3Ga (Irani? Ewmng iferor MOTORING NEWS GENERAL NEWS VOLUME XXVIII LA GRANDE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1930 NUMBER 178 NEW POLICY OF SALES ADOPTED Chrysler Corporation now Competing in the Lowest Price Auto Market. Ity Water I Chrysler . UHYUOIT, -Mich., Mar. 15 Itc KiuntiiK Uiia week Chrysler eor jioratiou Inaugurates a new sales policy under which tho company will compote in tho lowest price automobile market. All Plymouth models were sim ilarly reduced by $05 to $70 under present prices. , of the 19,000,000 pusseiiger cars now licensed in the Untied StnteH, we estimate that approxi mately 0,500,01)0 were purchased tin cither new or used cars at a price of h;HH than $r00 or ?iiuo. Although half the curs in use were purchased ahuvo tho price ciass and in the price class in which Chrysler, Dodgo and Do Soto cars occupy so important a place, it is obvious that buyers of .limited purchasing pow er comprise over half tho market lor all anlomobileti. I'rosressivc policy culls for responding to this demand in tho low price ratine. Fifty per cent of all passenger cars used in tltis country are sedans and it is accordingly important to bring the four-door sedan particu larly within the lowest price range. Tho purpose of tho reduction In riymouth prices is two-fold: 1 To meet tho public demand for fpKiiity automobiles in tho low lrieo field. 2 To enable all dealers selling Dodge, l)ti Solo and Chrysler pro duets to offer to their customers a complete line of cars, Including those within the lowest price rangi. There are 10,000 dealers in the Chrysler motors group, each with individual organizations selling respectively l& Soto, Chrysler and Dodge curs. Henceforth alt such dealers will not only carry their present lines, but will, in addition, market 1'lymouth cars at the new low prices, 1'lymouth ears have heretofore only been distributed through a separate selling organiwition. Potential Customer Under tlte new plan anyone in the market for an automobile be comes u potential customer for a Chrysler motors product. Jt is ex pected, therefore, that tho new plan will contribute toward stab ilizing the business of our dealer organizations, enabling them to provide for customers desiring not only tho higher price ears but those within thcios?'tflco "range. Chrysler corporation has in its existing Plymouth manufacturing facilities ut Detroit o.? of the new est, largest and best equipped uuto mobile ptunts in ihe world. Through the company's wide spread distributing organization it is able thus to give the public a car meeting the Chrysler standard of workmanship anu quality and that car to sell in the lowest price market. The essentia! feature of the plan is this merchandising element which will inure greatly to the benefit not only of tho 10,000 deal er organizations referred to, but also the public to whom they sell automobiles. Tills new program is a norma! development of our policy. Tho offering of the first Chrysler cat in January, 3 924 changed the trend of design and engineering in the industry. Later, to meet the pub lie's demand for low priced six and eight-cylinder lines in the Chrys ler quality class, iho company de veloped the lowest price eight-cylinder car in tho world, as welt as the lowest price sis-cylinder ear to bear the Chrysler name. The Chrysler corporation has never lost sight of the importance of tho largo volume four-cylinder market. The company has main tained and developed its manufac turing facilities for making four cylinder cars at the highest stand ard and along with realizing plant economies, has constantly improved and developed the car itself. Since the introduction of the Plymouth car in I'A'lfi, its growth has been steady and continuous, tho sales reaching their highest levels hi the highly competitive year llt'jD. The new price schedule is made possible! by the fact that without redesigning its facilities or pro ducts, and without additional in vestment in plant, the Plymouth car can bo profitably produced in largo volume at tho lower prices. Tlte car is already designed and in production; more than 350,OOu Plymouths or its predecessors have been sold; and tho plants and fa. clllfies for larger production al ready exist. The com puny will undertako an extensive advertising campaign to announce its new program. The 3 n.iuMt Chrysler, Dodge, Do Polo and Plymouth dealer organizations throughout the country have hatted the new plan with enthusiasm. It is our belief that this plan may constitute, one of the most import ant contributions Chrysler corpora tion bus made to the development of the automobile industry. r : : : ; ; : ; 1 f .' Listening (o a Purr of an Engine -. ! REMOVE 36,000 CARS FROM ROAD Unfit Automobiles Are to be Taken off Pacific Coast Highways. NEW! YORK, Mar. 15 (AP f Thirty 'Six thousand mint auie- mcBibont tnrttrt: II. Mis, J. R, Job fta fctfptHHss itliko to Biatrafae Fielrfs, Vtmi U. Huffiimn, H, W. ftursr &n& buyer. rotecs, Cuurtttcy Johnson, Kdwatti "Jtatt I been wrtlifiB tho artieSes B. Jordan, British Motor Magazines Tell OfStudebakers Tribal to iho untisujti perform ance ec btudebaker a President $ Ibis mnjestic ruler of the Iis Aueeiei Zoo wo o fatfcimdeil by the culdlke purr of the engine fa a Chrysler "70" roadster that he gladly took a few ustmitcs of hi time It "listen ioT more closely, ilUout being ramra-sUv ho stepped ou the running Ijjjarfl for cniarerinij research ad stadv. Equipment For I SILVER RELET Pontiae Feature Of-New Series! TO FLASH SOON White Certificate I Should Be In Car mobttes WI bo removed from Paci- . Kisht anti Commaier Kighi fm no Coast mghwaysdurms th com- Uttmt tw rteest urtteto in th& iiig year In an effort which in part Junior Car Club Gttxrtte anI Auto of a tmUunai highway saey plan e3i UHU&h motur pubtieatiot uc wMuh is beiiig andertuken by vuri- eorjsg to M J. tJoss, Studebaker ous compares ht the automobile Krafcltte a&l&v hre. iRdustm as annouttccd by the im-j fSTh& h& iunwp Cgp imimi aaiomoocaneroi cm-etttb tajwUo nntn on a road meree, Tho program wilt involve ftr OHflprtitkeii wHh a commttitder .the expeisamjre of approximately mit sfetf(tlt tottovut WltHotitttR I.2.a oa the PaciHo mat. ammeMe efoP Wo wre tlt Nttttott)r, Hi motor ooiHuEe Jtf4 mHe tR 2 hourit 25 ,nbBte pmu to xcvw uu- . PKttttinff Ume. The performance &t ; biles iRlinyoiviHg an psept - mm Commftlttiw OIt tU& mtn m The Btutiber of ears which tt is UifHtl atilt ttt SM.m estimated wiU m aerappt-U in each ad d " roniiilnff eiimb. It Is Kt very cap that cas atat't this hilt in stolid ami comtuer a lUti tif tm flll lit ttt. a Aattttteton . s,&gj j Th& Ctfmmttlkacr Uregoa j,yi The nroKmm la characterized as "perhaps the greatest 'Single msfety move in industrial history by Alvsn Maeauley, president t the uatOJioMt chamber and farmer chairman o its street traffic som i mlttse. "This widespread tsperifient wilt strike right at the heart of tho un tmfe vehfelg problem by eUmimU- ?iff a huge block, of those ears 1 1 wsuM liavtj ffOftsi Into; eetaess fever lis dead silence and smastfe rtess The Prcsitlent UKtfees smtest sslrfa the axiom thut y&a easast have s$eed wiihoat orsMjc KoJse You gave ths petrol consampUon as miles per gallon Der s diseases nt Si miles In niy haads ft has wrerksd out at exactly 164 sk P g Shoi-t of BrosViaiids I kgsw &Z ise place where Its sfaxl- mum speed o? St m. p h, can he teed, hut with ease I have Isgrt Flrsl Street Car Line Loses Fight nmilAH CAP) Ths or.ai firat street ear Iiaet after irvir.? its gtrap-iiangers faUliftslly : for naif & eentiiry, lias lost its batiks Ifeahle-decker mRlbssea haya heeu fsalled on the UcMerfsIdD Ksdettesassialt route her and iha traja Kiss which on 5far 13, JSsl. S3 veu P. h, on a saitabfa strteh etisa Jhe ffr -et road'v merctaf ejectric ifeilliay with a Negsjter schedule, has feces dlacon- I tfed Iltftditw In Canity siinB, Hewst The rattling ears have var..ah in Tasicab CottuulU gnieide. ed fr&m the fanstiiar streets, and The metsr should never Jae tfe the traek sad trolley wlrs ia passenger, t ihe scrap heap. of the states on the eoant is as foi- save us the jssusyOsa of heing drawn majes ilea! I y hi an a rmeha f r between ijjilestanes that occur at surprla fngiF fF&mmt intervals, IHils as nsafu reads merely alter the mm thm nstis o tho carburetor but do ut diiHliilsh Bpeeil, and 1 can ihhtfc el utasy lng dlsianco main rontes where a Uxp gPttr would be alt that in uee&snary in tho gear hex. lu viesv ef ihe power of tho car, the reads that were used, and the bills (W!THwW 'Designer of Racer to View its Tryout at Daytona ' Beach This Month. t?pciai dp luxe equipment, de-Hig-ncd especially for the t'jiU New SfilPii Tontiae six, even furthir i cinpliHsizes the beauty of its j graceful lines and striking colors, j X!o(t important among the tie i love fitments are the sneeiul 'six-f wheel sets of wire wheels obtain-I f able in rotors t ntateh or contrast ; t America to set' a simple picture with ihe various hotly, finishes.! a'sire:ik of silver ' on Florida With the six-wheel sets, the two yparen aro placed in sppeln! front fender wells and supported by chrome pJuSed rein i nor . clamps. Tho special wire wheel seis, to gether with tthe -cbroftivo plated front and rear fender guards and tho sturdy trunk rack provided as special equipment for InsUtHuf ion on the rear of the car, combine to complete iin unusually attrac tive ensemble of color harmony iJisplny ytmr w<e certificate of registration in yonr car. This is the warning issued hy the treKh Htaie Motor assocbt lion which paints out that the law retu(rtK dtspbty of the white slip In the driver's pmnpsriment. The PAVTOXA. UBACH.' Kla... Mar. ' "V V" f (At Leubj Coateien coincH j Blaro.s ttffc followlne renewal ot fegistratien this year. The cer tificate of title should nt ho car ried in th ear. it is your cer tificate of title lo your motor ve hicle and should ha placed wlih other valuable papers. Motorists are also advised by the, motor association that tho law rerjubes that license plates Hands, r. . Kuye Htm will paint ii befween today and the 30-th when he riashes his "Silver HuHet" over hard packed sand in fpiest of a new world s a n to ntoldin speed record The champion HriUsh driver will rfde alone, hut the shadow of Coa teien win he at his Hide to share victory or de' feat, Uesigner of the speed monster, which are in the poorest condl-nimfc were climbed, the average &t tionf1 says Sir Macau!e Its mtlvn to tho gallon ot gasuUne Oae X tho haKEtriis of the high-Us gtwtt way jtuatien has been the rattle- WrltlHg n a recent issue sf trap car which keeps re-appearing Autocar, J, K. Whitehall, a london on the road after it has presum-! Pre-sbiest owner had this to ablv been sent to the discard, Thelit has reeently been my good for- aim ot this program Is to guarantee f tune to purchase tlt identical ear the actual scrapping of the vehtete, previewed in yonr issue f July is, 'The 1Ish wiH be worked out by j namefy th atraisbt eight HtiMle each company participating, lu hmfeer which competed so success line with its general salea policies j fuliy in: the British mtbtc-Tweive and the volume Us production, race at Breeklamis in May. I have It. it. Grant, is chairman of the drives tbs car on the read about committee which worked out the f miles. Since then I have read details ot the program. Other f year article and eongraiuiaie y&a i THnr.coiiN teas rtrro;t&&KKit com& Oeed rubber escelleut green feather uphidstering, beautiful greia Bueo finish on a perfect bed?, This car la one ef suf special prieetl below Northwest Manual for Quick sale. Sato priee for 2 utore days An OK car , $645 mm .tiKvuoiifCT coetpk Bxcelleut Blue Dueo flus up belsterltig, S firea like nswf atetsr eeuipietely reeonditieued and covered by our 3Q-day guar autea Cou;e In and ilrtve this car .-... 1595 tm oimviiQuzr sport TOt lily; U Five new tirea tuysr paiut, exeeiieat top asd up-hoi-$&Hngt body llk n&v? and a csmpists motor overhaul, Tata car fs fully guaranteed asd car ries an QfC that counts. QSA Iteeeutly reduced prica OOU 109 N l'0!il SPOKE HOAD-IErEB-.irivea 2,0SS miles by a careful owner, fine new tirea, tire cover asi lack, rumble seat,, wfedshteld wings and other equipment. Top and sldlg car tains are rsw, xipholsisring nw, body sew and finished brows buff Boa't miaa m An OK. Car 1485 Larison Chevrolet Company Used Car Lot. Phone Main 03 407 Fir St n nd lines. -Open bodies hnvc fail Coateien prohahly will be the keen- length chrome piaied front and rear bumpers While admirably soiled !o en hunee eiH'h of tin seven body types In whieh the 3!3 Pontiae is pre sented, tho de luxe equipment ap pearH to host advantage wlien com bined with the new four passenger sport coupe, fit led with metal top and rear quarters and providing direct communication between pas Hencers in the driver's seat and rumble seat hy means of a crank operated window. The de luxe equipment also proves highly effec tive un the two passenger roadster and the five-passenger phaeton with their Spanish leather seat and buck cushions, their gray elothteal folding tops supported hy ehrome piated slat irons and n.iturat fin ish wood hows, their smartly de signed provision for leaving the pyraiin side eurtuiiis up while the top is down and their chrome piated, forward folding windshields. (st critic at the trials eeess"wiii brio;, him two-fold pleasure, the end of months of scheming and tri umph over a former pupil, Majr Henry Keagrave, who holds the rec ord of slightly more than -31 miles an hour. ' Ho has not talked much of bis latest product, but is hopeful it will attain 250 miles an hour. Two super-airplane engines will drive it. . , Coateien is a Krenehman, but 28 of his 51 yearn have been spent in Kngiaitd. Heftm the world war ho became interested in aviation, and his aircraft engines powered many British seaplanes. The aeronautic influence has been carried to the itver liullet" in airplane mo tors, stream-lining and vertical rudders. kept clear of 'dirt and greast and he plainly visible. ' ItcMaa far Goednett Recife ttshaily a lively tot to whom keeping quint was a sinmer, had been wonderfully rppressed at the day's session of Sunday- school, tutu when it was over her apprecia tive teaHier expressed approval by .-inying: "Heckle, dear, j(u Itavnheen a very good little girt today. "Yes'in, wm the -ftofptnnty asaenb Injf reply, "I eeuidn't help being good, i gft a stUX neck." Ilroeic toa Enterprise, The hand that rorlss the cradle confuses th? world when it stieka out from the driver's seat. Auto Salesman (desperately) : , lltitt mahi!u, if you take this ear we will put your initials on U free! Mrs. Saver: fiat my husband says it's not the initial cost that counts, but iho upkeep. Frefe Air Important Had air is snrcotie poison. To sleep in a room that hasn't a current of air moving about la to Invite de pression, IH heallb and grayness of cftmplesimt, i'reper vent Hat bin tit ihe honse Is fmiartatr Venrs tigs there existed an Idea to the efTeet thai night ftir was poison mis, That was silly hnnksim. Kselmnge. "How's your car running?" "Not hv good, I can't beep U throttled down.", "j low's your wife?" "Oh, she's about the same." I'athfinder. Splendid Gift to City Marmont, fiirhmend, Ta., was the home of Major and 3rs, Jo me H. Iooley. Ily ttie provisions of the will of Major Donley It became city purk at the death of his wife: and the" hoi3e bet-ama the Dooiy museuni. The gardens are coushiered some of the finest in the South and the houM is fliled with beautiful rugs, furniture aod art gems. OUR JOE... is to protect you From loss against property damage, personal liability, wlision With ( AUTO INSURANCE SOLD ON THE INSTAL MENT PLAN i ess ESI K?5 1 Pi It IhtiIm nil how -a woman gift u truukTul ut ttuit into u suit- HID STA1E& INVESTMENT GO. ' 0. W. WARNOCK, MGR. X No need to risk your motoring enjoy ment and spend more money by buying cheap tires or used tires. Our Pay-as-You-Ride plan gives you brand new Goodyear Tires, with all the Mileage, Safety, Traction built into these world famous tires at the factory. You can have your new Goodyears today. No Red Tape. No delay this easy, convenient way. Bbhnehkatnp s