e Six t-O.MIMI DVI'.VTS Tomorrow, till iln.V lilri'llllT Allufl Aid, Tliiimdny. mirli'iiltnrnl roin rnlHooH of III" Htilioi-illiiiitc KrnliKi'H or llio county will inoi-l In room -"J:! "I Hi'' I1'"" off'"'" with roomy n tri l tlln fit I liinlit. 11. (I. Avery, noil ntnli iiK'-nt li'Hilrr. SIV. It illiiiil of I'orviilllM. Thurmliiy i-vi-iilnir. Mini' M' Kriinito nifiiilii'i'M niv Invlli'il to (lMlii'iillon or Iho hoiiii' or Mi, anil Mm. N'1.ir In l.n llr-nnl". Hnniliiy, tin' "Willi! Hliull I Itr-nil" I'll'i'U' will i ! In Hi" iit'lcrnoon it t I ho lionm or .Mr, iiml .Mm. Wnllor .M. rloivo, Krlilny, I'Vh. ii'in'i'il romniiinily illnncr nl lulu ml City. ItOllll'll lldllH Mr. and MrH. Tom Wllllamwni who. live at the iiiper end of Wal lowa lake hnve heen in the vnriey Vlfltinic anmiiu' their nuimro'iB rHntlveH. They fim ned home yes terday. n-- llnsy I.amhlim Iuik wtarted al the II. i:. 3liikFh''H fiuip beyond Hie Itowman Iltek mill near l.a (iniinle. There liavi bci?H no Iohsch ho itir aml the InmhK are reported aa hehiw very nice, i'l'hO IIukIics band Ik of the JtamhoUlllet breed. ' :, , ' 1 o Hum Infi-Hcd Tooth ; I'wlKht h'lcrdiniaa of the (Ininxu Unit dlHtllcl ha la-en B.urferliiir Oi'iiKldenibly from an InfcHtcd wis-, floni tooth. It Iiiim been hoiiio nt ter.tho hint few tIayH. Jmpi'ovcN llimic Mr. ami Mi ri. l.ulher lllnduiiiii nru havinir omo extetiHivo reimid HIiik done to the home on their farm In the lllndntan district cant of KlKln. J. I Ihill of KlKfn him heen dohirC the work and wan caituht In the cxlreniely heavy rain experienced in that (a'ctluti. The roada were flpnded, he reported, to the depth of He vera I InchCH where 1)ih water had run down from the linlKhhoi Iiik lilllHidcH. CVrmhiK ll"mc- 1, Mr. andftMi-M. Itnlierl H. I'Yemh of tlm valley who have- been vIh itliiK nt tho home of Air. Krench'H funnier, Ali'H. Al. M. MrKeiiuon nl ClarkcHvllle, Ark.. Hlnce ht-fore 1 (""hrlKtnuiH arc exiiected home thin week. Heparin rrmn Air. McKen hon, who recently mirreted a stroke, r to the effect that ho 1h flinch hotter and he la aide to use hi. me of the membera which were affected lenipotarily. o ' VillK C'llllllltMl l- JdrH. A. A. Wilson of near Im! lcr hiiH heen In I'nlon Ihe miest at the home of her daiiKhter, Airs. Kred Kov. Imii Intr her ahsi nce from home she will also vWl at the home of her non. Clayton, in Port land and at the home of her dauk'li tt'iVAIr. i. M. Wrenshaw and fam ily In Walla Walla. rnrehiiseK I'ln-m Aei-ordiUk' to reports, a deal was rouHummalcd the first of hist week In which Walter Jom-a of near Noilh Powder vaine Into pos-ses- Hloit by puri'lmsc of the -in aurcH of IrrlKaled land on Hunny Slope twnv North Powder. It Is repott ed thill. .Mr. Jones paid approxi mately $iifi per aere for the Im proved tract, which Is known to icsldcnlrt of that section as the W. K.. Kester ranch. The hiilldiims on tin' place burned some time awe. no there are no improvements of fhut character. However, the en tire tract Is under cultivation with UlU'h and water i lulu under the Hunny Slope irrigation district. Miss Cum Comes , Mlsa Lucy Case, home demon Ht rut ion aneni from the state col Ick", who is very well known nver litis valley coiiich to eastern Oregon lomorrow to rIvc one of her nturl linn leclurCK at (lie MurrUain grange hall In Will Iowa count v. iler Hilhjeet Is to he "Kailiily I'Ved- lm:." one or a series which was Klveii In thin county some time n;;ii, o lines Nicely - Helen Jut 11 Speck lift 1 1. youtv-i diitiKhter of Mr. and Mrs. Ih-rhevt Speck hart of the Iowa iteinhlnr IokmI Is finite recovi ri d from bei vecenl operation for the reinn H of .vr tonsils, . ii - - Home 1 turns An ovcrlit uteil hi ive ntarted a file which d'Mtioyed Hte three room dwcllinu on tlo i'.. W. Mills ranch east of North iw der tist Salurda-. The lire slatted about noon while the men iif the cmea Were haulliiK hay. All contciits nt lite house were destroyed, and the lohH of botli dwHIitw; and I In eoi tents were lot:tt. as no inmiralii" vas carried. ft lee I nt Audit's oh Ice Aleiuher.i of the jriiriciiliure coin II i It teen of Hie , tf(' rent t;ranno nt-. fcaniKtiiloim of the county are called to a meeting Thursday, I'Yh, ii at tlto elv ll service l onmn at the posf Office huildim;. They will meet with Harry (i. Avery, county iiki'I eullural axeut ami I'. L. Itallurd, t-ounly MK'-nt leader of lite Ntate, V'.1 limn, wlin ha.H been "ltc PI of Achillea ;tt th"' horn,, of Air. and Ms It. A. AlJisti'itmi on Cove ave nue was reported as hclnc a little belter the ;i st of the week. o -llsJls DniiKhiej- Ah. Tod HcmbThon of the Jowi ritltlet has as her kh-X foe a lew MeokH her mother. Airs, t. Itnseil t ru nee who came to the ;ill. y re cently from Pasco unit Walla W.il U, Waeb. .Pag OVER THE VALLEY Mabel E. MorUiir, Phone; Residence, II"iimi I'roiii Vnllrj ! Mr. Jiilhoi Hiik hurt rrtnrnoil to tier homo In Kluln iifli-r hitting Mirnl Iho major pint or Hit1 winter at the home or I taiiKhtur, Mr. itnlll I -i ii Kill 1 1 1 al .Mi-Mimivilli. Mi llmr went to her iliniKhter'it home nlniiir nlioiit TliatikKvlvinir time ami hart hiul a mufl eiijoynhle winter. Two 1 n tun j'Ounly boys wore given recognition on the campus nt Ihc state college last week, when W 1 1 fin in Hill uf Klgln, a hin lor, was elected president of the Agriculture Huh Hiul ltussol Mr Kenilnii of near JmhlerVuM elect cil vice presldeiil, Hoih hoys have heen uulle aetlvo In this purlieu- i ad Ml It r. r-Toe.o in a covercq , lar campus ..rnaiii.ntlon. In the j mold In eo.mil lari crushed Ice; lost of hostessCH Tor tho tea Sat- !und rock Halt, or In an ehclrl re ; uiday afternoon given iih a com frlgeralor. pllment to the vNltor.s from the' high Hehools ove.lhe stale at Ihe niw oouvyiim.(.H lniyf, V.eeil In Kducitiional Kxposltloii. Allss IVari. : . etiuiiK for several n AI.I-K thode niinii wiis named as one hosen, - -o Have licituiiMrntioit poultry ralsi is in the vh lnlty of the home of Air. and AIH. C. P. Kd valson oa Catherine irreek partic ipated In a culling; demonstration ii,..,,.,.,., ,.f yesterday under th county agrleultu tl. Avery. Airs, splendid poultry ra agent. HdviilHon pen with Harry j has a finely 1 hied birds. To ltemme School Aflsfi l'rences Kelly who been riulte III of the flu a ' "! 1.... ' ...... i homo In La (I rondo will resume her duties as teacher at Willow dalo school tomorrow. School has not heen In session this week yet, AtlsK Kelly is very much better but Ik still Hither weak from h-r illness. o--A Ood Work lom l''ricinls of Oncar J. Paulson, In this valley, made during the years when he vlsiled this county on lours of Inspection, will he inter ested In the following tribute paid to his teeeiil worlt In the Male: (. .1. Paulson, who Is known here, j lias been appoinled as agricultural devehtmmnt agent for tho I'nlon! Pacific railroad, succeeding C. C I (iiictinuK whose death caused a I Viicancv In the office, according j to information received hy his sis ter M t'H. tleorge Adams of this community. Mr. Paulson lived In Corvallis and is a graduate of the Oregon' Stale college. He has heen active in Smith-H.ughcH work filling tlx position aa Instructor In dittereril sections of the slate before beeom- i litK stato HUprrvlsor about three j years ago. hour new Smlth-lluKhes agri cultural depart iu.cn ts were added l,nm ymiv. Tho Oregon assoclaliou of Kutiire l"aruiers of Anieilra has been organized. Night schools for farmers and Instructors for faruijagoat th hoy:, not in school, nave recetveu special attention. Vocational pro- Jeeta have been extended. Ah a result of the organization and extension of the various pro- I jects and In seeiirlng the recognl- liun of the work nt the county and stall) fairs, throughout the state, Alt'. Paulson Is said to have been ; Instrumental In placing his nieth- cd of Instruction on a firmer basis) la Oregon. rine (,'iop The hitrvesthitf of the big Ice crop at North Powder was fin ished week before Inst the Pueifk' Krnlt Kxpress company having put up about I a. "Km tons, three, of which were shipped and the re maining la. ami were put In the North Powder Ice houses. It Is rtpoitcd that th iiuallty of Ice this . trlcal eoitlpmcnl. including an elec ust since l-'-ltrlo Ineuhalor and an, electric, mm son is the which was an outstanding To Drdicnle The new home of Air. and Mrs. Nlxer. prominent members or lh ' Itlue Mountain K range is to be - given the rlluaiisllc dedicatory ex ereises net Thursday evettln; Kebrtiiiry "0, (irange members ar Invited ti attend the cCrclseH. : ' ' on j Snow -ilrtiie.- Afis. C. IV llurrtnaii. living t 'uve avenue reports the appenr iince of snow-drops, hiuidngeis of sprinc They luive come later titan usual this year, according io Airs. Iltiffuian. o Had Itoad Heads in the v.iltiy outside of tlt bighwaVM and surtaccil market are almost Invariably reported as being in very poor condition right now and traveling is very far from ' good. LlKht trucks, and even horse :-: ON THE AIR :-: TUlllsday, tVb. 2l KiiAC, CorvallU C.Mtkc) 1 2, nil. rciiuest program of music; l;:;tn. t p. in. (arm program; tL'.O. news digest; UVL', maiket report' and weather forecast; ' ; 30.3 ; lt liome- mal.ers' hour: 2:L"i, Aunt Sammy: 3. "Ahililng livery Minute Count." May Krank; : 3 0 -4 , the home nar den; 4-4:ao, music by the masteis; i ::i0-t .an, mai k-t reports; 6;:tn 7: :tn. farm prog tain; fiiaa, music; 1'. market reports and weaiher forecast ; 7, new s digest ; 7 ; with the poultry fl-u-k. Prof. a. (1. I.nnn; T::tu. ":l"t. collegiate sport Hght. Ail T.iuife; 7:t:,-s, new things In science, Jauiin Mmrls. nidnv. lib. 21 12-12:30 p. in., organ music tnuu Whiteside theater; 12:30-1, farm program; 1 2 new s iligcst : t tr., market repurin and weather fore- ll,""n 1 ?:t."t, Aunt jstimpiy; 3, building t an. S: Tin, homcmakers' ho Valli-jr New Editor 820 - Jf Office, Main IT A SEASONABLE RECIPE Maple Moilo (inc unit one-hair cups imiplo Tin- vtitt yolks. I-V.VV KHllllH Salt. One teasponh vanilla, j Two tablespoons gelatin. one pint .whipping cream, j Cook tin syrup and egg yull; -nrnt will (a ii double boiler stirring j constantly. When )l ooatH tlipj Hpnon, mill Mir- oltitln, which hiiM ht'fii HoftciiPtl in colli wfttoiv Athl j the v;iulllii. Chill and when KllKht- y runifcalcil, ailil Hi" cream whip ; Celebrate (jniileit Wcihljug : Surrounded hy . ail of ihelr' llv futf children, AI!r. ami Airs. Wnlluee Mercer of near North Powder, i hbrated their gold'H - weildlng anniversary a week, ago Sunday ' Hie nil) Ii.imi .-n. . ally hnppy one, frlondK mid. egh- j hui'rt calling during the. 'day. to ex- 1 lend (heir felieltatlotis. - Mr.', and Airs. ..Mercer ' were iiihrrledv; ):i Miownfnr,,' M'.. -'Ihelr. ' niarrloW uiililng Ihe fnmlllcM of Dr. At,' li. Taylor ami I r. C, I1'. Mercer of tlinl place. The years havn m-en happy ii n ns, according to Air.: and Mrs. i Mercer, with sunshine,, and muiu'i ! shadows, as Is (lie lot of ull.- The hllilren who were iiftent tor Iho i eelehnitlon were: Ituy S. .Mofeor, I mnrtj j-ettivoMt will trlve jioople In i .Mr. anil Mjh. Arthur Olion, iimllthat noltrhhorliooil . nil outlet ilur-; tlauuliter J.aura .Mainc, -Mr. -uinl MrH. John T. Mi l'hee, or North j I'owiler: l-'rnnl; It. Me.roer or l''0K ; nil, lire.; Ml'n. Itay l Storey anil ! ilaiiuhler Aline, . or Nn num. Mn.l .Mr. iiml .Mm. (1. H. Jl'-reer, or Citl- lon, tire.; ami Mm.' Helm Nl. 'Al len. Mr. Mn-reer'H dialer. Hihl I'hi Ham Williamson of Cove avenue, the valliy's ST-year-nld iilnneer, has h tmllneil lo hln hed with ! an attack of the flu. IH Is report nl as being very much better now'. o Visit iviemls Air. and Alts. ChnrleH K. MoOro of the Hock Wall illstriet north of Klglu were guests of frlonds-ln l.a (iraudo Saturday. - Air.- Moore Is the master of the flourishing Honk I Wall grange and he ami Mrs. J,, ore were In La tlrande to eti" joy Ihe Hrntliers 1ay festivities at the Hlue Alonntaln griihtTf- . (1 i - - - " i . Inilioves Airs. Willie' Sanderson of eretdi who was operated two weeks (Srnndo llonde hospital j was able to be tip in a chair for a time veslerdav. Airs. Sanderson t gelling iinxious to get home, at ,.asl to leave the hospital., for members of her enniieetlon have nrrsingeil fur several more' weeks r rest and recuperation in their homes before she is tempted to ,,L too busy In the spring .work iat her own home. Numbiy (luoMs Mr. and Airs. 'I'., C. Hefty and their two sons wore guests Sunday at the home of Mr. ami Airs. Jimmy .Mills near the Com. . j j - o-t- . ! I Hnve i:ievtrlc Ouirl! ' ' j ; Mr. ami Airs. Henry l.oennlnre' f going Into the poultry business on J u different scale this year, . liliit Is, they have Installed some new elee brooder. The Incubator Is of a !ir.-egg rapacity and has been ,' Ing for some time now. 0: ytun Haker (, ' yU. Atrf, , H;,H,'y of , II. .1:,... ,, frtu- ,1'iVM In tllM V:.l. I ley last week coming to attend a number of grange meetings. l-rl day evening In company with other grangers they drove to Itock Wall apd attended the meet lug lield there. The ne etlng Is reported to have heen full of interest and en- t li iiultium. with 1 Oil lieiinltt lil-eKe ht. ACr. llitlley, who Is a member of 1 the HlatO CXeetlUVe committee, and KHinerinj; were jye men inmi east- Mjs. Ilallev who Is pontoiiu -leo- ,,r Oregon, and those who went lure, of linker eountv both gave Ir.t wet Ion report tho meet addresses during the evening ! t0 liave bppn HtiUe beneficial. Palpi. Comstock and Tom Johnson Th effectiveness of the Krlcul of the Cove, members of Mt. Kan- t,,r;l1 '"arketlng act through Its tile, grange, talked about the new i inirri n nroleet which huR met: splendid success so far. 11. (1. Avert talked on Ihe subject of Improving home "Plumhlnx and lleatltig," Prof. J. L. Kairhanks; 3:n, chut with the weatherman; 3:304, mat inee; 4-4:;:e, music hy the musters; j 4:au-4:3ri, market reports; ti:ao. ; 7: ;tn, farm program; ti:ao, music;' il:4.i, market reports nnd weather1 tot-ecast; 7. news digest; 7:10, j "Winter Injury of Prult Trees -f i itiso and Prevention," Prof. W. j S. Urown: 7:3i-S, a half hour fori butne.s people; 7:3", review of j loislnesK conditions: 7; 40, the r tut In . store situation; tttTi, current hut- j ttess eents am) iitihouacf meuts. 1 Sntutiltiv. IVh. '2-2 12-12:30 ,,. m,. m-v phoooirr.iph , r.crd releases: ll:3i-1, farm nro- gram: 12:30, n:ws dbfest; U:4'., market reports and weuther fore east; 2:.1i'-:i;3U. matinee; ti : n m - T : 1 f . . mi program: i;:3i, music; -4.". i itita'k.-t rinrts and weather fore- cist: 7. news digest; 7:10, review f control of the inurkcttntr machin al we.-K'N agi icultiii al lectin es; j ery wus oo less lu the UiOds of L basketball (. v, ot Oregon. basketball gHine, o. H. ! LA GRANDE EVENING culture comnilttLC, IlaOH . Kelforn : talked on the mihjext of Improving 1 ni: emnuiitlre. Tnm Mnroino, th Individual dairy herd, A h'irt ) (jmru-e Ituli. Hrt (trout. Char play wan kIvoh " hy . jnmiherH of j Vi- (ijunnitii. Joe Hay re, Cecil Koek v:ill, and the evenlntr rnn- Haded with eat. J(oeU Wall l one of the f IniirlHliltiK younger xnli- j ordhmteK la the ct iy. One riiaiiM Whrn linked what ho, wh KnUm lo do differently I hi year, Tom Mncmah who Hvcm on the Kd iteyn - oldH farm in llio (innik'f hall iiHjghhnrhood inerol , romarkrd that lie wa NOT jfolutf to rnife tfheop tht.year. Hheep oporationri wer rather dltirnufaKlntf hint "ca non for A r, thcoiuh and . Mr. HcyiifjhlM iDiiHinuuh an dogH inado such HerlmiH InroadB . into. Hicit , l ands, killing at least ,75 - animals. I The process necessary lo -secure damage in the first place, ami a Mini: not commensurate with the loss lies ides, would seem to be f; round for itiHCourntfeineiit., Itail loads Willie Sanderson, of Sanderson t Wallslnger: Hohf;. AL L, Cnitur. ac Sprlnfe's drove;toi'i (Jtnridc Sunday i unmpanletl by Clarence Carter; lr. ee- Mrs'. Saitftei-Moo' ' who Is a' lull. I. A u. . .,,,ur m..m.i naliwit at tliejlrahdii Hondo hos- ! jdtul. : Air. Handrion: aiated, y.i , HI". 'Mi.lllinil finilllHIItiiiiiuitMiny I TOIIO U 111 CII O HIHTI'MMI II eveill. I are-. unite up. to thulr. rbpiitutlon. nuii.nn.iiiiini.iiniv i:ui 1114 j io Summervlllii us ..wjih n-miircd m'r -tho,- balance -of the trip. They ; ro'r llhOfhitlaneo flC.the trip..- They tiriMirHOllettlly holtouiltnfi,ln lilnees, It ! rt'iorli.l. .,;Hut .titili. to roiu.-t In thut lo'fullty 'iiliotil' ruailitl' There Is atwiiVH thirt aililltlohill Ktitlenienl, pntlumiiiHttenlly . uilileil, "lint tit! I tt 111 -have-tt roail niter thin yeiir." Ort-Kon llt e.stock tiiluen on .Innii i Much or tlm prt'llnllnury worn oh ; ,liy i, tiiau nhown it very inarlii"! the louil tvhloh tuiih . north Iroin reillietlnn. A reiluetton I InillenW Mnmmeivllln to.Sun(leron iSlirlnKx In orerv class or lltesliiik nlthoinrh a dpne Ihln liliit kpuhohi uinl one i Ing the ..winter months. ....... ' - . o j llet-lertct ... . .. ; .' . . l:va arlil fMnit. l.eilltetler or near ' Allcel have heen reelected to their j leat'lllnK. ponltlotirt lu :the Wieston Coniiareil to January lilSH, the I hlKh Ki'hool lor nnotlitf year. Krai aveniKo prlre of all flases Is only j ! for hor. tlilrid, jeiir. nnil. i:an:t .lor .jb.im) a heail enmpnied tofll.Un ! her second your. .' la year utfo anil the slump in total - j !.. ' lvalue Is ,s;,,ltol. With sheep I Ili-ollieiN' . Pa y '. . I nnmhers remaining stationary and I When-Iho master or Hlue .Mt. ! itriinne, Wckley. caliuljv Invited the iiatroiift presonpit thb morning i e.slon of thut orgahlr.ution Satur day, to go to the dlplntf room for, a, "frugal iiieal"; irepared by the hrntliers, he-Started Homethintrt II was "Hrothers . Jay" nn:, unnual and yefy-:mportunt event.vctistom calling for u illnner-.nt' noon pre pared. and served hy the men tolks and u program In- the afternoon, The ."frugal .meul was 'served to more, than i 60. -people., w ho w ere ! fciited :at- Coup: lout," tables With neer cattle are ineremro respon j decoriUIons of red carnations. U Ible for practically all of the ! eonsUted. 'trt Ub'me'1. IfaTtert V ViUh.'f 7unfi increase In nil cattle huni Iry I mashed potntoes. and KtnVy; hakWd her which is placed now al Tftn.nnrt beans, hot rolls and butter, salads, pickle cakes, plea, ke ereant and I coffee. The men proved themselves unite skillfiit ul.the "serTlng.' hut alas .when the.- mcetlnK ' was about lo close, and-the hearty thanks of the "wlmmeh" had been extended, a hill was presented tu-the .broth ers for $170.!'-, this to cover the food" which tlie sisters: had con tributed to' that .'frugal, meal." Ordinary pies went all the' way from 75 cents to ,$1.U0 ami nice thick pies, from 1 1 .ho to jd.'ftO; cakes.-w'ertv high; dishes of salmi went itroutid . $ l.no, . . ()no sister turned in a bill for", 55 'for writing her hust'iind's- speech; anoth",r McKELVIE, FARM BOARD MEMBER EXPLAINS ACT Wheat grow ers Of this valley, had ' a represehtatlon of about a dozen , men at the coiiferenie'e held at Arl-J MIKVUM UUII.-I.I, "III, n,nuu. . It. cral farm board, 10. .Al. ' Ktirhurdt. president of the Kfderal rnlermedi- ate Crednl bank of Spokane, and . Senator Hoy llltner of Pendle- I ton, regional dlnictur of the North ; Pacific, i'ffoperallve, hs tli'e" speflk- ers, Air. AfvICelvIo, naturally, he- ln tllP "1(,Ht Important, In the various i-.., . ui c -rruuu- ru Pr,c and price stabilization de pend entirely upon the attitude tif the farmer toward tho national cooperative movement," Mr, Mo Kelvlf said. Hecltiux the history of the nc rlculuiral marketing act, und the fight which has been gblnff for ward to itivo the agricultural In dustry in price illation, Mr. Mc Kflvle outUued the four cardinal polnt.M of the Nationul tlraln eor inratlon: t4r 1 to eliminate speculation In prnln. 2 To eliminate wusU In produc tion and marketing. U To assist in organization, of cooperatives to work In con nee Hon with iho national grain cor poration. 4 -To assist In preventing sur pluses. In connection with the specula tion In HTuln, McKstvIe pointed out thft stahltlratton effect of the f""'" hoards proirred loan tc totr 2. JS2S. after the wheTt market had starlrd to follow the dock tnsrket In a sympathetle dowoward. trend Hi prices. lt palmed out that under tl1 cooperative marketing plan, the the ftirmer. If grain grower with wheat in. a cooperative warehoute OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. i..:. ....... .u.n r.. i... ,.. I II IIB " ' ' ' ' lii r liiiflntinl'x riiiiirlliuilmi In 11 ' rnt hi wiiwtti ilraw a hy two win It I h'M'HI't. Ill all. It HUKMIIltCtl lo ' IITTi.!! mil HtchiiiiiiR llu tnt'iit ami 1 tin HpmlH. 'I'lit hill wiih lahli-tl " Jtowcvci', iih It w.iM hruthcrM1 day ami the women foll;n were not al lowed to In Hi. Tin Kcncnil ronimlttro for ho (filmier wnt It. A. Masti-itini Wilt. Tayloi- and J. It. IJndey; the uerv-i Sherwood and (Irwjre Hallfliury; j hpMhUhk In the Kltrhen were KnlpU 4'hi ntitili, Alhei t llamanii. I m,', Nlxer: promain enniuiltti'.-, j lien cieKcier, i iarenee i arier, a. v jflUKtiiid I'tanU Wright. Thone ouin. mltlrex acknowledged klndneHe ; nhou'ii, the liiimn imknl hy the 1 (w)tumK hakery. the, lee cream ( dnnaled hy the Hlue Mountain . (-rrameiy, the coffee hy the dnind" I in iido Aleat C-o.. the flnw'oi'H 'for tho tablcK by Ali. ltoluui nnd Iho apronH for the waiters by the .le AtoirrV.. 1 Hen (Jekeler announced the pro- KnilM m! follows: Minnie, the Haml iu.lm hand, Krank Wimnt, piano, Clarence Carter, banjo, M..L.. Car ter, violin; recitation, Jiarry Her- t it i ri n it : suiif,, L. I Wright; recita tion. Hobby Chenault: som?,' Joltn Wells; debate, "Should Women'H Skirls He Alade Longer ' affirina- ' iIvh, Kd Kckley, negative, Tom JHdm bund: addiess. ex-governor, Walter, AL Pierce. was unlver- . : M . B KlO K PMlirtlOll UtUUVllUII Is Seen In The I Value Of Stock aneer, vimtr the urenlvxl sliiinii ne.- (nriiliiK to a - report . releaKPil niroiiKh the reiernUtate coopiirrt- v repnrtlni: nei-vlce hy 1'aiil C. Netvmaii. UKrifitlturiil Ktnli.stlclnn 1M ehart-e.' while the total nuinher or Blit r p ti.,-.Knn remain unellillleil art with the bit; slump in value it tip-' I'i'ihh that tho steady Increase or 5heep through the past few yea s haa reeeivi'ii a iieriniti etiecn. Hairy cattle in Oregon failed to register any Increase nnd tho num ber of farms Ms estimated at l'2u. noo head the ciiiuo ns a year ago. The average value per head slump- I ed S. (in a head to $Nh. The present estimate, of total value of (all dairy- cows and heifers $17,- 'tOO.OOtt compared to $ I i.3tin,iniu a year ugo. compared to titKt.omi a year ago. i The total value of nil cattle is placed at Ji.fl'7.noa compared to i t.fil l.liOll a year ago representing an average reduction of pcrj head of all classes. The Ja nnary 1 , 1 !t:tO inventory of hogs on farms In Oregon Is la per cent smaller than a year ago. The average value Increased $Ltn per head to $1LH, but the total vii hii' ofnll hogs is estimated at $L.J7o,iiiMi compared to 424ua.ono a yenr ago. - Oregon horses and colls on farms January I, lit Si) Is 'eight per cent less than a year ngo find the aver age value per bead all ages h $ii- wishes to sell to an Individual hhy'- er at a price ahead of the market, j he may order the warehouse op-j , erator to sell. The" objective is i to assist Hie farmer to gel the highest misNible nriee for his ft,..lin( lh(, Hpona.r ,eclnred. AleKelvie also pointed out the ...ivaiilairo of oriranlzation in sell- j IlljV. lie spoke of published re ports of an Import into America W Itussliin grain. The actual im port ii Hon was less thai) a million bushels, a drop in the bucket, yet the story had a demoralizing ef fect on , the domestic wheat pri because the farmers did not have Information as to tho importance of the Importation. In reference to waste. tUe elhn- J ination of which U sought hy the ! National drain corporation, the j speaker told of Alonlami grpln j stored In coast of Oreat Lukes j terminals, able to move only one way. when It should have been held In Al on tana warehouses, where It hud some bargaining power. Air. Alclvelvle wild that while the ucls of the Xatloiuil drain corporation might "step' on the toe!;" of some Individuals engaged In grain handling, the prosperity of 30. iirtO.ooo farmerft representing O.nitn,0oo farnin outweighed the consideration for the few Individ ual!, Tho speaker said that the ulti ma l buyer, the baker, would wel come t he work of the National drain corporation, an the constant fluctuation in the price of the raw product Is of the utmost . concern to the user, who In less concerned over paying an adequate price for his flour than of paying rt high price at one time unit a low price nth later. In refenlng to the plan to kerp ; ,wu grain mu nluses. Mr. Mc- i Kelvif that the National (rln corporation, through Its subsidiary groups, will inform lh. farmer as to how nun h grln !.e vhonld plant to produce a crop which will approximately supply tha d em nnd, based on figure past eai a. ......... ... . ...I If, lit:, itiii' iiirn. Nn j Ihhiki- l" tin' iiiiiiiiiit r niim-s ok-i,,it( iin-red hut the ave-iii,'e viuiie e- ci-phhi il ?.0U In iii. The eHtimiit 4 I I ,(i Hilton coin pa red h 1-4, t I'fi, eil lolal value of all worlt Hloek (h To get the exclusive patented feci tares that put horseless farming on the map, be sure to choose the one, and only FARM ALL. It is built and tacked by International Harvester and sold only by McCormick.Deering dealers. See the McCORMICK-DEERING FARMALL at our store and try out the patented triple control; no other tractor has this easy cultivating, square turn" feature. ! IODIC FOR THE W. POWER 7 W 1 ('pfsSJttiJ I ; --Hr -Jj. ...... M "Caterpillar" Tractors, thanks to generous traction and motor, deliver extra power to the power for the farmer to increase his acreage Plentiful power to speed the work of Bunting Tractor Go. f X Ml II'T "in ii ,i Tii 'Tii iTniW - . . rf-E 1 1 or iiii mill on .liuiutiry I, I " .1 ,-,- or 1111 uici'v nri; viiiuiMi mi ,lii.:ius,."iiu on .liiniuiry I, in cviupni' I1KO, 1 tit 1 si I JUS mi" It Vi'ilr NAME H BOHNENKAMP CO. PRODUCES PROFITS road building to early completion Plentiful power for all kinds of outdoor tasks! Ask to have your name put on the mailing list to receive the "Caterpillar" Magazine. U28 JEFFERS0 AVE. Tuesday, February 18, 1930 J v iini' ((inrirnii'il ' rrunlc ; ' : i ...I... ....... ,!.., III,. Itllllf.U tlllU'tlllllt'M ' J " r'" "" nave vm jimi ' iliiu il wiouru on ino in'iiiiiK . hoard. ON --THE TANK- i il ! : i - .