Friday, February 28, 1930 Page Six 63! DAIRYMEN OPPOSE ! UNDUE EXPANSION t " nl niiiyoninilHn and whipped eivnm. (,'ocoitnnt pudding Ik a dellrnlo ih-HHcrt thai can .In1 scrt'ed to cli II dren. j, m ' I Cocoannt INhIiIIiiic Finn Stand Taken by As- Ono ami nno-imir ph im. 1-2 UflnMnHnn TlllVinir Hnn- ! ''"I' en-am, 1-2 cup hukui', l-2 leu- -hociauon jJiuing (tmi 4 ll(,)IrH(1MOnH (.()rn. V- vention at Loqiulle. , WreM, whit. 2 ckk, 1 nn Knin-n ; It'oi'ininur, . (Oi.JlTLLK, Ore., I'Vti. IT? A I j )K 101 iiKlairli to a smooth l-A tlnu htand itwnlnKt tinduo ex- piodo with a little cold milk and iriliHlon of Inn i"liv Industry In H,i n-iiiitlnlnK' niHk to bolllnft 0eftn wan taken hero yrsienl'iy p,dn. Add micur tu milk and when tho tinntiul roiivenHon of the when ready to lioll, stir In corn- Hlaicli. Add Hull and Htlr conxlanu ly iiihII inlxtni'M ihlrkotiH. Cook over liolllii- witter for iitieen mm Men. Add W'liltt-M of until HifiT und ivmuv lug with u upoonful of the prepur !.dd embumtt and u few dropH of fretfiin Htnto Unity iiHHocltillnn ynrivencd for the. fiiml iteMon and adopted a report of the cnniiulHro fin ftxpnntdon. ftJ'tiern Ih no ran ho n for (ho good dJilty farmer to Ih; unduly alurni hfU tho report Htiid. Keonninle jiroduction and rpiality prodiietM jern HtmKflHlfl Intcolln-r with xmmd itdvertlwlntf policy, ji The report railed special atten tion tn Ilia need of a more een iiomla production of feed, heifer farm mnnnKcnicnt, climlimtiim of old fiOUH not producing l ' w pounds of fat and the tine nf holler hItch. nli committee report on dln einte control urged completion uf tnlicrculOKiri work to make an ne ir.rxdited Hlato1 and Mtggeted Hi" uwi'go of u law providing for ppfte ,t'piitlcx on full Unto to carry ijtY tlia'worlr. It nlo mingeMed that .rfHidewJde com toe of dairy men . meat 'with Htntc nan It a ry jhriurd'lo work out hihi'h' change in ! glii method 01 ' aliartion work. p. ft. .lainlHon, dairy extenhr; hpeclall.-il uf Oregon Hlnl'e eollege, ftlggewted tlto' peed of heller pus 4?ii res, nnd the advantage nf. ro tftlnK aNHoelatlons in lowcriii lln- i tJjtlryittcn fronall HcctiotiH of the. Jiaiti an una en. . iMitcerK w in no (ilfiotod later. , If- ; vanilla. Turn into a mold to t hill ami become firm. Kervo ver coid u ) h a ciiMtard Hauec inah wii h yolkH of run. New dlHCoveriifK and th carte about toodn are lieltiK preaciitod tn the hoiiMewli'o aluioHt daily and, HOIIielilHCH, in )ier connf If-id toii air tempt to apply them to iier own needt;. nlte bet-oiiich pllzb'd and woailei-H how he ran know what h: Heienilrically proper ami correct and what Ih taboo. ileHenreli workern and Inverftl Kalot'K in foodn and nutrJlion in. coiiHiantly working lo verify ex perimeatH and cxiahtiHh definite rciiltK. The doubt abuut Home KHH beaten I fuudx eemx lo be. from heat. I auay and fnctH may II clean 1 aeeepled. , For the School Girl trr MENUS . . Ily Slstor .Mary HWhli frnuli nnhnnnm nir.iln In illilrkot. It behoOveH the- - Iioiiho. IV-eor'. lo ''rind iimo for 11. in her. lll'eilUH.' . . ' , ft f'oconnut 'Ih quito niKli.ln food yjiluo. containing much- fat, a rtitatll. pere.enlae of protdn. and tirholiydratn. In vitamin It, It Ih (Wisidcrcd "Kood," hut In vlluuiln A 'It, Ih "low." "J- VKIi . freHh ' ooooantit- iiffnln In iiourtnliniPhl and calorlcN to any rohcoctton in which it Ih uhciI un pfforH plPainr variety. , l'f, ConBnnuently cot'.oanut addft vefy iatraatlyo. $ r ' ! CViroiititil Sulnd , . Onp-nnif , fresh rocoamit, 2 tart ftpploli, 1 cup diced Celery; 2 Hwoot Knvn pepperH, I tnbloHpoon rninc fU, parHlcy, 4 tablcHponnH Kronen drt-HnltiK, 4 tuhU-HpoonM . Kronen ctrHHttifr. 4, ; tabloHpoonH inayoti jJuIub. : ;, 2 . , tablcHpooiiH, .whipped rroutn. ; . 'i . K' tlratn ooroantit. , I'aro and dire apploH. -Uamovo hooOn ami :whH fltior frotn peppoi-H and in I no (Io'hIi.odiIjIjio coeoatuLt, npploH. qelury, poppcrn and pai'Htoy with J'Vcneh thoHHlnw. Covor and Wt Hfuml on Ico lor ono hour. - .Mix .Whipped, cream and mayonnaise, wtron -ready to sorvo. Kim-vo tin Mind In-a not of Krocn Hhreddcd kiafMottiioo and garnlHh each sorv- ! lJ4V A ' TMUft. that lirendHtiiff which Ih m popular iin.wndfiyH from brenk rat to mfdnlKhl Kun h. hax come tinder the expurlmeiiter'H eye. It has hecu aeltnowlcdKod for mmif (Jtlie (hat the heat of hmMllitf uetn mi the Hlarch In the bread, cliaiiK Imr It to HiiKar and xliorli'iiiuu' the Unto reimired for body dlKHtio.i. Tho t(iieHl loll recently htiH been whether (lie effect of the toastim; heat inlfthl not bo no hannfal lo tho protoin content of tin breol that ilio tfood effect on the march lllli-'llt be coiiub ractcd. TchIh liavo proven that tho pro- pletely dlKeHled HH tilt prolcln ('f unt'd bread. Iiry loant Ih more readily dl(fewt ed Mian Hofl tonnt becatiHo II ri' iMtlreH more ohewliiK and bleaks lain tiny partleloM. The jitoco.H.-i of ititfrstlou iri Htarlf d by Ihe in (.mined flow "f wallva. When bread Ih cut thick for luiiftJiitf and Ih biiltcrcd and elnne y covered after t(uiHtlm? lo, keep L hot, ail tho points in favor of loaHttro lost. Tho thlckncHH of I Jut broad prevoulrt tho heat from poiiotrnllntf and thorouK-bly effoet Imk tho chantfii In tho Hlnn h oon leiit. 'I'lio. Htoaminu Hoftens the loast and .domroyn Its eilnpneHS. Mread slintild ho rut in thin tliccH and toaHtc'l not loo rant If full benefit i lo bo liad from Its toawllnk'. SANK OFF ARGENTINE COAST l-if i n. I'hatn i Vrcck of the Hamburg-South American liner Monte Cervantes which struck on submerged rocks and sank in the Beanie channel near Ushuaia off the Argentine coastline. The captain lest his life whpn the vessel took its final plunge. All passengers ar.d. members ' of the crew were saved. ' , ' Ml ItlH'.llllH Kll,l,i:i ItV llt.XIS , (MIJi'AMO. j''ol. 2S- (At) IJoortfe': KerehHl, who was railed "Kane, couiity'H most brutal miir deter" whon ho wuh convloled in !!l fur rtlaylnff Ills Hwoothoart, iK dond," the' victim of 'an violent a detuh as that which ho caused. ills body was Identified yester day. II" li'ul boon Htr-teU by it train. ', ICeroHSl waH released from pVIson in l!i-'i. He had boon Hontotirod to life iniii:lKotimonf for the murder of l-'lora SJibo, 17 year obi. Tvi:rrrif Di:.vni KKNOHIIA. Wis.. Kelt. 2S (AP) .Tho iwelfih doath rosulthiK from the Wreck of a North Snore lino passemfor train hero nlKhi occurred loday when llarold t'arey of Mllwuiikoo died of IiIh injuries. Tho dwith followed the return of two coroner's verdicts which fixed no blame for the crash. . city of tho ronnlry would bo iiKkeflf to march upon their .nunlclpal aM niinislratlon ci ators oil that date and di-ipand "work or waHoa" Talh. Talk, Tallc ' t Hoii'i wvv iliinli poMp( iii his',," ciilos arc not "iMlkod" tiboitl. Tlio.v nn. Mlihouti yiu offou hour n siiuili town woman who s under (Ire Ktiy. "That's (lie Irntihln wtlh il llulo lown: the people do ii'Mhln bid watch ninl 'lall;.' Alclilwoit ,( Cl.die. . ().M.IIXISTS XAJli: lAV Proof of Worthinc , "When you lose a furl him," .said III Ho. iho site nl Chinatown, '-.vol) i a n 'bo able lo rebuild II tn or der lo prove you deserved it In Ihe., Ilrsl plneo," Washington. Star. Cauie for . Thanltf ulneis . i "He vvlio reinains foruoiten." snltl III Ho. the sate of 'liitf.itown. "may A at loasi ii.ioi-(i jhar 1m lias (lono.i no harm siilHrieni o recall Ids. . unnio." Wasliiuub'ti Star. . i SAN-K1ANVIS'0, Kob. 2S (AP) JloadiiiarlerH of the 'local com-' m '.in 1st oi frani.ation announced to- ! Simple Divorce Proceeding f ''' In eiinl a ivouiau can divoreo lay thiit .March 6 had boon chosen! her husband at any lime by iuiply ' aa "national tinemplfiymont day' I placing a hole! liur under his' pil-' and -that "tho unemployed in every low am! taking tier departuro. Jbr Economical Transportation CJtlo for tho school ulrl l-i a 1 it t lo blue nnd yellow ensemble., Tlio cont Is of a now pohhly worsfod lined with tho yellow- o(,tie Crook. Tho lint of yellow Is raced with' tho wors'ed. , JtiHht, a tulltf frock of phtld dotted Swiss in yellow ha'; u K'Ted skirt, bolero and'.eap sleeves ftiid line oiT.andio blouse, i Photos coltrtpyy .of lnfti5d Jufuut, . Children's aiul Junior Wear League.) . : ffipp -7- .7 ' ' ' ' - "'-' : ? ' Grande Ronde Meat Go, City Grocery and Market Main 75-50 Packers and Distributors of Mt. Emily Products : v' Hoover , Market . Main 755 Economy Grocery nnd Market Main 57.148 THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS 45 head of Herford Steers is your choice to pick from in our coolers. We invite you to inspect them at our Packing Plant on Jefferson Street. - Follow the Crowd! There's a Reason! - SM12LT. 3 l).s. ... Fresh from the Columbia. KACON, Ih, , 28c ROLLED P.L'TTS. ll. 25c Lijrht & Loan. Uoady for slichiR. Nime liettor. Ko bone. DID YOt! (a;KSS ON THR WKICIIT OK the hk; ham at the iioovek MARKET? The live hog weighed Dim lbs. Look for the miner's name in the window! HAMS, lb Sued & mild, 29c Grocery Department Special Trices lor Saturday and Monday Apricots 29c $1.59 Whole Wheat Fig Bars 2 lbs Flour Royal Crean) ninde at home from homo raised hard wheat It is guaranteed to pieasc you or your money Imok. 40-11). saclc CARNATION Pancake-Flour Mb. Cloth r j:tr yc Baby Clams Whole Delicious for chowder Qn. soup and salads. No. 1 tin, 2 forJC Jell Powder Royal Club Asst. Flavors rH Re)f. rkfir. ! for yC We carry a complete stock of I'.akorv l'roducts that arc fresh daily. Tell us your needs our complete stock will help you solve them. Watch for our Satur day Specials. Yacht Club Hraiul. Fancy Fruit H(n In Syrup. 2l tin, !! for i uC Peaches Monarch Rrnnd. Halves or Sliced 2LTin, ;l for Tomatoes Yacht Club Solid Tack. 2-j Tins, " for Cracker Jacks Everybody likes them. Reg. t0e value. Special each 89c 55c 39c K. C. Coffee OrcRon I'ny Roll Hrand 1 -Pound Tins U-I'ound Tins Jumbo Stick of Candy FREE. 44c $1.30 yM&K Here is a bargain event 'without parallel in the history of this com munity! This great spring clearance sale brings to bargain seekers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ' to secure famous used cars "with an OK that counts" at savings that will be long remembered. , : Due to the tremendous popularity of the New Chevrolet Six, we have aa unusually large stock of fine used cars. . To clear our stock quickly, we offer these splendid cars at low sale prices that are nothing less than sensational. Buy a car during this sale at many dollars below its normal price! Look to the red "OK that counts" tag as proof of its quality and dependabil ity.,' This tag signifies that the car has been thoroughly reconditioned. Be sure to attend this sale early. Wide Choice of Four and Six Cylinder Cars 1929 Chevrolet Coach Specially equipped with shock absorbers, heater, bumpers front and real-, oversized heiivy duty tire 19.10 license, upholstering first class, motor thoroughly reconditioned. Sold "with an O.K. that counts." 1'rice $545 ti)27 OHKVHOM-rr LANDAU SI.DAN New pulnt Jolt. i-fL'hly-rivo iHr rout hiIiIht, bumpers front ami rvnr, liolMcrlitir Ik tixxl condition, motor complelelr mfHiuiilfil, .sold "wi(h an OK Unit counts." Price f 10TI.C l;ANI.U SKDAX This car Just i1(nmc1 rnm our Im ulli n contplctc motor overhaul, cquij)icil ultli this years l t iw. shock a lsorlHrs, bumpers, . rood ilws, very low inlleite. This cur will five you tlependfilile M-rvlee for years and will run llko new. Sold "with an (K iluit ctuiiit." Irlee 1 1112- rilKVROLKT (OI I'll Huh only been driven U.OOO miles, motor In csellcur -h 'ie, new rwhber,,uplv)Herlnx In first cIhsm condition, lonner owner (enve this ear eicel- lent ciuv, has this years llctMie, sold "willi tin OK Hint counts."- . lrlce $335 $425 $335 tmpletHy $135 I02 KOllI) rit'KUl' This motor has hwn compklely nverimnletl, has new rmllntor, has had very little use, n Rood huy. Price ma iu'ick M.sTi:n skdan riui.-u inks nwo now und the upholstering Ls In first class rondltlou, former owner cave this car eatvl'ul handllnjr. motor In itoori ren dition, equipped with F'liock absoroers and bum- pets, sold "wttli nn OK that counts." Irfec i $495 1927 Nash Special Coach ; This car has heen raised a pet, looks like new, with smart lines, handsome hlue Duco finish, extra heavy leather up holstering, new car depend ability and performance, 19:!() license, sold "with an' O.K. that counts". Price $545 BUY "O K" USED CARS FROM YOUR CHEVROLET I 1 V, Larison Used Car Department 411 Fir Street NOTE: DEALER! 8 jlmpvrmliPlI" (nmirrBirfianTi VJMLA'V V VV, -V1 JUL JL JBL HQpfiLJLA V i Models Advertised Above Shown at Mt t Adams Ave Models in Classified Section Shown at 111 Fir Street. Main Store 1414 Adams Av .V