EASTERN OREGON'S LEADING NEWSPAPER- TEN PAGES TODAY FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE SER VICE " C IT Y Tfi if EDITION Titiii S, THE WEATHER OIUSOON: Fair tonight, Thurs day unsettled with ruin In the north portion, not much change In tem poruture. VOLUME XXVIII MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS LA GRANDE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1930 MEMBER a. a a NUMbER 181, HIGH SCHOOL BAND ENTERS STATEMEET Local Musicians, Who Placed Third in 1929, iflopc to Take First Place CONCERT WILL BE GIVEN MARCH 25 Twenty-Minute Program to be Presented in Ar cadei to Help Pay Ex penses to Corvallis. The Im (Srnnde High school band, consisting or M pieces nnd tllrcclcd by W. W. Niislmuin. music director or til" school, will ugum enter tl' stale contest ul L'urvalHs to lif hold on April IS, II was an nounced today. Tim hand, now In Us third yi'ur. bar. -intended two or this - Htato hand! contests, finishing ririli in li. i rirst year mid third lii.it your. Many unbiased people who saw last veai'u contest. wore of tin opinion thai thf! I.a Grundo band should Uavc la'on ruled secund and thf Jorvulllu hand, which was second, should have been first. Hope In Win 1'lrsl Unpen nre. high this year thai Ibo l.a llrundo band will place first, an' tho t'orvallis orguni.n tion lout eisht or la first class musicians last sprint? by grnduu Uon. In tin' meantime, tho locnl bund has been built up Uo a high-i will bo given by Iho high school cr state of perfection , than In ' .students next Thursday and Krlday r.ili." j nights, lias it snappy story and a 'The Corvallls contest is the of-I complicated plot, ficiat l.m nil competition in Diego til Jonas lr. Pennington, an Amerl this year and the winner will bo j ran millionaire pickle manufuc cllgihlc to compote in the nation-I turcr, -with his daiighler, June, a I' ll I contest. J riven In Vienna amidst the prep As one way of securing funds arations for the annual carnival, for the trip to Corvallis, the bund To his consternation I'ennfngton will play a I'n-mlnute concert at Hilda Jones, his advertising agent. the Arcade theater the evr in; of the showing of "Kd's Co !, the University of Oregon movie, which was made by .stu dents at Kugeno and in which some of the l.a Orande students appear. This picture and the band concert are scheduled for next Tuesday, Mur. 25. A sim ilar plan was followed last year in raising necossuiy funds, with money from other sources making tip the total. According lo '.Mi'." Nilshatim, three or four numbers will be played, including one that will be given during the slate contest, "tiombiisto." a inan-h. "Heart. Throbs" by Kllenheig and a Rus sian court dance have been select ed, and possibly another number will be played. Competition at. Corvallis this year will be the greatest In tho .state's history, .with three classes of bands in the contest. I.u Urn lido will bo in class A. Mr, Nusbaum lias been Informed H'" there will be more bands In each -Class than there v.ere ultogethei" 111 lit 2 9. The local blah school band, which lias progressed greatly since Its organization, has already sent eight or nine of its members into the ranks of the municipal band, serving as a "feeder" fur that or ganization. Ill the meantime, grade school orchestras, etc.. arc constantly supplying new material for the hiirh school band, and a A: uy 50 -piece band In not unlikely for Hit! I, ii. is said. (ll'1'lt'IAI. HAND CONTKST . fill! VAI.I.IK. Ore., Mar. I'J A1') The annual high Sfhoul bund uonleat schtdnlid at OreKOil Slalo (Conllnucd in Pueco l-'our) THIS WEEK IS BUSY ONE AT E. O. N. SCHOOL This week is iintisuiilly busy at the Kasteu Oregon Normal school, due to Iho fact that the winter, quarter is being concluded, and registration for the spring quarter is under way Friday has bewi specially designated for registration purposes. That ' work which lias not been finished will be concluded on Saturday, ltegular classes will convene next Monday. Due to t li large amount of work to be coin pb b-ii during the school year, there will be no spring vacation granted between quarters. However, dur inir the second week In April a short vacation of two days, Thurs day and Friday, lath and 11th, will be grunted; resulting from th fact that the elementary schools will have a short vacation and duo lo Jilie Inland Teacher's Kinplre meet ing In Spokane, which the in structors of i he normal school plan to attend. wi:ATHi;it Tor.v 7:30 a. ni. 4 2 above. Minimum: 31 above. Condition: partly cloudy. Y I :. Til Kit Y I ST I : I M A Y Maximum t3. minimum -9 above. Condition: clear. AV KXTMKIt MAK. IP. H2I Maximum ( 1, minimum V? above. Condition: partly cloudy, rain "5 of inch. Congregation Asks Minister ToJ5tay Here Memlers of English Luth eran Church Refuse to Accept Resignation of Rev. L. H. Awes. "With tho Rev. W. 10, Riink iimn, ni' Portland, presiding, the congregation of the Kug llsh Lutheran church of Lit Grande mi't lust night In tho church for tin purpose of con sidering Ihe loslgnatlon of Iho pastor, tho Kev. Lcif If. Awes, which wuh submitted to tho church ii short tiinn ago. t Mr. Itrlnkinun represented the president.' Dr. I'Yedcrlok. During the meeting, tho con gregation decided not to ac cept tho pastor's resignation, a nil asked Mr. Avrs to recon- " , Mder his iiction. . He Iiuh lakVn the mutter under advisement unU la expected lo announce ilii.i decision In Hie' near fu ture. , Musical Comedy L. H. S. Selects Has Good Plot Dalc of tho high school oper etta have been changed to Apr. II and 1. wtlli icservcMl scuts avall uhh on Apr. 2, U was announced IM , al'lei-noon. . - "Pickle."," or -In OU1 Vienna." a musical comedy composed by lieneUiet. Wilson and Crane, which advertising I'ennlngton's l'eler Piper pickles too" well. An old acquaintance, Lady Vivian, a wealthy Knglisliwomairalso arrives on her annual quest in search of her daughter, who was lost at Vienna during a carnival when she uasu baby. Kinske, tho pompous police chieftain, plots to subsll tuto Ihn lost child of Lady Vivian and marry tho lady for her future fortune. . A band of 'gypsies visits the car- ii'fvat: and are- led" by J'lKU.' their, chiefiain and his supposed daugh tcr. Ilona. Kvents lead all tlie people to visit (lie gypsy camp. whei.e a magic pool reveals the face of Lady Vivian's daughter. Arthur Crefont. a poor artist, wlnsj recognition of hla work and also wins the hand of Juno renniugton. I,adv Vivian consents to become Mrs. Jonas ronnlngton; KinsM's plot Is exposed nnd iiona is re stored to her mother, and Jones !: rewii rdd with success In h Is campaigns for Ihu hand of Ilona. The cast of liigh school players Is swinging into final rehearsals this week. Normal School Spring Term To Open Monday AhhoilRh about eleven sludcnls finish their work. Ihls week ul tile l-Instern Oretion Normal school they have expressed the desire to take pari In the June gruduallun exercise: and us a result, there will be. no program Krlday al Ihe scIiimiI when the winter term ends. president If. VS. Inlow uiinounced today that llin spring term will hcjrlli on Mar. 21 and will come lo a close on June 13. Thero Is an enrollment tor Ihe winter lenn w ork of ii hunt i5K slildenls. I'olil plelion of tlie sprint- term In June will marl; the cloning or the first year or tlie Normal school in l.a Grande. McManus Tells Of . Hospital Company l.'lmcr "Snap" .McManus finish ed Ills uiltnbloBraphy ul today's Itolary rluli luncheon In Iho l.a Cnindc holel. und In his Inllt. whlell war. started last week, he fjave a complete detailed account of tho activities of tlie ICTth field hos pital unit of Ihe 42nd division dur ing the war on six bulllcfronts. .Mr. MjeMnnns waa lop xoritcant in tlie unit and Rave his llsleners fuels which were extremely lulerestlnx. Mr. McManus tunned Ihe company in I -i (irande. and II was miide up mostly ul local men. The attendance at the luncheon today was lutK". Two Jurors Face Bribery Charges I .OK A NO ML Titf. Mar. U (AIM - Climaxing :iri entire day and night of continuous Investigation Mild iUe.-t Inning of wit Messes, IH. trlst Attorney Union I'lttn today fii-reted to of tht? jurors. who, in 19-'. ac(Uttled Jacob Itruuin, S. r. LewL- nml eiifht other de fendants accused of coiifptracy to wreck the Julian lMrobum cor poration by a huge stock ovcr-ls-tuc. The two men were booked at the county jail on charges of b'ibvry. FRANCE AND ITALY STILL IN DEADLOCK American Delegation to Naval Conference Hope ful of an Invitation. - ARE WILLING TO AID IN PROBLEM Rumors That Americans and Japanese Disagree ! Emphatically Denied in all Quarters. . ' LONDON, Miir. Ill (AI')Tlie American delegation to the naval confo) eacf4 at Icklng persiHtetV ly to its slogan -never say die" met today to discuss among themselves the Kranco-Italian parity stale mat?. . ' , .11 Is understood thdt Ambas sador .Morrow and Commander Knrold Train, technical . export, who have been specially" working on this situation which threatens to cause at lonlu part wreckage o.f the conference, submit led Ideas which they thought, might afford the basin of discussion . between tlie two JCuropcari neighbor?. It Is possible that these scliunies will never see tho light of day. The difficulty is said to bo that the Americans could not with pro priety volunteer their services as mediators between Italy and t-Ya lie. ii it hough the America n delegation U understood lo bo hoping to. be Invited to Intervene by one or .tho other of the two parlies. "... .Neither Has llmlgvd Observers say that the big prob lem now Is lo get the Fioneh itnd Italians to face each other acros(i Hie conference table. Neither has budged from its original stand, Italy for naval parity with I-'ranet' which JYanco will not concede. (Continued on Pugo Kour) LINFIWWILL DEBATE NORMAL Non-Decision Meet Sched uled for, Friday Evening in E. 0. N. Auditorium. The second Kuslcrn Oregon Nor mal school debate will bo held in the normal school auditorium next Friday evening. - March -I, at 8 o'clock, Tlie normal school' affir mative team will debate against th varsity team from Llnfi'dd college which is located at Mc.Mlnvilb: This debute will be a non-decision ype of debate. This plan is adop ted in debates of interna liouul character, such as is followed in debaies between visiting MngljHh o nd A m erica n t ea ms. Tlie subject for debate is tile same as It was In the preceding debute, namely. "Re solved: That the. n.itionn should adopt a plan of complete disarma ment, excepting such forces as arc needed for police forces." Members of the local teum are Vergellu Hond and Kugeno How man. A very worthwhile debate is promised, judging from the suc cessful results of the normal school ! team In the preceding debute. opponents have a stivng team, and have made forcuslcs and debate a special Issue at JJnfiold college. The visiting team will bo en route to Wichita. Kansas, where. Ii will participate in the national de bates meet, when it has Its firs! clash with the Ka.itern Oregon Normal school. U.P.MAY CUT TRAIN TIMES TO THE COAST SV. I'AI'L. Minn.. Mar. ID (Al') Reduction in running time of one hour each on two trains from Chi cago to St. Paul, effective Mareh 4, was iinuouneed hcr today by 1. li. Williamson, president of the flu rli n gt on railroad. The south bound schedules will remain us at present . The t ra I ns a ffect cd a i e the Kiupiro Huilder of the Creat Northern, and the North Coa'd Limited of tho Northern Piiclfle. Thee trains are operated by the Lurlingtoi: between hero and Clil cagfi. Meca use t he schedii Jes will r'.' ducv' the time of trains one hour li''w"fll Chiejigo jtnd Seattle 11 .1 j believed thai, the itiii llnglon s ac ! tion will Inriuence the t'ulon Pa j rilic to cut their sehejui' s from : ''hieajTo ti the coast. Carl it. ! Oruy, president of the L'nlon Pa- j cifie hdd a conference yesterday with the heads of the nrth'rn wui I lines, ut no announcement 1 mad'- as to the resort. Yen May Form New f .Z w .r J Llfllty IVUllUll glrmer iianityHis1' on record In the I J Wichita health dcpHrl incut and NANKIN'S, China. Mar. )'J (AP) ; several hundred moro reported, ! Tho offf' ial news agem y today , police. Hnnouneed today that if any ! said that Yen ll.d han. govtrnorjof thn victims dbd jamatca ginger ) of tin- provlnee of Shansl. was dealers who fold to them without planning to establish an Independ-j proscriptions would be prohecuted ! cut government In Peiping. j on manslaughter charges. ( The iigem-y said Yen had In- Physicians, startled by the wave j viled Wu Pel l'u. ono time power- of paralysis, agreed today to Issue j f ul inllhaty leader, to become his ! no moro preucriptiona for Jamaica wur minister. SHIP SEIZED ON ORDER OF OREGONIANS One of Largest British Freighters Boarded by U. S. Deputy Marshal POSSIBILITY OF ' COMPLICATIONS Arresting Officer Sure Boat was in American Waters But Denial is Held Likely. SIJ.X.TTI.i:. .Mar. Ill (AIM Tlie steuuishll) Chief Cupilano, one or t lie Inrpest ilrltish freiulilera 'on tile' I'aelfie. ocean, was hoarded and seized by leputy Knited Slule.s MJarslial A. 11. Mt'Donald In the Ml i tilt of Juan De hllca toility. on an order isrowliis out of tlie loss of the freighter filler .MjiiiuIIIu, which roundered off Ihe Aloutinn Isluntls Doc. I, l!iS, 'l"he vessel wuh hailed by a coast gunrd cutler after being forced acros.'t tile interuallonat boundary Into American waters bv adverse eurrents after she sleunied down ii.u ui,.li froi,. vni.i,m.nr ii.. i'.. ladon with (.'unadlan wlicat. Nook In Collect $i!0,U0ll 1 Tho I'hlef .Muoullla wns owned I by the Canadian-American slilp - ping company, which also owns Iho his lunula, etc. nils Dunning nus Chief Cupilano. Hani nnd litis- never been itllempted beloro bill sell. Inc., l'orlland, tlregon. slilp- Woods., who climbed tho Wool pers. have licen nttoinpling to i worth lower In New York a few collect J20.IHI0 lor loss of cargo youni ugo, Is confident that ho will on tlie .Maiiollla. The libel orderhavo no rluoblo In this lest, lie of seizure resulted. recently scaled tho 12-slory New I'osslbllltlcr. of Inlernntlonal Healhman hotel in Portland. In coiiipllcallous liellveen Canada and dlcallous nre thul a lurgc crowd Iho VnltiMl Slulcs loomed over the will Knlher tonight lo watch him go seizure. United .States Mnrshul K. H, Menu, wiio. directed the action, said. liernard It. I'elly, Itritlnh consul in Seattle, said the seizure was "very Interesting" zut declined to say that lie would tako action. I ii vest igal tun I .Ikoly Marshal llenn .said McDoua Id was certain the boat was In Culled States waters when seized but that there was a possibility tho captain would deny that ho had crossed lh hfituuhirv. If such 1h the case. Hene Mild, there nrobabtv will be a complete investigation. Henn pointed out lhat hn had been ntteinptlh g t(f seize- la 'sli iv (Continued on Page Five) First Grass Fire Of Year Last Night The fire department was called eut last night to extinguish the first grass fire of the year ill La (.miide. The rire. whleh assumed fairly large proportions, was at First and K and tho alarm was turned in at ::60 o'clock. After 'u minutes of battling Iho flames with chemicals, tho 'blaze was controlled. DEATH WAVE" IS DISCOVERED RY SZP 1 K N'T 1 SIT AvrrtUniS f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ocrdes. Six persons were Injured, , none of them fa tall v. nilLAMlLPIIIA. .Nfar. I !l (AP) T,m runm;(.((Mi with :l - Olscovery o a new slmrt length s(orayo ri,Kervr of Ihe Olvmpic wave, lhat may easily bo devel- Hl Water Pumping :omiany, oped into a. death lay, but also ,(0l,n.1 u ,u-UKo. of water into the limy have great curative properties HlTColi washing a torrent of mud wuh announced hero last night by om, wini, thgMigh tho neighbor ly L. .Manning, of the (bmeral JlO0( JtItJ ini,,e,i Hoveriil automo- i-iieeti ie company s oratorlef. research lab- Speak I m; before l he engineer s club of Philadelphia, Mr. .Man ning said; "We have learned to build vacuum tubes which .will broadcast such a short lengt h wave Dial peopi'; In tlie neigh borhood will have, their blood tem peratures raised." Tho ray. Manning said, could easily be used to Induce such a high fever in human beings that it would result In death. Wisconsin Co-eds Capture Monkey passed, cheered for the king of MADISON', Wb Mar. Ill (AP) Spain. Thn monkey that escaped Sun-i As the national anlheui thrillwl day from tho I'nivorsity of Win- out, distant batteries fired a 2 1 -cousin Koologj d e part men t. has kuii salute. Army uirplaneH flew been captuied, not bythe posses abovo tlx- troop-lliu'd route to the organized e,'peetitly for that pur pose but by fl"e co-ed. Last, night one of the members of Ihe Arden club awoke to find a hairy faeo peering at her. She sereamed ami five other' co-eds, armed with trolf clubs and canes rim to her rescue, Surrouiullnit the monkey, they got him on Hie Led. wmpped him up in the cov ers, and 'he monkey search was over. - JO Paralysis Cases In Wichita, Kansas AS'Ii'lUTA, Kan., March If (AP) " " " H'ty cases of Jama lea gl Hirer. NEWLY FOUND PLANET 11: . soul Map f tho skhvs showing npproxiniato Im'alloii of newly found planet lit relation to Jupiter and X opt u ne. The piaiict wwh discovered at Ixiwcll observatory, I'lagstaff, Ari 'Human Fly" To Climb 7 - Story Hotel Tonight Johnnie J. Woods, "human fly lis In l.a Clrando today en route cast and tonight at 7::lll o'clock will climb tho seven-story Kaca- Juwon Inn and llien cavort arountl th" edge or the roof, walking im up I ne siruciure Woods, besides his human fly activities, is atso a high diver and doubles for Harold l.loyd in his nun c spectacular pictures. He I did most, of the stunts In the hair-j raising "Surety Last" and is con-1 traded lo double for Idoyd in a picturo tills Hummer. Mis stunts i will include a clinch up a building, and a dlvo from the top of a ! achooner. Jl also has agreed to . climb tho fiS-story Chrysler build-I log in New York this mi minor. I I Woods, who weighs I S3 pound. depends upon his fingers and feet to keep him from dlsasUM'. I To has luid jii- fv--4io,cident, Includ ing a tllve In Florida that, split bis head open, Again al Wiunitt'i, ; Minn., in August. he attempt ed a back one and a half off the lia-foot bridge into the river. Too much wind bowlerl him over and ho was In hired. Woods was nlek-' e.l up CO yards below the point hoi entered the water. I , j j Broken Main Is I Cause of Blast SAN FKANCISCO. Mar. Ill fAP) A lG-ineh water main hurst un der a residential street here last night nnd washed' out a large sec tion of tho broken gas mains poured gas into the neighborhood and an explosion demolished Ihe 1(1os It,neiith tho flow of sand and water. S pain9 8 Dictator Buried In Madrid MADRID, Alar. I (A I') .Spain's "benevolent dictator" us former Premier Prinio De Hivem was of ten culled, was buried in a modest gravo in the family plot at Sa u Isidro cemetery today wit h t In highest of funeral honors that King Alfonso and the JSeren;;uer govern - i meilt could give. (Ireat crowds, nuissed in all directions as 1he solem.n eortene cemetery. Euro pa Is Trying For Ocean Record itRi;.n;RHAVi;.. i Mareh 'J (AP) The North Herman Lloyd limr Kuropa, twin ni.ter shlp of the Hremen, blue i tbbon liner of tho Atlantic, left here at ono p. ni. today for the channel ports and New York. Pair weather on leaving was re garded as a good augury of a fa si voyage. 11 Is generally believed she will try to establish a new world record for the crossing, of tho Atlantic. APPKOVi; HI I l-l-H HILL WA HI 1 1 N'S'f' N. Mi r. I ' ( A P ) --TIIC house pilblb; lundd eolii- mitteo has aiproved Hie (sutler bill to uuthuilu sale of a strii of laud oi feet wide on the b rt bank of the Klamath river to tho Klamath Irrigation district. Tho land will be used in conneclluii with thf lTuJcct. VETERAN BRITISH STATESMAN DIES Earl of Balfour Passes Away This Morning England Mourns Death WOK I NO, Surrey, Knglund, Mar. Hi (At) The Karl of Halfour, veteran ltrltlsh statesman, died hero at X:4ii a. in. today In a room at tho home of his brother, the Honorable Oerald Halfour. A window at his bedside overlooked one of lho most beautiful scenes in Surrey. Tho end came peacnfully to the statesman, who was In his 82nd yea.', He had been distressingly II! for a long UiiLe with laryngitis, and came here after an improve ment, in his condition lo convalesce. ILo had seveial setbacks however and was never able to return to his homo at Whiltengehamc, I'res tonkirk. Fast Lothian. IMoiniucui Figure From Iho time ho entered par liament in JK7-1 until tho cIosIiir yeur:i of his life he flKiired as an important factor' In ltrltlsh poll tics. He visiled America na head of the ltrltlsh coin-mission in 1 0 1 7 and was a member of tho Ilrltish delegation lo the Washington aroiH .conl'erouc.a,!!! llJi;, . v .' - t I. 'Wta' for Scotland in ehlef secretary for Ireland, first lord of the admiralty, foreign sec retary, prime minister and mem ber "f innumerable government missions and committees, iho Karl of Maifoiir'H political life spanned 'y 11 K,,u1 nmwln Y 'r 1,10 rff," of W-'A Victoria, down through the, reign of King Kdward Vll .and through nioro 'e f(l""i:yc'!r8 "' 11,0 '"lBn of vm Il.e v.iffr-' liinst fumtnm perhaps for Iho so-called Halfour nolo in which Great llriluiu remiunced all post-war claims in continental Kuroiif. both from her allies und ("Jeruiuny, beyond what waH need ed to pay her own debts in Amer ica, uml by Hie Muirnllr tleclara linn. of ltrltlsh policy In Palestine, which set lliul. country aside ua it homo for repulriated Jews. I'rlme .Mlulsler .VacDonald, in formed almost at once of the earl's death, declared: "It Ik the end of is long, useful life and tho wholo nation will unlto in expressing its AI(iny p1uttl clothes men clrcu i egret and in paying Its tribute"- at,.(i around the cathedral to pre Vn:i Fhihhlng Hook elude any Incident. The cathedral When Ihe end came Lord Halfour lIoorK wcro dosed after the popo wa.; writing the finishing pages of t.ntorcd hi; autobiography In whleh will I be revealed tho thoughts and opin ions of tho scholar alt the world once knew ax "A. .1." I The Knrl of Halfour Is succeed ed by his brother Ocrald at whose (f'ontluued on Page Pour) REPORTS SHOW INCOME TAXES $10,000,000 L E S S WAKIIINOTO.W Mar. Hi (AP) Purt her treasury reports on tho collection of Income taxes indicated today t hat budget estimates for I he first Darter's receipts would be nearly met. I.'p to tho close of business on Mareh 17,' receipts turned in amounted t Juji.iim;,!) a about 1 1 0,.jiii), OHO behind Hie total count ed by the same time last year. In this proportion rdioiild apply a Iso to t he remaining eolleetions as they ate audited am! would be ..i i.i i. on i.ni.i.wi iho t;iii,ao''MMj collected last yea r. I It was Hie cxpectal ion of tiioi1 treasury, when the blidgi'l for Hits ipiarter was madit up, and a rod no- Hon was made in the tax late, that Hie ipiarteily colleetiMp would to tal about $ r.T.a.uaa.ooo. WOMAN (it YDS PARDON t HALK.M, Ore, March Ht (AP)--('.ecu use Airs. Anna Randall, pri soner in the women's ward al thn statu penitentiary, will Ijceomo a mot tier In about six months, she was today granted a conditional pardon by (iovci nor Norblad. This action was taken on recommends- lion of Warden Julius W. Lewis after the prison physician had rc- lifted uti th wuinan'4 condition. iTg - AtPemtent,aryiASFR1ENDOF Board of Control Requests Meeting of Emergency Board State Building Cost $501,055.19. KAMCM, Oro JIur. 10 (Al) Tho male board ot control today i requested Sucretury of State Hoba I to cull a meeting ot .ho mnto cm-I urgency bourd. Tho ditto will be Norblad, hut will probably bo with- in tlie next two weeks. Tho main request to go betoro tho board will i, iiiiiirnniiimtfiiv tso.nnn for tho construction of a new coll whiff at the penitentiary. This will cost over $so,ooo, but tho prison has a fund of about ;IB,0(I0 on hand. Other requests wilt go before the hoard from tho accretury of stnto for Junltor service, heut and light for tho new ofrico building, and from tlto reclamation commission to pay Interest on Irrigation dis trict bonds. STATU ItlUIiDIXU FINISH KD : SAI.UM. Oro Mltr. 19 (AP) ' Tho first ot the stnto departments Hint aro to occupy Iho new stuto oft ice building will brgty moving Into the new structure tho Hitter part of tills week, wus Kformntlon given tho stale hoard of control to day by Carlo Abranis, socrotary of the board. It was snltl that tho stuio corporutlon deportment, tho wur veterans' state und commis sion and that stnto Insurance de partment would inovo In this week nnd he rendy 13 do business In the new quarters Monday. Figures submitted to tho board Hhowod thut tho building has boon complolcd und partially furnishod lit a cost ot $nUI,05t.19. Of tho $liOO,nuo borrowed rrom tho stalo Industrial accident commission with which to erect tho building about $S(i,000 was expendod on tho stnto building now occupied by tho statu prlnlor, so Hull about ( 14,0011 rtl initlns unexpended that is available for rurthor equipping the. new or rico building. Horuro tho first departments nmvo In It will bo necessary (or Soorotury of Stalo Hobs to orgunizo his force of Junllors and ourctakors lor tlie building, ho said ho wus ready lo do that. One purt of tho building thut is yet lo ho furnished with chairs and ; lounges Is tho waiting room that . has been prepared .Inalniy for the j convenience or persons waiting to j tlo business wttlW-lic inotor vehicle ' llconso doportinon'i . Uvwns thought this could ho furnished for ubout $700... Pope Says Mass Of Protest And Expiation Today VATICAN CITY, Mar. 19 (AP Tho Pope .enVerod fit. Potcr'a Basilica, tho largest church in Chri.'dondom, this 'forenoon and said a mass of protest and expia tion for tho rcligiouH persecution and the anti-religious moveipontH in Itussia, ' A great crowd of 70,000, which filled every nook and corner, heard him und listened to a largo choir of Russians, Orthodox Oreeks ami UuthenlanH chant alavic hymns. Tho unexpected presence of the Russian choir produced Iho most profound Impression on tho throng .imi(ti the Uasllirn. Hi; It LIN ACf PSKS COMMUNISTS Jr.? ,,'.7 whh nninlslH wcr attacks on church edifices Hi Her lin during tho nlht. A largo illuminated lilblo text i over IHO Of. oi u iiruiumuov lhhu." 111 north Herlin was siiuiahed, and a Catholic church was daubed with huge red plant; It was said hero ill dispatches from Moscow lhat tho antl-rell- ,roX,l"!c',', """"" be extended Judge Campbell In High Court Race HALHM, ore., March l (AP)-- Judge, James L Campbell, of OtV Kn i;i,y- for Mlltnv years a Judgo or i no circuit couri in mat msuici, today filed with thn secretary of stall; his declaration us a candidate for the republican nomJnalion for I reported Justico of tho supreme court. Judge. Htu,.tlM a(u,r dissatisfaction wus ex lerly lotal Campbell aspires to position No. U ,,ret4f,uti OVOr tho nmnner In which on i no oeucu which Is held by ( Thiol .Misiico osnow, ov " democrat and who Is a eundiduto for ro-eleclion. j ; f. . JL'.'.i ; IJOfieny LttSe t llMl Arguments Near WASIHNCTiiN, Mar. I !' (AP) Counsel for lid ward 1 Doheny to day asked Justice Hit to instruct Hie Jury that under Hie law Al bert It. l-'all. convict of accept Ing u brllie 'troliiKitniy.'wuhl be Kuilty and the wealthy oil mailt at tho sumo time bo Innocent of giving th bribe. The pleas were iiihJo with Hie jury ubscnt only a abort tlmo be- fore final arguments in the caso wer to begin, QUOTE TAFT PROHIBITION Brother of Late Chief Justice Reads Letter Written in 1928. TIME, PATIENCE HELD NECESSARY Plaim That Young People " ... . . ,r are Drinking more man Ever Held "Great Exag- eration." WAS VT1 NGTON, M'nr. 19 (AP) Tho lato William ilJoward Taft w-aa quoted today at tho houso Judiciary coimnittee's prohibition I hearing na having said In Nuvem 1 her, H2S, that tho "results of pro i hlbltinn wore glorious'1 and thut ho felt it would bo pohsjuio 10 achiovo BatiHfnctory results. Horace P. Taft, a brother of tho lato chief justico of tho United Stutea, waa tho ftrat witness at lo duy's aeaslon- Ho presented a letter tho former president had written to ProfeBaor Irving Fisher of Yale university, under dato oC Nov. al, XU28. It read: "My rioar Irving: "Thank you for sending me your new book, I shall read it with a great deal of pleasure. "In tho late campaign I found myself in a very awkward situa tion. I could not Issuo any pub lication during it, bocuuse of my being on tho bench, und yot tho Now York World published my antl-prohibltloh letUrs written to Lincoln (a dry of New Haven) bo toro the adoption of tho amend- ' mont, nnd then nobody seemed to tako tho troubio to publish my apeech at Yale given after , tho . amendment was adopted. Tlmo and Patience Necessary, "Hut tho result iff glorious and points tho only way that wo havo to work out tho problem present ed. Tho solution requires a groat deal of time and patience Tho habits of an important section oC a congoaicu pari, oi mt uuuimj' can not bo changed over night or in years. The . roform und tho i.... ....!.. t'n.' lt.f whiuh tho umcndiaont alms .must be gradual. "Tlie temptation or orriiotlon. wUl:ilrnK. It-.out. - While looking ahciul I despaired' of any 'succohn. I really think that It Is possible. If we keep at It, to uchievo a satisfac tory result. The persistence with which tho peoplo maintain con grcHs a two third majority In both houses gives mo much hope, and I am inclined to think that tills will wear down the moderate wets to a contagiousness that tho only solution la pressure In favor of enforcement. "I sco that tho wets claim tho election was not a prohibition vic tory. Woll, ono can not arguo with that view, und can only let thoso who believe it contlnuo to hotlevo H. ' "Ah ever youra, (Signed) William H Taft." Taft was presented by Mrs. Len nu Lowo Yost, a member of tho legislative com mlt too of tho na tional association or organtzutloria I supporting the 18th amendment. I 1 tends Statement ' Reading from a prepared state ment, Taft said that, according to I the testimony of thoso advocating ' repeal "our cocktuil heroes ar linked witli tho Christian martyrs. tho men of '70, and the leaders of tho anti-slavery party, a connec- (Continued on Pugo Kour) KIWM REPLIES TO DEMAND OF CITY AUDITOR PORTLAND, Ore., Mar. in (AP) Hugh C. Krum, head of tho Citizens' Recall league, which is sponsoring recall petitions aimed al tho city .administration, said to day that the demand of City Audi tor Punk that tho lcaguo pay tho cost of cheeking the petitions would be met witlt tho filing of the peti tions April lit. Krum said tho law makes no provision for chocking tho petitions and thut it was mandatory on Punk )0 call tho election May 16 If tho petitions wore filed Ami! 21 whetlier they aro checked or not. predicted that Itfi, 000 numcH H-rmld bo attached to tho petitions an)( lllilt Uiey Hro coming at tho ralo of j 000 dully. The petitions Mayor (ioorge L. Baker and tho remainder of the city council hand led tho trolley car situation, 100 Injured Today In Indian Riots R A N f i OO X, 1 1 u rma . M a rch 1 fl fAP) More tlian 100 persons wero Injured today at a disturbance out sido tho courtroom wherein J. N. SeiiKtipta, mayor of Caletittu, was being tried for sedition growing out of uttorunces mudo lu support of Mnhatmu Oandhi'a campaign of j civil dlhobodience. Thirty poilco wero uinong thoso Injured. Tho crowd outuido tho court room threw stonos ut tho police and tho military wus requtsU tioncd to disperse them.