EASTERN OREGON'S LEADING NEWSPAPER TWELVE PAGES TODAY-FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE SERVICE C I T Y EDITION THE WEATHER Oregon: Unsettled tonight and J'VUIum Willi local rulsjs in the northwest portion tonight, allght ly warmer In tho Interior tonight, a VOLUME XXVIII TOTAL TAXES DUE IN 1930 r $906J28.20 Amount Is $11,019.49 Less Than Total of Preced ing Period FIRST DECREASE IN RECENT YEARS Statements to Be Issued Next Month ; First Half of Taxes Delinquent After May 5. : Th)' total or tho lit 2 'J I ii -rolls fur I'nlon county, to he collected during this year, was announced as being f uoG, 2S.2 a reduction of $M.il!i.4!i from lh Il2 fla unt n which . :olleclion.s were made last i year. Thb: is I he -second time in the county's history that the . total taxes iliic for one year wen; mure jhan iltiiO.oeo, hut It In also the 1irHt time In,, several years that, the tax total Ik less than that of the preceding year, marking u turn ing point in taxation in this county- Local Taxes Vnry Although the tax total la less tjian last year, In some . ln.eyJliies lax payers will pay a higher rate, due to city taxes, .school taxes, etc. Other places, however, will pay less, the local reductions amounting to more than increases. Carl M. Khert. deputy sheriff, announces I hat tax statements would, h Issued "sometihio during April. The first, hair of the. J!i2!) taxes will heroine delinquent on May ft and the second half on Nov. 5. ' . Tax payment In this county durini; Hi:: amounted to 7 H7, 7!7.!iit and last year the figure was f S(H,lini;.;i7. , No check has been made of delinquent tax puy inonl ; since . .tun. I. tn:t, al though several payments iiavc been made. Mr. Khert reports that I lie lax rolls for l"7 amounted to $S!Hl, xsii.e I plus sheriff's iiKHevwmetiis of ?l.r.M.7li. The figure for .liiSS was $1' I 7j7i 7.IM plus sheriff's as i Beasinepts 0f ? I:,4 4 .". - . - . I'ciiiiltles and Intercut Tin figures quoted a hove on 1 tn;: nayuienln do 'not Include pen.) allies and interest. During 'ns tho. total collected fur pennlti-s ' and Interest wa: I :M!t and Inj the figure was ?".f" I .Oh. Tho increase In the 1 '.lUS tax ! roll u it t hat of I til' 7 amounted to $:'0.xiil.Gr and the total amount collected during I !-'!, "as $13. 4fi.32 greater than thf't of INLAND EMPIRE HOTEL MEN TO CONVENE HERE Thi Inland Ihnidro Hotel asso-1 ciiilion will bold its regular ciir- 1 10 ntnrt playing in the w-cond con terly meeting tomorrow In test at 4 o'clock. Tonight Wallowa (liaiub with headiiuarters at the 1 pVs Joseph and Kmorprlso meets l.a Grande hotel, it was announe- j Union. ed today. l-'irsl elimination will occur to- A mnu.hcr of delegates from m,,rrow. Two defents ire neces other cities in tho territory werejH;iry )0 j, ;i i,.ym ji 0f further to arrive tonight and tomorrow j rjnipMiition. juoriilng for the conference. CLUB ELECTS . M. MAUGHAN AS PRESIDENT KNTKRPRISi;. Ore., Mar. 7 Ar 1he ann ial meiLintr of tlm Knt prise chamber of commerce, or- J cording to the Record-Chieftain. I orfici-i-K for the coming year were ( elected a.s follows: President. 11. AL Maughau: first vice prcsblent. Dr. C. T. Iloekett: necOnd vice presl- 'lent. r, K. Skagg;i; treasurer. W. j F. Savage; si-cretary, D. It. Reavls: i board of governors. n"W memlier. ! Dr. R. It. stone: hold over .mem ber. .1. O. Gmnerman. The financial staleim-nt for the year, read by S-cretary lien vis, showed the chamber out of dVbt and with a balance on hand t'r more than $:ton. Til KATIE ll'AL .MIANAGKU M KS NLW VORK. March 7 (AIM j A. I.. Krla over, theatrical man- ager, died today at his home In ; New York. Il.e wa:i In his seven-1 Ulelh year.. . Ar,-. Krlanger. who was J dent, of lh famous old tu T'.l,nl firm of Klaw and i:rlanger. had; been seriously 111 for two weeks, j "a lied t ho "Nn poh on of t ho f stngi-.M be was credited as being tho find man to put theatricals j on a jtound business basis. WKA'I'IIKIt TODAV 7:.tu a. m. 113 above. .Minimum: 2 1 above. Condition: cloudy. WKATII Kit VKTKItl.Y Maxlmgm lo, minimum 3 above. Condition: cloudy. WKATIIKU .MAIL 7. 1929 Ma xi m u in 06, in i ni m u m 3 ) tabuve. t Condition: clear. 21 EMBER ASSOCIATED Elect Directors For East Oregon Livestock Show Make Preliminary Plans for 15)30 Show at Union at Meeting Held Wed nesday Night. Uy W. V. Connor ( ohst'iver ( 'orrespondent ) CNION Ore. Mar. 7 (Special) Ke.spondintr to a call from the president of the association, C. I.. Old well, it limit 25 I'nlon stock ( show boosters met at the city hall Thursday evening to elect a hoard of directors and to lay prelimi nary plans for the r.i.'K) show. Tho new director roster, result ing from this election, includes the following names: K. B, ' 'on nor,, Robert- Wit! ycom.be, M;' S. Levy, G. I. Ifess, '. 1,. fad well. T. T. fork, of I nton: W. H. Stew art, of linker; Homer Hldwetl, of North I'owder. and Frank Apple by, of I .a Clin nde. Tills boa rd will meet at the bank In I'nlon at 2 o'clock Tuesday, March 1 1, to elect their officers and set the machinery 'of the show started. Tony l. Smith will again handle tlnv secretary.'; share of Die work. After completing this part of ,tho evening's work the remainder of the meeting was given up to a discussion of finances and pro posed improvements at - tlw ground K. Ii. Conner, 'who gen erally heads tho advertising com mittee for the stock show, immed iately gut busy and plan nod (i.'onlinued on I'ago Three) Thompson New Exalted Ruler Of Elks Lodge Chester 1,. Thompson was elect ed exalted ruler of the Klks lodge last ni.vrht when the Hiinual elec tion of . oflcers was held with a largo attendance present."' Me and tho following officei-H will he in stalled April : Hheiwood Wil liams, leading knight; It. .1. Kit chen, loyal knUhl; . Robert Wil liamson, leclurfnj; knight: Itay Winters, serreiary; Park Taylor, treasurer; I'. It. tiler: J. II. Berry, dele- i'enre, trustee; Berry is the retiring exalted rul- Another fjuioker, similar to the on') held last inouth, was planned ror March-2o with tlm next Ini tiation to be held March 27. TOSSERS OPEN TOURNEY PLAY HERE TODAY As the' Observer goes to press this afiernoon, play was starling in the sub-district basketball tourna ment in the I,. It. H. Recreational jhall. with Bnbler playing Cove. La scheduled (Jrando and Klgln wen A I'tiion-Wallowa i-ounty Hnm 1 phnishfp will b determined tonior j row night at ! : ::. after two pre I vioiis games in which ih last two teams win their right to enter lhe I'nlon tournament next Wcda day, Thursday and Friday. 0 -tI jtw f 5 ClUirCll MenWeVS i Attend Union Meet Tweiity-flvo member!, of the I 'a i f 'hrl-dfan church attended revival meeting at ni'-lhi, conducted by I nton last ! the llev. It. ! L. Pulnain, who spoke on "What j Is the New Tenia tii' iil Mr. Pul- i nam and his daughter Lcnore ) aiig a iluct during the service. There wilt he no meeting Satur i day night, but the revival services t will continue unlit Mar. HI. Tonight, the subject, will be 11)' e fuvi'u mie- nn- i iii'.-r yii i Ihe Cross?" Sunday will have ii,,,.,. U(..-i-ic..' Miimi.-iv Kciioni Hi to. morning worship at. 11. sub- . ject e,v Testj.ment Church": I evening worship 7:4ft.- subject , "What Must We Do." Monday I evening at 7: lo Mr. Put nam will preach on "I'npardonahle Sins." M APLin'OV IIO.ST 10 TKAMS PIINDLKTON, March 7 (API - l-;ighl high school P ains of thj district meet here lonlht and to morrow for the district basketball championship and the right to enter the state tournament. J'on dlcioii. .Mfl.augblln. Helix. Ath cua. rm.it ilia. Arlington. Hepp' per and Sianifeld are enti r d. TO MOLD MKI-rriXfiS pnRTI.AXD. Ore.. Mar. 7 (Al')l Dr. Clark Rlack. president, and R. II. Ktpp, executive secretary of the Colttmliiu River Valley afsociu tion, will leave lie re Monday on a trip to Kas(crn Oregou and Wash- , inglon communities. They will scik j to serenvthen the orjfanlxatlon find: gain support for the .novement to; j restore navigation on the Columbia j and C:ia!:c rUtr. PUESB SUCCESS tfioru( IhTimnl Mimv's ''Tlie Ap ple Curl" Is nil l.hc rngc In I bo Sou Vork Lltciitricnl world at present jititl Violet Kciublc Coop er, iK'aiitirul actress, Ls the out st ndlng woman, in the priMlnc llon, thu iiciloti or whlcii Lukes place In 1000. DEBATERS READY FOR FIRST TEST Affirmative Team Goes to Caldwell; College of Idaho Speakers Here The. affirmative team of the Normal school debate squad left, for Caldwell, . Idaho thin morning accompanied by iMjss . Amtinda Zahnl, coach. The doh'ators are motoring to their .destination .with Miss Mjidelino Larson,' . physical education instructor. Members of the.' Normal suhool team who will debate in Idaho are Hazel Williamson;- Vergella. Bond and lOugcno Bowman; They .will return to Ja. Grande Saturday. II. II. llaymun. ' debate coach at firmatlve team arrived here this af tnrnoon aild will meet the negative team of tho Normal school here tonight at 8 o'clock in a clashing debate. 'Immediately following the debate tho student body wilt spun sor it dance in honor of tho visit ing members of the debute team from Caldwell and for the loca Normal school Htndeiits. Tho public is cordially Invited to attend the first debate held in thi.i Normal school tonight. : SII:'IAIj ASSKMHLV ,Tho Normal school gave an un usual program In a spcciul assem bly (his morning. A Shakespearian "" . u O ciock oral r.ngusu ckism. unuer i,nn dlrcellpii of Miss Lena Foley. j lie program consisieu oi rcaoiiif;, speeches and excerpts from three plays wmcn .MiaKcspeare wrote, a brief account and description of tho playwright's lifo was interest ingly given. That famous old home on St rad ford -On-Avon was described and a description and characterization of the wife of Shakespeare, Anne 1 la tha way was given. A description of the great man himself followed. "That Shakespeare was a master of man ners of the best, society is shown In all his plays," It wuk said. The dramatist began bis career uf writ ing plays by revising popular plays of his dav. loiter no wrote nis original nlavs. lie was also u j original plays. .shrewd business man. wiicreny ne Shakespeare wrote to entertain people of all stations of life, Kven sailors and the riff-raff of the people thronged to sec his plays, ii wiih staled. Several poems were rend, ami one student gave tier original im pressions and reasons for liking Shakespenre. An excerpt from each of the following plays was given. The scene of tho three witches j from "Mac. Meth" was fantastically presented; the love scene from "As You Like It" was given by several - girls, and last from "Mid three comic scenes Summer's Night Dream", were cleverly presented, r-,!,,,,,," ,n outbursts of laughter from the audience. Labor Organization Selects Delegates Louie Kvans a nd William 1 csm went elected delegates from Ihe ( "en t rat Libor council to the ehalirber of commerce at Ihe council meeting bt night. Mr. ,3acam was appointed chairman of a law and legislative coininjt lee to work with a ."hollar com mittee uf the Oregon Federation of Uiltor. About I'J members were, in al tendance. MILTON-riiKI AVA'I Kit WINS I-1JNDLKTON. Ore.. Mar Il 7 (API 'Hie Mclaughlin High fchuel. rf Milton-Free water, de feated the Ilermh'ton Hisfh school last night to win the county d -bato championship and the right to meet the olh Lantern Oregon i counties in the ship race. state champion- LA GRANDE, OREGON, FRIDAY, J BIDS TO BE ASKED SOON FORMATION Drawings on Proposed $150,000 Depot About Ready for Fugmts. WAITIXGROOM TO BE 36 BY 15 FEET Announcement Made in Portland by Chief Engi neer Samuel Murray of Union Pacific. lORTI.ANI. Ore... March 7 (Special ) I )la wings of the pro posed Cnion flepot at I .a Grande wiP be ready for figures wit bin a, few days. Chief Knglneer Sam uel Murray, of the 1'nhm Pacific, Portland, a n uoii need yesterday, ''lie proposals will bo received In M.urray'a office in the Pillock block, according to the Dally Journal of Commerce, , Complete cost of the project j lie declared this morning's ha 'i been estimated at $ 1 f.u.OOO. J meeting of heads of the delega Plans call for a two-story station j lions, at which M. Aristide Hiiand and office building liliO feet long, tho French chief, was present for and Sii feet, wide, A. modern ile algn employed on commercial build ingfi has been used in the drawings by tho architects, Oll- (Conllnued on Pago Klve) Funeral Rites Held Thursday For Rev. Hall The funeral Hies .for the Rev. Vernon K. Hall, whose sudden death look place at the Methodist oa fsonaga Monday eWning, were heh1. yesterday afternoon at the Methodist Kplseopal church. The servl"o probably conformed us nearly to the desires the deceased pastor might .have had, had he expressed them, as wuk humanly possible. It was distinctly il ser vice .of worship, with, the scrlo t tire, t ho prayei, he eu logy, I he aermon and the mimic, rem'indimr Uio hirge congi-egation .jyiseiiisbled of the 'ideals of the pasforKflnd'-of 'bin yearnings for them along spir itual titles. -; . Dr. Man-y M. 1 lamilton' . of Boise, silpeiinlendeni of this' :'dis tiiel. had chargo ttrt tho service. Ilo was assisted by the Rev. It. C Lee. of l iilon. who offered the prayer: the Rev. J. George Wal.. r president of the local ministerial j (Continued on Pago Klvo) Three Enter Race In Wallowa County i:NTi:itPRlSi:. Ore.. Mar. 7 Three ca ndidates for county of-flc- were announced yesterday, liutling in the field at llsl one aspirant for each place to be filled, according to the liccord Cliiertnin. Two ;tueiuber;l of ihe present county court whos terms expire It It year. Judgo I,. ;. Jordan ami Coiiimlssfoner j-;. !. jolmson. will lioib be candidal e for reelect bin on the republican ticket. l-.Mgar M.ivin will run for -conn- Iv jiidL-e on ihc deiuoeratit ,1h ket. ; ST. Al'GI'STINF., Fla.. March bin friends staled after he had j 7 ( A P ) Playing tho final five goiu. lo Portland on it bnsine.sH J hoh-s in a terrific thunderstorm, trip. Mis;i Maureen Oreult. eastern and These at)miiiiicemeiiii clenr t he j metropolitan women's chumplon, polMical almophere iu tho conn- defeated Mjss Glenua Collett, tin -ly and at h-nsl mark out thf lines j llonal women's 1 1t teliolder. 2 ami for the primary contest, givlngj I In their KcmJ-fiual match of the one aspirant, foe each of Ihe i.o.vi- Florida Last. Coast trolf tolirna- tious t oe iiueo ! .1 SECOND DIVISION WINS BANNER The fulfill Pneiric Mv.-tcut ).-V. mi fel y bpniicr. wlilch n4 luianbfl lo (be ki'oihI ihl"lnit at n meet bit; held In I'orliand, l piiiurcfl nliovt. S. A. Ilrvnl mill, net i 114 irencnil wifely nfft'iil of Uic O.'W ., I at the left, ( I". KobcrU, of I41 (irtimlc, nnrtlil 11 tit BupcrliiU-mlciit It Hi (he center, mid OlvMoii Kupcrliitcinl cm V U. Ould U nt the ight, MARCH 7, 1930 FIVE-POWER NAVAL MEET IS RESUMED Ramsey' MacDonald Be lieves Conference Will Produce Treaty. BRITISH NAVAL ESTIMATES MADE Total for 1930 Shows Re duction of Nearly Five Million Pounds Five Ships Cancelled. LONDON. Mfaireh 7(AP)-.ltitne-ay Maclona1d, Rrltish prime mln Inster. and chairman uf tho five power naval conference, announced this morning after resumption of the parley 'ul the end of a three week reccHK that the conference was in full working order and that thus "all tho prophets of evil aa so often is the case In human hlstorv f have been confounded." tho first time since the fall of tho Tradlcu guvernmfent, had resulted In the advancement of the confer ence's work, permitting a new hold ion tho broken thread of the ncgo j tiations. Dclegiiles Husy N .MacDonald said that the dele j gates were at It again and that tho I conference was going to produce a J a-y. " f i talk with a feeling (Continued on Page Three) Purchase of Rum iVb Crime, Opinion MOSTON, March 7 (A P) Fed eral Judge James M, Morion to day handed down a decision rul ing pn rchnne of Huuor is nol a crime under the national prohlbl- -lion act. Tho decision, was given in tne case oi jamen i arnir, oi, iWatertown. recently Indicted for purchasing ' two ptnlH of Ihmor, Judgo Morton's decision aproxi1 mutely covered ten typewritten pay i;s. '" ? V.', v.- Mayor Gives Fags To 30 Communists I mj RTI ,A N D. Oif .. Ma rch (AP) A coinniunist revull, l' which about :i( alleged unem ployed persons did thn, revolting, and Mayor George linker watched nonchalantly while lie smoked 'cigarclP-H and passed them oul to revolters. marked "Red Thurs day" in Portland until a pausing schoolboy yelled "Do.wn I ho one horse rebellion." The thirty alleged unemployed were surrounded by l.fiOO spec tat on', two military- authorities, BOM city hall employes, two or three sojiads of detectives, well armed, and some hundred police men. A half dozen of the 30 stumped and stumped mid slumped from a collapsible speaker's stool. Then they departed. .MISS OKCCTT WINS ; meitL iwre toouy. SUCCESSOR? I 'Ill Ml 11 L.-W.. V ! ' ' t t , v- ... i . ' l .;,, ' .. ..-...-, . . Till .Aim-rlwiii to l.rvlilc nviM' Uic .;plmoiil clum-ii III llm Unlliil Hliit08,i lxwt coiii-alil! In tlm( of Uic Avclihlsliop or Olin-lerbui-y. will lio m'locKil by l.lio li(iH0,or I)ImIhiW on -Mar. a. Tim 1(1. Itor. IIiikIi Idilhiii-i'.lliirk-Miii (illiox'c), lilHliop or South lliiknlil, mul , llm lU.'-Ilov. Wlllllllli A. lcomirtl (liclow), hlsliop or Ohio, nro;mMUIO!il ni; powllilc Miccwti-HOI-41 Hi Uio lalo IU. Ilov. CilmrlfH I'nuncrMimi Amh'ison. GOVERNOR DENIES SHAKE-UP RUMORS Norblad Says' He Knows Nothing About Game Commission Stories '. 'hOHTLAiNli, Ore;, March 7 (1-A HlKnod irlicto In. tho Ureffoulan todny Bill dthat CSov ernor A.' V. Norblad hud mndo Jio promltte to. "clean hoime" In ihe stutr. game . coinmlssion, dcHplle repprts, otherwise, nor has the R-ovormir1 seen affblavits tiKuluHt Harold Clifford, tliilo Kami) war den. Tlie c.rtlcle.. obtained from Gov ernor Norblad while lie was In the city yesterday, said that the gov ernor "scUnow ledjjes that the Kportsim'ii wilt never be satisfied no mrittpi who Is game, wardon or who sltr. n the K'"ne commis sion. ' Other than what has appeared In tho Oregon press, Governor Norblad said, according to the Oregonlan. "I know nothing about tho affidavits nlleged directed nt Clifford." Tho article- mtoted Hie governor as HJiylner: "l.nt tired of ser-liiK fish nnd game ' made the football of poll tic. I would rather that Ihe gov ernor did not have tho tippolnl iiiK of tho game rommtssion. In my uM'ssago to the legislature in llt;tl ( Intend suggesting a plan which wilt relieve Ihe -governor or continual embarrassment of disagreement nmtng Hiiorlsmen, It is not fair lo Ihe governor. It would lie belter It the game com mission was appointed by the board of control. , "Wo have a legislative Interim commit ee of flub and t hey are expected to make a. report to the 1 1 31 sesHluu. This com nil ltet may work out a solution. We hhould at least give It a chuuOc," the Oregonlan said. I'OltTI.AND. Or".. Mjmh 7 ( A I') The 1'orlland Telegram said' today thai, upon the appoint ment of a new game commlHHfou er to succeed Hen Oorris, Kufleii", resigned, binned The relent h.m or l etnovat of Ifiarold Clifford, slute game wa id n. One Man Killed In Wreck In Georgia t'( l,t M Ml :H. Oa.. .V'H 7 (A I') one man was reported killed und an uudrlfTinlned num ber of pirMouH injured at Ohn AIf,-j)u early loday n't the wc oiti section of the Kemliiote Lim ited, Central of (ltoriria pasnen gor train, cra.hcd Inlo the rear of tho flrnt section. The scene of the wreck is 2ft miles south of Columbus. The dUpa! flier's office was In formed that the Itov. O. C. W(ille. of I'hcnlx City, Ala., hud beun killed and a number whune nuines wero ot given lnJureJ. MEMBER A. B. C. Tornado Causes Four Deaths In Southern Area Mississippi, Arkansas and Louisiana Hit by Storm Property Damag e at $100,000. MEMPHIS, Tenn.. at nr. 7 AP) Four deathH and property duni nge. cHtlnuited by owners nt more than 100,000. wero churgeublo to day to a tornado, which luuhed Misslsaippl, ArkauMiiH and LouIhI iinn Inst night, wrecking a village of L'OO nnd Injuring two .score. Tearing through Mlnsissippl pluntatlona nnd Hinall towns tho high wind killed two negroes In Bolivar comity, injured tun per-1 hoiih and destroyed fifteen house valuctl at $2U.uoo. Mrs. J. W. Ad aniH, CS, was kilted and two negro employes hurt ns tho atorm Hwopl tho A da ma farm near KohcIuhUoii, Kllmlimlcs VillajfC Heading into Arkansas the tor nado virtually wiped out tho vlllugo of Gregory with damago eHllmated by John llldrldge, plantation own i r. at $:t0.000. Later tho Htorm dipped into the Harris community, aliout eight nilleH from Homer, ln., l.'ltled a negro woman named Mitchell nnd injured throo others, l' ivo tenant Iiouhch, a roHldeneo and a church were demolished. KoaldcnlH of Boyle, MIbs., were warned of tho npprouch of tlio (Continued on Pago Throo) Harney. County Rabies Outbreak Worst In Years .l'OK'riANI Oi-ft., Mlfull 7- (A.I') Klmer . WIIUhmih, HtmUtunt jirLMliitory utiimul conlt-ol loiulcr of tlio United KliitoH bloloKicut Hllrwy, who l-i'lurnf-d yesterday fi-imi a two uitUh Hiii-voy oC cuii Jitiu.iia In 1 KnuU'i-n Orricun, wild that a Kiitldnn outlireaK of nlliloB, Uoclliri'd llio warm. Billi'O 11115-1(1 when $1,000,000 winlh of cuttlu died, Ib rasliiK In ll'nrney cou'nly. AVIlllnnm mild M head of cattle had norlHhed yewterday and four rabid eoyoteK and two Infected doits had been Wiled by ranchorH. Goui'uu WhltlnK. .. rancher llv IHK.iiixir, JJurttK, wli nitncked by ti,". ohizel , '.vcnyoliv ' leehrn'ary ' IS, when tho animal laced Into li In front yard. The mad erealliro bit ft herd dog and turned lowurdH thn rancher, who inanagad to kill It with n. heavy plank which he hcIhoU as a club. Iluni-y lluah, a rancher llvlnu near Uiwen, had a similar cxiier lonco a Hluirt llmo afterwardH, VVIlllamN wild, when u accond coy nte attacked bin dog In tho front yard, lluah killed tho animal with ii rifle. WlllluniH aild tho enllro valley or Harney county had been plac ed under rigid Uarantlno and all doKM which havo not been vuc eilj.atcd with tho I'aateur vaccine havo boon placed In captivity. ' Jamea- l.owla anil Huns Uollar .(ilde. two biolOKlcal mirvey hunt orn, Wllllauni mild, have been or dered to J-larney county. COOK PAROLE APPROVED BY MR. MITCHELL WASIUNXiTOiV, March 7 (Al) Tho parole of 1r. Krederlek A. Cook, serving a sentence In the federal penitentiary at heaven worth, KnnsiiK, for using the malla to defraiul, has been ap proved by Attorney General Mit chell. Announcement ' of the parole was mod- today by Ihe deiart ment of Justice. Officials there said the exact dale when the pa role would become effective could bo ascertained from the warden of thu iieuflentlary but. It whh their opinion it probably would be tomorrow. Salem Teachers Consider Pay Plan KAI.KM, Ore., Mar. f (AD The salaries of i'.i Hulem teachers would be redqeed and 77 increased unth-r a proposed new Kcheilulo prepared by a committee of teachers to.be voted op by att the teachers of the city within a week. The total t hat Is ..-ow paid I he tear hern would not be Increased, and adjustment Is on , t -months IhisIh. COIXONT IIKAIt (MtlU'IIlS I.OuS A NG.I'JI (KM, March 7 (AT) I'ollce today were obliged lo relenso Hamuet Vv'ldfe, -T., one of the wore of persons arreHted ilui (ng nn attempted nuirch yeHter day on the city hull by coiiunuu IkIH. Ilo hod been cliui'Krd wit h siiHpiclan of criminal nynl leal (sin as thu renult of failltiK In obey police orders, (.JiiewUonltig of the Hiifpeit this mornliih' dlcloycd that lie 1m stone deaf. MAN IM'lt.XKh To PIIATM YAKIMA. Wush., March 7 - (Al) John A. I la vis, fi.l, was found burned lo death In Ills room Ut (he county Isolation hos pital. Me was a tuberculoids pa tient. Hospital uttacheH were In doubt us to whether thu (Ire watt ttn Wccldent or tutctdal. NUMBER 171 GRAIN PRICE TO IMPROVE, LEGGE SAYS Farm Board Chairman, Tells Senate Committee ; Bottom Is Reached 50 GROWERS" AT BlBLEBj MEETING Avery and Case Speak During Session; More , Signei-s Are Secured; Meet Again Tomorrow. WHEAT MEN MEET About 60 grain- growers ttt tondod a mooting held at Imbler last night, with County Agent If. CI. Avery and W. J. . Case Chairman ot the preliminary or ganization formed last woek, upeuklng. Muoh imprest -was shown. It was again explained that !!00,000 bushels aro neces sary to secure a permanent or ganization, and a few more Blowers signed up last night. I'luna are being made to hold unotbor mooting tomorrow. Mr. A.VQry Is socretnry ot the pres ent. '.organization und announces Iha- tho mooting will begin at 1:30 p. in. at tho etty hall. CHAMBER WIRES MfeXAIlY 'i'ho Union county chamber of soinmerce today nont,a telegram lo tionator McNnry in Washing- ton,' asking him to Bupport the StcAtnstora roslutlon which pruposeo that the farm, board bio' $25,000,000 worth of -wheat nntC send it to China as ono nteluiH ot stabilizing .wheat prlcos. - :'. . : ' . r ' " ; llOTTOJf REACHED, liEOCJK ' . ' Jj SAVS . (Minimum UegRo of tho farm tiionrd expressed tho opinion bo- foreV'tlio senate ugrlculturo com-' i niltteo today that tho bottom had boenV reuched : ltv the price do- I ciinek of -uffrlonlluro connnoditicH i ..n.l . 'Hint. lttintnvntviMif iamiij in sight. 1 i.rgo, ' with fineretary Hyde, discussed tho farm question at an executive Bcssion. . Aftcrwnrd Ctmirmnn McNary tee for tomorrow to consider th'J Nyo resolution hsking investlgs- ' lion of udminlstration of tho net under which tlio farm bourd waa created. LegRe (old tho commltteo full; attention of the bourd was di rected toward bringing about sta bilization of agricultural com modltiea prices. M',cNury requested Leggo and Hydo to appear tomorrow. Ho utmi.'ii inuui iu huuiiiiv uii upimuii on reports ,thul 4i world wldo at tempt wus being made to depress prices in nn effort to demoralize thu new American farm relief progruur. The commltteo chairman suld ho had received reports asserting thero was cvldenco of a world (Continued on Pago Five)' Babe Ruth Rejects New Salary Offer KT. IMiTKitHHUHiO. Pla., March 7 (Al') Tho first salary confer- , etico today between Babe Ruth and Colonel. Jacob Kuppcrt, own er of tho Yankees, failed when tho homo run king rejected a compromise of H5,u(J0 for l'jgo or $80,000 for each of tho next two seasons. JUSTICE BELT SEEKS RETURN TO THE BENCH Justice Harry H. Welt of tho su premo court has filed with tho sec retary of state his declaration as ti candidate for renomlnatlon at tlio republican primury etoulUMi. Cuder a change In thu manner ot electing justices, made by tho 19211 legislature, whereby u candidate seeks a particular position on tint court, Justice Holt is ti candidate for position No. fl under tho old system, with, for example, two places lo fill by election, the two receiving the largest number of( voles wero declared nominated olj elected. chief Justice O, 1. Coshow's term expires this year also, Co show Is a democrat, and will file, probably today, as a candidate for reelection. licit, was first, elected to tho su preme court In tltlM, beginning his term in January, l!;j5. Justice John MeCourt had died and Judgo M. 1.. ripes of I'ortlund was ap pointed by Clovernor IMerCo to suc ceed him. Pipes was not a candi date in Ihe following etoctlon and -Heft was elcctrd. Hlmm the term of office Is six years this Is the first year licit hu.i been up for reelec tion. Coshow was appointed by Gov ernor 1'lerce In January, 1!24, to succeed Justice Karris, who re signed. Coshow was then elected In November of that year. 11 ko Of Ii. this is his first time up for ructvcllou. . r .