May 2, 1930 6 olttoc Ghutdfe Church Program For Sunday Of Great Interest Several Outstanding Ser vices Planned Music Week, Evangelism and Drama Scheduled. A number of Interesting , pro gram tor Wunilay' M'orithlp In tbe i-a Grande churches have been an flounced, ranging from music week observance to evangelistic meet ings and the presentation of a drama at the Lutheran church. The announcements of the vari ous churches follow: I'init l'nubj-tcrian Church The Information wrought a clianga in music no less than In religion, and its impulse and vigor arc reflected In the hymns of to day. Kunday being the beginning of national music week the I'res " byterian church will give recogni tion and the morning service will emphaslzfe the eternal existence of music. The minister, the Itev. J. George Wnlz. will speak on "The Hlchi-s of lliuic and Kong." The Jjidlcs' Triad choir will sing the anthem "The King of Jmvc" by I'otneroe, and JfcrH. Klofd Kher wood will sing the sojo "They That Trust In the J-ord" by IJoruh. illss Gladys lllller will play Ihe prelude "Kerceuse" by Dickinson. The evening service at t o'clock wilt find Miss Miller at the organ console and she will play Ihe pre lude "Huppllcation" by HoHim-r, and the offertory "Kvenlng Hong" by Armstrong. The men's double Quartet mode a first appearance last Kunday evening and sang to the delight of the congregation. It will appear again in tho near future. This Kunday evening the mixed choir will sing ."The Iay Js J'aat and Over" by Iteed. Tho mln Istor will apeak. The church school, with classes lor all ages, convenes promptly at :4S each Hunday morning. Chris tian Kndeavor meets at G:ztt. J'irst JL J-;. Church The church school meets as usual at 9:45 o'clock, with Inter esting classes for all in u graded school. iiornlng service of worship will be held at II o'clock, with a sor- mon by the pastor, Jtov. W. 11. Jlfrruog. ftpworth )ague at 7 o'clock 111 the church parlors. livening worship at S o'clock. Christian CI11111I1 Tho Christian church Hunday will enter upon the second week of u revival with Mr. I'aul Jlcnry J'ackard and frof. 4.'lumle Neely. ovungullsls. Kunday will bo "Kv-vry-iiyiiilier day" and the aim Is to have every member of ihe inuio senooi and church present of possible for tho school at 11:40 n. in. Three hundred Is tho goal. Jr. I'aekard will sneak nru.i- n classes. Tho boy's class with Al bert opkins as teacher and the young people's class with V". U. Warmer as teacher are having a jnightyclose rac.eetannupnuuu mighty close race. The Kunday school had a slight decrease In attendance last Kunday with only ninety In attendance. 'The Epworth lx-ague (Young Church of God Hunday flchool will begin at 10 o'clock Kunday morning at the Chureh of God. At 11 o'clock the ltev. Claud C. I'ratt will preach from the text "Be Thou Faithful" and in the evening at 7:20. hi. oer mvon subject will be "What It Costs to Not be a Cliritsian." The children's meeting, begin- "TO l I UflBCK BUIl- nlng Kunriav mnlnr Cti, day night under the leadership of o'clock, wilt Include a contest be tween the boys and the girls. The children are invited to take part in this second. The mid-week prayer meeting win be Wednesday evening at 7:3(1 o'clock. ( All are welcome- to attend these services. Ixland ( II) Oiurt li Hunday school Is at 10. a. m. at the Island city Community church and at 1 1 o'clock, the pastor will speak on the subject "Cross bearing." Kpworth league is at 7 p. m. All are invited to these services. Miss Kleanor HJckx. All of th young people are Invited to attend these league services. The prayer meeting will meet at 7:30 Wed nesday night with Dennis fc'lajrf leading. The preaching services will be held both Kunday morning and night at 1 1 and o'clock. The ltev. J. V. Oliver, Baptist minister, will fill the pulpit Kunday morn-1 fng and will take his subject and text from Hebrews 4:12. Dwlght rlopKlns, boy preacher, son of the pastor, the Itev. Krank Illoukins. will fill the pulpit Kunday night. Ifis subject of "Kallh" was well taken by a large congregation last Hunday. The church Invites the public to atUrnd its services. Ijiglbili Lutheran Cliunli In preparation for the observ ance of the Nineteen Hundredth Anniversary of I'cntecost tho pas tor will preach a series of ser mons on tho general subject "Per petuating I'cntecost." The slicclal l theme for the morning worshln beginning at 11 o'clock is "The Di vine Must." The church school meets for worship at 9:46 followed by u ses sion by classes. "The Other Wise Man." by Henry Van Dyke, will be presented Kun- oay evening at 7:30 o'clock. The story will be illustrated by colored slides and the following will dram atize characters that occur in the story: Sirs. Krnest Ktojka, Claudia Muyaam. Helen Hchllllng. Hielen nugnc-s, Barbara. Htllzlnger. Katie Keller, John Alnsworth, Wlllurd I'ohrman. Jiumn Oglesvlc. Helen Jensen. Ulta Hacker, Alma John son. Kpeclnl music will be furnish ed by Mrs. J. a. Wwndcrllek. Juan Ita Klltzlngcr, and Audrca Alns worth. The church council will meet at the church annex Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Iluptlst Ciim li The subject for tho Hunday morning-scrmnn ut the ISaiulst church at 11 o'clock will be "Kins! Omitted and Committed." At S ' o'clock In the evening tho sermon will bo "Christ In tho Kanctuary." B. Y. 1'. U. meets at 7 o'clock and tho topic will bo "How May Baptist Young I'cople Crusade with Christ V Hunday school is at 9:46 a. m. All are cordially in vited to theso services. KplMjopul Cliun-h ltoly communion at 8 o'clock In the morning will open the Hun day program! at Kt. l-etei's church. aught but your own sins. Christ, or Truth, will destroy all other supposed suffering, and real suf fering for your own sins will cease In proportion as tho cln ceases." P. 391.) Hunday school is held at 9:46 o'clock for children up to the age of twenty years. The Wednesday' evening service which includes testimonies of healing is at k o'clock. Tne reading room In the Wcst- Jacobson building is open every day except Sundays and legal holi days from 1 to 4:30 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend the church net-vices and visit and use the reading room, i Kalher '(angrily) Your teacher tells me you haven't done your homework? Is that correct? Chubby (nodding) Yes, dad. it Is. I've decided not to do It any more. Father (angrier) And why is that? Chubby Because rt's not fair. We children do all the work and the teacher gets paid for it. ADVICE TO VOl.NCi GIItLS It's bad to marry a man who plays poker, but Infinitely worse to marry one who can't play poker but thinks he ran. Jubb What does that young boy of yours do? Pegrew He's a- girl scout. Jubb You mean a boy scout Pegrew No, he's always out scouting for girls. Kome people are so afraid of tarnishing their virtues that they never use them. AVINN0WINGS Grandfather Mr. Brown. I be lieve? My grandson Is working in your office. Mr. Brown Oh. yes. He went to. your funeral last week. Dmls Imi'i f Jru u naughty Uos, Mummy? lie aba my dolly's gUp, per. Mother Yes, darling, he ought to lie punished. ; Doris I did punish Ulm. I Wfnl straight to Ills kennel and druuk lib milk. i Considerable interest is being shown not only in tho church but throughout the community In the evangelistic meetings at the Chris tian church conducted by Dr. I'aul Henry Packard. Texas radio preacher, osfisted by 1'rof. Claude Nc-ely. vocalist of Eugene. The two have appeared before . the chamber of commerce and the Lions and Itotary clubs this wx-ek. The Itev. J. W. Oliver. Baptist minister, will fill the pulpit at the South Methodist church Sunday morning. Sulfation Army Captaln Jackson of the Salvation Army announces that there will be two speakers of special Interest on the Army program this week end. Saturday evening Claud Pratt, well known speaker, will have the meeting. All friends are i with appropriate programs. Invited to corao and hear him tell i of his experiences in the southwest. The La Grande Ministerial as- bunday evening at. 8 p. m. Mrs. ' sociution will meet Monday morn- Music week is being observed in several of the churches Hundav J. Blackburn, of ijua Angeles, will bo the speaker. She has trav eled u great deal In Kurope dur ing the past several years besides being a Christian worker of long standing. Hunday school will be held ut 9:46 as usual. I-'Irnt Church of C4u-lt. Scientist Bcrvices will be held Sunday at 11 a. m. and s p. m. at First Church of Christ, Scientist, at First und Washington streets. Uverlastlng .Punishment" will be the subject of the lesson-ser mon In all Churches of Christ. Hcienusl, on May 4. The Golden Text will be "Where fore doth tt living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins? Det us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord." (Lam. 3:39. 40.) Among the citations which will compriso the lesson sermon will be tho following from the Bible: "When the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, und doeth that which Is lawful and right, he shall save his soul ulive." (Kzek IS 27.) The lesson sermon will also In clude the following passage from the Christian Science textbook. "Kcienc-o and lliulth with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker' Ivlly: "It Is error to suffer for Ing at 10 o'clock In the Prc-sby terian study. The Itev. Mr. Sharp. Nazarene church, will give a paper on "The Church and Post-War He-construction." Dr. Paul Henry Packard and Prof. Claude Neely will also be on the program. "The Other Wise Man," by Henry Van Dkyc. will be present ed Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Lngllsh Lutheran church. OFFICE GAT :KAOS MASK IO. Br Junius Friend Say Bill, why do you always hit your horses . on one side? l canister 1 figure if 1 iret one side going the other is prc-Uy sore : to follow. ! What u world! SpankinK the kills because they can't remcm- I her: wishing vainly that we could ) forget. ' j Harold How lonir have von ' been working for Ihe firm? ' Gladys Kver since the boss ! tlm-:it"n'-d to fire me I Ittt FOItD COII'K Come in and see this one no dents or scratches, body finished In a brown buff. Fine tires, uphol stery has been covered through out the life of the car, and a thoroughly guaranteed motor. An OK Car for 4Q'V only yitJD 1826 CIIKVItOiET JjAXDAC SKDAN" This car was formerly owned by a careful person and has had lh best of care. In our shops it was thoroughly re conditioned and it now carries the OK Tag That Counts. Good tires, body and upholstery like new, A-l motor and full equipment $2951 CHRYSLKIt "70" 1MPF.IUAD SEDA.Y New dark green Duco, fine heavy duty tires, long weave mohair upholstery that looks like new, full equipment and a thoroughly overhauled and guaranteed motor. This is one of our OK Cars $395 Thes AS IS cars sacrificed at low. prices: 192C Ford Roadster .. 192S Ford Roadster .. 1924 Ford Touring 1925 Ford Touring .... 1121 DODGE SEDAN" This car has been marked down for quick sale... 1929 OLD HICKORY TRAIL KK Dual wheels, good tires and built up for Jogging 44 -ton capacity .$140.00 . 145.00 . 85.00 . 7.J.00 Thl $195 iod tires :s$350 Larison Chevrolet Company Used Car "JSSC -Phnn Main 508 407 Fir St Lot II Always DependaMe and guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction down to the last spoonful in the can. You save in buying and in using KC Baking Powder Same Price for over 38 years ounces for Pure and Efficient MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT 25 25 : II ifl TowrnTiWbil ftj' " -'"' -- --r-i --T-wrlTwg II AN INVITATION few minutes in class session nnd will conduct a big decision service. Tho evangelists are In churgo of all tho services of tho day. ; Packard & Neely also will 'con duct u service for the Union church ut 3 p. m. Wvoryono Is Invited to the serv-li.-i-s, whlc-li are held every evening during the week except Saturday. .Molliodlst Fplnml Chiirt-li, honlli ; The Sunduy school will meet nt 9.-40 Sunday morning, , The con. 1esi--ciiliiit will he ri-iul Sunday i. ..mms. ino ciuss hut has the most In collection and attendance All are Invited lonowc-d by church school ut 9:4 a. im rloly communion Is also scheduled for 11 a. m. and the morning serufon subject will be I he Power of u Song," Mrs. I.eul Russell will Blnir solo und it special iiiitliem will, be rendered by the choir. il.K- Mission following Sunday school ut 9:45 w-llli classes for u II, morning wor ship und praise service will take pluco ut 11 o'clock at the Gospel mission. The evening service of evangel ism la nt 7:3" o'clock and the pas lor win speak on the subject "The napiisiK of the lb,y Spirit," Weekday services uro held Tin s uuy ii mi i-riniiy evenings at 7:4S. tu attend. RUBBER FLOOR VARJaSH i 4 The use of room Is not interrupted when the floor is refinished with Rubber Floor Varnish. On tonight .... dried hard in the morning. Ready to walk on . . made to walk on. Tough. Durable. A lustre of clear and brilliant beauty. The best protection you can give your floors. RUBBER FLOOR VARNISH docs not show scratches. Will not check or mar white. Un harmed by spilled liquids. Let a McMuRTRY dealer show you samples. p Manufactured by T'WMurtryMfg.Co. Paint & Varniih Mnkers since 1889 Plate, Window Glasa and Mirrors 13 J J Arapaliot St. I Denver Sold lly BUGG PAINT CO. fflSMi.'sa' J? 7 : Not just the few items ad vertised each week, but everything is priced low at Pay'n Takit. We invite you to check us on this state- CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP ment come in today and compare our low prices with those you have been paying! See for yourself our statements are true. up. CRYSTAL WKuT ?Ca Lathers Freely. America's Favorite. No Limit BAR . . .-3M1C P(,Do as the doctor says Dr. Bill is right! Honey Maid Grahams arc healthful. Tlicy arc packed with all' ' the body-buildins elements of sun ripened wheat. Enriched with honey, these crunchy squares provide a health ful "sweet." Baked daily near your home, wax wrapped, sold under our definite money-back "Guarantee of Freshness." Honey Maids always reach you fresh and crisp. Get the economical family size package today! PEETS Granulated Soap For Washing Machine. PKG. bKANULATED JELL-WELL or JELL-0 All flavors of TRUE I-TvUIT PKG... BEANS Red Mexican Real Chili Beans. 5 lbs... ..35c RICE Fancy Blue Rose 3 lbs. . . 7c CANNED VEGETABLES MARSHMALL0WS Excelelnt for deserts. Fiiie for Toasting-; POUND .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .23c 5-LB. BOX 89C COCONUT Miike your own selection of Peas, Corn, String Beans, Hominy, Pork and Beans, Sauer Kraut Tomatoes. Choose a can of each. Can 25c FLOUR None Equal Brand. A good all-puipose flour, priced right. 49-LI5.BAG.. $L49 lie Long Shred, fresh and moist. Lb. . . 6; 25c PASTE Macaroni, Noodle Spag hetti, Semoline Wheat.' 2 Lbs. . . . 21c Pancake Flour SPEUnY'S Prepared. Just add milk or water. PACKAGE 24c PACI1-1C COAST IIISCU1T COMPANY LOI Anftltl sln Franciico rnrlUnd T.conu Spikine , Scut!. 7 on e y Jia id rail a; LARD Carsent's pure kettle rendered, it's Government Inspected, demand the U. S. stamp on all meat products. 4-Lb.PAIL.. .. 69c 8-LB. pail.. $1.29 COFFEE Iills Bros., M.J.U., Maxinium Golden West. All popular high grade brands. POUND 43c MATCHES - Strike Anywhere, CARTON 1 7p BROOMS -Just a Good Broom... .. " ' AQn MALT - Puritan Brand, CAN ' " OUR VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT is the most complete in the city if you can't find what you want here it isn't on tho u,rk0t New Peas Full Pods, tender and sweet. 3 Lbs.. 25c New Potatoes Carrots Tender-, Brittle, Sweet. Red Garnets. 3 Lbs.. ... .. ..25c Dunch I 7n m z K