Friday, March 7, l'J30 Page Two LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. LA GRANDE. ORE. HILL'S. La Grande's Own Store WE BUSTERS I Ion BETRcir team! 1 1 ' ; .: I rrn.t.r. l?Ari-iar.f TiffyflV (iTA i IV'l:iO i'AjJCk.w UI6JV4 uaix netted Basehits.,Dm'- : ing 1930 Season (NiiUm . 1'lilH l nnothi'C ot; wwx mi iniijoi- lentfuo bnmball n".'ii. . : . .. ; ; ; r ly Ainu CuuM (A t'JClaU'd I'rniw Hport Kdltor) f'l'AVil'A. Kla.. Mrtn-h ? (A.D 'I'lo it rowing iniptiHrtlori that tlio j ' r mill hi t u-r ItaKChltft all AlonK t)i!' liiu In not if I ah led tn llm I'ii'Hii'St by an lnpfiitlon f thi? rinutliiK ciri.'UH K'ltlKHTil ' tinder (lit- hannrr or llio Detroit TlK'orw. , ' r(neo Ui palmy duyM'.of (Tobb atil nawford, ' lh'trtilt liart pt'ldtl irmu; In nulntniuln n lilfb f'ult-lir;1- of rriUH'-bUsUllK tftkllt. '-. Al)in .:;:r ii; havo been urovm'rt Anur Ian b-aviu batting champions than all the r'Ht of thi clulm tn li o (hf-iilt roiuhlm-d. Nil KIkh ut- StilCe not siartllnx, tba-ivfori'',' to rii.d tho 'I jk'' ana In niifm crime j t.ii' clarion rail of Hut rlnut. for t.'-y li-il Dip Ipiikiio In ballinf; last) yVnr . i1phiip flnlthlnY sixth. All. nniv. of the fiitrriuil HlrUe that tpM' thliiKH InfO ypiir 'huve 'ill. ypnwiiTd. rmb'i' tho diplomatic! (a S3 m hi iA m w IHi H sa K3 M m m P.ickei-s and City Grocery'' and Market Main 75-50 YOU WILL FIND ! The best roKK chops, n. jKrom young: purkei-s. Nice ;inn stkak, ik :Kono better. Mi l&Jf K) R Ml K( fal tl fed U ft H M Bfl IM U BS m M W a H M M H M un m H H m a iiiiMueaEHiBBEfliaeaiaMiBii 1 G r a iM to 1 G R OC Sugar (' H Cane. 10-11. ?A cloth buir OUC ; Peas Monarch Fancy No. 3 sieve in . No. 2 tins. .1 for 4iJC Swansdown Cake Flour KcrhIhi- 1 Qft rackaKe Tru Rlu Crackers l'anilly size, each COATS for SPRING The striking beauty and . style of these 'new coats will appeal to every woman who sees them. The fabrics are new and interesting, featuring m any ; unusual novelties among which are the distinctive new tweeds. 15.00 42.50 roivftiJ II'lp Huoky IftirT lia, - the-' l-km"'hft 'developed u kpn UffifrewKi? unS harmonious Hpirlt. ;. ' v , Th nnnwf r to .It-lroU'ii nbort HtoD nuznle antxwirtt ta hava bteii illHraVtfi'mi In UlU HokpII. bark In tho niajorH a:tln anu, deteriuJuoJ t. nuik good ufler. a fine hcuhoii with Ht. PhiiI. HoKfll -yuan cant adrlfluftor by thftjled Ho.v. In pmctive, h hutfl gained thw cull ovur AlterH and -Wupfltling, two of the oaifdldatps tried .ut- iti )Uir li.''jih'jtpe.ra'tr ,irclv foe a hort- tttoppH' nt' iwason , H,ogU hurt f. nia in ntcoiy wiin,.xu miiniu r which.. othprwlsc' !' flxd with -pnpnblB iMiftrty .MrMnnu at third.. th tfreM L'harlfy CWhrlninp at , Hfcotid base unit buriy. hard-hit , Hotter Pitching Muff , ; ' The 'Tljor plichlnirstaff, a bit ' Mpotty luwt. yenr,beurH the stamp '. or marked Improvement, Tlu four veUTim upon' whom. UurrU pinion iimuI. relljihca . uro -Karl Whltidilll a' . brilliant wont Inlaw; OnorK.'. VMv, ,Owen Onrcoll ond Via- Howll, . u rlKhthanduVrt. WhlthHl. "who rlnliihfd 1)jm 1 ( 2 a Meimnn lit "flrie' ntylo, has " plcl6d lip uhtTi he h'ft off. 'UV' han de vclopi:i uii ."effPCtlVi mIow .e.urvft and clKingl' of. pace.. . '. ' ' . t hle rpovUir lute but with Mn I. Jumlc o 1 , . 1 JVl r'.'i'H'U. .""jl'i Soriftl, younKel but Widl-HasOiic . ed, htv .it, virld ; 'ut ptuff, but Jean lMblP, tho old pltnlu-r, and ItoKQt - HrinihUn, fuinotin, hat-li'ry-mji-tu i;o'f '.f;UuiwsOn, havp tukin (vvoc llio .dewluiuniMit of Distributors of ilt Emily Economy Grocery and Market Main 573-48 IT HERE, IP ITS ON THE MARKET for less money. Cash prices. 23c and loan. SIHI.OIN STKAK, lb. Nice and tender. HOc . T-B0NK, lb. . Choice leof. 11 HNS, lb , 32c Plymouth Rock. Drowsed nnd drawn. E R Buckeye Malt It's Good. 2Va-n. tin .ODC Sweel, No. 1 tins Wlllt China. Keg. patktiK . OraiiRes Sweet and Juicy, 126 niit. diw OoL .39c :ssssaessaiEsasas: new pitching talent with appar ent fiirvovH, 'i hey have turned out hi I-jit four bright n-'iMjitMiis til Arthur Herri inf. Huhi-handcr purclm-ed from ( Uliilionin city: Kloli IPiukcII, Cherokee Indian oiit hpn iv, obtained froni Mont ron I; MurUm NelHon. riKhl-iiand-(, from tlu .Ylb.-doiiw of tli' el fie count leaxnc. mill Whit lm U'yalt. u not her rlKht-hander piir- I'llItrT-ll flOlll KvniirSVilJe of the Three-eye liiiifiti-. ni ru-ii itfvJMii(Hi The outfield IniM teen revamp ed fi feu lure youth Httil' ped, ,a vtt fin in halting ptiticli, no.v t It u t Hurry trhdinunu .haw depart ed tnid Hubert ( l-'atu) Kotherp;ltl i Mated fur plneh-hlMfn duty. The prospective line-up t Kltiis Fun li, a former Vunkee, In ceu ti i ; John MiMiio In li'fl and Hoy Johnwon fn right. Harry I C I' Im- round;- Into form, tuny break Into thitt combination It'll not without a buttle. . In tin' somewhat K'lici'.d Tlner Mhnku-up, (Jeorue Iteiiwi. mi iu. revive ou uk catcher from To ronto Who also can liil. tuny de velop Into it flrm-Mi-intr bacl'.xtop. Mi'ivyn Shea Ij tin inoNt oxpoii-e-ncVd of tin five catching enndi da'en hut ho l ItHtiK preyed liy Hill KlclnceUo, from Health-, an wtl' a by lt-nn. "Plnkey" Har jrritvn fi ltd Hny I lay worth art hold-overs. OREGON STATE SCHEDULE HAS SIXTEEN GAMES f'OUVAM.IS, prn., .Mar. 7 ( A I t H K" n H t a t t'i 1 1 lex-c will play a l iJ-Kani Mt hciliiltd In ( im fprencp hiiMphull this year, open litK un Its hump Knmtnli axniiut tho I'nlvernlry of on'Ran April 2.rP. accord I hk n the j't-bi-dulc just rt ItAHed, by Carl I.odell, Kraduate innnaR-i-r. lro-K-nFn Raines on dates not lieflnlti'ly hL will be played with Willainettt). OreKOH Normal and (olum)il:i unlvi'iHlly at Portland. The . conference whedulc this year relurnK lo the plan nf m-v-eral yea iv, ao whri'hy each of flVM northern division leauiH playt Tour Raines with each opponent jiiMt tn wan done this year with tho hnAUetball schedul1. ' Tho chniiKe from tho divided noil ho in .section as followed last year is made possible throiiKh the with drawal of .Montana from confer ence competition In tin-so sports. ; Halph c 'oh-miin, former I'aelfl coast. Iinikup player. Is back as coaeh .of the Waters this Ki-asnn. Hi: l)UH the l-pptllation of develop IliK liuire professional piaycra than any ol her eolh'Klate eoach fn t)l ronlereiu'i'. I't'ospi-ets are mill uncertain for this yem-' but material appears Keite rally uuod. The Oregon State sehedllle fol lows: April Hj. I'liiviTsity of Oregon fit t'orvallis; April 2 it, lniersity of Oii'cnn at UiiKene; April :i. AVaslUijjjtontile Jar ' ('..rvaltls; vallls; May ft and t'niverslty or Idaho ai t'orvallis: May !i and 10. t'nlverslty of W ashington at l 'or vnllls; May Iti and 17. IMilversliy of Washimrton at Seiiltlo: May Pi and I'n, 1'nlverslty of Idaho at Products m n M M M n n M H n N Ml a Ml M Hoover Market Main 755 noc IE S m H M n at M M H n M Ground Chocolate 29c Mother Oats 29c m M 13 .Moscow; May 2 1 and 22, 'nnh- : iiiKtoti Htato at I'ijIIiiihii; May 3U, j I'nlvendty oi Ori'pmi nt Kiiuviio; ; May I'nlvendty of Oregon at I'orvnNiH. , , f.WIUMKHS TO COMI'ICTfr: j f'OKVAM.lK. Ore., March 7 1 i. P Spurred an hy a win over j I nivondiy of Oti'icoti v.-.ty i Kwiimnt-rti at Orcuuu Stall? mi' training' hii id for a return moot nilll the Wohfno.u here .March V OREGON TEAM THROWS SCARE INTO OTHERS KKATTI.i:. .V:ireh 7 (Al1) Willi a J7 lo 27 victory ovr the ctinilil nation KllensliuiK-Vak-li. ia iiiiifei of r-iiiral WaMhiiiK tor. hen- ;iM nlwht. He Neffi-'s Cireontaiis, of Kturene, tre threw a e:tro Into lln other "cut-il-: in the NorihMist amateur fn-d'P-iidenl bnski'ibn l tournament and Installed iheiiiMelves as favor ites In eop (he h:illlpioIihip. The powerful KuKene rut'lbinRlLnn made up of former rnlverslty of Oregon and Oi'on Slate cnlhx-o stars will tanwle with the strong Miiltoua five of Sea tile. In fche. M-ml-rinals of the meet tonight. The Sparklers of Hpokatot will clash with (iiven liko 'f H wilt If hi the other eliauiploiishlp con4 test while Kyerelt V. M. f. A. will meet the M tilt noma lj A. of I'ort land and lite Olymplu liaiu-blei-y. will tneltlr Klleiisbn rtf-Yakima In the Iwo eotisolatlon values for a ehanee at third place. Commerce High In I Line For Crown 1 '0 1 ITI .A N I , On., M arch 7 (A P) Hltfh virtually clinched (he I'.-'tn Portland inter yliotaa!ic , basketball 1 v it k it e champii.'itshlp yesterday w hen they defeated WashiiiKlon. VJ to IT.. Leading by 11-2 al the quar ler, Coniinercc wan forced to the limit In. the remainder of the, Kanie tn bent back a furious Washington attack and until the final live minutes of tho ,'uiiu1, ihe outcome was in doubt. Lincoln holds second place In tho t a tidings, u th Washington third and tlranl ami lleiisotl tied for fourt h , place. : Basketball Game ' Score Is 1 to 6 ClIlCAtH), Mreh 7 (AP) - 'I he perfect loW score (oS ketba II uauut has been Iro dticed In a district prcll mi liary tournament. (icortrelown last n'ltfht du-, feu led Homer. 1 to a, seor inw a foul oal In the first pt rlod. ami retaining the lead hy r:alln., t ;rhe( ltoim-i; five refused .to attempt to break up the stall until the last .three minutes of play. NIGHT FIGHTS III The As-oclnleil Pres San l-'raip-'iseo ('"rankle Kllck, San i-Tanelsco, outpointed Ward Sparks, St. Paul. f0); Madison I Jt v. Itellinuham. Wash., outpoint-' cd .litriny Condrich. Huffalo, ( KM. i Janisvllle, Wis. Mike KoaU. timaha. outpoint) d Jack Klkhart. ChietKTO, tta). I la i t ford. Conn. Jack Hrltton, ( 'hieauo, oiltliointed Al Schcll, Hosloll. (Hi). St. Joseph. MIo. Henry l.enard, Chlcagu, knoi'Jud out tVDoud, Coluuihus. ( I ). K.ldUi ' Stockton. ( "al. Al Clrttcin, Spo- j kane. out point e, i Larry Murphy, Los Ans le.H. 10). M itsiiitv nut kiddies i i:.ri Hi: or m:v irnM ClttiVlKiX. KnU. (AP) IU11 ain's public houses arc detor mim d not to K"othe way of the la to American saloon. They are 1'ruuMy trying to pet au ay frotu the crowded -liar type of drill Mm; place and become clean, spacious, eatjiitf and drlnk leu houses with a family atmos- phere. line "'puli' near here even has c. nursery adjoinini; ll where par ents may leave the kiddies, w hile they uo Into the saloon bar for a diin'c. qSHEIHBIHEMV Market moi'j aiiams avi:. H e Sell For Cash No Delivery j llimihui'tfer, 11). 20c HIDES Pot llonst P.ivf. lb 2.1c I 1 RoiliiiR Keef, II). 16c j i Veal Stew. lb. 15c j I Uoimd & T l!one j Steak, II) 30c U'g of Mutton, lb 20c Mutton Stow, 11) 12 Vic . wririiK vont rtrvs Tin-: .mt J iiiiiiiBBBEaae: Baca' Sport Mants Alan J.Gould I .Sol ho in.ieh will In- heard about . It .he liutli i KOlf iranie from wnr on, IIi'oukIi ManuKer Itob Shawkey of tho Viinkees has no objection to die hoys iimlutaliiinif an filler ' fHt In the Kaiiu no onn uh they '"keep It out of tho clubhouse," an he pulA it, Tho jrenl shiKKef will be busier w Uh the but I bun I hi driver but you ran jot it dawn ihaf It nth bus remarkablf iioibilitb s ! a s a f i rsl-c lass k ol f r. A nd by : first class 1 uii-au the player who i breaks .so consistently, "5 occasion ;ally and at least has a chance to ) crack 70 when Keitin the bnuks. j Not many clubs boast over two j or three performei-s of this cnll , her out of un average member ship of perhaps ;tati. limit would he a 2 or 3 handicap man on most 'Hny course. He probably would ho 'erntlle. j;ist as apt to k up m th hlKh sO'h as the low 7U's, but his J handicap' would Is1 based on the ; minimum end nf the count.' If yon , think ' Hahe- eun'i play sensational ',Kttl(, you hu,ven't been urouiid tln- course with him. .1 have the carti uf our recent round at the Jungle Counli-y club, near St. ivtersbu.rjf, ; l'lu., when ho scored ,i 7S'. He has idotie this iayout In 72. . It Is 0 1 ,Mi yards, par 6U, not ao loiijr or Al litlJ J M CA I 9 KM IIMU VViitfiii(yiy & ALES Jf i fWRiWnVATDIv 9. . tawHtzm mm m m m m im. tr r ma i a 'fc. m m m Visit this sale of sales today! See the scores of once-in-a-lifetime values. Mingle with the enthusiastic bargain seek ers that are saving from J58 to $75 on used cars "with an OK that counts." . Unusually heavy sales of the 1930 Chevrolet Six have brought us an over-supply of good used cars taken In trade. To clear our stocks quickly In prepa ration for our regular spring SEE- 1929 Chevrolet Coupe Unn't miss ftrlDf; thlit Low ihIUhko. 7 llres, vulvo In, tiro look, spoolal IlKhla an.l othor t'(tulunt.nt. Fln Ishoil In a livniitlful Kvey Diiph. with tho rainnus KLslior ho,ly. Motor ro- oKiHlltlnnril. iinliolslorlnK now. A OK oar. pnmt. in nn.l soo it.. $595 1927 Pontine Landau Sedan Just released from our t-hopsi In perfect I Mm pi, this years license, shok ubn.rhtn, ( bumperji trout and rear, Rood ti-r and very ! low 1 mlhNiye. Finished In a Ktenn-blue Duco. hooiI uphoNteriiiK. and an j counts. Priced ! riphl ot Small Down Payments-Easy G. M. A. C. Terms LARIS0N CHEVROLET COMPANY Buy OK Used Care From : trencherous as it 1.1 .rlcky. with plenty of 'JuiiKlc" and water. . These w-r' U.ith's figures: com pared with par: I'ji. out 111 434 .HI 114 Hulh, out ("45 AU 2l 4i' Par, In 4 54 364-3R Jiuth. in 4.12 6'ij 4;.:t-:ts ,s With one of his friends nl th club, Huth had a bet of fifty cents a hole that he would equal or better par. lie broke exuetiy i even, for In notched par on six 'holes and hlrdieff ot three others as a.tfuiosL nine on vvUUJi hw was over par. If It had been fifty dol lars a hole the Hibe could hardly have batlb-d any more strenuously to avoid losing any money. 1 can remember the days when' Huth would have h $50 n hole and thnuKht nothing w hatever of it. lie Is thriftier now. ' llohhy MclionouKh. the soft spoken, curly-haired yotuiK rnciiitf driver, occjpies somewhat the s uae jtusltion In the auto Ramo that H-jhhy Jones did In i;olf up until ! 1 liL'it. Jones was lontr acknowl edged the Kreutrst of lifers before .he crashed th national champion- .shlp taie. Similarly, .M-I)onouffh Is generally resnrdea uh Anicr ica's finest driver.'yet he has never I won the clussls Indianapolis race. Jlo first raced there In 1924. i', "Somo little tiling has always "seemed lo go wrong," Hobby told mi1 ut Miami 1 teach. "This racing frame is largely a matter nf break, after you jfet the experience and knowledge of tracks." The-, two-seaters come back to Indianapolis Ihls'year nfter a lapse. They are not entirely welcomed by . the drlynrs, muny of -whom- feel that them are enough hazards for Jr for Econemtcal Trantpartatie . c! fnl : mi mm. M a M urn. n t st fv iit)'A A T 1 mm. mmmw M V . sw , &v business we offer you the sensational 1 low prices below. Included In this sale are many low-mileage fine cars bearing the famous red "OK" tag cars of quality and dependability that have been conditioned. N conditioned. T.M (Jfe The most amazing values will go quickly. Hurry to this bar gain event now! Select your car while there is still a wide choice! BIC SPECIALS -TODAY! ' 1928 C heTo1et Qibrioli'l car. Oiven exceptional care by a careful owner. Finished in a hlue-Kreon buff Puco, four new tlree. comnieic in (dot overhaul, top in perfect shape and excellent leather upholstering. Humble .eat, et?rotte liiihter and (PQQf llko other equipment lliS Stiulclaker Couo Were is a real hnrpaln. Complete motor nvtrhaul. ppxn leather upholjttcrinv to mateh the irn-n Ino body finish. Ibind OK that- tirer. exeeiient appearance. An K car $425 rarryinc our So-day Potnpare its bw prie ono In the tfnme, rather than ex posing Iwo In each car to the risk of death any lime MuinMhliur wi ony. IIOCKIiY (iA.MK Tlli p(H:ll.AST, Ore.. Manh 7 (AIM With the Vancouver I. ions, ivliii foiiKht to a scoreless over time tie wiih the Portland Bucks l.cic !:ixt nitihi. maicheil with tin; KskituoK .at Seattle lonisht the deadlocked Pacific coast hockey leftKlie leadership appealed due for a shakeup. Vancouver and Port la ml were tied for the top rnnif of the cir cuit HlnndliiKs. with 10 poln each. civAh.s vvii.ii ki:mp aijvi: j ou ( HA.rj:v av tiik M-:a Vli'T.'M.'JA. H. fAP) The old tar who shipped before the mast b- as dead, in these days of htcaiiLsiips, as the' man who rode the pony express, but Panadu is tryliik' to keep alive his soukh. Last year a s4a . m uslc festival held hero proved so popular that i'. second has been held this year, featuring the old deep-water chanteys of tho sailors and the i-oiiKs of the fisher folk. DID VOI KNOW THAT Iloss McCarthy of the Cubs has a bunch of giants on his hands this1 year. . . .. Of the :tl athletes he took to California, 17 arc men of six feet or above In slaiure. . . . Your old Oklahoma cowboy friend. Ted Illunkcnship, is with the Sox down at. K-in Anlone and has taken off a world of excess welifht. . . . Donie Hush is helping him try to come back . . . . Sidney thoroughly re 11 nun un in mat counts for pJt' hauled, nau very one who Kuaranice. of $645 nvener, Priced Your Chevrolet Dealer Well, new owner of the Iteds, has twit canvassing plhn funs to find' out what tluio they, want thiy lilies started. . im. fan askit that the Kumes be slui'tea at 3: heenuve when I hey tnh-d to start at 3 lie never Hot there before the si coud innlmr nnd never koI to se. the s'urilnK pitcher, . . . .lht Shante thinks this is kouk iu be wonderful s-.ason for one. or ihn Ch cland Indian s southpaws naineil Joe Shuttle. .. . . Suys hi shoulder is well, and if l-Vrrell m ,Kood his second year, the Indian ,ill elilK-rwin tint American leu K'lie peiinaiil or rind nut why. 685 On Petitions For Prohi Vote SAI.MM, Ore., Mar. 7 (AI'lA,; V: Kli'K. representative In Marlon county for the National Prohibition Kcfc rendu in iissoclatinn, claims that usfi numes have been Kiifneii t,j referendum petitions here in tin last week, Six circulators are etn. nloved and each sikiht comribulct ho cents to ihe-puuvo. KiuK sny he expects to (rid 20.0(111 signers hi Marlon and i.iim ctlunties in iUwv nionths. AMi:isT mi:s POHTIjANT, Ore.. Mar. 7 (AP) -Dr. William Mouse. 50. prominent alienist and neurolonlsl. died nt his rosidenco here hist nlKht.. lb- ha.i la en III since A jury consuim'd a dozen hot lies of .beer which a man wan charged fth breyiu. i 1J wiis probabi dismissed l-h'cause of in BUi'flclent evidence. 1927 Nash Special Conch Kormoi ly ownod lj- man who rals(1(, lt a pot. Sinkini.- bluo )UCO fs, Hko Jlow. I.oath.r iiiliultorlnR showlnj; no war, ."hock aliHoi hoi-H. humpsi s. motor motor, the low nilloagp f 15,000. This car has IJioii carefully nverhaulcd and the motor r water tight Kuarantee. $545 1929 Chevrolet Coach IliiinnepM, oversize tiros, shock absorbers, heater iuid oilier special enulpm'ent. A beautiful Klshor stream lino bodv, finish In fc-rey Dueo. ri.hc.lslei-lnK has boon undoi seat ODVoro and is absolutely llko now. Mutur In A-l shape. Car oanles an OK that counts and Is fully covered by Kuar- (JJCI (T anteo. Drive It away for . JpD-lD 1926 Ford Pickup The motor h.i t.., t...i.. has new radiator and tho car has little use. A bargain for $135 needs II 1927 Chevrolet Liindnu Sedan No Iuoo, extra Kood tills, excellent UP h.dsterliu;. bumpers front and rear, motor oompliitoly overhauled and appearance of :af is perfect. An exceptional bargain bo-i-auso Ihero are ihousandi of dependable and economical miles loft for the next eonie in and i-iko a ride. at